Kanye West accused of Antisemitism for saying ‘Jewish people have connections’


Kanye West has been accused of anti-Semitism. I’m not sure what to think of that. The incident in question came in the middle of one of Kanye’s now daily rants, this time during a Power 105.1 radio interview on Nov. 26th. I think I linked to this interview and tried to appropriately summarize it in a previous post, mostly because there are enough Crazy Kanye quotes to go around without even getting into his thoughts on politics. His original quote:

“Man, let me tell you something about George Bush and oil money and Obama and no money. People want to say Obama can’t make these moves or he’s not executing. That’s because he ain’t got those connections … Black people don’t have the same level of connections as Jewish people. Black people don’t have the same connections as oil people.”

[Via HuffPo]

If Kanye was capable of more coherently arguing his political point, I don’t think people would have been so offended with this. My take is that Kanye is saying that organizations like the NAACP and other African-American political and lobbying groups don’t have the same structural power and influence in Washington as, say, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) or the Saudi Royal Family.

But… the Anti-Defamation League has come out to condemn Yeezus. This is only happening now for the first time?!!? Have they even seen the other crazy sh-t he’s said? Anyway, the spokesperson for the Anti-Defamation League, Abraham Foxman, said:

“This is classic anti-Semitism. There it goes again, the age-old canard that Jews are all-powerful and control the levers of power in government. As a celebrity with a wide following, Kanye West should know better. We hope that he will take responsibility for his words, understand why they are so offensive, and apologize to those he has offended.”

[Via HuffPo]

Yeah, but… was Kanye really saying that? Was he saying that “Jews are all-powerful and control the levers of power”? I don’t think he was, but then again, I have a high tolerance for Kanye’s rants. I actually get paid to sit here and really try to figure out what the hell he’s talking about. Anyway, it might be a good time for Kanye to clarify his remarks or to apologize.

Also – when Kanye performed in Kansas on Tuesday, only 4,500 people turned up… in a 19,000-seat arena. He did treat the audience to an eight-minute rant, where he admitted: “I don’t always say the right things at the right time. I’m better at saying the wrong things at the wrong time.

And here are some photos of Kim with Nori a few days ago. Call me crazy, but she looks pretty with her sleek hairstyle. The side-part is great too.



Photos courtesy of WENN, Pacific Coast News.

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127 Responses to “Kanye West accused of Antisemitism for saying ‘Jewish people have connections’”

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  1. QQ says:


    You SAID We could call you Crazy!!!

    UGh Kanye really needs to stop… This whole Put upon act and im an outsider wounded soul that fashion houses wont suffer and woeth me, no one gives me my due is Fucking.Tired

    • Sloae Wyatt says:

      OK, you’re crazy, Kaiser. Kim looks so much like a goldfish that I’m looking for gills.

      • V4Real says:

        Yes, she looks like Angelina’s animation character from the movie A Sharks Tale.

      • Spooks says:

        Her coats have been amazing lately. Her face, not so much.

        And WTF is that first picture?

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        She looks awful. I’m sorry but her face…..I feel like she’s past the point of no return. It’ll only get worse from here on.

      • littlestar says:

        The way her mouth is, it reminds me of that supposed new fad that’s happening in Asia – not sure if anyone else has heard of it and whether it’s actually true? Where they cut the sides of your mouth so it’s looks like you have a perma-smile. Her mouth looks exactly like that. So sad that’s she’s ruined her natural beauty. I wonder if she thinks she looks good like this?

      • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

        I am the absolute WORST person to look and see if people have had surgery done. It would have to be really obvious for me to tell, and even I can tell that Kim jacked up her face. She looks awful. Only a year ago, she was so beautiful, even w/the unnecessary surgery. Now she’s two steps away from being one of those overbotoxed housewives.

      • Joy says:

        Her face is worse every day. Her original face was so exotic and beautiful. This is so awful.

      • Hakura says:

        It totally *does* remind me of that goofy facial expression kids make when they mimick goldfish… sucking their cheeks in as far as they can, they moving their lips (to look like a goldfish opening & closing their mouth). I can’t even *imagine* having your face *stuck* like that. =/

        I wonder if it’s just aggressive botox (like, a ‘preemptive strike’ to try to stop wrinkles from forming ahead of time, by simply paralyzing her whole face), or if it’s something more permanent. (God, I hope not… She used to be so pretty, now she just looks generic like the rest of them, even if she *didn’t* have the blonde hair.

        (O/T, but has anyone seen Fergie (Black-Eyed Peas) lately? I just saw a pic of her in the makeup aisle of my local pharmacy…I wouldn’t have even known it was her… She’s done SO much cosmetic surgery, she took away the unique beauty & attitude that showed all over her face. It’s such a shame!

      • Tania says:

        I would just like to know where her nose went? It’s really obvious that her face is jacked in these photos. What a shame. She looks like she’s had Botox, a nose job and some cheek and lip plumping. She looks bizarre and has officially stepped over the plastic line. It’s sad that Kanye ended up with someone who is obsessed with plastic surgery when his own mother died because of one.

    • CaribbeanLaura says:

      Preach! Tiresome is exactly what he is now. He inspires Lady Gaga levels of tiredness in me now, and let me tell you that is plenty tired!

      Oh and Kim does look like a goldfish

      • eliza says:

        Lady Gaga has never gone out of her way to insult groups of people though. She is not mean spirited, imo, like West.

      • CaribbeanLaura says:

        That is true, Kanye is very petty and mean spirited. I wasn’t suggesting that Gaga was at all. It’s just that she makes me esp. tired and Kanye has now reached and surpassed that level for me.

      • Florc says:

        Kanye is mean, but I think it’s more that he’s blind from his ego and not hating others for specifics like being Jewish. He just views all people as lesser than him equally.
        He’s such a megalomaniac. For me it goes in one ear and out the other.

      • Dommy Dearest says:

        Actually while she hasn’t insulted a group of people Gaga is notorious for twitter wars with others in which she often times sicks her fans on others.

      • MsT_Shady says:

        @ JOY
        “Exotic”??! She’s not a tiger, you know!

  2. LadySlippers says:

    Can he JUST SHUT UP???

    Everyday it’s just another ridiculous statement coming from him. Ugh.

    ETA: And his comment is actually very anti-Semitic. They often come thinly veiled like this one….

    • Simmie says:

      Exactly. The stereotype that Jews have SO MUCH POWER has historically been used to justify genocide, at least as far back as the Inquisition, if not longer. That’s pretty antisemitic.

    • Suze says:

      He needs to shut up but he won’t shut up. He needs to apologize but he won’t.

      He doesn’t have the ability to process why this comment is so offensive – or why so many of his comments are offensive.

      And Kim looks like Gollum.

      (I did get a slight chuckle out of reading the radio excerpt. It almost reads like Kanye believes George Bush – and his “oil” connections – are Jewish.)

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        He really does need to stop talking. Forever.

        What I took his idiotic statement to mean, was that the Jewish culture is a tight-knit one and a tribal one on some levels. I guess I didn’t take the “Jewish people are dominant and powerful” away from it, but now that you bring it up, it’s a very good point.
        Bottom line: he’s a moron.

      • Hakura says:

        @Suze & Kitten – At 1st, I didn’t think this, but after rereading it later in the day, I realized that it came across to me like he was saying ‘*ALL* ‘white people’ (or at least all those who *appear* white to Kanye), regardless of religion or heritage, are involved in a perpetual ‘conspiracy’ to keep people of color from succeeding & gaining any ‘power’ in the world’.

        Don’t get me wrong, I know that there *are* horrible people who *do* think that way, & that throughout history, this was valid in many cases. ‘Justice for ALL’ still has a very long way to go before being universally true.

        But making such ‘sweeping’ statements’, judging *all* Jewish people based on a stereotype that’s been used to justify so many horrors against innocent people…. *IS* antisemitic (& if my interpretation of his ‘conspiracy theory’ is true, also racist. & I don’t just throw that word around, either.)

    • gefeylich says:

      I want to know where all these “connections” are so that I might avail myself of them and clear up my financial problems. So far none of my fellow Jews have stepped up to let me into this network of connections which will allow me to manipulate everyone, make all the money and basically secretly rule the world. I feel deprived. And how come Kanye knows about it and I don’t?

  3. Hannah says:

    I’m guessing he will apologize. And then, in a couple of months’ time, he’ll go on a rant about how the ADL has it in for him, or something like that. It will make no sense.

  4. Lindy79 says:

    I like that coat on her.

    That’s all I really have to say on either of them regarding this latest troll-fest.

    • I Want To Live In New York says:

      I have seen a few coats of hers that I like. Who is finding them for her?
      She calls the paparazzi before she walks out of the building right? But she also wants to be more private? That makes total sense?

      • Hakura says:

        @IWTLI New York – It’s Kimye… Trying to apply anything even resembling ‘common sense’ to their actions & statements will just end up making your head explode. They don’t function in the same ‘reality’ everyone else does.

        (& yes, that was a pun based on ‘reality shows’ xD I couldn’t help myself._

  5. ANDREA1 says:

    She doesn’t even look anything like her old face anymore which is crazy and So sad

    • springingforward says:

      What did she do to her mouth and between her upper lip and nose? She looks like a camel.

      She has taken the plastic surgery too far now and she will never look as lovely as she used to.

  6. Josephine says:

    Yes, it is anti-Semetic, and no, he will not apologize.

    And I don’t think she looks good — looks like she over-shaved the nose and went too far with the implants. Gives her that alien effect.

    • LadySlippers says:

      I agree. It’s anti-Semitic and I seriously doubt he’ll apologize. If he does apologize it won’t be sincere.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        I agree with you, and add that his apology will imply that he is somehow the victim in this.

    • Katttt says:

      i think shes started to look like a Who from Whoville with that too small for her face nose that gives her a too big a gap between her lips and nose…

    • TheEntrepreneursWife says:

      Yes. It’s offensive in the same way that dressing up in blackface is offensive. His allegation that Jews are all-controlling smacks of the same allegations that Hitler used to condemn and blame the Jews. Why the need to reference Jews in the first place anyway?

      • dagdag says:



        West said …..Black people don’t have the same level of connections as Jewish peopl……. Is the same as Hitler and the Holocaust? Naye.

      • TheEntrepreneursWife says:

        I wasn’t saying Kanye = Hitler. I am saying its the same line of thinking. Its the underlying reasoning that Jewish people control everything. (Hitler blamed the Jews for WWI and Germany’s economic crisis because they allegedly controlled everything.) He’s perpetuating a historically negative stereotype. That’s why its offensive (to me, at least).

      • Shannon1972 says:

        That’s not what the entrepreneurs wife said. She was referencing the fact that Hitler used to rant about the “all powerful Jews” pulling all the levers of government and society. Kanye said the same thing about the Jewish lobby and their supposed all powerful connections. I see where she’s coming from, but I didn’t see a direct Kanye = Hitler comment.
        Kanye isn’t likely to incite genocide.

        Edit: oops…didn’t see your response E’s Wife. Sorry, you explained yourself just fine.

      • Myrto says:

        Of course what he said was antisemitic. I don’t understand why there’s even a debate about this. The usual “Jewish network, Jews rule the world” crap. It’s still buried in a lot of people’s minds and it will take a lot of time to disappear (if it ever does).

      • dagdag says:

        Since West talked about US presidents, I take his words about the level of Jewish connections, that he is comparing a powerful Israel lobby like the AIPAC to a black civil rights organisation like the NAACP. Which does not make sense, but is not anti-semitic.

        The anti semitic Nazi ideologie was and is a purely hallucinary belief on Jewish conspiracy to dominate and control the world by using the fraudulent Protocols of the Elders of Zion and the myth of Jewish Bolshevism in very pragmatic genocide means.

        I am not here to defend West. His rethoric in the interviews is so poor, it really should not be worth writing about it. What just irks me is that the deadly Nazi ideologie and genocide of the Jewish people seems to be micky moused by comparing his rants to the horrific past.

    • LadyMTL says:

      I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Kim looks like she’s morphing into a Real Doll.
      As for Kanye…yes, it is anti-semitic.

    • renata says:

      My first thought when I saw these pictures was that she looks like a robot. Lifeless, without a thought in her head.

      Of course Kanye’s remark was anti-Semitic. If someone had stood up and said, ‘black people have connections’, or ‘black people like chitlins’, or whatever generalization about a particular group based on race, color, or creed that you’d like to invent, guaranteed there would have been someone on TV raging against them for their insensitivity. Al Sharpton would be having a field day!

      It’s unfortunate that the media feels the need to persist in giving this guy so much attention. His music career is beginning to wane — all that’s left is to ponder a reality TV endgame. At every turn I find him repulsive.

      • Kate says:

        LOL this black person doesn’t eat slave snacks; I mean chitlins. That’s what I call them. I refuse to dine with my family because they eat them. I don’t care how much hot sauce a person put on them, those things stank.

        Yeah Al Sharpton, Jessie J would have been the first in line with their faux outrage.

      • Dena says:

        Puerto Ricans eat chitlinns too. Only, they call it tripe.

        As for Kanye’s comments, I didn’t read them as being anti-semitic. I read them at surface. However, I am not a part of the offended group nor am I aware and/or conversant in all the stereotypes, language and micro-aggressions aimed at Jewish people. However, if members of the group are saying it’s offensive because it taps into long held negative views that have lead to persecution of Jews (despite the relative validity of his claim being true), then he should apologize and clarify (IMO).

    • Val says:

      He needs to start to shut up or soon he won’t even sell a 500-seat arena.

  7. Aura says:

    Why would we call you crazy? Look, I’m no fan of the vapid materialism the Kardashians represent but they’re all good looking girls and Kim is beautiful.

  8. Tapioca says:

    OK, so which Jewish person recently got a designing gig with Nike or Louis Vuitton?

    Because you know that that is what’s behind this!

    • eliza says:

      Lol. Thanks for the chuckle!

    • DreamyK says:

      Drakespeare! I really loved his speech when accepting the MTV award for HYFR:
      “The video, it’s about being me. Being black and Jewish. I went to this house party one time, and when I showed up there, it was a bunch of kids and I ended up getting made fun of. I want to dedicate this award to any kid that’s ever had a long walk home by yourself, you know what I’m saying? This is to you man for real. We made it.”

      Yeezus will rant about anything if it gets in the way of his genius and creativity..and money. He wants it all because it’s always about him, all the time. Drake may have settled for less money in making that Nike deal, but that’s money Kanye will never see. So there’s that.

  9. Kiddo says:

    AmandaPanda’s story about the dentist rant is much funnier.

    It’s incredibly naive to think that the president doesn’t have connections or that he is somehow removed from the influence of lobbyists. He received campaign money from BigPharma like everyone else. Before Obamacare rolled out, the fix was in where no negotiations of drug prices would be made in the system. Further, if you want to evaluate the power of big oil during the Bush administration, look no further than Bush himself and Dick Cheney. Both are Christians.

    I’m actually of the mind now that complaining is part of the act and tour, that he ad-libs when the complaints have nothing to do with his perceived persecution (that he’s solid on), and he’s not sure what is going to come out of his mouth, but lets it roll anyway.

    • Evelyn says:

      Yeah, I couldn’t figure put his point. All presidents have connections, how does he think they became president? Politics are all about knowing the right people, and that’s not limited to Jewish people or “oil people”
      BTW, when he said oil people what did he mean?

  10. janie says:

    Does anyone take this man seriously about anything? No! He rants on not know what he said. He should listen to his own interviews? Kim looks pretty in the photo.

    • Londerland says:

      Take him seriously? I can’t even understand what he’s talking about half the time. These rants tumble out of him and I swear to god I cannot understand what his point is. How he got started on Jews in this little tirade, I’ve no idea. He’s become that nutter in the bar you find yourself smiling blankly at, nodding sympathetically as you slowly back away…

  11. Tracy says:

    He is still an idiot and no she does not look nice. She has totally destroyed her face and there is no fixing that.

  12. Elisabeth says:

    he’s cranky…he needs some protein and a nap

  13. KromBoom says:

    If he wants to make comments about race then he might wanna mention how his fiancee is rapidly erasing/cutting/shaving away her Armenian heritage in favour off…whatever is going on there.

  14. eliza says:

    He is disgusting on sooooooo many levels it is not even worth commenting about.

    Where are Ari Emmanuel and Harvey Weinstein and their outrage over this comment? Usually they are the first Hollywood big wigs to throw fits at the least bit on anti semitism yet somehow Kanye gets a pass for every offensive and rotten comment he makes.

    So tired of this dwarf’s idiotic rants for attention and so tired of everyone giving him a platform for them.

    • Kiddo says:

      I don’t know. Is it better to comment and make a big deal out of someone who spews nonsense on a consistent basis? Maybe, maybe not. I think if we were to dig up Freud and ask his opinion, he’d profer that Kanye hasn’t developed past the id. No ego, super-ego; no filter. Pure unadulterated id.

  15. putchka says:

    Dear Kaiser, I adore you. Disagree about Kim’s looks though. She’s a bit simian to my eyes. Anyway doll, you crack me up!

  16. Nicolette says:

    Why does Kim have the same facial expression in every picture I’m seeing of her? Is she not capable of smiling or having a natural facial expression. Wait, of course she can’t between being frozen by plastic surgery and/or being controlled by him. Just get the feeling he’s calling the shots with everything about her. How she looks, what she wears if she smiles for the camera. She’s one giant lifeless Barbie doll at this point.

  17. BeckyR says:

    Like he is about so many things, Kanye is ignorant politically. The man can’t make a complete, coherent sentence. HIs speech is terrible, talks like he has a mouth full of mush and has no skills in the grammar department. Hearing his concerts are poorly attended. He needs to go hide out…..at least until the world stops laughing at him.

  18. NewWester says:

    Kayne is headed for a breakdown or rehab, he is out of control.
    As for Kim, does anyone else think she must read the comments on sites like this? There were many comments about her never being seen with North and now it seems every other day there is a photo of her with a stroller.
    But then again all we do see is a stroller. Have not seen the actual baby lately

  19. Patricia says:

    This kind of “Jews have connections” argument was actually used by antisemites during the holocaust to try to “prove” that Jews were a powerful threat and had a hand in all world affairs. He should know his history and he wouldn’t say something so ignorant. If he meant to say that Jewish rights groups are more effective right now than the NAACP than he should have said that clearly.

    • Kiddo says:

      Oh thanks for that! You could make a fortune being a Kanye translator. I couldn’t figure out from that short blurb precisely what he was getting at. Bravo at your mad skills.

      • Kiddo says:

        There is a huge difference between lobbyists representing a country with shared financial interests and those whose goals are about rights. Financial interests, like oil, will trump human rights interests nearly all of the time, sadly. So I can see the point now, as you stated it. Maybe he is referring to the Israeli government as opposed to Jewish Rights groups?

      • Shannon1972 says:

        I don’t think he was referring to the Israeli government, which doesn’t have much influence with Obama or his administration, or they wouldn’t have been patently ignored during the recent Iran negotiations in Geneva (ironically, along with Saudi Arabia…apparently their oil wasn’t enough to influence the negotiations either). I think he was talking about the American Jewish Lobby, and perhaps Jewish leaders in Hollywood using their influence in politics.
        Or maybe I’m giving him too much credit. Who knows what goes on in that mind?

  20. Cristina says:

    I’m tired of his rants. He should go away for a while, keep a low profile. We’ve had too much of Yeezus lately and it’s not even funny anymore.

    As for Kim – what is going on with her face?! Yea, hair, body and clothes are all great, but her face is transforming every time she makes an appearance. She looks nothing like her old self.
    Saw her in an interview with Kanye and she could barely smile. Such a shame.

  21. RMJ says:

    I was at the Kansas City show (which was in Missouri, not Kansas, by the way). It was a great show though it was very very undersold. The date was added last minute and the ticket prices were wayyyyyy too high. Despite being a huge Yeezy fan, I almost didn’t go! I bought the cheapest seats and got a pretty nice upgrade at the show because it was so empty, though, so I’m not complaining.

    It’s really not fair to rag on him for talking on stage. He didn’t say anything offensive like this new bullshit, and eight minutes out of a two hour show is really not that long by most standards. I saw Blake Shelton a couple years ago, and out of a ninety minute set, he talked about The Voice and Miranda Lambert for a full 30 minutes. Kanye performed for two hours straight with no breaks; he was on the stage the entire time putting his heart and soul into it, dancing and rapping and singing. Most artists take a lot more time off stage – when I saw Weird Al last month, he was off stage for literally half the show changing costumes. The only part I didn’t care for was the rant, which was boring and silly but actually fairly positive compared to most of his rants – he went on about having dreams and Walt Disney and Steve Jobs. Overall he was on top of his game – he was sober and performed all of his songs himself, without any backing track like most rappers use. He was much much better on Tuesday than when I saw him on the Watch the Throne tour, when Jay Z completely overshadowed him. The Yeezus show had amazing stagecraft too, a really visually innovative show.

    • lindi says:

      Nice to hear – I have never been a fan but have am just beginning to get interested in his music – I think he does have vision. I think it is innovative for him , as a hip hop artist , to incroprate white prog rock as well as soul etc in his music. He is obviously exteremly creative and passionate and as such is close to the edge of being viewed by society as breaking many social norms ( ie. crazy). Who cares how many seats he sells ( though he may)? Is the mark of someones creativity and artistry really how many people are willing to shell out to much money to see them? Who cares if he is a meglomaniac – you dont think many of the great musicians weren’t in their own time? it simply the media was less snarkastic and they were mostly white and thus yes from the dominant culture. My analysis after finding out a bit of his history is that he had an upbringing that for a black hip hop artist in the united states is not the average – his mother was an English professor, he started righting music early etc. .. . . To me he is an interesting persona, artist, . .. . Kim K is who she is – a symptom of America’s culture at this point –

      • Kiddo says:

        Having seen some stills of shows, I think he does have interesting artistic visuals outside of the Bound 2 video. I’m on the wall about the music because there are elements of Bound 2 that I can appreciate (unfortunately, it’s the chorus portion versus the rap part), but I haven’t heard the entire CD to genuinely form an opinion.

        Kim K is also a symptom that Kanye is experiencing. He’s not crazy at all, but taking a page from the Kardashian handbook of attention garnering. And that’s what I dislike. It overshadows whatever genius he has and reduces him to a barker of the carnival, or a reality show cliche. And that is sad.

  22. Shannon1972 says:

    Oy…when all else fails, blame the Jews. How unoriginal, Kanye.

  23. Loren says:

    Kim’s face reminds me of a camel. Weird.

  24. dorothy says:

    This just goes to show; a person can have money and still be stupid.

  25. Elise says:

    It’s offensive. Lest he forget that Scott Disick is Jewish, therefore North’s cousins Mason and Penelope are half-Jewish.

    • Palermo says:

      I’m not Jewish, but isn’t it you are only Jewish if your mother was? Kourtney is not.

      • madchen says:

        Secular Jews don’t differentiate between the mother or father – if one is Jewish, the children are half Jewish – or if raised Jewish, then fully Jewish. Religious Jews require a child’s mother be Jewish to claim at all.

  26. fingerbinger says:

    I truly believe that Kanye takes on the opinions of others and he’s probably parroting what he heard someone else say. I don’t feel like he’s being anti-Jewish,but some of you do and we are all entitled to our opinions. BTW Abraham Foxman is the Jewish equivalent of Al Sharpton,an oportunist that pounces on anything.

  27. Dawn says:

    I am so tired of other people thinking they know what he actually meant to say. This is NOT the first time he has slammed Jews and went so far according to Enty that he blames them for his poor ticket sales on this tour. He said what he said and no one but he should be explaining why he said it or what he meant.

  28. annaloo. says:

    Has anyone ever actually considered that this guy might be bipolar? I’m being serious.

    • Jayna says:

      I have ever since he’s been on the Kimye tour making all these rounds of interviews sounding likes he’s on a manic high right now.

    • Sloane Wyatt says:

      analoo, I’ve lately come to understand theorizing if someone’s bipolar or not has been really hurtful to readers who are diagnosed bipolar and lead fulfilling lives. They’ve written in the recent past they feel the armchair diagnosis of bipolar is furthering the stigma against them.

      I’m sorry I can’t look for the link right now.

      Theorizing if a celeb is psychotic or a sociopath has gotten a pass so far though.

      • annaloo. says:

        Sloane– I appreciate your comment, but my question comes from a sincere place. having a best friend whose bipolar disorder signs that manifested when we were 19 (I am almost 40 now), a full blown schizophrenic brother, an autistic niece and my own personal struggles with depression, I cannot help but be sensitive to when people behave with somewhat extreme emotional/mental swings. I do not come from a position of wanting to hurt or insult anyone, but one of asking if there may just be other reasons for his outbursts . I understand plenty about stigmas against the mentally ill – it is not my intention to insult or upset.

    • I Want To Live In New York says:

      Does a ranting, self absorbed, narcissistic, media loving, spewer of random crap have to have a mental disorder?
      He is in the entertainment business, were one theory is, the more attention the more sales. He is on tour.

      • Kiddo says:

        He has Kardashiaitis. It’s an inflammation of the ego and need for attention with symptoms ranging from excessive display of photos of one’s self to overindulgence in hyperbolic rambling, with excessive participation in interviews. External appearances may include holes in clothing unassociated with wear or financial inability to buy intact clothing. External symptoms related to female sufferers include lack of clothing or mangled vagina dresses. Trying to treat or acknowledge symptoms in patients with this condition may actually exacerbate symptoms. Best course of treatment is to ignore it and allow it resolve on its own.

  29. Mingy says:

    Kim looks like that male friend she’s always with, Johnathan I think his name is..Same plastic surgeon perhaps? Either way, NOT A GOOD LOOK!

    • Relli says:

      Omg she does! I was watching WWHL a few nights ago and I swear I saw that overly tanned, man chipmunk in the previews for upcoming Millionaire matchmaker season.

  30. Han says:

    I have nothing to say apart from the what Mr Mandela has said which was that he learned a lot from the jewish people and their struggle and said they understood the black struggle because of the holocaust. Mandela was a man who truly made a transformative contribution to the history of his country and the world.
    I really hope today people don’t leave more comments on the kardashian wests than on the post about the passing of Mandela.

    • Frida_K says:

      Thank you for this comment. I didn’t know what Mr. Mandela said about the subject and appreciate learning it today from your post here.

  31. Dommy Dearest says:

    Kim…. Kim is a Jackson family member?

    The nose and upper lip area is screaming there is no turning back. She looks horrid. Seriously her nose looks like it would pop off if you flicked it the right way. This pleases me.

  32. Palermo says:

    It’s hard to believe his Mom was a college professor, how can he be this ignorant about EVERYTHING

  33. Jackson says:

    He’s an idiot and she looks….strange, as usual. Her nose and mouth with it’s upturned little corners is just freakish. I’m sure there is a surgical term for whatever procedure she had done, but I’ll just call it plastic surgery fail.

  34. Dani says:

    Her face is sooooo jacked.

    As a Jew, I didn’t take offense. I just laughed because he’s so pathetic. Do Jews have a lot of connections and power in many different areas of business and other various affairs? Yes. Why? Because we work our asses off to get there. It isn’t handed to us (sometimes it is but it’s still taken care of). I don’t really think he thought about what he was saying before he said it, which is why I and many others didn’t care. As a PP said, yes this was the same matter that’s referenced in the Holocaust, but I don’t think Kanye is smart enough to know that. He just let’s his ignorance show often enough that people start ignoring instead of getting offended.

  35. judyjudy says:

    I think we put way too much thought into what Kanye says. He talks out of his butthole trying to sound controversial and deep. Say the right (or wrong) buzzwords and people will start talking but you cannot convince me that this dingdong knows anything about history, politics, or religion.

    Whatever Kanye. Go read a book.

  36. Mon says:

    She does, but seriously, what’s happening to her face?! Especially her lips?

  37. C says:

    Personally, I’m more astonished about that little tidbit at the end there, about Kanye performing in Kansas and only 4,500 people showing up.
    Here in California, all my friends were going INSANE for Kanye tickets, and he performed to delirious, massive crowds in Oakland and LA. But then again, I have to admit these areas probably have a different music culture from Middle America.

    • Dee says:

      California is the land of bling and kardashians so i am not surprised his message goes home there
      However in other big cities like NYC and Chicago he had problems selling out the venues. Drake and Jay Z sold out quickly.And of course Kanye blamed the jews for his problems selling tickets on this tour. But he didnt have problems selling tickets 5 years ago of course. Eyeroll.

  38. Luce says:

    First off, her face looks particularly bad today. She looks puffy yet parts of her face are sunk in. Secondly, Nelson Mandela’s passing and subsequent celebrations of his humble yet powerful and effective life should make Kanye ashamed of just about everything he does. Nobody is going to honour him for being the kind of wonderful and influential human being Mandela was, and yet he treats himself like he’s the most important thing to ever walk this earth. Get over yourself Kanye. I love that Bey and Jay-Z are going vegan. They just keep raising the bar for Kanye, knowing full well he can never achieve any sort of personal enlightenment because he’s such an egomaniac. No… megalomaniac.

    Sidebar: Kim tweeting pic of Jeff Koons and her daughter. Disgusting. I wouldn’t let that creep near my precious progeny. He is a pervert of epic proportions. That being said, she obviously has no clue who he is… Ha ha!

  39. Moana says:

    How does it feel to be called racist, racist? Oh right, you’re Kanye West. You can say whatever you want. Riiiight.

  40. madchen says:

    I read his quotes and hear and see a raving narcissist and utter moron. His music has become beside the point.

    I’m trying to wrap my head around his conflating oil money w/Jewish power. If that’s what he’s even implying. The people in this country who are in bed with the Saudis are of the Cheney, Bush, Reagan variety – most definitely NOT Jewish but white, Christian identified and very powerful.

    If he had 1/2 a brain in his head, he’d be talking about institutionalized racism and its effects on our society. He’d be talking about those boys in Rochester NY, who were waiting at a bus stop for their coach, who was taking them to a game, and they got arrested for being on the side walk. He would be talking about the guy in Florida who was detained by police countless times while he was at work and no one believed him until his boss began videotaping these insane encounters. If he’s concerned about Black youth and the necessity of access, he needs to read Field and get a clue

  41. MsT_Shady says:

    This dude is verbose and unintelligible at times. He frustrates me because I agree with many ideas he also holds to be true but his delivery is convoluted and…messy.
    I don’t think he’s anti-Semitic or anti Jewish: I think he’s bad at public speaking and needs some sort of PR coaching.
    I think he was saying that Jewish communities across the world help each other out and support each other, not that tired old trope of ‘Jews control everything! They have all the power!’
    Kanye is not THAT stupid.

  42. Kelly says:

    I don’t think he meant it the way people are interpreting it. I’m surprised people are so mad. And I don’t really even like him. She looks absolutely horrid.

  43. Michelle says:

    Ummm it’s not antiSemitic to say the truth. A reason for Jews’ success (a quick assimiliation into the middle class as compared to previous and later immigrant groups) in the US was social networks built in Eastern Europe as a result of prejudice.
    Unable to go to other businesses, partake in local trade, etc , eastern European Jews created their own business. The stereotype of Jewish small business owners and entrepreneurs comes from a time when Jews HAD to provide for their own. One enormous consequences of this were Hebrew free loan societies, which were a religious aspect but also a social one. Jews were able to give loans to fellow immigrants in the US, allowing them to begin their own businesses. As they began to own factories and knick knack shops and so forth, they were able to employ other Jews.

    Jews do have connections.
    To say that Jews haven’t had the rate of success they have is to ignore what advantages they might have had from ethnic and religious enclaves. The reasons why we can’t articulate entirely the reasons for the myth of Jewish success is because it’s labeled antiSemitic to say, hey, Jews have wide social networks, lots of resources, etc, from a history of persecution. Other ethnic groups might find utility in similar circumstances.

    • madchen says:

      You make valid points about how Jews have succeeded – much like the Chinese in other parts of the world too. That being said, I’m pretty sure that Kanye is discussing access and power and he’s gone as far to say that POTUS doesn’t have access because he’s not as connected as he could/should be and that the Jews are, which may not be an anti-Semitic comment but is a really ignorant one.

      Kanye has tremendous access – all eyes are on him – which he wants. He has got to do better.

    • Maureen says:

      When you belong to a group who shares a culture and heritage regardless of your race or country of origin, and you’ve been kicked out of every place you’ve tried to live — yeah, you make connections. Jews survive. That’s what they’ve been doing for 4,000 years. Surviving.

    • MavenTheFirst says:

      Although it is historically accurate that Jews had to take what was considered in those days demeaning occupations that’s all that is accurate in this.

      Your comment is just as bigoted as Kanye’s. Your biggest mistake is in asserting that Jews had “advantages from religious and ethnic enclaves”. Seriously? Apart from the fact that many of those “enclaves”were ghettoes, it sounds like a cabal, which is what anti-Semites assert. Those “advantages” imply enormous wealth and power.

      To have community connections is NOT the same as is implied here. Jews never did and don’t have a vast power network that rules the world. Jews don’t necessarily help other Jews either. And as a Jew, I still couldn’t get a loan from the Hebrew free loan society.

      Who argues that Jews have “wide social networks”, and “vast resources”? Puhlease. Anti-Semites.

  44. MissTiss says:

    I read CB, everyday and have only commented a couple times but I just had to jump in. Whatever he is saying, and I’m not even sure he knows, his argument fails because there are BLACK Jews. I work with one. He is very devout and wears tzizit everyday, something I’ve never seen outside of synagogue in my city (but I don’t get out much), so to speak of black folks and Jews as seperate entities speaks to his ignorance.

    Love the intelligent talk on here. I’ve learned a lot from you ladies. Keep up the good work.

  45. Maureen says:

    Bottom line: he mentioned Jews when he didn’t need to, when there was no direct context to his comments comparing Obama and Bush or whatever he was doing. There wasn’t even sub-text unless the listener really stretches to invent some. When a person blurts out a comment about someone with no context there is absolutely something coming up from the sub conscience there. So while he was yelling about Bush being a “have” and Obama (and by shared racial lineage, all Blacks) being a “have not” he was THINKING about Jews and playing into the old stereotype that Jews run everything, control everything, and as a result HAVE everything. Now, whether he’s ANTI-semetic is not clear. He could just be making what he thinks is a matter-of-fact statement that doesn’t mean he feels negatively towards Jewish people.

    But I do believe when people think this way about Jews and perpetuate — directly or under-handedly — this stereotype there’s jealous and envoy and negative feelings. Yes. Let a bigot run his mouth long enough and it will all come out eventually.

    • idk says:

      I remember years ago Kim replied to someone on her blog about inter-faith marriages, and she stated “my dad would be have been really mad if I married a non-Christian”. Also, during an old episode of KUWTK, Kim and Kourtney signed Khloe up for an on-line dating site, and in her profile they had to write what Khloe would want, and Kim put “the guy has to be Christian, only Christian”…and Kourtney interrupted “but Scott’s Jewish”…to which Kim ignored and proceeded. I mean people have the right to marry whatever religion they want and if they choose to marry of the same religion that’s fine, but please don’t preach about a religion you yourself don’t even follow. Maybe her views have changed, who knows.

  46. Mylene - Montreal says:

    If he talk about politics and all the corruption … i’m happy ! it’s my kanye ! i don’t want to know if he have sex with her porn star .. Strange comment i know … but i prefer he talk about actuality than this happy superficial relationship.

    In 5 years … It’s going to be a BIG mess divorce … i say 5 because i’m gentle.

  47. Jennifer12 says:

    Yes, it’s a racist comment. He doesn’t really bother to hide his feelings, does he? There was no need to say it, no basis for the comment- he wanted to put it out there. The amount of anti-Semitism out there is staggering and it’s always couched in justifications. That said, Kim was a lovely girl at one point but is too addicted to plastic surgery. The blond hair doesn’t work. And with her love of extensions, dyes, etc, it will be interesting to see how she handles having a biracial daughter.

  48. Blackbetty says:

    Does anyone else find it ironic that Kanye is bitching about connections, when he is rich and has Hollywood connections?

  49. *Laowai* says:

    Is it an-Semitism? *Rolls eyes*. Yes. Yes, it is anti-Semitism to say that Obama would have an easier time of being president of the US if he were Jewish, because then all of his Jewish buddies would use their powerful connections to help him out. Along with the lovely implication that American Jews will only help out other American Jews, and not just the US out of patriotism. Duh. There are so many nasty anti-Semitic tropes loaded into that moronic statement, I don’t have time to count them all.

    Why is it that whenever a public figure says something bigoted against most groups of people, the commentators rush to condemn him, but when an egomaniac loon like Kanye says something that is anti-Semitic, all the commentators wring their hands and mutter stupid stuff like ‘Uh, but is it really anti-Semitism? I mean, is that reeaallly what he said and meant? Does it fit the dictionary definition to a T? Maybe he should clarify, so that he can have a chance to say whatever non-anti-Semitic thing he clearly meant when he brought up Jews out of the blue in the middle of a topic that had nothing to do with them?’ Please.

    Yes, he will hack up an apology in about a week. No, he will not mean it.

    • dagdag says:


      ……commentators wring their hands and mutter stupid stuff like …..

      being factual is not easy or just not your thing?

  50. MonkSolo says:

    I find Kanye pretty racist, but I’ve come to realize over the last year that he’s clearly not right in the head and I just can’t stomach picking on someone who has something wrong with them like that.