Steve Harvey’s revolting matchmaker site will help women be ‘more dateable’

Steve Harvey

Steve Harvey is a real piece of work. His cushy day job as the host of Family Feud (since 2010) has granted him plenty of downtime. He’s used this luxury to dream up ways to place women where they belong (in his eyes). Steve wrote a book called Straight Talk, No Chaser: How to Find, Keep, and Understand a Man. He puts on the “God-fearing” persona and lectures women about how to keep their man, but Steve has treated his own wives terribly. Steve’s 2nd wife, Mary, put up with him for 16 years. Steve had no problem cheating on her and leaving her homeless (after he took their son) after she supported him during their tough times. Steve even sued Mary for telling her side of the story.

Steve is still married to his third wife, Marjorie. They’ve been together since 2007, and he recently gifted her with a Rolls Royce for her 50th birthday. That’s how Steve keeps his women happy. Let’s hope (for Marjorie’s sake) that she never has to deal with the horrors reported by his 2nd wife. Steve has always said that men and women can never be platonic friends. He’s decided (out of the “goodness” of his heart) to help women land a man for life. How? With a new dating website called Delightful. The site looks as corny as it sounds. For a mere $30 per month, Steve promises to help women become “more dateable.” AS IF:

Harvey on Mars vs. Venus: “Women are wired differently. The one thing I know about women is women don’t really want to just date. They want to date with the hope that it leads to a relationship. A man doesn’t have any problem at all dating several or a wide variety of people until he finds the right one. A lot of women have that biological clock that ticks in them.”

The pitch: Delightful will cater primarily to women, but also to men with a womanly interest in settling down. For women, there will be advice columns on topics such as “how to become more dateable.”

Women should stop being so picky: “Your soulmate, the man of your dreams, may not live an hour away.”

Men aren’t perfect either: Men, meanwhile, need tutoring in the fine points of chivalry, like always walking in between one’s date and the street to protect her from traffic. “It’s sad to say, but the divorce rate in this country is so high, there are a lot of young men out there, quality men, who’ve never been told, ‘Hey man, this is the proper way to treat a lady.'”

Why Delightful is better than cheaper or free dating sites: “Now, you can hit it, just like you can go to Vegas and hit the triple sevens on the Super Lotto, but you’re going to have to put a lot of coins in it.”

What, Delightful isn’t for you? “We’re not looking for one specific person, per se. If you’re in a period of your life where you don’t feel like you need a protector, we can probably find you a guy who doesn’t want to be a protector.”

[From Forbes]

Whatever, dude. Steve is a womanizer, a cheater, and a guy who’s already been married three times. His current wife receives lavish gifts, which may or may not be the reason she’s around for 7 years.

I shouldn’t waste my energy being offended by Steve Harvey. Some men and women believe in gender stereotypes, and they’ll likely appreciate a website that feed their delusions beliefs. The main issue that I have is that Steve wants to make both men and women learn how to appeal to each other by faking it. Steve is selling “scripts” on how to speak to the other sex. These methods have nothing to do with actual compatibility. Does that even matter? I guess if someone is “looking for a good time,” then scripts are a decent method to get there. But Steve is selling the promise of long-term compatibility in a relationship. He’s feeding the promise of marriage to his subscribers. All of this is coming from a guy who cheated on his wives and left them with a whole lot of nothing.

Here’s a photo of Steve with his 3rd wife, Marjorie. Good luck to her.

Steve Harvey

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet

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83 Responses to “Steve Harvey’s revolting matchmaker site will help women be ‘more dateable’”

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  1. Calabar says:

    I usually agree with this site, but that was just a snarky commentary out of no where. I bet you don’t even listen to his radio show . Maybe you will get a better perspective where he is coming from.

    • Brrrrr says:

      He has a TV talkshow that airs in my country which I caught recently and to borrow from Chris Rock, I could not believe what the f**k I was witnessing. The entire audience is comprised of middle aged women who apparently show up to be fed some truly insulting bs about how “the man does the chasing but the woman must do the keeping” and my personal favorite “no man marries a woman who brought the sex to him”. I concluded that either the women in the audience were tricked into attending the filming or are deeply self loathing beings. The alternative, that there are women still stuck in this mentality, is just too bleak to contemplate.

      • K says:

        I married a guy where I brought the sex to him. We’ve been married a decade, two kids, going great thanks.

        Am I really that groundbreaking and unusual? Something tells me… probably not!

      • Lauraq says:

        I brought the sex to a guy one time. I told him no strings necessary. Somehow, we are now engaged (in my defense, he was very persuasive)…

    • Anon33 says:

      I am very familiar with steve’s talking points, thank you very much. If you are also steeped in gender stereotypes and believe in that sh8t, which I don’t, maybe you can relate to it. But I’m a strong independent woman who makes more than her husband (and he’s fine with it) so I’m obviously not his target audience.

      • Calabar says:

        i guess we all watch 2 different shows because when I listen to Steve Harvey, his message to women is always raise your standards, don’t have sex in the first 30 days or 60 days so that you can really get to know the guy. Make the guy open the door for you, make him take out your chair before you sit. These are the things he constantly preaches. That we teach men how to train us.

        So I guess we all are watching 2 different shows. I welcome difference of opinion.

        I was listening to his radio show the other day and he was taking calls on how to be successful. This man does so much for the community. He constantly gives back.

        Also, someone said something about his movies, I will take his movies any day over Tyler Perry’s movies.

      • HH says:

        @Calabar – As the article basically stated, if one already subscribes to the traditional gender roles, then I don’t think anything Steve Harvey says would be offensive. In fact, anything he says should only be reserved for that audience. What he says is not for the general public or anyone that intends to grow/change with the times.

      • K says:

        @Calabar – “his message to women is always raise your standards, don’t have sex in the first 30 days or 60 days so that you can really get to know the guy. Make the guy open the door for you, make him take out your chair before you sit. These are the things he constantly preaches. That we teach men how to train us.”

        Why are those positives? How about treating a human being as another human being and, you know – taking it from there?

      • Tiffany :) says:

        “but also to men with a womanly interest in settling down.”

        It is very interesting that he says settling down is a womanly interest, yet he is married.

    • Marigold says:

      Where he’s coming from is that women need to change who they are to trick and manipulate men into wanting them. I’ve watched his hideous daytime talk show and over and over again he tells women how they need to behave. They basically have to change their whole personality to snag a man while all a man needs to do is hold open a door and compliment her dress. Women literally have to become different people if they follow his advice. But men never have to stop being a**holes. See, those men just aren’t ready to date. They need to just be single and fun. And oh, yeah, women can’t be like that. Because that’s unbecoming and slutty and every lady should hold onto their cookie. Yes, that’s what he calls sex-a women’s cookie! It’s all a bunch of horsesh*t.

      • QQ says:

        Thanks anon and Marigold for deadibg this sh-t…he is the absolute most mysoginistic condescending patriarchy toothy melted playdoh abs ill fitting suits wife abandonding bad enunciator worst

        I’ll Take advice from #notAllMen redditors before i listen to his faux bening claptrap…. At least I’ll see their crappy intentions from the gate and they wont be dressed in Stacy Adams suits and bad comedy

      • deehunny says:

        @QQ, I’m on Reddit all the time and just checked out They seem to espouse the awesomeness of being an alpha vs. beta, or are they just into being proud manly men? Some of the links left me confused.

        For those who are curious about what makes an alpha male, “more instinctively attractive to women…”

    • Steph says:

      He should call it what it is: “Grooming”. He turns my stomach.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Out of nowhere? Really? I think maybe you’re the one who doesn’t get where he’s coming from. About 1850.

    • starrywonder says:

      Sorry I am familiar with him and he’s an @$$. Seriously have you seen the movies made based on his books? All it is is that as a black woman you need to stop being picky about the men you choose to date and start acting like a lady and blah blah blah. Really it is all about how as a woman you need to become more like a woman (dress nicely, cook, clean, etc.) to keep your man happy. Steve Harvey can go pound sand.

      • QQ says:

        Also Starry it could be called : You’re expected to love/defend/defer/protect/serve and embrace us 100% But we gon have us some 1950s standards for you lil lady…cause we know how whorish and out of line YOU can get

      • starrywonder says:

        @QQ word. I am so tired of his schtick. Glad his last movie Think Like a Man 2 bombed.

    • Kitten says:

      This dude has always been a misogynistic pr*ck. I’m surprised any woman would defend him.

  2. fairyvexed says:

    Good luck? She’ll need it. These dudes never change; they just get better at lying.

    • Christin says:

      And buying gifts for all to see. Instead of show-off flowers, he’s into gifting a show-off car for his woman.

      A super expensive car does not cancel out a history of being a jerk in previous relationships.

      • homegrrl says:

        A tell tale sign of a man who is perpetually and deeply remorseful the continued exorbitance of loving contrition!

  3. Dana says:

    How is this offensive? It’s just old fashion.

    • Kara says:

      Haha! Who knew there were such strong feelings of hatred towards Steve Harvey. He sounds like a fool, but the use of the word “revolting” in the headline definitely threw me off. Maybe eye roll inducing?

    • Denise says:

      Much of what is ‘old fashioned’ is offensive.

      • Linn says:

        Offensive or at least a bit silly. Why on earth should a woman need a man to “protect her from traffic”. And what does a poor woman do if she has to walk somebody without a man at her side?

        Being treated like a Lady can be nice sometimes, but foremost I want to get treated like a capable human being.

      • Sara says:

        Linn not only that, how would a man protect a woman from traffic? stop a bus with his body?

    • jaime says:

      I agree with “old fashioned” not being offencive, what is modern thinking is a lot more offencive generally spreaking than old fashioned chivalry. Sometimes scripts are necessary for keeping a healthy relationship, ie when you want to punch your partner in the face for saying something that upset you, you don’t threaten (or actually punch them) or start crying to show how much they hurt you… you take a deap breath and think about the best way to explain how they upset you and ask them to not do it again… that’s a script, that’s healthy. You cant always just react without thinking, this is someone you live with, there will be times when they piss you off, knowing the best way to communicate your feelings is a good thing (especially since the whole premise is that men and womens brains are qired differently, what you say/ mean can be taken completely differently than intended). Scripts are not tricking persay, they are guildlines to effectively communicating.

      Also I lile chivalry, and tell my partner as much. If we are the only people in this world who are meant to make eachother feel appreciated and loved, then it makes sense that he would hold a door for me if he is walking in front (that’s something strangers do for each other, why nof their partners?).

      • Linn says:

        I fail to see how anything you said has to do with chivalry.
        Of course one shouldn’t punch/threaten his/her partner and hold the door if one is walking in front, but that’s just normal, polite behaviour that everybody (male or female) should do.

        Chivalry refers to man only and includes such rules as “walking in between one’s date and the street to protect her from traffic” which seems pointless at best and insulting at worst as it implies that women are generally incapable to walk along a street and need a man to protect them.

        Nothing speaks against making your partner feel appreciated and loved but it goes both ways.
        And every couple should decide on how to do so themselves instead of following some stupid outdated rules layed out based on gender sterotypes decades/centuries ago.

      • Kitten says:

        Tell you what, you don’t have to be offended–I’ll be offended for the both of us.
        Old-fashioned? Yes old-fashioned as in pre-Women’s Suffrage Movement.

        See the Blake Lively Antebellum post from today if you don’t understand why many of us are miffed that someone would want to celebrate that time in American history.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        My husband walks on the outside when we’re on the street, and he opens doors for me and is in charge of bugs. That’s the way he was brought up. But he would never spout off this vomit-inducing bs about a man have a “womanly” need to settle down, or women having to manipulate men into remaining in a relationship, or that all women want is marriage. You can be a modern gentleman. This guy is just a smug, misogynist opportunist.

    • K says:

      So is blackface, and criminalising homosexuality.

      Bigotry is offensive, however traditional.

    • Isabelle says:

      Your right, a cheating man is old fashion its been going on for thousands & thousands of years.

  4. Dani2 says:

    But why is he supposed to be some sort of authority on how women should act/good relationships? Where is this coming from lol? It honestly makes me laugh.

    • happymama says:

      That’s what I was wondering. Why and how is Steve Harvey someone people turn to for life and romance advice? How is he qualified? He better watch out for the Family Feud curse!

  5. Lindy79 says:

    His teeth are hypnotic

  6. LAK says:

    So it’s ‘the rules’ 2.0 then?!

  7. Luca76 says:

    He’s a jerk and his popularity with women shows how we can be our own worst enemies.

  8. Tiffany27 says:

    He sounds like one of those “don’t date a woman who won’t cook you a meal” men. No thanks.

    • starrywonder says:

      He is. And don’t date a woman that doesn’t clean her kitchen, bathroom, is not groomed at all times.

  9. greenmonster says:

    Uhm… not really offended by the meaning behind his website. I believe that women and men are wired differently. I was reading Matthew Hussey’s “Get the Guy…” before I met my boyfriend and it gave me a lot to think about.

    But I have no idea who this guy is and what he did to his several ex-wifes. So, yeah he can be a total jerk in private.

  10. Soporificat says:

    Steve Harvey, social scientist. Oh, wait, I got confused, he just plays one on TV.

  11. Karen says:

    I was home sick yesterday and watched his show. A couple asked how to deal with an awkward situation. He took a naked snapchat picture of his girlfriend (again without her knowledge) because he thought would be funny to send to her… but accidentally sent it to her mom. Not once did anyone/steve mention that you should Never take a naked picture of someone else without their permission? Esp just because it’s funny you can take one without the target noticing.

    • Frida_K says:

      Wow. That’s a violation on so many levels. If I were dating someone who grabbed a nudie of me when unawares, that would be the end of the relationship. There’s nothing the guy could say that would make it ok after the fact. And he sent it to her mother? How very hostile and such a Freudian slip to boot.

      Tsk, tsk, tsk.

      As to Steve Harvey–he is revolting. His ideologies are antediluvian and his teeth look like he got his veneers at Home Depot in the aisle where you get tiles to cover your kitchen backsplash.

      • JudyK says:

        Have watched several episodes of his daytime show…some of it was entertaining, but, mostly, I thought he was just full of himself. His wife has been on several times, and she appears to be a truly lovely person.

        LOL @ Frida re his tile teeth. I was going to comment on his Bugs Bunny teeth, but your comment is so much better.

  12. mystified says:

    This reminds me of an old Glamour magazine column called “Jake: a Man’s Opinion” that used to run in the ’80’s. Ugggh. It had forever turned me off of not only Glamour but men named Jake.

    I think the most repulsive part about this is that Steve Harvey, like “Jake”, presumes to speak for all men. Men, like women, are individuals and most are not nearly as selfish, conceited and shallow as Steve Harvey and “Jake” would lead us to believe.

  13. Kiddo says:

    He was once a comedian, right? The Joke’s on you.

  14. irene says:

    Personally, I’d rather have fidelity than chivalry, but what do I know.

    I think there’s a touch of delusion a’la Goop with this one. Gross, sexist delusion.

  15. Neelyo says:

    Ugh, his advice is almost as bad as his ‘comedy’. He looks like someone whose breath reeks.

  16. Godwina says:

    This fekker’s prehistoric.

  17. Lucy2 says:

    Survey says? Fail.

  18. TorontoE says:

    I tried to watch the movie based on his book (think like a man…also don’t judge it was free on cable) but had to stop because Chris Brown was cast. spouting off on chivalry while hiring convicted abusers? That plus his own personal life…he seems like such a hypocritical sh!t

  19. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    I would vomit, but I’m too lazy. But I’m mentally vomiting.

  20. SamiHami says:

    He’s very funny on Family Feud. He should just stick to that.

    • funcakes says:

      Best comment of the day

    • I Choose Me says:

      My thoughts exactly. I remember when everybody was trying to get me to read his book ‘Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man’ I never did ’cause for why would I take advice from Steve Harvey, comedian. Plus what most dudes think a lady should act like makes me stabby so . . .

  21. kri says:

    This site just makes him more punchable.

  22. Abbicci says:

    Because the best way to start a long term relationship is through manipulation and pretending to be who you are not.

    Those lessons must be much easier than teaching people to say what they mean and mean what they say.

    Sigh, so much stupid. Sadly, there will be people lined up to pay for that stupid.

  23. Diana B says:

    “…but also to men with a womanly interest in settling down”? what a prick!

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Yeah, in a huge pile of dog poo, that one jumped out at me, too. I guess my husband’s womanly because he married me.

    • Christin says:

      His ‘womanly’ reference is so ridiculous, it’s laughable.

      Did Clooney suddenly have a ‘womanly’ desire to settle down and marry?

    • Kitten says:

      I guffawed when I read that because it’s just so f*cking ridiculously sexist. I can only imagine what Steve Harvey would think about my boyfriend, what with his “womanly” talk about feelings and commitment.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Please don’t tell me men have actual feelings and want to express them? How womanly. Barf.

    • Linn says:

      I’m sure lots of guys will want to join his site now that he called his potential male customers womanly, which sadly still is one of the biggest insults you can say to a man.

    • Diana B says:

      What would he called me? I’m not sure I ever want to get married and right now relationships feel like such a burden I feel annoyed by male attention, so would that make me NOT womanly enough? This dude, I tell you…

      • KellyBee says:

        I hear you I don’t want to get married or have kids and the last time I check I was still a womanly.

        Wait let me check again…………………………………. Yap I’m still a woman.

    • Leen says:

      Lol according to Steve Harvey, I must be a man because all I’m interested in right now is dating for the sake of dating and non-committal, consensual and casual fun.
      Ugh I hate these gender stereotypes, it pisses me right off.

  24. SuperStef says:

    I’m so glad you posted this – Steve Harvey is a douche of the highest order. The suffering he put his 2nd wife through so he could marry wife 3 is deplorable.

    He comes across as a ‘good guy helping women’ or a ‘funny guy’ with a good heart but he is such a hypocrite! I can’t stand his shady ass, even though I looooovvvveee Family Fued (not b/c of him). He is a womanizer and a misogynist. Google him to find out. Kudos on calling him out!

  25. Irishserra says:

    Ugh. I want to say let the women who are willing to pay for such unappealing (to me) advice snag the kind of men who will go on the site looking for such women, but then there’s always the very real possibility of these ones proliferating and raising their children to be such misogynistic, self-loathing creatures. So I hope his dating site goes nowhere, I really do.

  26. Relli says:

    I hate Steve Harvey and his stupid mustache with the fiery passion of 10000 suns, always have.

  27. Penelope says:

    What a revolting pig.

  28. funcakes says:

    Ellen did a promo with him once and she looked pissed. It was for his show. They must have gave her a bonus to do it.

  29. K says:

    He looks like he should be playing a second hand car salesman on a sitcom. The stereotyped kind you’d be crazy to trust.

  30. Pepsi Presents...Coke says:

    I’m not saying that his second wife wasn’t ROYALLY SCREWED by him, I’m just saying that he cheated on his first wife with her. I’m sure that his infidelity was due to them not holding up their ends of the bargains, they probably voiced their opinions on something. Definitely take his advice.

    D.L. Hughley can fall off a cliff, for that matter. Talk about a man who has NO respect for (Black) women. Whose side was he on? Don Imus’. Whose side was he on? Columbus Short’s. This is a guy who thinks that it’s completely normal for the cops to be called during a domestic dispute and when a woman tried to dispute his sense of ‘normalcy’, he said she was a liar and dumb. And he ALWAYS talks about (usually Black) women this way. I don’t know why women are supporting the careers of men who have no respect for them. He’s not old-fashioned, he’s entitled, disloyal and mean.

    There are TONS of these freaks out there and if I repeated half of what they say (in real life, not during gigs) this comment wouldn’t get posted. It’s not just non-Black people who have been fed the wild ABW stereotype, so you see a lot of people in the (pfft) *community* who become standard bearers for this ‘Taming of the Shrew’ initiative and it’s stomach-turning and self-serving.

    He pretends to care about her hair once and she has to show her gratitude by being his personal footstool for life? He can walk off.

    Did you ever notice the Original Kings of Comedy (or rather, Bernie Mac and a random collection of also-rans) dropped off the planet in an instant? Even Cedric the Entertainer was never seen around him, you know why? It was because when Bernie Mac got his show, Steve Harvey went behind his back and tried to poach the show away from him. Yup, he gave the powers that be a whole list of reasons as to why Bernie Mac shouldn’t have a show and why Steve Harvey should have the show instead. Never mind the fact that Steve Harvey already got to have his own show in the ’90s, no, Steve Harvey is the only one who is allowed to succeed and he is the one who can’t be happy when one of his friends also gets a big break. So, yeah, they cut they cut Steve’s happy ass out of their circle. And when Bernie Mac passed away, who was the uninvited guest who hadn’t had any contact with any of those people for years who did the weeping and wailing for every news outlet to see? Steve Harvey. Yeah, no one was impressed. Neither am I.