Stephen Collins is not a ‘pedophile’, he’s just a guy who molests children


Last week, Stephen Collins “confessed” to molesting three children more than a decade ago. His “confession” was to People Magazine, not the authorities. Because someone told Collins that his problem is merely one of image, not criminal, prosecutable acts. That he needs a crisis manager, not a lawyer. Collins’ People Magazine confession was only one part of his attempt to explain his crimes – he also sat down with Katie Couric for a 20/20 exclusive. I’ll confess something – I couldn’t make it all the way through this video. Some of the quotes that came out of it just enraged me too much. God bless you if you can watch the whole thing and not have a rage-stroke.

You guys can talk about any part of this interview, but I just wanted to discuss a couple of points that profoundly disturbed me. One, Collins claims that when he was a child (between the ages of 10 and 15), a woman “repeatedly exposed herself to me.” If true, that’s a crime… but not an excuse. Many child molesters were victims of molestation, true. But many victims of childhood assault manage to avoid the cycle as well. It’s like Collins is asserting his own victimhood as an excuse/pass for molesting children when he got to adulthood.

When he gets to talking about the instances when he molested children, it’s like he wants to be praised for only physically touching and molesting one 10-year-old girl one time. Like, he deserves extra credit for only doing it once. He blames that one instance on “poor impulse control, 25-year-old arrogance, really lousy judgment, an outsized need for attention [and] the effects of some distorted thinking that I had sexually due to the things that have happened to me in my childhood.” And then he goes on to describe two more incidents (CRIMINAL ACTS) when he exposed himself to a 13 year old and then a 14 year old. He claims 1994 was the last time he molested a child. Bulls—t. He remembers these moments so clearly. He relives them every day. He’s done this so many times.

One of the worst parts is when he talks about his “faith” and how his church helped him overcome his criminal acts (except he never uses the words “criminal acts” of course). He says: “In the church, it’s actually one of the things I love about the church … Christ says in so many ways, ‘Bring me that which about you is broken. Bring it.’ And, most people are broken in some way.” Yes, because using your faith as a catch-all excuse to molest children always works out.

And finally, when he’s asked if he’s a pedophile, he says he doesn’t fit the “clinical or dictionary definition” and “I am not. A pedophile is someone who is mainly or wholly attracted to children. I’m not.” Dude… you’re confessing to molesting three children. Why make this a semantic argument?

Overall, this whole thing is like traveling through bizarro-world. I can’t believe 20/20, Yahoo and People Magazine gave Collins a platform to spew his insanity, his narcissism and his horses—t. He even tries to blame his ex-wife, like if she hadn’t recorded him and divorced him, none of this would have ever come out and isn’t that the real crime? Jesus.


Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.

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124 Responses to “Stephen Collins is not a ‘pedophile’, he’s just a guy who molests children”

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  1. Snazzy says:

    Considering he is admitting all this stuff to the press, is there any way he could be charged?
    There’s a special place in hell for people like him …

    • Joy says:

      Statute of limitations..

      • Snazzy says:


      • Ripley says:

        Really? Statute of limitations applies to rape of minors? God, that’s criminal in and of itself.

      • Sixer says:

        Here in the UK, we don’t have that. But we do have sentencing rules that mean historical sex abuse cases – the ones that actually do get to court and get a guilty verdict – end up with light sentences that shock the public. Judges have to use sentencing guidelines in force at the time the offence was committed. So all the beefing up of the rules over the last couple of decades count for nothing.

      • Suzy from Ontario says:

        That makes me so mad. I was molested by three different men when I was a child (an uncle who married by mother’s sister, my first cousin who was a lot older than me and my mother’s second husband). The damage such abuse does is horrible. Not to mention the damage when family members don’t believe you or don’t care or do anything except brush it off. I stayed at home with my kids scraping by financially because I trusted no one to watch my kids except me (not even my mother). Just because kids seem okay on the outside and may function does not mean there isn’t damage inside, and when my kids hit the ages that I was molested it hit hard because suddenly you see from an adult perspective how incredibly innocent and tiny and trusting they are. He disgusts me. All the men who molested me are still out there living their lives and despite having been told by me what happened, my aunt is still with “the love of her life.” There should be no statute of limitation on this kind of behaviour. Plus for every rat you expose, there are probably hundreds still hidden …I would not be surprised to find he molested or exposed himself to more (I had two other men (strangers) expose themselves to me. Sadly, it’s usually children who are already needy and neglected or in an abusive situation and need help that end up abused because molesters zero in on needy children and play on their fears and loneliness. He makes me sick to my stomach. Where is his apology and remorse for the victims and what they went through and the longterm damage this has done to their psyches? Seems like he only cares about himself.

    • Pamela says:

      The Statute of limitations has expired.

      BUT—it is likely he has done this more recently, and it just might happen that a more recent victim will see all this press, and come forward. Sad that the only way that justice will be served is if he had more victims.

  2. Maya says:

    I am going to be sick. So he is not a pedophile now? Seriously how depraved can someone get?

    This just gets more and more vile and disgusting.

    Regarding faith – well Vatican City is known to be a pedophile ring and they also say the bs stuff about faith helping them etc.

    • paranormalgirl says:

      Dude wants to get technical? FINE. He has confessed to being a hebephile (attracted to children primarily in the 11 – 14 year old range.) It’s no less reprehensible.

      • Spike says:

        I don’t know what dictionaries he’s looking at. As a research geek, I looked at multiple dictionaries and codes. Pedophilia involves fantasies or acts towards a children. Yep, it’s you Collins.

        He’s a morally bankrupt, evil person. I don’t use that term lightly. Anyone else would be in hiding, cowering in shame. He is reliving the events with a smile on his face.

        His career is toast, especially since he is most identified with a long-run nine family program. His bringing up church in this context is repugnant. The more he talks, the more women are going to come forward.

    • mayamae says:

      @Maya, I’ve read that the Catholic church spends a great deal of money fighting to keep the statute of limitations low – for obvious reasons.

      • paranormalgirl says:

        source please?
        Never mind. Found an interesting article regarding this from the NY Times. I wasn’t doubting you, just curious to read about it.

  3. NewWester says:

    So I suppose the children he traumatized and scarred for life will feel better that he is not a pedophile but just molested them? This man is just disgusting and to bring religion into the mix makes it even worse. It is like Stephen wants the world to think he is not a bad guy. Well I got news for him, You Are A Horrible Person!
    I hope his career is ruined and Hollywood does not decide to forgive and forget the horrible things he did. I am sure the children he molested will never forget.

  4. notleo says:

    I want to kick him in his smug face.

  5. Anon33 says:

    I joke about our lack of responsible media all the time…but damn this is NOT FUNNY. There is so much WTF all over this story. Like who or what entity is encouraging this guy to “get out there and really tell YOUR story” as if this is a plot for a reality show…I think I’m going to be sick. This man is a sick sick piece of worthless scummy trash. I can’t even say the things about him that I want to…

    • Po says:

      Good point. Who’s seriously talking to him about damage control.

    • Mia4S says:

      I know right?! You could almost laugh if there wasn’t such sick horror at the core of this. Does he actually think he’s going to work again? There are dozens of actors (many of them roughly as famous as he is) who could play every role he’s ever played just as well or better…and they aren’t molesters! Does he think he’s some irreplaceable artist? He’s garbage. If he can’t be charged he should go live somewhere quietly (away from children) and stay the hell out of the public eye!

    • Kiki04 says:

      Agreed. They had his whole “confession” in People magazine this week, and I was wondering who in the heck at People thought we wanted to read it? No one can want to hear what he did to those kids…….

    • Tiffany :) says:

      I have to wonder….
      Did he look at Bill Cosby’s silence, and how people have been reacting negatively to that, and think “I’ll go the opposite route! I’ll talk and then they will forgive ME!”

      When I heard about Stephen’s interviews, it contrasted quite a bit with the strategy that Cosby has used.

  6. Po says:

    So, I agree with Kaiser. I’m shocked he was given a platform. I usually try to watch or read commentary before I make any of my own but I couldn’t bare to watch it. All I could imagine is how those girls probably felt disgusted seeing him on 7th Heaven being adored in the 90s and now they have to see him on television again. I’ll wait for the rest of you to answer the one question I have. Was it at least a hard hitting interview or did they just let him spew his crap?

    • Chris says:

      It was not hard hitting. I think Katie Couric let him off way too easily and didn’t push him hard enough. I would never think there would be a fluff piece about a sex offender but this interview proved me wrong.

      • Jayna says:

        Exactly. I was stunned by Katie’s interview of him. She should be ashamed. She was more hard hitting over Sarah Palin and what magazines or books she reads.

      • mayamae says:

        Katie Couric was on The View talking about this interview. She called it “fascinating”, talked about his great love of his wife of 27 years, and made a joke about his wife wearing a wire. I was disgusted, and Rosie O’Donnell actually got up and walked off the stage (she was molested as a child).

      • Tiffany :) says:

        Wow, Rosie walked out on Katie Couric? That is great, actually. At least someone is appropriately disturbed.

      • littlestar says:

        Good for Rosie!!!

      • mayamae says:

        Rosie walked off during the segment, but off camera. Katie’s interview followed Whoopi shouting down Rosie and telling her as a “white lady”, she knows nothing about racism, and doesn’t even have the right to comment on it. Whoopi also cut off Rosie Perez after her story in which her sister, a guest at a very expensive event, was asked to clear the table. Whoopi said – that’s not racism, they just didn’t think a Hispanic woman could afford to be at an expensive place. During Katie’s interview, you see Rosie Perez motioning to someone off camera, then patting Rosie’s hand. Next shot, Rosie O and her chair were gone. It was a very turbulent episode, and ABC has received many complaints across the board.

    • Snazzy says:

      I can’t believe these journalists speaking to him as though this is ok … the whole thing makes no sense at all!

  7. Joy says:

    The thing I found most disturbing was how long he paused after being asked if he was a pedophile. The pause was SO long. He really is working so hard to fight his own truth.

    • QQ says:

      that was a Sanduski length Pause…with similar Acrobatics Logic

    • Pamela says:

      Knowing that hje is so adverse to being identified as a pedophile makes me wish EVERY media outlet would run stories with his face and “Stephen Collins is a vile, disgsusting PEDOPHILE!” as the headline.

  8. bettyrose says:

    It must come as a relief to the children whose lives were changed forever by his sick behavior that he forgives himself. I regret clicking this thread.

    • Esmom says:

      I know, wtf. And his comment that “most people are broken in some way?” Disgusting that he just keeps trying to give himself a pass.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Sickening. He has no idea or any concern or remorse for what he has done. What a dangerous, sick, revolting excuse for a human being. I have no words.

  9. Belle Epoch says:

    It never ceases to amaze me how people can rationalize ANYTHING. He’s a perv. He’s trying to save his career my not taking responsibility. It’s revolting.

    I don’t really get the part about his seeing a naked lady when he was 15. How does that lead to molesting children? Is he saying he was repeating the same terrible experience that happened to him? But she did not go near him. Unless she was doing something disgusting, wouldn’t most teenage boys be kinda interested in that? It beats looking at naked indigenous peoples in National Geographic.

    If I am being insensitive about teenage boys I apologize.

    • Joy says:

      I do think your comment is insensitive and sexist. We certainly aren’t okay with a man exposing himself to a 10 year old girl, so why would it be okay for a woman to do the same to a 10 year old boy?

      • Belle Epoch says:

        Yes, age 10 is too young. I think I just assumed he was lying about the age range to make his story sound terrible. He will say anything to blame anyone but himself.

        I also assumed by “exposing herself” he meant being naked. Theoretically she could have “exposed” more than that.

        I’m still skeptical about his claim. It just seems like he’s reaching.

    • Lucy2 says:

      If what he described as happening to him as a child is true, it was a crime and I can understand it having an effect on him. However he didn’t just continue the cycle, he escalated it to the point of something physical with a child, which I would have to imagine is much, much more damaging.

    • Jayna says:

      He says it just so happened to start at ten. Coincidence his victim was ten? He said it was intense. He said it distorted his thinking as an adult and I think was trying to excuse his exposing himself to the three girls as the reason. Now, the taking the ten-year-old girl’s hand and placing on his penis he says it was distorted thinking and boundary issues. And the ten-year-old victim he did that to (now like 50) issued a statement that he is not telling the whole truth. That putting her hand on him ended in ejaculation for him. Not just putting it on his penis for 45 seconds and taking it off like he said. Because he was claiming he got no sexual gratification from that or exposing himself to all three.

      • Hope says:

        I’m not defending him at all. There is some explanation in the world of psychology about when children become sexualized at a young age, they are likely to find children attractive at whatever age they were when introduced to sex and sexuality. That childish part of them that noticed and was attracted to their peers is still a part of them. That’s also part of the reason why so many people who were molested themselves molest in turn. It doesn’t make what he did right, it doesn’t excuse him continuing the cycle and being a monster. It does explain why he targeted the age range of victims he targeted.

      • Denise says:

        @Hope – I get what you’re saying. But I don’t believe him for a second. I think he’s fabricated this excuse in the hopes that some will let him off the hook. Many will, because it’s preferable to having to deal with yet another evil sexual predator of children in this world.

      • M says:

        @ hope I appreciate your comments but I disagree with your comment that “so many who were molested themselves molest in turn”. It’s not so many…’s a rare occurrence but the perps tend to have multiple victims & use their abuse as an excuse. Most victims of childhood sexual abuse do not go on to be abusers and it’s the rare pos that does.

    • MP says:

      There’s a big difference between 10 and 15 year olds. So did this woman expose herself to him several times since he was 10 or does he not really remember how old he was when it happened? I don’t believe any normal 15-year old gets so traumatized by seeing a naked body that they turn into molesters.

      • Anne tommy says:

        If that was the case half of Scandinavia would be molesters, as being naked swimming, in spas, sunbathing etc is very common there. I don’t know what form this woman exposing herself took. If it was a deliberate and very sexual exposure aimed at him or other kids then it’s pretty despicable and unacceptable. But his looking for excuses Is just revolting, some honesty on his part might do something to alleviate the pain of those he damaged, but he’s just looking for justification and focusing on himself. Yuck.

  10. Valerie C. says:

    Not saying he’s dreaming, I’m talking about his face.

    The first time I saw him was on Revolution’s second season and damn, those eyes! I can’t help it, but he has a gorgeous face, specially for someone as old as him. He’s beating a lot of 20 and 30 something…

    • Lilliputian says:

      Seriously, what is wrong with you?

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      What is wrong with you? I’ll just repeat the question. Congratulations on not being a hypocrite. But that’s not “all.” The fact that you can look at him now and think “he’s dreaming” but wow he’s cute says something very profound about you.

    • Kiddo says:

      Never thought he was attractive. But if I had, the ‘whole’ of a person is what makes up attractiveness. If someone is funny, but not so good looking, it makes them more attractive, for example. With his looks, his deeds and delusions, I am nothing short of revolted. Nice trolling, though.

    • cr says:

      Having found him attractive and still finding him attractive after all this has become public are two different things. Sort of like Mel Gibson.

      • Kiddo says:

        At least Mel Gibson wasn’t molesting kids.

      • cr says:

        But Mel’s personality, being a misogynistic, racist douchebag, killed whatever attractiveness he may have had, that’s the general, not specific point I was trying to make.
        As you mentioned, it’s the personality and the behavior that are also keys to overall attractiveness.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        If your take away from this story is his physical appearance, you have a piece missing.

      • Kiddo says:

        @cr, No doubt, I was just stating that his depths don’t sink that low as to harm kids, at least.

      • cr says:

        GoodNames, I’m responding to Valerie C’s thinking he’s still attractive.

      • Carrie says:

        I’m a big believer in reaping what you sow, so there is something very satisfying about how hard age hit Mel Gibson in the face.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Yes, cr, I didn’t mean you. I was also responding to Valerie C.

    • Aussie girl says:

      I could understand your comments if this was a thread about has he still got it at his age. But no, this is certainly not. Hey if you think he is good looking and still got it then there must be somewhere or some part in your brain that makes u realise that this is not the place to make that comment. That this is about his disgusting sexual actions on innocent children. The fact that you want to talk about his dreamy eyes and how well his age has me seriously wondering about your warped mind set. And I’m sorry but once you know that this man is a Pedophile how can you view any form of beauty in him. His ugly from the inside out.

      • Snazzy says:

        exactly this. I can’t even begin to understand the comments finding him attractive or whatever …

    • Denise says:

      The fact that your mind overrides the information you now have about this man and you choose to focus on your initial attraction to him is a warning that you need to pay attention to why you think the way you do.

      In short, get help.

  11. INeedANap says:

    We should all feel gratitude to his ex-wife for recording this. People like him do not deserve to hide away their grotesque acts. And yeah, can he be charged? Or put on some kind of registry?

    • Chris says:

      If what I have heard about the timeline is accurate I don’t feel gratitude towards her at all. If she knew he was sex offender for a couple decades but only leaked it for financial gain in a divorce she’s pretty repulsive. Especially considering all those years he was on a show with children and was probably around friends and family members kids. She seemed to have no concern for the safety of anyone.

      • Pamela says:

        THIS! I was wondering that myself. It seems like they had counseling a long time ago, and she knew all this and kept it to hersel, only using it in divorce proceedings? If so, she is maybe not quite as disgusting as he is, but pretty damn close. Her silence may have allowed him the ability to molest MORE kids.

      • mayamae says:

        His wife has told the story that when she was pregnant with their daughter twenty-five years ago, he told her he was happy it was a girl. He also told her that he didn’t know if he could keep his mouth off a little boy’s penis. In what world, does that not set off alarm bells? Yet she stayed with him the next twenty years or so.

      • Illyra says:

        Well said.

      • Snazzy says:

        @mayamae: oh my god I think I may vomit …

    • Anne tommy says:

      No words to express the vileness of that

  12. wow says:

    i’m glad they gave him a platform
    now there is no doubt what a sleaze he is
    in his own words

  13. D says:

    He said, “In 1973 there were two occasions when I exposed myself to this young woman”

    He refers to his 10-yr-old victim as a “young woman”.

    That pretty much tells me everything I need to know about this disgusting piece of garbage.

    Also, to no one’s surprise, TMZ is reporting that she’s calling BS on how Collins described the incident as a spontaneous impulse that only lasted 45 seconds:

    “The woman — now in her 50s — is telling family members, “Stephen is minimizing the incident. It was not just a spontaneous touching … that aggression resulted in him ejaculating.”

  14. Joy says:

    He cannot be charged with anything due to statute of limitations. Sigh

  15. Helen says:

    But the most disgusting part (yes, I watched it all), is when he calls the 10yo girl a “young woman.” Like you said, a$$hole hired a PR specialist and he’s using semantics to make a clean break. I don’t know in which world 10yo kids are “young women,” but I imagine it’s the same one in which he’s not a pedophile.

    • Kiddo says:

      Yeah, he obviously still sees nothing wrong with his actions and the language is indicative of a pedophile who looks at children as ‘equals’ in terms of consent.

    • Anony says:

      That is disgusting. A 20 year old is a “young woman” a 10 year old isn’t even a teenager! That’s a child you sicko

  16. Jayna says:

    I thought Katie Couric did an awful job. I watched it on Yahoo News. Maybe it was better edited on TV and maybe she followed up better or challenged a few things, because I was unimpressed with how she just let many statements go and moved on.

    • Denise says:

      Two seconds in I wanted to slap the smile off her face. Whatever prompted that smile doesn’t matter, it had no place in this interview.

      • LIVEALOT says:

        Right. Where was the woman that interviewed Mama June? (Honey boo boo’s mother – i seriously don’t know if thats what they call her and I’m too lazy to google.)

  17. Carrie says:

    No, Stephen, that’s not how this works. It doesn’t matter how young you were, or your attitude or any of the other bullahit excuses you’re trying to push. Fact is you assaulted at least three children. Doesn’t matter if they were spread out, what have you. You did it, this is not an image problem, you are a child molester. Cut and dry. If you were abused, I’m sorry for that, but there are plenty of other a use victims who didn’t go on to do the same. That’s on you.

    • Denise says:

      ’25 year old arrogance’ is one of his reasons for exposing himself? I think 25 year old men everywhere who haven’t molested children might have something to say about this. He ends with ‘I know I have a really good heart.’ Well, as long as you think you’re a good guy, Stephen Collins. Let’s never mind what the girls you hurt think. The narcissist/sociopath never sees just how transparent he/she is to the rest of us normal folk.

      • Pamela says:

        “He ends with ‘I know I have a really good heart.’ Well, as long as you think you’re a good guy, Stephen Collins. Let’s never mind what the girls you hurt think. The narcissist/sociopath never sees just how transparent he/she is to the rest of us normal folk. ”

        Ya know, I can’t believe I am agreeing with anything this monster said–BUT—maybe when he isn’t molesting children, he DOES have a good heart. People are not black and white, they are grey. I don’t care how many lovely things he may have done in his life (not that I know if he has done ANY good things), it doesn’t in anyway balance out the molesting. But I think something that people need to keep in mind is that pedophiles don’t always look like a troll under the bridge, it is so very often that they do appear to be perfectly nice people in their every day lives. Doesn’t make a difference–still disgusting child molesters. But I guess my point is—be aware. They won’t always stand out as creepy.

        There was a priest that was outed as a molester about 15 years ago in MA. My husband had worked at the rectory with this priest when my husband was youing. This priest had been VERY good to him and never did anything remotely sketchy…so much so that my husband didn’t believe the allegations at first. My point is, that priest was “good” to my husband. If those allegations never came out–he would have considered the guy to have “such a great heart.” And what he did for my husband WAS good and that is a reality. And yet, it doesn’t make the guy any less despicable for the things he did to the other boys. People can be good on one hand, and still do horrible things. And in those cases, the bad outweighs the good. I don’t care how nice you are to 100 kids, if you molest one–you are filth.

  18. Darkladi says:

    A stake, rope, matches, lighter fluid. SOLVED.

  19. Dragonlady Sakura says:

    I honestly know nothing about the law, but why is there a statue of limitations on cases like this? There is no statue of limitations on murder, right? How are his victims going to receive any justice? He needs to be punished.

    • Pamela says:

      If I recall correectly, murder doesn;’t have a stature of limitations.

      I know that in rape cases, the more time that goes by the harder it is to prove. We have better technology these days–but if say a victim was raped 20 years ago, told no one, saw no doctor etc….the only proof they would have now is their testimony and if the perp denies it–that can be tough. I don’t know anything about the law, but I wonder if the statutes are based not so much oin justice–but on practicality, If no rapist will ever be convicted after sayt 15 years because the burden of proof is so hard to overcome, they *could* set the statute based on that alone?

      But regardless, one might argue that child rape should not have a statute of limitations at all for the simplr fact that an 8 year old may be raped and never tell a soul because their abuser threatened them. But at 38, they may WANT to seek justice and as an adult, have found the strength to do so. (also–repressed memories)

      • Lex says:

        It’s tough because human memory is an incredibly flawed form of evidence. It’s so easy to rewrite the truth inside your head, even genuinely without meaning to.

  20. original kay says:

    I’m all PMS-ing, the sad kind where you cry at everything.
    Like right now, it’s just so awful. I wish I find the rage but all I can think is those poor girls and how he is completely denying them their truth and their pain, that he caused.

    Off with BOTH his heads. 🙁

  21. OriginallyBlue says:

    Does he really think that anyone with working brain cells believes him? He is a pedophile and there is no way in hell it was only the 3 times. Ugh. Also the people on here commenting that he is attractive, ugh. Stop it.

  22. EM says:

    I’m imagining many in the industry must have know about his sick preferences. It’s usually kept secret, like that Australian actor and husband of Cate Blanchett’s manager/agent who is currently in gaol. There were a few in the industry in Australia who knew he liked to expose himself to underage girls, including a casting agent (who knew), but they were reluctant to expose him or report him to police. Actors who wanted to speak out were also aware that if they did, their careers would be destroyed by the above mentioned manager/wife who was and still is (Cate thanked her during her acceptance speech last year) a major player in the film industry.
    It shouldn’t be just a matter of him being charged, but also those [who knew] being exposed and/or charged as accessories, but Hollywood will never give up its perverts.

    • TeaAndSympathy says:

      You’re completely right, EM. Robert Hughes was a “much-loved” dad in the show, Hey Dad, and his agent-manager wife is still a major player in the industry. Thankfully, we in Australia do not have a statute of limitations, for sex crimes, and this is why, after so, so long, Hughes was eventually convicted and is now incarcerated.

      My best friend’s ex-partner suffered the same fate. They had split before any of his shenanigans came to light. A 37 year old woman finally made a complaint to police after 25 years. His own (male) nephew backed up her claims and also made his own complaint to police. I did not ask for details, but they were sufficient enough that he received a 7.5 years gaol sentence. I also don’t understand why the US has a statute of limitations for these despicable crimes.

  23. ickythump says:

    I have said it before and will say it again – I cannot understand how celebrities get away with the most appalling of crimes and giving this guy a platform to make a statement that he is not a pedophile should never have happened. Jimmy Saville also said he wasnt a pedophile. So, what now? Is this what we’re going to do when we find out a celebrity has been molesting children? They just hire PR to defend them and once they go on mainstream TV to admit their crimes they’re absolved? If this is the way society is going god help us – there really is no justice in the world.

    • Jayna says:

      As a celebrity, he’s not getting away. He was dropped from all the roles he had lined up and has zero new roles. He can’t be arrested because of statute of limitations. But his career is over no matter how much he thought this interview would somehow help him in damage control.

      • Trashaddict says:

        Unfortunately people tend to have short memories – about Woody Allen, Bill Cosby, etc. etc. The list goes on and on. Never forget.

    • JenniferJustice says:

      It’s gross, but don’t think he’s being absolved simply because he got a spot on TV to try to downplay what he did. We all have brains and see right through him. He’s his own worst nightmare thinking the general public is in alignment with his warped views. If anything his and others’ dillusional excuses expose them for who they really are and we get to see how normalized this behavior is in Hollywood.

      I have to say, once again, although he is an obvious and admitted pedophile, what is wrong with parents who allow their kids to be invovled with the cess-pool that is Hollywood? I don’t beleive these parents think it won’t happen to their child. I think they don’t care so long as they get something out of it – like a means to an end. Collins is sick – no doubt. But the parents aren’t sick – they’re just greedy and frankly, worse than the sickos that prey on their kids. Pedophilia is a compulsion that can’t be controlled. Greed and selfishness are simply nasty traits that people justify to themselves.

      • Esmom says:

        I’m not a Hollywood apologist but it’s not the only place that attracts pedophiles and creeps. A local new story just broke about a guy in our town who was busted with a ton of child porn, a supposed upstanding, respected business person who decided to tutor part time at a local tutoring center. Makes my skin crawl to think how he might have been targeting kids that way, but I’m guessing he’s hardly the first to try it.

      • Trillion says:

        He thinks he’s absolved because he goes to church and god forgives everybody and makes all your sins go away like magic.
        (eye roll)

  24. HK9 says:

    You cannot change what you do not acknowledge. He’s a pedophile pure and simple. I’m glad his wife recorded it because if she didn’t people would say she’s lying because of the divorce. He shows no remorse so it means to me that not only will he continue to do what he’s been doing all this time, but he’s dangerous plain and simple. He needs to crawl back under the rock he came from.

  25. Ann says:

    Didn’t watch the clip. Child molesters, rapists, wife beaters, etc. ALWAYS lie, and it’s NEVER their fault. I am also sure there are more victims.

  26. Yeses says:

    This little “distortion in his thinking” can be easily fixed with a rusty, blunt knife coming into contact with his twig and berries….

  27. JenniferJustice says:

    How does a person admit to molesting a 10 year old and in the next breath say they are not a pedophile? Does he not understand normal people would NEVER even want to do something like? His thinking is so warped! Even if he only ever did that to one child, which is highly unlikey, the fact that he did it to even one child and only stopped his urge to do it again to another child, proves he is indeed a pedophile or he’d have never had the urge in the first place, let alone acted on it – even once. Dude is totally dillusional.

    Why are we not changing our laws when it comes to sexual crimes, especially crimes against children? The statute of limitations should have been thrown out decades ago and yet here we are….

  28. Green Is Good says:

    What did we get from this “I’m sorry” BS:

    Lies. ( only 3 incidents of molestation).
    Distortion of the truth. ( a 10 yr. old “young woman?!”)
    Throwing blame. (Alleged woman exposing herself to him).

    Media, kindly cease giving this pedophile a platform to try and save his career.

  29. I Choose Me says:

    F8ck you with a chainsaw is all I have to say about this piece of sh*t!

  30. Valois says:

    Well, molesting children does not equate being a pedophile. Actually, pedophiles are the minority among them that’s what most studys suggest.
    (Just like rape in most cases isn’t about sex)

    That doesn’t make it any better, but…well, I thought it might be interesting.

  31. lalah says:

    I really thought I was gonna make it through that whole video, but my god… the delusion is so strong. Like he actually thought to himself, “Oh no, these girls are disgusted… therefore I am disgusted… this is wrong… I’ll never do it again.” More like it was a huge turn on.

    Absolutely horrifying.

  32. minx says:

    Ugh, just ugh to this disgusting person. I hope his career is finished and he just leaves the public eye forever.

  33. Lucy Bauer says:

    Considering that several of my family members and friends have been molested and even raped as children by adults makes me cry for humanity. There are SO many examples like this one that I can almost guarantee that anyone who reads this has either been a victim or knows a victim. Does this mean that the core of humanity is actually pretty sick? I don’t mean to sound so cynical but I wonder if abusing and taking advantage of children is almost a sick norm; why is this so common??? It’s questions like these that keep me up at night trying to think how in the world I can protect my two young sons from being victims if this is so prevalent?

    • Anne tommy says:

      Lucy, totally understand that. I think there are two things to bear in mind, tho I’m not sure either of them help. The first is that I think I have read that molestation by strangers is no more common than it used to be. Most molesters are known to children, and parents should be aware of that. And I think there is at least less chance of children being ignored when they raise these issues. They simply weren’t listened to years ago, and were sometimes even punished by parents for confiding in them. There is more openness now. I think it’s about parents striking a balance between being reasonably vigilant, and still allowing children some freedom.

  34. Kim1 says:

    I want to know what is the relationship between Katie and Stephen. Do they share a publicist or something? A high school reporter could have done a better job.

  35. Jen says:


    And what a f***ing lying liar that lies! Could he be more full of sh*t?? So he exposed himself and had a girl touch him while clothed? Yeah, right. I’m sure that’s all that happened. And WTH is a 10 yr old girl doing hanging out with a 25 year old single guy watching TV anyway? Did not make it all the way thru the video, felt the aforementioned rage-stroke coming on.

  36. Amy says:

    Um, techically, LEGALLY, he is a pedophile if he is at least NINE years older than the minor victim. That’s it. So a 17 year old is a pedophile if he molests an eight year old, regardless of both being minors. Collins IS a pedophile. And the fact that he was an adult makes it that much worse. Nice try, Collins. Check your DSM or legal statutes for state of CA.

    Also, regarding his church (how nice for him!), is everyone aware that he is a pedophile? Sure they may know his celebrity, but is a conscious effort made to keep him from kids? I’ll bet the church isn’t quite as thrilled with him as he is with their largesse: after all, liability is an issue if they knowingly put others in danger.

    Sick, sick man.

  37. delorb says:

    I just threw up all over my keyboard.

  38. Elizabeth says:

    I appreciate your passion and this man makes me sick. I would wager Narcissistic PD and Borderline / Anti-Social features, as male BPD often correlates with Anti-Social PD–not so with women.

    I make this point because I would like to present the argument that it is the Semantics that really matter here if we’re talking about concrete treatment goals like: 1) protecting potential victims. 2) protecting potential victims. 3) helping the patient control impulses. The only way to do this is to clearly identify the underlying pathology of the behavior. I absolutely think this man is not technically a Pedophile and therapies for that disease would not control ANYTHING.

    I worry that a long history of stigma against mental disease and defect, and the well-meaning PC backlash against it, have made us forget to talk about any of it in a constructive fashion. When I see a patient with right upper abdominal pain I need to KNOW how to name the cause. I operate on gallbladder disease but not on hepatitis. I could kill someone with hepatitis on the operating table if it was not identified. But it’s just semantics.

    Ok, but really, this man is a foul, disgusting piece of shit. And THAT is my professional opinion 😉

  39. TeaAndSympathy says:

    Typical paedophile justifications… String him up by his innards, along with the rest of them.

  40. msw says:

    In the People article he said he had not approached one of his victims to apologize because he had heard that it could potentially upset her recovery. What the f8ck did he think a public confession like this would do? … I had no idea who he was before this media blitz, and I am going to purposely boycott any further media with him in it.

  41. Kell says:

    First off I couldn’t get through the whole thing because I was totally having a RAGE stroke. Totally agree with Kaiser. What a liar. I do not believe him.. Once he did his first act of sexual assault on a child, I bet they continuesd as he knew he could get away with it. I am jus going to wait for more victims to surface. But also I want to say to something to Suzy From Ontario, I am so sorry that had happened to you. You made me cry talking about your children. I am also a victim of child abuse. I was sexually assaulted, molested and raped for 3 years by my neighbour when I was 5-7 years old. My parents finally found out and did nothing. We moved but didn’t talk about it once. No mental health counselling. Nothing. As a 28 year old now I see my friends having children; and I broke down when my best friend had hers. She is almost 2 now and finally all those memories and feelings had resurfaced as I completely buried them before and never thought about them until just recently. The effects of that abuse and by also being physically abused by my father through my childhood and teen years had started to progress into a self destruct pattern of alcoholism and drug abuse. I am now on a happier and healthier path and can finally put that behind me. But these acts are DAMAGING. He belongs in Jail.

  42. yep says:

    Like how he said he wasnt in a “pedophile category” cause he has attractions to adult women? Ahhh…thats how these molesters get nearer to the children. Crafty mothereffers.
    He is a monster. They all are. His ex wife is worse for not reporting it asap. His church is worse for knowing and not doing anything either.
    And let me tell you, this guy did not leave it at 3 girls. Theres more. Way, way more.
    They NEVER stop thinking about it, NEVER stop thinking of ways to gain access to children.
    He is a manipulater. He is a liar. He needs to be held accountable and put in prison.

  43. Ravensdaughter says:

    What I want to know is whether any of this soul baring is helping the victims. Somehow I doubt it.

    What a creeper. But the wife is too. Secretly recording marital counseling! That’s stooping pretty low. The whole point of counseling is to have an atmosphere of confidentiality to foster complete honesty. Even the restrictions on medical records are tighter with mental health care records.

    But a third party- the wife-isn’t subject to the confidentiality laws. The legality of surreptitiously taping the conversations depends on the state.

    This is both a legal issue, and an issue of personal ethics. Put simply, two wrongs don’t make a right.

    • Ravensdaughter says:

      ….That said, the statement I made above assumes his wife wore a wire. On the other hand, given the restrictions there should have been on the therapist, where else would the recordings have come from?

      I am not defending Collins, but I would like to know what distinctions psychiatrists make between types of sex offenders and how that affects their treatment. Collins is at least giving lip service to wanting to learn from and permanently end his behavior.

      Roman Polanski, by contrast, is an example of a man who was charged and convicted with the sexual assault of an underage girl who shows no remorse whatsoever…