Jamie Lynn’s friend says she’s definitely not pregnant

The supposed friend who talked to Celebslam is shown with Jamie Lynn at Walmart on 10/11/08. Credit: Bauergriffinonline

One of the best and worst parts of the internet is that just about anyone can share their thoughts on it. Our friends over at Celebslam had an interesting exchange with a girl named Diane who claims to be one of Jamie Lynn Spears’ best friends – and it seems like they believe her. Diane claims that Jamie Lynn is definitely not pregnant again, and that only ugly people aren’t having sex by sixteen.

After posting a story about a family insider “confirming” Jamie Lynn Spears’ second pregnancy, “Diane” — the friend pictured with Jamie Lynn at Wal-Mart last week — commented on the story. Diane claims that Jamie Lynn is not pregnant with her second child:

I am the friend with Jamie in these pictures and I was also the friend in the pictures that said we were leaving the crisis pregnancy center several months ago (Ed. Note: the pics she’s referring to are here) (when in all actuality we were leaving her OB-GYN who happens to have a sign in front of the office supporting the crisis pregnancy center). Jamie Lynn is NOT pregnant and I wish everyone would stop being so judgemental because if you weren’t having sex at 16 it probabaly means you were very unattractive. She just happened to get pregnant and then did the right thing by not having an abortion. She is an exceptional mother and she loves that baby with every fiber of her being. As the paprazzi chased us through the store as we humbly tried to buy groceries for our families, she was not one bit worried about them getting pictures of her or what anyone would say about her, but she did not want them to exploit her child anymore than they already have. This girl has been through enough. Please show a little compassion and back off. There was nothing exciting about our trip to wal mart, yet we were followed the entire time by 3 photographers. Stop supporting these idiots and make them get real jobs. Before you judge anyone else, I beg you to please try to imagine yourself in their situation.

[From Celebslam]

Well there were certainly enough typos and spelling mistakes to believe it came from a young girl. Celebslam also has a longer exchange with her where she comes off as pretty believable. Not too smart, not too dumb. It’s got to be tough raising a baby at Jamie Lynn’s age, and tougher still to do it under such scrutiny. If this girl is who she says she is, it sounds like Jamie Lynn has some friends that are willing to really stand up for her, and that’s good. Though she’d probably prefer everyone just kept their mouths shut.

Frankly I’m more likely to believe this person than the “unnamed relative” who swears up and down that Jamie Lynn really does have another bun in the oven. Obviously it could be a lie, but at least this girl said, “Here’s who I am, here’s where you’ve seen me.” Unlike the vague relative. Unfortunately this is one of those things where only time will tell.

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12 Responses to “Jamie Lynn’s friend says she’s definitely not pregnant”

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  1. SolitaryAngel says:

    Good God. Can’t this girl spend ONE DAY where she’s NOT in WalMart?!

  2. elisha says:

    I like Wal Mart. Did you know 9 in 10 Americans shop there?

    Although, I PREFER Target.

  3. smit33 says:

    It’s like Celebitchy called it. Now I will just wonder if she had an abortion.

  4. geronimo says:

    Well, I’ve seen far more badly-spelt, illiterate responses than this one (a lot of them on here!) – seems quite well-written to me, and to the point. Don’t care enough to care if it’s real or not but can’t fault this friend on the essence of her message: leave JL alone to get on with her life.

  5. Cinderella says:

    Only attractive people are having sex at 16? Child, please.

    I’m sure your teenage boyfriend will still find you so very attractive after you’ve cranked out a couple of kids.

  6. Kaiser says:

    I was thinking the same, Geronimo. Better writing than many of the frothing-at-the-mouth comments on this site.

    If this girl is actually a Louisiana teenager, she must have aced her English classes.

    Smit, unfortunately my first thought was also “abortion”… too sad.

  7. Annicka says:

    “I wish everyone would stop being so judgemental because if you weren’t having sex at 16 it probabaly means you were very unattractive.”

    Like that’s not judgemental? Nice one.

  8. Jaclyn says:

    Not having sex at 16 doesn’t mean you’re unattractive. It means you’re SMART.

  9. Natalie says:

    Not having sex at 16 doesn’t mean you’re unattractive. It means you’re SMART.

    So true! I like how if you don’t have sex when your a teenager people will make fun of you and call you a prude and then when you do have sex everyone calls you a slut!

  10. Danielle says:

    I had sex at 19 because I didn’t want to be another statistic teen mom collecting welfare and ruining my shot at college. At least I’m of voting age, “y’all.” lol. Well okay. So that was over 3 years ago now. Still with the same guy. Married him. Didn’t sleep with him because I thought he was cute though. He’s ambitious and has a career he worked very hard for and as a teen I never saw the point in shallow attraction. Sad to say though, I grew up in a place where people are STILL like this at my age only difference now is that they each have three kids and no husband or means of supporting them without WIC.

    Teens around here still get on my nerves with their inferiority complexes because parents are too lazy to tell their daughters that they are worth so much more than just a one-night romp and an 18 year responsibility.

  11. Jeanne says:

    She better not be putting that baby in the front seat with airbags.

  12. toby says:

    It begins as soon as you announce your pregnancy: the unsolicited comments from family members and friends — even strangers — about everything from what you should be eating to which hospital has the best delivery rooms. Here’s how to say “mind your own business” nicely.