Angelina Jolie & Brad disagree about the death penalty: “It’s a fun debate”

These are some photos of Angelina Jolie yesterday in NYC. I really like this brown dress on her, honestly. I think this would have been a much better premiere look than the black sack separates that she ended up wearing. Angelina’s style strengths are 1) Coats and 2) Business attire. She does pretty well for herself if she’s just choosing suits and business-like dresses. I’m also including some photos from the premiere too, because I just can’t get over how hot Brad looks and how much he wants the Oscar this year.

Anyway, there’s still a ton of Jolie news to cover, because that’s what’s happening this week – All Jolie, All Week. This is how she promotes films nowadays. Yesterday, we had a preview of Jolie’s ABC News interview with Christiane Amanpour, and now ABC has released the full interview:

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Why she wrote the script: “I was thinking and meditating on these international themes of violence against women, lack of intervention, and how human beings are changed and warped by war, and how some people come out stronger and some people are truly broken,” Jolie told “This Week” anchor Christiane Amanpour, who covered the Bosnian conflict in the 1990’s. “There’s no safe way to tackle these subject matters, but I think the important thing is to discuss them and tackle them. This is our generation’s war. … this was, you know, the worst genocide since World War II in Europe,” she said. “It was– ‘what were we all doing?’ And ‘did we do enough’ and ‘why do we not speak about this enough’ and ‘why I don’t know enough about this?’ And so I wanted to learn. I felt a responsibility to learn.”

How it felt to be behind the camera: The actress said it felt “bizarre” to play the role of the writer and the director, but added that it was “great not to be in front of the camera.” Jolie said “writing is the hardest because it feels the most exposed. When you’re an actress, you use somebody else’s words and you can always blame the director and the director can say the editor,” she said. “But the writer is the one that kind of sits alone in the room and writes what they think is important, funny, historical, topical.”

She doesn’t think the film will be a hit: “We did it because we felt this is a war that isn’t talked about enough,” Jolie said. “I know it’s a hard film to sit through, but it’s two hours to sit through something that’s very hard, and these people lived through it for many, many years, and it was many, many times worse than any reenactment could possibly be. And I feel like it’s a gift and a duty to sit through two hours of what they lived through.”

On home-schooling the kids: “I’m being very careful with their schooling, we’re home-schooling especially when it comes to history, to make sure it’s not one country’s point of view of their country,” Jolie said. “Because it has to be very balanced and they have to learn about their country so they can form their own conclusions.”

On adoptions: “I look at them and think what their birth parents must have gone through, what their birth grandparents would have done through, and so I feel connected to it,” Jolie said. “It’s a gift when you adopt a child from another country. This whole country enters your home.”

She and Brad disagree about the death penalty: “I won’t say whose side anyone is on, but it’s the one, the thing nobody brings up at dinner because nobody wants us to go off on each other,” she said. “But it’s fun. It’s a fun debate, you know? It’s a good– you want to be able to have — to respect each other’s views and to not be exactly– we’re not identical. We have– we have strong views.”

The future: “I don’t feel needed in a position of being an actor. I feel like I’m needed at home as a mom, and I’m hoping that I’ll find other things,” Jolie said. “I’d love to be able to write or direct or work on and produce more projects about issues dealing with situations that I feel passionate about.”

[From ABC News]

Oooh, she and Brad disagree about the death penalty? I’m guessing that Brad is against the death penalty and Angelina is for it. And I would LOVE to see them fight about it.

One last thing – Patricia Cornwell just confirmed in a new interview that Angelina is still attached to play Kay Scarpetta. Cornwell said, “We’re still in the early stages of production. She’s attached to the project but all the other pieces need to fit together to make sure everyone’s happy with it – but it’s looking hopeful that everything will fall into place soon.”

Photos courtesy of Fame.

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121 Responses to “Angelina Jolie & Brad disagree about the death penalty: “It’s a fun debate””

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  1. Sweetpea says:

    Discussing the death penalty is a fun debate? I’m sorry, how am I to interpret that, Jolie-lovers?

    • Beregorl says:

      Well, I’m a lawyer and I don’t mind talking about the morality and the different sides of death penalty, euthanasia, abortion and other touchy subjects either. It’s great as long as the conversational partners respect each other and don’t want to force their opinions on the other.

    • MariPily says:

      I agree that fun isn’t really the right word for such an intense topic. Maybe I would have said lively? Passionate? But I’m sure she wasn’t trying to be flip about the subject…just a poor choice of words.

    • Original Chloe says:

      I would say it’s an unfortunate way of saying what she probably meant. Then again, if you’ve watched the clip above (and even only this clip and know nothing more about her) you must realize that this is not someone who thinks death is something trifle.

    • Jay says:

      My stab at it: Not that the topic is fun, but that intellectual sparring is fun. Though I’d more suspect it was said with a degree of sarcasm.

    • Emma says:

      I think she was probably talking about it being fun to go at it with Brad because of how passionately they both feel about things, about going at each other without losing respect, while still managing to stand their ground. I don’t think she was saying it was fun to discuss the death penalty per se.

  2. normades says:

    I think you’re right. Brad against, Angie for. Very smart she didn’t say which side they are on.

    • brin says:

      Yep, I agree.
      She looks great in these pics.

      • Freya says:

        That dress is nice from the back too. It’s open, with a button at the top and in the middle. You can see part of the tiger.

    • Emma says:

      I totally disagree. I think Brad, coming from the Midwest, would be more likely to support the death penalty than Angie.

    • normades says:

      Like Gymo says below Brad has been on record against the death penalty

      “Regarding the BP oil spill:
      Brad ” I was never for the death penalty before, I am now ready to look at it again”.”

      I love that Angie has just written her own blind item.

      • Eve says:

        One of the things I love about her is that the articles and posts about her (especially here) usually generates interesting, insightful comments and discussions.

        It’s not always the same thing, you know? Like when we talk about how famewhorish the Kardashian family is, or how drugged out of her mind Lindsay Lohan is, or how fashionable Sarah Jessica Parker is…and so on.

  3. Eve says:

    Oooh, she and Brad disagree about the death penalty? I’m guessing that Brad is against the death penalty and Angelina is for it.

    I think it’s the other way around. If I remember correctly he said something about that a while ago (regarding the oil spill in the gulf, non?), something like he used to be against it but that event made him rethink that?

    And I would LOVE to see them fight about it.

    She would win any argument with him easily. She’s a much better speaker (and smarter) than he is.


    Another thing that makes me think she’s the one against it is her humanitarian work. I find it hard to believe that someone who has seen the horrible things she has, and so up-close, would be pro-death penalty. My take on it, that’s all.

    • Lithe says:

      I think you’re right. I can’t see her supporting the death penalty.

      On another note, I understand AJ’s clothing choices because she and I have the same body type. While I don’t profess to be fashionable or stylish, I have to think she could stand to dress a little more youthfully. But I do love this shade of brown on her.

    • wordup says:

      or, just playing devil’s advocate here, maybe someone who has seen such atrocities feels like the perpetrators of those acts deserve the strictest punishment available?

      • Eve says:

        That’s a valid point and I actually thought about it too…but on a second thought I just couldn’t see her supporting the death penalty so I decided to go with that (my original comment).

      • jc126 says:

        That’s why I can’t decide who’s for and who’s against! OTOH, the countries Angelina goes to have very unfair, arbitrary justice systems, so maybe she would be against it on principle because the chances for horrible errors and injustices being done.

      • olcranky says:

        I was thinking the same thing

    • NM9005 says:

      Completely agree.

    • Cheyenne says:

      Jolie wrote a magazine article about justice for Darfur in which she said that people who have suffered from atrocities need to see their abusers punished or they will feel their suffering has been in vain. For that reason I think she is very much in favor of the death penalty in certain situations.

    • Freya says:

      Eve, I remember that too. I think he used the word ‘consider,’ so I think he could be against it but would consider it for the people responsible for the oil spill.

      She is probably for the death penalty for the worst criminals, like the one she went to The Hague for when he was on trial.

    • The Original Mia says:

      Yeah, I agree. She’s against it. He’s for it. I’m sure she’s seen too much death & injury from war to ever side with the death penalty.

  4. Lala says:

    AJ needs to lay off the fillers for a while. She’s starting to get awfully Nicole-Kidmanny in the face.

    • Emma says:

      How can you say that when the entire world (or at least, 15 million of us) saw her face move and reflect her emotions? Those are ‘not’ the signs of Botox or fillers.

  5. Newtsgal says:

    I think Brad’s for it, he is from the mid-west and Angie is against it.

  6. GrnMtGirl says:

    My guess is that Brad is for and Angelina is against. I sure would Love to be a fly on the wall for that conversation!!

    • carrie says:

      it’s the contrary and i don’t see where is “fun”?

      • Lithe says:

        I thought describing it as a “fun” debate seemed kind of odd. Sometimes she comes across as being being a little self-conscious and rehearsed (not that there is anything wrong with preparing for an interview to make sure it goes your way). When I read this piece, I got the sense that AJ came up with a list of “fun facts” about Brangelina that she could sparingly dispense during the interview and the death-penalty debate made the list.

        Of course, YMMV.

      • Cheyenne says:

        “fun” as in it’s stimulating and invigorating batting opposing ideas around. Couples who march in lockstep bore the bejesus out of me.

      • NM9005 says:

        I think certain discussions are fun too. It’s mentally challenging and stimulating. If you can improve each other than I think the relationship becomes so much more interesting and worthwile. But in the end, not everything should be discussed, you need to be compatible and on par with certain things. Complete opposites only work for so long.

      • Freya says:

        I think the arguing can be fun (you enjoy the back-and-forth and not argue angrily), even if it’s a serious subject.

    • LoveJolie says:

      Dont you worry. Insiders and Sources are coming

  7. Annaloo says:

    NICE bag!!! Does anyone know who it is by? I love it!

  8. Lol says:

    I would have thought it would be Ange against it? With all her human rights stuff.

  9. manda says:

    I would think Angelina would be against, and Brad would be for. Hmmmmm.

    I don’t like how she assumes the kids will want to take up her mantle and volunteer in “their countries” when they get older. They may want to, but they may not. It’s not fair to kids to foist such expectations on them.

    • Heaven says:


      she’s said it before that it would be an outlet/platform for her kids someday, (but as a mother and humanitarian, I’m sure it’s her hopes and dreams for them to take on the task) however, she said that they’ll let them decide what they want to do.

      I think children needs to be led by their parents. They are children after all. Children needs to be exposed to the world and molded to be big hearted and to be great thinkers, dreamers and doers. And when they can start thinking on their own, and know responsibility and what consequences their actions bring them and actually face it, that’s when you let go of your hand that’s holding them.

      Look at Princes Diana, she exposed her children to her humanitarian work, they know in their hearts, that that’s what they want to do, so they do it.

      It’s not as different as a mogul with a billion dollar empire and their children working for them and in the end following their footsteps. In the end after all, most children end up becoming who their idols are.

  10. blonde on the dock says:

    Both of those outfits are a total disaster and she is a bag of bones. I find Angie very pretty but next to someone like Charlize Theron she would look like a wilted flower.

    • lisa says:

      YOU keep pimping Charlize, I actually like her, but since Angie is not your taste stop posting on ALL and I mean ALL of her threads.

      she and Brad look fab. Lots of tweets and reports of the people there saying how beautiful she is in person..more so than print..So say whatever you want.

      But do you have to say the same thing over and over. At least try and change it up a bit.

      • blonde on the dock says:

        @lisa: I don’t post on every single thread nor do I say the same thing. If you don’t like what I say it’s very simple. Don’t read it. You have no right to tell anyone on here when they can comment and what they can say. Don’t assume just because someone says she’s too thin or they don’t like her fashion choices they dislike her. Grow up!

      • ladybert62 says:

        Lisa: You are being rather Ms. Bossypants today – cranky are we?

        All of these posts are just opinions and everyone has a right to express theirs even if it disagrees with you.

    • Julie says:

      I’ll pimp Charlize with ya. I do think she is more beautiful than this one but only because AJ is ruining her best with the skinny. If she filled out more, she’d give Charlize a run for her money….ok, maybe not a run but a few baby steps ahead. AJ’s beauty (when her best), is unique and stunning to me. The way she is now and the past few years is a huge step down from her best. And you nuts have to put up with others talking/comparing (pimping, really!!!) one focused on the post to others without freaking out. Geez, nuts!

    • Jess says:

      Out of all the interesting things Angie said in the interview, the only thing you can comment about is her looks? You don’t seem to be very bright; except maybe for your hair.

  11. lisa says:

    I like the dress. she looks great.. The back of it has an opening slit you can see her tats. very sexy in the back.

    She is more conservative than he is. She believes in Justice for criminals. I actually think Brad is against and she is for. but who knows. Like any couple you disagree. And I like what she said about them not being “Identical”. I use to love James Carvill and Mary M.. two apposing sides but they seemed like a good couple. Same hear.. I love couples that can argue and then put that passion in the right place umm (bedroom)

    anyway she and he have both spoken that they don’t agree on everything. Good for a relationship. Keeps you on your toes.

  12. pwal says:

    I think that Angelina is for death penalty and Brad’s against it. I remember her talking about an African warlord who used child soldiers – her sentiment towards him wasn’t all ‘let’s house him in prison for the rest of his life’. And when she was promoting Wanted, she seemed fascinated with the concept of destroying one in order to protect thousands.

    Myself, I waffle on it. If there’s indisputable proof, including DNA, no guilt/feeling of repentance, and if the crime was heinous, then the killer needs to die. But I can’t ignore the racial disparity involved in executing capital punishment.

    • Cheyenne says:

      I’m against it in most situations, but there are a few in which I definitely think it’s warranted, such as:
      Murder for hire
      Rape and murder of a child
      Torture murder

  13. Jackie says:

    at the end of the day, i think brad is a rather conservative guy….he is definitely for it.

    she is way too liberal to be pro death penalty.

  14. Heaven says:

    I love it when actors and actresses are happy during interviews. Angie’s laugh and smile – very, very infectious. I was laughing when she was, smiling when she was, serious when she was. Overall, this was a great interview.

    I am more inclined to see this film in the theater. I have very little knowledge about the genocide war in Bosnia…not that I am saying I will learn all the facts from the movie, but to see what women experienced through the film… I know this is not a true story of one woman’s life, because I’m sure some of the scenes are more sensationalized but I’m sure she based it on true accounts. She does her research after all.

    And for those people who scoffed about her writing the script in such a short time (when she got the flu) I think maybe she started to write it then. She said so herself, it took her a month to write the raw scrip and they worked on it after the actors read it.

  15. oh dear says:

    i really like the picture where brad looks at her. its kinda cute 🙂

    • Emma says:

      I absolutely love that picture. The look on his face and in his eyes says it all, doesn’t it? Love. 🙂 What a wonderful thing to see.

  16. layla says:

    On the “its fun” comment…. I’m going to say she is referring not to the actual subject, but the ability to have a differencing on opinion with your significant other and being able to wrestle the pros and cons with each other on the subject honestly and openly. It’s a great relationship trait. Adult debate IS FUN.

  17. TheOriginalKitten says:

    I think when she says it’s a “fun” debate she means that it’s interesting and healthy to discuss important issues. I always think it’s so odd in this country how people get SO heated and take it SO personally when you don’t agree with their politics. In my opinion it is indeed “fun” and stimulating to debate-being forced to defend your opinion with facts can often help you come to conclusions that you would not have othewise realized.

  18. RobN says:

    Can we just remember all these interviews discussing her relationship and the kids the next time that Aniston has a movie and you all start bitching that all Aniston ever does is talk about herself to promote her movie?

    Please? Maybe then we could all accept that all these people are just trying to sell us something and they’re all the same.

    • layla says:

      Fair point……. difference being the jolie actually has things of interest to say, as opposed to JA talking about her latest tan and casually referencing her ex husband.

      • OK says:

        What interesting? Both ladies are overrated and bland and stale as a day old bread.

      • janie says:

        Haha and that Jennifer Aniston is usually promoting a romantic comedy.

      • layla says:

        @OK …..
        Hmmm. How about such topics as adoption, multicultural mixed race families, homeschooling, ethnic cultures, war, poverty, hunger and any other of her humanitarian topics.

        Now. I’m not saying she is an expert in these, nor is she always correct or a world authority. What I am saying is that SHE CAN ACTUALLY BRING THESE TOPICS TO THE TABLE.

        So yes. Both may be over rated as you state. But one is clearly less bland and more interesting than the other.

    • G says:

      Uh, Gah, yeah, of course people do publicity to sell stuff?

      I don’t think if follows that it makes them all the same, though, by any stretch of the imagination.

    • Freya says:

      I find AJ much more interesting than many of the other women both in movies and on TV!

  19. Leticia says:

    I bet she is for it and he is against it. And I agree with her.

    She is surprisingly conservative on a few issues.

  20. LeeR says:

    Brad is for the Death penalty in the Spike Lee documentary …Creek Don’t Rise, Brad had this to say about BP and the oil spill:
    “Reflecting on those responsible for the oil spill, Pitt can barely contain his contempt.
    “I was never for the death penalty before,” he says. “I am willing to look at it again.””

    • lisa says:

      Actually the statement shows that he is NOT for it. didn’t say he changed his mind.. but that he should look at it differently.

      “I was never for the death penalty before,” he says. “I am willing to look at it again.””

      Not being nasty.. but I am always amazed at how everyone reads things.

      • mia kulpa says:

        Exactly! I agree, and also wonder how it is that people interpret what was so obviously spelled out for them! That was his way of saying that he wasn’t for it!

  21. Scarlet Vixen says:

    Wow, does she look like her brother in the pics in the brown dress. In one in perticular she looks like James Haven in a wig and a dress. As someone who doesnt look like any of their siblings (in fact on of my older brothers had me convinced for a couple years I was adopted–gotta love big brothers) I find that kinda of physical similarity fascinating. And a little weird.

  22. Donnalee says:

    Hey Angelina, my grandma called…..she wants her dress back.

  23. Sara says:

    The brown dress is great on her! Much better than sack dress. Her face is so painfully thin though. Poor girl, I wonder if she has tried whey protein shakes.

  24. Annie says:

    All I can see is how her hands look freakishly huge in that first and last pic. Both outfits look like they were made for someone 15 – 20 years older than she is.

    I also don’t understand how she could look so skinny in white the other day and here she looks like she’s sporting quite the little “poochy” belly even though she’s wearing dark brown.

  25. Original Bee says:

    I also prefer the brown dress to the two piece outfit from the premiere. But, I hate her white shoes. They just blend in with her pale skin. Either way she always looks gorgeous. Yes, she could stand to put on a few pounds. But, she’s still one of the most beautiful women around. Brad looks fantastic.

  26. Bamster says:

    Both have contributed as humanitarians -so that arguments a wash. AJ is for it, Brad against. AJ has some conservative tendencies, Brad some liberal ones, though I suspect there is no hard fast rule with these two.

  27. Julie says:

    I have the impression from past interviews that she is more conservative than him. Of course, I don’t think anywhere near the level of her daddy. He is HOT AS HELL right now (well 99.9% of the time)!

  28. Julie says:

    p.s. Regarding her looks, I’m one of those that thinks too skinny. And I think it’s a fat skinny which is why the tummy is the way it is. Having said that, she is damn pretty for being way too skinny.

  29. Original Chloe says:

    She looks just gorgeous in the brown dress. The black thing is okay, I guess, very low key and maybe appropriate for the kind of premiere it was, but she’s just stunning in the pictures above.

    Also, loved the interview. She’s poised, focused, humble, smart and well spoken. AND stunning. I guess that’s what some people find hard to digest.

  30. Ari says:

    I cannot see her as Kay Scarpetta. For some reason I always seemed to correlate her with the how the author looked– like a younger version of Cornwell- not sure why.

    • lucy2 says:

      I can’t either, I think she’s a really odd choice for the role. I too always pictured her looking like PC, because that’s how she described her.
      When it was announced, there were a lot of casting suggestions to better match the character.

  31. KsGirl says:

    That dress is very, very good on her. The cut, the colour, the long sleeves and the blouson-ish styling on the top half. It works with her body in a way I feel a lot of her red carpet dresses don’t. Has she ever done the ‘gamine’ thing? She could with that body and that face.

    Also, are there really fans who think she’s the one who is anti-death penalty? I think it’s obviously she is pro and Brad is con – surprised people who are familiar with her interviews etc. think otherwise. A lot of her political views skew right wing, or, neocon. And I dont say this as an insult – I agreed with the intervention in the former Yugoslavia too, and thought it should have happened sooner.

  32. Lisa1 says:

    Okay, how many lisas are on CB? From now on I’ll be Lisa1 =) Any who, I like them both.

  33. Camille says:

    I think she looks stunningly beautiful- most gorgeous face in HW IMHO and I like the brown dress, its very chic and appropriate for the films promotion. Maybe people would have preferred her to be wearing overly sexy tiny mini dresses instead? SMDH. (waits for the ‘she’s too skinny for those kinds of oufits’ 🙄 )
    I prefer this dress to the outfit that she chose for the film premier.

  34. RobN says:

    Not sure why everybody thinks this dress looks so great on her. It may have looked great before she had to sit down, but once she did, it became something that looks like you pulled it out of the “to be ironed” pile. Not her fault, but I can’t figure out why they even make dresses that you can’t sit in without looking like an unmade bed.

  35. kristipistol says:

    Brad is against it, he said he would “reconsider his views” regarding the Gulf oil spill

  36. betteboo says:

    Hmmm…. what shall I wear today? Black sack? Or brown sack? Eh, whatever. As long as its satin i’ll be comfy

  37. Nibbi says:

    i can’t help it. first thing i notice = their hair matches again… start to think that brad is sort of weird with that

  38. Wow,I just watched the interview.She is simply an amazing woman.Now all of a sudden I’m not so sure,if I will be able to watch this film at the theaters.I’m going to cry.I already know this.I will have to wait to watch this at home.

  39. Miss Bosnia says:

    if you have seen so much pain and so many people suffering from war like angelina, i think you are pro! i am a refugee and i would like to see some people dead! Warlords who have killed my family, yes, i would like to see them dead. they sit in den haag but i want to see them dead and their whole families! because the killers of my family are heros in their country and i hate them all!

  40. TXCinderella says:

    I’ll bet with Brad being raised in the midwest and south, he is for the death penalty. Saint Angelina strikes me as a person who would want to preserve life at all costs.

  41. Tou! says:

    This isn´t related to the topic but just crossed to my mind. Has Angie any friends, I mean girlfriends? Best friends or just some women to meet and talk? Never seen a picture of her with friends (even before the kids). Odd.

  42. JulieM says:

    My guess is that she is for it and Brad is against. Some of the comments she has offered in the past leads me to believe that she is more conservative than people think. Not as radical as her father, but my guess is more conservative than Brad.

    • jane16 says:

      Yes, you’re right. There are a few issues that she is conservative about. Brad is very lib, very dem.

    • Julia says:

      Jolie is for death penalty for criminals who have done massive crimes and crimes againts humanity.

      She said something along the line in Den Hague. That ougandan warlord was the man she hated the most in her life and that she never wanted someone dead like she wanted him to be, that justice should at times pass through that step to give the victims a true sense of justice.

      That sometimes in other to have peace, you need to force it and coercise it through guns, hence she is very well pro Blue velvets with large mandate where they could use force and guns to protect civilians, protect themselves and impose peace.

  43. Gymo says:

    I can now tell you where Brad Pitt stands on the death penalty.

    After a Google search I have proof that Brad Pitt is against the death penalty.

    Regarding the BP oil spill:
    Brad ” I was never for the death penalty before, I am now ready to look at it again”.

  44. jc126 says:

    You know, the more I think about this the more I’m confused about who’s for and who’s against the death penalty.
    Probably a lot of people who might be opposed to executing domestic murderers – you know the “ordinary’ killer who murders his wife in a fit of anger – would be in favor of executing warlords who slaughtered a village full of people. But, if I’m not mistaken, most such war criminals would be tried in the Hague and I don’t think would be eligible for the DP. It’s only countries like Iraq who seem to execute their past leaders.

  45. miss silver says:

    Kay Scarpetta — yeah, I can see it, with the right wig. I would have preferred a younger Edie Falco.

  46. G says:

    Why a wig? I’m loving the idea of her as Scarpetta.

  47. Callumna says:

    I’m stating the obvious but this is a very weird woman.

  48. Mrs. Odie 2 says:

    Finally someone who doesn’t wear those horrible stripper shoes!

  49. DianaK says:

    Hi everyone Do any of you know what skin care products Jolie uses on the face …she looks like she is glowing and angelic

  50. Sakyiwaa says:

    She looks great! If she had dressed uber glam, some people wud be all… “But her movie has such a somber tone! Why is she dressed so glam? She’s not even the star!”

    I’m for the death penalty for crimes against humanity and genocide. A life for multiple lives. Those warlords have no soul. They are very selfish and ruthless.

    Why was Obama killed by a clandestine attack orchestrated by the US? What happened to a fair trial and Guantanamo Bay? Someone decided he had to die… And I totally argee.
    The death penalty is such a hard call… But sometimes it is thoroughly deserved.

  51. Bananarama says:

    She’d be anti with her humanitarian work as an influence, he’d be for it.

  52. anjessa says:

    I don’t get Angelina’s constant talk about how the Bosnia war is forgotten and never talked about. Maybe that’s the case in the US, but definitely not in Europe. Over here, the Kosovo and the Bosnia war are the most talked about conflicts (except for World War II). It was the dominating media topic for years and still makes big headlines (recently with the arrest and trial of Radovan Karadzic). It is also taught extensively in school and I don’t think I know anyone who has never heard of the massacre in Srebrenica. Plus: You only need a quick look on Wikipedia to know that her movie is in fact the 17th movie made about the Bosnian war.

    Just to clarify: I’m not criticising Angelina and I will definitely go see her movie; you can never remind people too much about such horrible things and it’s honourable of her. But when I’m thinking about forgotten conflicts or wars, I think about the Congo for example, but definitely not the Bosnia war.

    • Wildone says:

      A lot of the cast who are from Bosnia felt that it was forgotten watch the Nightline interview cast members talk about it.

  53. theaPie says:

    Fun debate – since you and your partner are never going to be identical twins, you might as well have fun with your differences. It was a poor choice of words, I agree, but I understand what she means.

  54. bored says:

    I’m wondering if she’s preggo again… something about the fit of that dress. And she’s really glowing!