Emma Watson in Paris, shooting her Lancome ads: cute or not so much?


That was fast. No sooner did Emma Watson drop out of college “take a break” from college and announce her new big career move, a modeling gig for Lancome, then she flies to Paris to shoot the new ads. Why the rush? Usually when someone new is announced as the “face” of a product, it takes a few months for the new ads to be shot. This is one of the fastest turn-arounds I’ve ever witnessed.

Regarding yesterday’s post announcing Emma’s new gig, a lot of you yelled at me for various reasons. While I maintain that Emma is more cute than beautiful (and that she looks much better when her hair is slicked back), and that she’s much, much too young to be representing a beauty brand, I will admit that perhaps I was a bit too harsh about her “taking a break” from college. Quite honestly, Emma announcement, mid-semester, that she was taking a break really, really bothered me. I took my higher education seriously (sort of), and I’m proud of my bachelor’s degree. I honestly think there should be more young, celebrity women and men who take time out of their careers to prioritize education. Maybe Emma will return to Brown… but I seriously doubt it. I think a year from now, Emma is going to announce that she’s decided not to return, and all of those little girls who grew up with Emma through Harry Potter will get the message loud and clear: education is disposable, clubbing with Harvey Weinstein is more important. Not to mention the obvious choice Emma is making in these photos – night shoot in Paris for a beauty products is much more important to her than mid-terms.




Photos courtesy of Fame.

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67 Responses to “Emma Watson in Paris, shooting her Lancome ads: cute or not so much?”

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  1. brin says:

    She’s breaking out in the second pic.

  2. Shay says:

    I’m thinking that there are a ton of other more photogenic models. That’s all.

  3. Merry says:


  4. OriginalGracie says:

    I always think that Emma is just adorable. And, more importantly, she always looks appropriate.

    She is a beautiful, talented young girl and that is how she portrays and carries herself.

    Such a breath of fresh air from all the jacked up hos like Miley and Co.

    (I actually googled the correct pluralization of ho.)

  5. Marc says:

    I don’t get her popularity and fashion icon status. She is not even pretty. She is boring.

  6. hmm says:

    Honestly, I think that taking a break at an Ivy League is much more common than at other universities. I am at Yale, and was surprised by how many people did it. At least four of my good female friends took a year or semester off to deal with various issues, since schools like these are basically pressure cookers. It is not looked down upon at all, instead it is just an accepted fact that many people do not graduate with their class. Being a celeb at Brown must not have been easy, since honestly, as weird as it sounds, you can throw world famous politicians in front of these kids and they don’t give a damn, but as soon as a celebrity is in their midst they turn on belieber-esque stalking. Also, I think that the American notion of everyone has to go to college is crap, look at Europe, there are a hell of a lot more technical schools, and college degrees mean a lot more there than they do here. Also, its not like you stop learning when you aren’t at college. A lot of people go to college to get a degree so that they can be successful in a career of their choice. She already managed that without the degree. Who knows, maybe I’m just jealous, but I feel like I have learned a hell of a lot less since getting here (in fact I feel stupider) than I did back in high school when I had the time to read and pursue interests on my own.

  7. Hollowdoll says:

    I don’t know if it’s the shoes or the dress or what. But it makes her legs look short and stubby. I have seen her look a lot better. I hope she does go back to school.

  8. Riley says:

    I don’t mean to sound harsh here but I am going to nit pik what I don’t like about the above photos. I don’t like the hair. It looks dirty. Emma looks smug and bored. Also, she looks like she has tweaked her face a little– new nose perhaps (or at least a little shaving of her old nose) and maybe a new chin. But I give her props for branching out and working to establish herself as someone other than Hermione Granger.

  9. OriginalGracie says:

    @hmmm: your viewpoint is very interesting and I agree with you!

  10. Kate says:

    I think the girls who actually read the books and want to be like Hermione, not the actress who played her, will understand and appreciate that education is important. That said, I still do not think any less of Emma Watson for maximizing her opportunities while she can. Hell, even Hermione “took a break” from her studies — to go find the blasted horcruxes with Ron and Harry. Cut the girl some slack. She isn’t Lohan.

  11. liz says:

    i know she seems cute and harmless. but also bland, sublimely boring, and nothing special. sorry

  12. Arianna says:

    god i want her eyebrows!!

  13. Violet says:

    i disagree completely. i went to a prestigious school and i and a lot of my class mates took year long breaks to do other things, the rich kids went on long holidays of course, i did an intership at a theatre company and we all returned. i’m no emma watson fan girl but she’s always seemed to take her education seriously, getting top grades even when she was doing harry potter and making millions. if didn’t take it seriously then she would have given up on it a long time ago. there’s nothing wrong with pursuing other avenues and returning to school later.

  14. Leticia says:

    She is cute, but she is overrated (in my opinion).

  15. Lisa Turtle says:

    @ hmmm

    I completely agree. I went to Columbia, and several of my friends “took breaks” – first my freshman year roomate had a nervous breakdown around finals week, she left and never came back; my best friend left halfway through junior year for anorexia (after her parents saw her at Christmas, they had an intervention). I took a semester off myself, instead of going abroad, I just traveled around Europe. I wanted to “enjoy” Europe and not feel the immense pressure to succeed on exams that were only going to be pass/fail on my transcripts anyway.

  16. Bodhi says:

    Also, I think that the American notion of everyone has to go to college is crap

    HEAR HEAR! The US obsession with getting an undergrad degree has really ruined a lot of young people’s chances at success. Some people are just not cut out for university, my husband & his little brother are 2 perfect examples. My husband wasted 2 years & thousands of dollars in student loans becuase his parents INSISTED that he go to college. He knew that he wasn’t interested but did it anyway. He has been working in construction for several years & barely making enough for us to live on & now, at 28 with a baby almost here, he is starting a tech program so that he can get certified & get a real job. Not to mention the decline of tech & trade schools due to more student enrollment in 4 year schools…

    I have a BA & I work in an entry level job & have no hope of moving up without a masters, which, needless to say, has been pushed to the back burner becuase of said en route baby!

    Ugh, the American educational system is so f*cked…

    /end rant…

  17. Marianne says:

    She could have gotten this gig months ago, and just decided not to tell announce until a few days ago.

  18. Rosanna says:

    Time for me to ditch Lancome for good!

  19. Majosha says:

    @Bodhi: I’m in the same boat in terms of needing an MA (or an MFA in my case) to really get my career where I want it to be. After getting my BA, I was able to establish a career that I basically enjoyed, but after a few years out of school, I realized that what I really wanted to be doing would require a graduate degree. But a lack of funds and two little ones have put that goal on an extended hold. I’ll get there eventually, but it’s going to be a while, lol. Maybe we can start a graduate school panhandling fund and split the proceeds.

  20. serena says:

    She’s very beautiful in those photos, but I don’t like her legs..
    Anyway I have high expectation in Emma, and hope she won’t really drop out of the college but just taking a little break.

  21. JB says:

    I would put the Balls to her hard. She has a pretty face and smokin bod.

  22. Bodhi says:

    @Majosha – I’m in!!

  23. devilgirl says:

    Stubby legs, and I am not sure why there is this mega fuss about her. She is average looking, and the only thing that was interesting about her (college) she has quit for now.

  24. lauralee says:

    The legs are very unfortunate…She is very average looking but there is a charm about her.

  25. jover says:

    Bodhi and Majosha the real value of college has been the subject of voluminous research and debate since Patricia’s Bird 1975 book questioning the value of college – and that was at the beginning of the college enrollment bonanza. Most honest researchers and scholars are of the opinion that college is much overrated, for many a waste of time, and has really become a multi-national corporate enterprise/racket. Our university system is now in the top five employers so there is a constant need for people with a pulse and a checkbook to keep those employed. Unfortunately, most of the jobs in demand require technical/on the job training. For example, can anything be more unglamorous than truck drivers, but what is more vital to our economy, and there will be a shortage as the average age is in the 50s. You won’t hear colleges talk about that occupation, though.

  26. Karin says:

    I don’t know – she’s already got more money than she needs in a lifetime. She really can go to college ANYTIME she wants. For her it’s not a means to an end, like it is with us. From a financial standpoint she is set for life (as long as she keeps her head on her shoulders)…so really her options are much different than our own. Seriously – go to college and study to become WHAT exactly???

  27. Dingles says:

    There are many different kinds of education. I hold a BA (my generation’s high school diploma) and my husband has a high school diploma and serves in the military. Guess who has better job security!

    I believe in the intrinsic value of education, but in Emma’s case she has the luxury of taking time off as career opportunities arise. I’d think it unwise if she didn’t take advantage of these offers while they’re there. She’s getting to travel the world, learn the business and have life experiences most her age will never have. Also, people taking breaks from school in the non-celeb world is very common.

  28. spooge says:

    The short hair looks like crap

  29. Ally says:

    I suspect she’s getting a lot of pressure from her management team that it’s make-it-or-break-it time for her career as a serious actress.

    Right now, I suspect all the juicy parts are going to Carey, Keira, Michelle W. or Mia W. (and the even newer crop of young actresses, e.g. Hunger Games), and her team is telling her that if she doesn’t get her face out there big time right now, she will never get back into the casting race.

  30. Susan says:

    I like her hair and makeup for this, but her legs are hideous. Sorry.

  31. original kate says:

    meh – college isn’t for everyone, and some people do take a break from college. i didn’t (well, an 8 year break between college and grad school) but alot of my friends did, and most of them ultimately went back. i don’t think it’s that big a deal.

  32. Rosemary says:

    She looks like a cross between a young Harry Morgan and a young Henry Fonda.

  33. Henriette says:

    I don’t care that she took time off from uni but I think she looks dreadful in these photos. That skirt is very unflattering on her!

  34. lcat says:

    Cute, but in that second pic her hair looks super greasy and gross. Maybe the slick-backedlook isn’t so great if she has to use that much product.

  35. flourpot says:

    People are willing to give her money vs her spending money on college. She picked right. She can bank what she makes and when the industry no longer wants her – or viceversa – she can go finish her education. Or do it in between shoots.

    Really, I’m not seeing the big deal? She’s got the financial part down, thanks to her dad. What else does she really need at 2 million a film?

  36. Gillian says:

    The reason people often take a break at an Ivy League school is because these Universities are not very flexible regarding course loads. I graduated from an Ivy League, and there was no possibility of being a part-time student or taking fewer classes one semester. It’s basically all or nothing. I imagine this is why Emma had to take time off for the duration of a whole semester.
    I did, however, thing that my education was invaluable and I am eternally grateful for it. I hope Emma goes back.

  37. Saskia says:

    I don’t like her hair slicked back, because slicked back hair grosses me out. It looks greasy, like the skullcap of some unwashed Civil War general. That lipstick shade is very unflattering, terrible choice for a makeup ad. The lumpy, stumpifying dress washes her out and those booties are hideous.

    Emma Watson is a cute, pretty girl with a great figure, but I agree with Kaiser that a 20-year-old is completely inappropriate to represent a cosmetics line like Lancome, whose target market is 40+. Someone this young would be better suited to a line like Clinique or even Maybelline, which are primarily marketed to high school girls. This whole thing is just weird, I don’t understand why Lancome would hire such a young spokesmodel and then seemingly do everything in their power to make her look old and hard and beige and stumpy.

  38. Sapphire says:

    Well, one of the main goals of going to uni is to get a job out of the degree you will earn from it. I think Emma does value higher education, but what exactly is the pressing reason for her to stay in uni right now? To placate all the people who may think she’s a bad role model for all the little HP female viewers out there? That’s not exactly a reasonable expectation. She may or may not go back to Brown, but I really don’t think a degree, or the lack of one, will affect her career in the film and beauty industries, and I don’t think she’s going to go off the rails. I also think she’s beautiful, even if these aren’t the best photos I’ve ever seen of her.

  39. JPX says:

    I agree with you, she is never going to return to Brown. She’s making the dumbest mistake of her life not to continue with her education. Imagine how many people would kill for that opportunity. She might be popular at the moment, but her fame will be fleeting and suddenly she will find herself in her 30s wondering what happened. why can’t she earn her B.A. and still pursue acting gigs? Pathetic.

  40. meggers says:

    Those are the worst legs! The bitch is only 19! I see an epic, Mischa Barton-sized battle with cellulite in this one’s future.

  41. normades says:

    I’m very disappointed in her. I don’t think I like her anymore. And Lainey is right; her word game on Twatter was lame-o.

  42. EbonyShiksa says:


    Not only is your statement stupid, it’s offensive. I think her gams look great. I personally love that she’s a star who LOOKS like she eats and doesn’t look fragile and like she’s going to blow away at a moments notice.

  43. jane16 says:

    Wow. She has a lot of devoted fans here, like Angie. No one is comparing her to the craptastic Lohan, all we’ve said is that she’s not beautiful, or classic model material. She’s an actress famous for a big time movie series, who has been picked by Lancome becuz she’s well known to the youngsters. Maybe they’ll keep downgrading (beauty wise, not character wise) & move down to Snooki or Bow Woww (whatshername, the chick that peed on tv) next. I don’t think this girl is ugly, just…no beauty, no spark. I stand by my comment on the last thread, the big cosmetic and clothing/accessories companies have gone from tall, lithe beauties to any one who is famous. We all lose, from an artistic, creative standpoint.

    btw, I took a break from college 20 years ago. Am still on that break I’m afraid.

  44. Jack says:

    give her a break, it is her decision, it is her life, she has millions, but she chose to go to university and taking a break to focuse on projects like..umm.. Harry Potter in July, her fair trade clothing line..and so on.. she is so nice and talented and is not like those britneys and lindsays and s*luttinas… you can only take people down, but she hasnt done anything wrong

  45. jane16 says:

    Ines Sastre is a model from Spain that has done a lot of Lancome. If you think I’m being mean, saying this girl isn’t beautiful, google Ines and compare.

  46. flourpot says:

    well said, skiksa. agreed.

  47. I adore her, I went back to college after taking a break even though everyone said I wouldn’t, I do believe it’s possible, and I think she’s fine. There are plenty of people doing things that are worthy of ridicule out there- why go looking for them? I mean, what good does it do anyone to just jump on a person who’s been generally responsible with her fame and fortune before you even see what’s going to happen?

    Also, I don’t actually know what the problem is with having a well-known actress represent a fashion line or beauty product. I’m not playing devil’s advocate on it either, I just don’t even see why it matters at all who they take pictures of.

  48. Newbie says:

    I still can’t get over the fact that some of you are acting like it’s the end of the world she’s taking a few semesters off. What the hell is the matter?!?! What’s this really about? Are you so completely sure that once a person takes a break they are banned forever and can never return? What is this? How can you say she won’t go back? She has all the time in the world and money to afford it. Methinks there’s something else going on here with all the anger…

  49. Ruffian9 says:


  50. Newbie says:

    I would also like to ad that the majority of hollywood do drop out of school and don’t have a college degree. Some didn’t even finish high school. And the ones that did aren’t getting much love from this site…*natalie portman*.
    I think education is extremely important. I myself have a bachelors, and so I want to point out the fact that I’m not ragging on schooling. But I’m definitely not angry that a young, harmless and seemingly bright girl is going to try and sell me some eye shadow and lip balm (who says she’s going to be selling “aging” products???). It could be much worse. There are more annoying and obnoxious stars that have more power and less education than she does that try continually to force our hands on government issues and politics. Now THAT is offensive.

  51. Gabriela says:

    I’d kill for this outfit.

    BTW, I think it’s funny when Kaiser hates Gisele for being sanctimonious when she does exactly the same here, and takes the opportunity to brag about her college degree. And when Natalie Portman does it, she is just being arrogant.

  52. mike says:

    Newsflash, folks.

    In this day and age, higher education is not only optional, but in many cases, obsolete. Especially when we speak of BA.

    The old liberal arts education is passe and won’t do much to help you land a good job. These days, you need at least B.S. or a grad degree, and even then, humanities is not the way to go if you want a stable middle class income.

    Ms. Watson is losing NOTHING by taking time off. In fact, she would be better served if she never went back. Nor should she be embarrassed about dropping about.

    She’s actually being smart by not wasting her precious time and money on the absolute sinkhole of waste that is traditional iiberal arts education.

  53. kazoo says:

    i don’t give a toss about emma watson, but i want to know who makes the jacket she’s wearing!

  54. My Darling Pinkett says:

    I don’t think it’s a big deal that she’s taking a break from college. She doesn’t need it. The only reason she’s doing it is because she wants to further her academic education. If she changed her mind, fine. Education doesn’t begin or end in the classroom.

    I personally don’t care for these photos. She’s not (to me) above average in looks, but she’s not the only one. Her legs don’t look toned, but I think she’s at a healthy weight. She just doesn’t exercise.

  55. Trashaddict says:

    She’s a female actress and regardless of talent, because of the system as it stands now, her shelf life is limited unless she can evolve into a real star or a great character actor. Men don’t hesitate to take career jumps when they need to. She shouldn’t either.

  56. Hmmm says:

    She won’t return. And to all who say she should strike while the iron is hot: fact is 1. she has more money than god now; 2. she should strike the iron of education while it’s hot, IMO. Later on, the temptation of a vacuous life style will be too great.

  57. daisy says:

    Is it just me or does this look like malfoy!!

  58. me says:

    I searched on google Ines Sastre, and for me it is not pretty


    I think Emma beautiful, has delicate features, beautiful nose, mouth, eyes, smile, eyebrows, a symmetrical face and beautiful. Your body is also great. These paparazzi pictures not helpful

    Emma is talented and I look lovely, very friendly and fun. Acting is his career, I think she just pause the studies to make movies. She may come when you want, and if you change your mind ok, there are other ways to learn, she does not need to go to a university for it.

  59. kikay says:

    i think her going to brown college is just her excuse to be closer to hollywood ,but sadly nothing happen in what 3 or 6 months that she was there ,so back to london for her to get more gigs hence;harvey weinstein to get her career going.i dont think its the money to her,she wants to be more famous or stay famous

  60. Lia says:

    Her legs are huge! Is it the unfortunate shoes, or are they really piano legs?? Ugh.

  61. Sapphire says:

    Opinions on beauty are subjective, and Emma is clearly considered beautiful by a lot of people in the industry, or she wouldn’t have modelled for Burberry and landed this deal with Lancome. Of course there are people who think she’s merely cute or perhaps even plain, but it’s all a matter of taste. I’ve used Lancome since I was in my early twenties, and so I definitely don’t think it’s only for women in their thirties or forties and beyond. And I agree with Newbie: it’s much more dubious when stars try to get involved in politics when they hardly have the qualifications to do so than it is for Emma Watson to postpone her studies or model for Lancome. She hasn’t behaved badly, broken the law or wrecked someone’s marriage, and there is a long list of other celebrities who have dropped out of uni and never gone back. Just what is the controversy, exactly?

    Also, she has actually been at uni for about a year and a half, not for three or six months.

  62. Angel says:

    Oh. Well, see … no. Emma Watson is infamous for how much she enjoys studying; the process of education is something she likes, hence going to Uni at all. She took a break because she is going to have to do massive promoting for the last Harry Potter film, according to her CONTRACT, and this would interfere with her education–not because she thinks this is more important. She was signed up for this as a young girl and is contractually obligated to see it through, and the fact is she only ever went to University because of her love for education, not because she had to or felt like setting an example. The fact that she is taking time off because she has (literally) to finish this thing and does not want it to interfere with her education is actually a testament to how much she does care about it, rather than your more pessimistic approach. She could blow through it without really caring and pass easily and have all the cred without any hard work as most celebs who go to University do because that is what $$ gets you these days, and I am sure that she knows that. But she has chosen not to. I am a big fan of hers and have been for years and I have complete faith she will go back. Anyone who has been a fan of her long enough knows that.

    She just keeps getting more and more stunning. I find her beautiful, personally, but I get the ‘cute’ thing some people go on about.

    @hmmm: IA!

    • Jayne says:

      I heard she took another break from Oxford where she studying abroad for a year. I didn’t even know you could do that. She’s not exactly coming off as very grateful.

  63. Magsy says:

    College and Emma Watson are both overrated.

  64. I so agree w you on her not getting back + sending all the wrong messages

  65. Anon73 says:

    @Kaiser — i appreciate you dinging Watson for dropping out of college. it IS a shame that more young privileged people do NOT take advantage of an education opportunity. especially when they can easily afford the experience, versus a lot of kids who cannot. or go into massive debt to finance it. so in my eyes too, Watson is not a great role-model. no reason she could not have done the modeling AND college.

  66. Jayne says:

    This annoys me because although I’m sure she’s smart – there is no way she would’ve gotten into an ivy league without being lucky enough to put “starred in several blockbuster movies” on her application. I just feel like if you’re lucky enough to be there – when there is someone who probably deserved it more – why don’t you give it your all instead of taking all of these “breaks”?