Was Kate Winslet lying about “never trying” Botox or plastic surgery?


This time last year, I had convinced myself that Kate Winslet had gotten some subtle work done. Nothing too major – she was nowhere near Nicole Kidman territory. I didn’t think Kate touched her eyes or her mouth, but there did seem to be some tightness on her forehead and around her mouth that could have been Botox or fillers, in my opinion. Anyway, I think Kate stopped doing it (if she ever was) because she’s back to looking normal. These are photos of her appearance last night n Paris at an event for Vogue. She looks… good. Kind of boring, but not “tight”.

As I mentioned a few days ago, Kate told Glamour Magazine (in their April issue) that she “never” tried anything. Her words: “My face is still moving, right? No, I have never tried any of that stuff…. I don’t have parts of my body that I hate or would like to trade for somebody else’s or wish I could surgically adjust into some fantasy version of what they are.” Do you believe her? Coming from the version of Kate with a normal face, I do believe her. But if she had said it a year ago with her eyebrows seemingly frozen into a “surprised” look, I would have thought something different. Here’s what I really think: I think Kate would never get something done that was permanent. No facelifts, no eye jobs, no nips or tucks. But maybe she is one of those women who doesn’t consider a little Botox and/or fillers to be “plastic surgery” (notice Kate’s emphasis on “surgical”). If it goes away in a few weeks, why not claim that you’ve never had anything done? Oh, right. You’re still participating in this “fantasy version” of natural aging.



Photos courtesy of WENN.

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44 Responses to “Was Kate Winslet lying about “never trying” Botox or plastic surgery?”

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  1. trollydolly says:

    I’d be really shocked if she hadn’t had subtle botox done. If a really experienced doctor does it, it can look great.
    Her eyebrows on the other hand…!

  2. sauvage says:

    It is rather obvious she had a nose job when you look up older pictures of her. Babe is lying.

  3. KJ says:

    I dunno, I vacillate about Botox because it actually ISN’T surgical, but I think it’s so overused and abused that any good that comes of it is completely overshadowed by the bad. Vanessa Williams admitted Botox use and I think she looks absolutely fantastic (I also think they mix some unicorn blood into that Botox because she looks almost too good, but I digress…), but someone like Nicole Kidman looks plain weird.

    Also, there are other explanations for skin tightness that aren’t always Botox. A good chemical peel or microdermabrasion treatment can tighten skin and reduce pore size if you have fairly young and healthy skin, which Kate does.

    I’m going to go ahead and throw my hat into the Kate hasn’t had anything done pile, simply because she doesn’t seem like the type to be afraid to admit it if she did give the needle a go.

  4. Julie says:

    Would bet my last dollar she is lying. The work she had done about a year ago or so was more than obvious. I could care less what these folks do to their face but it’s insulting to think we’re so stupid as to believe their lies.

  5. Hautie says:

    I am always puzzled by the need to be so negative about famous women aging.

    I see a girl who is not 20 anymore. Who is probably eating correctly and taking care of herself.

    Why is it, if she is looks good in her 30’s, it is only because she is jacking with her face. I just don’t see it.

    I have always seen Kate as a girl that got a great trainer and lost weight gradually. And with any weight lost, her face got thinner.

    She wanted a positive change to help keep her career on track in the US… so she did it.

    But now the media needs to insist she only looks great cause she is camped out in the plastic surgeons office.

    (She looks incredible in the new HBO “Mildred Pierce” promo’s.)

  6. courtney says:

    I think Kate was telling the truth about never using botox or plastic surgery. though she wouldn’t be the first oscar winning actress to have had a nose job if she did. and some have their nose fixed so subtlely that you can’t even tell the difference anyway

  7. Blank says:

    She does have the weird armpits that I’ve come to associate with breast implants.

  8. malachais says:

    She’s had a nose job and a little bit of botox. She’s 37, 38…I doubt she has had alot done, most women at that age aren’t uber-wrinkly.

  9. caramia says:

    sure, and camille grammar is really a natural sweetheart

  10. k says:

    I’m not sure about the nose job. I’ll have to dig up stills of Heavenly Creatures. Looks like she had an expensive facial in these photos.

  11. pansy says:

    This is the same woman that claimed she had a vag delivery, before admitting she had a c-section. Her reason for the lie, was she felt pressured to say she had a natural birth. Kate is a proven lair about how fat she was.

  12. elena says:

    she is not 37, 38, she is in fact 36 years old and in my opinion, looks exactly like what a 36 year old should look like. why is it that because she is an actor she isn’t allowed to age gracefully without comments about work that she has done to herself?

  13. maggiegrace says:

    She’s gorgeous, aging and has had some work done and/or botox, etc. Who cares Kate? Who cares? Why even comment on it. I would just tell the interveiwers, “I’m not here to talk about my face or body- on the other hand, if you want to ask me about my body of work, I’m fine with that.”

  14. Jessica says:

    There are “facelift” facials you can get at the spa that really do leave you with a mini-facelift for a few days. I have tried them before events and special occasions and they do work. I am just throwing this out there, since that may be what she has done at times in the past…

  15. The Truth Fairy says:

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:

    If a star has plastic surgery and doesn’t want to admit it, it’s their right. That is private personal information and they are under no obligation to reveal it to the public.

    HOWEVER, if you DO get plastic surgery, DON’T LIE ABOUT IT! Either admit it or STFU about it, but don’t DENY it when you’ve very obviously done something. When stars do this, they lose ALL my respect.

  16. Dea says:

    Definitely she had the nose job – that is a no brainer, everyone can go to google images and type “kate winslet nose before and after”.
    Re botox I am 100% sure she has tried but maybe she did not like it and did not use it again. But there are so similar procedures like Botox out there that it does not have to be botox as an example to say “haven’t touched my face”

  17. Joe says:

    Did anyone else notice how hairy her face is?

  18. Karin says:

    If she had a little Botox done, what’s the big deal? I had a little done too because my face isn’t aging well at all. It’s worn off now and I’ll be going back for more. I love it!

  19. Mrs.Krabapple says:

    She’s had surgery and Botox. We’re not stupid or blind. But why lie about it? It’s not like nobody knew what she looked like BEFORE – she’s in freakin’ show business, there are tons of pics of her from years ago. What a stupid thing to lie about.

    Why not just admit that this is what Hollywood does to women, the unnatural standards that they must maintain. Then we would sympathize with her. But by thinking we are dumb and/or blind, she just insults her audience.

  20. k says:

    OK … I googled old Heavenly Creatures pics, which was filmed while she was just shy of 20, and if she had a nose job, it was verrrry subtle. She has definitely lost weight, and faces can change as you age. My face looks quite different in my 40s than when I was a teen.

  21. I adore Kate Winslet, so let’s give her the benefit of the doubt here and assume that she’s just playing with language here. You know, making fun of Nicole Kidman “trying” botox when she clearly bones the needle frantically with her forehead at every opportunity. So “never trying” would be an admission to the opposite, as in “You people know the truth, so let’s have a good time with it.”

  22. bagladey says:

    She looks natural to me, and whatever differences there are seem to come from the hand of the make-up artist. Kate is 36, she has lines on her forehead, lines around her eyes, her eyelids have natural droop, etc. Why would she be expected to look worse, when she is a movie star who has available to her, and she can afford, all the expensive cosmetics, facials and beauty treatments that the average you and me can’t afford?

  23. Miss Marie says:

    Look at a side by side of Kate Winslet – she is not the same person from five years ago. It is obvious she’s had work done – her uniqueness is disappearing. Very sad.

  24. Kiska says:

    Women who use fillers and botox don’t consider it plastic surgery. Which is completely bogus. Any artificial going into the face or body is plastic surgery. Getting fat sucked out of your ass into your cheeks is plastic surgery.

  25. Shay says:

    It was obvious that she was an uber liar from the time of the Vanity Fair spread, and Oprah, when she said that she didn’t go for all the Hollywood working out.
    And I don’t know why they lie. The reality is that their jobs require heavy duty exercise and all the cosmetic bells and whistles. That is the pressure female actresses are under. It’s not like they’re going to be able to avoid it, but lying about it is even worse in my opinion. When a woman lies about the stuff she has done, it makes her look worse to women who feel deceived.
    Botox may not be surgery per se, but it is still invasive. It requires a surgical steel needle to pierce your skin, to get through all the layers to inject Botox into your circulatory system. If that’s not invasive then what?

  26. Solveig says:

    As long as I see wrinkles I say “no botox, no fillers”. And she has wrinkles. A good peeling can do wonders, and it’s not tecnically plastic surgery.
    I would do that too, but it looks painful and my skin is way too sensitive.

  27. Cirque28 says:

    The bridge of her nose is not as wide as it used to be. If you look at old photos of her, you can see how her eyes used to appear farther apart– because her nose was in between them. That kind of procedure also brings the eyes and lips into more prominence on a woman’s face, which makes them look sort of… prettier. I know more than one plastic surgeon who cites her as an example of a very good, subtle nose job.

    Maybe she feels like she had — for instance — a deviated septum surgically fixed (e.g.: medical rather than cosmetic procedure) and if they shaved a little off the bridge and shaped the tip while they were in there, what’s the difference? That’s a very common combination of surgeries, and I think it would be easy to tell oneself, “This is hardly Joan Rivers territory.”

    Maybe she also feels like she just goes to the dermatologist for IPL or plain old acne and if they stuck a couple things in her forehead once or twice, what’s the difference?

    But I do think she is gorgeous, a great actress, and *mostly* natural.

  28. Mrs.Krabapple says:




    Looks like she had botox (fewer wrinkles) and surgery (jowls reduced).

    Although it may not seem like it, I actually like her (or I used to). I think she is (or was) very beautiful, unique, and a good actress.

    What I don’t care for is the lying. She’s in the movie business. There are tons of photos of her from all eras. To think we will “buy” her denial insults both us and her.

    At any rate, the photos of her in this article aren’t quite as bad as 2010, so hopefully she’s cutting back on the botox. That’s a good thing. She looks much better without it.

  29. Erin says:

    I don’t see the nose job, even in side by side before and afters. I don’t see any weird eyebrows or anything like that, either. I see a gracefully aged version of the young woman I first saw in Heavenly Creatures and Sense and Sensibility. I’m not seeing it. Sorry! I think she looks great.

  30. benny says:

    #28 – she looks like Madonna in that 2010 picture (and that’s not a good thing). That’s not the face we all fell in love with. Such a shame.

  31. aenflex says:

    one doesnt have to admit it, but why lie? why volunteer info? why not just say ‘no, none of your business.’ ???

    it’s private and personal and all, but STARK OBVIOUS, so lying about it is the same.

  32. erika.rain says:

    To be fair, Kate Winslet has always had really enviably beautiful skin and a basically “perfect” face, even when she was a bit heavier as a young teen.

    I don’t think she’s had a nose job. As others noted, she’s lost a bit of weight since she began her career in her late teens, and women’s faces tend to look less “full” as they age, regardless of weight loss.

    Case in point: my nose looked bigger when I was 18 than it does now, and I’m only 24. I’ve never had any kind of surgery, fillers, whatever.

    That said, she probably did experiment with Botox. Kudos to her for realizing that a) it doesn’t look good, and b) it hampers facial expressions so necessary to good acting.

    Kate is buddies with Emma Thompson, and they both appear to follow the same guidelines for aging gracefully: exercise, eat well, dress to suit your body type, and make sure you use really great cosmetics on the set or on the red carpet. Seriously, a good makeup artist can make any woman look 10 years younger.

    Plus, Kate had darker hair in a lot of her early movies. Her face looks very different whenever she has blonde or light brown hair vs. red or darker brown hair – even when she was younger.

    (yeah, I’m a fan!)

  33. Amanda says:

    I personally think she had nothing done at all – no botox, no fillers, no cosmetic surgery whatsoever. First of all, she’s only 35 years old. That’s not old, and I’m getting the hint in a lot of comments that she’s expected to have a gazillion wrinkles and creases. She’s aging but she’s not old yet. Second of all, losing weight DOES make a difference. No matter what you people say, weight loss can have a dramatic effect on not just your body but your face, and even your nose. Go as far back as you want, that’s the same nose only thinner, due to weight loss and aging. Third of all, the 2010 Bafta picture that people refer to and compare to pictures from 2007 are proof of absolutely nothing. Hell if you’re really adamant go get the closeups from the 2010 Baftas, go look at the interviews. She had wrinkles and crow’s feet, her forehead moved. She also looked unusually thin and I personally think it makes her look very different. She loses that glow and fullness in her face when she’s thin. If there were a one week gap between those pictures (2007/2010), then I’d hear you out. But that’s a three year gap – three years! People change in three years. She aged and lost weight, which made her look more harsh as a result because her body is naturally fuller. Since 2007 she started working with Lancome so she was introduced to some great products. Ever since working with them, she started taking better care of her skin and it shows. People don’t realize the magic of makeup, cream, and facial massages – she’s not using some bottled cream from Shoppers Drug Mart or going to a random massage place. There are wonderful creams out there that can work wonders on your skin and she’s well off financially, so she can treat herself to that. Don’t count out facials either. I don’t get the comments about her possibly not considering botox as surgery either, when she specifically said she hasn’t had ‘any of that stuff’. By ‘stuff’ I’m pretty sure she means botox, fillers, etc. So I don’t think she’s lying at all. She’s passionate about acting, I really don’t think she’d freeze her face and jeopardize the honesty she wants to portray in films.

    Anyway as for these brand new pictures, I can see that she gained back some of the weight she lost last year. She looks much healthier to me, she’s got that glow again. I think she’s been aging naturally and don’t believe she cares for trying to halt the aging process. Hell she didn’t even bother to wax her upper lip hair! She strikes me as a really sensible woman. Sorry but I think she’s au naturale and has always been.

  34. Aigul says:

    What is up with this facial hair!

  35. Mrs.Krabapple says:

    Unusual weight loss? Oh,please! Here is a full-length picture of her at the 2010 BAFTAs:


    Her body was NOT unusually thinner than normal, only her face was (thinner and tighter).

    Really, the way some people go through contortions, bending over backwards to come up with excuses for her changed looks, puts even Chinese acrobats to shame.

  36. Joanne says:

    Oh, come on. I’m no big fan or hers but I see a totally natural well-maintained affluent mid-30s woman’s face here, no nose-job, botox or fillers.
    BTW the 2008 photo someone linked to does show more crow’s feet (more than are natural for her age, in fact) but that’s only a trick of the light. Really, pick on someone else.

    Some of the men for instance…

  37. Eve says:

    She’s had at least one nose job. Not sure about the botox though.

  38. Erin says:

    @34 LOL! What do you mean, ‘what is up with the facial hair?’ She doesn’t have a ZZ top beard going! She has blonde peach fuzz! I am exactly the same. What’s the big deal?

  39. Mingo says:

    She’s a natural beauty. Get over it.

  40. Ali says:

    All I can see here is a naturally beautiful woman in her 30’s. Good on her for not going down the Nicole Kidman path. She looks to be growing older gracefully, and as a woman in her 30’s as well, I can only hope to emulate this.

  41. MrsOdie2 says:

    She looks great. She needs to quit smoking, though. It ages you like crazy. And her boobs are definitely real. She shows them in every movie she does, and you can see how they have changed with weight loss, gain, and pregnancy.

  42. fwozbo says:

    All the movie stars have plastic surgery and they all lie about it. What else is new?

    I liked the armpit comment, I will look for that now.

  43. Patrice says:

    Ugh. I’m so sick of this womam I can’t even describe. I think Kate is a wonderful actress, but I also don’t ever believe a single word that comes out of her mouth. Remember folks, this is the same woman who, when her daughter was born went on and on (in great detail) in interviews about the “natural birth expoerience” and how “amazing it was” only to admit years later (after her second child was born) in another interview that she’s actually had two c-sections and MADE THE WHOLE THING UP about her first birth becasue she “thought it sounded better” at the time!!!

    Nevermind that pictures don’t lie: Kate Winslet’s face is dramtically different than it was in Titanic, namely the very OBVIOUS nose job that she had soon after the film. I don’t know why some celebs even bother to tell such transparant lies.

  44. Vic says:

    Of course she’s had work.
    A nose job and brow life/eye work in around 2003 just before Finding NEverland.
    What are people ON when they say she’s had no work!.
    She is careful about the words she chooses at best.
    Plastic surgery is not botox. A nose job could be called surgical enhancement, tweaking, correctional surgery whatever.
    She SO OBVIOUSLY had some work done. Fake as anything, self inflated ego, full of her own humility and so dam sanctimonious. OverActor.