Tom Hiddleston: ‘The circus of being a celebrity is something I’m sort of not interested in’

Tom Hiddleston scored the #2 position on Empire Magazine’s poll of “Sexiest Actors in the World”. Hiddleston was only out-maneuvered by his big brother Benedict Cumberbatch. Does that make you happy or sad? I think if the question is “who is sexier?” the answer is Cumberbatch. Tom is classically handsome, for sure, but he sometimes has the sexiness of a wet noodle. Sorry, dragonflies.

Anyway, continuing with our on-going theme of “Chris Hemsworth doesn’t want to promote Thor anymore,” we have yet another interview with Tom talking about Loki. Because Thor: The Dark World might as well be called Loki: The Dark Loki, It’s All About Loki, Loki, Loki. The Importance of Being Loki. Loki of Arabia. To Loki A Lokibird. The Loki’s Speech. Etc. My point? When Thor won’t play along, Marvel has made it clear that they’re fine with Loki taking the reins. Tommy is fine with it too. So, here are some highlights from some new interviews:

Tom on the “darkness” of this sequel: “I think so. I think that’s our privilege with being allowed to make it, is that we’ve established certainly with Thor and Loki — we’ve established the characters across two films. So it means you can color in more shades with each character. It means that Thor can get darker as a character. And more complicated. It means that Loki can get an even more kind of complexity and dimension. What’s really is the most interesting thing about being alive is that there is no black and white. There are many shades of gray, and different people’s perspectives on events… But there’s something about growing up and accepting responsibility no matter who you are: whether you are a crowned king, a king in waiting or a shamed prisoner. Accepting responsibility and growing up is dark. It’s a dark experience. It’s not easy. And I think that that’s what’s exciting about the material is that it — it’s sort of emotionally and psychologically and spiritually I hope – we sit in the middle of it – but you hope it embraces a more complex and dark experience. Alongside loads of action.”

Loki is a psychopath: “He has an interesting relationship going back within the environs of his family. Those relationships are really interesting. So you’ve got Odin, Frigga, Thor, and, also the Warriors Three and Sif. And he’s a psychopath [laughs]. The fascinating thing about playing a psychopath – like when it’s a real Category A inmate in the darkest prison that we have on Earth or someone who is a mythological creature who’s been around in human imagination for 2,000/3,000 years – is that what quality of compassion or goodness is still there? That’s the question. The exciting question is why? Why does any psychopath perform those acts? Why does he wish everyone such ill? And what does he want? And does he even care what he wants? As an actor that’s a really exciting thing to delve into, when you’re that dark and you’re so full of destruction and hate and sabotage. And part of that is self-hate and self-sabotage like motivation. It’s an interesting question to ask why.”

Tom likes Loki though: “I do, yeah. And the thing about playing him is that you have to. You can’t sit in judgment. In my own mind, I’ve unpacked his suitcase of pain. I would stand up – I can easily stand up and defend him even though many of his actions are indefensible. I know why, I think. But what’s interesting is those answers are locked in some kind cabinet right at the bottom of him. And he’s in there and nobody has the key. Do you know what I’m saying? I do like him… He’s sort of someone who’s really nasty, but really elegant with it. He’s someone who looks good doing really bad things. It sounds cool or something, do you know what I mean?”

Whether the franchise has changed him: “Has it? It hasn’t. I mean it was strange for a second when the film came out because it was so much bigger than I had anticipated, but no. The bit I love is I really love acting, really, and the circus of it, the circus of being- for want of a better word, a celebrity is something I’m sort of not interested in. I find it strange.”

Do people treat him differently now that he’s famous? “It’s so hard to answer that question because the business is so complicated and has so many layers, and I try not to think about it because then I think you start barking up the wrong tree. Just because you’re good in something doesn’t mean you’ll necessarily be good in something else. You just try and chase opportunities that you fall in love with or that inspire you and keep doing the work. It’s a really good question because it is something that does crop up and suddenly some people treat you differently and other people don’t, but it’s all so inconsistent that shouldn’t be- it can’t be a factor. What I’ve learned from, I’ve been really lucky at thirty-one years young to have worked with people who are much more established like Kenneth Branagh, Tony Hopkins, Judi Dench, and Rachel Weisz and what distinguishes them from me is that they simply don’t listen to any of that. It’s white noise. Whether you’re hot, whether you’re not, whether people love it or they hated it, they still approach the work with such integrity and passion for the specific project in mind. But it was a bit weird for a second there. I’m just used to being completely invisible in London like any other Londoner and suddenly I wasn’t for about three weeks. It was very strange.

[From Cinema Blend and Collider]

“The bit I love is I really love acting, really, and the circus of it, the circus of being- for want of a better word, a celebrity is something I’m sort of not interested in. I find it strange.” I believe that he loves acting. I believe that he finds his celebrity “strange”. But I don’t believe that he’s “not interested” in having fun with his celebrity. I’m sorry, dragonflies, but I just don’t believe him. He really likes being a celebrity. You can make the argument that he loves his fans and he’s a company man who loves to shill his movies, but there’s a vein of “LOOK AT ME, I’M FAMOUS! DADDY, ARE YOU WATCHING?” to him too.

Photos courtesy of PR Photos, Marvel.

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106 Responses to “Tom Hiddleston: ‘The circus of being a celebrity is something I’m sort of not interested in’”

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  1. Eve says:

    “(…) and the circus of it, the circus of being- for want of a better word, a celebrity is something I’m sort of not interested in. I find it strange.

    Laughing. Out. Loud.

    *wipes tears* Oh, TommyAnnE, thank you for existing…

    • T.Fanty says:

      To be fair, if he reads us, strange is probably quite an apt description. Doesn’t mean he can’t love it.

      *starts humming “you know you want it” from Blurred Lines to TommyAnne*

    • Anna says:

      And for that bromance with Hemsworth (and thanks to Kaiser for that last photo!). If I cant have Chris, then at least I want to see those two ride off into the sunset together.

    • Sixer says:

      Oh noes! You know I said I was back on him (a bit)? I may have been precipitous!

      • Eve says:

        Nah…embrace it!

        His famewhoriness is somewhat cute.

      • Sixer says:

        His LEGS are cute! And nips. And beard. His mouth – best when gagged. I do keep saying!

      • Miss Jupitero says:

        Good God, he is…. Incredible. TommyAnnE, sorry to have to break it to you, but what you really care about is really, really obvious. Wow.

        *tears from laughing*

    • I Choose Me says:

      I know right? Look, I love him and I’ve defended him against some of the harsher criticism on here but I read that quote and I just laughed.

      I think he loves being a celebrity. I wish he would just own it. Embrace the famewhore Tom. Embrace it! I’ll still love ya.

      ETA – I wanna bake cookies for whomever shopped that poster above. 😀

  2. Daz says:

    OMG he such a liar. He is SOOO into being a celebrity, he will turn up to the opening of an envelope.

  3. blue marie says:

    I call shenanigans!! seriously dude, you re-tweet.

    In that poster he looks like he’s about to start spouting Shakespeare in Thor’s ear.

    • j.eyre says:

      “In that poster he looks like he’s about to start spouting Shakespeare in Thor’s ear” – which is why Thor has Mjolnir poised; he will smack Loki into the Ninth Realm if he spews any more Shakespeare.

      • Anna says:

        I bet our Thor is actually wonderfully impressed by it all.

      • Marty says:

        I’m surprised the Total Film interview that came out last week wasn’t covered. There are some great quotes in the article from Tom and Chris about eachother. Their friendship really is adorable.

      • j.eyre says:

        Hey Marty – I haven’t read it. i shall go find it tout suite (except that I still haven’t written my post today and I shall have to reprimand myself for not turning work in on time. It’s get’s complicated when you work for yourself.)

      • blue marie says:

        ha, you ladies are awesome

  4. MissMary says:

    I wonder, though, if he’s not really into being famous so much as being *loved* or at least *admired*. I don’t think he could handle Sometimes I get the feeling, reading some of his interviews both past and current, that he’d be happier if he was widely admired and lauded as an actor, but not “famous” and could still be a goofy dork (in a good way) and not have to cultivate this sparkly unicorn Disney prince image that his PR seems to be pushing.

    • loveisthecoal says:

      I get that from him, too. He really seems to seek approval from everyone. I kind of feel like he’d be the same way even if he wasn’t famous-it just seems to be who he is.

      • MissMary says:

        There’s some armchair analysis we could do about his time in an all boys boarding school, his daddy issues, etc, lol, but yeah it seems to be just who he is. I’m willing to bet that if he were an accountant or a teacher or whatever non-actory profession he may have pursued, he’d bee that really puppy dog guy who just wanted you to like him and got a bit too smothering trying to make it happen.

    • Leah says:

      Then why go to america and peruse movie star status in marvel movies? He should have just stayed in england and worked in the theatre. Some of the best actors who are respected for they work are in the theatre over here. He just doesnt seem sincere. He has a comic book and disney movie career so far so its not like he is persuing art.

      • MissMary says:

        There seems to be a very marked difference between his “public persona” when he was with a smaller agency (the one who got him some big roles mixed in with the indie stuff) and how he presents now that he’s with a larger firm. Not as many roles, showing up at the opening of an envelope, etc. With a few exceptions, I think all actors *want* fame to an extent but I do wonder if he would rather be Whishaw-famous: known, strong fanbase, but respected and lauded more than anything.

      • Mary-Rose says:

        As much as I love TommyAnne and his quirks, I agree he should stick to what he’s best at…. Acting on Stage. If he continued with that, he’d be in the top ranks.

  5. T.Fanty says:

    *laughs sufficiently hard to start snorting*

    oh, darling. Of course you aren’t. There, there. Come and sit on my knee while I hold you, emotionally.

  6. Migdalia says:

    I’m calling bs on Cumberbatch being the sexiest lol. I never found him attractive until Star Trek. He looks better with bulk but he beat out Fassbender?? McAvoy?? IDRIS ELBA?! Even Hiddleston…whatever lol. I love Tom with his beautiful tan, curly locks and false modesty ^_^

  7. Sarah says:

    As long as he keeps wearing velvet, I’ll buy whatever he’s selling.

  8. Anna says:

    LOL @ classically handsome. The writer of this article need his or her eyes checked

  9. Leah says:

    Ahahahaha!! I just snorted coffee on my keyboard, thanks for the laugh Tommy!

  10. j.eyre says:

    I am going to need a door-stop to keep my eyes from rolling continuously in my heads over this one.

    Can I just pretend the interview is not there? Can I pretend this is simple a collage of Hiddlesworth photos and somehow, this is all confirmation that they truly are sleeping together?

    • T.Fanty says:

      Why not? Clearly delusion is not stopping anyone else around here today.

    • Sixer says:

      It’s best we pretend, Miss Jane. He has been doing so well lately, too.

    • j.eyre says:

      Perhaps he throws out gems like this when he has been behaving so well so we will know it is actually him.

      • Eve says:

        That’s a really interesting (and valid) theory.

      • Sixer says:

        Perhaps he likes to hear us laugh? And casually tosses us a bone(r) or two every now and then?

      • Eve says:

        Hmmm…I don’t think making us laugh is his original intention — which makes everything he says (with that dead serious look on his face) even funnier.

        P.S.: involuntarily funny is my favourite kind of funny.

      • T.Fanty says:

        Maybe we need to start asking him to include code words in his interviews so we know he’s talking to us. Hm. “Dragonfly” is too obvious. Maybe he can reference gagging (as in being silenced) into something?

        Come on, TommyAnne. If you do that, I’ll totally stop calling you TommyAnne. Cross my heart.

      • Sixer says:

        What would you do for him if the codeword was Fanty-astic?

      • j.eyre says:

        I think it freaks him out when we are nice to him for too long – like he short circuits?

        And yes, if you give us one – just ONE codeword – Tommyanna, I will go down on you like zealot in front of an icon.

        Oh, wait… I have that scheduled to do after lunch anyway…

      • T.Fanty says:

        @ Sixer,

        Pretty much the same I’d do for him anyway. Maybe I’d be willing to dress up as Rosalind, while I’m doing it. Or Kit Marlowe, if he prefers. My hair is too good to be Shakey.

      • TommyAnnE of the Cold and Lonely Forest says:

        I didn’t want to win that poll anyway! Really! I am too busy being a great warrior and showing you my new press on goatee to THINK ABOUT such things!

        *Whispers* I was too busy rehearsing to spend the time on the computer last night…. Damn! Luke is supposed to have his assistant on this……

  11. Grant says:

    Leave it to Hiddles to use a diatribe to respond to a question that could be answered in a sentence. Is the movie dark? “Why yes, the underpinning thematic element of the picture is the Shakespearean sense of conflict that permeates throughout the essence of each and every entity who plays a hand in the circuitous power struggle, casting an insidious gloom over the movie in totality.” We get it, ya blowhard!

  12. Anna says:

    /wrong thread/

  13. mslewis says:

    Well, until Mr. Hiddleston can open a movie and make it a hit by himself he is neither a celebrity nor a star, he is just an actor. At the moment, 99% of the people in the US have no clue who he is. So, there’s that.

    I do think it’s funny when actors who are British or Australian come to America because they hope to (1) get more money for their work; and (2) get more famous for their work, start doing interviews where they say they “don’t want” the celebrity. If that’s the case, why not just stay in their own country and do movies no one ever sees or theatre that only a small percentage of people ever see. That way you still have your “intregrity” and you aren’t bothered by this cult of celebrity.

    • flower says:

      That’s right. When I tell people about him, the first thing out of their mouths is “who?”. The world outside the insane asylum that is tumblr could care less.

      • Linda L says:

        Totally agree. I know of no one who has even heard of him. They don’t watch comic book movies- and all he’s got is Loki.

        He needs to step away from Tumblr. Those lunatics are such a tiny minority of the general population. He believes his own hype.

    • mscircle says:

      Everyone who knows me knows who Tom Hiddleston is. I am sure his other American fans do the same. So more US people then you think know about him. And no I am not on Tumblr.

    • Happyhat says:

      I imagine it’s one of those poisoned chalice-type things.

      From his perspective, he’s going to know that he’s more famous than he was previously. As in, he will be recognized more and be asked to do interviews. So, from his perspective, he’s more famous.

      And I always imagine, there’s some facets of celebrity and fame that are what people actually desire. Ease of obtaining more work, mostly. And then there are the downsides that NOBODY seems to really consider until it’s too late. Like, they could have dreamed and worked constantly to become famous for YEARS, but never really thought that it would actually happen. Then, when it does happen, they’re like…”Oh shit…people yelling LOKI at me when I’m shopping…it’s kinda scary…”

      But, whatever, they carry on doing it, because the plus sides of celebrity far outweigh the downsides.

  14. Hello Kitty says:

    I’m new to the Hiddles fandom, what are the origins of “dragonflies” and “TommyAnnE”? Please and thank you!

    • Eve says:

      There was a post about him months ago where he was wearing a very polarizing dragonfly jacket.

      The term “dragonfly” was then co-opted by his CB fans to describe themselves around here (especially as a way of distinguishing them from his usual crazy twitter/tumblr fans).

      TommyAnnE — he, in spite of being well-intentioned and overall a nice chap, tries too hard in almost everything he does (just like AnnE Hathaway).

      • j.eyre says:

        To give credit where it is due, Kaiser actually assigned to us the Dragonfly name as a result of that jacket.

        TommyAnnE = [(Tom*Pollyanna )/{(AnnE + Hathaway)-Hathaway}]

      • Eve says:

        “To give credit where it is due, Kaiser actually assigned to us the Dragonfly name as a result of that jacket.”

        Or that.

        But we’ve embraced it (the name and TommyAnnE’s silliness).

      • j.eyre says:

        Embraced it we have! We have OWNED our Dragonfly-ness.

        (and I won’t even quote Tonto* here – this is how generous of spirit I am)

        @Hello Kitty, I assume you are sorry you asked at this point. Don’t worry, you will be sorrier.

        *American joke ending in “what’s this we sh!t… “

  15. kaisei says:

    Guys, there’s audio of this interview.

    It’s even more fun if you listen to him saying it.

  16. ncboudicca says:

    Does the “suitcase of pain” have ball gags and chains in it?

    • Sixer says:


      • ncboudicca says:

        *shakes Sixer gently*

        Wake up dear, I don’t want to have to slap you with these gloves. I’m not sure where they’ve been…

      • Sixer says:

        I live for the day TommyAnne comes to me with his own ball gag.

    • TommyAnnE of the Cold and Lonely Forest says:

      Ha! I won! I won! Is this a promise? Please say yes! Can we use the BIG bed this time? Please? Please? You really do love me, right??

      Benedict???? Who’s he? I don’t know a Benedict!!!!

      • ncboudicca says:

        Darling, if that blue shirt from those Twitter pics and some nipple clamps are in here, you’ve got a deal.

  17. Harpreet says:

    Don’t think Chris has been going out of his way to not promote Thor 2. He probably had to focus on Rush promotions (WHICH WAS INCREDIBLE), and will start to promoting Thor 2 now.

  18. Sixer says:

    Oh, and Kaiser? “To Loki a Lokibird” – I love you!

  19. Abby says:

    Bahahha not interested in celebrity status…oh god he is hilarious. He should be the Kat person saying that. He loves his fame too much to let it go

  20. mena says:

    If all Tom did was the hard-core shilling for Marvel I could maybe believe that he’s “sort of not interested” in being a celebrity. PR work is very much a part of being an actor these days, especially on a franchise.

    But Tom also chooses to do a hell of a lot of Fashion Boy photoshoots – which IMO have very little to do with acting and way more to do with saying “I want to be a celebrity!”.

    still love the guy, but he’s getting close to protesting too much, methinks.

  21. Ginger says:

    Eh I personally would not have picked Cumby over Hiddles…does this make me a dragonfly? 🙂

  22. TommyAnnE of the Cold and Lonely Forest says:

    LOVE ME! I promise, I will eat a bug for you if you will just gaze upon my twitter for another five minutes.

    BENEDICT? Benedict who???

  23. flower says:

    Oh please Hiddles, you thrive on the attention. Boy is in denial.

  24. Anna says:

    OK Anne Hathaway

  25. Naddie says:

    “DADDY, ARE YOU WATCHING?” That’s his ultimate motto. It’s like someone said, it’s funnier because he takes it seriously. I just want to hug him so much, what a cutie.

  26. Mary-Rose says:

    Oh pull the other one TommyAnne , you love been a celebrity. There isn’t a camera lense he won’t pose for! I think I prefer his Shakespeare lecture compared to this hypercritical rubbish! Lol

  27. Leni says:

    OOOHHHHHHHh. He just lied like a man with a bad toupee (always loved that expression). Excuse me , but as much as I enjoyed him as Loki he clearly loves the circus based on all his interviews, showing up at every photo opportunity.Is there an opportunity he has missed? Liar, liar pants on fire. Love the suede tuxedo-so wonderfully 70’s.

  28. moon says:

    Is that an actual poster? Cause it looks incredibly brokeback-y.

  29. browniecakes says:

    TH is asked about Arthy in the British GQ interview. “..he’d rather not talk about his personal life, despite rumours that he’s dating Jane Arthy, a record exec…” TH’s response, “I understand the curiosity, I hope when there’s something to write home about, then I’ll be able to talk.” Ouch.
    I was alwasy curious if she was his guest or just happened to sit next to him and they hit it off.

    • flower says:

      People are speculating that she is just basically a fwb as we all figured and that quote there just cemented it. Like “Jane darling, our relationship or whatever is nothing to write home about”, ouch to the o. I can only imagine her friends and co-workers seeing that, lol.

      • Miss Jupitero says:

        Yeah, ouch indeed. 🙁 That’s pretty damned unkind.

        There a dozen ways he could have allowed her to save some face, while still deflecting the question.

      • Eve says:

        Well, that’s it. Grounded again.

        *points at TommyAnnE*

        Back to the attic! NAO.

      • Miss Jupitero says:

        Bring out yer ball gags!!

      • lc says:

        I think the image he is trying to project is that of a player. He doesn’t want to say he is single, because the gay rumours will start again. The way the article is worded however, sounds really harsh toward the woman. It makes me think she did something that really pissed him off, probably around the time he unfollowed her on twitter.

      • Sixer says:

        I think I am slightly schizophrenic in my reactions to the PuddleTom.

        I get toothgrindingly annoyed when he uses ten dollar words and half an hour to say nothing about Shakespeare. I get toothgrindingly annoyed when he patronises the masses with philosophy-lite on Twitter. I get toothgrindingly annoyed when he humblebrags and name drops in interviews.

        But the girlfriend stuff – I give him a pass on that. Here, I just think he might mean “nothing’s going on with that girl and she’s a worse famewhore than I am,” or “I like her but I don’t want to say anything until things become officially serious,” or, or, or.

        I think it’s odd that a 32-year-old man has only ever had one seriousish girlfriend, but it causes me no more than a shrug.

        Not sure why I don’t feel moved to criticise him for it, but I don’t.

    • Angel May says:

      “Nothing to write home about” Damn, that’s harsh!

    • flower says:

      Forgot to add, the silly tumblr fangirls no doubt believe he said that to “protect her” because of the fan reactions to Susannah two years ago (who btw I should mention kept coming to events with him months after hiddlesgate). Oh please, I remember all of that, after the initial crazy wore off after about a day, nobody cared and it became a joke. If he really cared about someone and was willing to bring her in front of the world, he wouldn’t give a damn what the fans or the press thought.

      Hiddles, grow a pair already.

      • Miss Jupitero says:

        I think the fan reaction was way overstated. Yes, there were a couple of loud nutbags, and one disturbing Tumblr. I doubt that Hiddles or Susannah lost any sleep over this.

        If you love someone, you bring them forward. But even if you don’t love a particular person, you do not say undignified things like this if you feel any respect for them.

        Are fangirls REALLY that important to TommyAnnE’s success?

    • Mary-Rose says:

      FWB or not, that wasn’t exactly nice to Jane. but then he did the same to Susannah after they broke up.
      As for that DL thing. They do have a very unhealthy obession with Jane more than the crazys on Tumblr.
      If he was into her, he’d say so. He didn’t . End of move on.

    • kaisei says:

      And that interview happened 2 weeks after Wimbledon, so now we know why he unfollowed her and went alone to Murray’s party.

    • lc says:

      It’s also worth pointing out that the actual question of the journalist is not known. He might have said something like “People are curious about your private life…” In which case, the answer makes sense without being offensive. The JA reference might have been added by the journalist because she was labelled gf by many news sources just weeks before the interview. (OK Luke, I’m doing your job here, pal.)

  30. T.fanty says:

    Extremely late to notice this, but don’t you (Ka!ser) go labeling us as the only dragonflies in the room, Missy. I distinctly remember someone being positively giddy over Hiddles nips yesterday (and I’ll give you a clue: it wasn’t Anna).

    Poor TommyAnne. Kaiser’s love is a fickle thing.

  31. Linda L says:

    “Celebrity is something I’m sort of not interested in.”
    OH MY GOD. Are you KIDDING me?

    So, the *entirety* of 2013 was spent on one long, self-absorbed media campaign: red carpets, exclusive private screenings, magazine photoshoots, interviews (all about ME!), picture after picture after picture of YOU…and you have the audacity to say you are not interested in celebrity? You LIVE FOR celebrity.
    You “pondered if what you did in life was worthwhile, is something a good use of your time”? This past year has been your measuring stick? Posting selfies on Twitter? Retweets about yourself? Showing up at the opening of everything and anything so your picture gets circulated? Heading off to exclusive VIP openings and showings and parties and first class accommodations?

    This massive media blitz (courtesy of Luke Windsor) now has you talking to anything that remotely resembles a recording device. Keep talking about yourself! We still don’t understand how *you* feel about Loki. Alas, we peasants have but one chord on which to play, you know. Enlighten us, please. And you saw how talking about having a family charmed BC fans- NOW you want grandchildren???? You cannot even keep a steady gf! *pounds head on desk*

    Still cannot believe people fall for this dreamy Prince Charming facade. Liar, liar, pants on fire. Cannot wait for Thor 2 to be out of theatres. Maybe then he’ll go away.

    He REALLY needs to stop talking altogether.
    Tie him up, gag him- just please get him to stop talking. About himself.

    • flower says:

      When I read his interview with natalie portman I was stuck at how he made a lot of it about himself. He used the letter “I” alot.

      He likes the attention, the adoration, and I bet he craves the spotlight more than he craves sex.

      The Thor promo tour is going to be one long “me, me, me” snoozefest…

      • Linda L says:

        THAT interview! It’s hilarious. We need to devise a drinking game to celebrate exactly how many times he inserts himself into an interview of someone else (or anything, for that matter.) It reminded me of that silly thing he wrote for-was it The Guardian?- after his publicity trip to Africa. How do you go there- and come away, with everything being about what YOU learned about YOURSELF?

        *Shrugs* This is what he does. Me and I. Can you even imagine how painful the press for Thor will be? “That wave of love and energy towards ME, prancing around as Loki at Comic Con! The adoration from those stans at the HQ event- all for ME! I’ve given dozens of interviews this year- and talked about ME! Eton was correct- I AM a special snowflake! Because of… Shakespeare!”

        What a precious, precious man is he.

      • Sixer says:

        Oh dear!

        On the upside, he has good legs. Wraparound ones.

    • TommyAnne of the Cold and Lonely Forest says:

      *Ball gag and lots of drool*

      Mmmmggggwwwwmmpph Nnnnggguuuhhh mmmgggg waaannnnaga wuggg wggannnawwwummphh??

      • Lucrezia says:

        Yes. Definitely yes!

        (Admittedly, I’m not 100% sure what you just said, so I may have taken some liberties in translating it.)

  32. Mary-Rose says:

    I’m not liking the GQ shoot. He looks weird and unlike TommyAnne. Bring back the blue T-Shirt, black trackie bottems and the unshaven beard. Hahahaha 😉