Duchess Kate wears beige Roksanda Ilincic, talks about George’s ‘fat rolls’


Prince William and Duchess Kate had another “holiday” yesterday, after their activities on Easter Sunday. On Sunday, they went to church and then took George to the zoo. Then they spent some downtime as a family yesterday, although they were photographed by the press (there was a bit of a kerfuffle about it). But these photos show a couple going “back to work” for a visit to Ayer’s Rock (Uluru). They’re actually going to camp out at Uluru overnight, without George.

Upon her arrival, Kate wore Roksanda Ilincic. Kate has worn a version of this dress in a different color before, several years ago during the North American tour. For the actual trip to Uluru, Kate repeated the checked Hobbs Wessex dress that we saw in 2012. Boring. I really dislike her in beige.

When Kate was talking to people during this visit to Uluru, she was given lots of presents and she spoke about Prince George. Kate said he likes to chew on her bracelets. She’s also being criticized because she told one student that George has grown “an extra roll of fat” during the tour and that he can get “a bit grumpy” when he flies. Babies are supposed to have fat rolls, correct? While George the Bruiser does seem to be very large for his age, and he obviously has a good appetite, isn’t that a good thing? Update: Since everyone is freaking out about what I wrote, let me explain my thought process: it was the whole “EXTRA” roll of fat thing that bugged me. Like she’s counting his fat rolls and that she’s talking about it publicly. It was the wording she used, not like “oh, he’s fat and happy, he’s so cute!” Plus, I wrote this up after I read a really negative take on her comments, so I know she’s being criticized for it.



Photos courtesy of Getty, Pacific Coast News.

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241 Responses to “Duchess Kate wears beige Roksanda Ilincic, talks about George’s ‘fat rolls’”

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  1. The Wizz says:

    I know most of you won’t like the beige, but it’s actually a really appropriate colour to wear to the NT, particularly Uluru, fits it with the colours of the locals and the area…and it’s a bit of a no no to call it Ayers Rock any more.

    • khaveman says:

      I agree – earth tones when visiting such a beautiful part of the Earth, Uluru.

    • paola says:

      I agree. I actually loved every single fashion choice she made on this tour. I am probably the only one but I love the fact she can pull off bold colors as well as pastel tones. I really like her more now and baby George is just the cherry on the top. He’s one gorgeous baby.

      • The Wizz says:


      • lenje says:


      • factsmatter says:

        +1 George is an adorable one……but “tell the truth shame the devil. on this vacation….i meant tour her style was blahhhhh. boring boring boring there’s was not a hint of a 32 year old woman anywhere. some days she chose to dress like her later MIL, on another revamp “flight attendant fashion” a la ma midds, a few times she was even dressed like sophie. i am not going to discuss the uniform of choice blue blazer, faded sagging jeggings and the hoofs (she calls them wedges.
        kate wore beige because she wanted to do what Diana did in Egypt and was tired of being papped so she wore tan to blend in with the scenery but the difference one actually worked (i wonder how many times Diana rolled in her grave when Kate gave that hospice 40 minutes?).
        and about the extra roll, that was not a joke–Kate is very passive aggressive(count the amount of digs made this vacation) i am recovering from eating disorder and that comment is not being adorable and that “roll” feels like a reflection of self. people must realize it has been documented at least twice she attended a luncheon and ate nothing . maybe just maybe that “extra roll’ wasn’t George’s but hers–the girl’s has identity and food issues and needs help.
        sorry about the rant

      • Sacred And Profane says:

        No, Paola – you’re not the only one. There’s me…!

    • L says:

      Yea, bright colors are just going to attract more flies and they are bad enough there as it is.

    • Splinter says:

      The first dress is elegant it has some 80’s vibe about it, the second dress looks cheap.
      And she had another pair of wedges to ruin in the red sand.

      • Angelique says:

        Yes I thought the checked dress and espadrilles looked cheap the first time she wore them. She just can’t make anything look elegant or even classy.

    • aquarius64 says:

      I thought this was fine given where she was. Apparently too many feel Kate should be wearing loud, bright, trendy outfits wherever she goes. I don’t mind her wearing conservative outfits given who she is and who she’s going to be. I would expect nothing different. And do you really think she should be wearing five-inch stilettos in the sand? Wedges may be the practical option given the terrain. Some of you may bag on her for wearing inch and a half pumps there (boring).

    • LadySlippers says:

      Sorry, I disagree. The colours are drab and dull and she’s utterly boring here.

      You don’t *have* to be in a bold colour all the time. There are lots of muted earth tones that would have not been so drab and worked splendidly in the Outback. OR she could accessorise these two dresses with little pops of colour too. Lots of options here people.

      Fashion is very fluid and complex. There is a lot she could have done here to be relaxed, earthy, comfortable, and appropriate. She struck out here big time.

    • HH says:

      I have no issues with the colors, but the belt on the Roksanda Ilincic. No. It was either bought a size too big or she’s too skinny to fit in the smallest size. It’s not just the ruche-ing, the belt is almost hanging on her waist. It’s a very weird look.

      • Angelique says:

        The problem is that she doesn’t have a waist. She is built like a man with an abdomen the same size as her hips. It’s quite odd if you take the time to notice. She tries to cover this up wearing high waisted flippy dress but look for something straight and well tailored and you will see why belts don’t work with her.
        Also you can see her struggle to keep George on her hip. Yes he is a typical wiggly 8 month old but she really has nothing to balance him on. She is all straight up and down.

    • KateBush says:

      I really like the first dress, on my computer it looks more grey than beige though.
      William looks great in these clothes- the more casual look suits him and these trousers are way better than those badly fitting jeans he had on the other day.

  2. paola says:

    I really don’t think she meant it in a bad way. She was probably just hinting to the fact George hasn’t lost his appetite despite all the travels and hassle of the last few weeks.

    • Erinn says:

      Agreed, I think it’s actually pretty crappy to insinuate that that’s what she meant. It’s the same as how everyone jumps on Kim K. There are PLENTY of things to jump on her about, but most posts get to the point of everyone reaching really far to show their dislike.

      From what I can tell, Kate seems like a good mom.

    • lucy2 says:

      I agree too, to imply she is upset about it is kind of silly. She was talking to a kid, and for all we know they could have been asked if the baby likes the food there.

      Also I don’t mind the beige dress. Sometimes understated is OK.

    • Dame Snarkweek says:

      Agree as well. She seems like an amazing mom who is always ready to share tidbits about her child – charming, imo and that’s what other moms do also. People projecting body issues onto babies is beyond comprehension.

      ETA: and maybe Kate’s bracelets have a lot of calories.

      • LadySlippers says:

        Well Snarky,

        Jewelry CAN be both tasty and high in calories. That is a known fact dearie. 😉

        OT: How was your bday?????

      • fairy godmother says:

        I rarely have seen her wear bracelets with the exception of the diamond one. Is she counting her watch? Idk.

      • Dame Snarkweek says:

        Thank you so much for my bday greetings yesterday 🙂
        My brother and his wife drove 16 hours in the car to surprise me – it worked! My sister, her husband, their son and my two nieces also came from NC so it was an amazing, wonderful birthday/Easter visit. I feel very lucky 🙂

    • Audrey says:

      Yeah my husband and I are being affectionate when we talk about our daughter’s sausage legs and chins

      They’re babies. It’s cute when they’re chunkers.

      Totally overanalyzing a cute comment

    • janie says:

      I think all her choices have been great. She’s so tall & slender all things look good on her. Prince George is a handful! He’s so cute and rowdy, as he should be at that age. They have a nice family.

  3. QQ says:

    More Prince Chubby Bad Baby Reing of Terror Stories pllleeaassee!. These two are gonna coast off of parental ptsd and never make a spareling!

  4. kcarp says:

    I don’t think she meant for him to go on a diet. I think she was just making conversation. My kid gets a fat roll then she grows an inch and you can see her bones. It’s just what babies do. Yes George is big, he is so cute.

    • T.C. says:

      I have been around many parents who talk about their kids fat. It’s a parent thing. Look how big George is, it’s obvious Kate is not restricting his diet at all. She like most people probably loves the chubby and grumpy Georgie.

      I love the top outfit looks grey.

    • Jaxx says:

      Exactly, just making conversation. Can you imagine how many careless comments she makes all day? It must get exhausting. As for making a negative comment about her claiming her son has a new fat roll? How silly. She obviously beams with pride as she lugs him around, fat rolls and all. If people can’t see she adores her son they aren’t looking at the same pics I am.

  5. Stef Leppard says:

    She didn’t say “unfortunately he’s gotten fatter.” Maybe she’s glad about it. I know I get happy whenever my son sprouts a new roll for me to squeeze.

  6. Sue says:

    Where did she say he should go on a diet? Lots of Mom’s talk about their babies fat rolls.

  7. Loopy says:

    So where can we see the ‘rest day’ pics :p

  8. Jackson says:

    I don’t know, saying your infant has grown an extra roll of fat isn’t scandalous, nor does it mean she thinks he needs to lose weight. Could just be a statement of fact or, heaven forbid, her attempt at humor. People seem to try really hard to find something negative to say about her. I also love the first dress, color and all. It looks more gray than beige to me, actually.

  9. tifzlan says:

    A chubby and grumpy Prince George is the best kind of Prince George!

  10. FLORC says:

    Everyone is too easily upset. Commenting on her babys extra fat roll is not something we need to make an issue out of. If she said George was too fat and needs to lose weight that’s likely an issue.

    And the families private time is silly. Especially while on a work tour. The press kept their distance and they were out in the open.
    If they want to be a normal family that means someone will be sitting next to them also spending time maybe with a family. And someone will have a camera taking pictures in a park or of a building. They want the best of all worlds.

    • HH says:

      I agree with all if this. People are reading too deep into things.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Agree about the fat roll comments. Almost every parent I know makes little remarks like that, teasing about the baby’s “flaws,” maybe to keep from sounding like they’re bragging? But they are all smitten with their baby, and I think Kate is, too.

      • LAK says:

        I think there is a lot of joshing lost in translation on all sides.

        And for once i’m going to accuse everyone of taking it too seriously.

      • LadySlippers says:


        *staggers back*

        People can’t see you defending the Cambridge’s LAK!!!! You might lose your h8r status!


      • FLORC says:

        Time to strip LAK’s Jelli H8r status. You’re either a hater or a fan. There’s no room for logical thoughts here!

      • LAK says:

        No, no, no! Please don’t take away my jelli h8er status!

        I’ve got banners, badges, t-shirts and a tattoo that can’t be removed with lasers!


      • FLORC says:

        Ok. You’re clearly a jelli h8r for life. As well as senior wiglet watcher and founder of our noble institution. None of us have your knowledge of wigs/wiglets or eagle eyes to spot them so instantly.

      • bluhare says:

        What FLORC said!!

    • Lucrezia says:

      Yes and no. In the UK, you can’t take photos of the royals if they’re standing on private property. (Which is what happened here, the press stayed on the public road/verge, but Wills and Kate were on private property.) There’s no law against it in here in Oz, but I personally think it’s rude/unfair. Even if they’re technically visible from a public area, I think celebs should be considered “out of bounds” if they’re standing on private property.

      But definitely agreed on the fat rolls, getting upset over that is just silly.

  11. Marlene says:

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with the fat roll comment, that’s the kind thing parents say all the time. If people really think she meant something bad with that comment they need reevaluate their lives lol.

    I’m glad she forgot about her awful curls for a day.

    • LAK says:

      I wonder if she looks back to her first 18mths and recoils at the horror of her Disney dolly curls.

    • Suze says:

      I like her hair so much better this way.

    • Amy says:

      Agreed…she was just making a light-hearted comment. She meant it in a cute way.
      I also think she looks fine…the top dress looks gray, not beige. She’s so slim, which makes everything she wears look good on her.

      I don’t see where she did anything wrong or offensive.

  12. L says:

    I also don’t think Kate was saying that the baby should go on a diet. She was making conversation with someone. Basically about the baby keeps eating and getting chunkier. In a very cute way.

    Btw, the video/pictures of the break yesterday were super cute. Kate carrying George on her shoulders, bouncing him on her knees and the little skip jump? Kerfuffle or not-all of that was great PR.

  13. royalwatcher says:

    Doubt the comment about the fat rolls was made in a negative way — once he is up and walking it will disappear prettty quickly! If she was talking about herself, that would be a bit different 😉

  14. blue marie says:

    As I’ve said before, Prince George is the best thing about those two.

  15. AD says:

    Can anyone link to the forbidden pictures?

  16. TG says:

    Wow. There are actually sensible people commenting on a Duchess Kate article

    • Amy Tennant says:

      Yeah! I’m proud of us 😉

    • Blueb says:

      I know!! I usually try not to read the comment section because some people can be so judgy but today, I am glad I did!

    • Suze says:

      Pretty much the same people are commenting on this thread as usually comment on royal threads.

      You just like what they’re saying this time around.

      • Suze says:

        Replying to myself since that sounded rather abrupt. I was just trying to point out that the discussion about the royals among the “regulars” here can be civil. That fact gets obscured some times by some extreme opinions that cause dissension.

        Not that I think people shouldn’t have extreme opinions. Keeps people on their toes.

      • bluhare says:

        It didn’t sound abrupt at all, Suze. It sounded on the money!

      • CynicalCeleste says:

        Agree with bluhare, Suze, I thought you made an accurate and succinct point.

  17. Abby says:

    I hate how they just go around, travelling and visiting places and it’s considered work. They never even take a stance or discuss any major political/social issues that require one to actually have an opinion on something. Anything beyond smiling with the peasants or giving the occasional speech on how sad poverty is seems so out of their realm. This is why a monarchy would never fly in the US — despite the corruption, at least the figureheads have to earn their spot and keep it. RIP Diana, the last royal to ever actually walk the walk.

    • royalwatcher says:

      But Abby, she wears nice clothes!!!! 😉

    • FLORC says:

      And that’s why we get a lot of the “leave britn- eh, Kate alone!” comments. And why it’s more likely the monarchy will fall with William at the helm than other past generations of rule.
      The couple is known for being the son and daughter in law of the late Diana. The Prince who resents his luxurious lot in life and the wife who wears (and doesn’t wear) clothes. Not because there’s an interest that will better the country or intellect.

      I think many fans of Kate would have more of a credible argument if it wasn’t only about her hair, weight, and clothes. She’s Alexa Chung if Chung married a prince.

      And tours are normally very packed with little down time if you compare other royals on tours to this couple on tour. It’s not usually so loose to fit a few vacations in a weeks time.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      The figureheads we have right now in the US, on both sides of the aisle, are certainly not doing much to “earn their spot and keep it.” Unless you consider self-serving bickering and accomplishing nothing to be earning something.

      As an American, I am embarrassed by these sorts of comments, implying that we are just so superior because we don’t have a monarchy. It’s different. It’s their country and their choice. If you don’t want to live in a country with a monarchy, don’t. But don’t be so judgmental.

      • LadySlippers says:


        Stop bashing any monarchy simply because *your* country did without one. Different strokes for different folks people. And it’s honestly not just us Americans that stick our nose up in the air acting so superior over other countries that kept their monarchies.

        Right now, (and for several years) in the US we’ve had some of the worst government in decades. It’s SHAMEFUL that the men and women in Congress cannot even work together to govern our country. So instead of vacationing too often, they throw our country — and the world — into chaos by grid locking the government. Which is obviously SO MUCH BETTER.

        So yes, the Cambridge’s might be a tax drain to the UK by not working for their upkeep. HOWEVER, that doesn’t negatively affect the globe like some (key is some not all) of our deadlocked, nasty, backbiting good-for-nothing politicians.

        *rant over*

        A drink Dahling? Double and very neat, yes?

        *doesnt wait for answer and pours two tumblers full of alcohol*

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Thank you, dahling. Ranting is seeew exhausting. A little refreshment hits the spot! Mowa!

      • We Are All Made of Stars says:

        We don’t have figureheads in the US. We have democratically elected officials, and although they are frequently elected by idiots, they can be voted out of office by their constituency if they so choose. If your argument is that they are as worthless and incompetent as the monarchy, that is an argument on behalf of the necessity of a system of representatives elected by an educated and aware populace, not an argument on behalf of monarchical rule.
        And for the thousandth time, the UK has elected officials. Stop comparing the monarchy to politicians. It is silly, arcane and illogical. You might as well say that you like Hollywood movie stars better than Congressmen because they do less harm to the nation. Well, duh.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Of course you are correct. I just used “figureheads” because she did, and it was lazy.

    • hmmm says:

      But Abby, they represent perfection! They are amazing and practically perfect parents, perfectly turned out , with the perfectly adorable child and they rarely put a foot wrong! They have burnished their perfect front to a high gloss on this tour. Philistine. 😉

      Who cares if they actually do little, if anything, of substance?

    • Lady D says:

      Imagine if they had done some research on different charities in NZ/AU. They could have given a brief speech about each one, I’m talking 2-3 minutes on each charity. Life changing support for a charity with 2 minutes work. How do you pick the charities impartially though?

      • Abby says:

        That’s the point I was trying to make. We focus in on silly off hand comments she says because she never really says anything at all. Maybe if they focused on giving tours more substance, rather than showing the Cams just standing quietly or laughing along, people wouldn’t be so concerned about the fact she called her own baby chubby or that she wore a yellow dress. It’s not so much bashing the UK, it’s just more just having pity on their taxpayers and young women who are taught to follow this lackluster example of “women in power.”

      • CuriousCole says:

        Good God almighty, do not encourage Kate to give any more of her toe-curling speeches! She needs to work with a coach on her awful delivery. If King George VI could overcome a stammer in the un-Enlightened 1920s and 30s, what exactly is stopping Kate? That’s one of the few legitimate criticisms to throw at her.

        Aside from that, yes, I would love to see both William and Kate devoting more time to charities because no one has a better platform to inspire meaningful change than they have.

      • FLORC says:

        Kate’s speeches are terrible for 3 reasons imo.
        1. She avoids doing them. She needs to work more and give brief speeches. every little bit helps and what little she does shows improvement.
        2. She’s not appearing to have prepared. Constantly looking down at notes leads 1 to wonder if she just got the speech a minute ago and not weeks ago.
        3. No more distractions. She needs that hair out of her face and should revert back to her original accent. It’s still stumbling her up to maintain it.

        I would be nervous in her position too. Diana was, but she pulled it together. Kate has it in her. She just needs to want to do it.

    • AC says:

      I would say that visiting Bear cottage where terminally ill children and their families find refuge care and support is a act of substance, and not something the average vacationer would do. The excitement, and joy it brought to those families will never be forgotten, regardless of whether they are just “traditional figureheads”. I keep saying, its early days, but if they find fulfillment in outings like that, and do more of them, they will earn their keep and they will bring happiness to people, even if its just looking at their photos. In times like this, I appreciate seeing something in the news that is not completely depressing/frightening/disheartening.

      • bluhare says:

        Point well taken. Perhaps they’ll do such a visit in Australia.

      • Dame Snarkweek says:

        Well said. Hi Blu!

      • FLORC says:

        While I could nit pick away that they should be doing those things because they aren’t normal visitors I won’t. Except the bit I just did….
        Even Kate’s visit with the young boy in the hospital. Her visit was short and she was still not very well versed in how to act the visit meant a lot to the boy and the family. The family was very pleased to receive a letter signed by Kate as well.

        These little acts of kindness can move mountains. I really hope this is done more often and even not announced. Like Princess Bea. She’ll show up often and spend hours talking with kids at hospitals. It’s really lovely.

      • AC says:

        100% agreed Florc, and to Bluhar’s point I don’t know that there are similar visits being made in Australia, and there should be. We have talked about how these situations could be daunting, and I would speculate given what we know about her background that this is not a skill that has been developed as it might have been. Fingers crossed that she a) enjoys positive feedback b) learns how good it feels to do something kind and c) realizes that she can get comfortable doing this. Then we will have something to cheer her on for!
        May be slightly controversial and only a guess on my part but I don’t feel that Will is going to be a champion or encouraging her, she is going to have to come to these realizations on her own, so I’m not holding my breath.

  18. nk868 says:


  19. SK says:

    I don’t think she’s critiquing George’s fat at all. Just playfully mentioning it.

    I also see nothing wrong with them having one day of the Easter Long Weekend off. When I go on work trips, I don’t expect to work every day for three weeks straight. I get days off. This is more like a one day weekend. No, they don’t do much “work” normally; but in this instance, I don’t have a problem with it. Traveling and being ” on” constantly is exhausting.

    The photos from their day off are adorable; and there Kate and Wills were holding hands. I think they seem to have a great relationship, despite what many on this site seem to think.

    I didn’t love these two dresses; but it’s a tough climate there and the flies are overwhelming. Neutral, natural colours really are your best option. Kate also put on jewellery made for her and given to her by aboriginal artisans. They looked great with her neutral clothing. It’s possible that she knew in advance that this would be the case.

    I am surprised she wore her hair down. In that climate it wouldn’t be pleasant having your hair down like that. I have long, thick hair that is usually down, and no way would I wear it down in that situation. Your neck gets sticky and your hair gets damp and scratchy. I would have loved another chic ponytail here; and I am a hair down type of girl!

    One thing: you should just refer to it as Uluru. No one calls it Ayer’s Rock anymore and it can actually be quite offensive to the indigenous peoples of that area to trot out that name. Besides, Uluru is a beautiful, ancient and powerful name. 🙂

  20. Tig says:

    Everybody comments on their babies’ cute little rolls- she’s not saying anything that millions of parents also say every day! I like both dresses.

  21. Malificent says:

    I don’t hear anything negative — she was probably just joking or even boasting about George’s rolls. And a family having some time to themselves on Easter Sunday is entirely appropriate.

  22. aang says:

    Some anthropologists, like Sarah Blaffer Hrdy, hypothesize that we have evolved to find fat babies so adorable because they were the ones most likely to survive. The fatter the baby, the more attached the care givers became thus the more investment they made in healthy babies instead of wasting scarce resources on infants unlikely to live.

    • LAK says:

      I like that theory. It’s so romantic.

      Science has proven exactly why mothers attach to babies, but I like your theory.

    • Suze says:

      Really? Interesting!

      I think Kate was just making an offhand comment.

  23. wolfpup says:

    What I have noticed in all the conversations concerning the royal family, and our first family in the US, is that the royal’s job description in the world, would be as ambassadors, while the president of the United States is the leader of the free world. THE LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD. The queen has very little power, even in her own country, whereas our president can declare war, and decides what place the US plays in NATO, what to do in the Middle East, or with the Ukraine for example. Our army is the largest and most advance in the entire world. (Who doesn’t want to be our friend? – including Britain). He can send warships off the coast to threaten Iran, for example. The queen has nothing to do with these sort of things. What if the US has not come to the aid of Britain during WWII? Would there be a Britain? The queen and her family is not even close to having this kind of power. It is true, they are goodwill ambassadors for life, but all of our past presidents do the work of ambassadors, speakers, and charity craft, after their terms of office. Pres. Clinton has a foundation that does just this, and he has done far more work, charity wise, around the globe (think Haiti), than any of the royal family. My point, my friends from overseas, is that it is impossible for you to compare the queen and the president of the US in any sort of real way. The president does do “charity work” in the sense that he gets behind laws that change life for the disenfranchised, for children, for the poor. This makes a difference for tens of millions of people. Not so with whatever charity work can be done by showing up at a charity house that helps a few. For what you pay for the royal upkeep, what do these singular event charities, that they grace with their presence, actually bring in from wealthy donors? Does anyone even know? I wonder if it is close to what our former presidents are able to bring in, not only from wealthy US donors, but also from monies from the wealthy around the world, because the platform is international. AND they work with the leaders from other countries (because they are on first name basis) to see that this vision is implemented. Why even our Secretary of State is hobnobbing with world leaders on Iran, or Russia, etc. as issues evolve in the world… which is nothing that the royals are involved in. The US does have ambassadors, and they live in the countries they are ambassadors to. Do you remember that recently one of our ambassadors was killed in Benghazi? Our ambassadors still are very different than the role of the royal family. It’s not about charities here, as important as they may be (especially for the suffering). My point is that you cannot compare the two – period! Aren’t you glad that the US has Britain’s back?

    So, in conclusion – please stop shading “pesky Americans” about fashion or manners or whatnot…it’s offensive!!! And can anyone tell me why you have a royal family, other than tradition (and I’m not saying that’s bad)?

    • hmmm says:

      Nicely said, wolfpup, even though I’m not American.

      WK are really celebrities coasting on their status. They haven’t really justified their existence, but there are many people who only ask for bread and circuses. On that score the Dolittles have delivered and the BRF must be chuffed.

    • LAK says:

      I think some more history on ‘USA coming to the rescue of Britain during WWII’ is needed.

      • LadySlippers says:

        Please know that while this is a wide spread belief in the US — it’s certainly not a universal one.

        Please please accept my sincere apologies for *abandoning* our Allies during WWII — even when they were asking for our help long before we actually were ‘forced’ into the conflict.

        And as a Jewish woman, thank you for holding your own against the Nazis for so long. I am indebted to your country’s sacrifice on behalf of freedom for the world — not just Jews.

        🌹 (please pretend that’s a red poppy and not a red rose)

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        I went to school in London for a semester in the late 70s. I learned then that WWII was not a John Wayne movie, and that there was still a great deal of resentment, even still then, of how long it took for the US to step up and defend their allies. As LadySlippers can attest, I am very proud of America and get very upset when we are blamed for all of the evil in the world. But I find the comment you’re responding to to be cringeworthy in its self-importance and lack of understanding. This is why they hate us. And sometimes, I don’t blame them.

      • MonicaQ says:

        America entered World War II because the attack on Pearl Harbor forced FDR’s hand. (And it has been mostly disproved that Roosevelt knew of the attack before hand and let it happen so he could come to the aid of his BFF Churchill) At the time leading up to and during WWII, America attempted to send supplies with the addendum, “Terribly sorry about what you’re going through.” Antisemitism was rife here, there was a National Socialist party that Charles Limburgh and Henry Ford were proud members of–they very much were not considered “the enemy” for a long time.

        There was a deep-seated “do not want war” from the population of America due to the fiasco that was WWI. Millions of American GIs died and they wondered, for what? That’s *Europe’s* problem. Not ours. Roosevelt even ran on the platform “He Kept Us Out Of War!” for one of his re-election campaigns. Thus started a long period of isolationism so rife that the USS St. Louis was turned away with 900+ Jews on it as they tried to run away from the darkening shadow of National Socialism. Most would die in concentration camps.

        By 1943, most of Hitler’s focus was swung towards the Soviet Union as he had over reached by opening a second front due to the fact he felt that Britain would fall by the end of that year. Instead, the plucky Brits hung on, even making daring raids against Berlin proper (killing the only elephant in Berlin’s zoo by the way. Your trivia night thanks you) which shifted Hitler’s focus to bombing city centres rather than radar stations and air fields. His idea switched from conquering to punishment.

        Not to say America’s involvement of troops and supplies did not help. The Invasion of Normandy had American, Canadian, British, and Irish troops with an American commander. But this mythos that is taught in History classes here that “‘merica showed up, back to back World War Champions!” is something I do not allow in my classroom which causes some consternation among parents who’s history knowledge comes solely from the History channel. Would America had to eventually get involved? Yes. Did they want to? Hell to the no.

        tl;dr – America declared war on Japan on December 8, 1941, Germany declared war the following day, and America declared war back as was proper. This formed the Big Three (Stalin, FDR, Churchill) by simple battle lines. What saved Britain ultimately was the foolish invasion of the Soviet Union, stretching National Socialist Germany too thin.

      • Sixer says:

        Here is a funny thing: Americans think *they* won WWII (thanks to an heroic intervention to help the hopeless Europeans); Brits think *they* won WWII (thanks to Churchill’s foresight and the Battle of Britain, which turned German attention east); Russians think *they* won WWII (thanks to the blood sacrifice of untold millions in their two main cities and the consequent destruction of blitzkrieg).

        Rather than saying that everyone who isn’t from our own country is wrong, I think it would be more productive to consider us all RIGHT.

        (PS: My mum died suddenly on Saturday, which is why I’m not around. I’m in this weird, surreal place. But reading comments here has actually made me feel a bit better this morning, so thank you, ladies).

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Sixer, oh sweetie, I am so sorry. You’re never ready to lose your mother, regardless of your age. My heart goes out to you and all of your family.

      • LadySlippers says:

        {{HUGS}} Sixer.

        My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.


        I disagree Sixer, no ONE country won so it’s incorrect and it’s still misguided thinking. It is more correct to say it was a team effort (albeit one that could have been over earlier if we joined the team earlier).

        IMO, promoting blind nationalism isn’t a good thing.

      • Sixer says:

        Thanks, ladies. I’m now in the limbo between making arrangements/doing official things and the final goodbye/funeral. It is weird and empty and awful.

        LS – that’s kinda what I meant but articulacy escapes me just now.

      • bluhare says:

        Very, very sorry to read this, Sixer. Sudden is so awful for the survivors; feels like you’ll never get over the shock.

    • Doosh says:

      I don’t think I can address every single point on this comment that bothered me otherwise I would lose too much time and brain cells on it.

      As a person who is neither American nor British, but has experience of living in both countries, yes I can agree that in Britain, there is a culture of eye-rolling at “pesky Americans”. However, I haven’t witnessed any such behaviour on this website while reading the comments on the Will/Kate posts; most of the ones I’ve come across that highlight ‘Americanisms’ are on ones pertaining to humour – i.e. Kate’s comment to Will about his hair, and this one about fat rolls, which are both very likely meant in jest – and that is only because British/American humour are extremely different (look at the US and UK versions of The Office – the UK one came first but when they adapted it for US audiences they had to basically rewrite the whole thing). I’ve seen those comments and at most, they were chiding commenters to realise that not everyone in the world acts/thinks in the same way. I’m sorry if you got offended by it, but at the same time, I hope you realise your comment is also offensive to people who actually LIKE the monarchy (and it is a personal choice!). Your points are true in that the queen does have very little power, especially compared to the US presidents etc, but you seem to do nothing but belittle her while ‘bigging up’ your own president – also on that note, I have read the vast majority of comments on the royal posts in CB and I don’t think I have ever seen anyone compare the royal family to the First family, and your argument would hold a lot better if it were in reply to someone who did; on it’s own it appears very smug.

      Lastly, I find the comment “aren’t you glad that the US has Britain’s back?” extremely patronising, and this is coming from a neutral third-party. It’s side-comments like these that provoke ill-feelings towards Americans abroad, as is bringing up WWII. Yes, I’m sure the Brits are very grateful they’re not being controlled by Nazis to this day, but it does tend to crop up in a lot of topics in very unrelated ways – such as in this post where everyone is discussing Kate saying her baby is chubby.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        From an American

      • LadySlippers says:

        Another American here fed up by the patronising comments.

      • Karen says:

        Thank you – as an American with a British-Spanish mother, I appreciate your response! My mom is 80 now and it is still ” fun” to see how quickly she composes herself and stops herself from slapping me upside the head when I tell her that “we Americans saved their Brit behinds in WW2” – a long-standing joke between us. I actually did grow up for the first 12 years or so of my life believing that statement to be true, but thankfully I had good teachers that fully explained that this is a myth and the truth is much more convoluted. I do want to say though – this doesn’t take anything away from the brave Americans who fought in WW1 and WW2! Signing off now before I get all emotional….

      • Suze says:

        Well, it provoked an interesting discussion, so it wasn’t all bad.

      • Bwarf says:

        @Doosh agree about the patronizing comment of the US having Britain’s back. I am American, I love America but that’s seems like a very stereotypical American comment. As does most of Wolfpups statement. Our Ambassadors are very different from the monarchy. I mean, sorry but if any of our ambassadors met the Queen, he or she would still have to curtsy or bow, that in itself holds power, the monarch commands (and receives) a very different level of respect and protocol than our president.

        I hate to compare world leaders though, Britain and the US are very different. Think about it, a million people lined the streets to see William marry Kate, to watch Princess Diana’s funeral, that would not happen to any President or his family here, nor any other family for that matter.

      • We Are All Made of Stars says:

        Except that lots of commenters continually make unflattering comparisons to the President and The First Lady’s role as compared to the monarchy. The role of President is as a democratically elected leader. There is no cross-comparison between the two, a fact which never seems to stop many people from deriding the roles of First Lady and President. Nonsensical and irrelevant indeed.

      • Shay says:

        @bwarf, USambassadors or any other foreign ambassadors do not have to bow or curtsy if they meet the queen. Why would they? They aren’t her subjects.

    • LadySlippers says:

      Actually your comment is full of inaccuracies.

      The Queen might not be ‘The Leader of the Free World’ but she’s either the symbolic head or the actual head of several countries in the world. She used to be the head of almost 25% of the entire globe and still holds a decent % now. A great many people look to her as a model of propriety and good manners.

      Not only that, she has influence and power that only a *handful* of other people enjoy. Granted, hers is a ‘soft power’ but never underestimate the power that holds — she chooses to weld it very rarely. Truly amazing.

      And your comments about ‘rescuing’ the UK and Europe are incorrect and deeply embarrassing. These ‘quoted facts’ are mocked by other countries because they show how cocky and ignorant Americans are. It’s simply not a factual statement to say we rescued anyone. The Allies were ahead/ winning but we simply sped the process along. AND to rub salt into the wound, Europe was *badly* damaged (not just physically, I mean economically, emotionally, and socially) and felt the affects of the war long after we recovered. So your comment is then glib in addition to being incorrect and cocky.

      Want to know the kicker? Our eminence is fading/waning while other countries appear to be waxing and gaining. And I mean China specifically. It won’t be too long (another century perhaps? maybe less than) that we’ll be yesterday’s news and China or another country is crowing like you sound.

      A little grace and humility goes a long way.

      (Sorry. Obviously I’m pretty fed up with certain comments)

      • FLORC says:

        WW2 is remembered very poorly from before it started to long since it ended.
        HAving had an international education it came as quite a shock to learn Americans did not sweep in and save the day. Of course, the brits didn’t do much initially either. Churchill raising red flags on Hitler while others quickly dismissed him as a rambling drunk.

        America got into the war very late, but they did do a lot and helped to turn the tides for the win.

        I’m more upset that all most people know of WW2 is Nazis bad, jews dead and not the very details that laid the groundwork. Or how many countries were friendly with Germany even as the rounding up of jewish citizens for camps was happening. So much was hidden for so long.

        I see where hmmm was coming from. A bit misguided facts, but i’m understanding the main point.

      • AC says:

        THIS is why I love reading the comments section! For every silly overreach and analysis of the absurd, (which can be fun…just saying…) there are incredibly insightful educated perspectives shared. A great illustration of why countries can not be generalized or painted with the same brush!

      • FLORC says:

        I’ve said before, but worth repeating.
        Agree with AC. The big draw to many of the royal threads is how we go way off topic to discuss history, cultures, nations and variations of those.

      • Sixer says:

        @LadySlippers. You know, I think that American influence is probably waning now, as you say. But even if it isn’t, it will eventually. And, when there is a new world order, led by the Chinese, or the BRICs, or a Sino-Russian axis, or whoever it turns out to be, then that will be the time that most Americans start to critique their own society. It’s just the cycle of civilisations. As Britons are now, seeing the negatives in their past/present, as well as the positives, Americans will be then. And eventually, so will whichever hegemony takes over from the US, when it, in turn, falls.

        It’s just a shame that human societies don’t seem to be able to see any of this until past the time when it actually matters and genuine good could be done and genuine evils could be avoided.

    • jwoolman says:

      Be careful about praising the US government’s actions in WWII. After Kristallnacht, the US turned back Jewish refugees whose escape had been carefully negotiated, and throughout that period the US government kept delaying entry of Jewish relatives of Americans (leaving them to die in the concentration camps). The US set up its own concentration camps using the same reasons the Nazis had given, just replacing Jewish families with those of Japanese origin. As in Germany, the “relocations” were quite profitable for those buying up property sold cheap by the “relocated”. The US government used weapons of mass destruction against civilian populations repeatedly, in both Europe and Japan (napalming almost every Japanese city and dropping horrific atomic bombs on two of them). It was just as wrong as the Nazi bombings of England. There were other ways to contain and neutralize Nazi Germany, just not as profitable. A friend recalls hearing a business man say enthusiastically that he hoped this war would go on forever, he was making so much money. Her grandmother gave him what for, since her son was risking his neck in the Pacific. The politicians always claim self defense and “the foreign devil made me do it” and spread myths that killing massive numbers of children will “save lives”, and war propaganda overrides common sense. But the driving force, in WWII as in others, is always profit for a few. Always follow the money and don’t believe the propaganda.

      • wolfpup says:

        I had a rather brilliant essay going that went into greater detail about my ideas and where and how they were developed, and the elec. power went down!!! I’m too tired now, and I just don’t wanna. Worse yet, it was all saved somewhere if I had just been paying attention, and pushed the right button.

        Learning about WWII from different points of view was great. But that was only a sentence. Some of you ladies need to chill the H*ck out! I am not a monster, I do not have some disease that I’m trying to infect you with, and I know what my IQ is, and I have no reason for shame. I am a woman, with a heart! I may be imperfect, in the way that I present my ideas, ignorant in others, but there is a whole lot more right, than what I don’t know about WWII. One sentence, turned inside out while calling me nasties all the way, up and down, I cry not even. Did anyone hear that I was asking a question? What’s that all about? Geez, I watch some of you being nice to some of the biggest jerks (who seriously deserve it), and I’m not one!

        I’ve had more epithets hurled at me on this site (since the tour began), than during all of my time in jr. high school, high school and 4 years of college combined! I am a very nice person, and people tell me often that I am sweet. I kid you not – what is this place? Why do you think that I can’t see the viciousness of an attack, and not feel the pain of it being so. I’ve cried, yes, cried, over the way I’ve been treated by a few I won’t mention, out of kindness or fear, probably both. I’m assuming most of you have been to college, and so I ask, is that how people are treated in the classroom when sharing ideas? My professors loved me because I asked so many *good* questions. What about good manners? And quit making so many assumptions about me, because that is all they are – assumptions. Hmmpf!

        Here, I thought, I could be frank, and ask to be enlightened, but frank was not enough…I’m supposed to know a whole lot more than I do…yadayada…blah, blah, blah..it’s all about me, and my lousy ignorant ideas and it just makes me sick, some of the words and accusations and ignorances I have been called… If you (generic) had just written respectfully about my ideas, then it could be a conversation… Having a bad idea doesn’t hurt anyone – but being shamed for it? Do people get off on publicly shaming and humiliating others? Are these nice people?

        I’m way, way tired. Please do not give me any more grief. Just look at what has already been said, and I believe that you will agree that I’ve had enough, or even that I got what I deserved. But I am very surprised, I will say.

      • Bwarf says:

        @wolfpup that’s an interesting response. I’m not being catty just that the royal comments are chock full of just the kind if replies you mention, only they’re directed at the Cambridges. I hope people see the irony in this. I stand by my response to your original post, but I also think people hide behind a computer screen and like saying mean things about others whether it’s other commenters or celebs.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Wolfpup, I will give you the benefit of the doubt and suggest that maybe you really don’t know how you come across. This is not the first time you have written a long, very aggressive post, and stirred up a lot of controversy, then come back and acted like you are the victim. I believe the expression you used in your last response to people who disagreed with you was “Whiney asses.” Maybe it wasn’t your intention, but your post today was condescending, insulting and rude about Great Britain. People pointed out that your opinions and misinformed ideas are not universal among Americans. No one called you “monster” or “hurled epitaphs” at you. No one was disrespectful, except you in your original post. If you can’t stand for people to disagree with you, then don’t post your opinions on the internet. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn’t make you a victim. If that many people are offended by what you said there just might be a good reason.

      • LadySlippers says:


        You might very well be Mensa qualified and well educated but your comments still smacked of hubris, ignorance, and arrogance. Intelligence and education does not negate stupidity. Sorry.

        And while I got hopping mad, I certainly did not hurl epitaphs at you. In fact, I just re-read this entire thread and found no epitaphs at all. I even looked up the definition to see if I had the wrong definition and am still stumped as to your meaning behind this. I would greatly appreciate something to help clear up my confusion.

        And sorry, what your wrote about weren’t ‘ideas’ either. I’ve felt the brunt of *actual* hostility overseas because people assume ALL Americans are like you. You know, the kind where you aren’t 100% sure you and your young children are still safe kinda hostility. In case your wondering, it’s not fun for an adult or two young children (my kids were about 5/6 and 7/8 at the time).

        So like GoodNames stated above, I am *proud* as h•ll to be an American but totally and 100% understand that we often, quite often, come across poorly (to put it VERY mildly). And poor doesn’t begin to describe it.

        Your comments have REAL consequences to your/our fellow Americans that live abroad. Now I totally understand we will always have some sort of ill will towards us but I was not kidding when I said — a little grace and humility go a long way to the world seeing Americans as more than just ignorant, cocky rednecks.

        Grace, humility, understanding, and empathy go a long way in making the world a better place. Americans, as a whole, show very little of it.

        Good night and may your tomorrow be brighter. (No snark in this comment)

        PS~ My comments here are addressing the entirety of your thread — not just one or two of your thoughts.

      • bluhare says:

        wolfpup, it happens. We all say things that don’t seem to be that big of a deal when we type them and then they take on a life of their own when they go black and white online. You had some points, and the rebutters had some points and for the most part I think it’s been respectful. I understand what it’s like to be on the receiving end of it though! Not fun. 🙁

        Ladyslippers, you said: Intelligence and education does not negate stupidity. Sorry.

        You just called her stupid. Say what you will about her post, but I think that was out of line.

      • LadySlippers says:


        I understand what you are saying however her comments WERE stupid. Hear me out please.

        It’s statements like hers that give non-Americans ammunition to use against us . It isn’t the made-up prejudice and/or lies. It’s real, honest-to-God ammunition to justify their responses to our arrogance, stupidity, and hubris.

        I have been on the receiving end of it and I’m very sorry about this– but I am SO not backing down. People can and do make stupid comments. People can and do have stupid ideas as well. And normally, I don’t give a hoot. Except when it endangers another human being — then I care an awful lot. It’s stupid comments like this that create a world of animosity against the USA, and it’s not needed. Why add fuel to an already lit fire???

        Comments like hers makes me so *very* angry. Especially when other people have to pay the price.

        (And I agree, this is not the first time she’s said something incredibly inflammatory and then cried victim. Not cool.)


        Her response below was much more acknowledging of her missteps. That goes a long way in my book.

        Thank you wolfpup for that.

      • bluhare says:

        You called her stupid. Plain and simple. Look at what I quoted if you don’t believe me. That is NEVER ok. Ever. I don’t care what she said (and I’m NOT American). Take her post apart, yes. But don’t call someone stupid because you don’t like what she said.

    • KaitX says:

      I was waiting to see “America, f**k yeah!” At the end of your comment, Wolfpup

      • AC says:

        I’m sorry I know I shouldn’t…but reading your comment after the posts made me howl. I’m still laughing here. Thanks for that. Lol

      • wolfpup says:

        Well, thank you all for your honesty. I believe that I understand the other points of view, concerning some of my careless assertions, and that I need to be more considerate, and frame my questions after a period of long consideration for an international group.

        I sincerely apologize for being so glib and careless. I know my voice is strong, and as I am often wrong, print makes it so much worse. Yet I have had the privilege of living in Germany and Korea, and I respect others. I”m sorry for all of the ways that I did not. And I sincerely apologize, that was a bad comment on having Britain’s back, and I get the why “cocky” was applied to my presentation.

        GoodNamesAllTaken, I like you. I had such a good time here for a while. I think that I’ll take your advice.

        AC It’s easy to laugh at me. It’s alright, don’t think twice.

      • bluhare says:

        Take a break and come back wolfpup. Shit happens. We all say things we should have thought through more carefully from time to time. Even me. Well, hardly ever for me, of course, but there was one time . . . . . 😉

      • wolfpup says:

        One more thing, it just came to me. What is of major importance about the royal family, is their demonstration of charity. They show to everyone around the world, the value and importance of that great work, and the necessity for all of us to engage in that endeavor as well. This goes well also, with her position in the Church. This makes proper sense, in my mind at least, why she is revered and respected by so many. I always remember the footage of her during the war. I think that she was just amazing! It can’t hurt having all those connections either.

        bluhare, I just have to say it – I love you.

        for whomever, I lick the ground leaving…

      • AC says:

        I think it’s fairly clear that I was replying to Kaitx’s comment which read quite humorously at the end of the several long entries. That is all.

      • LadySlippers says:


        I’m still pretty angry. I cannot emphasis how inflammatory your comments were and how that impacts others globally.

        HOWEVER, I accept your apology. (My house rules)

        This will not affect further communication between us unless it becomes a pattern.

        Again, thank you so much for stepping back and reflecting and apologising. It does mean a lot to me.

        (Where in Korea where you?)


        Chin and tail up. No ground licking please. I asked for grace and humility and that’s what you’ve done. I nod my head to you — not many can acknowledge their faults and you have. Thank you.

        Night night.

      • Dame Snarkweek says:

        There is no need for me to omment on the content of the thread or the responses to it. Everyone has commented as she/he saw fit to and done is done.

        But I will say to wolfpup that an ill considered decision or strong opinions are just a part of our intellectual dogma at times. They do not wholly reflect our fully actualized character or personality. This is something I have learned over time and it applies ou as well. So let your natural curiosity, loyalties, passion, intelligence and willingness to engage discourse continue to grow and mature. Temper that with grace, charisma, perspective and humor and you will benefit immeasurably from it over the years. As I’m sure you will agree, the overwhelming majority of the posters here are a reflection of and do full credit to that process.

        Smile, hold your head high, internalize the core message of Bluhare and Ladyslippers’ et al points and keep posting. I could be wrong but I think you are a pretty awesome young lady. *high five*

      • LAK says:

        Lady slippers: calling someone stupid??!!! Mocking them??!!! Really??!!!

        Name calling and mocking are not a response to offense, even if you are offended. Two wrongs do not make a right.

        Whether you agree with Wolfpup or not, and we can all see that you don’t, there is no reason to resort to name calling and mocking her.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        LAK, LadySlippers did not say that Wolfpup was stupid. She said her remarks were stupid. There’s a difference, as I believe you know.

        Wolfpup, I like you, too. I have enjoyed many of your posts. I have also said things that a lot of people disagreed with and I have felt hurt by the response, especially when I felt that my intentions were different from the way things came out. I learned to try to see things from the critics point of view, as you did in your second post. It was not always easy for me, as I am sensitive, stubborn and a little opinionated. But when I learned to do it, it felt really good, and I’ve had lots of nice exchanges with people who disagreed with me strongly, when I could see that they had a point, too. If I couldn’t, I just let it stand or stood by my original comment. If I felt I could explain, I did. But I just tried to get a little thicker skin and realize that people are taking exception to what I said, not to me as a person.

        You don’t need to “lick the ground leaving,” whatever that means. You don’t need to apologize if you don’t think you did anything wrong. You said during the whole “old and new posters” kerfluffle that it was manipulative of the posters who said they were leaving because of you, and you didn’t believe anyone would stop posting just because of something you said. So I find it odd that you’re doing the same thing. I hope you don’t, but that’s entirely up to you.

      • LadySlippers says:


        I didn’t mock or make fun of her. It’s not something I do. I am a very ‘you get what you see’ kinda person. On numerous work evaluations I will see statements like, “LadySlippers is refreshingly honest and without hidden agendas. She is respectful in her dissent and once a disagreement occurs and she expresses her opinions, she conducts herself afterwards without malice.” I’m obviously paraphrasing my last evaluation but it’s been stated more than a few times.

        I bring this up because this isn’t the first time you’ve thought I’ve shaded or mocked someone. I know it’s super common on the internet but below the belt digs are not my style. Even in my nasty divorce with my abusive ex-husband, everyone was (sadly) amazed at how few nasty shots I took. It’s just not my style.

        I’m a ‘get angry, get it off your chest, and calm down’ kinda person. I’m blunt (painfully so) but there’s not malice in that bluntness. Please understand this.


        We’ve gotten to a point where calling someone out on the rug for their actions is now synonymous with conflating the action with the person. It can be true sometimes (but there are qualifications to it — like an established pattern but even then might not hold true) but most often, it isn’t.

        We have ALL engaged in acts of stupidity, myself included, but that doesn’t make us all stupid. We need to stop conflating the action with the person. Period/ Full Stop.

        (Except for stupid Americans… because well…😉)

      • bluhare says:

        Direct quote:

        “Intelligence and education does not negate stupidity. Sorry.”

        Totally agree we need to stop equating a statement with a person’s worth. Sentences like the one I quoted don’t help with that.

      • LAK says:

        Ladyslippers/Goodnames: see Bluhare’s quotes taken directly from Ladyslipper’s post.

        Wolfpup mentions her intelligence which ladyslippers rebuts by calling saying intelligence doesn’t hide stupid ergo wolfpup is stupid.

        Ladyslippers: I really don’t care what other people say about you because i’m not taking an opinion poll of their remarks about you nor do I care about the opinion in of people in your personal life since they have nothing to do with me, nor this situation. In short none of the other commentors forced you to call wolfpup stupid.

        I call you out because you ALWAYS shade people and then pretend it’s their problem for ‘misunderstanding’ your comments.

        For someone who is articulate, it’s curious that your shading comments are the only ones that are lost in translation or misunderstood, according to you, when your meaning is very clear.

        You outright call someone stupid and then say they or others misunderstood??!!! You don’t have the excuse of English being your second language. Infact, you are very, very articulate. So own it. You did this.

  24. OTHER RENEE says:

    Is there anything she can say that won’t be criticized? It’s reached the point of ridiculousness. She’s just implying that George is eating well on this trip.

    • FLORC says:

      No one is criticizing her here. The article the thread is on is, but no one here is faulting Kate.
      You shouldn’t assume every thread is ripping Kate apart. That is ridiculous.

    • KateBush says:

      @ other Renee I agree… she made an offhand comment, its obviously lighthearted as was her ‘banana’ dress comment.

  25. Francis says:

    I get the feeling Kate is a mean-girl privately, who is only nice when she wants something from you like marriage and a title. I think she may have resentment towards PW, maybe she’s peeved he made her work so hard to land him. IMO the four public statements she has made about William on this trip show something a bit deeper which we may not be privy to for years, as with Charles and Diana…So far Kate has said. 1. PW didn’t spend much time with George when he was a baby. 2. William thinks my dress is too bright 3. William thinks I look like a banana 4. William can use the wool as a toupee. Now she’s talking about George’s fat rolls and the other day she called George podgy. I also think Kate is a closet anorexic or has serious issues w food and weight and any fat probably repels her.
    There was a story that at dinner PW made fun of her for not having much boobs and she was terribly hurt, the family and her mum just made William sit with a napkin and called it the cloth of shame for talking about Kate’s breast. I believe she may have some resentment towards him, for making her wait soooooo long for a proposal, for dumping her to pursue a girl he wanted who rejected HIM still during the breakup. I think she may resent that she had to work like hell to get him and he still picks her clothes apart in private, so she blurts it put to the public, to make him look bad. Another thing which is whispered is that Her mum rules the roost at home and keeps Daddy Midds in-check with put downs, so these little statements by Kate may just be how she learned to keep her hubby in check by mummy.
    I also wonder if her mum got on her about weight once she started dating William, because. Kate immediately started dropping the weight when she dared William,mother it just got worse after the engagement which so feel was Kate’s own doing. I just don’t believe Kate is nice, I think she’s a mean-girl. I remember reading how she would treat PW long time friends who approached him to just say hello….she wasn’t nice at all.

    • Blueb says:

      I think you might be a mean girl…

      • The Original Mia says:

        Francis is entitled to her opinion, Blueb. Doesn’t make her a mean girl. Just someone with an opinion that differs from yours.

    • The Original Mia says:

      I’ll never forget the way she and Pippa acted towards Roger Federer’s wife at Wimbledon. Unlike their reported treatment of the York girls, this was done in full view of the press and public. Soured me on both of them, and was the first indication to me that the story the press was feeding us wasn’t the way Kate was in private.

      I think she had to put up with a lot to get the ring. William wasn’t always a gentleman to her during their courtship. These little snipes are probably her only way to get back at him without rocking the boat too much. She’s not going to do anything to jeopardize her position.

      I hate that bland sack she’s wearing. Looks like material bunched together and cinched with belt. Blah. Boring. Bland. The second dress is better, but some capris and flats would have been perfect.

      • Blueb says:

        I wondered that myself – is she not “allowed” to wear pants in public? I like the dresses but I feel like some cute capris and flats would have been more appropriate for the situation/location…

      • Vicky says:

        How did she act towards Mirka? I’ve never heard of this before! I’m not the biggest Federer fan, but I really like his family. And Mirka is really pretty in person.

      • Francis says:

        I do believe she is a mean girl, I’ve read several things about her during the dating years that made me believe she was. I read that neither she or Pippa would give you the time of day if it didn’t benefit the climb toward a beneficial marriage in some way.

      • The Original Mia says:

        @Vicky: At Wimbledon, she was seated near Mirka. When they saw her, they were overhead commenting on Mirka’s weight and giggling.

      • minxx says:

        what about Roger Federer’s wife? Was she too big for their taste?

      • LadySlippers says:


        Pants are allowed. Sophie wears them — more often in warmer climates though. Google the Wessex’s Diamond Jubilee Tour and you’ll see a lot.

      • FLORC says:

        Allegedly the Midd sisters were saying mean things regarding Mirka’s post pregnancy weight. Those little girls were darling and Mirka didn’t look unhealthy or too large at all.
        There’s a long history of the sisters mean girling others. Anyone who tried to get

      • Bwarf says:

        Weren’t those alleged comments from “lip readers”? Either way, I wouldn’t doubt they’ve mean girled before, I’m sure many of us here have, I know I have.

        I take stories of them with a grain of salt. I don’t believe all the bad or good things that are said about the royal family or the Middletons; tabloid outlets actively search out “sources” to say certain things (good and bad) just to spin a story.

      • FLORC says:

        The lip readers did say that, but that was after those sitting near Pippa and Kate reported the comments. Not sure on those details, but that was th main story.

        Of course, maybe the timelines were reversed to give the story more credibility.

      • DameEdna says:

        Mirka Federer is my girl crush, I absolutely adore her and, if she needs defending, I’m there.

        But…….even tho many people are of the opinion that Kate isn’t overly-bright, I don’t believe that she sat in the royal box (surrounded by eavesdroppers) and snarked at the Goddess Mirka.

        Gossiping in private, perhaps. In full sight, on display………never. If anything, in public she seems to try too hard not to put a wedge-heeled foot wrong.

    • Blueb says:

      I guess that maybe I am a mean girl too… I am sorry, Francis!

      • Francis says:

        Let’s keep the focus on Kate this is a article about Kate and the tour. Won t do the diversion thing into discussing posters.
        Which is an old trick to divert from the discussion of Kate.

      • Blueb says:

        You are right… Now, is she allowed to wear pants in public?

      • FLORC says:

        She can and has worn pants. Kate’s pants of choice is jeggings. She wears the super tight ones. Not super appropriate for these events. Trousers with a pants suit wouldn’t be bad at all.
        And Kate did wear pants on this tour so far. Rugby, was it?

        Kate is allowed to do lots of things. Is what she does not in line with the dress code? Not always, but she does it anyways. No one is restricting Kate from working or wearing what she wants.
        I’m not sure why people think this.

      • Blueb says:

        I can’t believe I forgot about the blue jeggings!
        I had a theory in my head this morning that maybe the reason Will and Kate (mostly Kate) don’t do many public outings is because before their wedding, Will and Kate were very popular, it seemed like everyone wanted to skip over Charles in favor of William as next-in-line. Not that that would ever happen but ever since then, they seem to be kind of pushed back… just an idea…

      • FLORC says:

        While i’m no expert on this it seems the tabloids were in more favor of skipping Charles for William. Made cover stories interesting, but in no way likely or legally possible.
        My take.. William does so little he needs to be seen doing something. Harry also does loads of work and tours. He gets minimal coverage even though loads of single women migrated to greenwich to catcha glimpse of Harry at the polo match. Traffic was hell that whole weekend. More than usual.

        And the power of a royal young couple that have a baby is pure gold for pr. That, imo, is why they’re seen doing these tours. Not because they’re doing it a lot, but because the press is covering a young couple with a baby more then they’ll cover those doing their job with loaded schedules. Hard to phrase that without sounding snarky, but I did try.

    • Dame Snarkweek says:

      Some really interesting stuff here. I will just say that the only thing I doubt here is the boob story because years ago it was printed that William found larger breasts personally unappealing and that “more than a handful is a waste”
      I remember being surprised and a little embarassed when I read it.

      • LAK says:

        William discussing his preferred Boob size at dinner came from Uncle Gary.

        Uncle Gary, the gob that keeps giving. SMH. I remain surprised that he isn’t gagged and can apparently say whatever he wants whereas Pippa has to watch her every step.

      • Dame Snarkweek says:

        Maybe he lends Mike and Carol money and is beyond reprimand?

      • MinnFinn says:

        Dame Snarkweek: That’s what I keep thinking too – i.e. about Gary underwriting the Middleton’s posh lifestyle. Gary not having been silenced can’t just be an oversight.

      • Dame Snarkweek says:

        Ita. Now that Kate is married Carole and Michael don’t need a lot of money to wow Will but I think Gary floated them a few loans before.

      • Francis says:

        Yes “the boob story” came directly from UG mouth, he was invited to dinner w the Prince. Gary also now has a Twitter site. He can be hilarious at times. But he doesn’t discuss who know who on the Twitter site, just himself.

    • Suze says:

      Hm. I’m not sure.

      I think she’s a goofball, actually. And perhaps has gone through insecure periods in the past, as many people do. That might have resulted in less than generous behavior. But I think it might have been isolated.

      I just don’t see “mean girl” in her.

      Pippa? LOL, well, maybe…

      Carole (who I find fascinating, btw), probably….

    • westerngirl says:

      Francis, some of your comments have merit – it’s pretty obvious that Kate has food issues, for example as her weight has dropped significantly since the engagement and there have been reports that she barely touches her food when dining in public (e.g. in Calgary and Slave Lake, Alberta during Cdn. tour) – but I wonder about the ones involving the Middletons. Where did you read/hear about that??? I can’t imagine someone from the media being invited to the Middletons for dinner (??!!)

      • Blueb says:

        Maybe she was nervous about eating in public? I can’t imagine having a bunch of people watching you eat and forming opinions about you from that…

      • bluhare says:

        I hope I’m never invited to a state dinner. It’s probably bad form to lean over and say “are you going to eat that?”.

      • Francis says:

        Uncle Gary gave a blow by blow of the events at the dinner table concerning the boob story. He was invited to dine w the Prince there at his sis.

    • Ann says:

      Comments about William being mean to Kate, Kate resenting William and lashing out at him, etc, are just ridiculous to me. He said her yellow dress made her look like a banana so she spills that info with the intent to expose William’s douchiness? Sorry, I don’t buy it. One New Year’s Eve a few years ago I put on a heavy application of some glitter eyeliner, and my husband told me I looked like a hooker lol. I promptly posted it on facebook because I thought it was hilarious. I can definitely say that I was NOT trying to make other people view my husband as an ahole. And honestly, I think Kate was just making conversation with the people who compliment her on her outfits. In general, Kate and William look like they have a very relaxed, jokey relationship. If they were cold and distant with each other I *might* be able to buy what negative Nancys are selling, but they’re not. We’ve seen time and time again that they ARE affectionate and loving with each other – hugging each other in excitement at the Olympics, hugging and kissing each other on the beach in Anglesey (where they really don’t seem to realize they were being papped), etc. And on this trip in particular there have been several instances where they displayed that they are naturally affectionate – after they met each other after the sailboat races and William immediately reached out to hold Kate’s hands, cuddling at the rugby game a few days ago, walking hand in hand on the grounds of the Government house, the way he always puts his hand on the small of her back whenever they’re walking somewhere at an official engagement. I don’t see how anyone could see the way these two interact and think that there is resentment boiling beneath the surface. Maybe there was at one point, but that’s water under the bridge now. I’ve known several women who “waityed” for years in frustration for their now husbands to come around and finally pop the question, but if I were to suggest that they might harbor some secret lasting resentment towards their husbands for “making them wait” they would think I was insane.

      • Blueb says:

        Well said!

      • Tulip Garden says:

        They seem fun, affectionate, and happy to me. I don’t see “resentment” or “shady” comments. In general, they haven’t been a popular couple on this site so, perhaps, some are filtering their observations through that lense. Most posters here seem fair and balanced to me though. Some just have a personal dislike of Kate and/or William but still give them credit as a seemingly well-adjusted couple. Anyway I have been enjoying the posts covering their tour very much.

      • KateBush says:

        I agree, to me they look very happy together.
        Also nobody has commented on William’s clothes in the top photo… He’s looking pretty good!! He’s got a good bod on him too… Didn’t notice that before lol 🙂

      • FLORC says:

        Most of the comments critisizing their clothes on this tour seems to be only in the articles the threads are written on. Less so from the posters creating this criticism.

        The large majority of posters aren’t snarking on William’s comments or Kate’s comments. Only commenting it’s taken out of context and silly to fuss over that. Every couple has the playful back and forth/inside jokes.

        And now they do look cute. Even Charles and Diana reconnected after a few bitter bumps and had the golden age of marital bliss again. With any luck William will be seen more with his family and less on another venture/hunting trips. When together this family is sweet, and great for the monarchy’s image. When apart and not seen working nothing good comes from that.
        Baby #2 is likely around the corner imo.

      • Bwarf says:

        @ Ann, I agree! I can’t stand all the comments and her nickname of Waity. As if she waited and waited and waited all that time. William said he didn’t want to get married until his late 20s or early 30s, and that he and Kate even talked about when a good time would be, that they both knew it would happen so it was a mutual thing between them.

        I wish that casual sexism about her waiting around for her prince would just die down already.

      • bluhare says:

        I’m really not trying to start anything, but if you can’t stand all the comments, why do you hang around, bwarf? Serious question. If all the comments annoyed the hell out of me, I wouldn’t stay.

      • Bwarf says:

        I didn’t say all the comments bothered me, I’ve always said I like reading the nicer ones. The nasty ones are the comments I hate reading.

      • bluhare says:

        bwarf, you did say that, and I quote:

        “@ Ann, I agree! I can’t stand all the comments and her nickname of Waity. ”

        Perhaps you didn’t mean it, but you said it. And I wondered why you read the comments if you really don’t like them all. I don’t like a lot of them either, but differing opinions make the world go round.

      • Bwarf says:

        @bluhare, I didn’t mean ALL comments, I meant to say all the nasty comments.

      • Suze says:

        Hmm. Are you talking about your fellow commenters or the stories posted on this site? I’m not sure what is ridiculous to you.

        If it’s both, if what you want is a fangirl site, this isn’t it. They do exist, though.

      • Bwarf says:

        @suze,I think your reply was to ann but I will say that I think it’s the ridiculous comments, not the commenters. I don’t know anyone here so I have nothing to say about anyone, but the comments that I think are ridiculous are mostly the ones that discuss their parenting skills, the commentary about how close they are (or aren’t, according to some) and kate basically going after william for the status. I guess that last one extends to the Middleton family. All in all, I’ve read some mean stuff.

      • Ann says:

        Suze, I don’t have a problem with negative comments about this couple where they are warranted – I fully agree with the criticism of their incredibly light schedule of public engagements, especially in comparison to the rest of the members of the Royal Family, and I wonder what the Queen is about to allow them to get away with it! What I do find ridiculous is commenters latching on to what are perfectly harmless, innocuous things reported in the press and somehow twisting them and making them into something much more malicious. I went through the comments for both of the posts that reported William saying something about Kate’s outfits – the green Erdem coat that was “bright” and the Roksanda dress that made Kate look like a banana. I was genuinely shocked at how people were taking William’s passing jokey observations and interpreting them as William being an ahole and a jerk, “cutting her down” so she doesn’t “outshine” him, that he was being controlling and passive aggressive towards her, and that her repeating the comments to people she speaks to is her way of “getting back” at him and making him look bad. This kind of speculation, if it were true, would speak to an extremely toxic relationship. I once told my husband he looked like a Christmas tree when he wore a green shirt and red shorts, and we laughed about it. I can assure you me telling my husband that he looked like a Christmas tree was not indicative of a deep seated passive aggressive desire to “put him in his place.” I mean, how crazy does that sound? Married people joke around with each other. Married people comment on each others’ outfits. I don’t follow William and Kate closely, really only read what’s posted on this site about them, and I have never seen any evidence that these two are actually resentful of each other and take any chance they get to snipe at one another publicly as some commenters seem to be suggesting. On the contrary, they seem like they have a happy, loving, healthy relationship, and it’s just bizarre and disturbing to me how far people will reach in order to frame their relationship as something much more sinister.

      • Francis says:

        As Winston Churchill once said “A joke is a very serious thing.”

  26. sarah says:

    Where is she being criticized for it?

  27. AC says:

    This women’s twitter account has some interesting photos that provide some perspective on the crowds and media attending all of these events, which I find intriguing. I love her beige dress, she’s lucky these tones look great on her. Hopefully this tour has been meaningful to them and ignites a desire to continue doing more when they get back home. Happy Tuesday…:)

    • LadySlippers says:

      Thanks AC! Fun pics!

    • A:) old prude says:

      What is so funny is that a lot of royal reporters have said that the crowds are less then what they expected and definitely way less then Chuck and Di’s tour. For example, 200,000 people came to see C&D at Opera house in Australia compared to 3000 that showed up for the golden duo.

      Also today Honey Boo Boo and Kim K also gets very same sort of crowd, so 3000 doesn’t seem ‘so large no of people’ to me like their fans are trying to make it.

      • Suze says:

        As an ancient crone who remembers the reporting at the time, the Chuck and Di tour – particularly the first one – was insane. Completely batsh*t insane.

        I know we talk about royals here in our little world, but the overall interest in Will and Kate is much less intense than it was in Chuck and Di. Well, in Diana, anyway.

        And that is a very good thing. Dianamania should never, ever be repeated. It was not good for her, her kids, the royal family, her husband, or ultimately, all of us crazies who followed her.

      • AC says:

        Totally agree Suze… I was a Dialoonie for sure, and now I’m shocked when my 30 year old co-workers don’t know there is a royal tour and have not yet seen a pic of Prince George! A little moderation is probably a good thing. Thank god there are not too many of us. 🙂 Even though I’m undecided about Will and Kate’s level of commitment to role, I still love to watch and analyse! I’m still on the hunt for decent unbiased info on what the older set, Andrew, Edward etc are up to these days…

      • Tulip Garden says:

        Agree with you completely that Di-mania was unhealthy for all concerned: the monarchy, the public, and most particularly for Princess Diana. I have stated before that that phenomenon is unlikely ever to happen again due to many factors: a plethora of entertainment options, the internet, more cynical audience. I actually think that the entire “world” going crazy over a Michael Jackson or Princess Diana just isn’t as possible in the world we live in today. While individuals may have huge fan groups that are devoted to them, I don’t think it can be as all encompassing as it has been in the past. I do make an exception for “teen idols” because, seemingly, that age group all want to fit in instead of standing out or, maybe, “tween idols” would be a better description.
        Also, even as I write this, I am using hindsight because during their times, I could not get enough of Princess Diana or Michael Jackson. I will always feel oddly connected to them which is only a result of the affect that they unknowingly had on me and, I’m sure, many others.
        All of that said, I do believe that their unique talents and personalities catapulted them into extreme, unhealthy super-stardom. I don’t believe that either was emotionally prepared for that and I don’t actually believe that anyone could be because it is unnatural and surreal to be the object of that much attention, negative or positive.
        *sigh* I do still miss Princess Diana. Likely always will. I named my cat after her while she was still living, my kitty Royal Highness is still alive and thriving some eighteen or so years later.

    • Suze says:

      Yep – agree with this comment 100 percent. I think they’ve done an excellent job this tour, and hope it continues into their next phase.

      • A:) old prude says:


        I don’t think they have done a great job. There tour is very light weight and really a long vacation IMO. They did great in all the fun and sporting events (in which fun things they always are great no matter where they are) but other then that it’s the same for me, same inappropriate hair, wedges, boring dresses. The only thing which was amazing in this trip is George and yes Kate has improved from before, I think she came off more confident but as far as their tour is concerned it’s nothing special or great, very light weight and doesn’t show them as the next big thing or their senior, more professional royal roles like we were led to believe by their PR. Except George we won’t remember anything in else from this trip.

  28. Francis says:

    I like the dress she’s wearing, but why can’t she ax the heels once she realizes she’ll be climbing on rocks, dirt, mud,meet grass and terrain obstacles not suited for high heels. There are some beautiful flats she could pull on and off just to walk around in rougher terrain.

    • FLORC says:

      Her feet bare have shown long term damage from wearing lots of heels. I think she just likes them. Her sky high heels are a bit much and she’d do better at many of these events in a lower heel or flats, but whatever her reasons the heels are always prefered.

      • Maggie says:

        She as fallen arches so shoes with support and a heel are more comfortable. I think that’s why she wears wedges as well. She also has bunions which are hereditary plus she probably did a lot of sports or dancing. I have the same issues.

      • FLORC says:

        Largely heredetary yes.
        Fallen arches also. What helps both of these issues is walking barefoot or in comfortable flats with inserts. That can not only help ease the pain, but also possibly reverse the condition.
        When flats can help and heels will only maintain or offer temporary relief the logic loses out. Like an ace bandage on a broken (not fractured) bone. Especially with events that would be better suited in flats. Walking on grass and such.

        And when not at events and out socially/privately she wears flats.
        Back to my point. Maybe she feels high heels are needed for those events.

      • Suze says:

        Yes, but she wears flats in her private life. There are all kinds of pap shots – pre-princess days – of her in flats. And the latest “secret but not secret” photos at the Government House show her in flats.

        I think she just likes being taller when she is in duchess mode, for who knows what reason. Maybe she likes how she photographs in heels, maybe she thinks it’s a more polished look, maybe she likes bringing her height more in line with Williams. Who knows?

        And she is about six or seven inches shorter than William when not wearing heels, so there’s that, too.

    • Diane says:

      Maggie: well said. Those flotation devices Kate is wearing , are totally supporting her fallen arches and help with the bunions. You are totally correct.

      • hmmm says:

        Not true- high heels are not great for flat feet at all and can cause more foot problems! I have never heard of such a prescription. Arch supports help but not high heels, especially skyscraper stilettos/wedges. Low to flat heels are so much easier on the foot. Barefoot is the best!

      • diane says:

        Hmmm…I was being sarcastic. Called them flotation devices. Of course they are a terrible choice!

  29. A:) old prude says:

    Another day, another tourist attraction, site seeing.

    So another day, another boring bland dress on Duchess of Boring, but a positive thing my grandmother really loves her choices for herself and totally wear them. Now this dress fits so terribly for a bespoke piece, I don’t get why she buys almost same dress just in different color. It’s exactly the same, the cut, the design, the fit, shape, just in different color. She really is so boring and her clothes choices really reflect her personality, boring, safe and bland.

  30. Alexis says:


    IDK where i come from it is adorable for babies to be fat. Kate seems to really enjoy being a mom.

  31. Jane Q. Doe says:

    Do any of you with the Advanced Monarchy (AM) degree know – is it forbidden for them to touch in public? They rarely ever even brush against each other, but in that private video they’re holding hands, so I was wondering if it’s a taboo or something.
    (the same of that tumblr site: Bill and Cathy – snort!)

    • Lady D says:

      I asked the same question a while back of someone (maybe LAK) with an AM degree. Apparently there is no rule against touching, they just don’t. It bothered me too when they came to Canada. They were practically newlyweds and no touching.

    • LadySlippers says:

      What?!? We have degrees in Royal
      Loonie Land?!? Lol

      Like Lady D mentioned, the ‘no touching’ is probably more to do with the business aspect of being on tour or undertaking an engagement than a strict rule.

      You’ll see Royals touching each other but it’s not always considered polite in every culture to ‘hang off each other’ so it’s best to be a tad reserved. Plus, the Brits are known for their reserve, as is William. My guess is you’ll see a bit more ‘touchy feely’ stuff from Harry as that’s more Harry-like than William.

      • FLORC says:

        Agreed LadySlippers. With all of it. Personality, acting reserved, and cultural respect. All count for a lot.

        And this is why when Harry has a wife he’ll be so lovey with her!

  32. Mitch Buchanan Rocks! says:

    If Wills could sport a beard he’d look hot if he shaved his head and grew a beard, like Ed Norton did in the movie American History X;normally a somewhat hot-nerdy guy, this look transformed him into uber hot, lookswise.

  33. Suze says:

    Although not my favorite of the tour, I don’t mind it.

    As for poor grumpy fat George – she was making an offhand, fond comment as many mothers do about their chubby babies.

  34. minxx says:

    I think that Kate has food issues and maybe even an eating disorder. And not just because she made that comment about baby George. People with food issues tend to be preoccupied with food, look at everyone around (mainly, of course, themselves) and judge very harshly their looks when it comes to size/fat (hence the nasty comment about Mirka Federer). Kate was much bigger and healthier looking when she was dating William, she must feel enormous pressure to remain “perfect” (meaning: size zero). I noticed that mothers who are obsessed with weight tend to focus a lot on their kids’ weight too. Fortunately, George is a boy, so he won’t feel the pressure, but if they have a girl in the future, she’ll be constantly reminded not to eat and every ounce of baby fat will be commented on. I don’t think Kate is a mean girl, but I think she grew up in a mean girl household – her mother seems to be mean and extremely competitive. Snide comments were probably the norm. Pippa has some of it in her too. Kate, IMO, has a lot of his father’s softness but probably many, many issues – waiting 10 years for PW to propose didn’t help.

    • wendi says:

      I don’t get why she felt compelled to drastically alter her weight after the engagement — firstly, because she didn’t need to as she had a slim, healthy build and was never remotely heavy and second, William and her were dating for years and presumably he didn’t have a problem with her appearance all that time.

      She looked so much better and healthier before the weightloss and the other changes (veneers, hair extensions, fake tan, etc.). Hopefully someone in the royal family will set her straight and provide the support she needs..

      • Angelique says:

        I think they have tried but to no avail.
        In the US we sometimes say “You can take the girl out of the country but you cant take the country out of the girl”

    • Bwarf says:

      @minxx People with eating issues do get preoccupied with food but there’s no confirmation that Kate really did say mean things about Mirka Federer. Her weight loss being attributed to an eating disorder is an assumption. I think people assume that a skinny person who has lost wait must have a disorder. I’m loathe to say that about her, or any other woman, not because I really like her, but because that is not something we should assume about someone. There are plenty of skinny celebs out there who have lost weight and don’t have an eating disorder.

      And if she does have an issues, the mean comments obviously don’t help.

    • Francis says:

      Minx,I enjoyed reading your comment, on Kate ,agree with much of it.

  35. mar says:

    Although she is kind of boring and useless, I love her style.

  36. Lizzy1013 says:

    So maybe I am just super cynical, but when I saw these “off day” photos the first thing I thought was: setup. Kate still looks super put together. She trots out baby George. Then she trots out William and they are lovingly holding hands while taking a stroll. At one point she even looks around. It seemed like the perfect PR move. The palace got to throw a little fit to make it seem legit, but they still conceded that they were allowed to publish the pics. And then I saw the dorky little kick. And I realized hmmm she would NOT do that if she was being followed hahaha.

    I guess I’m just jaded by this whole celebrity world and no longer take anything at face value anymore.

    • AC says:

      I kind of felt like it looked a bit staged too. Fun but staged. I loved her kick though. Maybe she’s smarter than she is given credit for and is gleaning on to the fact that people enjoy seeing her humanized with a little bit of goofiness and joking around.

      • FLORC says:

        I wouldn’t doubt her smarts. She’s driven, but not in the ways we’re expecting.

        Although much of this looks staged as well as their response to it. Annoyed, but not pursuing it. Just enough to say they weren’t fans and didn’t set it up. Great PR.

    • Angelique says:

      The video made them look…just like us. How dull. How boring. How very ordinary.
      Royalty is supposed to be better than us.
      Who wants a king who is just like all the other guys in town?

    • Suze says:

      It’s been pretty much admitted that they knew the cameras were there – that roundhouse kick Kate did was in response to the cameras.

  37. Angelique says:

    I think the point of the article was to make comment on the vast number of stupid things Kate says. The comment about George’s fat is an odd one to make as a future (possible) Queen consort about a future (possible) King. She has made so many childish comments about so many different things (Can you test the smell by smelling it) that this is just one more.

    • KateBush says:

      Relaxxxx lol!!!

    • FLORC says:

      True. This comment cannot be added to the list though because (as so many posters are pointing out) a mom taking about her baby’s roles can easily be attacked and rightfully so. Yes Kate says some truly awful things, but this is not the time to fight that battle/war. Dame Mirren having to hear Kate ask if it was ok to call her “granny” because William wanted to know while next to the Queen? That one was rough.

      • Bwarf says:

        I thought all she said to Helen Mirren was something like ‘did my husband call you granny last night’? If I remember correctly, they were joking with each other about it? Hardly awful.

        Prince Phillip and Prince Charles have said some pretty rough things, though…not to mention Harry’s “paki” comment lol.

      • FLORC says:

        Weird. Did the original comment get removed?

        I guess I got the quote wrong. Still not terribly appropriate.
        Many of the BRF have put their foot in their mouths. Harry and Charles get more slack now because they’re seen being responsible imo.

      • AC says:

        Remember the stuff Charles was recorded saying? Granted that was a complete invasion of a private conversation, but talk about cringe worthy! Yikes.

      • DameEdna says:

        It’s worth considering that some of our own intimate conversations would be equally cringe-worthy if they somehow made their way into the public domain.

        As for the comments upthread regarding the USA’s involvement in WWII, many thanks to those who sought to set the record straight. Britain and the Commonwealth stood alone for the longest time. FDR and Harry Hopkins are justly admired for (among other things) the Lend Lease program………and old Joe Kennedy is just as much reviled for his cowardly urging of appeasement and his association with the Cliveden Set.

        It’s highly appropriate that Kate and Wills will be here on ANZAC Day……a most solemn day of commemoration and thanksgiving for Aussies and Kiwis. I’m no monarchist and their presence won’t make the day any more special (for me) but the timing of this tour has been planned quite well.

      • Bwarf says:

        @florc I think the comments were messing up, I replied to you but it posted as a brand new comment lol

      • DameEdna says:

        Sorry to be pedantic but Helen Mirren is Dame Helen…….not Dame Mirren.Think about it…….you wouldn’t call Paul “Sir McCartney”, would ya?

        And why was it inappropriate to joke about Helen’s role in The Queen? Luvvies and royalty usually get on like a house on fire.

  38. Bwarf says:

    People are taking her comments and making some bold insinuations. Plenty of parents talk about their baby’s fat rolls. I agree with a previous comment that people just look for something bad to say. Like saying the pics of them in the gardens is all staged and contrived, wow.

    People get mad and say that they’re all talk on trying to live a “down to earth” lifestyle; yet when they’re photographed doing down to earth stuff it’s all fake? Make up your minds!

    Personally, I think those pics of them doing regular things a family does (like laying in the grass and playing with your infant) are really nice.

    • AC says:

      I liked them too…staged or not. I think it was quite natural I just think they may have known there were cameras in the bushes.

    • A:) old prude says:

      People criticize them because they aren’t normal and yet try to be. They take millions from tax payers, live in palaces, travel first class, best food, designer clothes, security etc all on tax payers dime, so we want them to be more then normal. They can do whatever the heck they want in private but they have to work their damm ass off to deserve such privilege on tax payers dime and they are clearly not earning their keep and aren’t worth the money they charge us. That’s why they are criticized, because they take millions from us and do very little in return and the excuse of their laziness is always portrayed as them being ‘normal’. You tell me what sort of ‘normal’ dad quits his job after having a baby and then spend millions of tax [payers money on his house renovations?!

      God I decided not to post such comments but I just can’t help it.

      • AC says:

        I can understand that sentiment for sure. Is there truth to the fact that they largely live off of their private wealth now, and that they attract a great deal of tourism revenue to the country that offsets the tax costs? Serious question. I have read differing editorial on that topic.

  39. bluhare says:

    You are all getting new comments as the original one to which you are all responding has been pulled.

    And now mine appears to be on top of all of yours!! I’m responding to FLORC asking about messed up comments below (I think it’s below!).

  40. Silly says:

    People thought Charles comments were banter. They weren’t. People make the mistake of app lying their lives to a Lower class person marrying an upper class system and royalty. Kate can’t afford to be seen as being mean no matter if it’s misinterpreted or not given her background. You may feel different but the system doesn’t care about you.