Posh Isn’t Anorexic — She’s just very controlling of what she eats

In the latest issue of UK’s Heat Magazine, Victoria Beckhams’s weight and her eating habits are scrutinized to find out how she maintains her skeletal figure. You may think that getting such an emaciated looking physique would be easy enough to accomplish by not eating, but according to Victoria it takes a lot of hard work to maintain her waist the size of a seven year old child.

“I became obsessed with what I looked like”, she reveals. “I would look in the mirror and check the size of my bottom, see if my double chin was getting smaller. I began living on vegetables and nothing else, but it never occured to me I had an eating disorder, because I was the same size I had always been. I thought I was just getting into shape.”

“I do control my eating, Victoria admits. “But I think there is a big difference between someone having an eating disorder and someone who is controlled about what they eat.”

From Heat Magazine, Issue 421, Week of 28-April – 4 May 2007

Shortly after that she started her diet regime she discovered that she had polycystic ovaries, but by then “the damage was done”, as all she eats now are vegetables, chicken, fruit and fish widely. Heat has a look through items you would find in Victoria’s fridge, and it includes foods such as the Diet Coke, spinach, sushi, fruits, sparkling water, and red wine.

I don’t want to judge Victoria — a lot of women in the public eye feel the need to be a certain weight, but I do think her overdiscipline when it comes to food could become borderline anorexic if not kept in check. There is nothing wrong with being health conscious, but it doesn’t seem Posh is being so controlled with her food for health reasons — it’s more out of vanity in order not to be perceived as fat.

I think everyone has body image issues , but micro-managing what you eat just in order to fit into the cute Dior dress doesn’t sound like very much fun. I eat healthy and organic, but I’m not adverse to the odd Pepperoni Passion Pizza every once in a blue moon, and it hasn’t made me balloon to the size of a blimp. It’s good for people to indulge in a little of what they fancy.

Someone should tell Posh to eat a Big Mac, maybe that would pick her mood up and get that pout of her face. I know I get in a foul mood when I’m hungry. Also, she needs to get her boobs downsized. You can’t be as thin as a matchstick and then try to pass off those grapefruit breasts as the work of a good bra, women just don’t fill out that way naturally.

Picture note by Celebitchy: Here’s Posh out shopping in London. [via]. Dlisted notes that you can get those jeans at Urban Outfitters.

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