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14 Responses to “Unflattering J.Lo story published after Elle magazine pulled it”

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  1. anony says:

    Being sick does not create a narcissistic over controlling personality. Feeling under the weather doesn’t change your personality either.That’s not an excuse for her pulling the story. She’s just a princess .

  2. Savanah Anderson says:

    That bitch needs to get over herself. She is so full of it

  3. Yer Mom says:

    J-Lo is a narcissistic Scieno. No different from Tiny Tom Cruise.

    Except that she’s straight.

  4. vdantev says:

    Scientologists have no sense of humor, especially the new ones.

  5. SeVen says:

    Wonder if her twins are going to be 4 years old and on the bottle ad diapers still? Thats what happened with Leah’s Scientolokid. Clearly her precious chi’chi’s were too delicate to feed her newborns properly
    * no insult intended towards mothers who cannot or chose not to breast feed, just a cheap shot at Jlo*

  6. Kaiser says:

    Yeah, Jaybird, I watched The Cell when I was high, and I thought it was a really good movie, too!

    I also saw SpiceWorld once when I was really drunk and I thought it was hilarious. *shakes head at self*

  7. prissa says:

    While I think it’s very petty for her to have pulled the 1st article, I do not think (the 1st article) portrayed her in a bad light. To me, it made JLo seem human and real for once. Hell, I had a c-section and was in pain and couldn’t move and was frustrated I couldn’t get to my 1 baby fast enough I can sympathize how it must haven been with 2 babies. I haven’t had a “breakdown” but I’ve had much worse. Why is being emotional with all the hormones new moms have flowing in their bodies after birth make her a “weepy, fragile new mother”? Why can’t “stars” be seen as having faults and weaknesses like any other human being???? Why does her being honest make her sound “very self-involved and unaware” instead of REAL for once? ❓

  8. Shay says:

    The crazy thing is the pulled article sounds normal. No one would assume a woman who has twins is walking around their house looking like a runway model. Alot of women have a hard time after C-sections and worry about their kids bonding with them if they can’t spend as much time with them. Everyone already knew her dad was a $cino so this isn’t new info. She probably would have gotten more respect just letting the original story run.

  9. Gigohead says:

    🙁 I’m not a fan of JLo’s but I did sympathize on the few first days of having a c-section. Those killer hormones do get you on or about the third day. She did say some dumb things so it’s clear to me, she isn’t as bright as she portrays herself to be.

  10. Jeanne says:

    She is such a pain in the ass.

  11. ME says:

    J.LO wants to be a Superwoman, so this article makes her look like a semi-normal human being ruins her charade. Like when she said she dint have a nanny but she was traveling all over the world and her kids where nowhere to be seen.

  12. JaundiceMachine says:

    If anything, she comes off as more relatable and *gulp* likable in the original article. I guess she can’t stand to be seen as one of the “little people”.

  13. Trashaddict says:

    Sessums made her sound more human than she usually does. The picture of the babies’ nursery is pretty scary! And she needs to fire whoever is giving her fashion advice these days, what the hell happened? Maybe that’s how HER mother dressed when she was that age….

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