“Michael Fassbender is so sexy, even horses are turned on” links


One of the best Michael Fassbender stories EVER. I feel for the horse though. If Michael Fassbender mounted me, I wouldn‘t be able to function or “walk it off” for WEEKS. [Dlisted]
OMG, I LOVE this video. REM. Sam Taylor-Wood directing. Aaron Johnson dancing. Heaven. [LaineyGossip]
Living in an Aspen trailer park costs $500,000. [Gawker]
Review of The Adjustment Bureau. Sounds… bad. [Pajiba]
Matthew McConaughey is good at stretching. [Yeeeah]
Leak of Britney‘s “Til The World Ends”. [PopBytes]
Miley Cyrus looks slightly demented. [Seriously? OMG! WTF?]
I honestly thought Orly Bloom was wearing a cape! [Pop Sugar]
Kim Kardashian & Bruce Jenner, out and about. [Celebuzz]
Look at Raccoon McPantless‘s boots!! [Agent Bedhead]
James Franco‘s photo shoot with Terry Richardson – kinda cute. [A Socialite Life]
Camille Grammer is very upset that Kelsey got married. [PopEater]
Russell Brand defends Charlie Sheen too. [Radar]
Selena Gomez did not get punched in the face, for the love of God. [The Blemish]
Okay, Kelly Brook‘s body is pretty hot. [IDLITW]
Rosario Dawson doing the party circuit: fug or fab? [Go Fug Yourself]
Lady Gaga wears those crazy shoes on airplanes too. [Evil Beet]





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18 Responses to ““Michael Fassbender is so sexy, even horses are turned on” links”

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  1. brin says:

    Great Fassdong story (is it also animal abuse?)…lol!

  2. Riley says:

    I’d think it would hurt Matthew McConaughey’s dong to do that swimming baby pose on a concrete wall. Ouch!

  3. Rita says:

    “F”assbender and dong in the same sentence just sounds so dirty (that’s why I tune in).

  4. Kristina says:

    I LOVE the new Britney single. I could totally tear up the dance floor to this song. But I am horribly ashamed to admit that I like it because it was written by Kesha.

  5. kelbear says:

    Why would Britney want to sing a song co written by Kesha when she totally bashed Britney a while back.

  6. TQB says:

    I love the names you blog types have for McPantsless – “Miss Prissy-No-Pants” is great too.

  7. luls says:

    he looks much better in photoshoots than in real life! the guy gives me white supremacist vibes in his more ‘candid’ pics!

  8. Riley says:

    yeah what in the hell happened to taylor momsen. she used to be so simple and less desperate. she must love pissing her parents off or something…



  9. original kate says:

    just saw a screening last night for “jane eyre” and fassbender is pretty good as edward, all broody and such. i’ve never seen him before but my friend & i agreed he’s pretty hot in it.

  10. Kerri says:

    Ugh. Sorry, just don’t see it. He looks like Willem Dafoe’s marginally more attractive brother. Yech.

  11. Hautie says:

    Did anyone else click on

    “The top ugly hot guys [Pajiba]”

    It is a great write up.

    Though I am sure if there was a list like this, listing women only, everyone would be freaked out. 🙂

  12. Fassman Cometh says:

    If you think the horses in JE got hot, imagine what some New Yorkers felt when they caught a glimpse of the sexy-hexy from Shame from the hotel windows. Check out ONTD for some truly startling (yet pretty damn awesome) imagery of the Fass getting down with his female co-stars. It’s stuff like this, and his stellar acting to date that makes one wonder where the heck this guy came from, and why wasn’t he pegged for stardom sooner? Wooooo!

  13. Hakura says:

    I’m really starting to wonder if this whole thing with Charlie Sheen is some huge scam on his part… I mean, since the first rant to the radio station, his popularity online has skyrocketed (as well as his being SO willing to go in for interviews. I don’t know if he’s crazy/drugs, or ‘crazy like a fox’. God knows how much he may have been paid for those interviews… & he did several on them, on different networks.

    If that is so, he’s one of the better actors Ive ever seen. x_x

    And all the celebrity supporters are (as Kaiser said) radioactive… Don’t think their votes of confidence is doing anything but digging a deeper hole.

  14. Michelle says:

    Momson’s boots aren’t that crazy. I used to have a similar pair. They have a zipper up the side, on the inside of the leg. You can see it on hers too. No buckling need be done.

  15. truthzbetta says:

    Don’t like Russell Brand in the least, but when did he lose his pirate sexy?

    His face is angular and his gummy triangle smile looks like it belongs on Jonny Depp’s creepy version of Willy Wonka. That was a fast slide to fug.

  16. SweetReverie says:

    Aaron Johnson and Thom Yorke should do a dance-off. Maybe add some Sam Rockwell for good measure? That would be awesome.

    Anyway, loved the new REM video.

  17. Kaye1 says:

    I seriously doubt that the actors in Fassbender’s movie were riding stallions, so I think the actress who made the erection quote doesn’t know what she’s talking about. There is a difference between a horse that is “relaxed” and one that is sexually aroused. Geldings don’t get erections, as far as I know.

  18. mtb says:

    @SweetReverie – Add Christopher Walken to the mix and THAT would be a dance off made in heaven.