Blake Lively & Ryan Reynolds were loved up in Utah: he’s really into her, right?

Yesterday, TMZ got their hands on exclusive photos of Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds vacationing in Utah – you should definitely go look at TMZ’s photo gallery here. The body language is really, really interesting. I think the assumption is that Blake either “set up” these candid photos, or that someone close to Blake “leaked” the info as to where Blake and Ryan were staying – the Johnson Mill Bed & Breakfast, because the sign is set up perfectly within the photos. But let’s talk about what the photos show – Ryan looking intensely into Blake’s eyes. Ryan rubbing one of Blake’s hands. Ryan leaning in for another kiss, like he can’t help himself. Ryan holding Blake’s face like he loves to look at her. Blake and Ryan taking coupley photos of themselves and then looking at the photos. Basically, they look like a couple who are totally and completely loved up. If either Blake or Ryan knew that they were being photographed, they are much better actors than I give them credit for.

So… after those photos, am I still rooting for a return of Bleo? Maybe not. I’m willing to admit that Blake and Ryan (Rake!) might make it for a big longer than I originally thought. I’m also taking back my assumption that Blake was the one pushing this relationship so fast – I think Ryan is really into Blake, and he wants to be all loved up with her too. It’s all ice cream socials with Muffy and Boomer in Connecticut and stopping by bed & breakfasts in Utah – and that’s what Ryan wants, I guess. I’m starting to believe those sources claiming that Blake and Ryan are even thinking about marriage.

Oh, and Page Six had this little item this morning – Blake went to visit a duplex penthouse in NYC a few days ago. It’s the same penthouse that she visited with Ryan – are they setting up a little love nest?

Photos courtesy of Fame.

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60 Responses to “Blake Lively & Ryan Reynolds were loved up in Utah: he’s really into her, right?”

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  1. Eve says:

    Meh…I still think Blyan is bland. I prefer Bleo, blah blah blah…

    P.S.: When he stood up (picture # 10) I thought she was going to give him a blow job (then, and only then, I might become interested in them as a couple).

  2. Amanda says:

    Yeah, they seem boring to me too

  3. ds says:

    They’re perfect for each other. Both are “who cares” people

  4. Oi says:

    she looks really dumb in that bottom pic. And I agree that something about those pics looks really staged.

  5. Maya says:

    They’re perfect for each other–both boring and overrated.

  6. CG says:

    The first thing I thought when I saw these pics was that she totally set those up! You’d think she’d realize we know how obvious she is by now. 🙂

  7. Karen says:

    I don’t care if these pics are set up or not, they looked so good together!! I’m totally rooting for these two!!!

  8. normades says:

    I think this relationship is very convenient for both of them. She needed a quick hot rebound bf to not look like a rejected lover after Bleo and he needed a quick hot rebound gf after ScarJo/Penn and a series of box office failures.

    I also think that what they have in common is that they are both VERY ambitious. They both see what the other can do for their career/reputations.

    I’m not saying it’s a complete showmance, but I’m sure their spokeshos had a heavy hand in setting it up.

    • Aria says:

      I totally agree with you. They only seem to care about their carrears and reputation. Showromance for sure!

    • Iggles says:

      I agree! They’re completely fake.

      • normades says:

        I didn’t say they were totttts fake (they prolly do hit it), just saying that the timing was a little too convienent imo and that they are prolly more into their careers than they are each other.

    • Turtle Dove says:

      The photos looked staged to me. They look like they know the camera is there, and their body language is stiff and unnatural.

      The more that the romance is thrown out so cheaply, the less I like them.

      Both of them need the heat of a sig. other to push their careers forward.

  9. heatheradair says:

    I wonder what they talk about.


    Most of the time it doesn’t occur to me to care what random celebs talk about over coffee and canines, but with them: WHAT DO THEY TALK ABOUT?

    I feel like they’re both vacant, pretty faces who are pretty much not much more than the sum of their fancy bodies…

    They must talk about their dogs. That’s about it.

  10. Hmm says:

    How is her hair so freaking perfect? I really want to meet this girl and make her give me man lessons. Unbelievable.

    • Tapioca says:

      And I need to know whichever surgeon & dentist did her nose and teeth, because it’s fantastic work. Blake is living proof that with a little help we could all be beautiful swans!

    • Leigh says:

      Srsly!! RIght?!..

    • Turtle Dove says:

      @Eve – I watched the movie with her brother in it and he has the same nose. Her nose looks GREAT and natural like you said, but we know…

      • Eve says:

        @ Turtle Dove:

        You mean he has the same “after” nose? As in they must have had nose jobs with the same surgeon — who, I have to say, must be really really competent. Perhaps they got a little family discount?

        Or you mean he has her “before” nose?

        Anyway, I swear Lively’s nose job is one of the best I’ve seen. It looks really natural…I didn’t even think she had had a nose job! And I only believed it when someone else posted a link here on Celebitchy (my jaw dropped when I saw it, seriously).

      • Turtle Dove says:

        @ Eve –

        He has the same after nose. It could be his own… who knows as he’s not as well known, but his nose is so much like hers and makes them look so much alike it’s uncanny.

        I realize that they are brother and sister, but the fellas normally have the “larger” version of facial features, not the same size.

      • Eve says:

        @ Turtle Dove:

        Then they both had nose jobs. He saw hers and said to the plastic surgeon: “I want mine to look like that” (or maybe it was the other way around) 🙂 .

        I know now the one question I’ll ask her if I ever see her in person: “Miss Lively, can you give me the number of your plastic surgeon’s office, please?”. She’ll probably look (down) at me and claim that that’s her original nose but little does (will?) she know I’ll have the before and after pictures with me, HA! Victory is mine!

      • Turtle Dove says:

        The movie he was in filmed in 2003. I don’t know when she had hers done. It’s obvious that she did, but I don’t know the timeline. He’s a nice looking guy, but I can’t tell if he had one or not.

  11. ashley says:

    OMG, they’re the perfect couple from the Millionaire Matchmaker reunion. He gets out of a short marriage where he was cheated on/broken hearted but he’s still ready to start a family and wants to try again, and they find him the perfect girl. He proposed last night on the reunion. They’ve been dating for a relatively short amount of time but they seem so in love. Blake and Ryan are the movie couple version

  12. HotPockets says:

    The only thing that potentially makes this relationship interesting is the fact that Scarjo doesn’t approve and wants Ryan to still be hung up on her, now he has moved on with someone younger and with a nicer rack.

  13. Abby says:

    they look cute together.

  14. J says:

    According to Lainey, that B&B is owned by Blake’s sister.

  15. marybeth18 says:

    Um, Blake Lively’s sister, Robyn Lively (Teen Witch!) owns the Johnson Mill Bed and Breakfast.

    So…she’s helping out her sister with these photos.

  16. DeE says:

    Never really followed her so don’t know who she was with before Leo D. but, ahm….these “stars” move from person to person mighty quick, and I am quite sure they don’t hold out on having sex for a month or two while “courting”. It’s the recycling and the quick jumping from person to person that’s like WOW. Let it get some elasticity back….though the men are just as bad.

  17. Kit says:

    I’m rooting for these two. If she’s with boring canadian Ryan, she will keep her manslinging ways away from the more interesting guys.
    Blake definitely has game, she’s totally pimping her hook ups/relationships/whatever you want to call the guy of the moment.

  18. Jayna says:

    I love Blake. I am sick of hearing posters believe gossip rags that say she slept with Ben. Ben was directing and acting in that movie and directing an action movie is not easy, much less lead actor too and working on the script. He said it was a lot to take on doing both and exhausting and was glad he had his wife and kids with him living in Boston during the shoot. He had a lot riding on his career with this movie, proving he wasn’t a one-time fluke director and needing a hit bigtime. The guy was focused, not playing and screwing around. Blake had a very small role in it anyway. I doubt she was on set much. Rebecca Hall had the main lead femalerole.

    I think Blake and Ryan are perfect together, but he’s going to run into the same problem again, both off shooting movies away from each other.

    • KC says:

      Oh, I totally think Jennifer Garner revealed those naked pics of Blake after she found them on Ben’s phone!

      And, on top of it, their marriage is always a blind item- like one week before they announced this last pregnancy there was a blind about how miserable the soon-to-be daddy was, but he had to put on a happy face, even though he was thisclose to getting out of the relationship.

  19. midnightmoon says:

    birdbrains of a feather, blockheads together. i think they are neither of them mental giants, and much more appropriate for each other than blake with leo, or, goddess forgive me, scarlett & ryan. blake actually makes scarlett seem like an educated person. of course, sean penn put scarlett firmly in her place-she has delusions of grandeur on her intellectual prowess, and he just smushed her but good. not that i LIKE leo or sean, just that they have at least been able to do one or two things that indicate they have a bit o’ brains and heart, surrounded by their highly publicized narcissistic, overrated manly man-ness, and womanizing bullpucky… but blyan/rake (??) is a fine match-they are two boring, halfway good looking ‘actors’ who seem to enjoy sex and fun and not much else. so why not? keeps the streets safe for others… and now that we know the b&b is family, this makes ALLLLLL the sense in the world, doesn’t it? as IF paparazzi would be hanging out in Utah?? geez louise…

  20. Redheadwriter says:

    How about “Brake” for a nickname?

  21. ella says:

    This is just an obvious PR move to promote Blake’s sister’s B&B. Notice how the sign and name of the B&B just happen to be clearly presented in most of the pics…

    I used to think Blake was harmless but this endless PR show of hers is really starting to get on everybody’s nerves. She’s tacky beyond belief.

  22. Jules says:

    Why is she always looking up?

  23. EmmaStoneWannabe says:

    This seems so familiar. Oh yeah, now I remember: last year when TSwift and Jake G. were lovey dovey for the cameras, but were soooo obviously staged. Ugh this is tiresome. The plotline of her show GG is staged relationships for the media to make another guy jealous. It’s just too easy.

    • Iggles says:


      Who here honestly believe Jakey G. and Swifty were a real couple??

      Same old song, different players..

  24. carrie says:

    I hope Ryan is more into her than Leo D who forgot her very fastly(i still think it was a RP story with benefits)

    and good for them!

  25. KJ says:

    Side note – that Utah B&B – Blake’s sister owns it. She totally set this up.

  26. layla says:

    It’s her SISTERS B&B.

    And yup. I was surprised at the body language too. Seems Ryan is way more into Blake.

  27. Dani says:

    They are both attractive in a generic, innocuous way and because of such, they look good together. I am different about Blake, but I like Ryan, so if he’s happy, then great.

    I prefer Blake and Ryan way more than Blake and Leo.

  28. layla says:


    Is it still considered good game/hustle if its so blatantly obvious?

    And at what point does f*cking one’s way to career actually take over from the “career” itself?

  29. kimberly says:

    Those photos were hilarious!

    Blake Lively should really spend her time in acting classes, not acting like a whore with any mainstream actor she can spread her legs for.

    I’m just saying . . .

    Her last few roles were acted horribly, and her Gossip Girl show is low grade writing/acting.

  30. T.C. says:

    Finally saw the pictures on Lainey’s site. Can you say: SET-UP? Like Lainey said it’s Blake’s sister’s B&B, the paps who took the pictures are very exclusive and aren’t the sorts to be hanging out in Utah. So a set-up photo-op to advertise her sister’s place while selling her new “romance” at the same time. LMAO. Ashley Greene needs to call this girl up so she can learn from the master, Ashley is a huge amateur in comparison. LOL. Sadly the person that really looks pathetic in all of this is Ryan Reynolds. He just looks like he is being used or allowing himself to be used. What a chomp.

  31. iseepinkelefants says:

    Blake is the Stepford Wife Ryan could never get ScarJo to be. Blake will gladly give up her no career for him and have his babies and clean and bake and be the perfect 1950’s housewife.

  32. danceprancer says:

    Can’t say for sure if Ryan is into Blake the person,or Blake the young busty blonde….nothing personal against Blake,though… she seems okay.