Kanye West befriended some ladies at a NOLA bachelorette party this weekend


This photo ^^ is one of the most amazing things I’ve seen all week. Apparently, Kanye West was in New Orleans over the weekend and he went out to dinner with some friends/business associates. They ended up at Galatoire’s on Bourbon Street. Also at the restaurant? A group of women celebrating a bachelorette party. Apparently, Kanye thought the girls were having fun and he wanted to spread the love, so he sent over a bottle of champagne to their table. The ladies went over to thank him and everyone said he was really lovely and he even agreed to pose for this amazing photo.

Kanye West surprised a bachelorette party in New Orleans with his charming — yes, charming — demeanor this weekend. We’re told the “Yeezus” rapper and husband of Kim Kardashian was having dinner at famed French-Creole eatery Galatoire’s on Bourbon Street Saturday night with a group of tech heavies, including Dropbox founder Drew Houston and Ben Horowitz, co-founder of the venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz.

The men sat a few tables away from a party celebrating a bride’s upcoming wedding. We’re told by a patron that the usually antisocial West sent a bottle of Champagne to the bride-to-be and her friends.

When the ladies went over to West’s table to thank him for the bubbly, spies said West “wished the bride well and said that getting married was ‘the best thing that’s happened to him.’”

West was also fascinated by the metallic temporary tattoos the women were wearing on their arms, and took pictures of the eye-catching body art. Onlookers described West as “really nice and soft-spoken.” Who knew?

[From Page Six]

This is just a nice story, isn’t it? I’d like to believe that Kanye is more like this in his private life, when the cameras are away and no one is recording his every move and word. It’s probably more like 50/50 though – half the time he’s a sweet guy who just wanted to do something nice for a happy bachelorette party and half the time he’s the guy who yells at people in wheelchairs. #leatherjeggings #nodisrespecttoBenAffleck

Here’s another pic from NOLA – one of the bride-to-be’s friends posted it with the message: “just a pic of the bachelorette thanking kanye for the bottle of champagne he bought for us. #nobigdeal #bobonbourbon.”


Photos courtesy of Instagram, WENN.

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33 Responses to “Kanye West befriended some ladies at a NOLA bachelorette party this weekend”

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  1. Kitten says:

    No! Don’t make me like him….

  2. Ollyholly says:

    Aw. I can’t help it, I like him.

  3. Jules says:

    Wow, Mr Kardouchian smiled……………

  4. Sayrah says:

    I love these softer side of Kanye stories we get every 6 months or so.

    • Tapioca says:

      He has dubious taste in wives and has developed a raging ego, but when he first emerged he was always billed as the nice guy rapper. I can easily believe he’s still capable of being a perfectly pleasant human being when not raging about his art or perceived snubs by the fashion industry!

      • Sozual says:

        You hit the nail the head. I would bet anything he is a sweetheart when he is not raging. Although I enjoy his art rages.

  5. Cupcake says:

    Maybe it was just done for publicity?

    • BabyBird says:

      I actually think it’s the opposite. I genuinely think kanye is a good guy, but people think he’s a a**hole because of his larger-than-life persona. He knows exactly what he’s doing. There is kanye west the entertainer and kanye west the man. And because he’s the man people love to hate, genuine moments seem ungenuine. So really it doesn’t matter what he does/says because people will still hate him.

      And when people get mad that he doesn’t smile in pictures, I truly think he suffers from “resting bitch face”, and unfortunately his little girl inherited that. I too have it and nothing makes you not want to smile more than somebody telling you to smile 😐

  6. paola says:

    no. You’ll never make me like him.
    I’m sure even HE is nice once in a while when he’s not calling off people on wheelchairs or trying to get involved in fights with paparazzi. Doesn’t change the fact he is batshit crazy and absolutely conviced of being the reincarnation of Jesus. (which makes Kim his Mary Magdalene. LOL)

  7. OhDear says:

    This is awesome.

  8. Candy Love says:

    Yap still don’t like him.

  9. Jaderu says:

    Very nice thing for him to do. However I think if the women had not come over to thank him and pay respect at the Yeezus alter, this story would be slightly different and full of hilarious Kanye rantyness.
    Maybe if you get him away from the Kartrashian gang for a little bit he relaxes and acts…human?
    Questions for the ages.

  10. Sara says:

    not changing my opinion of him but first picture is beautifully awkward.

  11. Dawn says:

    Oh come on! The guy sent over a bottle, one bottle. Was it a nice thing to do? Yep. But it isn’t like he picked up their tab for the whole night or anything like that. Does it make up for the rest of his stunts? Nope. But I will say, it is more than any other Kardashian would do and leave it at that.

    • Candy Love says:

      I agree with everything you said.

    • Dani Lakes DDS says:

      Are you seriously condemning him bc his nice gesture want grand enough?! Only one bottle? Not like he picked up tha tab? SERIOUSLY? He didn’t HAVE to do ANYTHING. You sound ridiculous.

  12. L&Mmommy says:

    I always had a soft spot for Kanye especially when he smiles but since he got in bed with the K people it’s been harder to like him but deep deep deep down the love is still there for me.

  13. Mingy says:

    oh pls..the douche is still strong..will always prevail.

  14. Lucy says:

    Hahaha aw, that was nice of him.

  15. the chick leaning in close... says:

    *cropping every other b***h out of this picture