Elsa Pataky shows off some belty maternity style: boho chic or unfortunate?


Here are some photos of Elsa Pataky “bumping around” LA a few days ago. Chris Hemsworth was not with her for this particular photo-op, but he is definitely back in LA and he and Elsa did get pap’d on another occasion this weekend. As you can see, Elsa is SO big! She’s carrying twins this time around and that’s the only explanation I need for why she seems so much bigger with this pregnancy.

I have to give her credit – if I was this pregnant, you wouldn’t be able to roll me out of bed. All I would want to do is sleep and watch TV and eat. So props to Elsa for being so active and… well, it really does seem like she’s bouncing around, doesn’t it? I think the first months must have been hard on her – last fall was when she pulled a disappearing act and I theorized that Elsa knew everyone was kind of tired of seeing her. But she was probably just dealing with morning sickness. And now she’s all better.

A word about her maternity style… as I’ve said before, I don’t hate it. She dresses in that hippie/boho look that was really popular a decade ago, and it’s probably pretty comfortable for her. I don’t even hate those studded boots she’s always wearing. But I really hate that she keeps putting belts around her hippie dresses. What is that? Is that a way for her to emphasize the size of her belly?

Last thing: does anyone else wonder if these most recent photo-ops are Elsa’s way of promoting the Thor 2 DVD? She’ll probably throw a baby shower for herself on the day that the DVD comes out.



Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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50 Responses to “Elsa Pataky shows off some belty maternity style: boho chic or unfortunate?”

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  1. blue marie says:

    She looks ridiculous, girl we know you’re pregnant. The belt makes her look like an overweight mover with a back brace.

    • Anna says:

      I actually dont hate those dresses with belts, but her footwear gouges my eyes out.

      • blue marie says:

        Yeah, the boots aren’t great but I hate the belt, maybe if it were black?

      • Marty says:

        Yes, but I wonder why exactly she keeps on wearing short dresses that need a belt so often? Actually I don’t need to wonder, I know why. Although I do think she had better pregnancy style with India.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      I think it would be cute without the belt. We get it. You’re pregnant. She’s having a very pretty pregnancy. Except for the belts.

      • LadySlippers says:

        Someone on the another thread said (IIRC) it’s pretty common for Spanish women to dress like this — belt and all.

    • Liv says:

      Good god, this girl has a horrible fashion sense. She looks ridiculous. Who in the world thinks this is a good look?? Maybe only the shoes or the dress alone (without the belt!), but all together looks just hideous.

    • roxy750 says:

      LOL!!! HAHAHAHA oh that is horrible but very funny

  2. Trillian says:

    Hm, if she wasn’t wearing a belt with those loose and short dresses she would probably end up flashing us at every breeze.

  3. Anna says:

    Interesting theory about Thor 2. I do wonder… by the way, Chris was just papped shopping with his mom at a house goods store. No way paps stalk Chris and Elsa so hard by themselves (esp Elsa alone? Even an A-list wife like Rita Wilson doesnt this kind of attention).

    • Marty says:

      Would rather be seeing those pics tbh. He looked too damn good in that white shirt!

      I’m not really sure why she’s getting so much play on this site, especially compared to other higher-up actor’s wives. At this point I’d rather see more pictures of Camils Alves.

      • Anna says:

        It’s bc of people like me who’ll jump on anything Chris Hemsworth-related and also if it gives us a chance to snark on Pataky. But while CB might be pandering [please keep on pandering!] it doesnt explain why EP is always stalked by photogs – after all, CHems fandom is much smaller than Brad Pitt’s, but we see a whole lot of less of Brangelina in the tabloids.

      • Original Tessa says:

        It’s why Jennifer Garner is so dang famous, or why Katie Holmes exploded when she got together with Tom Cruise, or why Jennifer Aniston is still one of the most famous women in the world when all she’s produced in the last ten years is drivel. People want to know about the women the men they fancy are screwing….


      • Marty says:

        Can I admit the spark in my snark for her has faded? Oh it’s still there, obviously, it’s just not as fun as it use to be. I’m at the point where I would just like her try-hardiness to take a seat so I can enjoy more photos of her husband in tight t-shirts.

        Anna, do you need to ask why? You KNOW why. That’s one of the reasons me and him were fighting. He seems to be getting increasingly annoyed with paps which I just don’t get. He knows his wife gives “exclusives” to tabloids. Even if she isn’t calling them *cough* it has to be feeding into the interest, right?

      • Anna says:

        Tessa –

        Respectfully, before JGarner became part of Bennifer 2.0, she was an Emmy and Golden Globe – winning actress in a hit TV show and a star of many films. Affleck was an Oscar-winning A-lister, despite several flops. Katie Holmes just got off another hit teen show and was appearing at Batman’s love interest. Plus, Tom Cruise’s profile was infinitely higher than Chris. Basically, these were high-profile people that became even higher-profile couples. But EP American credits were 10 minutes of screen time in a super-packed franchise and Chris himself is still a newcomer, who became a name less than 3 years ago with Thor 1. What I’m saying is, paparazzi attention is highly disproportional to their combined profile, and it is no accident but a result of a dedicated effort from inside the camp.

      • j.eyre says:

        My darlings, I think I am stepping of the CHem train. I cannot compete with the likes of you beauties and now that V4 has thrown her hat into the ring, an old lady like me can’t keep up. I know you will treat him well, however.

        (and I will still look, of course)

      • Marty says:

        Miss J- Give me the keys to your dungeon for him and I might believe you. Might.

      • j.eyre says:

        Jay-sus Marty – my dungeon keys?!? *rummages through gif box mumbling* where is my Charlton Heston “cold dead hand” gif? Oh never mind – I am not kicking him out of Thornfield, I am just moving someone else into the Master Suite. CHemboy will still be knocking about – somebody has to keep me company in the Buttery, after all.

        Besides, I think all this 21st century, peasant-pirate-wench attire Lady reMora is sporting is an attempt to catch Toby Stephen’s eye and Fanty will have my head if I let that happen so I must give her back her husband for my own safety.

      • T.Fanty says:

        Hey now. I’ll have your head, I’ll have that gold-digigng Lady M’s head, and I’ll have Dame Maggie to back me up. NOBODY is taking my posh pirate.

      • Marty says:

        Mmmhmm. That’s what I thought. Don’t think you can distract me with nice compliments, I’m more focused then that. Wait did you say something about jingling keys? Charleston Heston gifs? What were we talking about?

        Can’t blame you though, I moved him out of my master suite awhile ago.

      • j.eyre says:

        Although I would love to see Dame Maggie chew Ldy reM up and spit her out for her dogs to finish off (I mean, I would love to see Dame Maggie do that to me, should I have the honor) I feel for those twins and for their sake, I am relinquishing my share in CHemboy… it has nothing to do with my fickle nature or a certain visit to a certain old friend last Saturday.

        I just give and give and give…

    • m says:

      The media also has a weird obsession with pregnant women. You can be a d-lister but the second you get knocked up, they treat you like they have always been interested- see Hillary Duff, Jennifer Garner, etc.

  4. Anna says:

    The belt makes all her outfits look so fugly. Maybe she’s subtly trying to get a role in a film set in Ancient Rome, that’s why she’s wearing dresses styled this way LOL

  5. pfeiffer87 says:

    I think she may wear the belt to stop the dress flying up – the belly pushes the dress out so that if a gust of wind came we would see her underwear. At least that’s my theory.

  6. als says:

    Maybe that belt is holding her dress down. That bump is big, the dress is lose and with a little wind…this could be a Duchess Kate situation.

  7. Gracie says:

    She’s not even that famous. Even though she calls the paps, I don’t even know why they bother with her.

  8. Ponderousponderer says:

    Maternity wear has always been either too twee, with big collars and floral prints, as if to draw attention from the burgeoning belly, or muu muu-like, shapeless and unflattering.

    I applaud Elsa for glowing in her pregnancy, she is lovely in my opinion, I love her hair, and celebrating her bump!! I like how she creates a silhouette, without the belt she would be shapeless, and the look less flattering.

    I myself tried to wear cute and fitted up on the top and more forgiving on the bottom when I was pregnant. Granted I didn’t look anywhere near as beautiful for my face blew up like a moon. I am always envious of pregnant women that hardly show it in the face.

  9. Willa says:

    Being 9months pregnant myself I think I would wear the belt too. Big comfy dress is easy to put on and belt gives it some shape and style instead of looking like a tent. Also as others have stated it keeps it from blowing up in the wind. I would sport the dress and belt combo but I don’t like the shoes.

  10. Lindy says:

    Ehhh, I can’t throw shade on the poor girl for the belts. By the time I was getting close to the end of pregnancy, I felt like my insides were going to fall out at every step, but I was working right up to the end, so I had to be up and about. I used to wear belts and stretchy band things below my belly at that stage just to feel a little more secure, and to feel less exhausted and strained by the end of the day. And I wasn’t even all that big (I’m only 5’2″ and didn’t gain a ton of weight). My friends who have had singletons *and* twins tell me that it’s so much worse with two in there.

    Anyway, I guess I’m just saying that the belt may make her belly feel better.

    • Stef Leppard says:

      I can’t knock her either. When you’re hugely pregnant like that it’s hard to find something comfortable, flattering, etc. If she is comfy and thinks she looks good then that is all that matters.

  11. Shannon1972 says:

    I think she looks cute. Pregnant women have few options to make themselves feel good, and if the belts make her happy, more power to her. She probably feels like a whale most days, poor thing.
    At the end of my pregnancies I was so cranky, and felt so huge (though I was small, no preggie ever *feels* small), that I didn’t want to leave my house. I actually went to Disney World when I was 8 mths with my third son, and hated every second at the “happiest place on earth”. I did the pregnant shuffle all over those theme parks and cursed myself for coming up with the brilliant idea of a last vacation before the baby. People who worked there would say “Have a magical day!!” And I would smile and say thanks, but I was thinking “f**k you and your f-ing park too!” That’s not a word I use, but I was definitely thinking it!

    Elsa is making carrying twins actually look breezy. She probably goes home and collapses after these pap strolls.

    • Sullivan says:

      I think she looks cute, too. I don’t know anything about her or why she gets papped. She’s pregnant and pretty, that’s all I know.

  12. Marigold says:

    Girl, just buy a proper maternity dress instead of these wonky maternity sheets. There are very cute ones that accentuate the pregnant stomach simply by the way they’re made. No odd belt needed. The few months I spent being pregnant in warm weather were the best. No pants required.

  13. Kali says:

    I would wear that whole outfit and I’m only gestating a food baby.

  14. eliza says:

    I just hope she is wearing socks.

  15. Cupcake says:

    Not her best maternity look but I bet the boots are super comfy to walk in. She has done better with maternity wear in the past.

  16. Little M says:

    The boho style with those boots is kind of very in right now in Spain… I think they never went completely out.

    As for Elsa, she is very pretty and she has great legs. She was so ambitious as an actress back in the`90s that it is a bit strange for me to see her as a wife/mommy with not a real career of her own anymore.

    Don’t get me wrong, I envy people like her who can have a family and stop working to take care of the kids but, God, she really wanted to make a name a for herself.

  17. May says:

    Goodness gracious that is way unfortunate!

  18. ItSetsYou says:

    I think it looks better with the belt. If it wasn’t there she would look like a tent. But it doesn’t even matter – Elsa is pregnant and can wear whatever she wants. I’ve never had children and looking at my friend who have gone through that, I think they are heroes. So they can wear whatever the hell they want 🙂

  19. Maureen says:

    I just noticed that today’s blog entries include 4 individual posts featuring people connected to one family: Liam Hemsworth, Chris Hemsworth, Elsa, and Miley Cyrus. Ha, this has to be unprecedented!

  20. pru says:

    I get wanting to be comfortable and liking the boho style, but she always looks like a harassed, stay-at-home mom who just barely has time to throw on clothes. I would more accepting of the look if that is what she is, but she isn’t. For someone who seems to want to get papped and has the means to look better, she should.

  21. aquarius64 says:

    Why is she getting coverage? Most wives of bigger names than Chris don’t; as for those who do; those ladies are names in their own right. Is Elsa calling the paps again? Outside of Spain she’s no big deal as an actress.

  22. aquarius64 says:

    Women her age naturally get lesser roles – tell that to Meryl Streep. She somehow managed to get roles. It’s about quality of the craft. It’s also about bankability. Jennifer Anniston is a TV star turned tabloid fodder because of her love life, yet she gets movie work. And Jennifer is OLDER than Elsa.