Kim Kardashian covers Elle France as a blonde: budget or hot?

elle kim

Before Kim Kardashian dyed her back to brown/black, she did a photoshoot for Elle France (I’m sorry, French people) as a blonde. The shoot was styled by her friend Olivier Rousteing, the designer of Balmain. He and Kim have become closer over the past few years, so he apparently made these ensembles for her. I don’t think the shoot is all that good, but whatever. At least Kim managed to do a magazine shoot before she abandoned her blonde.

What else is going on with Kim? Eh. AskMen did a list of their Top 99 Outstanding Women and Kim was #3. Seriously. You can see the AskMen slideshow here. She came in behind Emma Watson and MMA fighter Ronda Rousey. Kim scored so high because she’s such an amazing businesswoman, apparently. Taylor Swift is #4 and Lindsay Vonn is #5.

And finally, here are some photos of Kim yesterday, going to Barry’s Bootcamp for a workout. This is how I know I’ve been spending too much time looking at Khloe’s Pinocchio Butt: Kim’s butt looks totally normal to me. Right? It looks totally proportional. Meanwhile, I’m so glad that I go to a gym where the ladies don’t wear those butt-revealing leggings. Most of the ladies I see at the gym are just in sweatpants, which is awesome. I’d hate to see barely-covered bottoms while I’m trying to feel the pain.



Photos courtesy of Elle France, Fame/Flynet.

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35 Responses to “Kim Kardashian covers Elle France as a blonde: budget or hot?”

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  1. LadyMTL says:

    I’m getting a freaky “children of the corn” vibe from that cover shot. Yeesh.

    • Rhiley says:

      You can tell they photo shopped the life out of her hips/butt.

      • Helen says:

        On what planet does Kim have thigh gap? Next are we going to see definition in her quads?

    • Diva says:

      Naw nothing normal looking about that butt. Still looks like a saggy diaper. She’d look so much better if she downsized

  2. evie says:

    Holy crap. She looks like Cher.

  3. aims says:

    So is kanye watching their daughter so she can go to the gym? Eyeroll

  4. launicaangelina says:

    Budget. That’s blonde was horrendous and this is coming from a natural brunette that goes caramel blonde all the time. Unfortunately, she also has all that wonky tweaking that ruins her natural beauty, too.

    • jenn12 says:

      I agree. Don’t like the Ks, don’t watch them, but she was a truly pretty woman before she started messing with her face. And that blond was hideous.

  5. Bridget says:

    That wig. How did it actually make news that she slapped a straw wig on her head?

    Also, who actually goes to

    • janetdr says:

      Yeah, I have yet to see a picture that convinces me it’s not a wig- the hairline is so diffferent!

  6. Susan says:

    You know I have been trying really hard to not have “opinions” (negative ones) about the Kimster, thinking ok, she is just doing her thing,whatever the hell it is. I figured the Pinocchio butt was a “product differentiator” that she and Khloe felt they needed. But then I see pictures like these and I wonder does she honestly not know her butt cheeks are in full view? Does she not own a pair of black underpants? Can she not find spandex thick enough to cover her goods??? Of course walking around naked is her calling card. Every time I see her or her family I think of Marie Antoinette and have the sinking feeling the revolution is not far behind. I mean this family and their stratospheric level of acceptance via the influential taste makers of this world leave me to believe we are at the nadir of societal morals and values. The Hunger Games are not far behind…… It is disheartening.

    • mytbean says:


      How popular she is for p0rn and simply visually yelling louder than all of the others – that men rate her #3??? The world is indeed on it’s way out.

    • atrain says:

      Not that I’m a Kim defender, but I own the Lululemon pants she’s wearing and they’re very deceiving. They look fine in the store, at home, at the gym, and then you catch a view of yourself in direct sunlight and realize that your pants are see-through. I wore those pants for months, bicycling and jogging through my neighborhood, to my kid’s school, to the mall, etc, and never knew until my husband pointed it out. If you read the reviews on the Lulu site you’ll see it’s a really common issue.

      • Katy says:

        I was at Starbucks one morning and this woman had a pair on – I could see her entire butt….crack included! I didn’t know whether to tell her or not, but the place was packed and there was no discreet way to do it so just kept quiet. 🙁

      • maeliz says:

        Kanye picks out, buys, and poses Kim in her clothes, so she must have known that these were see through unless he didn’t tell her. Does she ever wear Adidas things?

  7. Nicolette says:

    Budget, very low budget.

  8. mystified says:

    Thought I was seeing Lady Gaga in that picture.

  9. Sumodo1 says:

    That rear shot going into Barry’s? All I can see is her butt going out for a walk. Seriously, it MUST have a life all its own. A butt with legs and a knobby li’l head. Freaks me out!

  10. Hawkeye says:

    Whenever I see a post about a Kardashian in gym clothes, I wonder about the mechanics of their work-outs. They are always going in with a face full of make-up, and I’m too cynical to believe that they’d wash their faces before working out lest they be seen au naturel. How do you work up a sweat when your face is covered in what looks like Spackle? Do their assistants blot them with a towel while they’re on treadmills? Does the make-up even come off those white towels or do gyms just throw them out after?

    • MoochieMom says:

      Even in my glory days as a hot chick I never went to the gym in makeup or anything fashionable. I was there to work out. Even as a mom, I work out for me and no one else. I suppose I live in a warped universe.

    • Chrissy says:

      And how do they work out comfortably in skin-tight clothes. I know they give somewhat but I can’t see her working out in this get-up. And do they change afterwards or just walk around, sans underwear, all sweaty and smelly? Ugh! Just another pap walk….

      The cover pic – Kim looks stoned and dead-eyed to me and, of course, cheap and tacky. What else is new?

  11. FingerBinger says:

    That AskMen list is usually women who’ve been in the press a lot. It’s more of a popularity contest than anything else.

  12. Penelope says:

    Her plastic face is scary and not pretty at all. Yuk.

  13. word says:

    I am a robot. I am a robot.

  14. Rhiley says:

    The men at my gym are required to wear shirts, and I wish the same were true for the women. There is one woman who is rock hard and well over 40. Rock hard over 40 is not a good look at all, on anyone. We women in our late 30s/early 40s-> need some fat on our bones or else we look gross. Anyway, this woman, without fail, whips her very thin tank top off right before she hits the elliptical. It makes me a little punchy as you’ve probably already guessed. I would much rather look at butt hugging leggings as opposed to shirtless women. Sports bras are still bras, not shirts.

  15. sills says:

    Death warmed over.

  16. MoeBear says:

    Her left eye has taken some serious hits from the fillers/botox/plastic surgery. The blond hair does not hide its wonkiness in that pic. She’s a shell of a human.

  17. Hannah says:

    Nope, the butt still looks ridiculous.

  18. jwoolman says:

    She’s looking especially Zoolander on this cover.

  19. sherlockapple says:

    The question should be photoshop or plastic?