Kylie & Kendall Jenner made Time Mag’s ‘Most Influential Teens’ list: ugh?


There’s an online backlash brewing against the young Jenner girls, Kylie, 17, and Kendall Jenner, 18. Time Magazine compiled a list of “The 25 Most Influential Teens” sort-of in America but not necessarily, considering Malala Yousafzai and Lorde made the list. Still, the list is pretty American-teen heavy. The first daughters, Sasha and Malia, made the list, as did Chloe Moretz, Lorde, Jaden Smith, Austin Mahone and many more. You can see Time Magazine’s list here. Time cites the Jenner girls’ YA novels, clothing lines, nail polish lines and modeling careers, plus their social media profiles.

I understand why there’s a backlash against the Jenner girls and why people dislike the entire Kardashian-Jenner clan. But Time Mag didn’t make a judgment about good or bad influences, and let’s face it, the Jenner girls are bigger “celebrities” than most of the teenagers on the list. No one is saying that makes them good people or better than Malala or anything. Just that they get media coverage and thus, influence the teens and tweens. Kylie and Kendall issued a joint statement about their inclusion:

“We are so honored to be included on the Time magazine list of ‘Most Influential Teens. There are incredible teens on this list and we are so proud to be in their company.”

[From E! News]

Eh. Whatever. I still pay attention to Time’s listicles because it’s usually fun to argue about who got #1 on whatever list or whatever. But Time made the choice to not to rank the teens, which was smart. Except we’re left with the impression that Kylie Jenner is as influential as Malala. UGH.

Meanwhile, a fashion site (Polyvore) ran some analytics of internet searches and found that Kylie Kenner is the sister “on the rise” most consistently over the past two years.

PS… Just my opinion, but Kris Jenner has allowed 17-year-old Kylie to mess with her face and it’s really tragic. Kylie was a pretty girl to start with, there’s no need for the lip injections and all of that.



Photos courtesy of Instagram, WENN.

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86 Responses to “Kylie & Kendall Jenner made Time Mag’s ‘Most Influential Teens’ list: ugh?”

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  1. ToodySezHey says:


    I got nothing else

    • mimif says:

      Apparently, neither does Time magazine.

    • Jasna says:

      It is a bit sad that those two are influential. But then again, they actually do something, no? The older one is a model. Sasha nad Malia are just someone’s daughters and they are on the list too.

    • Sabrine says:

      People bitch and complain that Kylie has had her lips injected with filler to make them fuller; she’s a young girl, blah, blah. You can clearly see it’s just tricks with makeup. In that close up photo, her natural lip line is right there for the dumb doubters to see. The fake one is drawn far above it.

      • otaku fairy says:

        I have a hard time figuring out if Kylie actually has had work done, or if it’s just make-up tricks. I have to admit that because she comes from a family where the majority of women have had work done, and because her mother is Kris Jenner- the same woman who once complained about 7-year-old Khloe needing a nose job- I’m more likely to believe that her fuller lips are due to plastic surgery. But I do think her eyes looking bigger is a make-up trick.

      • BunnyBabe says:

        Lip injections and makeup tricks are not mutually exclusive! In the case of Kylie and her older sister Khloe, it’s both being used. (Kendall doesn’t seem to have the same affinity for over stuffed lips, she went the more subtle route if at all.)

      • Tiffany :) says:

        If you compare her old mouth to her new mouth, there is a HUGE difference. As BunnyBabe said, injections and makeup aren’t mutually exclusive.

  2. Kiddo says:

    These are probably the only people in that demographic that the 80 year old men at Time Magazine have heard of, lol.

  3. Tiffany27 says:

    The younger one looks like a divorced mother of 2 auditioning for a Real Housewives role.

    • aims says:


    • jane16 says:

      Haha! Perfect description!

    • Jasna says:

      Of course it’s Kris fault Kylie had plastic surgery, but that poor kid has been listening how she’s not as pretty as her sisters ( especially Kendall) since she was what, 10? It must have messed up her self-esteem big time. I’m not surprised she got surgery.

      • Misstee says:

        It should be illegal for ANY child/adult under the age of 21 which is when growing slows down to have plastic surgery – she shouldn’t even have the choice.

      • otaku fairy says:

        I disagree that 18, 19, and 20-year-olds should not be allowed to have any plastic surgery. If you’re old enough to live on your own, fight in wars, drive cars, consent to sex and marriage, smoke tobacco and pot, decide to keep or abort a pregnancy without parental notification, or hold down a job, and get piercings and tattoos, then why aren’t you also old enough to be allowed by the government to decide whether or not you want to surgically alter certain aspects of your physical appearance? When certain parts of the body stop growing differs from person to person. But I do see why it’s upsetting for people to see younger adults get plastic surgery, though.

      • LAK says:

        Otaku fairy: Your body is still changing. Going to war, drive, work, living, aborting etc are external things that don’t have any bearing on your biology beyond legislation that affects how to carry out those tasks. Yes, bodies don’t change uniformly, but they change on a spectrum that can be averaged for populations eg most people’s ‘baby fat’ doesn’t disappear until they are early – mid 20s at the latest. So changing your physical self when your body is still changing shouldn’t be encouraged.

      • BestJess says:

        LAK I think you’ll find war can have rather a significant effect on a persons’ biology, as does pregnancy and childbirth. If a teenager can make those decisions then a nose job which is one of the easiest surgeries to perform hardly seems out of the realm of their abilities.

  4. aims says:

    Really sad.

  5. joy says:

    Kylie claims that it’s all just puberty. Not lip injections, a nose shaving, and mini face lift. Google a side by size set of pix. Not even close to being the same.

  6. InvaderTak says:

    Kendall looks like BIll Kaulitz minus the personality.

  7. Ollyholly says:

    But if you look really closely at her lips, you can see where the liner is and how her real lips are still really thin.

    • Mel M says:

      Yes you can see that she lines outside of her lips but she has still had injections. No amount of liner can make your lips quadruple in size. My lips are about as thin as her original ones and if I tried to make them look as big as hers do not using only lip liner I would look like a clown.

    • Kitten says:

      Why do people keep saying this?

      It’s not lip liner, she had injections. And some sort of eyebrow lift. And a nose job.

      • Mel M says:

        Her chin also looks different in this photo.

      • Ollyholly says:

        But some of it changes through growing up, I know my jawline got thinner when I got out of my baby fat phase.

        I guess the lips are super likely to be fake, but when I look closely at them I can still see where her original lips are…

        Also, how can you tell if some one has a brow lift? Isn’t she just raising her eyebrows with her facial expression in the photo? I don’t know enough about plastic surgery I guess, but I just wonder how you can tell thats from surgery and not how she’s posing.

      • Erinn says:

        My chin/jaw area did change a bit between 16 and 19 though. My face got longer/thinned out. I think the lips are injected – but I think a lot of the brow is the brow liner/shaping and she has one eyebrow raised. The nose could be makeup, or thinned – it’s still debatable.

      • Kitten says:

        The more relevant question you need to ask yourself is this: is it really that unbelievable that a Kardashian would get extensive plastic surgery?
        That’s what these people do, for crying out loud.

        A quick shot of botox on the sides of her forehead can give her that lift on her brow–doesn’t mean she had any actual cutting.

      • Pandy says:

        Whoa – big difference in those pix. Definitely had injections on her upper lip and I would guess botox in her forehead – that’s what is causing the arched eyebrows.

        As to influential? Should it count if you are just following in your family business?

      • Davy says:

        Holy SHIT

        Looks like she got the nose & chin job, lip injections, eye or brow lift? Basically her whole face.

        But I’m honestly more disturbed by the fact that I’ve consumed so much media & altered images of women that I think she looks so beautiful now. Really, that looks like a gorgeous face to me. So, self imposed internet hiatus and re assessment of beauty ideals needed. No 17 year old with countless plastic surgeries should look so great to me. Sigh.

      • Trillion says:

        OMG is that that same person?

  8. Rita says:

    The palms these people have to grease to get this sort of publicity must cost a fortune.

  9. Abbott says:

    2014 has officially nuked my internal switchboard. The world is governed by madness. The universe, cold and loveless.

  10. magpie says:

    I am absolutely SHOCKED at the amount of work Kylie has had. A parent (Kris) is signing off on that. It should be illegal in my opinion to get anything done before one is 18 (unless in the case of a real accident or disfigurement).

  11. TaterSkank says:

    Well at least Jaden Smith, the Twitter philosopher with the mostest (doesn’t even rhyme taterslut) made the cut!

  12. Chris2 says:

    Grrr tsssk fume…..3 girls from Cork are on the list for their prizewinning science projects.
    That taller Jenner one isn’t even a decent fashion moddle ffs! Just a miserable little face.

    • Ramona says:

      THIS!!! What these girls did may possibly feed the world some day and their actual accomplishment is denigrated by the inclusion of Kardashian second generation do-nothing fame whores. The list should have been way shorter, ranked and the Kardashians (and Will Smith’s progeny) excluded.

  13. Sally says:

    kylie overdrawn her lip line. It’s pretty obvious. Not injections

  14. FingerBinger says:

    Jaden Smith is an influential teen? Seriously?

    • swack says:

      I don’t understand that one either. I understand why the Jenner girls are. Although to me they are not good influences and am so glad that my granddaughters don’t know who they are. My one like Justin Bieber until he started getting in trouble all the time. So, as parents and grandparents, we need to guide our children to look up to those individuals who are positive role models.

  15. jane16 says:

    Time should do a list called 10 Most Horrible Mothers and put their mom at #1. Look what she’s done to her girls. Raised and trained them to be dumb sex objects. They seem so empty. I have a 19 yo niece, who besides being prettier than these girls, seems to radiate energy and vitality and personality. It feels like their mom and older sisters drummed that out of them and they spend their lives like mannequins, always posing. Since we live in fairly close proximity, we occasionally find ourselves in the same restaurant as some of them, and the past couple of years, these young girls heads have swiveled around to check out our youngest son, then they whisper about him and keep looking at him throughout the meal. Thank god he is oblivious to them.

  16. Kitten says:

    What’s sad to me is that teenagers will look at these young women and think that plastic surgery is a great thing to do to your face and that being beautiful is all that matters. Sigh.

    • Happy21 says:


      That is what makes them influential! That young girls want to be them and think it’s okay to F**k with your face to become the ideal (if that’s what the ideal is). It’s sick. I am so glad I don’t have daughters in this day and age because it’s so wrong I can’t even!
      And young guys want ‘hot’ only ‘hot’ not smart. Ugh. I could go on and on and on…

  17. Seapharris7 says:

    You know who I blame this on? OJ Simpson!

  18. smcollins says:

    What exactly are they influential of? Gross vanity, narcissism, and premature/unnecessary plastic surgery? Yes, what a fine example they set for young girls everywhere. Enough with this horrid family already! Aaaahhhhhhhh!!

  19. Nicole says:

    My problem with Kardashians/Jenners, Hiltons, Spelling, Moore/Willis, etc. is that these people because their names, money, connections could be anyone they want to be. And what is their choice? Full time parasite or/and attention wh0re. I think it’s sad.

  20. Mon says:

    Jaden Smith?! In which universe?! Wonder on what exactly the list had been based…
    All those Kardashian are trying to morph into one person…. Why not enjoy the uniqness and be yourself?! Although I guess I know why….

  21. Eli says:

    I agree with Time. Kylie & Kendall are influential teens. They are constantly in the news, they have some of the most followers on social media, and Kylie in particular has been at the center of one of the trendiest fashion looks. If you type in Kylie Jenner makeup on a web search or on YouTube, there are thousands and thousands of results.
    I’d call that pretty influential.

    Do I think these girls are lame and vapid? Yes, but it doesn’t make them any less influential.

    • word says:

      Well really, we’d have to say the professional make-up artist that does Kylie’s make-up should get all the credit. Teen girls want to know how Kylie was able to transform herself so drastically. They need to realize her transformation didn’t happen just from the use of make-up.

  22. DrFunkenstein says:

    LOL Most influential for what, and to whom?

  23. Chrissy says:

    How were these two added to the same list as Malala? What could they possibly have in common besides their gender? The criterion for this list seems
    ridiculous. Shame on Time Magazine!

  24. aang says:

    I feel so sad for all Kris Jenner’s daughters. None of them needed surgery to be beautiful but their evil mother convinced them otherwise.

    • Mrs Darcy says:

      I may be wrong but the eldest one -Courtney (?) hasn’t had any surgery right? And I find her to be the prettiest among them…Never seen the show so no idea about her personality or lack of it.

  25. Dawn says:

    I heard about this earlier and think that Time Magazine has lost its brain and is one big joke. Since when does anyone aspire their children to look up to uneducated overly sexualized girls whose mother has bought their way into everything they are given credit as being a part of. Please. Neither one of them has any real talent other than posing for a camera. If I had any respect for Time Magazine I have lost it after this. These are two girls I would point to and tell my teens to aspire to be the complete opposite of regardless of the money they have. They both look older than their true age and used up and dead inside. I wonder why?

  26. word says:

    After reviewing the list, I have to say most of the teens are doing great things. They are becoming leaders and creating companies, generating ideas that will impact the world. They are teens who did not come from rich and famous families, and worked to get where they are. Kylie and Kendal do not fit in with the list per se. I also don’t agree with the Obama girls being on the list. The reasons they gave were ridiculous. The eldest was on the list because of her “dating life” and the youngest was on the list because of a unicorn shirt she wore. Could they not have come up with some better reasons ?

  27. Nudgie says:

    Pardon the pun but Kylie is turning out to be…Lil Kim.

  28. EscapedConvent says:

    They’re influential insofar as their gifts to modern cosmetic surgery. Kylie Jenner has just demonstrated to the world that surgeons can indeed re-build an entire face and make someone unrecognisable. Just look at Kylie—going all Kim. Does this twisted family just pretend she still has her original face?

  29. G says:

    Time is scraping the bottom of the barrel again I see. I’m literally throwing a fit over a 17yr old wearing the new lazer cut Loub’s and I really want Kendall’s pants. UGH I HATE MYSELF!

  30. otaku fairy says:

    I don’t pay much attention to the Jenner Girls, but the backlash against them seems to revolve solely around anger about what teenage girls shouldn’t be doing with their physical appearance and nothing else. They do seem to be everywhere now, so I guess they’re influential.

    I’m not opposed to plastic surgery in and of itself, but if Kris Jenner has allowed or encouraged her 16-year-old (she was 16 when she started looking different) to get work done, that’s sad. When a person is an adult they can do what they want, but parents are supposed to promote self-acceptance rather than teaching their kids that they need to look like barbie dolls.

    As far as the comments on Kylie, oversexualization, and narcissism go, I don’t follow her on instagram or anywhere else, so I haven’t seen every single thing she’s worn, so I might be missing a lot, but from what I have actually seen, I’m not concerned. I’m not saying parents should let their kids dress like Princess Ai, but I’ve also never been of the “OMG! Gasp! this 17-year-old-girl is wearing a pair of short-shorts with a t-shirt, or a gown that shows some cleavage but covers everything else, or jeans and a midriff-baring top, or no bra under her tee, or spaghetti straps! Someone call the police and child protective services!” variety either. But because her mom is Kris Jenner, that does make you think, “has she actually been encouraging or pushing her to try to look sexy?”

    And if I’m going to assume that this girl is a narcissist, her taking lots of selfies is not going to be what convinces me. It will be her actual behavior toward people and her environment that convinces me. Regular selfie-taking alone does not a narcissist make, especially when a person is in a line of work that involves drawing attention to yourself or being seen. A while back I read a great article (if I ever find the link again, I’ll post it) about how our quickness to judge people so harshly for doing that probably has something to do with the fact that selfie-taking- especially women doing it- goes against a lot of what we’ve been taught to view as virtuous, demure, and proper for centuries. It was interesting.

  31. Stephanie says:

    IMO, Kendall has a unique look, but I could not pick Kylie out of a lineup. Not even after looking at these photos. She has a very generic look.

  32. anrolies says:

    The Jenner and the Obama girls haven’t really achieved anything to be on that list. Yes, The Jenners girls are vile and its not fair how Kendel has a modelling career basically handed to her, but the Obama girls don’t do anything good either. Malia Obama got a job working for Steven Spielberg but nobody is upset over that,. I thinks that a worse case of nepotism then Jenner getting modelling gigs. What has Malia done to merit a job working as a PA( which requires a university degree) on a Steven Speilberg set? The Obama girls are basically on this list for being spoiled rich girls like the Jenners.
    I don’t understand how getting a job through nepotism and getting freebies, living a lavish lifestyle can somehow be called ‘influential”?