“Michael Fassbender could sing your pants off (if you were wearing pants)” links

Michael Fassbender sings!! Poorly but charmingly. Admit it, you needed this today. [A Socialite Life]
Khloe Kardashian is (finally) getting fertility treatments. Poor girl has been trying for years, so this is good news. [The Blemish]
Happy 22nd birthday to Aaron Johnson, father of two. [LaineyGossip]
Another theory behind the name Blue Ivy. [Dlisted]
More photos of Duchess Kate & the Queen. [Pop Sugar]
New photos of our crackhead Elizabeth Taylor. [Celebuzz]
The RoboCop reboot actually sounds kind of awesome. [Pajiba]
Rape, abortion and military servicewomen. [Jezebel]
Rihanna & Chris Brown are back on, it seems. [Bossip]
First photo of Bella, Edward and Renesmee Cullen. [Evil Beet]
A tribute to hockey beards! [Go Fug Yourself]
More photos of JustJen In Paris. [INFDaily]
Anna Wintour speaks out on Vogue‘s Syria problem. [The Frisky]
Are you excited for Season 7 of Dexter? I‘m not. [IDLITW]
Salma Hayek‘s magnificent bounty. [Celebslam]
Colin Powell sings “Call Me Maybe”. [Videogum]
Denise Richards says she‘s too old for Charlie Sheen. [I’m Not Obsessed]
The Millionaire Matchmaker, Patti Stanger, is adopting! [Life & Style]

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40 Responses to ““Michael Fassbender could sing your pants off (if you were wearing pants)” links”

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  1. Dumaurier says:

    I needed this, thanks…off to watch Jane Eyre for the hundreth time.

    • truthSF says:

      Oh crap…watching it right now as I’m reading your post. 🙂

    • Maguita says:

      In the same sexy thought… Any way we could on the Euro 2012 (soccer games)?

      I’m just a silly-in-lust fan of Manuel Neuer – Germany.

  2. Rhiley says:

    The Crackhead Liz Taylor post totally needs a NSFW disclaimer. The Cracken’s tit-tays are falling out all over the place. I bet she is trying to subliminally send Hef messages that he should pay her a million dollars to do a Liz Taylor nude photo shoot.

  3. Maguita says:

    Rape, abortion and military servicewomen. [Jezebel]

    Read it people. And at the end, start thinking about re-elections. But do not comment without reading it. Do not show-off any intentional blind ignorance.

    Dick Cheney should be prosecuted as an intentional mass-rapist of American women, and an international war criminal. He should be divested of every single dollar he made in the past 21 years, and distributed equally among the victims. Those women he intentionally thought of non-important, and sperm-receptacles for his contractors’ needs.

    • Runs with Scissors says:

      Completely agree. I don’t understand how Cheney isn’t behind bars for many many reasons.

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        Read the original Mother Jones articale and felt like throwing up. Funny because I was recently at the TD Ameritrade Conference in Orlando and Cheney was the *keynote* speaker. I was the ONLY person that refused to attend his big speech. I hate this man with a passion-he is pure evil. And btw, I saw him as he was coming through the lobby and he looked like a corpse. Karma is a bitch indeed.

      • Chatcat says:

        @Scissors…there are alot of American politicians from both sides of the isle that belong behind bars that’s for sure.

        @Kitten…you/we people have to stand our ground on our principals so skipping his speech was a good call.

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        You know, Chat, it wasn’t even because he’s a Repub because if it was GW Bush I would have gone, if it was Romney I would have gone, if it was McCain I would have gone-because I feel like I’m open-minded enough to hear what they have to say. Basically if it was ANYONE except for Cheney I would have attended but with this guy I JUST CAN’T.

      • MorticiansDoItDeader says:

        I think I would have showed for his speech to heckle him 😉

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        @Mort-Haha…if it had been later in the day (when they roll out the open bar) I probably would have done that myself 😉

      • Chatcat says:

        Kit…I hear ya, I am an Independent Moderate who, because of my age, tends to be a bit more conservative, but by no means a prude. I also keep an open mind on just about any politician (although why I have really no friggin idea…they’re all scum) but Cheyney has done some seriously nasty shit. I too would have had a hard time putting on my big girl pants and sitting through his speech.

    • Maguita says:

      @originalkitten, Dick Cheney had been suffering from colon (or rectal..?) cancer and had sought stem-cell treatments abroad. Treatments that he had vehemently opposed during the pretzel-choking administration, but had to come out and speak in support of, after word came out. I believe, quite appropriately at first, the National Enquirer no less to have broken the story.

      Aaah, the National Enquirer seems up people’s asses all the time. Quite literally.

      @Chatcat, I hope you read the Jezzebel thread, because I don’t understand your first comment in regards to that specific thread with its many horrifying links.

      The reality is, OUR American reality is, politicians are at the mercy of lobbyists. Our democratic and heavily capitalist rules and regulations do not allow politicians to represent the people anymore. The moment lobbying was considered democratic with unlimited free-hand into decision-making daily lives, and companies were considered equal citizens (COMPANIES), we, American living breathing citizens, have lost our rights to be equally protected by our government, and cannot anymore in all consciousness expect our government to vote in our interest.

      So what to do, how to vote?

      Vote for the least worst representative. Yes, I am quite aware of the awfully-worded and dysfunctional sentence I’ve just written.

      You don’t let your political party leaders lull you to sleep with fake promises and twisted irrational religiously laced safe heavens. You look behind the man, at all his beneficiaries, and ask yourself:

      If that man is elected, how am I, as an American woman, would be elevated to a first-class citizen, and how would MY rights and Freedom would be protected?

      Reminding all you bright and intelligent CB Ladies, that in many States (TX,AZ), of the good and free USofA, our sisters have become third-class citizens, stripped of their rights, their health, and lulled into fanatical and fattening comatose dispassionate support of religious zealots, and misogynist SOB working to send us back into the Middle Ages. Not even happy to have us pregnant, in the kitchen, with nobody to turn to, not even the state for help, food and health benefits.

      • Chatcat says:

        Maguita…I read the story and know that it was published by a very left liberal group. Just as if I read an article from a very right leaning conservative group I recognize the tilt that these kinds of stories present. The person that I am is a middle ground individual, therefore before I make any judgements or decisions, I demand of myself to investigate the other side so that I can make an informed opionion or decision on things. It isn’t easy with politics because of the things that you describe, but I hope that by enlightening myself to the two sides of every story when I need to act it is with a conviction that I can live with.

      • Maguita says:

        … Chatcat… It’s not a story. It is not a veiled political support of any party. It is about women being viciously raped, and our government INTENTLY victimizing them even more.

        Please search Halliburton/KBR Gang-rape cover-up, US women…

        They’re no stories. They are real-life horrific situations still happening to AMERICAN women who are Halliburton workers, sent to Afghanistan, thinking they will be there to make a difference, and serving their country.

        And the direct link to Halliburton is: Dick Cheney. Undeniable War criminal.

  4. Aqua says:

    Because of all of you ladies and your love for all things Michael Fassbender I finally got around to seeing the movie Shame.While I thought MF was great in it I thought Carrie Mulligan was just as good.

  5. Marjalane says:

    No, no, no. The Cracky does not look anything like Liz Taylor. She does not even “resemble” Liz Taylor during Liz’s bad days. She looks like a Cracked out Lohan trying to disguise herself from the law with a bad wig and a cheap wardrobe. I am officially offended.

  6. Anonny says:

    He doesn’t need to sing well.

  7. Gene Parmesan says:

    It’s too late for Wintoour to be speaking bout the Syrian Profile, I was seething with anger when i saw that profile cos i bought the issue. Its been over a year. I still can’t buy another issue

  8. MorticiansDoItDeader says:

    “Khloe Kardashian is so desperate to slap god in the face by crossbreeding with Lamar Odom that she’s now undergoing fertility treatments.”

    As a fellow infertile female, who went on “to slap god in the face by reproducing,” I’m super offended by the way this is phrased. If this is the author’s idea of satire, color me unimpressed.

    • Otterette says:

      I think the intended implication is that god does not want the Kardashian in particular to reproduce. A poor joke, made at the expense of all others similarly afflicted :/

  9. V says:

    Why does Kristen wear riding trousers? Looks really stupid.

  10. Michelle says:

    Loved this!

  11. marge says:

    i’m definitely starting to get kaiser’ fassbender fasscination

  12. Ginger says:

    Oh Lordy the Irish catholic choir girl that I once was just melted away!!!! And it wasn’t from the Vegas heat mr. Fassy….whew!! He would be fun to take to kareoke 🙂

  13. the original bellaluna says:

    Oh, poor JLove. Her Mum just passed from cancer.

    I hope she doesn’t spiral (further) out of control for love.

  14. kpist says:

    definitely needed this today.

  15. LucyOriginal says:

    Thanks Saint Anthony for this gift, 😉

  16. Gina says:

    Kaiser, here is Jennifer Lopez attemptiong to speak Spanish (bless her heart) w/ her sister!


    Great for the links section, right?

  17. Tiska says:

    This guy is yummy..but Matthew le nevez is hotter..except maybe the dong part..that I’m not that sure..

  18. midnightmoon says:

    he should never sing again, but yes, i sort of get it now-what an awesome smile. and torso. and. well, i should think ANY girl would be delighted to share a few moments of bliss with him. not me. he’s a smoker and i just can’t with that. but otherwise. ok. i’m beginning to get the appeal. color me SHOCKED! 🙂

  19. Ari says:

    He is quite okay to be honest, I have heard MUCH MUCH WORST at least he has tone 😉 THANK YOU FOR SHARING THIS he is the hottest of the hot men of hot town.

  20. Beepink says:

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. This totally made my night! The Fassbender can sing and hold a tune. Loved the Sinatra song too! He is the worlds greatest actor and looks like a fun guy as well, topped off with those baby blues, auburn beard and smokin’ hot body…yeah I’m off to bed now…