Nicole Richie rumored to be addicted to ADD Drugs

Nicole Richie is rumored to be relying on the attention deficit disorder drug Adderral to keep her appetite down and her weight low. In Touch, not the most reliable source, says her hospitalization after collapsing on the set of “Simple Life Five: Stay Alive” (please forgive that title) was due to complications from overuse of the prescription medication and not from the catch-all excuse “dehydration” that was given at the time:

When Nicole Richie was hospitalized on March 2 for dehydration, one friend worried Nicole was back on heroin. But In Touch can reveal this is not true.

Insiders say Nicole has been using Adderall – a prescription drug normally used to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and is a powerful appetite suppressant. “She loves Adderall because she stays awake, and it makes her not want to eat,” says a close pal. “And she takes it even more when she’s filming.”

That wouldn’t be surprising. Last year Nicole was rumored to be addicted to horse steriod Clenbuterol, a popular and dangerous easily-obtained drug that raises the metabolism to help users lose weight fast. Clenbuterol has serious side effects including dizziness and palpitations.

Adderrall is said to lessen the effects of alcohol and to be used by some to allow them to party later into the night with less sleepiness than with just booze alone. It also has potential side effects including anxiety, palpitations, convulsions and muscle twitching. It should not be used for off-label reasons and only when medically necessary.

Here’s a story from CBS News of a woman who took the drug for weight loss, feigning the symptoms to receive a prescription. She ended up with psychotic episodes:

Maria, who asked that her last name not be used, weighed only 120 pounds when she decided that she needed to be thinner.

She started taking Adderall, which, like Ritalin, is a stimulant typically prescribed for attention-deficit hyperactive disorder. Maria studied reference books, went to the doctor, and faked the symptoms of ADHD. She fidgeted and changed topics while talking to the doctor and was prescribed her pills. But after six months of high energy and consistent weight loss, Maria started having problems.

“I found it didn’t have the same effects as it did before, especially on my weight,” she said. “So, logically, I asked for an increase from my doctor. And he said, ‘But, of course.’ ”

Maria continued to take Adderall even though she couldn’t sleep and her weight was getting dangerously low.

“I got fatter, in the mirror, while I was losing weight,” she said.

Maria became chemically dependent and psychotic episodes followed.

“I thought that my boss was tracking my thoughts and what I was doing through my computer,” she said. “Toward the end it was, ‘I can’t stop taking this. I can’t stop this process. Something bad is happening.’ ”

By the time Maria got help she was 80 pounds. It took time to get back to health, but she’s studying for her doctorate, and has come to terms with her weight.

“I had this ideal, this person I wanted to be, and who I am today is nothing like that ideal,” she said. “And I could’ve never imagined this. Yet, I am so happy and so fulfilled.”

It seemed like Nicole was doing better as she gained a little bit of weight recently since she started dating Joel Madden. If this is true I hope she is able to be drug-free soon. She went to rehab four years ago after a felony herion possession charge, so this seems to be an ongoing problem for her.

She may not have a choice in the matter, though, and could be forced to go off all drugs that aren’t legally prescribed to her. She’s still due to be tried for her second DUI offense in four years, and if she’s convicted she faces a mandatory five days in jail. Richie’s lawyer entered a not guilty plea for her on February 21st. There is a pretrial hearing set for April 2nd.

Here are Nicole Richie and Joel Madden out in LA on 3/7. [via]

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10 Responses to “Nicole Richie rumored to be addicted to ADD Drugs”

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  1. MaiGirl says:

    I feel kind of sorry for her and her ilk. Clearly, the boudaries and judgement aren’t there to say “hmmmm…horse steroids and stimulants to stay skeletal? Bad idea.” I’ve done some silly stuff back in the day, but you don’t see me neighing and frolicking in the heathers either.

  2. mm says:

    It looks like they both have rings on their left hand ring fingers…I wonder if there’s something we should know?

  3. Anonymous says:

    I can belive it. I am anorexic and I know a lot of anorexics that use Adderall AND Adderall does cause dehydration and that mix with the fac that most of these girls live on diet soda to keep awake would cause dehydration. I hope she is getting treatment.

  4. zed says:

    I don’t get it. I used to be anorexic, and didn’t need anything to help me be so — once your stomach is shrunk down as far as possible, you don’t get hungry anymore anyway, or at least, it’s not difficult at all to overcome hunger feelings. I think she just likes drugs in general.

  5. xiaoecho says:

    mm…they exchanged friendship rings

  6. Up All Night says:

    Ummm, Adderall is “speed”, plain and simple. Ritalin (methyphenidate) is a close relative but has different effects, less euphoria and a slightly different sense of concentration. Adderall is a patented mix of dexedrine variations, which are identical in most effects to crystal meth, just half as potent chemically. Since most tweakers snort their meth, it hits them faster and with a bigger rush than taking adderall tablets or capsules. But adderall is available in 12 hour time release capsules, take a couple of those at midnight and you won’t come down until the next afternoon.

    Dexedrine was the classic speed pill of the 60s and 70s; Mother’s little helper, my yellow pills, yellow jackets, Dexy’s Midnight Runners, white light/white heat, etc. But for people with ADD/ADHD it is actually a really useful medication when used properly, not as scary as it sounds.

  7. lindsey says:

    What the eff is he wearing? That’s what I want to know. I know people who have used Adderal (we called it orange crush) and have gone a bit mental too. Its not a good way to lose weight, espically if you don’t have any to lose (ahem, nicole?!?!)

  8. jack says:

    mess in a dress!
    or is it meth in a dress!
    or adderol in a dress?

  9. L says:

    I just read somewhere else that Nicole and Paris were going to film their stupid show at a summercamp….but that the camp makes all applying counselors take a drug test which both of them refused to do. thank goodness they won’t be around those kids. LLLLLosers.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Since when does Joel smoke?