Angelina Jolie on Brad Pitt: “He is not just the love of my life, he is my family”

Day 4 of Angelina Week. I am starting to grow tired of the media blitz. With Brangelina, it really is feast or famine. You can go months without any real news or genuine quotes from either of them, and then when either of them starts promoting something, I can’t even keep up with all of the press they do. Let’s see what we’ve got so far… Angelina will appear on the cover of the new issue of The Hollywood Reporter, which is interesting. They haven’t released the interview yet, though. Yesterday, all of the Jolie-Pitts enjoyed an outing to FAO Schwartz – you can see the photos here. All of the kids were making faces, but Angelina looked happy. Speaking of the kids, I go a chance to read Angelina’s full Marie Claire interview (which I previewed yesterday), and it’s really good. She talks about the kids a lot, and she says nice things about her “love” Brad Pitt. Oh, and the quote about her lack of girlfriends… yeah, that one will make headlines. Here are some highlights:

The Bosnian War: “I think it is still hard to understand what happened, and how it could happen 40 minutes away from Italy in the ’90s, at the time ‘Schindler’s List’ came out,” Angelina says. “You can’t make sense of something that innately doesn’t make sense: to rape and kill your neighbor with whom you have lived forever,” she added.

Jolie wrote the film as “an excuse to get out some of my frustrations [with] the international community and justice issues. I just assumed nobody would ever see or read it.”

How did she write? “Some of the very darkest sections were probably conceived in Shiloh’s art class; I was in the back corner, waiting for the kids to finish. And then somehow it slowly ended up being read by Brad, and then friends. There was a discussion of making it, and I just was terrified to hand it over to anybody. It wasn’t that I said, ‘I’m going to write something, and I want to direct it.'”

On girlfriends: “It was nice for me to play with other girls; I don’t really have girlfriends in movies, if you’ve noticed,“ she says, suggesting that the same is true off-camera as well. She quickly corrects herself: “Well, I have a few girlfriends. I just…I stay home a lot. I’m just not very social. I don’t do a lot with them, and I’m very homebound.”

Eventually quitting acting: “That doesn’t mean I’m stopping tomorrow. But I woke up one day realizing, God, I’m an actor. I don’t think I intended to be an actor. I think my mother wanted it for me. I loved telling stories, and I enjoyed the profession, but it is too late to be something else?,” the actress says.

On Brad Pitt: “He has expanded my life in ways I never imagined. We built a family. He is not just the love of my life, he is my family. I hold that very dear. I suppose what I’ve learned from Brad is to be able to have the kind of family whose happiness and well-being comes before your own. I’m very, very grateful to have such a loving family, and I wouldn’t have that without him,” Angelina explains.

Giving her kids security: “If they see Mommy and Daddy in need of some private time ’cause they’re going to kiss and whatever, the kids get all giggly and happy. Because it gives them some security,” Jolie says.

Another baby? “Nothing planned at the moment, but we just don’t know. I could end up pregnant,” Angelina says.

On Knox: “Knox is very much a dude. Very physical, tough. He loves dinosaurs and swords.”

On Vivienne: “She is so elegant and delicate. Vivi will pick flowers from the garden and put them in her hair. She likes to get her nails done and collects stuffed animals. It’s funny for me to have to buy all things pink and watch princess movies!”

On Zahara: She’s begun horseback riding – “she has found her thing.”

On Shiloh: She’s been riding the four-wheel vehicles known as quads – “It’s very funny to watch Brad try to teach Shiloh because she doesn’t want to listen. She doesn’t want Dad to sit on the back. She doesn’t want to learn about the brakes. She just wants to go!… it’s the combination of the two of us.”

On Pax: “He is extremely wild, but he has a very, very good heart. You know, like those punk rockers – when you really get to know them and they are just pussycats. But at the same time, he is going to get in some kind of trouble.”

On Maddox: “I’ll be doing something and I’ll be frustrated, and he’ll hold my hand and say, ‘Are you feeling tired? Is that why you’re upset?’ Yeah, he really does take care of me.”

[From Becoming Gorgeous and The Fashion Spot]

Maddox, the little caretaker. Do you think Maddox ever wishes he and his mom could go back to when it was just the two of them? I’m sure he’s a lovely older brother, but I do think Madd and Angelina have a special bond – the bond of the first child and a single mom. And Empress Z rides horses! She really is royalty, isn’t she? She and Queen Elizabeth II should meet. But seriously, how lovely is the quote about Brad? “He is not just the love of my life, he is my family.” GAH! My Brangelina obsession just went into overdrive.

Marie Claire photos courtesy of The Fashion Spot.

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180 Responses to “Angelina Jolie on Brad Pitt: “He is not just the love of my life, he is my family””

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  1. acidburn says:

    It is really easy loving Angelina Jolie. She’s so down to earth, though gorgeously beautiful.

    It think that’s her best photoset!

    • Anonymous says:

      Agree. Love her and Brad.

    • Tapioca says:

      …but if it had been anyone else, she would have been a fake poseur selling out her kids’ privacy for PR and photoshopped to Hell.

      *is confused*

    • Lisa says:

      I agree !!! She looks awesome — happy & healthy. Have always had a “thing” for her and like her alot.

    • Bermuda Blues says:

      She is absurdly beautiful, like walk-into-traffic gorgeous.

      My brother rode in the elevator with her and her body guards the other day, she was on her way to be interviewed in his building. He said she was taller and thinner than he expected but really beautiful, porcelein skin, “aqua” eyes. He sounded a little star-struck, which was a first!

    • Snowpea says:

      I just wanna say I think Angelina is the most ridiculously wholesome and intelligent role model to emerge from the US in living memory.

      It’s hilarious to come on here and read the AJ detractors splitting hairs about her – “She’s insincere” – when the truth is, as a non-American, I can say with all sincerity, she dazzles the world with her understated beauty, decent acting chops, wholesome family values and an agenda that seems to acknowledge that yes, the rest of the world and its political problems do indeed exist.

      As Americans, you would have no idea how the rest of the world views you. Most of the time we’re bemused, sometimes horrified, but most of the time, downright concerned. Angelina is the antidote to the sleaze that is Courtney Stodden, Hugh Hefner, Charlie Sheen, the Toddlers and Tiaras woman, Ashton Kutcher etc.

      These people exist to feed the insatiable appetite of the masses who desire lowest common denominator fodder seemingly without letup.

      Angelina Jolie has made mainstream political issues that 99% of us were unaware existed until recently.

      The notorious insularity of Americans is more than just a cliche; it appears to have deep roots in fact.

      Angelina’s very existence gives the rest of the world hope that the word’s greatest superpower isn’t populated by a bunch of moronic dullards who consider the likes of the Kardashians to be on par with royalty.

      Ok, rant over : )

      • Freya says:

        That’s quite a rant, Snowpea. LOL

        I remember posting somewhere that instead of slamming AJ all the time, Americans should be proud of her and wish there were more citizens like her, because she gives the country a good name overseas. Yes, there should be more Americans like AJ.

        I remember one reply, “We are, we are.”

      • Kit says:

        Please be advised that the comments above do not, in fact, reflect those of The Rest Of The World.

      • Denise says:

        I think the concept of royalty – a family reigning by hereditary right – is kind of “dull.”

  2. Quest says:

    They all look so happy together. I love it.

  3. foozy says:


  4. Scarlett says:

    I don’t like her and don’t find her atractive. There is something fake about her and her work. There is no real emotions. Everything is superficial. She is trying too hard. Back then she wanted to be super edgy and outrageous now she wants to be super humanitarian. For me it’s not natural change becouse she is aging only another PR stunt. There is something compulsive about her and her behavior. She wants to everything now and plenty of it. Men, children, work. She seems to be completly empty inside and she desperately looks for some fulfillment.

    • Skinny says:

      I always get that insincere vibe from her too. I do think she’s beautiful though, or was before she dropped all that weight and started wearing granny clothes.

      • Kobi says:

        Yep. Shes a try hard.
        She is trying to be all things to everyone. The loons lap it up because they have no perspective.
        If only they realised that like all celebs the Angie they she and hear is the public persona, not the real Angie.

      • Jesse says:

        Interestings points of view in the above exchange.
        While I believe that she does care, I think she milks her work for all its worth. Shes not the only star to do it.
        UN rep does look good on the old bio.

      • Shaz says:

        It does feel manufactured. She’s a great entertainer but as for all the perfect family, great love stuff – it’s all sounds so ideal, which isn’t real – life isn’t like that. She isn’t known as being the kindest person, so the saint image and the family stuff seems overdone to compensate. Though I do think Pitt loves her. He like his women to wear the pants and boy does she! I do like that she said she doesn’t want to be a Bond girl, she wants to be Bond. She needs to own who she is and not apologize for it – she is an interesting dynamic woman.

    • AG says:

      She’s been a humanitarian for over 10 years – that is one loooooong PR stunt!

      • Kobi says:

        A PR stunt can be a long con. Just ask Rock Hudson. (Yes I know he is dead.) There are many many others who have played the long con through out their careers.
        Just saying what you see and hear from a celeb is not always the truth.

      • mln76 says:

        @Kobi you are equivocating lying about your sexuality to doing charity work? I don’t understand that logic. You have your right to your opinion BUT The amount of time and dedication that Angelina has shown over the past DECADE goes beyond marrying a secretary and calling it a day like Rock did. Angelina has spent a huge amount of her time on charity work and if she didn’t have at least some genuine interest in it she wouldn’t still be involved all these years later and no one would have said a word about it if she bowed out to ‘spend more time with her family’ etc.

      • Kobi says:

        I am saying that celebs, all of them, are capable of the long con. Whether it be about their sexuality, drug use, mental issues, what ever they dont wont the public to know about them, etc.
        Angie would not be above this.
        All celebs public lives are managed.
        We (the public) will never know what they are truly like.
        Therefore it is possible that Angies charity work is a long con for her public persona. I believe that this maybe the case. She is a figure head for the UN. She never gets down and dirty.
        The fact that fans of Angie claim that she brings awareness of her causes to the masses is truly sad. If society needs celebs like Angie to promote these causes it just shows that the general public has no interest in them. Which in it self is sad.

      • mln76 says:

        @kobi I don’t want to sound over-the-top but you seem to simply not want to see anything positive about her charity work. There isn’t any changing your mind about her motivations because you like so many others enjoy believing the worst about her. That’s your right and there is no use arguing about it. You’ve decided that whatever positive she does is a ‘con’-she could do this work until she’s 100 and it won’t be good enough for you. At the same time any person who comes out of the woodwork to make negative statements about her would be more believable to you whatever their actual credibility is. I don’t get why it’s so tempting to believe the worst in everyone instead of trying to see the best. But that’s a pervasive view in our culture. Unfortunately cynicism is contagious.

      • Scarlett says:

        I don’t think it’s about being positive or negative about her charity work. It’s about to keep a healthy distance from celebs and their charity work. The problem is that you never know their real intentions. It’s showbusiness and it’s all about image and selling.

      • mln76 says:

        @scarlett calling her work a ‘PR stunt’ or
        ‘con’ isn’t having distance. It’s insulting or diminishing her work. You don’t have to like her or believe she’s sincere in her work but let’s be honest about what kobi is insinuating she’s calling her a fake. Neutral would be just not having an opinion.

      • theaPie says:

        Kobi, that is an interesting point you bring up about the long con. It is definitely a fact that someone as rich and elusive as AJ can show us only what she wants us to see. Just like Rock Hudson.

        And Mln76, before you get all in a huff, this does not automatically discount her humanitarian work. Good work is good work period.

      • Emma says:

        @MLN76 who wrote: “Angelina has spent a huge amount of her time on charity work and if she didn’t have at least some genuine interest in it she wouldn’t still be involved all these years later and no one would have said a word about it if she bowed out to ‘spend more time with her family’ etc. ”

        Not to mention the fact that the woman has donated 1/3 of her per-film salary to charity for 10 years as well. People, that is called ‘putting your money where your mouth is.’

        I’m still trying to work out why Angelina Jolie is practically the ‘only’ celebrity called out here for being ‘fake’ in photographs and interviews. These comments are rarely made for other celebrities. Other celebrities with a questionable past, such as Robert Downey, Jr., are usually given the benefit of ‘change’ and ‘growth’ … except for Angelina Jolie. Other celebrities often use their kids, their body, multiple PDA, their love life, scant clothing, and even naked magazine covers when promoting a project … but only Angelina Jolie is called a ‘media manipulator’ for simply having her picture taken for a magazine interview. When other celebrity couples are photographed walking aimlessly around the city holding hands or with her kids it’s called ‘cute.’ Whenever Angie and Brad step out with a true purpose and destination–with or without any of their children–it’s called a PR stunt and photo op.

        There seems to be a pattern here … gee, I wonder what it is.

      • Vesper says:

        For anyone in the public eye, 10 years is not that much time. From the beginning of her career, Angelina has always managed to keep the spotlight on herself, most often not for her work as a actor.

        When she first came out, she was all about oversharing her edgy past, releasing any dark detail that would catch the public’s attention – her bisexuality, her drug use, her many lovers, cutting, weapons, and an admitted fascination for blood. That was followed by the Billy Bob years in which interviews focussed mostly on their undying love, their amazing sex life, and bizarre presents they chose to give to each other including paintings written in blood, vials of blood, and his and her cemetary plots. Then Angelina adopted Maddox and the relationship just suddenly ended. As for Billy Bob, I’m sure I’m not the only one who noticed that he lived his relationship in the public eye, every dark aspect eagerly overshared for public consumption, ONLY while he was with Anglie. The same goes for Angie’s first husband, Johnny Lee Miller. Since their breakups, both men have kept their private life private.

        Even when she became a mother, Angie still managed to keep the focus on the darker aspects. In a long overdrawn interview she was quick to draw focus to her new private “arrangement”, alternating lovers that she met in hotels because she had no time for a relationship. While there is nothing wrong with that most people don’t feel the need to share such details. But by doing so, Angie once again was able to make herself stand out by her “frank honestly” about the most initimate of facts. Really, did the public need to know about the dark and intimate details of Angelina’s life or did Angie just have a strong need to be noticed?

        With Brad it’s more controlled, obviously because of the kids, and hopefully as a consequence of age, maturity and stability, but Angie still manages to constantly remain the focus of attention, now for her “selfless” humanitarian work, her perfect relationship (remember, they really don’t argue), being a perfect mother and having a family which went from 1 to 6 children in 6 years. And, just when the public is about to forget her past, she reminds us that she is still a bad girl, only now just with Brad. Everything always seems so exaggerated when it comes to Angie, almost compulsively so, and it is what makes her stand out.

        I’m not saying she doesn’t love her humanitarian work, her career or her family, but after all this time the constant sharing of every last detail of her personal life makes her “authenticity” in interviews look contrived for anyone who looks beyond the surface details. There are some, including the New York Times, who maintain she is an expert at maintaining her public image. “Public” image is just that, an image released to the public, which although may be based somewhat on truth, the main function is to maintain image.

        I used to love reading interviews of Angelina, but for the last few years she has been overexposed. The public eats it up, but there are a lot of other actors, and people in the public eye who do a lot of good things. There needs to be more focus on them, and less on a woman who has already gotten plenty of recognition. I predict that Angelina will always remain in the public eye in a large way because she seems to need to.

    • flourpot says:

      Yeah, it’s superficial as hell when she flies to wartorn countries and puts herself in jeopardy to bring attention to others’ plights.

      And it’s so fake that she has 6 children that love her, hell – she should start a school teaching other children how to fake being happy while getting pap’d.

      Some of you people baffle me.

      • Jesse says:

        I think she cares about her causes, but damn if she doesnt milk them for all they are worth.

      • autumndaze says:

        Just by being on this blog and discussing her charity work makes people more aware of those less fortunate. I don’t think she milks it, but if that is the way to funnel needed resources to these war-torn countries, then so be it.

        I don’t understand the venom for Angelina either.
        Is she perfect? No. Should her actions/motives be unquestioned or unexamined? No.
        But be equal handed and give her credit when it is her due.

    • Tiffany S says:

      if this is a PR stunt, at least she’s improving people’s lives around the world…hellooo

    • Nikki says:

      Former UN Secretary General Koffi Annan:

      “Angelina is painfully shy, but that she puts that aside to DO and GO places other people wouldn’t dream of, to ride for days without benefit of a warm shower or the necessities most women need in their daily lives on a jeep or the back of a motorcycle to areas hard hit by both natural and political issues, makes Angelina a rare find. Someone who actually cares about what she does without calling attention to herself.”

      He said further:

      “There is plenty of work which people do not know Angelina does that will never go appreciated because she simply does not want the praise. But she should be praised. She should be given the proper credit for doing what she does because she is an honest, authentic human being who truly does care.”

  5. Ally says:

    I love that bit about Maddox. I was a single parent when my oldest was little and he and I have a very similar bond…it’s really something special 🙂

    • Bite me says:

      One example how about the models Jolie-Pitt foundation and all of the work it’s being done in cambodia.. Or the legal fund she co-chairs and co- founded that provides free legal services to refugee children… There’s many other

  6. mln76 says:

    This interview and photoshoot is such a gift to us loonies. Its SOOOO much better than Vogue or Vanity Fair. I love what she had to say about Shiloh, Pax, and Vivienne especially.

  7. LB says:

    I love what she said about all the children and Brad. But I especially love what she said about Pax. She knows he’s trouble bound lol.

    • dj says:

      Those bits about each individual child was quite beautiful. I love the part about Knox being a little dude. How cute!

  8. Kobi says:

    ‘Jolie wrote the film as “an excuse to get out some of my frustrations [with] the international community and justice issues. I just assumed nobody would ever see or read it.”

    I call BS on this statement.
    She wanted to write and direct a movie , (nothing wrong with that), and picked this subject matter so she appeared intellectual, plus is fits her brand.
    A love story within a war movie is an old and trite way of story telling.

    • Jackie says:

      ‘A love story within a war movie is an old and trite way of story telling.’

      how true. the movie looks awful, but i guess she has the power and money to do it. ugh.

      • Kobi says:

        I know.
        If she just said, I wanted to write and direct a movie and had this idea about it taking place within the Bosnian war, I would be ok then. But to carry on like she was so frustrated about the international community, then claim she assumed that no one would read it, come on Angie pull the other one.

      • Iggles says:

        Wow, so negative! Doesn’t it ever get old? Or do you sincerely enjoy being that way?

        It’s a huge risk for an actor/actress to branch out to writing and directing films! I think it’s entirely believable that when she wrote this script she wasn’t sure if she wanted someone to read it, let alone knew she wanted this to be her first film!

        Do you know how many writers never publish the first novel or manuscript they write? In most cases an author’s “first” publish novel is hardly the the first one they completed!

  9. Julia says:

    Maddox has the typical special bond of the first child. Plus he is a little man, so he will have that tendency to protect and take care of his mother.

    I think it’s adorable and all kids, including Jolie’s, when growing up are a joy to discover in terms of personality.

    I personally think it’s a blessing and one of the greatest joy in life to have kids and have the privillege to be able to spend time with them, to see how their personality is shaped, to discover all this blend of features and characcters inherited from ancestries like an eternal renewal, to shape them into becoming great adults, ect…

    • Trek Girl says:

      I appreciate your understanding of how important children and the raising of children are, as well as the wonderful things you get to see when you pay attention to them.

      I don’t often see people that share these sentiments on sites like this one.

  10. mymy says:

    It is great she has Maddox to worry about her well being. We all know that is what a great mother does to a kid.
    Wouldn’t want her to tell him she is the adult and will worry about his well being instead.

    • truthSF says:


    • Madchen says:

      I really think it’s about selflessness and not co-dependency.

    • Delta Juliet says:

      Some kids do worry about their moms. Or just people they love in general. My oldest is like that. He wants to take care of everyone (he gets it from me, I guess) I AM the caretaker in the household, but when I get sick, he is the first one to ask me if I need a pillow or some juice 😀 He’s a doll.

    • theaPie says:

      Honestly, I had the same reaction. I’m a single parent, and my little girl tries to take care of me sometimes (she’s going to find me a boyfriend, etc). I do my best to not encourage that type of dynamic, because I think it is extremely unhealthy for both of us. She is a child and needs to be taken care of by her mother, not the other way around. I was raised by a mother who expected me to mother her and it was a disaster. 🙁

  11. NM9005 says:

    – Yeah, that face! She knows she looks good!

    – Her body (legs!) looks good in the first picture but she is skinny. This is a flattering photo though.

    – I think she ages well. It’s not a crime to age and she looks more mature with the years. Everybody ages so I don’t understand why people love to lambast her for *gasp” not diverting to surgery or botox to look 27 again. I don’t think she has the energy for it. It’s just the weight that’s a horrible choice.

    – This is really too much and I love this “With Brangelina, it really is feast or famine.” You can go months without a picture or interview but people insist that she doesn’t choose to be photographed. They insist that they all the most photographed couple (they are) but when there’s nothing to promote, suddenly they don’t seem so. Haha, ignorance is bliss for some hardcore fans that’s why it’s so entertaining to visit these threads.

    – The quotes about her personal life (babies, babies BABIES!) are the ones that are selling: fact. That’s why she keeps doing it over and over again. It makes them feel like you know them. Which brings me to this:

    – Her quote about Zahara: for all the people who think she’s kickass, horseback riding is quite elegant. And Pax dubbed “the quiet one” is also a hoot. So much for their fantasy projection on children that are not theirs.

    – The girlfriend thing: why does everybody make such a big deal out of it? She has a few girlfriends but not a posse, big deal. Women are each other worst enemies, can you imagine have Jolie a super accomplished woman as your friend?! It gives me the giggles, most women don’t have that kind of life she has (rich, truly hardworking for the benefit of other people, selfless, driven, intelligent, global fame, ummh her high-strung, calculated personality), it’s hard to find women who can deal with that, relate to that and can deal with the fact they would probably barely see her. My own friend (who’s gorgeous) got kicked out of a job because the other (older) women couldn’t stand her. It’s not always better to have a big girlgroup.

    • mln76 says:

      I don’t understand the attacks on the no girlfriend thing either. First off in Hollywood most people are fake and it’s not easy to have a deep friendship amid so much backstabbing. The preponderance of friendships are either business collaborations, PR stunts, predate fame in some way-or the GOOPY option of frenememy type relationships and cliques which is more high school than Hollywood. Her fans know that she has had long-term friendships with several women including Jillian Armenante, Marriane Pearl and Gwen Stefani.

      • Katherine says:

        I agree. Women with busy careers and children do not have time for a gaggle of girlfriends. You’d think some of these posters were still in college or high school. I have some dear friends who I rarely see because we have very busy lives. That’s reality. It’s obvious that she has long time friends in her life who are there for various events. Of course she has a huge other life – the majority of her life – that we do not see and are not privy to.

        Anyway if you believe the tabloids she has thousands of unnamed “close friends” and “intimates.” 😉

        When does this silly need to believe all things bad about her end?

    • Lisa says:

      I totally agree !!! Have had instances in my younger days where if I’d been an ugly girl I wouldn’t have had any problems at all. Don’t ever assume a pretty girl “has it all” … she sometimes has to work harder for everything she has.

  12. Jayna says:

    Rock on, Angie. But I wish you had said a liitle more about Zahara. I got no insight to her personality like I did from your remarks about the other kids.

  13. Green_Eyes says:

    LOVE this! Ok… Now let the haters begin cuz you know they will… BUT even they can’t take away the fuzzies and smiles I’ll be wearing all day after reading those quotes;)!

  14. OK says:

    Cindy Crawford once said she feels sad after seeing her photo-shoots because they are so beautiful and in reality she was not as beautiful.

    Angelina looks a million times worst than Cindy Crawford on a good day, not to mention her scrawny, veiny body. I wonder how she feels when she looks at her photo-shoots in mags.

  15. teri says:

    I like this photo shoot, so many faces of the Jolie. She looks super plus you see leg, very long sexy legs. Nothing skinny about this photo shoot and she looks great.

  16. Eve says:

    The sexiest picture wasn’t posted here…it’s the one where she her hair is partially over her forehead. And the other two extreme close-ups.

    EditaV posted a link to them yesterday, I was expecting them to be posted by Kaiser but they weren’t so I’m posting the links to my favourite ones here:

    WHAT. A. FACE!

    • toto says:

      Hey eve good day..the first link reminded me of young Sofia Lourin. just stunning and very sweet sexy

      • Eve says:

        Hi Toto, these are my favourite pictures from the photoshoot. I do have to give the credit to EditaV though — she’s the one who always find the best pictures of Jolie and generously posts the links to them here.

    • AJ says:

      The first is really beautiful.

    • theaPie says:

      So nice to see normal eyes, not coked up saucer pupils or opiate pinpoints.

  17. Flan says:

    She’s beautiful inside and out.

  18. aenflex says:

    look i dont love her either. i really dont. but ya know what, haters? don’t hold the woman accountable for making mistakes as a young adult. we all do that. and who gives a shit if her humanitarian stuff is a rouse? who cares about the reasons underlying? the fact is – she’s a humanitarain, and she’s DOING something….are you?

    • Tapioca says:

      Yep, sponsored this and that, street collections, volunteering and a monthy gift-aided donation – pretty much standard stuff I could do so much more of.

      What I don’t do is make a song and dance about “donating” baby picture money I never actually earned in the first place to my own personal holding fund – let’s call it the “Jolie-Pitt Foundation” – then make another song and dance about “donating” the exact same money to a charity a few months down the line, just to seem doubley generous with People magazine’s cash.

      That’s not “Philanthropy”, that’s “Public Relations”!

      • Flan says:

        It’s not People Magazine’s cash. It’s hers.

        They legally bought something of hers, remember? That you are not famous enough for People to want to put down that kind of money for your pictures doesn’t change that.

      • Vesper says:

        Tapioca, very good point!

  19. Nancy C. says:

    way too skinny. can’t believe a man would find that sexy. ugh.

    • M says:

      Most don’t.

      • Dudette says:

        Brad does. All that really matters, and should matter to her.

      • M says:

        You can go on yahoo to read the comments regarding Angelina Jolie to see what people that probably don’t go to celeb websites often & aren’t loons, view her. 98% think she looks like she has a very serious eating disorder and that she is not aging well due to that.

  20. toto says:

    as i said yesterday the VF interview was very good but i read also something about the new York which will be her best till date and yes she has become a very talkative lady , i just wish her interviews will be more like this n the upcoming new York interview ,,she talks how media ignored her actors and how they ask them if they saw my tattoo , she was enraged how media can not see how beautiful these people are and what kind of history they carry..

  21. lettylynton says:

    Eh. I liked her when she was younger better.

    • wordup says:

      I agree. Not that I have anything against her now, it’s just she used to be so much more interesting to me. Ever since she got with Brad I feel like everything about her is so calculated. That lack of spontenaity or genuineness has caused me to lose interest in her as a fan…and although she still is impossibly beautiful I think a few extra pounds would do wonders for her.

  22. Rachel says:

    Who cares?

    • mln76 says:

      obviously you do or else you wouldn’t bother opening the post and commenting 😉

      • Heine says:

        Actually one need not care to comment on something. I was thinking the same thing-who cares, really?

        But I guess her fans do. Quite frankly I don’t care about every detail of her personal life. I’m more interested in the film making process so I wish she’d talk about that more than this nonsense about her love for her boyfriend.

        Great, you love him and have children with him; can you please talk about your work now?

  23. ladybert62 says:

    I cant wait for Pax to grow up and write the first brangelina momma dearest book! Go Team Pax! Ha ha

  24. Shay Kay says:

    IMO she isn’t sexy because of the scary thin but she does still have a striking face.She would look soooo much better with just 10 – 15 pounds and she has to know it.Don’t you think somebody would have told her that by now?You know like”Hey Ang you’re such a pretty woman but I’m really worried about your weight.Surely you can take time to feed yourself (peanut butter on a spoon anyone?) and you will only be that much more beautiful.”
    Anyway thought her comment about Brad making her close family life possible was very sweet and that’s not a word I usually associate with her.
    As commented above I too get the “she’s so disconnected to everything/everyone in general” and that she’s on a constant search to fill that void.If so at least she’s doing it in a healthy way now and that is to her credit.I think she wants/needs approval and tries to be superwoman to achieve it.
    Her physical appearance is so disturbing because it it so at odds with the “I’m a strong, in control woman” image that she tries to project.IMO her physical appearance puts that idea down to an illusion.I actually think of her as a very high maintenance woman in terms of emotional needs.
    The children are absolutely precious and I really do wish the press/pr or whatever would slack off.I really felt sorry for them especially Pax and Viv in the toy shopping pics.If the press want to chase Brad and/or Angie than they are fair game as they made the decision to be public figures but those children deserve more privacy.

  25. Original Chloe says:

    ““I’d like it to be good for something,” she said of her fame. “When you’re young, and somebody sits you down for an interview, you don’t know what to say or why you’re there, because you haven’t formed yourself. I still don’t completely know what to say or do, but I at least have some focus, purpose and direction as to what can be put out in the world that is thoughtful and helpful — as opposed to just what you’re wearing.” (from the NY Times article)

    This ^


    edit: I’ve noticed the AJ bashers are getting more active recently;) oh, it must burn bad, doesn’t it

    • Julia says:

      LOL, some of them who abuse of mini skirts more and more as they age while neglecting the brains department sounding forever ignorant and immature should take notes…

      I mean a woman, especially a mature woman should never be reduced to a body alone while sounding juvenile and unable to give a decent conversation on a single serious subject in par with her age or even in par with an averagely intelligent 20 something..

    • Original Chloe says:

      Good point, Julia, on reducing a woman to her body.

      I can’t wrap my mind around the fact that people continue to point out her veiny arms or bony legs or stuff like that. Okay – she has veiny arms and bony legs but what does it have to do with her being a good actress, a good mother, an inspiration to some of her fans, OR her movie and the issues she tries to bring to public debate, or her humanitarian work?

      If she was some vapid twat known mostly for her restaurant outings, giggling with her boyfriend and trying to look pretty (and I don’t have anyone particular in mind right now) there wouldn’t be much else to talk about and I’d say game on. But Jolie seems to have moved beyond the most superficial aspect of Hollywood life and reducing her accomplishment to not looking pretty enough seems a bit shallow to me.

      Then again, we all look for different things in our favourite celebrities, so I guess, to each their own.

      • Julia says:

        Jolie is 36. Most decent responsible adults don’t expect a woman her age to be about physical attributes alone.

        Otherwise, past 30 years old, 95 % of couples would split if it was only about physique and youth. We all get old.

        Jolie is a mature woman, a mother who had multiple pregnacies and who is intelligent, well spoken and has an attractive brains.

        And sorry to burst some bubbles but for many people, including many men, being beautiful (yes she has enough beauty in her in spite of her veins and slimness) AND brainy AND curious about the world is still considered a rare gem and more attractive than pure ‘nothing in the brains, everything in the bootey’ type of women.

        I don’t find Cate Blanchett beautiful AT ALL, but she is full of feminine charm and is intelligent and more attractive than most beautiful bodies out there.

    • Camille says:

      I agree with your comments Original Chloe and Julia. Really well said ladies :).

    • Eve says:

      She’s one well-spoken woman, isn’t she?

  26. olivia says:

    Other kids just aren’t as emotionally developed as the brangelina gaggle.
    Those kids are extremely smart and funny, and they are so in tune with the goings on of this world and they understand love and poverty and struggling and hope and freedom and French more than anyone else.
    So when Maddox sees brangelina all lovey-dovey, he quitely puts down his thesis statement he’s been working on, turns to his brother Shiloh, brings his attention to the massive emotional connection going on, and Shiloh then turns to the rest of his siblings and quiety and en francais, of course, alerts them. Everyone drops what they’re doing, retreats quietly upstairs, all the while beaming and feeling so secure in their family’s love, where they participate in a drum circle before planning their next humanitarian mission.

    • mln76 says:

      WOW projecting is fun isn’t it?

    • Original Chloe says:

      I’ve never thought I’d say this but you sound positively unstable, Olivia.

      Did you ask someone recently to “put the lotion in the basket?”

    • Eve says:

      Guys, guys…that was Olivia’s attempt at being sarcastic.

      And I mean this: it would have been sort of funny hadn’t it been for the referrence to Shiloh’s sexuality.

      • Lithe says:

        @Eve, I think you’re confusing sexuality with gender identity. But having said that, I don’t consider kids to be fair game for snark.

      • Eve says:

        @ Lithe:

        No, I wasn’t confusing (gender with sexuality). That, I think, was Olivia’s way of bringing up the rumors regarding Shiloh’s sexual orientation. By straight-out calling her “Maddox’s brother” and “his siblings”, when we all (including Olivia) know that she’s a girl, she’s obviously making reference to the speculation regarding her alleged lesbianism.

        I find that positively insane because these are people talking about a child’s sexual preference and, as far as I know, 6-year-olds don’t have sex life nor they think about having it (not just yet, I mean).

        That’s too bad because, as I said, her sarcastic comment was sort of funny — I can take a joke and I was actually giggling…before I spotted the (uncalled for) reference.

    • Lady D says:

      Olivia, are you this cruel to your own children or are you alone with your bitterness?

    • Moi says:

      Lmao. Brilliant

  27. Gigi says:

    Is she selling in overdrive? Yes. But is she sincere about Brad and her kids? That’s a yes too. I don’t see why people can’t separate her statements from each other–it’s not ALL lies or ALL roses and puppies. Angelina and Brad are pros, that’s why their careers are still going great. They know when and what to sell when they need to and that’s why the studios love them as well. But when it comes to family and philanthropy, I honestly believe they’re legit. Six happy kids and all the money and time they give to causes…that’s just impossible to fake.

    • mln76 says:

      Agree with you 100% I am all for talking about the way they sell their image (Just like every other person in Hollywood). I just get sick of the demonizing of this woman.

      • Sakyiwaa says:

        All this must be like a kryptonite burn to the h8rs! We dont have to feed them, they’ll burn all by themselves…

      • Camille says:

        I agree.

      • dj says:

        It appears some people are really upset that A.J. is NOT getting spray tanned, highlights, a mani-pedi and going to yoga twice a day, and couple of Starbucks runs. Gee whiz, she has 6 kids, reads and researchs various countries, travels to war torn countries. Don’t forget she just wrote and directed a movie too. WTH?

  28. Sakyiwaa says:

    This is awesome! Lol!

  29. Susan says:

    “Oh, and the quote about her lack of girlfriends… yeah, that one will make headlines”. Um actually no. What is so interesting about this promotion tour is that angie is all over on every magazine, out to toy stores with the family, quoting plus plus about her family. But few mentions on the tabloids, web sites or blogs. Only a few stories on google. Yesterday at the height of the new about her there were only forty outlets talking about it. People has had only about one story all week, none on their top five. US maybe two or three. Huffington post I could find 1 story on their main web page. I realize that the hard core fans love this. But others have grown tired of it. Jolie has said multiple time how much she loves Brad etc. Few people care anymore. That I think is why they are promoting so hard because they know that interest in them has wained.
    Kinda sad. They are getting desperate.

    • Original Chloe says:

      Yeah, the only people interested are those at NY Times, Newsweek, and other inessential media outlets.

      (By God, Huffington had just one article, pack your bags and go back to your cupboard, Angelina)


    • mln76 says:

      Susan what’s kind of sad and desperate is that you are counting the stories on the web about her. Even I a certified loonie have never done that. There are none more devoted to all things Angie than her detractors.

  30. pebbles says:

    God, she’s beautiful…….

  31. lisa says:

    That cover is absolutely crazy beautiful.

    I saw the pictures of them leaving FAO and that outfit she was wearing was very nice. And she is on the cover of The Hollywood Reporter in a cute black dress.

    Angie is not the most stylish celeb. NEVER has been. But she has her moments and they are always memorable. I think if she knocked it out of the park every time it would be boring. As it is most times she is very simple and nondescript. then she can WOW the hell out of you with one appearance. That to me is something to look forward too.

  32. Original Bee says:

    I adore Brad and Angelina together. I think they have a real genuine love for each other. And they both know what’s important in life. Family. As far as Angelina not having many girlfriends. If that’s true I think it’s for the reasons she mentioned. She’s always with her family and she doesn’t have much time to socialize.

  33. Reel Wheel says:

    She is one stunning woman for sure (and I seriously covet those pyjamas), but, I don’t know – when I read these quotes something in my gut is saying she seems to be trying just a little to hard to sell herself to….well, herself, more than anyone….

    She was so much more interesting in the days when she just didn’t give a flying f***.

  34. spinner says:

    You know…Angie has a tough row to hoe with this movie. She can’t promote the movie on content alone. She knows if this movie is to be big, she has to sell it based on herself. She certainly has the star-power to do it but it is not like selling a blockbuster where the movie sells itself. Much more difficult this way. She is going gangbusters & I wish her luck.

    • Emma says:

      There is no way, based upon it’s story, this film will be big (even Angie agrees with that sentiment). She isn’t looking for a ‘blockbuster, box office’ hit. I think she’d be happy with good reviews for her first directorial film project.

  35. donnamae54 says:

    I thought Angelina Jolie had lost her facial features free spirit type actions of Laura Croft, but whoops,there it is! Glad to see some resembelance of it in these photo’s. After the babies and Brad Pitt she just toned it down and turned into another person dressing most of the time like a bag lady and all!

  36. alma says:

    I looove that quote and the last pics 🙂 I’ll always love her!

  37. Ravensdaughter says:

    I completely understand what Angelina is saying. Considering her upbringing and the fairly recent loss of her mom, to say that Brad is “family” expresses how connected they are and just how much she cherishes him. Brad is also the critical partner in raising their children-having the “brood” obviously makes them both happy- a great BIG family!
    Z horseback riding-I bet she will be fearless.

  38. WaywardGirl says:

    Saw her on Anderson and she is stunning in person 🙂 Very cool too. During break she chatted with some of the audience members and shook their hands. She’s cute.

    • Eve says:

      GAH! I’m so jealous of some you!


    • Julia says:

      Many people who have seen her in real have said that pictures don’t render how beautiful she is and that in person she is stunning, like a living doll with amazing expressive eyes. That she is shy but smiley.

  39. Maya says:

    The quote about Maddox is so sweet, although I can already see some tabloid magazines picking it up and spinning it another way – “She’s such a mess she makes her kids take care of her!” or something like that, with input from random ‘experts’ analyzing the quotes. (Cough, InTouch)

    The pictures in the magazine are gorgeous though; I love the closeups of her face. I agree with all the people who think she’s getting better, looks-wise, as she gets older.

  40. danielle says:

    Whoa! I love the pictures of her acting goofy in the pajamas! A side of her she should show off more often.

  41. whatevs says:

    it’s wonderful how they are embracing and encouraging all of these kids’ unique personalities and interests.

  42. Yep says:

    If you’re so tired of her why are you posting so many articles about her? This is the second one about her Marie Claire interview. Anywho, I always knew Angie would stay with brad for her kids/family just like she says she is back in talks with Jon voight because it’s what is best for the family. 🙂

  43. Nikki says:

    great write up from a person at the screening

    Whenever i sit to write in this blog there is fuel that drives me. Many times the source is one particular matter that raises a certain question in my head that pushes me to sit and write and share my ideas with the world. Every now and then it’s not one, but the clash of several different matters that push me to write, in this case the clash of ideas that brought me to my knees is not an easy one.

    I live in New York City, a half a block away from the United Nations, i meditate on that building constantly as a way of trying to find peace, i look to it as a source of inspiration, because i would like to think of it as a place where politics, religions, beliefs and economy are all neutral and in perfect harmony, even though i know it isn’t. Many nights on my way home I stop and stare at that building and wonder what thoughts and prayers are going on in there, what matters are being brought to the surface for discussion, and which of those matters are in fact being addressed and which ones aren’t. I always try to think of the United Nations as a place of peace, i try to look at it as a place of reflection on life in this tiny world we live in and for a second my heart gets filled with hope.

    Well, last night i went to a different building in the city, the Hearst Tower, symbol of money and power of the american empire, but a place where thoughts come to life in print and websites and media in general; and also the place that houses Marie Claire magazine, which had invited me for a private screening followed by a Q&A of Angelina Jolie’s “In the Land of Blood and Honey” the movie she wrote, directed and produced, about the war in Bosnia; a very controversial movie but also a brilliantly made movie; a movie that raises all the right questions, that stirs all the right feelings, that throws you to the ground and shakes you to look for your human soul.

    Angelina Jolie has always been a very mysterious woman to me, a very layered gorgeous woman; she is the bombshell, the actress, the mother, the humanitarian, whatever it is you want to label her as, she can be, i see her as a Swiss army knife, actually, i don’t, because a Swiss army knife has limitations, and Angelina doesn’t. Mrs. Jolie is a powerful woman and she uses the power she has been given very wisely.

    In her directorial debut, Mrs. Jolie told a story that many people don’t want to tell, she told the story of something that the world didn’t even want to look at as it was happening, in Bosnia; ugly things done by human beings to other human beings, she told the stories of the war, she managed to brilliantly place the viewer inside the war, next to the soldiers and the victims, she made you feel all they felt, and you could not pick a side, you could not decide who the villain was, because they all had their part in it, they all came in with their beliefs and they all turned into something else as soon as the war began.

    Angelina Jolie showed us what it feels like to be in war, to see horrific things on a daily basis, year after year, after year, she made us understand that there is no sense to any of it, that friends and neighbors can turn into enemies in the click of an Uzi, just because. That is frightening, and we don’t want to look at it, it is in our nature to look away, we don’t want to know what happens there, we don’t like to be put in that position, because we don’t want to question ourselves what would we do if we were put in that situation.

    Before the movie started, Angelina came out with a message; “Over the next two hours, you will feel uncomfortable and you will want to stop the movie and leave, but these people, they had to live through these things for three years, they couldn’t leave, and many of the actors in this movie were there when it happened, so please don’t leave.”

    Well, no one left, and we all wore those Bosnian shoes, and that is exactly what will happen to you too upon watching “In the Land of Blood and Honey”, because Angelina Jolie will not settle for less then the absolute truth, she will not settle for less than the reality, and if the film doesn’t end the way you expect it to end, well, you will have to suck it up, because in war, things don’t necessarily end the way we want them to end.

    Mrs. Jolie is a serious woman who takes her job very seriously, and when given the opportunity to tell this horrific story she decided to do the best job she could to show the world how things really happened, not how we hoped for them to turn out in the end, because in war there is no romantic ending, there is just the end. And then some other war begins somewhere else.

    If the story was taken from a book of a certain gentleman or not, that doesn’t mater, controversies aside, Angelina Jolie was the right person to tell this story, Mrs. Jolie has the means and expertise to make it work, she made sure that the movie reflected what really happened during the conflict in Bosnia, and because this movie has Mrs. Jolie as its creator people will pay attention to it and they will buy tickets and they will go watch it, even though the theme is tough to digest, so it doesn’t matter where the story came from, but the story was told the best way it could be told, the story reached it’s full potential for the screen and hopefully will help raise awareness of millions of people around the world, because that’s why i write and that’s why movie makers make movies, because we want to send a message, that’s how we know how to help, we inform people through our craft and hope that the message sticks.

    So what i took from my encounter with Mrs. Jolie was that if more people in Hollywood were rolling up their sleeves like she is, and Mr. Sean Penn is, and Mr. Steven Spielberg is, then we would have a much better chance of changing the world, because we still live in a celebrity driven world, and if more actors and directors used their celebrity status to give us the truth then we would have a much more educated young generation.

    Angelina Jolie is a much bigger person than you would think of, and i feel profoundly honored and privileged to have been able to meet with her and share thoughts and ideas on some of the most difficult world issues, issues that we both care and fight for; in different levels, but still, we are both doing the best we can in our capacities, we are both being the best human beings that we can be.

  44. I usually scroll past long posts,but I’m glad I read yours.I know this movie is going to be hard for me to watch.Not just because of the violence,but because of the truth at its foundation.Excellent post.Thanks!!

  45. BBB says:

    I love the ones with the goofy faces, she looks like so much fun in those! I normally can’t stand looking at her, I don’t know why, but those pics make her look rather pleasant to be around.

  46. Bermuda Blues says:

    I find it odd that Marie Claire covered up her tattoo of the whole family’s birth coordinates in the first photo.

    • Nikki says:

      Other shoulder

      • Bermuda Blues says:

        No if you look at the pictures, the 1st picture and the 4th picture, BOTH shoulders are shown. Angelina has the coordinates of her family on her left shoulder, Marie Claire airbrushed them out.

      • Eve says:

        Or maybe that’s a reversed picture. You know, like when they show a picture of Paul McCartney and it seems like he’s right handed?

        Maybe they did the same thing here. That is her right arm, but since it’s a reversed picture, it looks like it’s her left.

    • Lucky Charm says:

      That’s a mirror image (like a film negative). You can see the tattoo on the inside of her forearm looks like it’s on her right arm, when it’s actually on her left. Rather than airbrush out her family coordinates tattoos, it looks like they just reversed the picture so you can’t see them.

  47. Denise says:

    Very sweet; can’t hate on them. They are a lovely family.

  48. Victoria says:

    I love them love them love them AND I hardly ever say that about anyone in Hollywood.

  49. Turd Fergussen says:

    Funny — Brad was someone else’s family when you came along, Angelina.

    Can’t stand this woman. Never have, never will.

    • JP Fan says:

      ROTFLMAO! Are you talking about a marriage of 4 and half years with no kids and they spent only 3 months together and have nothing in common???

      Remember on GMA Jan 2004, the shallow one said when Diane showed a clip saying he’d like to 7 or more kids! The shallow one responded, “haha he’ll be lucky IF he get’s one” the interview in youtube!

      OK, as if that wasn’t enough who can forget the coke & toke queen telling in an inyerview in 2003, “Brad is NOT the love of her life” Then February 2003 she (she looked so damned ugly that night) at Golden Globes, she thanks eeveryone and their brother but NOT Brad! Next month Brad left to shoot Troy in Malta(March 2003)She visited him once maybe twice for 2 days, claiming she is scared of flying…LOL, but the bitch followed VV to London when she found out he was cheating witha 19 year old and she followed the urinater John Meyer with a camera in her hand at concerts like a groupy all around the world. Then he dumps her on TMZ on a NYC curb…But classless bitch hounds him to be her Oscar date to CRASH thee JOLIE-PITT party when they were both NOMINATED! The bitch embarrasses herself b/c she knew she didn’t belong there but she wanted to STALK the JP’s.
      Two days after Oscar’s and tabloids, including Gale Oprah’s BFF (eyesrolling) claim “they are so much in LOVE” Hehehe the Huvane hired BF flies the coop since his contract was over.

      Now we are sitting here to see when JT ‘s contract ends…my guess is Huvane has him bound till the WonderBust opens then the “nobody, balding, stumpy” will say tata to Jen LMAO!

      • Julia says:


        As if Aniston was ever family oriented. Her family is her dogs and her friends. She has said this over and over again. No mother, no father no half brothers at her side ever in all of her important public outings…

        But suddenly the man she married once who spent half of that time in therapy and wasn’t the love of her life (according to her) was her family ? Just because is name is Brad Pitt ? Puhleeeease !

      • CW says:
        she did not say that about babies…not even close

    • Petee says:

      That’s why some people don’t like her,that whole Maniston thing.Everyone need’s to get over that it has been year’s ago and these two are still together.Why is it alway’s the woman’s fault?He fell in love with someone else and chose to leave his marriage,and for some reason her beauty bother’s some people.I guess people liked Jennifer better because she was on that dopey show and she look’s like any average person.

    • Lucky Charm says:

      You mean the woman who publicly declared that her husband was not the love of her life, but was just a love in her life? Who publicly stated just before her tv show ended that she was absolutely going to work on starting a family with her husband and then promptly turned around and signed on to four back-to-back movies? The woman who refused to accompany her husband to the midwest for his parents’ wedding anniversary and had nothing to do with her own parents or siblings? You mean THAT family? The only “family” Brad had with his ex was her dog.

    • Freya says:

      Bye! *waving*

  50. anne_000 says:

    I like what she said about the importance of being part of a family. It’s nearly the opposite of what Ewan McGregor basically said, which was that he was not a family man, he just lives with them… something like that.

  51. marie says:

    Since I dont know her personally I cant say I love or hate her. I can say I share her experience about women friends. I do have them but Im not interested in going out alot and have too much that keeps me close to home. My partner (no we’re not married but together 15 years) is my family and love. I agree that whether she is sincere about her charity work or not doesnt negate the attention she brings to issues that may not otherwise get similar coverage.

  52. Tiffany says:

    I wonder if Madonna is pissed that Angie’s film adventure is getting much more attention than her film adventure?

    Angies film looks so much better because it doesn’t appear to be an ego trip, it seems it is a story that she really wants to tell.

  53. AMY says:

    I don’t care what none of y’all say I still love her 🙂

    • JP Fan says:

      Trust me, we are the MAJORITY who adores this amazingly talented, intelligent, gorgeous woman with a heart of gold who has become an icon and inspiration to men, women & children at the age of 36!

  54. diana says:

    love her for her wonderful humanitarian work. as i said before, while we are sitting here behind our computer screens and bitch about non sense she makes a big difference somewhere, does something good for someone she does not know.

    how wonderful is that?

    she speaks well.

    she learned from her own mistakes and risky behavior.

  55. CW says:

    Am I the only one who thinks she’s already pregnant?
    i must be seeing things, but her tummy looks like it’s possible

  56. Maripily says:

    Kaiser, I love Angelina too. All of these posts on her are awesome…keep ’em coming! I love her comments on her children…it’s fun to get a glimpse of their personalities. And I love her relationship with Brad…they seem like each others’ best friend, and that is wonderful.

  57. Moreaces says:

    Beautiful photos.

  58. cprincess says:

    What I like more than anything is in her interviews on TV she doesnt seem guarded…she really laughs and to you haters-OK you dont like her but she does more consistently than any other celebrity and gives a shit about something other than herself…
    Compare her to someone like Jennifer Lopez who is just a shameless, greedy bitch who talks about her ‘babies’ coming first-yeah right….

  59. hatekyle says:

    I love her openness and her depth…ummm she just strikes a chord..she’s no romcom at all.

  60. hatekyle says:

    Now I know why Angelina has substance and why Chelsea H. is just abuse.

  61. Sam says:

    She looks really nice in the photos, good to see her goofing around showing a different side to her…It’s sweet how she speaks about her children and Brad she seems happy and content with her life and I get the same impression from Brad…I think the stories you hear about her where they exaggerate details about Angelina, this source said this and that, I think its all to make her seem interesting on the other hand she probably is a regular boring mom who loves spending time with her kids and the hubby…not that there is nothing wrong with that, I like that side of her and probably isn’t as bad she’s made out to be…xx

    • lisa says:

      Actually your observations are what I see and what she has said. People love to scream she or they are pimping their kids and all manner of things. Angie is promoting her film and doing what everyone else is doing that has a film out. But when this is over, you don’t see her or Brad at every premier. or social thing. They are not seen out at clubs and parting til dawn. You don’t see her giving interviews when she is not promoting. Angie has not been in front of the camera for over a year. We see her on her humanitarian missions or out with the kids. How is that pimping them for what purpose. I have seen the Beckham boys, Harper, Miranda/Orlando’s son and loads of other kids way more than the JP kids.

      Angie’s quote about Shiloh having Art classes or the boys doing Karate or Zee riding horses and the twins having swim classes. They obviously go to a lot of trouble to make sure their kids have a private life. I am a huge fan, and can say that I have never seen pictures of these children in moments doing any of these activites. So they do keep those kids out of the public eye a great deal. Which looking at the reactions of them with the paps they are not use to it or comfortable. Meaning it doesn’t happen a lot.

      anyway as a fan I am loving hearing from her and what she is doing and yes I think she and Brad have something special together.

  62. L says:

    Of course she doesn’t have many female friends. Women are cruel, judgmental, jealous of, and vicious about fellow women. One look at the catty comments on this website on any Jolie or Aniston post (or really, about almost any female celebrity) is proof of that. Why invite that into your life?

  63. jham says:

    i love brangeloonie threads, peeps be gettin cray cray on this stuff.

    on a pertinent-to-the-topic- note, i think she has done well with herself and her life and i think the juxtaposition of the person she is and was makes a lot of sense i.e. she appreciates life and human struggles more now after having been (as she attests) in a very dark place for a long time. i can relate.

  64. Bananarama1 says:

    @ Kobi and others like Scarlett, I really wish people would put their brains into gear before commenting. Angelina has been doing humanitarian work for a third of her time on this earth. Not only that, she has gone there in war-torn countries and helped out, on the ground, with her own 2 hands. There are stunts, and then there is blind darn reality that no person would put themselves at risk like that, and for a third of their time alive, all for a stunt. Gees, shes flippin Angelina Jolie! She certainly doesn’t need to do that for publicity. And not only that, you are assuming that YOU know more than the experts, such as the UN, who recently held a dinner to honor her for her work, and Nelson Mandela. Do you guys honestly, seriously think these people who deal with celebs all the time, can’t spot a fake when they see one? What do you take them for?? Seriously, put brain into gear, and THEN write. Oh, and not only is Mandela a respected confidante of hers, but she was invited, INVITED, to join the Foreign Council, a council made up almost entirely of Government Officials and Diplomats at the highest level.

    Think about all that for a moment, and just – open your mind, and let that sink in. If you truly think, with all your expertise, or lack of it, that YOU know better than all these people who would have come across more fakes and celebs out for a quick publicity shot than I have hot dinners, then you are beyond logic and reason. Attacxk her over her acting or something, but even most of her ardent critics leave the humanitarian issue alone because even they admit she is genuine in that area. That is without question – even to her haters.

  65. Bananarama1 says:

    @Turd Fergussen, no, he WASN’T someone else’s man when she came along. Because, she came along AFTER

  66. Bananarama1 says:

    Turd Fergussen, no, he WASN’T someone else’s man when she came along. Because he was separated from the only homewrecker – Aniston, when she came along. Get your facts straight, and put down the tabloids. 7 years, and they’ve lasted longer than he was even married to that manipulative b*tch Aniston, and you still won’t look at her as a person and for all the good she does. I feel so sorry for you. I really do. Save your sympathy for Heidi Biven, the woman whose home the tramp Aniston homewrecked. Instead of attacking a good woman who has never done anything wrong out of your ignorance and hate. Its a pity you weren’t more like Angelina because she represents decency and morality, something Brad’s psycho ex doesn’t know the meaning of.

  67. Bananarama1 says:

    @ M, its well-known that the Yahoo sites are filled with loonifers who actively and have bragged about, heckling and thumbing down anyone who has the temerity to be open-minded, rational and non-hateful about Angelina. Yahoo is on par with FF and IUC. I wouldn’t brag about yahoo being invested with loonistons if I were you. Its something to be ashamed of, not proud of. Might is not right, especially when that might is full of ignorance, bigotry, envy, small-mindedness and irrational hate. I’m proud I give the loony yahoo and fellow looniston sites wide berth.

  68. Brit says:

    Angelina has the BEST PR.

  69. emma says:

    I LOVE SHILOH! She just seems so awesome. And Angie looks really good in blue on that cover- she should wear it more often.

  70. sandy#1 says:

    @#63 funny, yes, brangeloonie threads are different from most others, rather you are for them or against them, to me it seems all the negatives in their life, just makes them stronger as a unit, but yes, it is, (in your words cray, cray), lol, when i dislike someone so much, i don’t want to be reminded that they exsist, like the phoney ja and all her fake romances and coat tail riding,shallow, non talented, unattractive self, all these years, people feel sorry for her because brad, the golden boy dumped her, making her the prettiest, most talented person that walked the earth, real talented actreses must be really angry. she is an opportunist. you won’t catch me on her threads, but hey, that’s just how i roll,/ feel.

  71. domesticdiva says:

    I mean wow i have heard the term brangaloonies but to read this thread you people are crazy! !!!! You attack people literally attack peole that dont say gliwing things about her i mean it might not even be anything negative about her character juat i dont like her and you people go.crazy. I mean whatever floats your boat i guess but angie is not thinking about you or defending you character with this much passion anyway ill wait for to hit on demand the pics arwe pretty but shes not my fave

  72. Bananarama1 says:

    domesticdiva, get a reality check. What is crazy, are people attacking Angelina out of irrational and crazy reason, NOT the people defending her. I think she isn’t perfect; shes a human being with faults like all of us. But the loonistons sure put the loon in looniston when they attack her and question her integrity and the integrity of Nelson Madela, of the entire UN, of the Foreign Council. THAT, is crazy. I’m all for fair criticism, and god knows her acting can use some improvement. But when you measure the insane loonistons conspiracy theories and insane, irrational hateful attacks, against those defending her as a human being, don’t pretend it makes one, rather than the other, the wrong doer, ok?

  73. Mara says:

    Every woman is beautiful in her own way it is not such a think as the most beautiful because they are famous don’t make them the most beautiful people but Angelina she have the most famous lips very unique looking pout

  74. animac says:

    i would be ashamed of my self if i had forgotten that she is a filthy homewrecker and a phoney