Video from inside Octomom’s house

Radar Online is really keeping it coming with the Octomom videos. Over the past two days, they’ve posted videos of Nadya Suleman sitting down and arguing with her mother, Angela, Jerry Springer-style. They promise more to come so maybe they’re saving the smackdown for last.

Radar has a new video today that shows the inside of Suleman’s house set to dramatic music. They call it “shocking” and it does look messy and cluttered, with scribbles on the wall and a lot of stuff around, but it’s hard to tell if it’s unsafe. She could use some help organizing her kids’ toys and clothing but it’s not terrible or anything. I’m of the opinion that people shouldn’t impose their living standards on others, particularly if they have a lot of kids. We had neighbors with five kids and their house was similarly messy. If you’re not in a position of having to care for that many kids without help, don’t judge. I’ve seen much worse on those clutter cleanup shows and it can be hard to figure out how to organize everything and take the time to do it when you’re overwhelmed like that. The real issue is that they don’t have enough space for even six children in that three bedroom one bath home that already in foreclosure.

According to Radar, the hospital is doing an at-home inspection to make sure the house is baby and child proof before the octuplets are sent home. Suleman is said to fear that the hospital won’t release the babies to her, but it just sounds like they’re doing due diligence to make sure they’re covering their bases for this high profile case. They’re recommending that the octuplets sleep in four cribs so that they can sleep two to a crib like twins.

The three largest Suleman octuplets will be going home in about 10 days, but has learned that will only happen after the hospital has inspected the home to make sure it’s been childproofed.

The hospital wants improvements to be made in the home like covering electric sockets and installing smoke detectors.

Part of the living room will be blocked off to turn it into a children’s playroom.

Although the family has been looking at eight-bedroom, four bathroom houses in the Whittier area, the hospital says there’s no reason all eight babies can’t go to the existing house, if it’s not foreclosed on them.

Instead of eight cribs, there will be only four. Child experts have told the family that it helps child bonding if the babies are treated like sets of twins and two of them share a crib for the first six months.

The family will begin interviewing nannies next week.

[From RadarOnline]

In the video, Suleman says she has been offered help from the mothers at her children’s school and that she’ll have a pool of 40-50 volunteers to help with the babies. At first she tells her mother that she’ll get help with the babies for about a year, then she changes it to 6-9 months as if she’s trying to make it seem like she really doesn’t need the support.

After watching this video, I’m starting to slightly warm up to this woman. She’s definitely not sane and she needs a dose of reality, but her kids are cute and you can tell she loves them in her narcissistic way. Her mother is a piece of work, too, and she had to get her warped sense of entitlement from somewhere.

Commenter Len said something that really sums up Octomom’s PR problems for me “if [she] would have just kept her mouth shut from the get go, she would have been offered tons of support, free diapers, the minivan, the works. People are willing to help, people are not willing to be played. She over-shared and she overplayed her hand.”

This family is getting paid tens of thousands for photo licensing and for arguing in these taped segments. They’ll get by if their mother doesn’t squander it all away.

So now we get to see the inside of her home and see her argue with her mother. Suleman said she didn’t want to “exploit” her children with a reality show, but she’s certainly exploiting her relationship with her mom in these videos and opening herself up to criticism by showing how they live. It’s better than doing adult films.

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27 Responses to “Video from inside Octomom’s house”

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  1. Ophelia says:

    She collects (er..makes?) kids and stores them the way I used to with Pogs. Does anyone remember those? I have no idea why this connected in my head..

  2. Dorothy says:

    I saw her on Dr. Phil and I agree that she is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. And to boot she is totally crazy!

    She is in need of extreme help but I do think if she starts receiving money that someone should hire a money person to see that the money is truly going to the babies.

  3. Jen says:

    I only have less little ones then this woman… and my house look like a storm ripped through it within 10 min of the kids waking up. We have them help clean-up before bed, but it’s a mess as soon as they wake-up again. Organization can be very helpful… I’m not the most organized person myself, but we are getting better. I do think someone needs to help show her a few pointers there, but over all the house looks lived in with lots of kids.

    And I do believe she does love her kids… I wish her the best of luck & health, happiness and tons of love for all of her kids!

  4. Whitey Fisk says:

    I cannot believe I am saying this, but she sounds semi-normal in this interview.

  5. Chiara says:

    Rehab of the image continues. Does this mean the state of California will be re-paid the 1M plus it’s owed on medical bills.

    In a brief two weeks we have the new mother Madonna.

  6. texasmom says:

    My house has looked worse. I was actually kind of glad when a hurricane DID rip through my house because it at least explained the mess. . . Now that my house is rebuilt I don’t have any excuses! As a friend with four little ones told me, “Anytime I see a house with a lot of kids and no mess, I think something’s wrong.”

  7. Lem says:

    I can’t believe I am going to defend the woman but here goes.
    First that’s not shocking video.
    Crayons and clothes on the floor. pft. When my daughter was 2 she took crayons to the wall hours after I had finished sponge painting it. There is paint on my dining room table that I’m putting off cleaning from our painting project 3 days ago. Toys, yep 6 kids are going to destroy one room while you’re cleaning up the other.
    Secondly, the hospital had no right to say she must put electric covers on the outlets unless they are prepared to inspect every home of every new parent. Newborns are not headed for the electric outlets just yet.
    You are right CB she could use some help with storage. It makes a huge difference. Mom always says you can’t keep a place clean unless everything has a place to go. A problem I still struggle with and Mom taught me well to use storage spaces. I do find however as soon as I get the storage system under control it’s christmas or summer and the need to redo storage elsewhere becomes apparent.
    I have friends w/o kids who’s houses are in much worse shape. I have friends w/ 8 kids and you have to move something aside to sit down or stand with one foot on the floor one foot on the sack of potatoes that didn’t quite fit in the cabinet. I have friends with 3 or 4 or 6 boys and the noise level in their houses in unbelievable, so are the holes in the wall where boys # 1 & #2 took boy #3 and swung him through the wall. That apparently is to be expected in large families.
    Lastly, I agree with Octo-mom. Even if I had the money I wouldn’t want a mansion. Mainly because I wouldn’t want to clean it. If in a groove I can hit my whole house top to bottom in less than an hour. I have friends that couldn’t even vacuum all the guest rooms in an hour. I also have friends that need a fleet of people who keep the house running. A maid, a gardener, a poolboy, a handyman. I see no reason to have(read:pay) that much help or that much space that you need that much help. (sorry got OT)
    If Octomom had a house with 15 bedrooms or 16 with an au pair she’d probably lose a child or two. My house has a small footprint and there are times I can’t find who I’m looking for. (mainly the DH though, he can really wander off lol)
    For the record I’m defending her apparently today. I am not blanket defending her.

  8. Anastasia Beaverhausen says:

    The house is about to be gone. What then? I think that’s really their biggest, most urgent issue right now. I mean, sure, four cribs. But put them where? In the street? They have to find a suitable place to live and fast. According to other articles, that house is no longer theirs on March 5. I doubt the babies will even be released by then. Then what?

    I’m not even watching the video. I’m over this woman and her drama and baby collecting. I really think the media should just start ignoring this story. If all those people want to help her locally, then they should go for it. Local people who see her often are in a better position to see that things are being taken care of, anyway, and that the mother is actually doing her part.

  9. CC says:

    Ophelia: I had Pogs!!!!

    This woman is nuts. I would love to see a family capable of taking care of 8 children have an open adoption with this woman. I dont think these babies should be adopted out individually though.

  10. Whitey Fisk says:

    I’m with ya, Lem. I’m in the midst of moving to a much smaller house right now, as a matter of fact, strictly because of the size. Too much of a good thing can turn into a huge burden pretty quickly. Like, um, *cough* 14 children *cough*.

    And texasmom, I am glad I’m not the only one who has wished for a natural disaster to justify the state of my house!

  11. Jackie says:

    My sister in law had premature babies. The hospital would not let her take them home until they checked out her living arrangements to be sure the children were equipped with everything they needed at home. This happened both times she had her kids and they were both preemies and they were about 2 years apart. Preemies need extra assistance in the fact that they are not fully develpoed and have special needs. So, I can see the hospital checking into her house. The electric outlets though I am sure are not about the babies…maybe the older children. I won’t watch the video. I have seen anough of this woman and I really feel for the kids. I just hope that all is taken care of in the best interest of these children. This woman has repulsed me since she started opening her mouth to the media. I just hope that everything works out for the best for these children and may God watch over them.

  12. the original kate says:

    what does it matter what her house looks like, as she will be losing it soon enough anyway? then what? i am sick of this crazy woman and her famewhoring. she makes me ill and i worry about those kids.

  13. Christine says:

    You kinow I belive she loves those kids but…..What would happen if you let your daughter bring home every hampster,gerbil,puppy,kitty,bunny,ferret,hedgehog…you get the point. There is laws in CA where i live biut keeping to many animals…..That is what i think of everytime i see her…She is like Paris Hilton and HER animals…They are children not puppys…

  14. Lennie says:

    I see nothing wrong with the state of her house. There are many many people living in apartments much smaller than this house with numerous kids. That being said, no she can’t fit 8 more there.

    (I only have 3 kids and a house twice as large, and my house looks like a train drove through it every afternoon.)

  15. Lifeis says:

    I watched a grandfather who definitely loves his grandchildren speak on Oprah’s show. I have watched Nayda speak about her babies, she may have a fixation, we all do with something or someone. However I do not find her delusional. I do not think she should be attacked nor offered a porn contract to help her.
    Do I think that she should be sterilized or have her babies taken from her. No.
    I have a grandson who was taken from my daughter in law and son , and it devestated him she went onto have a another high risk pregnancy to someone else after having 4 one with autismn one with downs. I helped with the first four as much as I could and would probably be a rich woman in money if i had not but would I sleep at night???
    Judge not yet ye be judged walk in anothers shoes. My mother taught me to look at things through another’s eyes.

    I would be the first to say yes she is a danger if i thought she was a danger.
    Mildly delusional is a broad term.She is well educated, could finish school.And with the help of those who have not lost their shirts the well to do’s in the world, she could use some help. Yes our tax dollars and I am certainly not rich but add up what social services pays families not just one but millions now because of the job shortages and find out how much we already pay out.

    The damage done to those children by taking them from a mom that loves them will far outweigh the dirty or cluttered house a missed bottle, a dirty diaper.
    Read CPS is not your friend here on the internet, and see if you would want them involved in your life. They dont need a reason, read it.

    God bless those children and the family.

  16. GrnMtGirl says:

    Ophelia & CC – I have a huge binder that is full of my kids Pogs (100’s of them) & I recently decided I was going to try to sell them since all my kids are adults and they haven’t even seen them for the last 10 years. As soon as my daughter saw the book she got totally excited and upset with me for even considering selling them. She took the binder from me and now uses them as “party” entertainment. It is kinda fun watching a bunch of young adults get so excited over a bunch of “milk caps.” Also, there is an awesome collection of slammers…

    As for the OctoMom – She is a whack job and no matter how much she tries to justify her position I believe that she is completely twisted.

  17. becca says:

    I’m not surprised the house looks like they way it does with six kids. And it’s going to look much worse IF she gets her other eight.

    If I were in charge of her octuplets, I wouldn’t give them to her. She’s got her hands full with what she has. Her life needs to be more stable.

  18. Amy says:

    I only have two preschoolers and our living room looks very similar at the moment. Crayon on the wall? You try avoiding it with six freaking kids at home! I know I have a few murals of my own.

    I think the woman is unhinged, but this hardly looks “shocking.”

  19. caribassett says:

    Honestly, I think she needs help with organization. It is just too much. It freaks me out a little looking at all of it.

  20. FFS says:

    That woman had no business having anymore children. She can’t take care of the six she has now.
    Oh wait, she “wants” a lot of children. I suppose that’s a good enough reason to have them.

  21. Christina says:

    her kids look relatively healthy… i really do hope the public offers this lady some help and doesn’t just jump to taking her kids away… that seems tragic to me… i’ve heard of so much worse child abuse stories… and it is very heartbreaking…

  22. OXA says:

    The kids deserve parents that out their needs first. Nadya puts what SHE Wants first, I hope they do not allow the babies to go home with her.

  23. MIA says:

    I am so fusterated with how Nadya went about getting the attention of the media but as for her home its fairly organized and looks like her kids are living in a normal envirement….8 more may be the challenge but you know that those babes are here now so we really have to think about them and thier future because it takes a village to raise a child…I think that being say Nadya will win over and get what she needs…sadly thats the way it works as there are so many compasionate people out there.

  24. May says:

    I really feel sorry for this family. She didn’t plan on having another 8 kids – she just didn’t want to flush the leftover babies to be down the loo and thought she’d just leave it up to mother nature.. not the brightest! I don’t think she’s all there but she clearly loves her kids and it annoys me the way everyone is tearing into her for every little thing now. Her house doesn’t look any worse that of any person with kids!

  25. CB Rawks says:

    “She didn’t plan on having another 8 kids”

    *Pounding head onto keyboard over and over.*
    For Christ’s sake.

  26. lin says:

    Why is there so much hype about her house having a little clothes around. I have a two year old who requires so much of my attention I could barely keep my house tidy. Nadya just needs a little help and her mom and dad can step in to help her with cleaning. I can’t stand the way people can talk so bad about one person without personally knowing someone. Get a life people.

  27. Kasi says:

    Judge NOT!! Come on people you know I bet atleast 90% of you people passing judgment on this womans house dont even have children or do but not living in the real world! Do you people think that a child is a trained proffessional specializing in house keeping? I have four children and I can for sure tell you that its not easy at all. I Have a very clean but messy home no matter how long I clean it always looks the same. As I was painting my oldest daughters room thinking I was making a wise decission by taking the whole day to transform her room into Hannah Montanas well all the while my 3 yr old was outside the bedroom painting the hallway with wonderful apple green paint on white walls! My Point is…. dont pass judgment unless you can run a trial in her home. Sometimes I think people just live in a fantasy world “NO” not my children they are scrubbing toilets with bleach when they learn to walk! give it a break ! but…but..its o.k. to adopt all the children you want (angelina & Brad) to have a nanny raise them and not a steady one either theres always a knew one in the picture! How about that? Ohhh I guess thats ok bacause they have MONEY !! right??