Paris Hilton’s Petition To Keep Her Out of The Clink

This bimbo is dumber than I thought. She has replaced Britney on the top of my list of people who need a super hard smack upside the head to snap them back to reality.

I can’t even type the next sentence without breaking into fits of maniacal laughter.

Paris Hilton is asking people to sign a petition to keep her – out of jail!

Oh my god, my face hurts from laughing so hard. I don’t think I could have laughed any harder had anyone told me that Lindsay Lohan is a Straight Edge virgin. She obviously hasn’t learned that karma is a bitch, and so is she.

People has the scoop:

Paris Hilton is now part of a grass-roots campaign to keep her out of jail.

In a message that went up Monday on her MySpace page and reported in the New York Post, the hotel heiress writes (in her own spelling): “My friend Joshua started this petition, please help and sihn it. i LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!”

The petition, directed to California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, asks that Hilton be pardoned from her sentence of 45 days in jail for violating the terms of her probation by driving with a suspended license. The punishment was handed down in Los Angeles Superior Court on Friday. An appeal has been filed.

“I urge all fans and supporters and all that are outraged by injustice to sign this petition,” writes Hilton.

I actually thought this was B.S. when I read it, but ‘lo and behold, it’s her real myspace, and I have a pic of the MySpace blog post

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, that is “sign” with an “h”. I didn’t think there was a Microsoft Word U.S. English equivalent of the word, but Paris has found it.

This woman has burnt out her last brain cell from all that weed she always gets caught smoking. How dare she talk about this being an injustice? The only justice we’ve had to deal with is watching her parade her skinny butt around all the time and get away with her atrocious behavior. Had she actually killed someone with her stupid DUI stunt, she’d probably still be asking for leniency because she is who she is. Enough is enough! She has to learn humility sometime in her life, and Jeebus answered my prayers last week and decided that this is it for her (and I prayed extra hard too, my head hurt after I finished with that prayer).

I’ve looked at the petition online and so far 1,861 people have signed it. Those are 1,861 people that have brainwashed into thinking this fruitcake should be allowed to run wild to do what she wants. I think we should sign a petition that keeps her ass in jail longer so she can learn a lesson — millions will sign that, surely. Hell, you can even buy the Throw Away The Key T-shirt and send it to the geniuses who think signing a Free Paris petition is a good idea.

It’s time to take back the night from Paris Hilton and her vapid fans! Who’s with me?!

Here is Paris Hilton smoking pot at Coachella. Thanks to FlynetOnline for these pics.

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