US Weekly: Sandra Bullock is gun shy and afraid to date after Jesse and Ryan

I think we can assume that this story was blessed by Sandra Bullock’s publicist, since it was in US Weekly. US ran a whole “Sandra’s tropical vacation” story about a year ago that was an obvious PR piece meant to show that she’s doing fine post-divorce. Well someone thinks we need an explanation why Sandra is currently single. This even took a sidebar on the cover this week. They claim that her friends are tying to get her to date, but that she’s not read. She’s supposedly not boning Keanu (boo!) and is in the best shape of her life as some sort of revenge diet and exercise plan.

Can anyone blame Sandra Bullock for being gun-shy? After her five year marriage to Jesse James became a nightmare with revelations last year of his multiple infidelities, “she’s still not ready to date,” says an insider. “Her friends are always trying to get her to go out and meet guys, but she just wants to stay in and watch movies. She says dating is the last thing on her mind.” (So, in other words, those rumors this fall of a real life Speed hookup with Keanu Reeves, 47, were just that. “Sandy thinks it’s funny because they’re, like, best friends,” says the source.) Instead, the actress, 47, has kept her focus on son Louis, 23 months, as well as a grueling new get-git regimen. “She’s perfectly tight and toned!” a friend marvels of her killer bod, adding “She wanted to do this for herself – and as a kind of f–k you’ to her ex.” (She has plenty of anger to burn: James, 42, recently dissed her as “some Hollywood actress” on his Discovery show, American Chopper.) Bullock will be showing off the results “in a big reveal” in Gravity, the fall 2012 drama she recently shot in London with George Clooney. Says the pal, “It’s hard to believe her age.”

[From US Weekly, print edition, December 26, 2011]

Notice how Ryan wasn’t mentioned at all. (So the title of this story was misleading, my bad.) I do think she dated him briefly and that it didn’t end well. It’s cool, Bullock doesn’t need a boyfriend. I still want her life. I just feel like she’s slipping a little with these dumb planted stories. She’s not J.Lo or Aniston, she don’t need to keep reminding us how hot and fit she is. It’s like these publicists have a formula and they have no idea how to deviate from it. She should go back to staging cute photo ops with Louis.

Speaking of Louis, Sandra has a new interview with Access Hollywood in which she says that she’s going to go all-out for his Christmas this year. She joked that she’ll use the Christmas photos to show teenage Louis that she was a good mom when he was little. “I want the photo ops to be really great because he’s not going to remember it, but he’ll remember it by the photos and when he’s 16 and says, ‘I hate you — you’re a horrible mother,’ I’ll go, ‘Do you see this Christmas? Do you see that I got you that life-size lion? Shut up! Get in your room and do your homework. I was a good mother then.’” She must have some experience with teenagers. Sandra also shared her personal experience as a witness to the September 11 terrorist attacks. She’s been asked about it as she’s promoting Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, a story about a young boy who loses his father on that day. It’s out on Christmas day. The trailers got me all choked up so I doubt I’ll see it.

Sandra is shown outside the gym in NY on 12/13 and 12/14. Credit: Fame and

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38 Responses to “US Weekly: Sandra Bullock is gun shy and afraid to date after Jesse and Ryan”

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  1. Bite me says:

    Hmmm she looks good.
    Great body and hair

  2. Samigirl says:

    “Do you see this Christmas? Do you see that I got you that life-size lion?”

    Cracked me up. It’s a good idea. I know how horrid I was at 15 (and 16, 17, 18).

  3. Zay says:

    The captions should say “Sandra Bullock not giving a crap ‘Like a Boss'”

  4. brin says:

    I’m glad she has adorable little Louis in her life, the one male who will bring her joy.

  5. Stellax2 says:

    She looks good but she always does. I’ve seen the trailer Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. I choked up too. My brother died that day so I always get choked up with the subject matter. I may see the movie (a matinee where hopefully the theater is not packed) so if I cry, I don’t draw attention to myself.

    I have a question which has probably been addressed before (and apologize in advance), does Sandra keep in touch with James’ children, in particular Sunny? She fought hard for that child and I feel incredibly sad that they have such a douche for a father.

    • Monique says:

      Reports a little while ago said she’d not seen them recently. I wouldn’t be surprised if doucheface isn’t helping there.

    • bluhare says:

      I read she’s never seen her since the divorce.

      • paperjam says:

        Sandra has spent most of her time in New Orleans and New York since the divorce and Sunny lives with the douchebag in LA and Austin, and it was he who said Sandra hadn’t seen Sunny. He is all kinds of honest, yeah? Sandra and Sunny might not have seen each other, but they may speak often.

  6. LindyLou says:

    I don’t blame her for not dating. If I married a guy like JJ, I would totally be questioning my choices and why I found guys like him attractive in the first place. At least she has that adorable baby in her life.

  7. Jessica says:

    i want her tennis shoes!!

  8. wewechu says:

    Classy lady. Wishing all the best to her. She endured a lot from Jesse w/ his cheating and then his non-stop badmouthing her. She has come out on top. He is the one who won’t STFU. He looks stupid. She looks sexy as hell.

  9. anne_000 says:

    She has bad taste in men, so of course she should be gun shy.

  10. Marjalane says:

    As beautiful and successful as she is, it puts her in kind of an awkward position to date; she’s 47, has a toddler, is probably extremely strong and independent, has her own money- I mean, the guys she probably finds hot, (Ryan Reynolds) still want the young babymakers. It’s hard to find a sexy, older, confident guy that wants to raise a family….Clooney might have been a nice match, but we know what he wants in a woman. Blech.

  11. The Original Denise says:

    Go Sandy! but seriously, I would note hate a Sandy and Keanu hook up….way overdue…

  12. k says:

    Ummm. Ent Lawyer at CDAN claims she is definitely with someone, but he won’t say who it is.

    • Nanea says:

      Whatever that guy is, he’s not a lawyer, much less in entertainment. So I wouldn’t put too much stock in anything he writes.

  13. LeeLoo says:

    I’m still not 100% sold on the idea she and Ryan Reynolds were dating. I think it’s another Keanu situation where they were friends and since both were single and going through stuff they were the best comfort for one another. Now Ryan is concentrating on his relationship with Blake.

    I wish she would hook up with Keanu though. I always thought they would have been an awesome couple.

    • Ruffian9 says:

      Well, I’m 0% sold on the idea that she & RR ever dated. I believe that they’re buds. More power to them.

  14. whatthehell456 says:

    She’s still hot as hell…I’m a woman with no lesbian tendencies, but I’d still do her. Ok, maybe a few tendencies… 🙂

  15. Turd Fergussen says:

    Would LOVE her with Keanu. They’re the same age, he has no children, he’s not a famewhore, and he seems like a perfectly nice fellow.

  16. spinner says:

    There is something way off about this woman. Fraud.

    • bluhare says:

      Thank you Spinner!! Sometimes I think I’m the only person who doesn’t think she should be a candidate for sainthood. She so tightly controls everything, I wonder what she’s afraid will spill out.

      I also think she’s messed with her face. Her lips look really weird, the upper one in particular.

      • spinner says:

        Thank YOU Bluhare…I thought I was the only one who felt that way. She is not being honest about many things & yes…she has been on the plastic surgery wagon quite a few times.

    • Kara Ann says:

      I like Sandra as an actress but I don’t feel like I know her as a person. That’s really a good and smart thing for her to do. You’d think other celebrities would take a page from her book and not “share”, then “overshare”,etc. etc.
      She’s a good example of STFU and people will give you credit just for Shutting The F*ck Up! It comes across as dignity. Novel concept in today’s “I took a pee” and will tweet about it instantly. You know, in general, more people should just STFU and, I think, I’d like quite a few more then I do.

  17. madpoe says:

    Love her. But I’ve stashed Keanu in my secret place. Back up girl! lol 🙂

  18. Turtle Dove says:

    These stories frustrate me because I want to scream, “Women don’t need a guy to be fulfilled.” Guys are great. They’re fun to be around, but life does not revolve around them.

    Sandra looks great. JJ is a d-bag. No amount of cheap shots will convince me that she isn’t sweet and nice, or that JJ isn’t a ball of dirt.

  19. Madison says:

    I think after what happened with her ex it would make anyone afraid to trust and date again. I’m glad she’s taking the time be single and concentrate on her son and herself instead of jumping into another relationship 6 months after her divorce like so many actresses in hollywood do.

  20. Evelyn says:

    I think this story is so people will stay off her back. She is crazy about that baby, her body is sick and her career is successful. I couldn’t see why shed be unhappy

  21. sandy says:

    don’t blame her one bit, she’s in a good place now, cutie pie son.she looks good, great career, i like her because she’s not all up in our face every day unless she is promoting something. classy.

  22. Jordan says:

    Of course, US Weekly would assume there has to be an explanation for a smart, successful woman not being obsessed with d*ck and getting married/popping out babies, etc. Maybe she has her plate full being a mother and working and she is happy with that right now. As for Keanu, can you imagine the side-eye Little Louie would give when he heard Keanu speak (obviously I still hold Keanu in his Bill and Ted era, haha)?!

  23. Heather says:

    She looks 2 feet tall in that second picture! Haha I can’t get over that picture.

    I hope she is happy happy happy. Love her.

  24. Viv says:

    Love Sandra and I do think she looks fantastic but no amount of PR is going to make me believe she is soooo happy. She’s still grieving. This woman lost an entire family. She wanted Louis to have a father and siblings and now they’re gone. You cant get over that so soon.
    And maybe (I’ll probably get h*ll for this) she still carries feelings for Jesse. And hasnt gotten over him yet.

  25. Kosmos says:

    She’ll date someone when she’s ready. After the horrible experience with Jesse, she adopted Louis and she’s now a mom and loving that. I think it’s smarter for her to wait until she’s ready. There’s no reason to rush out there. I’m just glad she has her life back and Jesse is in the past. Wow, what kind of horribly sick man was that? What a train wreck he is. But now she’s got her life back and she has everything going for her. She’s a wonderfully talented actress.