JLo flashes some skin

What’s worse than a nip slip or a bare crotch shot?  If you’re as self-obsessed and high maintenance as Jennifer Lopez, it would probably be granny back.

Relatively new mother, Jennifer Lopez, was in Athens on Saturday for the first leg of her new tour.  The Greek people seem to adore her and 11,000 people were at the Olympic Stadium to watch her perform.

Fashion diva JLo had three costume changes during the show, a close fitting black outfit, a shiny gold babydoll over black shorts, and the unfortunate, white, fringed, open sided number.  While performing, Lopez struck a pose that showed the world that triathalon training doesn’t defy Mother Nature.  Without a bra, Jennifer Lopez really could be just Jenny from the block, a normal, carpooling, 39-year old mother of 7-month old twins.  That wouldn’t be bad if she wasn’t notoriously JLo.

Jennifer Lopez had been anything but frumpy earlier in the day when she posed for a secret photo shoot at the Acropolis.

Just hours before Jenny from the block had dazzled in a glamorous Greek goddess photo shoot at the sacred Acropolis.

Wearing a dreamy flowing strapless blue dress, Lopez gazed intensely into the camera of Greek-born photographer Spyros Poros.

Lopez, with her hair curly, can be seen holding herself up between two huge pillars of the ancient Erechtheion, on the north side of the Acropolis.

While it is still unclear what the photos will be used for, there were rumours that they would appear in a weekly magazine.

Daily Mail

Embrace it, Jen, just like you did your thighs in those bike shorts!

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30 Responses to “JLo flashes some skin”

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  1. jessiee says:

    strangely, this makes me feel better about myself.

  2. vdantev says:


  3. Ron says:

    A BAD stylist at work here! BAD! Someone should have known better, including J Lo. And it’s not just the back flab–the whole thing is ghastly. Looks like she picked that up at the Halloween store at the mall. Pirate Flabber it think is the name of the costume…if you are thinking of picking one up.

  4. paris herpes says:

    That dress should have been nixed…seriously, the side view is not flattering!

  5. gg says:

    AAAAAHAHAHAHAH granny back! She’s bringin grannyback, she’s bringin grannyback …

  6. Anni says:

    girl…check your poses in a mirror first!

    i don´t feel that bad about my back-fat anymore…so thanks j.lo

  7. Kaiser says:

    It’s not really granny-back, it’s flabby granny-underarm. And I’m still perplexed as to how this happened- the bust part of the unfortunate dress must be very tight to pull the skin that way.

  8. kate says:

    is it photoshopped? it just doesn’t look real compared to the rest of her body.

  9. daisy424 says:

    Holy rolls of fat. I count 4…..

  10. Syko says:

    My first reaction was “ZOMG, she looks worse than me!” and I really am a granny! That’s horrible!

  11. Starcasm says:

    from J.Lo to Jello

    work it, baby!

  12. WTF?!?! says:

    Starcasm & Ron:

    You make me laugh out loud. 😆

  13. Anni says:

    syko: i look like that and i am 26. i´ll go shoot myself now.

  14. Codzilla says:

    Yikes 😯

  15. Syko says:

    Anni! No! Put the gun down!

    I look about like that now – but I have looked that way for quite a few years.

    We’re all normal with our lumps and bumps – and we don’t show them off for the entire world to see, so that makes us superior. 😆

  16. Leandra says:

    She just trained for and ran a triathlon which says to me that losing weight and shaping up is very very difficult, and even more so after giving birth. At this point could it be she’s eating a little too much? I think a year from now she will look like the old Jennifer…it’s just taking some time.

  17. Obvious says:

    wow. and you know someone is about to be sued for this shot. and fired.

    what a horrible world for JoLow

  18. miss_kitteh says:

    There’s a funny line or crease across the whole area that could be from a sheer support garment of some type. I thought she looked pretty crazy in that head-to-toe, long-sleeved wet suit she wore for the triathlon. Maybe it was a full body girdle. However, it’s no crime to get older and put on a few pounds. She doesn’t “owe” it to anybody to look a certain way forever.

    If I were her, I’d be darn sick of working out, too. She should be able to indulge herself by now, especially since she can dine in the world’s finest restaurants for the rest of her life. Yum. 😆

  19. breederina says:

    Ron and gg thanks for the 😆 Seriously this looks like a drive by shopping to me. C’mon, we’re talkin’ JLo here, vainest in all the land. Not. A. Chance.

  20. Kylie says:

    Hmm oh well whats a bit of back fat.
    I have some too. No big deal.
    And remember she recently had twins!
    Leave her alone – she looks like a yummy mummy to me!

  21. Scorn says:

    I don’t get it, I thought she was breast feeding. If so that should have come off a couple of months back. Not to be the kind that always references back to oneself, but here goes, I was so busy trying to keep up the household and breast feed that I ended up under my original weight because I didn’t eat enough (not on purpose). So I think that Jennifer is indeed indulging quite a bit to still have so much extra weight on after having been training for a triathlon. If this bothers her to look this way then she needs to back away from the table.
    This is not photoshopped folks. She had this pinched inside her wet suit. It’s like popping open the can of biscuits, whooooooosh.

  22. Frenchie says:

    I have checked on myself because I gave birth almost 2 months ago. There is some extra skin, from the distortion of the belly that take time to go away. It could be this. I think it’s great and makes me happy to see a real woman (and I mean woman, and not a girl in her early 20ies)

  23. SixxKitty says:

    i feel thin, thin, thin!

  24. geronimo says:

    LOL! You people are funny, ‘J-lo to Jello’, Pirate Flabber!

    Just think this is a very unfortunate pic combined with some extremely tight, fat-control underwear, out of which the folds of flesh have popped and been forced upwards. Which is why they’re so exaggerated.

  25. Dee says:

    laughed out loud at my desk at the commenter screaming “she’s bringing grannyback” Tooo damn funny.

  26. chaz says:

    HOLY CRAP….thaaaaattt’s J-lo! i thought i had accidently stumbled into a Dunkin’ Donuts. i’ll take 6 plain, a honey dipped and a boston creme, thanks lady with a microphone!

  27. Jeanne says:

    Yikes! Could be worse–at least she shaved her pits!

  28. Robena says:

    A new baby can take up alot of the time one might normally have had for themselves – let alone two! Not to mention, that she’s finally at an age where youth threatens to run from you like the wind….and though those layers of fat on her back aren’t exactly pretty, overall I think she looks great for someone almost 40.

  29. kimora says:

    who cares?
    she’s getting old
    cant expect her to look good forever.

  30. Ellen says:

    It does look photoshopped. But I love that phrase: “granny back.” meow!