Chris Brown hauled away by US Marshalls to face charges, trip could take 2 weeks

Chris Brown performs live on The Today Show
Most of what I know about the US Marshall service I learned from Justified. (Which I haven’t been watching this season, sorry Bedhead!) So I’m somewhat confused at why Marshalls would have to haul Chris Brown into custody, and am picturing Raylan Givens deftly cuffing Breezy after a clumsy escape attempt. (Olyphant is so hot on that show.)

Where was I? Oh, that’s not the way it went down though. As you may remember, Chris Brown has been in jail in LA for about three weeks, ever since he got kicked out of his second rehab and violated probation. When the Marshalls came to haul him away, he was already behind bars in orange. It’s their job to move prisoners. Brown is being taken to Washington, DC to face felony assault charges, which are much more serious because they were a violation of his probation following his attack on Rihanna.

Apparently Brown’s trip from LA to DC will be an exercise in maddening futility. It’s going to take up to two weeks and will involve multiple jail stops along the way, which will not be a straight line. (I recently read John Grisham’s The Racketeer, and he described this process of transporting criminals in detail, calling it a “nightmare.” You can see that section here, and if you like Grisham I would recommend that book.) CNN has more on this, and I sense a little snark behind their usual just-the-facts writing.

Chris Brown’s trip to face trial in Washington will be on the Justice Department’s “Con Air” prisoner airline, not on a private jet or a first class commercial ticket as the singer hoped.

Brown, 24, was transferred into the custody of federal marshals after an extradition hearing in federal court in Los Angeles on Wednesday, according to U.S. Marshals Service spokewoman Laura Vega.

Brown will be booked on a series of government planes that hopscotch across the country taking inmates from prison to prison, Vega said. The trip, with several layovers in jails along the way, could take up to two weeks, she said.

Unlike Brown’s usual mode of touring the country in luxury, he will be wearing handcuffs and possibly chains on his legs.

Brown has been confined to the Los Angeles County jail since he was booted from a court-ordered rehab program three weeks ago.

The U.S. Attorney in Washington petitioned for Brown to be extradited from Los Angeles to D.C. for his April 17 trial.

Brown and his bodyguard are accused of assaulting a man on a D.C. sidewalk last October.

The singer is on probation for the 2009 felony assault of then-girlfriend Rihanna.

Brown lawyer Mark Geragos said Brown would attend a pretrial hearing in Washington on April 7.

Geragos tried to persuade Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge James Brandlin to release Brown from jail so he could fly on his own to Washington. Prosecutors opposed that request and suggested the decision should be made by a federal judge.

Brown’s legal troubles began five years ago when he beat Rihanna as the two were in a rented Lamborghini on a Hollywood street. He pleaded guilty to felony assault in June 2009, which resulted in a sentence of five years of probation and 1,400 hours of community labor.

The judge has revoked Brown’s probation twice in the last year, most recently because of his arrest on a sidewalk near the White House after allegedly punching a man.

Brown voluntarily entered a rehab program a day after being released from a Washington jail in October, but he was kicked out a few days later for “throwing a rock through his mother’s car window” after a family session at the center, a probation report said. Brown was upset because his mother said she wanted him to stay in treatment, the report said.

[From CNN]

I don’t get how the US Marshalls service can be all “Yeah, it can take 2 weeks,” while Brown has a pretrial hearing set for April 7, just three days away. I guess that may have to be postponed or held without Brown, and there are surely other prisoners who are missing hearings too. Brown’s trial is relatively soon, on April 17, and I’m interested to see how that turns out. He faces up to 4 years for violating probation.

Meanwhile Brown’s lawyer is trying to get the charges dismissed. I don’t think that’s going to happen. He’s had way too many chances. Now that Brown has been in jail a whole three weeks he surely wishes he was back in that cushy rehab. No take backs, Breezy.

Chris Brown performs on the 'Today' show

Chris Brown performs on the 'Today' show

photo credit: Getty and

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47 Responses to “Chris Brown hauled away by US Marshalls to face charges, trip could take 2 weeks”

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  1. aims says:

    Jesus, if spending weeks in jail and having the US Marshall take you from point a to point b doesn’t wake you up, then what will?

    • LB says:

      I always hope for a turnaround. I hope one day Lindsay wakes up and decides to be mature. I hope Chris Brown actually apologizes for his actions and commits to anger management therapy. I hope Bieber realizes how many young impressionable people idolize him and quits putting them in a position to defend his general awfulness.

      But it’s harder said than done. I can think of only one or two celebrities who turned their lives around, and it took a loooooong time and some hard falls. I’m hoping this is it for him but I doubt it.

      • Clever hand says:

        I agree I hope for a happy ending especially with people that seem to be struggling with substance abuse. But this guy is struggling with mental illness and anger issues and that doesn’t fix itself easily. In my experience he has to want to feel better and totally commit himself to therapy, prescriptiondrugs and behavior therapy. Doubt it will happen.

      • Patricia C says:

        The problem is that Chris doesn’t think he has a problem. It’s always someone elses fault.

      • Leapea says:

        Where were Lindsey’s shackles? Not trying to compare domestic violence charges with anything else so please let’s not go down that road with my comment. I am just saying if all parole violations are created equal, this seems to be going hard. I am NOT a Chris Brown fan, in fact can’t stand him. Just thinking hmmm on this.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        Leapea, that is the thing…not all parole violations are created equal. Please note he is up on FELONY charges while on probation for a violent crime. In addition, substance abuse related crimes are treated very differently than violent crimes.

  2. Annaloo. says:

    Bye, bitch!

  3. msw says:

    awesome.I have so many issues with the prison system, especially the way it treats minorities, but I can’t say I’m sorry.

  4. eliza says:

    Couldn’t happen to a more deserving celeb.

  5. blue marie says:

    “Why couldn’t you put the bunny back in the box?”
    Ha, sorry it’s all I got.. Two weeks is ridiculous.

  6. Arock says:

    So would he serve time in a dc/va prison or finish his sentence in ca for parole violation? Either way, suck it angry brown. Moonwalk your ass out if that.

  7. Jennifer says:

    The book Orange is the New Black touched a little bit on prison transporting – sounds like a nightmare. Not feeling so bad for Crybaby Brown though.

    • Clever hand says:

      I have a relative who works in prison transport. I truly have no idea how his wife sleeps at night knowing he is
      Transporting prisoners all across the country

  8. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    I don’t understand. Does it mean there are already scheduled government flights taking prisoners from jail to jail and he has to be booked on those? And none of them go from LA to DC, so he might go to Kansas City, spend the night, then Mobile, spend the night, etc. until he gets to DC? How efficient.

    You know, if they would put a man in jail for beating up a woman in the first place…and I know I am a broken record on this, but I get so angry. Why do we tolerate it? No one has the right to beat us to a pulp and then get bloody probation. Why does this happen?

    • Patricia C says:

      These are big noisy cargo planes like you saw in Con Air. They are shackled the entire way. They also stop at many, many airports along the way to pick up other prisioners. And no, there is no inflight movie.

  9. Skins says:

    Nothing like a little time to get your street cred up

  10. Tiffany :) says:

    I don’t feel bad for him at all. He has had so many chances, and yet he keeps beating people. He threw a chair through the GMA window. He beat Frank Ocean. He beat the guy in DC. He got into a bar fight with a Drake. He violates probation, and instead of going to jail, he goes to a luxury rehab. He gets kicked out, and instead of going to jail, he goes to rehab #2.

    He keeps being given so many chances and yet he can’t stop being violent towards people. He deserves any jail time he gets. He is a danger to society, and needs to face some consequences.

    • Red32 says:

      Exactly. He’s violent and has enough resources to run. Who should be taking him from jail to his assault trial? Barney the dinosaur?

    • MsMercury says:

      I do feel a little sorry for him any way. He is bi-polar and was sexually abused as kid and lived in an abusive household. That doesn’t excuse any of his behavior as an adult but it does help explain it. I hope he grows up and changes. I hope he gets the help he needs.

      I’m not making any excuses for him because I hate him btw but I can feel I little bit of sympathy for him.

      • marjiscott says:

        I’m taking issue with your comment about “Doesn’t excuse any of his behavior as an adult, but does help explain it”,MsMercury. No, it Does Not help explain it away.. I was also from an abusive home. I have never done alcohol, drugs, or been arrested. Don’t even smoke.. I went to school, sports. Went to college. Professional positions. Always responsible. Why can’t he? Fried brains..

      • Tiffany :) says:

        I see your point, but i feel like with the Rhianna incident, that should have been a HUGE wake up call to him that he had serious problems that required serious effort on his part. Since then, he has repeatedly said that he is actually a victim while continuing to violently beat people. He has had a lot of years and the best resources to address the root of his problems.

  11. tooearlyforthis says:

    *US Marshals (only one L)

    And Chris Brown is a disgusting excuse for a human being.

    • ReignbowGirl says:

      Thank you. That extra L was bugging me more and more every time I saw it! 😉

      And ditto for your other statement.

  12. Dawn says:

    Geez he is only 24 years old and has already been given so much in so few years and he is intent on ruining his career. I hope he will finally wake up and realize what he is throwing away. The public is fickle and will not wait on him for long and I am sure there is a line of guys willing to take his place in the music world. I don’t know what will wake this kid up maybe nothing. And it sounds as if his whole family has been messed up for generations, he now has a chance to end that but will he take it? Who knows but I find it all very sad.

  13. Anne de Vries says:

    Good. I don’t want anything BAD to happen, I just want him to be seriously uncomfortable for a long time, and to be surrounded by people who could not give a shit about him, his fame or his discomfort. Suck it up, buttercup

  14. lucy2 says:

    “Most of what I know about the US Marshall service I learned from Justified.” Me too! Oh I love Justified. CB, this season has been a bit uneven but still worth seeing – I’d suggest waiting until it’s done and then binge watching it.

    I don’t feel bad for Chris Brown at all. As others have said, he’s had plenty of chances to avoid all this – probation, rehab, community service – and he’s ruined each one.

  15. Brittany says:

    The reason why I think the US Marshals are moving Chris is because Chris is facing federal charges in DC. I don’t think the US Marshals move all criminals but they move the ones that are facing federal charges (I could be wrong though).

  16. Kcarp says:

    Anyone watch the Talk? I can’t remember her name but she is the African American lady who sits on the end.

    Anyway she is constantly defending Chris Brown saying stuff like well we give Lindsay tons of chances why not him. Blah blah. She couldn’t care less his crimes are physical and violent. I’m sorry but stealing some necklaces is different than violently assaulting people.

    • Jill says:

      Her name is Cheryl Underwood. Lohan deserves the same treatment, sorry. She hit people with her car and blamed it on the black guy that was in the vehicle. Brown deserves this because he has had so many more doors opened for him than anyone else. African american or not. Lohan and a slew of others deserve it too. take off your rose colored glasses. The justice system as an unwritten rule treats minorities as 2nd class citizens.

      • Kcarp says:

        No you are right about Lindsay. And I agree the justice system is worse on minorities.

        HOWEVER, being rich and famous takes the minority factor out of the equation. He has had the chance to go to rehabs most whites and minorities could never afford. He is still screwing up. He has a huge problem if he can’t just chill the f out in rehab for a few months.

      • Pepsi Presents...Coke says:

        Not defending Chris Brown, but the fact that he’s in jail while Lindsay Lohan is getting paid millions of dollars just to exist is pretty good proof that celebrity doesn’t automatically trump race. He might get a lighter sentence than your regular civilian creep, but even the upper echelon is stratified. Nothing exists that will nullify the race factor, not on this planet. If only more celebrities would get what’s coming to them in the way that Chris Brown is now getting what was coming to him.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        Pepsi wrote, “the fact that he’s in jail while Lindsay Lohan is getting paid millions of dollars just to exist is pretty good proof that celebrity doesn’t automatically trump race.”

        That would be true if they were on probation for the same crimes. They are not. Chris committed a violent crime, Lindsey’s crimes were substance and theft related. I am glad the justice system treats violent crimes more seriously.

        Secondly, Chris violated his probation by being accused of a FELONY. That is very serious, and Lindsey (as awful as she is) did not do anything comparable to that. He is actually fortunate that they waited to charge him for this violent outburst, and not the many other times he assaulted people since the Rhianna incident.

    • RuneRobin says:

      Kcarp is right. Chris Brown actions are an immediate threat to human life, because he is cognitive of what he is capable of doing and can stop. He still display no level of civility either with his fans or the general public. This chained arrangement in D.C will not affect personally, just up his thug cred.

  17. K.B. says:

    He’s one of the few people who don’t make me feel guilty for the schadenfreude I instantly feel when something like this happens to him.

  18. Matthew says:

    I can explain why the US Marshall service is
    Doing the transfer. Washington DC is not a
    State and is a Federal jurisdiction , therefore
    Any transportation or court matters are all Federal. If he is found guilty he will have to
    Do time in Federal Prison since the Dc prison
    In Lorton Vieginia was closed about ten years
    Ago. The upside is he will be safer in Federal
    Custody but the down side is that Federal
    Inmates recieve less time off for good behavior. He will have plenty of time and resources available to help his mental health,
    Plus schooling and other Federal Programs, although given his past he may be kept in Protective Custody.

  19. WINOSARUSREX says:

    I heard it would take him 3 days to get to DC and then he’ll sit in jail for 2 weeks if the charges don’t get dismissed. It makes more sense if nothing else….and I hate this waste of space. I’m glad FINALLY some Celeb is finally paying the piper for their actions.

    I’m just hoping that LiLo and Baby Beiber are up next!

    • RuneRobin says:

      People!!! Chris Brown is in this mess for pre-mediated assault not once but several times in five years. Stop putting Lindsay, Bieber, or anyone else in his predicament because you don’t like them personally. No race or poverty (obvivously), but a “man” with issues women, etc.

      • Kristin says:

        thank you!! That’s been driving me nuts too. I can’t stand Lindsey or Beiber either, but their crimes don’t even compare to his. He has a long history of violent criminal behavior and his crimes have risen to the felony level. They’re simply not in the same category.

  20. Pepsi Presents...Coke says:

    No one is saying that their crimes are on the same level, we’re not stupid, but on every Lohan post, someone is going to ask how she gets away with as much as she does. Has anyone said they committed the same acts? Nope. Has anyone said that he should get off scot-free? Nope. Has anyone said that he hasn’t had many chances? Nope. Does the fact that there is always someone who has done worse mean that another person’s crimes are nullified? Let’s guess the answer to that. So, to reiterate: every person should be held accountable and the fact that Chris Brown has done much worse and earned his sentence doesn’t mean that Lindsay Lohan doesn’t still manage to get away with a lot of stuff and that she is truly held accountable in relation to what she’s done, relatively small though those things may be. And where’s her incentive to change when people are stumbling over themselves to toss cash and blow her way? Chris Brown never had that incentive before, well now he knows what constantly acting like a little shit can get you. If he learns anything remains to be seen.

    Again, we’re not as brainless as this thread would have us believe and we even understand the concept of varying degrees of seriousness–astonishing–but all should be punished, not just the worst. I don’t think that the fact that Chris Brown is finally getting what he deserves is any consolation to the woman who had her merchandise stolen. Are we clear now?

  21. Bread and Circuses says:

    I am glad they are making this hard on him. There has been no indication that any of his previous brushes with the law have made any impact on him–you could just smell his resentment at being punished for his actions. He never considered the possibility that he might deserve it.

    Maybe this will get through to him? Maybe he will grow up now? I hope so.

    I’ve always loathed Chris Brown, but if he came out of this scared straight, I could cheer for him.

  22. Camille (The Original) says:

    ‘Ha ha’ is all I have to say about this.

  23. Jessica says:

    Chris Brown is only 24? With all his legal troubles I thought he was at least 30. Damn.

  24. The Original Mia says:

    I read 2-3 days, not weeks. Oh well. He deserves all this and more. I’ll save my pity for those who are innocent and wrongly accused.

  25. Pandy says:

    I was starting to type a pithy comment then realized I just don’t care.

  26. Nina W says:

    Couldn’t happen to a more deserving creep.

  27. Man oh man he used to be so hot. He’s wrecked himself, in more ways than one!