John McCain hits then misses on Saturday Night Live (update: more videos)

McCain’s first skit on SNL, which was a hit. His second skit, below, wasn’t quite as effective

After a serious ten straight minutes of political commercials, Saturday Night Live finally kicked off with John McCain and Sarah Palin. The real McCain, but not the real Sarah Palin. Tina Fey was back with what will be, if she sticks to her word, her final performance on the Saturday show as the Alaska Governor.

McCain and “Palin” were on QVC on the skit, in rebuttal to Obama’s Wednesday night 30-minute ad, because the time came cheap as long as they would hawk a few products. As Tina-as-Palin explained as she stroked her lovely, designer jacket, running a Presidential campaign is expensive.

Senator McCain announced the pair’s first product, a 10-piece collector’s set representing the ten town hall meetings the Senators McCain and Obama had. He stepped over to reveal ten blank, white plates, because, as he explained, Obama refused to do town hall meetings.

The second product was presented by Palin, a complete set of Joe action figures, plumber, six pack, and Biden. Her favorite being the Biden doll, whose string you could pull and he would talk for 45-minutes straight.

McCain then took the opportunity to talk about the crossroads in American history we all find ourselves in this election year… until Palin interrupted to announce that there were only two minutes left to order the Washington Outsider jewelry!

Which brought McCain to his “Fine Gold” line of jewelry, presented by Cindy McCain. That joke wrote itself. The next one had to reach a bit further, Sarah Palin’s Ayers Freshners, to plug in when “sumthin’ doesn’t quite smell right.” Plus, as Tina said, it keeps on reminding you of William Ayers!

The final official product was John McCain Pork Knives, to “cut the pork out.”

Then Tina’s Palin goes rogue, taking the camera to the side with “PALIN in 2012” t-shirts, “just wait til after Tuesday to wear them.” Whether they win or not, she says, Palin isn’t going anywhere, she’s either going to be in the White House or be White Oprah.

From off camera, McCain asks, “What’s going on over there, Sarah?”

“Oh, just talkin’ ’bout taxes.”

Before the Senator delivers the obligatory line for opening Saturday Night Live, he tells the QVC audience that he is a true Maverick, a Republican without money, so had no choice but to go on QVC. And unlike Barack Obama, he doesn’t have Hollywood connections, his only showbiz supporters are John Voight and Heidi from the Hills.

He closed with, “When you go to the polls remember “Country First”, and as a reminder, all undergarments are unrefundable.”

John McCain was as willing and funny as I knew he would be. He really seems to have a sense of humor, it’s just been markedly missing, or strangely askew, for the past couple weeks. He got plenty of laughs and alot of applause. He seemed to be a hit.

But then he came on Weekend Update. There was actual booing when he was introduced. Senator McCain delivered an interesting array of “last minute strategies.” The “Reverse Maverick”: where he does whatever anybody tells him. The “Double Maverick”: going totally berserker and freak everybody out. The “Sad Grandpa”: Obama has a lot of time left to run for president, voters should give him a chance. People laughed at his bad ideas, but not in the good way. When Seth Myers asked which he was going to use, McCain got serious for a minute and said he was going to stick with his basic strategy… connect with the voters, stand by his record, etc. And if that doesn’t work, probably the Double Maverick.

One sketch too many, Senator.

Ben Affleck was not as good as I’d hoped he’d be. He had a couple of funny moments, but more than not, he was disappointing. Singer David Cook, on the other hand was excellent.

Update by Celebitchy: Here’s Ben Affleck as Keith Olbermann, and as Alec Baldwin stopping by The View. (Thanks daisy424!)

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30 Responses to “John McCain hits then misses on Saturday Night Live (update: more videos)”

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  1. vdantev says:

    Fallacious political statements are easy- comedy is hard.

  2. daisy424 says:

    ‘Ben Affleck was not as good as I’d hoped he’d be.’ ???
    Did you watch the same show I did?

    Ben was fabulous as Keith Olbermann, I almost fell off the couch laughing. Spot on, a classic. Payback’s a bitch, eh, BB?
    I almost forgot why I stopped watching Countdown, thanks for reminding me Ben.

  3. DLR says:

    Say, what will Tina do if McCain and Palin win Tuesday night? 😯

  4. G. says:

    I thought Ben Affleck was great on SNL! His Keith Olbermann impression was hilariously amazing!

  5. whatev says:

    Yeah his Olbermann was hilarious. It was the only time the whole show that I laughed out loud. The problem with the show last night wasn’t Ben, it was the sketches written for him, plain awful.

  6. cassie says:

    i actually thought ben affleck was funnier than ive seen him in a long time. (ever)

    mccain makes me want to gag. no offense or anything.

    the view skit was HILARIOUS!

    andy samberg as joy behar = classic

  7. str says:

    alec baldwin was dead on! lol

    and mccain made an ass of himself, per usual…

  8. Dan says:

    Actually I thought Affleck was one of the better hosts I’ve seen recently.. he has an obvious talent for this type of acting.. the Olberman skit was hysterical

    As for McCain.. eh… he looked like he was having fun, so thats good I suppose.. but I doubt it will help him much

  9. Seth says:

    Ben Affleck just reminded us why his movies have all tanked.
    Ben ya need a new day job, I watched SNL and during the Olbermann skit I began to cringe and felt embarrassed for Ben.

  10. Blue Berry says:

    Affleck was HILARIOUS!!! And the Joyce character SLAYED me (and I love Joyce B.).
    McCain was too self conscious mixed with desperation and came off poorly.

  11. Feebee says:

    I thought Ben Affleck was great! He has a talent for impersonations, his Olbermann and Baldwin takes were spot on. The UPS guy appropriately creeped me out but cracked me up, it just went on a little long. Some of the skits were bad but nothing as bad as the ‘fartface’ one last week (at least Jon Hamm was fabulous in his hosting duties too).

  12. L says:

    Totally agree Feebee! Ben Affleck was a riot last night. He was thoroughly enteraining in several skits and I very much enjoyed his performances.

  13. lanette says:

    I thouht ben affleck was funny and he had Keith Olberman down pack!

  14. Debsa says:

    The View sketch was hilarious.. Obermann was cute but a little long… 😆

  15. WTF?!?! says:

    “Fallacious political statements are easy- comedy is hard.”

    😆 😆 😆 😆

  16. AC says:

    he was funny… it doesn’t mean he should be president though! 😀

  17. JaundiceMachine says:

    I chuckled a bit, but involuntarily cringed when he brought up “non-partisan” and “Feingold” in the same sentence. That may have well been decades ago, man. You’ve changed, John – you’ve changed and Russ doesn’t recognize you anymore.

  18. kate says:

    mc cain’s appearance was just another gimmick in a campaign based on gimmicks like joe the plumber, elizabeth hasselback etc etc. it was kind of humiliating – he seemed to be unaware that people were laughing at him and not with him.

  19. Layla says:

    Ben Affleck SUCKED…..just like he normally does. The Obermann sketch was WAY WAY too long. And just not funny.

  20. Diva says:

    That was Fred Armisen as Behar, not Andy Samberg. Kristen Wiig as Hasselbeck was great, especially in the screechy parts! Affleck was really good as Baldwin most of the time.

    The Olbermann sketch was entirely too long. If Affleck could have picked up to the speed the real Olbermann speaks, it probably would have lasted a good 2-3 minutes less! He did do a great impression most of it, though.

    The skit I thought Affleck did well was the Target Lady one, lol… he was so perfectly icky, lol.

    I wonder what Palin thinks of McCain helping Tina Fey spoof on her.

  21. babs says:

    I loved Ben in the Target Lady skit! I laughed my head off! I think Ben does a great job and obviously enjoys doing the show because he tends to crack up during some of the funnier skits. I was kinda waiting for Matt Damon to show up and surprise Ben, but he didn’t. I wished Jennifer Garner would host the show. I think it would be funny!

  22. journey says:

    poor dear, a republican without money. apparently he’s forgotten about the eleven houses, umpteen cars, and the vast brewery fortune. . .

  23. geekaziod says:

    I am so terrified right now. THE ELECTION IS TOMAROW!

  24. I love Tina Fey. She’s Brilliant.

  25. DLR says:

    tick, tock, tick, tock, this is going to be a lot of fun Tuesday November 4. 😯

  26. Lauri says:

    I thought Affleck was pretty funny. Hubby and I cracked up over his UPS guy/Target lady skit.

    McCain is no comedian…never purported himself to be. But he has a sense of humor and I thought he did as well as any non-professional entertainer would do on a live show. It was not high comedy, but it was amusing.

  27. mollination says:

    I love Fred Armissen! He’s hysterical! I thought the skits went on too long. And for some reason; the timing must have been off or something; they didn’t spur as many out-loud laughs as they should have for how funny they were. But I DID think it was funny.

  28. Shane says:

    McCain is widely known for his sense of humor. It’s what helped him through being a prisoner of war in Vietnam for 7 years! Whether or not you vote for him, John McCain is a likeable guy on a personal level (he is well known as such). As opposed to say, George W. Bush.

    I liked the skits and thought they were well done, plus McCain was brave to appear in front of a very liberal audience, some of which couldn’t enjoy the humor due to their intense bias against him as a Republican.

  29. JILLIAN says:

    LOVED THE SHOW.. 😀 😀 😀

  30. Dubdub2000 says:

    OMGoodness, Ben Affleck was HILARIOUS! Who knew he had that in him? I had written him off as an actor but thought he did a great job as a director. Well look at that! Excellent!

    As for McCain, yeah he was funny, but I will never understand who told him:
    a-that choosing Palin as a running mate was a good idea
    b- that having her and him appear several times on a show that HATES both of them and make an ass of themselves would prove to the undecided voters that he should be their next president.

    I’m sure both enormities came from the same person as they are branded with the same level of stupidity so its a good thing then, for no other reason , that McCain was not elected as that idiot advisor would then have gotten a chance at advising McCain on much, much more important issues!!

    So yeah McCain is funny and has great timing and all that, but uhm…I’m not sure anyone really cares…as they said way back when “it’s the economy, stupid!”….oh well…