Chelsea Handler in white at the Time 100 event: haggard or just fine?

These are photos from last night’s Time 100 event (Time Magazine’s party for their “100 Most Influential People”). Chelsea Handler made the Time 100, remember? She’s “influential”. And I think this is the first time Andre Balazs, her on-again hotelier boyfriend, has walked the red carpet with her for a significant event. So for Chelsea and Andre’s big public debut as a couple, couldn’t she have put a little more effort into her appearance? Chelsea didn’t even get her trashy roots done!

The theme of the rest of these photos is “Ladies in White”. For some reason, a lot of women were wearing bridal styles at the Time 100 event. Here’s Georgina Chapman, in one of her own Marchesa designs. I didn’t even have to look that up! I know it’s Marchesa because it looks like a busted ice skater’s dress.

Several Sandra Lee photos were tagged “Chelsea Handler”. Which is really depressing for Sandra Lee, because I think she’s a pretty woman who doesn’t look at all busted and ragged.

And here’s a wonderful palette cleanser for the Handler situation – Tilda Swinton, wearing what I suspect is a Haider Ackermann onesie. This is the most fabulous, most hardcore onesie you could ever dream of owning. TILDA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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38 Responses to “Chelsea Handler in white at the Time 100 event: haggard or just fine?”

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  1. Jennifer says:

    I think she looks lovely. I adore her she very funny and cool.

  2. some bitch says:

    Can’t stand Chelsea, and I never watched her show or whatever she was on. She comes across as a mean-spirited drunk.

    Sandra Lee looks lovely. Her cooking would kill you, but the outfit is great.

  3. Beta says:

    Long live Tilda!
    Georgina looks fabulous too

  4. Agnes says:

    chelsea always looks busted, no matter what she wears (but the stuff she wears is usually busted too). and tilda – not good, so insanely washed out. love sandra lee’s look!

  5. Cathy says:

    I don’t normally like Chelsa, but I like the dress. I think it looks good on her. Tilda looks great to.

  6. bk says:

    I saw her earlier in the day eating lunch in Soho with Balazs. She looked absolutely miserable and I think these pics capture the very best improvement she was capable of, considering what she had to start with. Honestly she looked like the embodiment of hate– all hang-dog scowl. Balazs was all little and hot though.

  7. lower-case deb says:

    dress is fine. i just wish she didn’t wear black shoes.

  8. Krock says:


  9. deserving says:

    she is so ugly.. i’m sorry, that dude who’s name is “Adrian Grenier” is prettier than her from the front page. LOL

  10. lisa says:

    Chelsea looks how she always does. She just doesn’t seem to be a women that dresses well for any event. Her hair looks blah and not appropriate.

    Sandra’s dress is lovely. I don’t like the white shoes.. a pop of color would have been nice. She looks elegant.

    Love Tilda no matter what. I think she is wearing a jumpsuit

  11. MorticiansDoItDeader says:

    Does Tilda own a set of eyebrows or eyelashes?

  12. sukienow says:

    tilda always owns whatever she wears, she has style

    but her face is not that great, lets be honest

  13. Alaina says:

    Handler is style-deficient. It really doesn’t matter what she wears, her natural frumpiness and unkemptness always shines through.

  14. Beatrice says:

    Chelsea’s dress is dowdy and unflattering at best. And what’s up with her Gwyneth Paltrow inspired hair?

  15. blah says:

    Ew there is no way Handler is only in her thirties. Lie about her age much? Tilda who’s pushing 50 looks younger than her.

    Why is CH so famous anyway? Butt nasty, unfunny, and an alternate toadying ass kisser/wannabe mean girl to boot.

  16. Ron says:

    For Chelsea, this is a style win. It could fit her a bit better, but it’s not a burlap bag.

    Once every 2-300 dresses Marchesa has a winner, this is not one of them. it looks like something Oksana Biaul wore at the Olympics in the late 80’s.

    Tilda is perfection.

  17. truetalk says:

    Tilda’s eye always scares me and i don’t know why

  18. Lisa says:

    I can’t stand Chelsea Handler. Her show is horrible. She always talks about sex in the most grotesque ways, yuck. She is not a lady… not funnt, not anything. I wish she would just go away.

  19. jch says:

    It totally cracks me up that they are called onsies (or maybe that’s because I have a 4 month old).

    I love Tilda, she is totally hardcore

  20. skuddles says:

    Handler looks terrible, as usual.

  21. LEILA says:


  22. debby says:

    I dislike this bitter and her friend maniston and she is not attractive she look biitch just by looking at her and that is being honest.

    • ZenB!tch says:

      Maniston, I love it!

      I think Maniston brings Chelsea to events with her because next to Chelsea Maniston looks young and fresh. Chelsea is a fabulous accessory! I think I want a Chelsea!

  23. Chell says:

    I LOVE Chelsea (yes, I am in the minority) however she SERIOUSLY needs a new stylist! TERRIBLE!

  24. Camille (The original) says:

    CH looks her usual busted and fug self. I see she must be visiting her BFF’s Dr for some lip injections. She also looks like she is trying to channel some GOOP here, but fails miserably.

    Thank God for the wonderful Tilda. She looks her usual amazing Alien self.

  25. BlackSwan777 says:

    I don’t think Chelsea is very feminine and I find her ‘I don’t give a fuck’ attitude charming. She’s basically a dude in a woman’s body. And you know she has a stylist for the show because she would host her show in grey sweat pants and yellow crocs if she could! Still love her though.

  26. Jackie says:

    ya, great flat ironed hair, chelsea.

  27. Sugar says:

    the dress is ugly and not very flattering but then again it is Chelsea

  28. ZenB!tch says:

    There is no reason to make an effort. There is not enough make up in the world to fix those trailer meth lines. Who is Andre Balajajakdsjkj and why would he date her. My initial reaction was “who’s the old dude” but still he looks better than her.

    Sandra Lee – I had to Google her. She is 46 years old, that is why she was confused with Chelsea. Chelsea looks like a blond in her late 40s.

  29. ZenB!tch says:

    Tilda looks best when she goes the Full Bowie. She needs a little more Bowie here.

  30. Itwillrain says:

    You don’t mention that Sandra Lee has the same dark roots going on. I don’t believe for a second that those are her roots grown out. She’s probably at least 50% gray and her roots were actually dyed dark to give that look. It seems to actually be a “style” right now. It gives the illusion of youth (ie that you’re not gray).

  31. jwoolman says:

    Chelsea said the other night on her show that she’s 37 now.

    I wonder if she’s still wearing a brace or something similar? She was busted up rather badly in an accident in Europe recently. I heard that she was taking off the brace just for the show and put right back in it as soon as she was off stage – she wasn’t shaking hands with the audience as usual, Chuy did it by himself for the duration. She might still be feeling rather sore.