George Clooney invests in lifts so Oscar-Date Barbie won’t tower over him

Just last week, Robert Downey Jr. was “outed” as a Tom Cruise-esque lift-wearer. Who shall fall this week? George Clooney! Except that I don’t really think Clooney is as tiny as RDJ or Tom. RDJ was proven to be a career-lift-wearer through a special photo investigation, but to his credit, he wears them well, and often they’re not-so-disguised as giant sneakers. Tom Cruise, however, thinks he’s fooling us. He thinks he can saunter around in his high heels and skinny jeans and we just won’t notice. He’s wrong! So why is Clooney – who is alleged around 5-foot-10 or 11 – wearing lifts? Because of his great Redwood of a whore (trademark: Arrested Development).

It’s the height of romance for George Clooney, 50, and girlfriend Stacy Keibler, 32. While it’s been easier for the 5’11” stunner to see eye-to-eye with the 5’10” Oscar-winning actor than with her previous boyfriends, a source says George’s patience for continuing comments about their comparative statures has been coming up a bit, well, short.

But he’s not taking it lying down – or standing up, for that matter – and he’s doing something about it.

“George is getting inserts for his Gucci shoes from a custom-shoe specialist in beverly Hills,” the source tells Star. “They should give him just enough of a boost to stand tall next to Stacy.”

[From Star Magazine, print edition]

I could see it. Every red carpet Clooney walks with Stacy, he looks increasingly gnomish, and he’s not a man used to looking gnomish. Plus – and I’ve said this before – I think his back is really killing him these days. My father has had back problems for most of his life, and I recognize something in Clooney’s gait and stance. He’s in pain. His shoulders are more hunched over, and when George thinks the cameras aren’t on him, he always seems mid-grimace. I’m just saying, Clooney isn’t carrying himself the way he usually does, and that’s affecting his height, and how we view his height compared to Stacy’s. But yeah, Oscar-Date Barbie needs to invest in some flats.

Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame.

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31 Responses to “George Clooney invests in lifts so Oscar-Date Barbie won’t tower over him”

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  1. Marjalane says:

    “He thinks he can saunter around wearing his high heels and skinny jeans and we just won’t notice”

    Made my morning. But I agree about the back thing; It seems to be shrinking him a bit. There was a scene in the Descendents where he was running through his neighborhood, (and it looked like he did the scene) all I could think of was the pounding his back was taking.

  2. Snowbunny says:

    We all shrink as we age, George is no exception.

    His back issues are also adding to the problem but will lifts help or just add to the problem? She should just invest in a pair of flats.

    • Ally says:

      The shrinking is the discs between your vertebrae becoming weaker with age. This is why you should maintain your posture and your core, not for the six-pack. Loss of height and torn discs (hernias) are no fun for anybody.

      On an unkind note, maybe Stacy doubles as his nurse, you know, hoisting him out of bed and into the bath? Perhaps that kind of muscle power is what he liked about her wrestler past.

  3. brin says:

    He should be more concerned about the body slam she’ll give him after he breaks up with her.

    • Anait says:

      You’re right.
      And he is a 50 years old man… and still so insecure? otherwise he wouldn’t need lifts in his shoes… it sounds so silly to me

  4. francesca says:

    I get it now – she’s not a girlfriend she’s a crutch.

  5. Willworkforfood says:

    That cover pic, George, clench your teeth much? I’ll bet it is his back, hard to hide that kind of pain. If I am correct, then sad.

    • Esmom says:

      Same with the shot in the car. Although I chalked the expression up less to pain and more to him just wishing she would stop her yammering.

    • ??? says:

      Posts 3-5 almost made me piss myself laughing. Great way to start the day off.

  6. TheOriginalKitten says:

    Wow, he’s just not hot anymore. And really, if he wanted to appear more youthful the LAST thing he should be doing is dating women half his age. It really does make him look elderly. Well at least he’s having fun?

  7. Cody says:

    You could give him lifts and make her wear flats, but they still don’t look right together.

  8. smith says:

    As of 8:26 this morning, I officially don’t like her. And for no very good reason as I’m only vaguely aware of any of her “work.”

    I just don’t like her stupid, smiley face and the odd angle she always holds her head.

    Is this okay? Can I be this petty and judgemental? Yes, I believe I can.

  9. Kaye1 says:

    Sorry for being out of touch, but what is going on with his back? I took a six month break from gossip and I don’t know what you are talking about.

  10. Esmom says:

    What about D Craig in your other post? Those brown booties look might suspicious to me…

  11. Feebee says:

    I don’t get the hate towards his ‘girlfriend’. Was “redwood of a whore” really necessary?

    It sounds like the mentality of the middle aged Justin Bieber loonies. Is anyone really creaming themselves over George Clooney that makes sense of the vitriol? Me think no.

    She’s a vanity piece for him and if she’s getting something out of it (career boost) then good luck to her.

    Someone should tell George that high heels will not help an back injury.

  12. cindigirl says:

    In the second picture in the car George looks like he’s having a labor contraction and stacy sitting next to him still has that silly grin on her face. OK, I think she’s from another planet.

  13. lisa says:

    Wow, his daughter is beautiful!

  14. Why so many pictures of the upper half of George’s body? Surely if you wanted to show lifts in his shoes you’d have a bunch of pics of his feet, no?

  15. Aqua says:

    I just wish George good health in the coming year.When you have good health your glad you have it and when you don’t have good health you wish you did.

  16. Peachy says:

    I always wondered whatever happened to Taylor Hicks…

  17. whatevs says:

    wow she’s botoxy

  18. Jackie says:

    i love the pics you choose to show. the one of him in the backseat made me chuckle for a full minute. thanks!

  19. buckley says:

    Urgh back pain is just so debilitating.
    I recently had spinal fusion done. One realizes the pain won’t ever go away 100% and that is such a hard pill to swallow.

  20. pixie says:

    George has something called Chiari Malformation. My aunt has it, and they both went to the same hospital (somewhere in New York), and the doctors mentioned Clooney has it as well. It basically gives the person headaches…all the time.

  21. janie says:

    @pixie, as a migraine headache sufferer I know how debilitating a headache can be. I am sorry that your aunt and George suffer from this disease.

  22. dizzler says:

    are those dresses cheap? did george buy them? Keibler can’t be rich because wrestling doesn’t pay if you’re not with the company (WWE), also I heard she was in money problems not so long ago. did she get a loan to buy them?

  23. Amazed says:

    George looks like one of the dirty old Greek men who sit outside my shop all day to harass women and gossip in the Piazza.
    Gross. His mean eyes say it all.

  24. RomanianPrincess says:

    The reason she wears really high heels (from what I can see in other pics) is that she has big feet, and high heels help conceal that. Paris Hilton is size 11 and scarcely wore flats. I have a similar problem (size 10, myself), but being 5’11 and living in a country where the average height is 5’7 (Spain)…I do my best to wear kitten heels or flats, so as not to tower excessively over others.