Colin Farrell out in a tank top, showing his bulge

These photos of Colin Farrell’s hot arms while he’s out on Toronto remind me of that video of Ryan Gosling breaking up a fight. (I wrote “Ryan Reynolds” at first. Poor Ryan Gosling.) I was so surprised to see how huge Ryan’s arms were that at first I thought Ryan was another guy in the video. Colin is more filled out than I would have guessed, but he’s not as buff as Ryan. He looks really good here apart from the goofy tattoo. It says “Rita” in the middle, which is his mom’s name and Jimmy Jr., his first son, is inscribed across the bottom. I can’t read the other name at the top.


Anyway the real story is that you can see the outline of Colin’s bulge in these workout pants. I was so mesmerized by his tight torso that I almost missed it. Kaiser is telling me he’s nicely endowed, since I defer to her to judge dong size. So I guess we know where he gets that swagger.

Colin is in Toronto filming that Total Recall remake, which Len Wiseman is directing and which also stars Kate Beckinsale, Bryan Cranston and Jessica Biel. I don’t remember the original at all and I don’t consider it a classic so I couldn’t care less if it gets remade.


Fright Night came out a week and a half ago and it’s only made about $14.2 million after a $30 million budget. I should go see it while it’s still at the movies. Or maybe I’ll wait for the DVD. Hopefully they’ll make up some of that budget in DVD sales. If they’re smart they’ll put it out around Halloween.


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32 Responses to “Colin Farrell out in a tank top, showing his bulge”

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  1. k says:

    Am I the only one who does not find him attractive? I actually do like his acting, especially in the more indie/quirkier roles of late, but his often slick/chav appearance does nothing for me. He does have nice brown eyes.

  2. ShanKat says:

    He has arms? I didn’t notice.

  3. Quest says:

    Comando Colin? Literally hanging around

    @ Celebitchy: Total Recall was that film that Arnold “the Sperminator” was rumored to have “enjoyed the company of” Rachel Ticotin.

    I don’t think it was much of a hit to entertain a remake.

  4. tiki says:

    huh. who knew that farrell and the hamm were related? kissing cousins, perhaps?

  5. Katie says:

    I actually really want to see Fright Night. I don’t think they marketed it that well. I feel like they didn’t start really showing commercials, at least on channels I watch, until right it before it came out. It good overall solid reviews though.

  6. smith says:

    Yikes les jeunes – Total Recall is a classic!! Am I THAT old???

    Please, please check it out. The futurist portions are still cool (albeit dated) and there’s a fabulous level of (near) camp entertainment – mutants, Arnold as a woman, Sharon Stone getting a well-deserved beat down – that shouldn’t be missed!

  7. maggiegrace says:

    Swinging in the wind.

  8. palermo says:

    Looks like somebody is going commando here

  9. Leticia says:


  10. michelle says:

    someone’s not wearing underwear…

  11. Happy21 says:

    YUM! He is so inconspiculously sexy. He kind of falls under the radar but he’s there!

  12. Mari says:

    *gulp* That could be a little intimidating 🙂

  13. ladybert62 says:

    Nice arms

    Still dont like men with earrings in both ears – one ear? Ok. Two ears, not ok.

  14. Turtle Dove says:

    Ding-dong. Hello, Colin.

  15. Stubbylove says:

    Umm..ya..all day.

  16. MerryHappy says:

    What a way to say good morning… Hahaha.

  17. Quest says:

    @ladybert62: LOL…did not even noticed the earings, oops.

  18. jam says:

    Morning, noon, and night. Good god, he’d make me do bad things. YUM.

  19. Mugs says:

    just hanging around with a couple of nuts

  20. Karen says:

    There is so much about Colin in this photo that would usually turn me off:

    1. Ugly tats
    2. Earrings in both ears (on a man)
    3. Filthy tank top and sweat pants

    But on Colin (and *only* on Colin), I just want to rip off his clothes and ride him like I would a Harley on a bumpy road.

    *throws cold water on myself*

    Where was I? Right. I began having crazy sex dreams about Colin recently and since he is filming this movie in the city where I live, only my gainful employment and desire to not be jailed for stalking is preventing me from hiding out at his film set so that I can hump on him. I need help!!!

  21. yes says:

    Poor Angelina Jolie
    you can have this man!

    But now you have this old wrinkled, wine-drinking man – Brad. It’s ok, a good life.

  22. anon33 says:

    Me too! I literally said out loud, “nice bulge, too bad I don’t like his face” and then read your comment! hahaha!

    *goes back to the latest Hamm-dong thread*

  23. June says:

    For the record, K, I’ve also never found him attractive…but god damn it I clicked this link at the word “bulge.” …I’m not proud of that.

  24. Karen says:

    @June – I felt the same way until I finally did a Google search to see what this sex tape fuss with Nicole Narain was all about. Oh. My. God. Normally I don’t publicly admit to searching for a celebrity sex tape but Colin’s was the hottest thing I ever saw. Yes, it was grainy but bottom line, he will spend as long as he needs to in order to pleasure his partner “down below”.

    I became a Colin Farrell fan from that moment on.

  25. xploxite says:

    I saw Fright Night and i love it, He looks so Healthy and sexy.

  26. katie says:

    Oh how I wish someone would come up from behind Colin and jerk down those pants:):):)And I always thought he was such a Beautiful Man in the face 😉

  27. Camille says:

    @k: No you’re not alone.
    The only movie I have ever liked him in was ‘In Bruges’. He was great in that.

  28. arlene says:

    In refferance to “ugly” tattoo, it’s a referance to his Bora-Bora wedding to Amelia Warner. The word you can’t read is Eire, his Irish homeland, all his tattoo’s have personal meaning. Many Irishmen wear two earrings like Daniel Day Lewis. His son Jimmy is not a Jr.,but named in honor of his Grandfather, James. The heart on his left bicep is In honore of his Mum, Rita.

  29. CHRISTIAN_GIRL says:

    Yes, should fact check. Colin HAS been seen erect and I know I was NOT impressed with his anatomy or technique.

    Brad HAS NOT been seen erect and we have not seen his technique, but Angie HAS and she seems more than pleased.

    Don’t be silly with the old wrinkly wine drinking man foolishness. Angie chose what SHE wanted and Colin was not it. Let her enjoy her life, Colin is still available, so go for it.

  30. funny says:

    Oh yes indeed,
    Angelina now has an old man
    She has not Brad, she has other men and women. Please people, see a closer look

  31. Magsy says:

    Love me some Colin Farrell but he doesn’t look like a straight man to me in these pix. He reminds me of the guy on A-List.

  32. Glyrics says:

    RE: Fright Night

    Colin is TEH sex in it, reminding that vampires are sexy… unlike the bloodless twinks on film and tv

    Agree that he’s better in indies. Loved ONDINE