Kim Kardashian defends Kanye West’s wheelchair concert shenanigans


As I mentioned yesterday, Kim Kardashian was riding with Kanye West during his Australian tour dates. She had her own stuff to do, of course – she made appearances on behalf of her empire, and the impression I’ve gotten from the Australian press is that many Aussies sort of like Kim more than Kanye. Especially after Kanye yelled at some people in wheelchairs. Which is no biggie, because he’s a married Christian man and we all know that being a married Christian man makes one immune from criticism. Anyway, Kim decided to chime in on Wheelchair-Gate 2014. She posted this to her Instagram:

What an amazing Australian tour! Its frustrating that something so awesome could be clouded by lies in the media. Kanye never asked anyone in a wheel chair to stand up & the audience videos show that. He asked for everyone to stand up & dance UNLESS they were in a wheel chair. #JustWantedEveryoneToHaveAFunNight #TheMediaTwistsThings

[From Kim’s IG]

She’s sort of right about Kanye “never asking anyone in a wheelchair to stand up.” Kanye DEMANDED that everyone in the arena stand and until they stood, he would not perform. He did say that everyone needs to stand unless you’re in a wheelchair, but then he waited specifically on two people, not taking the audience’s word for it that they could NOT stand. It’s like Kim and Kanye would never consider the idea that perhaps he shouldn’t have stopped the entire show because of a couple people who just wanted to enjoy his show without being yelled at for their disability? Still, TMZ has another video from Kanye’s concert and he says he’s not going to apologize because HE is the victim. Of course. And there’s a rant about Matt Lauer too, #NoDisrespectToBenAffleck.

Kim also told Aussie media outlets that she and Kanye are “trying” to conceive a second baby as we speak and “I guess it’s, like, all in God’s hands.” YES! So it’s possible Kim and Duchess Kate could be pregnancy twinsies again!!!!


Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News.

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80 Responses to “Kim Kardashian defends Kanye West’s wheelchair concert shenanigans”

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  1. zana says:

    Of course she will. She does not have any other choice. He will scream at her if she does not and she will support him because it is because of him that she appeared in Vogue, got the GQ price and other deals. It is because of him that Kendall is signing up with top designers as a model (she is just average). All family is milking him until the end of this fake marriage.

    • Chem says:

      Neh, I don’t think she is average, she is more beautiful than the typical american girl but she is not supermodel beautiful. But definitely not average.

      • wendy says:

        I agree with you. I work in fashion. She has an amazing body for clothing, great hair and facial symmetry. She is working for big and lesser known designers too. Most people don’t even notice that it’s her in most shows cause there’s no press or anything following her around. She really is just like all the other working models. Whether or not she will be a supermodel is too soon to tell since she really only debuted a short time ago.
        Ask the average person not working in fashion if a model is beautiful and most people always say no. Cause they don’t get it.

      • Bob Loblaw says:

        She would be nowhere without the K name.

      • Chem says:

        Wow! A lot of negative people.
        She has something special, she seems angelical and pure.
        And Wendy, thanks I agree with you, I love fashion and I admire a lot of models that the rest of the people seem to not understand but I still find them beautiful.
        Definitely I see a future for her in fashion and it seems that she really want it and is responsible, looks are not the most important also responsability and professionalism.

        And I said that she is not supermodel because you can tell that she still needs much more experience to get there like most models, it can take years to finally make it.

    • pk says:

      Zana I agree with you 100%

    • jen says:

      She is average and has no charisma.

    • giggles says:

      I agree. I think once everyone in her disgusting family has their roots DEEP in the fashion ground the marriage will contractually end. Its a chess game, thats all. Without Kanye they would be filming that dumb show for eternity because lets face it, its all they had.

  2. Jen says:

    Wait, shouldn’t this story be about Kim actually looking good in clothes? That dress is.. flattering! It’s a miracle. She looks nice.

  3. littlemissnaughty says:

    Shut uuuuuuup! We all know the media can’t lie more than your ass.

  4. Mel M says:

    This is no surprise, they are both disgusting and have such twisted concepts of what being a decent human being means.

    • TX says:

      Yep. She totally misses the point that while yes, he didn’t demand those people in the wheelchairs stand up AFTER he found out they were in wheelchairs, that is not the issue. The issue is he DEMANDED people stand up, threw a fit when not everyone did, and stopped the show to totally humiliate those who couldn’t stand up. He even complained about how long the verification process was taking. Well, you unhinged lunatic, if you weren’t demanding verification of someones disability, it wouldn’t take so long, now would it?

      Then he says “Oh, you fine!” No. eff you Kanye. You just totally embarrassed them, and it’s not ok.

      /end rant

      • Mo cheeks says:

        I think the point is – those people paid to be there! They can do whatever the hell they want to in their seats and kayne should bow down and thank his fans for supporting him. This guy is a delusional spoiled brat. His rudeness and complete lack of insight is on display for all to see. One day he is going to be the old man who can’t stand up at an award show or something and I personally hope he gets ridiculed .

      • TX says:

        Mo- I agree with that point as well! He was wrong on several levels (as usual)

    • Anne tommy says:

      Idiot k defends idiot k. Idiotically.

  5. Jem says:

    AH-HA! Now we know why Kanye is in such a crappy mood… Kim is hitting him up for sex and another baby! This explains EVERYTHING!

  6. Sam says:

    What a crock. He actually stopped the concert until his security could confirm the guy was actually in a wheelchair. What would have happened if the guy wasn’t?

    This whole thing makes me irrationally angry. My sister has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and sometimes just can’t move around much. She uses a wheelchair on occassion, but usually doesn’t. You can’t actually tell she’s disabled by looking at her. If somebody tried to make her “confirm” her disability, she couldn’t do it, short of calling her doctor.

    This really seems to have damaged the Kanye brand, and hopefully it keeps on going and really screws with him. He deserves it at this point.

    • Ag says:

      not to mention, the people who chose not to stand up didn’t owe kanye (or anyone) an explanation regarding their disability or lack thereof. who the hell does he think he is?

      • Sam says:

        I just don’t get it. I’ve been to plenty of concerts in which a performer will shout for everyone to “get up and dance.” It happens a lot. But they just keep going with the show. This is the first I’ve ever heard of a peformer actually refusing to go on unless everyone stands up. People who can and want to stand will. Those who can’t won’t. Who cares if a few people are not standing? Then again, if you’re actually talented, you can probably fill up the venue enough so that the few sitting people won’t cause any disruption to you. I’m starting to think that Kanye is suffering from a fragile ego.

      • lisa says:

        i rarely stand in concerts and there is nothing wrong with me. having some troll demand i do so would just make me more committed to sitting.

    • Kiddo says:

      I think your anger is rational.

    • MsMercury says:

      Your anger is rational. I am sick of people treating others like garbage you cannot diagnose someone based on what they look like. It would have been wonderful if Kanye had just a little respect for the people who came to his show. I mean if people want to stand that’s great but if people want to sit let them.

      • booboochile says:

        The problem with you plebs, is that you’re treating Kanye like he’s a mortal. Kanye is not mortal he is Yeezuz, which is why he married a narcoleptic faced cyborg whose batteries he can change every 100 years.
        That’s the problem I think, just because he manifests to us in human form we keep forgetting this crucial distinction.
        What he was trying to do is called a miracle, which another similarly named deighty performed various times in, I don’t quite remember the exact dates, so for purposes of simplicity I’ll call them the the times of yore.
        You see a big part of the working of miracles is faith….I’m sad to say that there was no faith in that audience and even worse no faith in us. We are a feckless lot, it’s a problem the other dude i was telling you about from the times of yore suffered from. This is a damn shame and it can be devastating on a god who is just trying to save us from ourselves.

        ‘And the Yeezuz said, get up and dance.’ Those audience members should have had faith and gotten up and danced.

        This story could have had a happy ending…and lo and behold he got up and danced and this was pleasing in the lord’s eyes. Amen. I believe in the one true Yeezus! I believe in thy divinity.

    • lucy2 says:

      I think your anger is rational too.
      I have no issue with a performer encouraging the audience to sing along or get up and dance or whatever, but to come to a dead stop like that, and WHINE about having to wait so long! Say it and keep performing – if it’s energetic, the people who can/want to get up, will.
      And from what I remember of the video, he asked like 3 times if they were in a wheelchair, and the whole audience was screaming YES! back at him. That was bad enough, but I feel like it anyone else had done that, they would have then apologized and made a nice gesture like backstage passes or something. Instead he’s crying about being the victim, AGAIN. For his own behavior, AGAIN.

      • booboochile says:

        I’ve been preaching the gospel according to Yeezus for a while now and as one of the faithful, I only have this to say. Hopefully it will guide you in the direction of those who will be deemed worthy. Do you remember an HBO series called the left overs? Beware that this does not happen to you who rebukes our lord. I’m not quite sure what happened myself, I am trying to rewatch the series again but I have no doubt it was something sinister for the faithless. I will get back to you. The books are no help either and are more puzzling than the series, but i have faith it will all make sense and I shall get back to you with a synopsis, together with a dvd of the said concert in Australia and we can mull over it together. Praise Yeezus my friend and may his blessings be upon you.

        Yours sincerely
        Blessed be his name.

  7. Mon says:

    Yes, they also don’t seem to be able to comprehend that now and again they can simply be wrong… Both of them are pathetic

  8. Rita says:

    I personally think this was all a PR stunt but I have some words of wisdom for Mr. Kayne.

    If you have to rant at your audience to get them to rise to their feet for a performance, you’re not doing your job in the first place.

    • Brittney B says:

      Yes!! That’s what I’ve been thinking since the story first came out. But Kanye can’t even see past his own inflated head to realize how pathetic it is to force fans out of their seats, instead of just wowing them in the first place.

      He genuinely believes they’re blessed to be in his presence and should cater to his every whim… no concept of the fact that he wouldn’t have a career at all if it weren’t for them.

      • Rita says:

        Jesus said, “Rise and walk”, and it was so.

        Yeezus demanded, “Get that cracker off his ass” and it was not so.

    • Josephine says:

      Absolutely. i think he was just irritated that so few people showed up. The venue looked mighty empty, and those who were there were apparently not standing before his rant.

      They are both just horrible, horrible people who have no soul or conscience whatsoever.

  9. MsMercury says:

    I will say this again but some people have “invisible disabilities” and some people cannot stand up for a long time or walk or dance. You cannot always look and tell if someone is disabled. Kanye and Kim are both idiots.

    • Brittney B says:

      Yes, this is a very important point, and more people need to talk about it.

      George Takei caught some flack recently for posting a meme with a woman standing up from her wheelchair to reach a higher shelf in a store. Lots of people chimed in about their own “invisible” disabilities, and he didn’t even apologize for his able-ism… just whined about people not taking a joke. It made me lose a lot of respect for him.

      • Mel M says:

        Yeah, I stopped following him on FB a while ago because of something similar. He wants his rights respected but doesn’t seem to understand that in order to have respect you have to give it and everyone wants respect.

  10. Tiffany27 says:

    Being his wife has to suck. You know she posted that on Instagram because he ranted all night and probably asked to proofread it before she posted it.

    • Ruyana says:

      Yes, and other gossip sites are already full of “Kim’s turned into a Stepford Wife”, and Kanye is too controlling and putting too much pressure on her. Pimp Mama is laying the groundwork for “he’s a bad husband – time to divorce him” for Kimmode.

  11. Jennifer says:

    If I paid Kanye’s ticket prices, I’d sit in the f’ing seat if I wanted to! Screw you, Smidget.

    • Mo cheeks says:

      Right! I’m surprised they didn’t start throwing stuff at him. I was once at a festival concert in houston where the warm up to the beastie boys wouldn’t stop talking instead of playing and the crowd retaliated by throwing shoes bottles chairs etc at him. Kayne is lucky he got away with reprimanding and putting demands on his paying customers

  12. kri says: I just-I can’t -nevermind. Make them go away please.

    • Gypsy says:

      Yeah! But in this case the point is the Media lied, they lied and made people who trust them look like a fool for condemning on a lie, if there was no video and audio we would still be believing the Media reports.
      The Media likes to lie when the truth isn’t sexy enough, or they feel there are fools like me out there believing and reacting to everything they say, I’m just sorry it took the video for me to know the truth.

  13. briargal says:

    Kim reminds me of a ventriloquist’s (sp) dummy. She just spouts out whatever people want her to say–namely her papwhore mom and now her sicko hubby. Does she even have a brain to think with? Just say what they want you to say, wear fancy clothes and smile for the camera and she is playing her part okay!

    • briargal says:

      I should have said “pose for the camera” as she seldom smiles. Like she is numb to the world and what’s really going on around her.

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        There really is something so soulless and…robotic about her. It’s not just her mask-like veneer, it’s her astounding one-dimensionality.
        She’s just entirely without depth of any kind.

    • MaggieOwns says:


    • Gypsy says:

      I’m sorry, though I’d love to agree with you, but your assumptions are totally false.
      You try this:
      Kim, a woman with no discernible talents, and though beautiful, she is not a standout from the beautiful women of Cali, she has been able to be the driving force in turning all that non-talent into an empire for her and her family, she is definitely the most photographed woman in this period and judging by her supporters and her enemies the most talked about woman in this period.
      If she doesn’t have a brain, and she made herself and he family multi-millionaires and she is greatly famous and infamous at the same time and her and her brand are now international, THEN perhaps we don’t need brains then?

      Would you advise people to become brainless to achieve her success?

      • Gypsy says:

        I should add that I am not defending Kim Kardashian, but I admire and respect success, when you have millions and billions of people trying to achieve that success and the very few who are able to achieve that without killing or hurting other people, then you must give those few their proper respect, for otherwise you are saying those other millions/billions of people are less than brainless.
        Remember only 2% of the world population are multi-millionaires, (10+).

      • Bob Loblaw says:

        There is nothing admirable about her success or her greed. You may deceive yourself into believing she has admirable qualities but I see none. She is selfish, self-involved, self-interested; her book will be titled “Selfish”, take the hint, she’s a grifting pariah, a boil on the butt of pop culture. I’ll save my respect for people who earn it.

      • briargal says:

        SHE would be nothing without her papwhore mom!! Kris is the brains behind this horrible family. Kim is just a robot!!

  14. joy says:

    It’s hard to twist something that there is hard and fast video evidence of. Oh here let me verify your disability. Idiots.

  15. Zimmer says:

    Of course she has to compete with Duchess Kate b/c she’s America’s royalty.

  16. lower-case deb says:

    wouldn’t it be amusing to see a day where everyone brings a wheelchair to a Kanye show, of there being a wheelchair-rental booth at the South entrance of a venue because that’s the only way you can sit down.

    everyone sitting down and being like a respectful classical-music concertgoer, Wimbledon-clapping in between set changes.

    it’ll be nice.

    • Sam says:

      I would love to see that. Pack the first 10 rows with people in wheelchairs, scooters and prosthetic limbs. I’d love to see some wealthy people buy up some tickets and distribute them to some brave souls who’d be willing to troll Kanye big-time.

  17. Nilber says:

    I have 9 discs fused and I have psuedotumor cerebri and chrones. Do I “look” disabled or sick? Not really unless you teally know me then maybe you can tell I am in pain. I am not a fan and usually just more amused than offended at these morons antics but this took it to far for me. I don’t care how you twist it this guy has gotten out of control and is getting worse. He is just unbalanced. My only real hope is North doesn’t get his wrath. Wonder if his unhinged behavior has more to do with his A list friends pulling away than his marriage to Kim?

  18. Eli says:

    I saw photos of Kim in this dress yesterday and I thought she looked somewhat nice. The color suits her, although the dress is a tiny bit tight…much better than some of her other looks.
    UNTIL….I saw the close up of this dress. UGH! The way that it’s cut. That V shape. No Thank you.

  19. TheCountess says:

    Why is she wearing granny panties over her skirt?

  20. Kelly says:

    NO! I don’t think I can survive another nine month stint of K Kardashian maternity fashion.

  21. Gypsy says:

    Quote: “He did say that everyone needs to stand unless you’re in a wheelchair”

    Why didn’t the media report that, and they instead made me look like a fool condemning Kanye as “arrogant a** trying to force wheelchair bound people to stand, I made some really stupid comments because of the Media reports, now that I have seen the video, I’m the a** for believing the Media reports…never again!

    Please ignore my earlier comments about the subject.

    • latoya says:

      Many media outlets did report the exact quote. They also said he waited for security to verify that two people were in a wheelchair. Calling attention to someone for their handicap for some people could be embarrassing. I know I would be.

      • Gypsy says:

        If I were you I’d stop quoting the Media because we now know they lied, and watch the actual video.
        when it comes to the Tabloids, the truth is never sexy enough so they lie (aka. sex-it-up)

  22. Bess says:

    When is this blow up doll’s 15 minutes up??

    • Nicolette says:

      I’ve been wondering the same thing for a long time. Don’t think it will ever be up though amazingly.

  23. Clem says:

    This whole “trying to conceive” thing seems fishy to me. I would not be surprised if Kim’s next “platform” (woven into KUWTK story lines) is infertility/secondary infertility. She would make the rounds on all the talk shows and magazines, and eventually end up pregnant or with a surrogate. To publically announce (and not even through a “source”!) that they are trying to conceive is TMI, even for the Kardashian Klan, unless they are doing it for a specific reason. And the “it’s in God’s hands” would play into that story line.

    • lower-case deb says:

      i have no idea why she would place her procreational faith on Diego Maradona.

    • ketjo says:

      Honey the surrogate has already been in hiding , all they are waiting for is for her to be safely pregnant and Kim has a whole closet full of baby bellies hanging in her closet one for every month……. Cause she is not going to put herself though that again….

  24. Nudgie says:

    Alternative Australian newspaper title:

    “Kanye West doesn’t defend Kim Kardashian about anything.”

  25. islandwalker says:

    Of course she supports him, she is dumb as a cork. (No offense to all the fine corks out there.)

  26. ketjo says:

    At the very moment Kris is planning out the divorce campaign of terror to gander all the sympathy she can for Poor ..misguided…Kim…. Kanye effectively flushed his dieing Rapping/music career down the toilet with that last fiasco ….Playing 1/2 filled venues will not earn the millions he need to get out of debt or support his design career. NOr her ambition to be a true not make believe millionairess that she pretends to be….She will dump him and look around for a bigger fish to fry…..and I don’t think his shakely ego can take it…he is a legalized lunatic who is not sane…

  27. Nicolette says:

    No doubt she did, everything they do is perfect don’t you know. No matter whom they offend, it doesn’t matter. Not to them. They are God’s gift and we should just all be thankful that we get to share the same air and space as they do.

  28. Keiley says:

    Her face is scary imo. It looks like she’s injected the top half with so much crap that it’s disproportionate to her chin. Plus the fact that she can hardy move it any more. She has deadface

  29. yoyogabba123 says:

    It asinine of him to expect everyone to stand up for him, like he’s royalty. Kanye- you’re just a rapper, not God’s gift to man. It is so unkind and irrational to point out someone’s disability. I’m no longer going to listen to his music.

  30. ickythump says:

    As someone said in a post yesterday he forgets he is the court jester not the king…

  31. Tristan says:

    She is as disgusting & gross as her revolting jackass “husband”. Birds of a feather……

  32. jenn says:

    I just cannot stand that lower lip

  33. word says:

    What if someone just didn’t want to stand? Why does Kanye care? They paid for the ticket and shouldn’t be forced to stand up. He is a jackass. Of course Kim is trying to get pregnant again…she needs the attention because she has nothing else going on right now. Also, since motherhood is sooo easy for her, why wouldn’t she pop out another one? It’s not like she has to actually take care of her kids…she just has to dress them up and parade them around for the paps. I’m going to be pissed if the second one is a boy and all of a sudden Kanye is holding him and taking him everywhere…he hasn’t done that with Nori at all.