Christian Bale ‘stared into nothing for 30 minutes’ about the Batfleck news

Christian Bale

These are photos of Christian Bale with his wife, Sibi, at the Madrid premiere and photocall for Exodus: Gods and Kings. I was going to include last night’s NYC photos too, but they’re exactly the same (except Sibi is wearing black instead of blue). Bale is in a furry phase, which is nice if you like him that way. I prefer him shaved.

Bale’s been getting into some trouble while promoting this movie, which didn’t need any help trashing itself. Ridley Scott already made controversial remarks about race and the casting process, and Rupert Murdoch backed up Ridley. When Rupert agrees with someone, that’s usually not a good sign. Opponents organized a #BoycottExodusMovie hashhag. This certainly isn’t the first movie to cast in a culturally insensitive manner, and it won’t be the last. That sucks.

Bale’s been doing his part to distract with his own alienating quotes. Oh, who am I kidding? He’d be doing this no matter what. Kaiser already talked about how Bale called Moses “troubled, schizophrenic, and barbaric.” Last week, religious scholars called Bale out again.

Anyway. Bale calmed down a little bit to talk about losing the Batman role. He famously decided not to play Batman again after Christopher Nolan’s last turn at directing the neurotic superhero. When it comes to Bale, nothing is ever as simple as it seems. Bale held a secret torch for Batman, and he grew a little melodramatic when Ben Affleck’s casting was announced:

Why Bale left Batman: “[Batman is] a character that could have kept on going and going and going. It was right for Nolan to finish it where he did and ours doesn’t belong in any other version at all. It was appropriate to leave at the right time.”

When Bale heard that Batfleck was cast:: “When I heard there was someone else doing it, there was a moment where I just stopped and stared into nothing for half an hour.”

[From Empire via Screenrant]

I laughed for far too long at the vision of Bale dropping his whole life to stare into the distance for 30 minutes over Batfleck. He doesn’t say anything bad about Ben Affleck as Batman, but you can tell Bale was crushed. I’m enjoying this Batman-on-Batman gossip cycle, by the way. Outlets want to make it seem like Michael Keaton threw shade at Batfleck when he really didn’t. Bale did effectively shade George Clooney, but I’m not sure that counts as Bat-on-Bat drama. Does it? Clooney was the worst Batman. He shouldn’t count.

Christian Bale

Christian Bale

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN

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88 Responses to “Christian Bale ‘stared into nothing for 30 minutes’ about the Batfleck news”

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  1. Roma says:

    This one is so hard because Val Kilmer was also a horrible Batman.

    George or Val… Val or George… very conflicted.

    • Miss M says:

      George, hands down! Second worst was Kilmer and like Nanou said Kilmer played a good Bruce Wayne.

    • PrettyBlueFox says:

      George Clooney was in a Batman movie? No, I don’t think so. I’m sure I would remember that. It’s not like the entire film could be so horrible that my brain would go to great lengths to block it out.

      • Miss M says:

        George played batman in the 90’s and the movie was so bad. I am glad you don’t remember, hahaha.

      • PrettyBlueFox says:

        @Miss M Oh that was all me being facetious. I remember the Batsuit nipples, Robin & future Batgirl drag racing, and Mr. Freeze far, far too well.

    • Alarmjaguar says:

      Mmmm….George or Val, Val or George….I’m sorry, what was the question, I got distracted.

  2. Ellie66 says:

    Nipples..Clooneys suit had nipples. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. Leftovers says:

    Yes! I’m all for the bearded Patrick Bateman look.

  4. JKL says:

    If I had that mole thing on my nose in front of my eye, I think I would be driven crazy from looking at it all the time. Credit to him for not worrying about looks, I suppose.

    • Belle Epoch says:

      JKL – glad you went there because I have a Westin about his teeth! They were really distracting way back when he did Little Women. What is wrong with his mouth? Is it just an overbite? The Moustache helps cover up his problem. Did he need braces as a kid? Does anybody else notice?

      • Sugar says:

        “have a Westin?” What?

      • Charlie says:

        His teeth look fine too me. Crooked teeth are cute.

      • Dani Lakes DDS says:

        @Belle – it’s because his centrals appear to be parallel to each other, with no curvature. Then the laterals [the teeth next to them] are “on top” of them, not next to them, or even slightly “behind” them. They distract me, too!

      • Belle Epoch says:

        Sugar – sorry, that was a da*n you autocorrect moment. I tried to type question.

        Dani Lakes DDS – thank you for your answer! You are exactly right. To me he looks wolfen.

    • JoAnn says:

      I like seeing movie stars with their own teeth, crooked or whatnot. Blinding white veneers get old after a while.

    • Ginger says:

      I also much prefer folks real teeth over buck teeth veneers. My Mom thinks I’m crazy for finding Christian Bale attractive because of “his teeth and his tongue” and how they drive her nuts! LOL! So you aren’t alone. I guess I’m just weird. I like the odd quirks about people. I suspect that Christian must have a bite that’s off because you can hear it in his speech. But damn I do think he’s fine. His wife looks great after just having a baby. I like that she accompanies him a lot too. They are a cute couple.

  5. Lynn says:

    No, the “stared into nothing” is a joke about how Afleck always tries to show some acting depth talent just staring the infinity.

  6. Nanou says:

    At least Val Kilmer was fine as Bruce Wayne, George Clooney was just horrible as both BW/Batman but i blame Joel Schumacher for that …

    • JWQ says:

      It was the writing, I think. Given decent material Cloney would probably be good at it, but if you have to do scenes and say dialogue so terrible, there is nothing you can do. Let’ s face it, you don’ t need a big talent to act if you keep that mask on! That’ s basically why I am not that worried about Affleck: there are so many people who are going to be on screen that I doubt he’ s going to show is full face that long, and it’ s not that difficult top act with your chin! If he sucks, it will be because of the script! He’ s that movie’ s last problem, I think!

  7. The Original G says:

    Does anyone really give a f*&k WHO is playing Batman beside a few guys who do the superhero circle j8rk?

    • GingerCrunch says:

      ^^ that’s wickedly funny, thanks.

    • Algernon says:

      I care because I like Batman comics/cartoons from childhood and I enjoy Batman movies, but I don’t care so much that #Batfleck is ruining my life or anything. I was more excited when I heard Christian Bale would be Batman because I think he’s a great actor, but I’m sure Batfleck will be just fine. He can’t be any worse than Clooney or Kilmer.

  8. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    If I went to the wine store and he was standing around the outside, I wouldn’t get out of my car. I don’t see the appeal. At all.

  9. funcakes says:

    I do not fret over one second of my life who plays batman because the awesomeness that is Adam West could never be replaced.

  10. Abbott says:

    I too spend about 30 minutes staring into the nothingness… but that’s usually right after a Cumberbatch post.

    • Bridget says:

      I truly do not understand what people find so interesting about the Batch and his fiance. Or how there are hundreds of comments on every one of those posts. How can there possibly be so much to say on the subject?

      • Lou says:

        THANK YOU Bridget.
        Why he gets that attention online when no one IRL gives a crap I will never know.

  11. Milena says:

    Dude, he should be proud. Everyone raves about those Nolan Batman movies – when The Dark Knight Rises came out, it was all anyone talked about that year. They were the pre-Avengers gold standard for superhero films. I’m not into Batman at all, but Bale was iconic in the role.

    Batfleck is just made of no thank you, unless he somehow proves us all otherwise. None of the casting news for Suicide Squad has done anything for me anyway, except maybe Tom Hardy. I mean, they cast freakin’ Cara Delevingne! No!

  12. Hannah says:

    He looks older than 40–the skin around his eyes is terrible. With all of the weight gain/loss, there’s no way he isn’t covered in stretch marks. Blech. Topic? He always says such STUPID things. I wonder if he’s trying to sabotage himself? I sometimes wonder about that but then I think, he can say whatever he wants and this movie can flop really hard, and his career will still be okay (probably). Not like he needs the money. Last thing: would it kill his wife to wear her hair differently? Are her ears deformed or something? Her hair is always just hanging like that, doing nothing. So boring.

    • alex_r says:

      Maybe his wife doesn’t care about fashion or her looks all that much. People like that do exist, you know. Just because her husband happens to be a movie-star, she doesn’t have to turn herself into a fashion-plate. She’s a pretty lady, naturally so.

  13. Talie says:

    Michael Keaton will always be my fav Batman, so I don’t care…never got into the Bale era.

    • tinamarie says:

      I Agree on Bale as Batman. I hated the way he changed is voice when he was Batman it was so distracting it took me out of the movie. I loved Val as Batman and thought he did a great job (and those lips, swoon). He was my favorite fallowed very closely by Micheal.

  14. Molly says:

    His career is going to regress into whatever state it was in pre-Nolan. Big movies that flop, little movies that flop, him saying stupid things and generally being a douche. Congrats. I think he is probably secretly envious of the deal that RDJ and others have with Marvel.

    • alex_r says:

      Post Batman he has had 1 Oscar win and 1 oscar nomination and every director worth his salt wants him to act in their movie. And Bale does it without selling out his private life. Bale has always been eccentric – that’s part of his charm. He has always said what he had wanted to and done what he had wanted to and still managed to have a career spanning over thirty years. He’ll be fine.

      • Molly says:

        Part of his charm is to defend this blatant and racist whitewashing the way that he has? Nah. PS. He didn’t deserve his Oscar nomination for American Hustle.

    • lucy2 says:

      Disagree – he’s often regarded as the best actor of his generation, and I would imagine is always at the top of most director’s lists. I think now that he’s done his big franchise, he’s going to just continue choosing roles he finds interesting – some will be hits, some won’t, like most actor’s careers. I don’t see any regression for his career at all, unless he wants it to.

      • andypandy says:

        He’s Good but ” Best actor of his generation???

      • A mascarada says:

        It’s a great generation BTW… Fassbender, Ewan MacGregor, Ed Norton, Ethan Hawke, DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Hugh Jackman, Joaquin Phoenix, McConaughey, Chiwetel, are all good. But I’d give him and Fassbender the edge.

      • Sea Dragon says:

        Let’s not forget Daniel Day Lewis. He’s extraordinary.

  15. Santia says:

    From the resounding silence of the comments above, it sounds like the whitewashing of the Biblical story doesn’t bother anyone else. I, for one, will not be paying good money to see this movie. So tired of the deliberate whitewashing, as if people other than whites have no value and/or should not be seen.

    • Jag says:

      I don’t know anything about the movie at all and wouldn’t have watched it anyway. But since they’ve whitewashed it, people need to speak up about that and make it known that the movie will be boycotted for doing so! (Like they whitewashed Katniss, too.)

      • Santia says:

        Yes! It hasn’t hurt them financially, though, so they will keep doing it. This is the first one I’m actively boycotting.

    • Lolo-ology says:

      We were shown the trailer for Exodus right after the trailer for Selma, and Exodus just looked so dumb and pointless by comparison. Add the whitewashing factor, and it just left a sickening feeling.

    • Charlie says:

      I’m not informed on the movie, who exactly did they whitewash?

      • Ahot says:

        Oh, just the entire main cast, including the reigning Egyptians. Lowly servants, guards & thieves are “ethnically diverse”, of course. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • SpookySpooks says:

      Jewish people are white, so those charaxters weren’t whitewashed, were they? Which race were Egyptian Pharaohs?

      • FingerBinger says:

        The original Hebrews were not white. It’s been proven that they were black people or people of color.

      • SpookySpooks says:

        Really? Which race were they?
        Mind you, I’m not from America and we only Learned about 3 races here ( for an example, Arabs are also considered white). The US seems to have more races than we do.

      • applapoom says:

        Macedonian Greek probably so yeah white. I have been to Egypt and people range from olive skinned with dark hair to red haired with freckles. And DNA testing seems to suggest that ancient Egyptians have a similar make-up to modern ones. However, not white in a way Stormfront would consider white for what it’s worth.

        I think there should be more furore of how Hunger Games characters have often been whitewashed. It is much more popular and successful and it is clear what the author intended the characters to look like.

      • Dee Kay says:

        I never read the Hunger Games books – what races were the characters written as?

      • Santia says:

        We can speak of color and not have it be race. The fact that Egyptians and Middle-Easterners are considered Caucasian (race) does not make them white (color). I have an Iranian friend, who while Caucasian, is NOT white. To the contrary, he is very brown and happily calls himself that. You are engaging in semantics. I think you know very well what people meant. They have deliberately made all of the people in this movie white, which is not and never will be historically accurate.

      • sarah says:

        The entire world isn’t white. It might to hard to imagine but lots of these biblical heroes are brown not Nordic God types.

      • SpookySpooks says:

        Yes, Nordic Gods aren’t the only type of Caucasian people, that is the point I was making.

    • lucy2 says:

      There have been a few other posts about this movie and the whitewashing in the previous months/weeks here, it’s definitely been discussed.

    • andypandy says:

      As I’ve said before if People want to Portray Egypt as White fine by me but that’s not what they have done they have created a narrative that says Egypt is white and there are no Brown/black people EXCEPT for the thieves , assassins,traitors criminal elements low life’s and slave (See iDMB Casting )
      Be Consistent !If there is no historical evidence to support that there were black/brown people in Egypt then there is none to support the fact that they did exist but only in these capacities .Incidentally The same thing was done in that popular Bible based musical ” Jesus Christ Superstar , where the only Black person in the entire movie was cast as you guessed it ” Judas ”
      I find this extremely problematic how the media continues to find everyway to perpetuate negativity and dangerousness around brown/black skin

      P.S And I’m assuming that the Bible was source material for the character of Moses and in Numbers 12;1 it clearly says that He was married to an Ethiopian woman

  16. sighhhh says:

    Yes the exodus white washing is extreme.

  17. Lolo-ology says:

    Batman Begins is one of the greatest movies ever made. That is all. ๐Ÿ™‚

  18. Patricia says:

    So much snark going on for my main man!
    I think it’s funny what he said and probably very accurate to what he actually is like. The dude is intense. He also gives incredible performances in every single movie going as far back as Empire of the Sun when he was like ten years old. So who cares if he’s intense?

  19. Maya says:

    I also dropped everything and starred at nothing for 30 mins when I heard Ben was the new Batman.

    Then I started to weep over the fact that Ben will now ruin my fav superhero.

  20. Happy21 says:

    I love him.

    That is all ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. d says:

    I learned there is no such thing – scientifically / biologically- as ” race” …. there is the human SPECIES of which we ALL are members. Race is a madeup idea -sociological/political by a group of people to oppress and later to divide. There ARE ethnic groups which may look different because of how people marry and pass on genes but if we all intermarried and passed on their genes – and there’s no reason we can’t, we`d all end up with at least same skin colour.
    The whitewashing of movies and histiry is nothing new. can inly educate and lead fir change.
    cant type anymirw on my phone will be here all day

  22. megsie says:

    I’m trying to remember if anyone gave Irish Richard Harris shit for portraying the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius in Ridley’s Gladiator

    • Charlie says:

      Why couldn’t an Irishman portray a Roman? That’s different ethnicity, not different race.

  23. megsie says:

    I don’t know. Were the Italians disturbed to see a pearly white man of Celtic origin portraying a dark skinned Mediterranean man? I personaly wouldn’t mind but I’m not Italian. If they were, is it fair to dismiss their protests? The Semitic tribes were Caucasian, though presumably of darker skin skin than Northern European Bale. I’m not sure it matters. They’re acting. It’s fantasy, pretend play. They’re not suggesting the Romans were Celtic or the Semites were Germanic .

  24. sarah says:

    His ego needs to simmer down a bit. I used to love him as an actor but after his recent White Moses comments I am officially done watching his movies. Not that a millionaire actor cares what I think but come 2015 I will no longer support people like him.

    • Ahot says:

      Welcome to the club! & that goes for the rest of the main cast that signed up for a travesty like this, of course. I will go watch the Chris Rock movie instead. I have a point to make. ๐Ÿ˜€

  25. Irene says:

    I think Bale is the worst Batman. That stupid voice. I barely made it through the second one, and never bothered to see the third. THAT STUPID VOICE.

  26. melain says:

    Okay, since we’re getting our knickers in a twist.. Bale is too young. Academics believe Moses was in his 80s. What’s with this despicable age discrimination!? It’s egregious! There are SO many octogenarians in H-wood. Pitiful. I’m going to stare into space for a half hour now.

    • captain says:

      You’re so right. There are SO many Jews in H-Wood. Why Bale? He is too non-Jewish. It’s just so antisemitic too. Despicable.
      Kirk Douglas. He should have been Moses. After Ben-Hur, Spartacus and whatnot, he’d be epic.

  27. Anotherdirtymartini says:

    You know how they say that partners start to look alike? Wow…