Celebrity Halloween Pictures featuring Orlando Bloom, Liv Tyler & more

Celebrities enjoyed the scary holiday last night by trick or treating, going to parties, and handing out candy at home. My husband and our four year old son went out trick or treating in an “American” neighborhood here in Berlin and headed to a big Halloween festival afterwards. Only a handful of homes were giving out candy and they were scattered over a few blocks. Halloween gets me pretty nostalgic for America as it’s just not the same here. We did go to a big Halloween festival later in the night and the excellent beer and bratwurst almost made up for my disappointment. There were a lot of great costumes last night and the Germans do know how to party. They certainly make Christmas special here with all the Weihnachtsmarkts, or Christmas Markets, so we have another holiday coming up soon to celebrate.

The photos mentioned below are accessible through the thumbnails at the bottom, and the links below lead to the photos mentioned.

On Halloween night Liv Tyler and her estranged husband Royston Langdon took their son Milo, who turns four in December, trick or treating. Liv wore an adorable Charlie Chaplin costume while Royston was a knight and little Milo went as a dragon.

Brooke Shields, her husband Chris Henchy and their daughters Rowan, five and a half, and Grier, two and a half, were seen out trick or treating in the West Village in New York. Brooke had on a blue wig while Chris was in a short blonde wig. Their daughters were dressed as a dalmation and a poodle.

Natalie Portman headed to a Halloween Party in Beverly Hills in some kind of Power Rangers or robot mask.

Orlando Bloom and his friends handed out candy to trick or treaters at his house in Beverly Hills. He headed out on his motorcycle afterwards, wearing a colorful knit mask.

Uma Thurman was photographed bringing baked goods to her son Levon’s school in New York. She looked like her character in the upcoming film Motherhood.

Helena Christensen went out trick or treating with her son Mingus and friends in the West Village. She had on one of those last-minute Mom costumes with a poncho, striped skirt and cowboy boots.

Hope everyone had a great Halloween!

Photo Credits: Bauergriffin (photo names start with numbers, most photos taken in NY). Fame (photo names start with FP, most photos taken in LA)

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20 Responses to “Celebrity Halloween Pictures featuring Orlando Bloom, Liv Tyler & more”

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  1. devilgirl says:

    Gotta say that my costume last evening has beaten out any celebrity get up, and they have access to all sorts of swell stuff. ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. mojoman says:

    Aww, I have never seen Charlie Chaplin ever so gorgeous!

  3. jennifer says:

    devilgirl – what did you wear? I saw some FANTASTIC costumes around the neighbourhood last night – GOD I love Halloween LOL!

    Have you seen Heidi Klum’s costume? As usual it was FANTASTIC. I adore how that woman goes all out! I have a feeling there will be complaints about it, though, unfortunately ๐Ÿ™

  4. Kaiser says:

    Halloween has changed a lot in my little corner of America, CB. I have wistful memories of trick-or-treating and getting dressed up, but now the Evangelicals have declared war on anything “Pagan” – now I don’t get any kids on Halloween, they’re all at church. ๐Ÿ˜ฅ

  5. daisy424 says:

    We saw some fantastic costumes last night as well. Some of the best were on pups ๐Ÿ˜€
    We went through a huge cauldron of candy, lots of trick or treaters ๐Ÿ˜€

    The weather was perfect, no snow.

  6. hairball says:

    Kaiser, you made me think that this is why maybe it seems like every year there’s less and less kids coming to our house. When I was growing up, you’d see tons of kids out in the neighborhood, now you hardly see any it seems. A co-worker from work, who means well, gave me a brochure advertising fun at her mega-Church on Halloween. I bet that’s where a lot of kids go. I mean these mega-Churces have thousands of followers, that’s a lot of kids to take off the streets. Seems pretty ridiculous to me and after 8 years of Bush and the religious right crazies, I’ve absolutely had it with organized religion.

  7. gillian says:

    Natalie Portman has on a Strongbad mask.

  8. binary says:

    Kaiser & hairball, you are officially invited to my corner of Chicago next Halloween. One year I made the life altering decision to hand out full sized candy bars. Now the kids arrive to my house in herds at a time. We’ll take turns passing out candy, fawning over the outfits and keeping the dogs from having seizures at each new house guest that has arrived just to play with them. Good times, I tell ya! ๐Ÿ˜€

    And yeah, those crappy God Goobers can keep their proselytizing to their own ilk. ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

    One last note, this Sunday on TLC there is a program airing called “Purity Balls.” Think about it for a moment. I wonder if some snarky bastard at TLC named it that just for fun? I love it!

  9. ff says:

    So did no one get pictures of Dita Von Teese’s so called ‘normal’ girl ‘costume’?

  10. Wif says:

    Really Kaiser? I’m Canadian, and Halloween is still strong here in Southern Ontario. It reminds me of the segment in Bowling for Columbine where he shows how much fear Americans get fed in their media while Canadians don’t even lock their doors during the day (some do, I personally sometimes don’t even bother at night). Small wonder that people are running to the churches where they feel safe. It’s a shame isn’t it?

  11. Kaiser says:

    Hairball – Yep. It really started getting bad these last eight years… it really is the churches.

    Binary – I swear, I always got the best candy! Snickers, Reese’s cups, none of that “healthy” stuff. But my area is *extremely* religious. F-cking Baptists and their anti-Snickers agenda.

    Wif – It’s not fear of predators so much as the American Baptist/Evangelical movement away from anything that seems anti-Christian or Pagan.

  12. vdantev says:

    The church I formerly attended did something called “Hallelujah Night” on October 31st, where the kids were to dress up as people from the bible. The Jehovah’s witnesses got it right, they don’t acknowledge the date at all.

  13. Wif says:

    Yeah Kaiser, I don’t entirely mean fear of predators (although I partly do)I mean fear of everything, which that Evangelical tradition feeds on. Mustn’t go trick or treat because it’s courting Satan and his minions. It’s all just fear, fear, fear.

  14. daisy424 says:

    OMG, it’s a conspiracy! ๐Ÿ™„

  15. aleach says:

    i love halloween but i decided not to get dressed up this year. then of course when i went out, everyone was dressed up! ugh i was so mad at myself for not. haha
    livs son is too cute.

  16. Ophelia says:

    I never get trick or treaters and I live in a huge apartment complex full of kids.
    And Halloween actually IS Pagan. Many many years ago it was Samhein, which is pronounced more like sow-wen. It’s celtic. It was a Pagan holiday and then it was morphed/stolen into Halloween. I celebrate Samhein anyway, because I’m Pagan. It’s not a big scary thing. Lots of people are. I’m still a good person, I help people when they need it, and I don’t even believe in the devil, let alone worship it. Which a LOT of people think here in the South. I wish I still lived in Ohio.

  17. Katie A. says:

    Ummm, Paolo, what exactly did you just say? Sounds dirty!

  18. Fancy Dress says:

    Whats the deal with the Charlie Chaplin costume, it looks a bit lazy

  19. Why was Orlando bloom wearing a colorful knit mask? What was he supposed to be?