Lohan’s two week relationship is in trouble, no news here

Both the NY Daily News and the NY Post are running stories today about the troubled relationship between Lindsay Lohan and her new paramour with the roving eye, Calum Best. It’s not like they’re pulling a Star/National Enquirer and have the same story, either. Each paper has different juicy details about how Best is playing the field and Lohan is freaking out. Have these two even been together for two weeks yet?

Highlights from the NY Post’s Page Six:
Lohan was screaming in the penthouse at the Soho Grand Hotel on Monday night. They moved the very loud argument to the lobby, where Calum was seen with torn clothes, then they went back upstairs. Calum was seen collecting phone numbers from models at Cipriani Downtown on Sunday – when he was there with Lohan, and that was said to have prompted the fight.

The NY Daily News reports on the same fight Monday night, and has a different story. They say Lohan was screaming about how Best was cheating on her. She wanted to give him a piece of her mind, but she couldn’t find his suite because they’re not staying together. When other guests complained about how loud she was, staff showed her to her room.

They also say that another woman was in Best’s hotel room when he asked to have the mini bar restocked at 4 a.m. last week. To tip the delivery person, he pointed to a pile of money on the table and told him to help himself because “It’s Lindsay’s money. I don’t care.”

While we reported yesterday that Lohan and Best were moving in together, that might be untrue. It seems Lohan was comped a condo and Best is just along for the ride. Since he isn’t even staying in the same hotel room as she is, it’s doubtful he’d spend more than a handful of nights at her new place – if he’s even still around after she moves in.

Lohan is shown at Maxim’s Hot 100 party. She was inexplicably given the top spot on the list.

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