Jennifer Aniston & Justin Theroux make another loved-up NYC outing


These are some photos of Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux in NYC – some are from Friday night, when they left “their apartment” to go out to dinner, and the photos where they’re wearing sunglasses are from Saturday. We have about a million photos from their Saturday outing – apparently, Justin and Jennifer “went for a walk” in the city, and about a hundred photographers managed to get photos of them. I’m not saying that Aniston called the paps. I’m saying that in the wake of Brad Pitt’s comments about their marriage, Aniston was like, “Hey, Justin, we should go for a walk and in case we get photographed, we should look really lovey-dovey.” It helps that I think they are in fact pretty lovey-dovey. I buy them as a couple. Justin seems comfortable in his own skin, and he’s not freaked out by the media intrusion into his life. It’s all very interesting…

According to Radar, JustJen went to the West Village, where they ate at a Japanese restaurant, EN Shochu Bar. Radar also says that Justin went with Jennifer to the Beverly Hills hospital where her mom, Nancy Dow, is recovering after a stroke. As to why Aniston and Theroux have made the move to NYC right now – well, it might have something to do with the paparazzi swarm outside of their new Hollywood Hills rental. TMZ reports that Aniston’s new neighborhood has been thrown into chaos since she and Justin moved in. The paparazzi are blocking driveways, creating traffic hazards, and generally being nuisances.

Just to play devil’s advocate (haha), I can’t believe they’re walking around, out in the open, being SO DISRESPECTFUL to Heidi Bivens, Justin’s girlfriend of 14 years, who he dumped for Jennifer. Since there’s as much “evidence” to suggest that Justin Theroux did the exact same thing that Brad Pitt allegedly did with Angelina Jolie, how is it that Aniston is forever the victim again? Look at her – she’s fine. She’s got a boyfriend that she loves, and she’s happy. Stop throwing pity parties for her.

Oh, and do her hips look bigger to anyone else? And her boobs look bigger too. I’m not ruling out the idea that she’s preggo.





Photos courtesy of Fame.

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167 Responses to “Jennifer Aniston & Justin Theroux make another loved-up NYC outing”

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  1. thinkaboutit says:

    EN is my favorite restaurant, and I’m kinda pissed at her for going there on her PR stroll…

  2. Rita says:

    They seem to be working very naturally. Comfortable is a good sign. Good luck to them.

  3. brin says:

    Is he wearing a male fascinator (mascinator)?

  4. ahoyhoy says:

    Moving in with someone who JUST ended a 14-year relationship for you is something awful waiting to happen—-I can’t imagine having a BABY with this guy already! At least she has her own money, but damn! Get to know him a while.

  5. Anna says:

    What happens to the top of her lip, she does that pout with her ​​mouth.

  6. Tiffany says:

    That’s a lovely restaurant! I actually live a few blocks from there. I heard Jen always goes there, sadly i never run into her = (.

  7. Cheyenne says:

    Okay, Jen, we get it. Your ex threw you under a bus AGAIN so you have to flaunt your new guy to show him you don’t give a damn. But you might have some consideration for Heidi, just like you beat up on Brad and Angie for having no consideration for you. Sensitivity chips and all that.

  8. anon says:

    They look so sweet and happy together. Love her hair. Good luck to them.

  9. ugh says:

    Can’t stand her. I feel so bad for Heidi. Seeing this ugly display after being with a man for 14 years…where is the sensitivity chip?

  10. sundaygal says:

    Is she wearing mom jeans and loafers? Ugh. They’re such a mismatch, stylewise.

  11. Original Tiffany says:

    Do they have to dress like twinsies all the time now? It’s kind of gag inducing. Sometimes hubby and I wear the same color, but it doesn’t look like we planned our outfits together like 13 year old girls.

  12. Ell says:

    Love her style. Sad they can’t go for lunch without it being called a PR stunt….but hey I’m sure she’s used to her every move being dissected, if she didn’t appear in public she’d be accused to hiding out because she was devastated by her ex’s latest pathetic PR move.

  13. JP Fan says:

    Hilarious! This guy is creepy looking. By the way, has everyone noticed “the emblem of the lonely” never wears high heels or wedges anymore? Heck wedges was her thing and her “hair” of course! Well, we all know Mr. Eddie Munster is a short, balding dude so they’d be the same height so…Jennypoo makes him wear these 2 inch boots, she wears flats and slaps a cap on his balding head and voila she is ready for her next prop in NYC LMAO!

    Has everyone read The Parade interview? Not the the quotes taken out of context? It is an awesome interview and he did not need to clarify anything but the LOONIFERS had a meltdown without reading the whole thing and as usual Huvane and Dulliston decided to flare up the “poor Jennypoo” BS all over again!

    In the mean time the gorgeous couple had a mommy and daddy night at a hotel in London having jungle sex!!! I love the JP’s! The haters and Loonifers better give it up now since this couple will never separate and before we know it the kids will be in college and us JP fans will be knitting baby booties for the JP grandkids while the Loonifers will still blame Brad for Dulliston’s miserable, shallow life and her disasterous movie career. Hey, she is a BO poison and everyone knows it lol.

    I disagree, she will never get pregnant cause she is petrified of getting fat. Nope…she was lying for 10 damn years about wanting to have kids (it’s OK to not want to have kids, but not OK to LIE to everyone for over a decade including Brad) Yep her famous line over 6 years ago regarding wanting to have kids “I did, I do, I will” Really Jennypoo? Errr you are 43 you know!!!

  14. Franny says:

    maybe she finally has something else to focus on rather than her crazy yoga and eating habits…and is indulging a little bit more. Good for her, I think she looks great.

  15. anonymous says:

    Poor guy looks bored already, seriously Justin face looks pained, JA must be a real trip. But hey, it’s worth the pay off. To date ,a motor bike, expensive jacket , part in a movie and more to come, Big GQ cover on mag guest what I was a virtual unknown, so what the heck!

  16. shaboo says:

    he needs to stop dressing like an 18 year old emo

  17. folly says:

    okay this is funny,she has not been seeing like forever brad say something and she appear,nice play aniston

  18. Abs says:

    I had my reservations about Justin, but they look happy with each other. She looks great. Love her style.

    Apparently you shouldn’t break up with people if you have been with them for a long period of time. Suffer in silence, folks. I would prefer it if someone was honest with me and let me move on with my life.

  19. Turtle Dove says:

    Love JustJen together.

    Brad’s comments = get over it. He made an amendment and it’s over.

    Kaiser, Jen’s looking a bit plumper in a couple lady baby areas to me too, but I’m not gonna hold my breath. As the fall hits, I always go up a couple pounds, so….

    As for the 14 year girlfriend. If he hasn’t put a ring on it after TWO, he never will. Move on. Stop stirring the pot people. Let it go already.

  20. DenG says:

    It appears to me that even though he’s taller, they have the same inseam length–maybe they wear each other’s jeans.

  21. Roberto says:

    Oh, who cares…leave them alone, already!! Someone should just outlaw the paparazzi!! They keep shoving the faces and lives of these people down our throats.
    And, NO, you can’t ignore it ’cause it’s everywhere

  22. Cirque28 says:

    OMG, his clothes are making me giggle. He wears black on the outside because black is how he feels on the inside.

    She does look a little like she’s knocked up. Just slightly rounder. Looks nice! But will the baby come out wearing sunglasses and gazing down at the sidewalk?

  23. Bite me says:

    I like them together… Hope it last for awhile 🙂 and Jen has a great bOdy and hair 🙂

  24. Chloe says:

    About Jen getting possibly pregnant so quickly – just how disrespectful would THAT be! (I like how the fanbase discourse created in defense of JA can easily be turned against her)

    I also totally love the idea of them bumping into Bivens in NY. It would make awesome gossip.

    It must suck to be photographed each time you leave the house.

  25. Launicaangelina says:

    I like them together. I don’t feel sorry for his ex. Sometimes relationships don’t work. I agree that he seems comfortable with himself and he’s holding himself well with the onslaught of attention.

  26. notafan says:


  27. Paloma says:

    I wish she would lay off the top lip enhancing procedures. It makes her look strange.

  28. Anonny says:

    @Abs, I think the criticism for him is that he wasn’t honest with his ex.

    What’s with the double-coats and scarves? I know it’s chilly, but dang, it’s not that cold out!

  29. atlantapug says:

    Holy shit, this girl need a new look.

    Love her, but the straight hair, black clothes and big ass scarf need to go.

    And I hate his hairline, creepy in an Eddie Munster way.

  30. Alex says:

    I find it weird how someone in a long term relationship can suddenly find “true love” so fast. I just wouldn’t trust a man like that.

  31. Evie (not Eve) says:

    I can’t help it, I think they’re really cute together. She does look softer, to me. Maybe not preggo, but possibly “love weight”? Maybe she’s staying home to hang out/have sex with Justin, rather than working out.

    Looks like the paps are swarming her NY apartment too. I don’t think they can go anywhere or do anything without it being snapped. They took and sold pics of the man reparking his motorcycle, for heavens sake. It must be such a strange way to live. I wonder how you prepare someone for that? A non-celeb/civilian probably couldn’t handle that at all.

  32. chloe says:

    Good Lord people, Brad and Angelina were photographed going out in London today, was that a PR stunt from them? I’m betting both couples were just hungry and wanted to eat. When you’re in city like NY or London the paparazzi are everywhere and after Brad’s Parade interview their working on overtime.

  33. Shelby says:

    They are starting to bore me. I also hate her jeans and loafers.

  34. Launicaangelina says:

    @Abs – totally agree. Let me know so I can move on!

  35. DemoCat says:

    @Cirque28: Love the Smiths reference!

  36. Mare says:

    @ Alex
    From my experience, breaking up a long relationship usually doesn’t happen over night. From the moment you start thinking about breaking up until finally doing it, it can be months, in some cases even years. It sounds crazy I know, but that’s the way it is. It took me more than a year to finally find courage and leave. Honestly, I was ready for a new man the moment I packed my bags and went through the doors.

  37. mimi says:

    Agree Mare. And if he really loved the girl, after *14* years, he would have married her already. Sorry to say ladies, but the longer you’re with a guy and he doesn’t propose..the less likely he ever will.

  38. Eve says:

    Oh, and do her hips look bigger to anyone else?

    It was the first thing I noticed (especially her upper lip).

  39. hmm says:

    Why isn’t she considered a home wrecker and a person lacking a sensitivity chip? I mean, haven’t they done what her fans accuse Brangelina of doing. Why the double standard? Oh, I forgot the ex isn’t famous and Aniston is America’s sweetheart. Nevermind.

  40. Cherry Rose says:

    I actually like them together and hope this works out for the both of them. They both seems pretty happy with each other, so I wish them the best.

  41. Iggles says:

    Since there’s as much “evidence” to suggest that Justin Theroux did the exact same thing that Brad Pitt allegedly did with Angelina Jolie, how is it that Aniston is forever the victim again? Look at her – she’s fine. She’s got a boyfriend that she loves, and she’s happy. Stop throwing pity parties for her.


    I can’t get over how oddly shaped his body his. He’s got short stubby legs and a long torso… Meh..

  42. JP Fan says:

    I find it so amusing how loonifers now are rationalizing how someone can move on very fast. Yeah what the heck did you you guys crusify Brad and Angie for the past six and a half years for. At least they fell in LOVE AFTER Brad separated from Dulliston! Heidi was still living with him LMAO! Plus Mr Eddie Munster was BOUGHT by Jen and Huvane! OMG I sure hope somehow they stay together, looks wise they are so compatible…unfortunately I think this dude has a few brain cells and his ego stroking newfound fame and mulla won’t keep him from getting bored after Wonderbust opens and we’ll have another darn round of “pitty parties” How many man is this ho going to bore to death before she realizes, it’s HER not THEM???

  43. Canuck says:

    Geez Cheyenne, maybe he was, oh I don’t know… bored but is far too much a gentleman to say so.

  44. smh says:

    She always dresses like she’s still mentally stuck in the 90’s. I guess John Mayer was right about one thing after all.

  45. Eve says:

    LOL! I read “lips” instead of hips in that sentence. So the correct answer is no, her hips look the same to me.

  46. gee says:

    LOOOOOOOVE her shoes in the last pic!

  47. stella says:

    Justin seems so protective of her which is nice to see. Brad was (and is) a jackass. I knew his and Jen’s marriage wouldn’t last due to his wondering eye. She was his rebound after Gwyneth cheated on him with Ben Affleck. So they ended up together by default and should never have married. The end.

  48. Lee says:

    They’re so cute together. And I like her purse. Oh, and BTW, he WASN’T MARRIED before. He had a girlfriend. Now he has a different girlfriend. End of story. Or actually, it’s the beginning of a new story, hopefully for the ex-girlfriend too.

  49. Cheyenne says:

    Turtle Dove: If he hasn’t put a ring on it after TWO, he never will.

    Wrong. I know couples who lived together for five years or more before they got married.

  50. blonde on the dock says:

    Very cool couple although he could use a wardrobe enhancement.

  51. nemera says:

    so when they are papped then it is because the paps are waiting outside.. but other couples are calling ahead..

    OK.. anyway I hope it last. Nothing better than a person in a relationship so her fans can enjoy it and move on and leave the past in the past.. Unfortunately reading the comments from all that does not seem to be the case.

    It must be nice for them to be able to wall around without people noticing or recognizing them.

  52. JulieM says:

    I find it rather funny reading how knowledgeable both teams members are about people they have never met and how much emotion is invested in defending their idols. Glad I don’t have a dog in this hunt.

    I think these two look pretty happy, though. Funny how things (eventually) work out for the best. Brad is happy with Angie and Jen finally looks happy with Justin. Besides, both couples court the paps.

  53. normades says:

    yeah, she looks preggers (for her)

    @brin: lmao!

  54. tracking says:

    NYC isn’t LA, where you can live behind a gate and drive past the paps. They can either leave the apartment, enjoy their great neighborhood, and get pap’d– or hide out. With all the pregnancy rumors, paps are going to be nuts trying to get a ‘money’ shot. They probably figure if they go about their business it will simmer down eventually.

  55. Cami says:

    Feel sorry for Heidi. 15 years and he just start sleeping with Jen. This guy is a d bag. He is so insensitive to Heidi’s feelings. Jen sure didn’t care about breaking up their relationship. May be Justin should have stayed with Heidi instead of looking for happiness with Jen.

  56. Coucou says:

    Jen got herself an Angie, just like Brad did…dark, a little crazy, obviously sexy…not sure who’s the better actor, but glad to see Jen is moving on anyway, because, if i try to picture Brad with Jen now, it’s just stale milk toast, but Angie and Justin give it the spice they need.

    Oh who cares really? We probably care more than they do. Scratch the probably.

  57. Jenn says:

    I’ve never seen her wear so much black, looks great. If they’re happy, I’m happy for them. =>

  58. Callli Pygian says:

    Call me crazy, as I have not been pregnant for over ten years- but isn’t sushi/sashimi a no-no whilst pregnant ( along with ripened/soft cheeses[listeria]& unpasteurized food? I doubt she is knocked up. But whatevs.

  59. fallen says:

    Man is it already that cold in NYC?

  60. Linda says:

    I am very happy that at long last Jen has found love. I wish them the very best.

  61. lilibet says:

    How does going out to get lunch with your boyfriend who you’ve been with for 5+ months get interpreted as rubbing the ex’s nose in it?!

  62. FingerBinger says:

    Why is he always dressed like a gay biker who is trying sooo hard to be straight?

  63. Cheyenne says:

    @lilibet: The same way Brad Pitt talking about being happy with his partner and children gets interpreted as rubbing Aniston’s nose in it. Post anything about the either one of them and rationality goes out the window. It’s just the way it is.

  64. DD says:

    ahoyhoy – that is exactly how it went down with her ex-husband and the woman he left her for, and it’s worked out pretty well for them. Maybe it’s finally dawning on her that this is the way the world works. When a man leaves a long term/committed relationship for you, you move.. and move fast!
    Actually I’ve been barely keeping up with the history of this relationship so I’ve no idea, but what you described is exactly what happened when her marriage ended 🙂

  65. Turtle Dove says:

    Cheyenne (49) – It does happen, but from what I’ve seen those situations are the exception not the rule.

  66. dave says:

    I don’t like his nazi boots, don’t rly get his style. But then again I never understand any celeb outfits. With gag on top of my list.

  67. Tiffany says:

    I cannot believe that no one is pointing out how Jen is conforming to her new boyfriend stylewise, looking like an overaged hipster. Everyone talks about Pitt doing it and now Jen is guilty of it as well.

  68. irene harvey says:

    the statistics, in case anyone cares, are this: 80% of couples who live together for 5 years or more without putting a ring on it, eventually break up.
    also everybody (it seems) in nyc wears black all the time. i think it’s the law:-) my nyc friend opened her closet to me once & every single item in it was black. so it looks like they are just fitting in.

  69. Me says:

    SHe must be going through a terrible time with her mother’ health issues, and her silly ex husband bashing her in the most public way.

    That new guy seems supportive and caring.
    She looks sad. Who can blame her.

    They both seem very comfortable with each other, so good for them.

  70. Chloe (not chloe) says:

    I’m sure Theroux and Bivens were on a break when he met JA.

  71. Camille says:

    Theroux looks like such an idiot. A greasy, douchey, orange idiot.

    There is NOTHING ‘cool’ about these two. That idea is laughable LOL.

  72. Larissa says:

    Camille : Thinking something is cool is really more of an opinion than an idea. And to each their own! I am just really tired of these non-stories gossip about JA. She is out with her boyfriend ffs, they dont leave in a cave and good for them! Now if it bothers so much , so many people and they are Oh so boring! Why you people keep coming to read and comment about them???? I mean, she doesnt need any PR stunts because of people like you.

  73. Svetlana says:

    People are saying she’s morphing into him, style-wise, but I don’t see it. She’s wearing rolled-up boyfriend jeans, a scarf and a frickin’ blazer. He’s still wearing his skinny jeans, band t-shirts, and motorcycle jackets. Is it because she’s wearing black? Is it that odd that she’s wearing black in the fall, in NYC?

    Maybe if she starts dressing like Zooey Deschanel, then maybe his hipster is rubbing off on here. But not yet.

  74. Georgette says:

    @60, Lilibet – “How does going out to get lunch with your boyfriend who you’ve been with for 5+ months get interpreted as rubbing the ex’s nose in it?!”

    Well … how did Angie getting pregnant in 2008, three years after Brad’s divorce from Jen, get interpreted as rubbing Jen’s nose in it and ‘hurting’ her all over again?

    I actually think there is more evidence in Jen and Justin’s case to suggest they started their affair WAY before Heidi Bivens found out. Probably before Jen bought her NYC apartment back in February. And before this year, the only time you read about Jen being in NYC was when she was shooting a film there. But since January it seems that every other week a picture of Jen in NYC has appeared in a magazine.

    There is also the weird timing of their ‘dating’ announcement … first stated as June and when they were in Hawaii stated as the first week in May. As soon as it became known that Justin had recently been in a 14-year relationship with Heidi Bivens, disclaimers from Justin’s ‘friends’ appeared in magazines saying that Heidi and Justin had an on again off again relationship and that they’d broken up for good months ago. Unfortunately for the ‘friends,’ photos of Heidi and Justin attending “The House of Blue Leaves” Broadway premiere on April 25, 2011 surfaced in many sources, including Heidi and Justin looked very much like a couple in those photos and the caption under the photo in read “Justin Theroux and his long-time love Heidi Bivens.” So it seems that Heidi wasn’t the only one who thought she was still in a committed relationship as of April 25, 2011.

    Three weeks later, Jen introduced Justin to her friends as her ‘new’ man at a dinner she hosted in Los Angeles. Heidi looked shell-shocked in photos taken of her in June the weekend she moved out of their apartment, so I’m wondering if Justin even told her at all.

    And that is what’s always bothered me about the Brad-Angie-Jen thing. People went on and on about how hurt and humiliated Jen was by the Brad and Angie hook up, and how she deserves happiness after what she went through. That suggests that Brad left Jen and the next day appeared in Africa with Angie in April 2005, completely blindsiding Jen with the news in the press. But in Jen’s 2005 “Vanity Fair” interview Courtney Cox collaborated Brad’s account of what happened, saying that Brad ‘was’ honest with Jen and told her everything before they separated in January 2005.

    Sorry for the long post, I’ve just always been amazed at how the hatred for Angelina Jolie led so many of Jen’s fans to disregard what was said by all parties at the time. And now that Jen finds herself in a similar situation, none of what was SO important in 2005 seems to matter at all … especially the ‘girl code.’

  75. ViloDeMenus says:

    I wonder if they got a lot of side eye during their trip because everyone loves Heidi so much, and during fashion week Heidi would have been everywhere, odd choice and timing to be in NYC if your leaving your home because you’ve ruined the neighborhood by creating chaos, when you really need to live in a gated community because this was bound to happen. I don’t think her boy toy realized what a mess he was getting into and that he’ll never live normally again. Oh but all that money he’ll be rolling in…

  76. Yvette says:

    I finally figured out what’s bugging me about her lips. They look like Goldie Hawn’s lips did after getting that injection in “The First Wives Club.” That’s why her mouth looks so weird when she talks now.

  77. LIVEALOT says:

    LOVE the second to the last photo of them AND her bag!

  78. bite me says:

    shes pregnant!

  79. april says:

    Unfortunately, I think you get more public sympathy for a 14-year marriage that ends in divorce than you do a 14-year unmarried relationship that ends.

  80. april says:

    She probably is pregnant. Why else would she have on those ugly jeans with the hideous crotch hanging out.

  81. OhMy says:

    Poor jenny……isnt she tired of being the rebound girl? This thing with McMidget isnt going to end well. Most celeb watchers know that. Why doesnt jenny know that? Or does she? Hmmmmmmm.

    Masochism, anyone? Eternal victim, anyone? Cognitive dissonance, anyone?

    Lets see……she was the rebound girl for Brad after the demise of his much-publicised engagement to Gwynneth Paltrow.

    Jenny was the first person he began dating and then subsequently married after the then love of his life (Paltrow) and he broke up.

    You all understand the concept of the rebound person, dont you? Vince Vaughn was jenny’s rebound man. And when he left that, he was famously quoted as saying he didnt want to waste his or anyone else’s time. And then the next we heard from him, he had met, courted and married the love of his life and they now have a baby.

    The role of the rebound person is to help the other to get over a break up and then they both move on. Is jenny Justin’s rebound girl?

    I think we will soon find out…..just a few more months to go……..

    Now back to pointing out jenny’s dullness………with the string of highly publicised booty calls that jenny has had since 2005, there is the infamous hook-up with john mayer.


    And in his tell all, he revealed that she is “stuck in 1998” (the year she met Bra, btw); and mayer said she’s a nice girl, but he doesnt want to spend his time sitting in someone’s kitchen petting the dog.

    C’mon people. Think!………there is an abundance of evidence to support the fact that jenny is a boring piece of assss.

    She herself admitted that she is fcuked up. She still carries scars from what she said was her mother’s dissing, telling her at age 7 that she was not pretty; then there is her infamous public estrangement from her mother and her public confession that she didnt want to become a bitter divorcee “LIKE HER MOTHER.”

    Then there is her astonishing declaration that her mother is a disease.

    Then there are her interviews where she said if anyone were to exchange places and live her life for one day they “would be, like….in hell.” THAT’S A VERBATIM QUOTATION.

    Then there is her public damage-control apology to her husband (2003 post-emmy dissing of him) when she thanked him “for holding me together, man”.

    Then there is her well-known addiction to therapy, where she has been in therapy for as long as she has been in HW.

    Then there is the well known fact that the first 2 years of her marriage were spent in couples therapy. Then the next one was spent apart from each other (Brad spent 6 months filming Troy and jenny visited him ONCE!) And then finally, Brad checked out in 2004, such that she is publicly quoted as saying she knew her marriage was over from the summer of 2004.

    The one constant in jenny’s entire HW life has been steven huvane. She should get down on her knees everyday and thank Brad for the connections which facilitated her securing that original CAA contract because they never used to represent teevee people.

    And you wanna know why steven quite literally still holds her hands to help her navigate her dubious HW ‘career’? As they say in business, “where’s the percentage in that?”

    Well, try 15%.
    Of her reputed $100,000,000.

    Ka-ching! LMAO.

  82. Chloe (not chloe) says:

    the statistics, in case anyone cares, are this: 80% of couples who live together for 5 years or more without putting a ring on it, eventually break up.

    Can you please provide a reliable source (that is, not wikipedia) – I’m not trying to deny it, it’s just when people refer to numbers, statistics and scientific facts, I like them to be precise.

    Otherwise it’s just my experience and opinion vs. someone else’s experience and opinion. (Not that scientific facts always apply to individual cases)

    Sorry for the off-topic 🙂

    edit and sidenote: For example, suppose I write “over 50% of marriages in America end in divorce” my reliable source would be the U.S Census Bureau and their reports published here:

  83. Lauren says:

    Jen loves her Eddie Munster animal jungle sex. I am so jealous. Jen deserves some happiness.

  84. Sophie says:

    Her lips have become like Nicole Kidman’s lips. Awful!! What’s wrong with these women that love their lips looking like a vagina? As to Jen personally I have nothing admiring to say. She is just shallow. I have read and listened enough of her interviews and they are all boring to hell.

  85. Svetlana says:

    @Oh My

    Well, that was certainly…long and detailed.

  86. Dana M says:

    Wow, her hair sure does grow fast.

  87. Cheyenne says:

    Oh come on, Irene, I live in NYC and I don’t wear black all the time and neither does anyone I know. She’s trying to morph into Theroux and not doing it very well.

    And why does she ALWAYS have to wear that damn muffler around her neck? Is that her security blanket or what?

  88. silkworm says:

    Does anyone know what bag she’s carrying? I’ve seen that bag a couple of times on her and I’m dying to know what it is. It looks gorgeous.

  89. Sunlily says:

    That’s kind of a stupid looking hat. He could at least find one that covers up that unfortunate hairline.

    Her BF jeans make her look like she has a penis. One bigger than her bf.

  90. Evie (not Eve) says:

    Her bag is a Tom Ford “Flap Over Zip Bag.” Idk if that’s the official name, but that’s what I’m seeing online. Available at Tom Ford stores/boutiques for $4,000. It’s a cool bag, but my car’s probably not worth that much. Lol.

  91. sandy says:

    Going by some of the comments here I get the picture that it’s okay to date a guy who is in a 14-year old relationship with his girlfriend as long as they are not married. Some can go to any extent to defend Jenny’s good girl image and to prove she isn’t a home-wrecker. By their logic then all the unmarried people living with their partners and having children are available because they aren’t married. If Heidi was a famous film star people would be throwing pity parties for her, because she isn’t I guess her emotions don’t matter to some.

  92. Dusty says:

    Wonder if she had sushi, a no-no for pregnant folks!

  93. Flan says:

    Hope he isn’t just with her for the publicity.

    Had never heard of him before he dated Jen.

  94. april says:

    Sandy: You’re right.

    I think currently marriage holds more weight over live-in relationships. Therefore, people are pretty ambivalent when a live-in relationship ends.

  95. smh says:

    @Ohmy To be fair, Jeniston called her relationship with her mother, not her mother as a person, the last cancer in her life to be healed. Or something to that effect, correct me if I’m wrong. But the point is, she never effing grows up! Come on this is her mother, the person who gave birth to her, looked after her until she was old enough to do so. My mother was much worse than hers! She used to beat me up for hours and insult me for years and this went on from like age 4 to until in my early twenties. But if my mother had a stroke I would stand by her in the hospital. I would help her out, move her to my place for a while. I would help her in finances and I would have certainly invited her to my wedding. J.A. never introduced her to her husband until their experiment-marriage was almost over… Jeniston is such a shitty person, I can’t believe some people still buy into that “sweetheart” crap. What kind of sweetheart calls the paps on her new p.r. relationship while her mother is terminally ill, broke and hospitalized? She is just not a good person, I’ll bet in her private world she is much meaner than she looks. Oh and she is criminally soul-less and boring lol

  96. mia says:

    Why would does the fact that Jen “is fine” now, + the fact that Justin ‘also did it’ lessen her pain? Brad was her ticket into super-star-dism and now he’s gone & took the super-star-dism with him. Ouch, that gotta still hurt.

  97. JulieM says:

    Wow, look at all the hours spent researching the “sad and shallow” life of Jennifer Aniston. Look at how much time and emotion is invested in destroying JA’s character. This is unintentionally both funny and pathetic.

    Is this all just a substitute for fantasies about living Angie’s life and getting to **** Brad?

    Saw a picture of A and B yesterday out and about in Paris and did they ever look glum and, horrors, boring. J and J look fresh and alive by comparison.

  98. Coco says:

    In this post I don’t see pics of a cracked out woman getting inappropriately up close with her equally cracked out mom or a woman proudly showing off a completely mangled plastic surgery face. All you have here is a middle aged actress walking around NYC with her current main squeeze.

    And yet looking at the comments in this thread, it’s clear that the fact that Jennifer Aniston simply “exists” causes such OTT aggrieved hating; it is truly bizarre. We’re all here to snark & bitch on our celebs of choosing. Yet whenever it comes to JA you would think that posters have had a personal encounter with her where she stole your parking spot or walked up to you and slapped you in the face. When in fact this a very famous, multi millionaire (many times over) actress who very likely doesn’t 1)know or care that you exist and 2)have such passionate feelings about her extremely “dull, lame, boring lifestyle”

    Funny that this dull, lame, uninteresting, middle aged woman consistently attracts huge amounts of attention and very passionate hating. Amazing the power this “dull” “lame” “boring” woman has over some you.

    The Onion had a very funny piece mocking this type of hatred just a few days. Just replace Hatahway for Aniston and it perfectly describes what you seen in any JA thread.

    “Area Woman’s Baseless Hatred Of Anne Hathaway Reciprocated”

    HOLLYWOOD, CA—Actress Anne Hathaway admitted to reporters Thursday that she feels the same baseless hatred for a Massachusetts woman that the woman feels toward her. “You can tell Cathy Lerro’s totally in love with herself, even though she’s really just fucking annoying,” Hathaway said in reference to the 36-year-old Sudbury resident, who the Devil Wears Prada star grudgingly acknowledged was decent that one time as an office manager but hasn’t done anything nearly that good since. “Ugh. Just hearing her name makes me kind of ill. And that voice.” When questioned further by reporters, Hathaway vehemently denied her hatred for Lerro was motivated by jealousy

  99. Maritza says:

    All I got to say is that in the long run everyone ends up with the person they are suppose to be with, destiny is fickle that way.

  100. kikay says:

    Go JustJen,they are so cute together,i hope she’s knocked up,it’s better to have a baby with this one rather than the douchebag high as a kite ex of his who can’t get over her.

  101. Katherine says:

    She looks ridiculous. Is she trying to match his poseur look?

    I think she’s trying to hide her middle age spread. Her waistline and midriff seem to blow up every now and then.

  102. OhMy says:

    The jenny-apologists just dont get it, do they?


    For people who love to say how much they love to snark and biitch on celebs, some of you snark-for-snark’s sake people here either have no power of retention; are highly ADD-afflicted; or are 12 years old and know nothing.

    I tend to think its ADD – i hear that there is a very high incidence of ADD among the obese population……

    Heres the thing: a significant porttion of the life of A-list celebs (which jenny became by default and which folks like Brad, Angie, Cruise, Hanks, Depp, Kidman, Blanchett, Cruz, Winslet, Streep, etc. all gained through dint of hard work and talent) is PUBLIC. KNOWLEDGE. – gleaned through their numerous LEGITIMATE INTERVIEWS in both the print and electronic media.

    Anyone…..ANYONE! who is even remotely interested in movies and who, over time, has read more than one of the legitimate interviews of any A-lister; and has even the most basic retentive abilities, will be able to recognize even ONE of the many FACTS presented in my post above about jenny.

    Whenever i come on this site on a Jenny thread, it perplexes and amuses me to see her defenders get apoplectic in the face of even the most basic KNOWN fact about her which is even remotely unflattering.

    Heres the thing: i despise weak women. i despise women who use their wiles in a manner designed to deceive the undiscerning and when i see it in action, i feel compelled to point it out.

    Jenny is a prime example of a weak woman who, aided and abetted by the infamously unscrupulous steven huvane, uses her wiles to pull the wool over the eyes of the easily led and the wilfully ignorant.

    Contrast that to a woman like Angelina. She is a strong woman – her detractors have so bought into her strength of character that on sites such as fugly females they have built a hate shrine with the expressed purpose to “take. her. down.” (in the event that “karma” fails to do its job – apparently theyve been waiting for the past 6-going-on-7 years for this to happen.)

    Angie is strong, she is bold, she is brave, she is fierce, she lives out loud unapologetically and authentically. EVERYONE recogonize these truths about her. Her fans also know her to be soft and empathetic and nurturing and loving and vulnerable and all those other qualities that make for a really well-rounded human being.

    Many low self-esteem women have a natural aversion to women like Angie – forget the Brad-humiliated-jen-and-“cheated”-with-Angie-and-so-Angie-must-pay-for-this-for-the-rest-of-her-life brigade. Its just one of those mysteries of life that weak women hate strong women.

    And so, by default, they see jenny as needing their protection and coddling because her natural born protector and coddler abdicated his life-duty to swallow his own desire for self-actualization in service to her and, instead, LEFT HER!!! SUCH TEMERITY!!! And to add insult to injury, he left poor weak jenny for a woman like Angie who already has it all.!!!!! (insert sarcasm here.)

    And so it becomes the life-duty of weak, jealous, low self-esteem women everywhere to prop up jenny.

    i wonder what jenny’s protectors are gonna do when she no longer can stave off the evidence of aging – given that her entire sense of self (and their sense of her) is wrapped up in her physical appearance?

    Or when justin goes the way of all men in her life. Only a few more months to wait and see how the justin saga unfolds, no?

  103. kikay says:

    her midriff is spreading because it’s either she’s prego or good lovin that she get from her boyfriend,that’s called real happiness that her big mouth ex doesn’t have,it’s obvious his ex is so jealous of this guy,because for a long long time he never say anything about Jen,this guy came along and all hell break loose in Brads fake perfect world,what a loser!

  104. Sara says:

    Has anyone ever considered that it could be possible that Justin and Heidi had an open realtionship? I mean 14 years together and no marriage and no kids? He is 40 years old. I have no idea if this is the case, but remember a lot of Hollywood couples have open marriages/relationships you just don’t hear about it.

  105. Lady_Luck says:

    Agree with turtledove. Any man who hasn’t put a ring on it after 2yrs never will. Likewise, any woman that tries to badger a man into putting one on it will only get resentment and an unhappy marriage. Heidi is big enough and old enough to know how it all works. All is fair in love and war!

    These two look genuinely happy and comfortable in each other’s company – much more so than brangelina who both looked strained and at loggerheads with one another. Look at the body language – it tells you everything you need to know. I wish JustJen the best of luck and fingers crossed as they make an adorable couple.

  106. Katherine says:

    Kikay, it’s called bloat – notwithstanding your fantasies.

    Brad didn’t even mention Jennifer in his article. He certainly didn’t diss her in any way. He was asked a question about that period of his life which encompassed his marriage. He answered it by explaining how his feelings about his marriage seemed to be one of the spurs that caused him to wake up from an unfulfilling life. It’s a common occurrence among people. Marriage can be a real waker upper – especially when it’s an unhappy marriage.

    The notion that Brad would be jealous of Jennifer and Justin is one of the funniest fantasies Jennifer’s fans have had in a long time.

  107. Cheyenne says:

    @Kikay: Just wondering; are you fifteen years old?

    Why in the world would Brad be jealous of a man who picked up the woman he dumped seven years ago and never gave the time of day to since?

    Wake up, honey. This isn’t fantasyland, you’re living in the real world now.

  108. Jeanette says:

    Omg..Laney says the whole ex thing is questionable..I love how u assume its true and criticize her actions based on a possibly false assumption..


  109. Pat says:

    @Cheyenne ” he dumped seven years ago and never gave the time of day to since?” First Jennifer dumped him. She filed for divorce and now the recent book has stated that she kicked him out. Second don’t you remember Brad’s recent statement. They have a friendship that he would not give up for anything. Seems according to Brad that he does give her the time of day.

    AS for them together – they do seem very relaxed and loved up. Finally. Maybe this whole triangle thing can end now.

  110. kikay says:

    Katherine,your reading comprehension is more funnier than your Brangelina fantasies.

  111. kikay says:

    @Cheyenne,sweetie go back to disneyland and play with Mickey and Duckey and whoever your favourite princess is,they’re the only one you can understand.

  112. clare says:

    They look like Meg Ryan and John Mellencamp. Seriously.

  113. Chloe (not chloe) says:


    @Ohmy To be fair, Jeniston called her relationship with her mother, not her mother as a person, the last cancer in her life to be healed. Or something to that effect, correct me if I’m wrong.

    Are you serious?

    Why is this woman talking CONSTANTLY about healing, like the whole world was there to get her. Her years after divorce with Pitt were spent on “healing” and “cleansing” in earlier interviews she talked about how Brad and her “taught each other a lot about healing”

    I mean come on.

    So your mother was overly critical to you and your father got a lover and a divorce. But you’re really not the only person out there with messed up parents and self-esteem issues. You were actually a pretty privileged brat who was given much more than an average kid.

    Grow up and get over yourself.

    Whenever I feel some sort of positive feelings towards JA I am reminded why I can’t stand this 40 year old brat-princess.

  114. Cheyenne says:

    @Pat: Two words: WAKE UP!!

    You Jenhens have the most incredible talent for deluding yourselves I’ve ever seen in my life, and your frantic efforts to re-write history are ludicrous. You guys really need to face some hard facts, whether you like them or not.

    Fact #1: Brad dumped Jen. No matter how you try to sugar-coat it, he dumped her. He let her be the one to file for divorce, because filing himself would have added insult to injury, but he dumped her immediately after their joint announcement that they were separating. He left he for Angie and he never looked back.

    Fact #2: Brad’s recent statement that they are good friends was an obvious attempt at damage control after the shitstorm that followed his interview. They are not good friends and have not been since he left her. Aniston’s father is on record as saying as recently as a few months ago that they have had no contact with each other since the divorce. Never mind what you read in the tabloids, there have been no secret meetings, no texting back and forth, etc. etc. Once Brad was gone, he was GONE.

    Whether or not Brad should have made any reference to his marriage in the first place, I’m not getting into. But he made it very clear that his marriage was a bad time in his life and a period he has put behind him and closed the door on.

    I’m sorry to trash your illusions. But you Aniston fans need to cut the crap once and for all. Brad couldn’t care less if Jennifer threw herself off a cliff or drowned herself at the bottom of the ocean. She was a part of his life once and now she isn’t and she never will be again. Gone. Over. The End.

  115. Iggles says:

    haha clare! Best comment of the bunch! Crusty love 😉

  116. april says:

    Cheyenne: I agree with your last comment.

  117. Chloe (not chloe) says:

    I think Aniston is a very special type of a toxic person.

    She appears (and in her mind is) a loving, caring person. I’ve watched her interviews, some of which were actually very touching – like the one with Diane Sawyer – with her tearing up, talking about difficult process of growing up and I actually *really* fell for her.

    Then I realized that the traumas she’s talking about happen to everyone: parents get divorced, mothers are overly critical to children, kids feel abandoned and inadequate.

    The thing is, most people learn to cope with that without the “woe is me” shtick, without trying to make the world pity them and love them because they’re unhappy, or were unhappy.

    The whole “healing” business proves that she’s focusing too much on negativity and phantom pains, which keeps her stuck in the past and working through past traumas instead of living her life, and being the positive person she claims to be. There’s already gossip (admittedly, only gossip) that she’s trying to get Theroux into couple therapy, preventively.

    Her constant focus on her issues is, paradoxically, what amplifies them. Maybe when she gets a kid, she’ll learn to focus on someone else beside herself. Maybe Theroux shakes her out of it. Either that, or he’s gonna bail out.

  118. Emma says:

    @Ohmy – “Whenever i come on this site on a Jenny thread, it perplexes and amuses me to see her defenders get apoplectic in the face of even the most basic KNOWN fact about her which is even remotely unflattering.”

    Like the fact that Jen is a HUGE pot head. Brad wasn’t sitting on that couch smoking a joint by himself. Ted Casablanca refers to Jen quite often as a pot head and often asks people who submit questions about her if they are smoking what she smokes. Her pot smoking seems to be an open secret in Hollywood, but her fans refuse to acknowledge it. For them, it’s Brad who was/is the pot head.

    There’s also the fact that Jen was engaged to actor Tate Donovan when Jen had her blind date with Brad, and she dropped Tate like a hot rock for Brad. She admitted on someone’s talk show (was it the Tonight Show?) after they got married that she slept with Brad the night they went on their blind date.

    Her fans also refuse to acknowledge the actual time-line of events surrounding Jen and Brad’s split (as someone up stream has already laid out). Brad didn’t just one day decide to leave Jen for Angelina. I distinctly remember being shocked at the news that Brad and Jen were separating. The news outlets said that the press release they got (the separation was announced in January 2005) came from both Brad and Jen, so where does the Jen-Hen fan-crazed notion come from that Jen raced around town questioning everyone she and Brad knew about whether or not Brad and Angelina were doing the nasty, then she kicked Brad out? In that scenario, Brad doesn’t admit any feelings for Angelina until after humiliated and outraged Jen confronts him and forces him to tell the truth.

    Jen-Hens skip over the vacation Jen and Brad went on in February 2005 with Courtney Cox and David Arquette with all the hugging and crying on the beach between Brad and Jen. Obviously, somebody was telling somebody else something pretty important. I agree with @Georgette about Brad telling Jen everything before they separated in January 2005. I think Jen tried to get him to stay with her while they were on vacation that February, but Brad had already made up his mind to leave the marriage.

    Count me among those who are waiting for someone to explain exactly how Jen was humiliated.

  119. lolas says:

    wow, i can’t believe the time and effort some of the posters have put in dissecting this…

  120. Evie (not Eve) says:

    All I know I that it takes a lot of mental energy to catalog and analyze and type out all the supposed faults and character flaws of a person one doesn’t even know. No member of this tabloid triangle has, to the best of my knowledge, eaten a baby or kicked a puppy. I mean, why let some celebrity, whether Angie Jo or Jenny A, take up so much real estate in your heads?

    I hope Jen & Justin are happy – they look really cute. I hope Brangelina stay happy, too. I want everyone to find their lobsters. Well, maybe not John Mayer. 🙂

  121. John Wayne Lives says:

    lol oh man, so many good posts on here..

    Oh look, it’s Dulliston and Eddie Munster out for their bi-weekly “is she or isn’t she preggos pap pics.

    WHAT ABOUT HEIDI.. god Dulliston! (she’s missing a sensitivity chip)

  122. Stubbylove says:

    The first thing I noticed was I love her coat and bag and what the hell is going on with his hair/hat combo?

  123. OhMy says:

    So apparently jenny and justin were strolling around nyc on Sunday, holding hands and hugging and whispering in ears etc. And i had a sudden attack of deja vu. And then it hit me: –

    – didnt this M-O begin with Vince Vaughn. You remember Vince, dont you? The “loyal friend” who jenny said was helping her to “heal her heart” and who her sycophants assured us was so in love with her and so much better than Brad? Yeah, he eventually bailed.

    – and wasnt this also the Paul Sculfor M-O? You remember Paul the obscure model, right? He was supposed to be “better than Brad” and was making jenny so “happy” and Brad was supposed to be all kinds of jealous. He eventualy bailed, saying that the lifestyle could cause him to relapse; him being a recovering drug addict and all that.

    — and wasnt this also the John Mayer M-O? You remember John, dont you? of course, who could forget the “douche” who, before he was a “douche” jenny said she “loved every inch of him”. He was the ‘Oscar boyfriend’ and was supposed to be “better than Brad” and was making jenny so “happy” and Brad was supposed to be all kinds of jealous. He eventualy bailed.


    — and wasnt this also the Bradley Cooper M-O? You remember ‘Brad 2.0’ Cooper, dont you? Of course, he was supposed to be “better than Brad” because he was so cultured and could speak french fluently (Brad-the-original is still learning French.) Anyhooo, Brad 2.0 was making jenny so “happy” and Brad-the-original was supposed to be all kinds of jealous. Brad 2.0 eventualy bailed. But not before he issued a press release to state categorically that he was not dating her. Bradley knows how the game is played and he was damned if he was going to be a patsy and let steven huvane turn him into Mr. Jenny Aniston. I guess Justin hasnt been paying attention.

    — anyhooo, wasnt this also the Gerard Butler M-O? You remember Gerry, dont you? Of course you do. Gerry was almost as zexy as when he starred with Angie in Lara Croft: Cradle of Life. But never mind that little faux pas on Gerry’s part. Who could forget that zexy hot Gerry was gonna sweep jenny off her feet – notwithstanding the epic fail of that copycat of Mr & Mrs Smith photoshoot in W magazine. What was their movie called? Booty Hunter? Anyhooo, Jenny was said to have been so ‘in love’ with Gerry. But that was before he stuck his finger up her butt in public – just to show us how much he respected her, you understand. But then stevie whisked him out of her limelight. But before all that, Brad was supposed to be all kinds of jealous. Gerry eventualy bailed.

    – and how about that short-lived fling with Josh ‘Sportfcuk’ Hopkins, huh? Huh? No worries if you dont remember him because his was a VERY short stay in the jenny sinkhole but he managed to do his little bit of damage by calling her a ‘sportfcuk’ before steven could whisk her away from that little imbroglio.

    – and we shouldnt forget that other shortlived fling with lindsay lohan’s sloppy seconds – what was his name, Harry Morton? (btw, do you know you can input: “jennifer aniston, lindsay lohans sloppy seconds” into google and it spits up the truth? Also input “jennifer aniston sport fcuk” and ditto. Google IS indeed our friend).

    — and now here comes Justin. He’s being dubbed ‘the love of her life’ in some quarters. (Do these sycophants not learn anything from history? Theyre gonna build up this guy to epic proportions and then tear him to pieces when the inevitable occurs.) Anyhoo, luckily, we all get to watch the M-O in real time this time. Already all the talking points have been exhausted: he’s “better than Brad”; he’s sexier than Brad; he’s just right for her and Brad was not; he’s her true love; (some have even used the ‘S’ word, as in: S o u l m a t e; she’s happy this time around; and of course, how could we forget: Brad is all kinds of jealous.

    But we still have a little ways to go before we can write the final sentence, as in: Justin eventually bailed.

    Pass the popcorn.

  124. blonde on the dock says:

    Seriously, some of you posters need therapy.

  125. Embee says:

    Justin looks like a kid wearing his dad’s yamaka.

    I hope Jen’s pregnant…I think it would help her stop navel-gazing. Don’t get me wrong, I like her, think she’s relatable and envy her figure. I admire her taking responsibility for her pain and getting therapy, and for talking about it in a way that–at first–was destigmatizing.

    But she really needs to move on.

    FWIW I think she’ll probably make a great mom. By all accounts she is a very loving person.

  126. Cheyenne says:

    blonde on the dock: Seriously, some of you posters need therapy.

    No one more than you, blondie. Wassamatta, does the truth hurt you all that much?

    Embee: Justin looks like a kid wearing his dad’s yamaka.

    Thanks for the best laugh I’ve had all day. That’s exactly what he looks like. BTW, it’s yarmulke. Y-A-R-M-U-L-K-E. (Unless a yamaka is a Japanese yarmulke? 😀 )

  127. Iggles says:

    OhMy for the win! Haha! Everything you wrote was spot on.

    @Embee: I severely doubt it. If she wanted a family she would have gone it alone or adopted (like Sheryl Crow) already. These showmances are a means to an end. Either she doesn’t want to get married or she’s not into men. In both cases, she’s frontin’ like she’s looking for true love to maintain her image.

    It’s not rocket science. Yet I’m amazed she has so many people fooled…

  128. matilda says:

    Gotta love how many posters claim they dislike Aniston, but come on here posting short stories and passionate responses (complete with details about interviews and statements Aniston has made over the years!!!) about the person they claim to dislike. There must be so much time on these people’s hands to research everything about Aniston, while claiming they don’t like her. People still can’t resist the pull of a Jennifer Aniston headline.

    Those posters who criticize Aniston on a regular basis probably know more about Aniston than those who claim to be fans of hers. How ironic…

    And I just love the fact that now Aniston doesn’t display the “desperate, mopey, pathetic” attitude that people accused her of having, the same people who once wished she’d just move the f*ck on and stop pining for Brad, now have nothing to say and appear to be desperate to cling on to any shred of ‘disdain’ they feel for someone they don’t even know.

    So instead they attack Aniston for her fashion choices, her face, her hair, her shoes, etc. ANYTHING, any excuse, they can find to keep on ‘hating’ Aniston, they use. Who’s pathetic now?

    Here’s a question: if you don’t like Aniston, why are you so invested in what she does or who she dates? Nobody is telling you to follow her every move, yet some of you on this site seem to love being so negative for the sake of being negative.

    Aniston seems happy with Theroux. Why not just leave it at that? Wasn’t that what most people wished she’d do? To find someone else and move on? But now that she’s doing that, people still aren’t satisfied.

    This does nothing but prove, IMO, that the “Jennifer hasn’t moved on, still loves Brad” and “Jen loves playing the victim” notions are not perpetrated by Aniston herself, but by the very same people who say she can’t keep a man and she milks the Love Triangle.

    You (Cheyenne, Oh My, Katherine, Chloe, etc) put Aniston in the position of being pathetic and a loser, because you love to bash her character. You want her to stay that way forever, to be as pathetic and desperate as you think her to be, because you are afraid that when she finally shows she’s happy and moving on (like what she’s doing now with Theroux), you will no longer have any reason to dislike her. You keep on feeding your own negativity, because you’ve taken it upon yourselves to be as bitchy as possible, and you can’t break that habit. So you hang on to every word Aniston says, reads every interview she gives, and follows her every activity because you want to keep on disliking her. It’s YOU, not Aniston, who keep fueling such negative emotions. You can just ignore her, like many people do, but you don’t, you can’t, and you won’t. And then you accuse people of being “Jen -apologists” for calling you out and disagreeing with your opinions.

    It shows in your posts. Count how many posts (and how long and detailed the posts are) you’ve made in any JA/AJ/BP thread and see how invested you are in this supposed love triangle. How many hours do you spend on this site scouring comments and replying to them in detail just to prove your point?

    There’s something wrong with people who keep on coming back to the same topic to comment over and over in the span of hours…even days. Y’all need a new hobby.

  129. Catherine says:

    I’m glad she seems to be so happy. Good for her!

  130. mzjask says:

    ok, Credit Where Credit’s Due!!!
    i called the pregnancy thing Days ago with her covering up the stomach as of late and when you mentioned her boobs bulging out of her bra the other day, further proof, I Totally Called It! 😉

    so glad jen’s found someone who will let her Shine!! i DEFINITELY hope she’s with child already! i love them as a couple!

  131. Cheyenne says:

    @matilda: Nobody but Aniston herself put her in the position of being pathetic and a loser. Get a grip. She is what she is.

  132. Embee says:

    @Cheyenne – thanks – ought to have googled. I was going by phonetics. 😉

  133. OhMy says:


    I hope you like eating your peas, mzj, because youre in for a world of disappointment if jenny touching her stomach is enough evidence for you to start congratulating her for supposedly being with child.

    Pssssst: She has mastered the hand-on-stomach-routine = jen-has-a-bun-in-the-oven-rumor so well, she has been doing it since the days when she was married to Brad and they were the putative ‘golden couple’ and the shiitrag writers/gossip mongers had all their senses trained on her womb.

    She not only played the masses with that hand-on-stomach routine, she even played Brad with it too. In fact, i understand that she presented him with a phony-positive pregnancy test for his 40th birthday. That would have been in 2003. Less than a year later, she was telling an interviewer that she knew from the summer of ’04 that her marriage was over.

    You know, this is why i dont understand people like @matilda who is so upset that nonfans know more about jenny than all her sycophants put together.

    Dear @matilda: its not rocket science, ya know? Heres the fundamental difference between jenny’s sycophants and other celeb watchers who are not fooled by her and steven huvane’s shenanigans: we have innate intelligence. Add to that, excellent discernment and communication skills; and when we read we also comprehend.

    We naturally apply our intelligence in our everyday lives so its not a stretch to transfer that innate ability to such online guilty pleasures as schooling jenny-apologists.

  134. Heine says:

    Matilda, I completely agree with you.

    The sad thing is all they’ll do is write you off with nary a thought about how sad and pathetic they are for intensely following someone they supposedly find boring.

    Why do you, folks who supposedly find her boring, feel the need to constantly comment about it? Why are you so wrapped up in her apparently boring life?

    Generally if I find someone boring or if I am uninterested in what they do, I don’t know a thing about them. I don’t follow news about them. I don’t comment about them. I can barely put their face to a name.

    Clearly she isn’t boring to some of you otherwise you wouldn’t be on every single post whining, bitching and moaning about her.

    Anyway, I think they are cute together. I’ve loved Justin Theroux since Mulholland Drive.

    I also think the paps are camped out in front of their apartment. Jennifer Aniston does not need to call the paparazzi. Pictures of her tying her shoes would sell.

  135. Semper says:

    “Celebitchy aims to be a friendly, welcoming site where people can discuss entertainment stories and current events in a lighthearted, safe environment without fear of harassment, excessive negativity, or bullying.”

    It’s become obvious that this site is only “welcoming” to people who worship Brangelina, because if posters like Cheyenne and OhMy attacked other commenters like they do for liking St. Angelina, they would be banned, end of story. But, because they share a certain moderator’s obsessive hatred for Jennifer Aniston, their bullying and harassment is allowed unchecked. This site has earned a reputation among the other gossip blogs, and it ain’t a good one.

  136. Stubbylove says:

    I’m amazed at how long some of these posts are – you really have THAT many thoughts on friggin’ Jennifer Aniston? I’m all for caddyness on this site – that’s what makes it fun – but WOW that’s a whole lotta opinion on someone you don’t know -it’s boarding on freak-A.

  137. mzjask says:

    @OhMy- you have waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy too much time on your hands hunnie. why not live your life and let others live?
    be well, my dear 🙂
    and i agree with @Semper, this site has gone dowwwwwwwwn the tube.

  138. Kim says:

    Her duck lips in the first picture are hilarious! She looks bad lately. Her hair is a mess, her outfits blah, her botox, filler and lip injections are terrible.

  139. Cheyenne says:

    @Semper: See that little X on the top right corner of your monitor? Click on that and your problem is solved.

    Mind the doorknob.

  140. spinner says:

    @Semper…I agree with you 100%

  141. Kim says:

    Celebitchy – you need to make there be a maximum of 10 sentences per response or something. Way to many of these comments are essays =(

  142. Kim says:

    Semper- than why are you here? Thats the beauty of the internet – if you dont like the site you are on you can leave it – amazing isnt it!

  143. Katherine says:

    LOL! Matilda aka Dr. Freud.

    Calling Dr. Bombay. Dr. Bombay, to the emergency room.

  144. Katherine says:

    “kikay: September 19th, 2011 at 9:42 am
    Katherine,your reading comprehension is more funnier than your Brangelina fantasies.”

    Hey, Kikay. Thanks. You’re “more funnier” than your fantasies, too. 😉

  145. loveyourwork says:

    Too bad JA isn’t a lesbian…

    She and Chelsea Handler would make THE perfect couple. They could reassure each other that the other was still funny and looked 35.

    Smoking, drinking, drugs, dogs.

  146. Clara says:

    I have never seen so much hateful comments. I feel sorry for you all If you were watched every move you make and every word you said. Then have everyone talk about you for no good reason except that they were just jealous. None of you would look good.You would not like what you see in people just like your self’s.

  147. Evie (not Eve) says:

    LOL. Writing comment thread dissertations and getting into pissing matches on the interwebz (about celebritities no less) kinda negates any argument based on “innate intelligence.” Snark away, but it’s really not that serious, yo.

  148. Cheyenne says:

    for spinner, semper and mjaszk:

    Here, ladies, just for you:

    Click on the link and find the Angie threads. Don’t be shy, dive right in. That website is Hate Angie Central. You’ll love it over there.

  149. Ajanni says:

    This guy looks like a creepy little Eddie Munster. Jeez, I can’t believe the paps are busting their butts trying to get a glimpse of this couple. I don’t know Jennifer personally but she does seem super boring. Her life appears to be nothing more than photo ops. I can see why Brad was tired of that mess!

  150. DD says:

    Cheyenne, why do you have such a hard on for promoting such a hateful site. I’ve never seen any poster on celebitchy push that site as hard as you.
    Since you think it’s such a crazy place (and it is, curiosity got the best of me, thanks chey), why the hell would you keep leading people over there. If you like them so much, I’d suggest you stop pointing ppl to a place where it can eventually catch the imagination of an unstable person. Please stop for the love of Brangelina.

  151. Heine says:


    See what I mean?

  152. Cheyenne says:

    DD, would you rather the haters stay here and infest this site? They will be happier in their own element and we will be happier without them.

  153. Trashaddict says:

    I’m really confused: Jen’s mom has a stroke and she goes to see her in Beverly Hills on Friday, but Saturday she’s back in NYC? That doesn’t seem like much of a reconciliation to me, unless Jen or Justin had some work going on in NYC that they couldn’t quit. I would NOT be going out to restaurants if my mom had just stroked out. That seems like the real story.

  154. Pat says:

    @Cheyenne – I just loved your response to me. I gave you a little tidbit and you went over the top responding with an essay! To funny. What I did enjoy however was your honesty in saying that Brad lied about his friendship with Aniston. Why exactly do you admire a man that you know lies openly?

  155. Coco says:

    Good grief, I thought this thread was pathetic when I made my initial comment, now it’s just sad.

    @matilda, semper & heine, your observations and comments are 100% spot on!

  156. Medusa says:

    I went to a tiny college with Justin…

    We had a very short eyeball relationship (which means nothing).

    He still dresses the same as he did in the 90s. Therefore I say Aniston is a pretty good match for him.

    Also, he is actually a really talented actor, saw him in a play or two in college and was blown away, and his Comic-style senior year art was pretty great.

    Always had that “I’m a douche, super awesome, all the ladies want me” look on his face, though, but he seemed like a pretty serious guy.

  157. Confuzzle says:

    He dresses like a teenager.

  158. smh says:

    @ Chloe (not chloe) 113: No, I’m agreeing with you. She is constantly whining about stuff that her mother passive-aggressively insinuated when she was growing up. And she never forgives that or her mother’s pretty harmless interview, but his father who cheated on and left her mum gets a free pass from her. Besides, I have known people (including myself) who grew up with far worse problems than her and those problems reached well into young adulthood years… and we didn’t have fame and fortune and weren’t enrolled in prestigious fame schools either, yet we learned to cope with our problems, learned from them, formed amicable relationships with our family and friends, and without the constant whining and prolonging the pain for ourselves. I think she is trying to create sympathy by looking so helpless and stuff-but I also believe she simply lacks the intellect and personality strength to overcome her problems since she is almost 43 now and still whining like a 12-year-old to reporters whom she treats like her confidants.

  159. LuckyLilGem says:

    Jen’s upper lip and region between her nose and lip have this wierd stiff almost Homer Simpson like shape. Noticed it in the movie The Switch, it’s like the filler in her lip has created some kind of stiffness in that area. That or she’s had Botox here to hide her cigarette smoking lip wrinkles. Yes, that’s probably it- botox.

  160. Tara says:

    Thanks for the onion article Coco! On an unrelated note, I love her look in the Saturday outing; yes I know I’m in the minority. Also, I’ll take pregnant for $200; She has the satisfied look of a sealed deal.

  161. Addie says:

    @matilda, semper & heine, 100% spot on!

    It has gotten a little crazy.

    You guys state your questions to the fanatics calmly and logically, then they come with the most insane comebacks and name calling. I mean come on, some of these woman are ADULTS and are acting like high school kids.

    I wonder why some defend celebs like they are part of their close family.

    This is SUPPOSED to be light hearted banter, not an all out war.

  162. Cheyenne says:

    @Pat: Oh for heaven’s sake, what did you expect him to say? “I threw the hag under a bus and the bitch deserved it”? Get with the program,, will you? You aren’t ten years old any more.

  163. Pat says:

    @Cheyenne – I just expect people not to lie to make themselves look better. Crazy me. People who lie out right really bother me. The truth is no one believed him so in the end he hurt himself. Pathetic man. No comment would have been better then a lie – but then I would never expect his fans to admit that he made a mistake.

  164. blonde on the dock says:

    Intersting you recognized yourself in my comment Cheyenne.
    By the way I’m not a blonde!

  165. Esmom says:

    For those who doubt JA is morphing into JT, check out her boots (and those boyfriend jeans have got to go)! lol:

  166. mary says:

    she just happen to hook up with a guy who’s uncle criticized publicly Brad and Angelina for their Africa charity work.

    He lives with a woman for 14 years but doesn’t marry her. I think gay and she wants a kid and he available for the job. He getting the PR and she getting the pressure off her to find a man after that Chelsea lately fiasco. Bashing AJ, she looked like she was part of the lonely heart club and still waiting around to see if Brad dumps his baby mommy.

  167. smh says:

    @159 probably why she speaks with a slur/wisp all the time lately.

    @165 i clicked your link and couldn’t believe at how childish that first photo of them looked. one would think they are 15/16 yrs old to be posing like that! yes i know they’re walking but it’s still posing since her terrible acting/fake surprised face makes it obvious that it wasn’t a candid…