Lupita Nyong’o posts cute selfies with Jared Leto: are they together or what?


Lupita Nyong’o’s Instagram continues to amaze. I need to start checking it every day. Lupita does some great selfies – almost always with other people. And now she’s just trolling us with this Jared Leto thing! She posted a photo of herself and Jared at the Paris MiuMiu show last week. They were making cute faces and they do look nice together. So what’s really happening here? Some theories:

Theory #1: Jared and Lupita are dating, flat-out. They met sometime in the fall and their love blossomed during the awards season.

Theory #2: She’s into him and he sees her as a lovely trophy bang. He’s not into commitment and she’s a commitment sort of girl and it plays out like a Taylor Swift song.

Theory #3: He’s into her and she’s a baller, a player and she doesn’t have time for some long-haired sketchball. Queen Lupita has bigger fish to fry.

Theory #4: She’s just trying to make Benedict Cumberbatch jealous.

Theory #5: Jared is basically stalking Lupita nowadays and he’s actively pursuing her and she’s just being nice, but she’s turning him down over and over.

Theory #6: They’re just friends. Lupita may or may not have a steady boyfriend who is not in the limelight (or maybe it’s K’Naan) and Jared knows this and he just likes hanging out with Lupita, because she’s a ray of sunshine and super-fun.

Theory #7: They’re both just trolling us now.

Theory #8: She’s trying to make Michael Fassbender jealous.

Theory #9: She is not taking any of this seriously at all and she’s just having fun. There are no ulterior motives whatsoever.

Which is it?



Photos courtesy of Getty, WENN, IG.

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101 Responses to “Lupita Nyong’o posts cute selfies with Jared Leto: are they together or what?”

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  1. Dani2 says:

    Just friends, the relationship with K’Naan is WAY more likely.

    • Liv says:

      Theory #7.

      She wants to distract us from her relationship with K’Naan. I mean she knows about the rumors about her and Leto and that a photo like this adds fuel to the fire.

      • mytbean says:

        7 with a sprinkle of 6 I think… I think they both have the same mischievous streak but Lupita hides it behind her amazing gorgeous elegant awesomesauciness.

    • I tend to agree…

      I have to add, if they ARE together PLEASE let’s not paint this woman as the naïve victim who falls for Leto’s charms only to be left broken-hearted. It’s quite possible that she’s just playing with him.

      Also, these two would have f*cking gorgeous babies. Imagine?
      ..and not that I’m advocating that they do that, just sayin.

      • T.C. says:

        Damn. They do look good together. Them babies from these two would be beautiful and never age. LOL.

        I think they are just friends. K’naan has a girlfriend so I think that’s that happening. I don’t think she is involved with anyone while being so friendly with all these other celebs. There’s a picture of her at a basketball game and she is all snuggled up with a fellow Yale drama student. Can’t imagine any boyfriend being happy with that picture.

      • GlimmerBunny says:

        Beautiful Vampire Babies (they both look ten years younger than their real age)

      • LL2 says:

        @T. C.

        K’Naan has a girlfriend? Who is she?

    • Shazz says:

      Hope not, she’s waaaaaay to good for him. She looks gorgeous in both of these blue dresses.

  2. danielle says:

    Agreed, with a little bit of trolling us thrown in, but in a cute way.

  3. Rose says:


    they both shared the same dream for a year now. they were nominated for the same prize. both had the same win this season, and share that whole hope-win thing. it was a catalyst for the friendship.

    • Jacqueline says:

      That’s what I thought. They both just went through the same awards season together, in which they both came out winners. That’s a unique experience, and I imagine it has made them friends. I just got done with the Lorde post – if we assume women are friends without sex being involved, why not give the same benefit of doubt to a man & woman?

  4. Anna says:

    I think they’re just friends but they would make some beautiful babies

  5. Frida_K says:

    #3 or #9

    Either one, she’s a winner!


  6. blue marie says:

    If I had to guess any I would say 9, she’s taking selfies with pretty much anyone who’ll let her and she’s too good for Jared anyway.

  7. mfmaefh says:

    The pictures are funny,I think they are just friends

  8. Nola says:

    Theory #5 is my guess.

    Jared did the same thing to Kstew in the past.
    He follows the hype/attention.

  9. Sixer says:

    I don’t really care. I just wish she wasn’t going hell for leather at this It Girl business. It’ll just put me off her and I want to like her.

    • AG-UK says:

      I like her but I am tired of seeing all of them to be honest. Plus this selfie nonsense is getting on my nerves.. I couldn’t imagine taking photos of MYSELF all the time I don’t care how good I thought I was looking 🙂 I don’t even take that many of my son and I adorre him. I also think they are friends and he does take loads of them with everyone. He’s like one of those kids who always seems to be in the photo smiling in the back. Her brother has tons too.

    • Sixer says:

      Yep. Hypocritical as it is to be saying this on a gossip site, but y’know. STOP. IT. I just find my respect for people – not just Lupita – evaporating.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Completely agree. The need to post constant pictures of yourself looking “adorable” is very telling, and I don’t like what it says.

      • AG-UK says:

        I honestly think I might need to take a break. It seems like something teenagers do but obviously not.

      • I agree that overexposure is a surefire way to make me dislike a celeb. That being said, the selfies/tweeting/instagramming/social media-ing is all part of the self-promotional aspect of their career. I don’t know…I find it irritating but I don’t blame them for doing it.

    • Ruth Dunbar says:

      I agree. She’s a little mature for this– I’d expect this from a 20 year old girl, but not a thirtysomething woman. It makes me wonder if she’s not quite as classy as we all want her to be.

      • magpie says:

        Yeah, she’s 30+ with a Yale degree. She needs to stop with the selfies.

      • jaye says:

        Yeah, because other 30 year old people with Yale degrees don’t post selfies. :::eyeroll::: EVERYONE posts selfies. Selfies are not causing the downfall of society.

      • Gypsy says:

        Here’s a revolutionary idea, don’t click on gossip articles where there are “selfies”.
        If you don’t know about it it won’t bother you. 🙂

    • Myrto says:

      Yes, this. Why don’t celebrities realize they have to lay low once in a while? People are fickle, they grow tired of actors very quickly. Especially after winning an Oscar.
      And this selfie trend is just so narcissistic.

      • Sullivan says:

        Why can’t mystery be a form of self-promotion?

      • ^ That’s an awesome comment. On a subjective level, I find mystery so much more intriguing-not just with my celebs, but with the everyday people I meet and form relationships with.

        I’m just not convinced that mystery works as a PR move.

      • maggyy says:

        winner in paris .
        Eye roll how old are they? modesty humility please

    • lunchcoma says:

      Jennifer Lawrence can afford to go away and give us a rest, because she already has an established career and a series of future roles lined up. Lupita Nyong’o doesn’t have that luxury. She’s a new actress, doesn’t have anything on her plate right now, and is facing a long history of racist casting and the potential for being pigeonholed into roles specifically written for black women (which tend to be few, far between, and of variable depth). If she doesn’t keep herself at least somewhat in the public eye, people are going to forget about her, and she’s not going to have as many comeback opportunities as a white actress (or especially a white actor) would.

      • AG-UK says:

        You do have a point.

      • Sixer says:

        I think, for me, somewhat is the word, lunchcoma. I get the need but too much is as bad as too little. You know? I *really* want to like Lupita. But I’m beginning to be put off.

      • lunchcoma says:

        I can understand that, Sixer. Personally, I’m going to give it a month or two and see where she’s at with her publicity then. Her Oscar campaign has only just ended, and my suspicion is that if she gets something lined up in the next couple months, we’ll be seeing her in more moderate amounts. I’m inclined to give her the benefit of the doubt at the moment because I think she has worries that many of her peers do not.

      • Sixer says:

        That’s fair enough. I think you know that I have a particularly low tolerance threshold for all this stuff, so I was always going to be one of the ones to start saying it first.

      • Elle Kaye says:

        Oh, come on…that’s is just hypocritical.

        The public is very nasty. They only like you for a while, then when you become succcessful, they turn on you. It is already happening to Lupita, as I could have predicted. Once people found out she was well educated and from a good family, along with her Oscar, she lost her darlingness.

        Men can get away with much more than women. No one is going on about Jared Leto and all the photos he posts of himself. No, they WANT to see more. Women go crazy on here over Cumberbatch, Hardy, etc. Their selfies would be welcomed. Yet Lupita and Jennifer are told to take a break.

        There is a double standard in regards to women, and women need to stop perpetrating it.

      • Gypsy says:

        You do realize that she is posting this stuff to her OWN Instagram page and it’s nosy people who go to her page and grab these “selfies”, so if people would leave her page alone there would be no complaints. So blame the gossip sites and the Paps.

      • Sixer says:

        Elle Kaye – happy to own up to hypocrisy about moaning on a gossip site. But don’t tar me with failing to come up to identity politics scratch – as a woman being called out by a woman, I could find that equally hypocritical. If you trace my comments hereabouts, you’ll see I’m an equal opportunities critic. The boys don’t get off any easier with me. No intersectionality in these here parts. thankyouverymuch!

      • Elle Kaye says:

        @Sixer, why is it hypocracy to ask women to support each other instead of tearing them down? It isn’t.

    • Diana says:

      I’m sick of both.

  10. GiGi says:

    Yeah – her Instagram feed is basically her clothes, her nails and selfies with other people. In fact this morning there’s a collage with just pics of her and different men – maybe she’s sleeping with them all!?!?! Maybe she’s trolling us!?!?!

    Or not. I think she’s just enjoying herself greatly and taking pics of it all. And good for her!

    • Tatjana says:

      Is a selfie a selfie when there are more people in it?
      And I hate Instagram.

    • V4Real says:

      And I thought Rihanna was the Queen of Selfies but Lupita now win hands down. I’m wondering if she’s just enjoying her new found fame or perhaps she’s just a fan of a lot of these celebrities.

      But she needs to take it easy. She is treading on the borderline of over exposure as some have already started to tire of her, myself included. At least JLaw had a lot of acting credits to back her up before and after her Oscar win. Lupita’s has only been a main character in one big film. She has a lot to prove. There has been other Black women who have won best supporting Oscars such as Octavia Spencer, Jennifer Hudson and Monique and even though they are still working in the business they are not huge international stars. Lupita can end up being the Fiona Apple of the Oscars.

      • Tatjana says:

        But it’s been a little over a week since the Oscars, she can enjoy it for a little bit longer.

      • Jen says:

        lol she wasn’t even a main character. She was in it for like 15 minutes.

        She did a good job and deserved the Oscar but I’m going to need her to actually be in more than one thing before I think she’s all that.

      • AG-UK says:

        I understand what you mean. Yes the Oscars were a week ago but that film was made almost 2 years ago. Someone had to think she was great when they were editing the film so why nothing else? Just my tired opinion but… She is even on the cover of LOOK magazine here in the UK today. I still think she is lovely but I am just a bit tired of it all now.

      • V4Real says:

        @tatjana ..but here’s the thing. Lupita was all over the place before the Oscars as she had started campaigning for it along with other awards. When JLaw was campaigning last year she was doing it while working on other projects or her projects had already been filmed. Lupita hasn’t done much of anything since filming 12 Years. She only has a small cameo in Liam’s Movie.

        Like AG-UK said if the director and others thought she was so great, the word would have spread and she should have at least been cast in a few other films by now.

        Right now she’s acting like a person who is enjoying their 15 minutes of fame while most of the other winners/nominees have probably moved on to their next project. I just want to see her in something else already.

      • Gypsy says:

        She can enjoy it for as long as she wants, people who don’t like it just don’t go to her Instagram page. It’s not like she’s coming into our homes and forcing us to see her selfies.

    • starrywonder says:

      Yeah but so are my friends FB posts. I think everyone in this day and age likes to document every thought and moment and hanging with friends so I dont shade her for that.

  11. GlimmerBunny says:

    #8 PLEASE! Fassy and Lupita would be a crazy hot couple (not that her and Jared wouldn’t, and I’m seriously starting to think they are, in fact, a couple)

    • Isadora says:

      I think #8 is just wishful thinking, tbh. 😉 Fassbender doesn’t strike me exactly as the shy sort and I think if they clicked, they would have been all over each other already.

  12. lower-case deb says:

    that picture of her on the stairs, though!!
    her cinderella night, indeed.

  13. Ag says:

    I’m going with – they’re TOTALLY together. 🙂

    And she has amazing arms. Holy crap, I need to work out.

  14. M.A.F. says:

    I going with Theory #3 because why the heck not. Girls can play the game too you know.

  15. serena says:

    I believe it’s something between 7 and 9.

  16. Mandy says:

    Oh, Theory #6 for sure. Or #9.

  17. mar says:

    I love her!!!!!!!

  18. Steff says:

    I don’t know if they’re together but considering they both seem to be reserved about private lives, it’s unlikely they would post pics together or make fun about the relationship if they Were actually dating. So I think it’s just a fun friendship ( with “benefits” maybe ), but not a real relationship. He likes to play the perfect nice guy at the beginning but then everybody gets to see how he really is, and I don’t think Lupita would stand his attitude for much longer than one month :p

  19. QQ says:


    They are award winners in the same categories being feted and invited around the world and have become industry friends and like every actor with a bit of narcissist in them think: Oh Sure, attention, why not? … Oh people want to link me to this hot piece of an associate and not, you know paint me like some loser? Sure I’ll take that as well!

  20. Melody says:

    I hope it’s #9 – just for her own sanity… although I wouldn’t mind if #4 worked and we got to see some serious wooing out of the Batch.

  21. AlmondJoy says:

    Lollll I’m not sure what the big deal is about people taking selfies… its not that serious and I don’t see why a person would lose respect for a celeb just because they take pictures of themselves on occasion. It’s silly, harmless fun. I think Lupita has been thrust into a new world and she’s just very exciting about everything that’s happened to her.

    • T.C. says:


      She sees herself as a normal person who gets to meet her favorite actors in person. She’s excited and posts the pictures. Plus it’s your choice to go to her Instagram and look at those pictures. She’s not forcing anyone to do it.

      • Shantal says:

        Exactly. It’s ridiculous that everyone’s bitching about Lupita being “overexposed” when they’re the ones checking for her. Lol.

      • jaye says:

        THANK YOU Shantal! I guess Lupita wouldn’t be on the rise without the backlash…although it seems to be starting a bit early for her.

  22. Evi says:

    All I can say is that they look really great together. They can potentially outdo Brangelina.

  23. Evi says:

    Good chemistry here, of the Brangelina kind, maybe better.

  24. M says:

    10. PRmance

  25. Dita says:

    I wish it was Theory 4. A girl can dream right? LOL

  26. magpie says:

    #7. And if it is #7 it’s annoying. We love you Lupita, but it’s time to lay a little lower now.

  27. curegirl0421 says:

    Pshhhh…he wishes.

  28. lunchcoma says:

    I’m going to vote for half showmance and half friendship. Jared gets to sneakily refute rumors about his rock star behavior by being seen with a smart, respected woman who’s not too far from his age. Lupita gets to stay in the spotlight awhile longer while she tries to position herself as a mainstream actress and avoid the career setbacks that other black women who’ve won or been nominated for Oscars have faced.

  29. Em says:

    She is far too young for him. Every rumor has him going after women in their early 20’s. The rumor about him and Miley is far more believable. Jared likes them young.

    • AG-UK says:

      I have a feeling he does that no commitment thing and he says he likes to travel too much and that sort of life not appealing for everyone so hard on relationships. Plus bean pole types (skinny)

    • Karen says:

      Don’t you mean she’s far too old for him, especially if he only goes for women in their early 20’s?

  30. lea says:

    I think they’re just good friends, and I tend to believe she’s dating K’naan…
    I am hopeful that the big project she was contracting is the new Star Wars,I’d love to see her in that, and while I know how hard it is to make it as a black actress in Hollywood I’m sure she’ll be able to carve her place there.

  31. ZAK says:

    I don’t believe they are dating at all. I believe they are just being playful and screwing with the media and public who want them to date.

    I wish Lupita luck in her career and hope she is actually a good actress and that this wasn’t just that one lucky role. We need more big black actresses and it’s nice to see one getting attention who isn’t light skinned because there is a bias in Hollywood again dark skinned actresses.

  32. hissyfit says:

    They look so cute together but I think they’re just friends.

  33. janet says:

    You got to be kidding about the beautiful babies???!! Jared is homely, skinny, dirty looking and she looks like a round faced child with that head band on. She’s OK. Just ok. Not a great beauty but a great actress.

  34. Ice Queen says:

    Theory #10: She’s the most perfect human being alive and everyone has a crush on her. (Including me)

  35. Gypsy says:

    It’s #1 and I can prove it.
    Lupita went to Paris “Fashion week” on a paid appearance, but Jared was not requested or invited until Lupita asked that he gets an invite.
    Then he jumps on a plane headed to Paris where he complains to the Paps how tired and lacking in sleep he is, but he still goes directly from the airport to the fashion show – Even though he has a concert to perform the next night in Helsinki.

    2. He then leaves Paris for his Helsinki concert and the next day (Sunday) he leaves Helsinki and returns to Paris where Lupita is waiting for him, then on Sunday evening while they were having dinner they take a “selfie” and post it.
    I think they are now feeling comfortable with their couple status.
    3. At no time did Lupita or Jared deny they were in relationship, even during Ellen Degeneres show when Ellen said “YOUR GIRLFRIEND LUPITA”, or asked if “THE PAPS SAW HER LEAVING HIS HOTEL THE NEXT MORNING”. Jared reply was “SHE’S TOO CLASSY”.

    Some people who object to Jared and Lupita started a rumor that she was involved with the Rapper K’naan, all because there are JUST one snapshot of them hugging in the streets prior to her going into the ABC studio, by that reasoning, then Lupita is involved with Sarah Paulson, Fassbender, Matthew Mcconaughey or Cate Blanchette. because there are more snaps of those people hugging her and as we know there are tons of Jared and Lupita hugging.

    • LL2 says:


      Yeah, I don’t know much about K’naan but I’m not buying the Lupita/K’naan romance. Not saying its not true but I find it highly unlikely. When was the last time we saw a rapper dating a woman with short natural hair? Kanye, Jay-Z, Lil’Wayne, etc. . . ? I’m inclined to believe they are just friends.

      • Kim1 says:

        What? When is the last time a White actor dated a woman with short natural hair?

        LMAO this reminds of the Ellen Page/ Alexander Skarsgard post.

      • LL2 says:


        What does my comment have to do with white actors? I never mentioned any white actors in my comment. I was talking about rappers. I think you are talking to the wrong person here. I don’t believe that Lupita and Jared Leto are dating but I’m not concerned or hung on up on whether or not it is true. I could care less but it seems you are hung up on it. In fact, I suspect Lupita to be dating someone who has nothing to do with the entertainment industry, acting, rapping, etc. Anyway, I will humor you and answer your question. The British actor James Frain, he used to be on “True Blood”, he is married to Marta Cunningham and there are many pictures of her on the internet wearing her hair in a short natural style.

    • Steff says:

      @Gypsy, JARed didn’t rush to Paris exclusively for Miu Miu or Lupita, he had to record a French tv show called C Vous the day after the fashion night.

    • Steff says:

      Plus, the Fashion gala was on Wednesday 🙂

  36. anonymous 1 says:

    Why are people telling her to lay low? How is she overexposing herself? She’s posting selfies on her own instagram page. She’s not writing the blogs/articles about the selfies. She’s not a celebrity gossip show producer or host airing stories or taking polls on who she’s dating. She’s living. She’s meeting cool people, documenting the meetings via pictures and somehow she’s doing too much because someone else writes a story about it? Somehow you’re losing respect for her because you keep reading the stories and checking her instagram? How fair is that?

    • Gypsy says:

      You are so right, I don’t think many people realize that they are the ones invading her privacy and her personal pics, that she post to HER Instagram, she didn’t post these pics to the gossip sites or write all these foolish articles, but people go grabbing pics from her IG sites.

      • tc says:

        Her instagram is set to public. No one is invading her privacy. People here have ragged on Alice Eve and others for only posting selfies on instagram, so calling out Lupita for doing the same is also fair. This is part of being famous, so she or her fans don’t get to act scandalized about it.

      • LL2 says:

        @tc Says:

        Lots of people, celebs and non-celebs have their instagram set to public. I have my twitter page unlocked. Anyone can read it, but that doesn’t mean I expect people to be sharing my info all over the internet or that is what I want them to do.

  37. rudy says:

    No, definitely not together. Just friendly.

  38. Damaris says:

    Let Lupita ride this post-Oscar wave. Sadly, she will easily become irrelevant in a matter of months because of the lack of leading roles for Black American and African actresses. I definitely believe that she and Jared Leto are together because they partially like each other and because it’s good gossip that will keep them in the headlines. To add on, the man latches on to any female hot topic in the spotlight. I think Lupita’s a fantastic woman, but realistically speaking, longterm film success does not come often for women like her because of racist Hollywood; Halle, Mo’Nique, Gabourey, Taraji, Octavia, Kerry, Viola, etc, are all victims.

  39. Karen says:

    I actually think there’s something going on. The man cancelled a screening for his fans the day of and flew to Paris on a whim. He was asked in an interview if he came to Paris for fashion week and he said no, you don’t need a reason to come to Paris. Lupita just happened to be there though. I don’t know, I’m probably reading way too much into it but in those pictures of them Uncle Terry just released, they look mighty close and comfortable with each other.

    Also I think it’s hilarious people are saying she’s overexposed. Because of some magazine covers? She won the Oscar a little over a week ago, she hasn’t gone on Letterman or Fallon, she’s not giving out obnoxious sound bytes. She’s posting pictures on her personal instagram, and it doesn’t matter that it’s public, it still hers. Gossip blogs are then taking these pictures and publishing them and you all are clicking on the links and reading about her. Step away from her if you don’t like seeing her face every two seconds. I obviously admire her, both as an actress and a director. You should look up her documentary, In My Genes. I thought it was good.