Enquirer: Charlie Sheen forced his ex to have an abortion, she plans to sue him

Charlie Sheen appears as a guest on Conan
Trigger warning for abuse survivors
Yesterday we talked about photos that were published, on Radar Online, of Charlie Sheen’s ex fiance, Scottine/Brett Rossi, with extensive bruising around her neck and upper bust. Radar mentioned that The National Enquirer would have the photos in this week’s edition. I had the chance to read the story and it’s much worse than I imagined. It details abuse that Scottie suffered while living with Charlie. He would abuse her horribly and threaten to kill her, only to apologize, blame it on alcohol and drugs, and shower her with affection, vacations and presents. It sounds like a standard cycle of abuse and it must have been hell to live through. The hardest part of the article to read was when they revealed that Charlie kicked Scottie in the stomach when she was pregnant and later forced her to have an abortion. According to the Enquirer, Scottie plans to sue Charlie for millions for emotional distress. While this is in the Enquirer, I have little doubt that their source is Scottie. The Enquirer has the photos, after all. Plus, as we mentioned yesterday, there are countless examples of Charlie abusing women for decades.

Charlie “strangled and choked” Scottine many times
Charlie… allegedly “strangled and choked” Scottine on multiple occasions, and made chilling threats to kill her.

“Do you want to live to see tomorrow?” serial batterer Charlie is said to have raged at Scottine, according to one witness who stepped forward to The National Enquirer.

“Charlie was both verbally and physically abusive to the point where Scottine would hide in the security room at his home, cowering in a ball, crying about his abusiveness… she’d also hide in guest rooms…”

Scottine wants to sue
Scottine, 25, is now threatening to slap [Charlie] with a multi-million dollar lawsuit, according to informed sources – unless he secures her silence with an out-of-court settlement…

Scottine has “finally found the courage to hire a lawyer and plans to sue Charlie for the emotional distress she’s suffered…

Charlie abused Scottine while she was pregnant
[There are ] appalling allegations that Charlie kicked his lover when she was pregnant, and later forced her to undergo an abortion.

Sources told The Enquirer that [Scottie] was pregnant between January and March 2014.

“Charlie never wanted the baby,” revealed a source close to Scottine. “At one point, he threatened Scottine while she was pregnant, saying, ‘It’s me or the baby. If you choose the baby, I will kick you to the curb and leave you homeless with nothing.’”

Tragically, the pair learned during the pregnancy that their unborn child had developed an irregular heartbeat.

According to a source, at that point, Charlie callously told Scottine: “I don’t want you to give birth.”

Said the insider: “He forced her to have an abortion.”

[From The National Enquirer, print edition, April 13, 2015]

In response to this story, reps for Charlie denied this report, on the record. Then a “source” told The National Enquirer that it was Scottine that was abusive and that she “attempted to assault the star on at least two occasions.” (Those are the National Enquirer’s paraphrased words, not the source’s.) Later, the source states that Scottie is “jealous” and that “these allegations have only surfaced since Charlie started dating other women after their breakup.” This is so typical of abusers to blame the victim and try to claim that the victim attacked them or that the abuse was somehow mutual. In fact “mutual abuse” is a myth; there is almost always an aggressor. Read these FAQs on abusive relationships for more. 90-95% of abuse victims are women.

As for Scottie planning to sue Charlie if he doesn’t give her a large settlement, I wish all abuse victims were able to do this. Yes she was/is a sex worker dating a rich addict. That didn’t give Charlie a pass to batter, choke, demean, threaten to kill her and force her to have an abortion. People who claim Scottie somehow brought this on, instigated it or got what she deserved for dating Charlie are uninformed at best.




photo credit: WENN.com and Twitter

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140 Responses to “Enquirer: Charlie Sheen forced his ex to have an abortion, she plans to sue him”

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  1. NewWester says:

    I am not really shocked at these allegations. Charlie Sheen has always been a violent man. Wasn’t there a incident years ago where his then girlfriend Kelly Preston was shot “accidently”? He is a scary guy

    • Boopybette says:

      I hope Denise Richardson keeps those girls far far far away from him or has them heavily supervised when he’s visiting. He’s so vile. The twin boys I don’t have high hopes for since Charlie seems to have control over their mom.

      • PrincessMoFo says:

        Boopybette, Charlie is only allowed supervised visitation with all his kids.. Whatever went down between Denise and Charlies divorce was bad enough he is never allowed alone with his kids.. Not even Brooks kids, its why he didn’t have any kind of custody when she was in treatment and Denise took them in.

    • lensblury says:

      I think that’s part of the problem (and I hope you don’t feel misunderstood, because I completely get what you said) – it’s not even shocking anymore, so nothing changes. Seriously, I hate that all of this is not shocking, and I hate that I’m not really shocked, but being exposed extendedly to bad behavior will blind you so that terrible things become bearable. Similar thing with watching the Kartrainwrecks, where one person is just more vile and manipulative than the other. You already know it’ll be disgusting and/or painfully disappointing, but/and mostly everybody (including me, tbh) is watching, wondering what might happen next. I guess it’s part of social media creating the faux impression of communication being bidirectional, when in reality it’s just a buffer. Things are reduced to a screen and forgotten the next minute. It takes an engaged person to feel what is being written, and I doubt Charlie Sheen has the attention span to perceive any form of elaborate criticism.

      Full disclosure: I come from a highly manipulative and both physically and mentally abusive home. I’m lucky I found a good therapist and I can now face my abuser without going into a weird mode. I stay confident and calm, and speak my mind and not let her bend my words in any way. If I ever met this guy in real life, I’d be like, “Do you have a minute? Let’s sit down and talk.” That’s just wishful thinking, though, and also, of course it’s not likely for this to ever happen. Bleh.. I’m sorry, I’m tired, and also not a native speaker, so certain points I’d know how to express in German are just going missing (I know my few posts are long enough as is.. working on it, just not used to message boards).
      Obviously we all know what he’s doing is unacceptable and terrible, but he doesn’t; he seems so out of touch with reality and incapable of being sincerely nice. One point, though, is that terrible examples like this one, as well as honest discussions about violence, help to form responses to abuse and violence in more immediate situations, too. In addition to my therapy sessions, it really helped me to read the comments in this forum while dealing with my past and trying to come to terms with it. Just a general “thank you”, because it’s really healing and affirming.

  2. Amanda says:

    I feel really bad for abuse survivors. But of course there’s a “but coming”….. But Brett was perfectly aware of Charlie’s abusive past and went in eyes wide open. To be sure, I believe he beat the crap out of her repeatedly. But she was out to get his money one way or another. She didn’t have his baby so now she’ll sue him for it instead. I wouldn’t put it past her to know he’d beat her and see dollar signs every time he did it. He’s a scumbag, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t too.

    • goofpuff says:

      I agree that there is no excuse for Charlie’s behavior. However Brett shares some responsibility. It’s not like crazy Charlie was a secret so she knew what she was getting into, just wanted to ride the drug money train. and the fact that she’s suing for money instead of trying to get him Jail time is suspect to me. if someone did that to me I would want him in jail not eying to get millions from him.

      • Bridget says:

        It is incredibly hard to send abusers to jail under normal circumstances, let alone with a rich and powerful celebrity like Charlie Sheen.

        And did you read the above article? Do you really think she expected that kind of abuse, and that she would have signed up for that? She made a really, really bad choice getting with Charlie, but the only person who’s responsible for Charlie’s actions is Charlie. She doesn’t “share some responsibility”.

      • Flan says:

        She does not share responsibility, since she commited no criminal act (he did).

        She is incredibly stupid though.

    • Lucy2 says:

      I agree, though only in this particular situation- Sheen is a very unique case, as all of his issues and abuses have been well documented and known to the general public, especially in the last few years. That’s not to say she deserved it, or should have had to put up with that abuse, or questioning why she stayed, but she did knowingly put herself in a very dangerous position.

      I wish he’d actually face consequences for his actions and rot in jail. Society would truly be better without him in it.

    • Detritus says:

      There should be no ‘but’.
      There are two major problems with putting responsibility on this poor girl.

      1. By that logic abusers can never get better and people can never change. I don’t think Charlie in particular will, but you are refusing to acknowledge that some people can get better. You can’t judge someone for hope. That’s a dick move.

      2. Placing blame on the victim ignores the fact that as a serial abuser he is probably incredibly charming, as an actor he has tons of money and connections. He’s in a position of power and uses it. Notice he picks young women in sex work to date, not wealthy, established older women.

      TLDR – stop blaming victims, even if you think you ‘know better’ than they do. All it shows is that you lack the ability to empathize and critically think on a deeper level. She made a bad judgement call on his character it doesn’t make her complicit in her own abuse.

      • Amanda says:

        I would disagree that this is victim blaming. Charlie is 100% responsible for his own actions. But I think he can be an abuser and she can be using it for her own monetary gain and have had a financial motive all along. I don’t think those two things are mutually exclusive. I think she gives abuse victims a bad name because gives the MRA’s of the world a gold digger story to latch onto and wave around as if it proves something about abuse victims.

      • lizzie says:

        sorry amanda but you are wrong. flat out wrong. even if she was a gold digging scheming money grubber and was in the relationship solely for financial gain – SHE IS STILL NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR BEING ABUSED! it is not a woman’s responsibility to behave so as not to get beaten. it is the man’s responsibility to not do it in the first place and vice versa. bad judgement does not mean someone deserves to be assaulted, threatened or coerced into having medical procedures against their will. if a woman has deep psychological problems where they “court” abuse and intentionally put themselves in dangerous situations where abuse could take place – they are STILL not responsible for their abuse. the abuser is ALWAYS 100% responsible. it is wrong. it is assault. it is against the law. the only person it should give a bad name is the abuser. end of story.

      • Detritus says:

        In response to some lower comments,

        You do not need to be a perfect person to be the victim of abuse.

        You do not need to be a model or poster child or prove anything to any idiotic group to be a survivor or worthy of support and justice.

        MRAs can suck an egg. I care more about the justice for a survivor than I do about proving a point to MRAs. Especially when everyday people already think she shares responsibility.

      • bluhare says:

        Amanda didn’t say that she was responsible for being abused the way I read it. What I read is she said she thinks she’s responsible for going into it for the money and making sure she gets the money. She didn’t say anything about being responsible for abuse, I do think she said she’s responsible for being in it for the money, though. Which we all knew.

      • Kiddo says:

        @ Amanda, It IS victim blaming.

        YOUR comment:

        I wouldn’t put it past her to know he’d beat her and see dollar signs every time he did it.

        Your statement indicates that your opinion is that SHE Intentionally went into the relationship to get beaten for money. Please, at least own it.

      • Bridget says:

        Sheesh. Did anyone actually read what he did? That is horrible, horrible stuff. It doesn’t matter if she “saw dollar signs every time he did it” anyone who is subjected to that kind of treatment deserves sympathy.

      • Kiddo says:

        @Bridget, yes, I read the article. But that comment above, is so beyond the pale of blaming someone; THAT comment actually states that she was LOOKING TO GET BEATEN. That it was a f_cking plan. Come on. Regardless of the intensity of the abuse, that comment goes to an entirely new level of BLAMING the victim, for planning her own abuse, IN ADVANCE.

      • Bridget says:

        @kiddo: I should have been a little less general.

        What Rossi is alleging is scary, scary stuff. It doesn’t matter if she had “Get My Money Bitch” tattooed on her backside, and it doesn’t matter if she got into the relationship figuring that if she could endure Charlie it would be worth the money. Either she didn’t realize how awful he is, or someone that would willingly endure that treatment deserves our sympathy, because it would mean that she felt her safety was worth less than money. That is just so sad.

      • TX says:

        I think Amanda’s point (as I read it) was, yes its super f*cked up that Charlie behaves this way, and no there is nothing she did to deserve that treatment. But, at what point do we at least admit that she knew he was dangerous and dated him anyway?

        In a perfect world, nobody would abuse anyone, but we are not in a perfect world. He is dangerous and if she knew that and dated him anyway, she got herself into this situation.

      • cupcake says:

        Sorry, but this skank is not a victim. It’s Charlie Sheen, FFS…..an established violent and substance abusing nut job. It’s no secret what you sign up for if you choose to be his piece. This class act was in it for his money, and the fact she is suing him for a “forced” abortion proves it. She took being hit with the hopes of a baby that would equal a big payday. It didn’t work out for her so now she is desperately looking for any reason to make a few bucks, including selling her story to a tabloid. This situation really is a rare case in terms of abuse–of course nobody deserves abuse. However, being with Charlie is the equivalent of asking for it. She had the unique opportunity of knowing in advance he was violent towards every woman he was documented being with, yet she went for it anyway because…money. They both are trash, but it’s a shame she is actually playing the victim card to try and get paid

      • Bridget says:

        @cupcake: that is a living, breathing person you are talking about. You’re not a fan of hers? Fine, then don’t focus on her. But it doesn’t make what Charlie does any less wrong. Everyone knowing that Charlie will continue to abuse whatever poor soul that takes the gamble of being with him doesn’t change the fact that it is utterly wrong to abuse another person. He chooses these women for exactly this reason. So keep in mind that the more we focus on her and her bad choices, he wins.

      • lensblury says:

        sorry, but.. holy sh*t, cupcake. Really? Do you know how incredibly charming abusers can be, and how insisting? Even more so if they sense that their victim is trying to be strong while having a vulnerable core, because then it’s becoming a game, a challenge – which is something many abusers get a kick out of? Because then it’s about how well and how long they can play kind, it’s sort of an internal training for them.. How well abusers know how to choose victims who don’t currently have a certain level of self-worth? And how enduring in their pursuit they can be?

        ETA: Also, that’s exactly the reaction abusers want to evoke. As I have posted above: I’ve been abused, and my aggressor always tried to subtly get me to maneuvre myself(!) into a corner while pushing all my right, long-conditioned buttons, so that I’d end up being the one with the over-the-top reaction – just so my arguments wouldn’t be counted as valid. In my case, not even my own mother would believe me because the abuser filtered information and I was the weak one. Do you know how scary it is to know that people probably won’t believe you, simply because the other person put a spin on things? Now imagine this person has a PR agent. Seriously, nobody can ever know what kind of manipulation she might have been exposed to, and I’m very glad she’s making things public.

      • Flan says:

        Yes, abusers can be charming and in almost any other case, I would feel pity.

        She however, knew, well before she ever met him what he was capable off.

        She is not responsible for being abused. But she’s either very dumb or hoped to get the pay-out before he laid his hands on her.

    • SilverPoodle says:

      I feel bad for abuse survivors. No “buts.” If there is a “but” then you don’t feel sorry, Amanda. This girl did not deserve to be beat up, regardless of her gold-digger status. Plenty of women after $s don’t get beat up by their sugar daddies. And, let’s not kid ourselves… Mr. Sheen knew what she was after.

    • Sarah says:

      I agree. She didn’t deserve what happened but she also was fame-whoring her way into the spotlight. The “unless he secures her silence with an out-of-court settlement” line says it all. No one who dates Charlie Sheen could possibly be surprised by any of this.

    • Bridget says:

      @Amanda: Charlie INTENTIONALLY CHOOSES these kind of women as his victims. Women that the general public will wave off. Women like Brooke Mueller, who has been to rehab 22 times that he can just say she’s a crazy drug addict. Women that he can manipulate with his money.

      And so what if she was only with him for his money? No one would be with this disgusting iteration of Charlie Sheen if he didn’t have money. People have a variety of reasons for being in a relationship, and while financial security may not be my reason of choice, I have my sincere doubts that Charlie was only with her because of her personality. Even if she was with him for money, he does not own her and it does not give him the right to abuse her like that. There’s little doubt that she went in to that relationship not knowing there was a risk in dating Charlie, but perhaps she misjudged how bad it was, or she truly thought that her safety wasn’t valuable. In that case, shouldn’t we have sympathy for her?

      • A says:

        We tend to be attracted to that which is familiar. If one is troubled and has experienced abuse, one tends to, without realizing it, choose partners who will ultimately be abusive. It’s a sad cycle. I don’t think that anyone with healthy relationship patterns is choosing Charlie Sheen.

      • lucy2 says:

        That is an excellent point – she knew the risks, but probably has issues that made her overlook it, or drew her to it. I hope now that she’s away from him, somebody in her life steps up and is supportive, and guides her to getting some help for those issues.

      • Bridget says:

        I’d also like to point out, that if you read the article detailing what she’s alleging, no one expects that.

    • lily says:

      I don’t know about being FULLY aware of what to expect going in. Or about coming from an abusive family to be in an abusive relationship. I was with a guy and my takeaway from all that I went though was – wow I I didn’t know/believe people like this actually exist.

    • Mare says:

      She was still going to marry him. Then after he called off the wedding she comes up with this money making idea. I don’t know if Charlie abused her or not (I can speculate that he did). But, for her to say he made her get an abortion when she clearly wanted to stay with him for the money is her fault, not his.

    • Nicole says:

      So, you agree with the abuser that the abuse is her fault? Thanks for coming out, ladies.

      • itzblissy says:

        I feel like its more like you know your super rich neighbor’s dog is dangerous and is known to snap at people and attack people and you walk up to the dog, pet it and got bitten. Then you go and sue your neighbor for pain and suffering.

        If anything, She took advantage of the fact that he is a piece of shit and know that if she let him push her around, hit her abuse her, she will get a large payout.

        Recall Charlie has always been an idiot, but the period before they started dating, he was doing slightly better (vacationing with denise and the girls, etc etc), and it got even worst after he started dating her.

        if anything she fed his habit even more than it was and then allowed herself to be abuse while waiting for this paycheck.

      • Kelly says:

        Good point itzblissy!

      • Bridget says:

        Charlie’s downswing was his own fault. Not his girlfriend’s. And I don’t even know what tosay, your whole post just makes me sad.

    • phlyfiremama says:

      Exactly. No excuse for the behavior. You can’t FORCE so,eone to undergo a medical procedure like that, she HAD to give her consent.

      • Crumpet says:

        You obviously are ignorant of how an abusive situation works. Good luck with that – I hope you never find yourself in the same position.

  3. Soporificat says:

    I hope all the many exes in his life, including Scottine, take ALL of his money. The only way this dude is ever going to have to face real consequences for his disgusting and harmful behavior is if his is no longer insulated by all his wealth.

    • Kitten says:


      Man he is just VILE.

      Good write-up, C/B.

    • Maggie says:

      Word. Everybody blaming her just…wow.

      • Sarah says:

        I don’t think everyone is blaming her. She made a very, VERY bad choice in terms of boyfriends. I wouldn’t go out with Charlie because I know what I would be in for. That doesn’t excuse what he did. No one deserves abuse.

    • Detritus says:

      I hope she refuses any hush money and charges him and he faces real consequences.

      Then gets alimony and child support and emotional damage compensation.

      I live in a dream world.

    • Bridget says:

      I hope they take all his money (though I’d settle for him losing it in a Ponzi scheme) and that his penis falls off.

    • Sarah says:

      Can I say all the exes except Brooke Miller? Because she is just as vile as he is, but in a different way. You and I would have our kids taken away in a heartbeat after the things she has done to those poor boys. If she gets any cash, it will just go up her nose or in her veins.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      I agree. He treats other people so horribly and has for years. I try not to be a cruel and judgmental person, but I just have no hope for him. I just really hope that he doesn’t seriously injure or kill someone before his life ends. I see him as a threat to society that walks among us.

    • itzblissy says:

      i say give all the money to denise and the girls.

  4. Tapioca says:

    “Plus, as we mentioned yesterday, there are countless examples of Charlie abusing women for decades.”

    Exactly – Charlie Sheen is NOT GOING TO CHANGE. So why do women still sign up to be treated like shit by this monster?

    • goofpuff says:

      for the money and fame

    • Kitten says:

      Or you could pose the question:

      Why does Sheen sign up with women who’ll eventually get sick of his shit, expose his abusive and disturbing ways to the world (thus lowering his marketability), and then take all his money?

      I mean, how stupid is this man?

      Definitely a slow learner, that’s for sure.

      • jenn12 says:

        I remember when he took up with Brooke very quickly after he separated from Denise. I think he goes for addicts and/or very needy women. Denise was his last celebrity involvement, and he charmed the hell out of her (addicts and abusers are like that initially). After that, he went for a drug addict, someone I think he thought would understand his desire to live his life that way. But they had kids, and that complicated everything. This time, he went for what he thought would be easy: a young sex worker. She may be an addict as well. He doesn’t see these women as human beings; he sees them as pawns to manipulate, throw cash at, keep his loneliness at bay, sleep with him whenever he demands it, and absorb his temper whenever he loses it.

      • Kiddo says:

        @Kitten, Look, people should always watch their backs, and try to operate as safely as possible in a world full of predators, but there seems to be some scale, here, as to who has a valid reason for seeking justice.

        If a prostitute is killed by a serial killer, is it “too bad, oh so sad, whatever”, because she knew what she was getting into?
        If an old person is duped into giving their life-savings away to a scam, is it, “oh well, you were stupid and gullible”, it’s your own fault’?
        If a lawyer like Amal, marries up in wealth, is she automatically written off because income was part of her criteria for a spouse?
        What about society women? Do we toss them off the plank, if they are abused, because they opted to stick with riches?

        These women are Charlie’s peers, in life style. End of. They may not have his money, but they are in his circle. Charlie was arrested for criminal acts MULTIPLE times, and has walked away scott-free. The only other alternative is to seek punitive damages in a court where there are lower standards of proof.

        ETA: @jenn12, do searches on the origins of Denise.

      • jenn12 says:

        Not sure what’s being implied, but Denise put up with a lot during her marriage, deals with coparenting with Charlie, and has helped out with his twins when Brooke is in rehab because Charlie is not interested in raising his kids. Not a Denise fan nor a hater, but what do you mean?

      • Bridget says:

        @Jenn12: Denise has a colorful (but well hid past). It just shows Charlie’s pattern: he chooses flawed partners that he can hang out to dry in the court of public opinion. Denise left him 7 months pregnant and still managed to look bad at the time! However, since that divorce Denise has shown herself to be a pretty great person and fortunately that’s the image that we have of her now.

      • Kiddo says:

        I’m not a hater either. I’ll just say that Charlie’s last celebrity date was probably John Travolta’s wife.

        ETA: thanks @Bridget, you put it well, I didn’t intend to be disparaging in the least, I was just trying to put things into context.

      • jenn12 says:

        No worries, I just didn’t get it and wasn’t sure what I was supposed to be looking for. If Denise has hidden issues, it just cements the fact that Charlie looks for women he can manipulate and abuse. Hopefully, Denise has gotten it together for the sake of her kids, if past rumors were true.

      • Bridget says:

        @Jenn12: Charlie does indeed have a very long history of choosing vulnerable women. Denise was by the far the most ‘together’ of his exes, and his time with her coincided with what was probably his longest span of sobriety as well as his career resurgence that he had to work very hard for. But when he ended up back on top, the wheels came back off.

        To this day, I have to wonder how terrifying he really was for Kelly Preston to go straight from living with Charlie to marrying Travolta. She still backs up that ridiculous gun in the pants story, and says what a nice guy he was! He is a scary guy.

  5. jenn12 says:

    You do not want to have a child with this man. It gives him inroads into your life for the rest of your days. Remember when the media was going off on Denise Richards for being ridiculous and putting Charlie down? The truth always comes out.

    • goofpuff says:

      Ah but you do if you want continual access to his millions to fund a cushy lifestyle.

      • jenn12 says:

        Bad enough he has five kids already. Don’t know why he hasn’t had a vasectomy. He is nothing more than a sperm donor and no woman should want to have a child with him, knowing what he is. He will have rights over that child’s life.

      • Lady D says:

        Maybe 6 children, Jenn. Rumour has it that Denise’s youngest is Charlie’s.

    • A says:

      It was awful that Denise was vilified for so long, particularly when Sheen already had a history of violence. Why the media and the public took his side for so long was beyond me.

      • jenn12 says:

        Maybe because of his storied Hollywood family? Yes, he’s a talented actor, but that doesn’t take away from his psychopathic behavior or the fact that he manipulates partners with issues and less power than he has, or his addictions, or his complete refusal to raise any of the kids he fathers.

  6. Mispronounced Name Dropper says:

    So Charlie isn’t pro life or pro choice.

    • jenn12 says:

      Charlie is nothing but a sex addict and occasional sperm donor. He needs to have a vasectomy and I don’t know why he hasn’t already. All he wants is a companion to have sex with and take out his temper on.

      • MrsBPitt says:

        Charlie is pro Charlie, and that’s it!

      • Insomniac says:

        I’ve no doubt Charlie is the kind of loser who doesn’t want any more kids but expects the woman to be solely responsible for birth control. God forbid he make an effort.

  7. original kay says:

    This is so recent, can he not be charged with domestic violence?

    • Jess says:

      Good point! I would have gone to the police before the national enquirer and an attorney, to try to make sure he doesn’t do this to other women, but that’s just me!

      • Kiddo says:

        His power is IN HIS MONEY. You take that away, you take away his ability to sic the lawyer-squad on ‘lesser’ humans, when they seek criminal charges.

    • Bridget says:

      It is not easy to charge someone with domestic violence (which would actually felony assault). For one thing, it sounds like she didn’t call the police when he assaulted her, and I’m guessing that it’s because there were illegal substances around. Further, not only does Charlie have the means to have excellent legal representation who would most likely rip Rossi to shreds, but the LA justice system has shown itself to be notoriously lenient on celebrities.

      • funcakes says:

        You want to leave a paper trail. One should at least file endless reports and take pictures of all injuries. Then put all copies and pictures of locked away so when the times comes you can be used. One might want to keep a journal also.

      • Kori says:

        Exactly. The cops were involved when he terrorized that prostitute in NYC and when he choked and threatened Brooke. But he never did a day in prison.

        I hope this is the final nail. He won’t do jail since she’s not pressing charges. But women–stay far away from this asshole. Didn’t he threaten Denise to get an abortion? (She didn’t) Didn’t he hit/push her when she was pregnant? He choked Brooke and threatened her with a knife. Terrorized a prostitute to the point she hid in a closet. Brett’s claims are totally in line with his past.

  8. MrsBPitt says:

    Charlie will kill one of these women someday…I truly believe that! He is a violent, crazy, addict! He already almost shot Kelly Preston and held a knife to Brooke Mueller’s throat! One of these days, some woman will not be lucky enough to escape this maniac’s drug fueled rages…scary…but, of course, because he is famous and rich, he will get away with murder…O.J., Robert Blake, Ray Lewis, Ted Kennedy, etc.

  9. Dawn says:

    Charlie is lots of things, some are bad, very bad and some of them good. But I don’t believe that anyone can MAKE a woman have an abortion. She may have gotten pregnant and he might have said to end it because he wasn’t going to pay her but it was still her decision to have an abortion at the end of the day.

    • Detritus says:

      Nope it’s true, threats of homelessness arent motivating at all.

      • juanS says:

        its weird that most people saw B. Rossi as the motivating force behind Charlie kicking out Denise Richards and their kids, then it happens to her

      • Ennie says:

        @juan what I recall from gossip at the time is that this Brett woman Was very nasty towards Denise, and it seemed she was egging Charlie on his nastiness even more.
        I bet she was doing it to milk him more, to be seen as the good vs the other “bad” women like Denise. It is sad what happened but I do not have muh sympathy for her.
        I dont mind her past or her addiction problems, but her own actions when she was with him.

      • Ennie says:

        Charlie seemed to get worse when he was with this woman.

      • Bridget says:

        @Ennie: Charlie doesn’t need anyone egging him on. It’s all him – but the girlfriend provides a convenient shield so he doesn’t have to outright be the bad guy. He is an irredeemable human, and it isn’t because of anyone else’s influence.

        Also, if you remember the kerfuffle with Denise actually came about because of issues with their custody and visitation agreement, as well as his battle with Brooke. Remember, he only has supervised visitation with his children with Denise.

      • Lady D says:

        He threw Denise and his girls out of their home to appease Brett. He then gave their home to his dentist. (per tmz)

  10. jay says:

    Birds of a feather flock together. He’s a pos but she knew that and still was willing to put up with him for the lifestyle and fame which makes her a pos as well.

  11. serena says:

    I’m reading the comments on the radar article and I’m beyond disgusted. People blaming her or calling her names.. an yet nobody calls Charlie for what he is. What the hell is wrong with people? An abuser is an abuser no matter the woman’s background!

    • Kitten says:

      There’s a lot of that going on in the comments here too.

      • serena says:

        Yup.. it’s horrifying, really.

      • Bridget says:

        Not gonna lie, I will always side eye anyone that intentionally gets involved with Charlie Sheen. But she hasn’t asked for and doesn’t need my approval in life, and she could be the most mercenary, cold hearted gold digger ever and it still wouldn’t mean that she deserves this kind of treatment. He chose someone who would be dazzled by his wealth (I think we can all agree that it wasn’t by his personality or looks) who was vulnerable enough to stay.

    • GingerCrunch says:

      Hopefully Scottie receives a huge bankroll and goes on to have a terrific life out of the sex/porn industry.

  12. OSTONE says:

    How does he have any money left at this point? You’d think he would be running dry by now. He is a scumbag and gold-digger or not, I hope she takes him to the cleaners.

  13. Celebitchy says:

    At least a third of the people commenting actually read the article, that’s reassuring.

    • Soporificat says:

      Hee hee, that is some high-class shade right there, CB.

      Let me try: People who are commenting here without reading the whole article are so brave! I know I could never do it, cuz I would be afraid that others would judge me as a dumb-*ss, but you all have the courage to not care about others’ opinions!!! You do you!!!

  14. Suzanne says:

    No surprises here…he’s apparently a very abusive individual. She knew that going in. Can’t feel sorry for these women that are so desperate…they hook up with abusive men.

    • Anony says:

      Really someone so desperate they endure abuse so they deserve it? Lot of stone cold bitches reading CB today…

  15. Murphy says:

    I love how she tweeted about how whomever released this stuff betrayed her–give me a break–she leaked this herself.

  16. Insomniac says:

    I really don’t understand why this scumbag still has *any* kind of career. He’s a known abuser, he’s difficult and volatile to work with … I just don’t get it. Are there really that many people who still want to watch him and think he’s funny?

    • Kitten says:

      He has and will continue to have a career because of a society that says that these women knew what was coming to them, that they deserve this, thus shifting the onus to the abused and off of the abuser. These women are seen by Charlie and many people the same way: as desperate, money-hungry trash that don’t deserve to be treated as human beings.

      • kanyekardashian says:

        I don’t say that she “deserved” any kind of abuse. But where is her responsibility in this? She made the choice to be with him. She doesn’t live under a rock – she knew what kind of person he is. I hate to sound like this, but everything that happens in life has a lesson attached to it. I hope that she uses this experience to make better life choices and get involved with men who treat her well instead of deadbeat misogynists like Charlie Sheen.

  17. Allie May says:

    Scottine is only 25 years old. I think the problem here is that he picks up young, inexperienced women that don’t have the knowledge or self confidence to recognize an abusive relationship and walk away. Blaming the victim doesn’t help anybody.

  18. bored mom says:

    Sigh. I run criminal records for a living. Do you realize how rare actual jail time for abusers is? It’s usually a suspended sentence and probation. Leaving a now pissed off abuser free to dream of revenge. People do far more time for possession than domestic assault. Suing him puts him and his crimes in the spotlight and hits him where it hurts; the ego and the wallet. So no, not pursuing this in court doesn’t make her suspect to me at all.

    • Shambles says:

      I need everyone to slide down here and read this comment. THANK. YOU.

    • Korra says:

      Thank you. This woman already has an uphill battle with so much of the world simply because of her occupation why does everyone need to get involved here? Yes. Maybe she knew his past. Yes she’s 25. But come the hell on. Everyone no matter what their age makes mistakes. There are situations where you sit back and learn from them. THIS is not one of them. She has every right to sue him and make sure he pays out his butt because that is the LEAST he can do. She should not be vilified for the rest of her life or told well know you know what you get when you work in pron or sleep with men like Charlie. Guys that is such heinous victim blaming and paternalistic I can’t even. Sheen is beyond vile. He should rot in jail. He’s the guy that’s what 50 something? He should know way better.

  19. Easypeasy123 says:

    One day he’s going to try to choke the wrong hooker and get his

  20. juanS says:

    i don’t blame her for being abused, I blame her for putting herself in that situation. Charlie is a known dangerous drug addict, getting in a relationship with him is like driving drunk. Sooner or later their is going to be a crash, and while tragic, doesn’t erase the responsibility that the person has to keep themselves out of a bad situation. meanwhile Charlie is a vile… words fail me, English doesn’t really possess a word bad enough to describe Charlie.

  21. JM says:

    Since no one seems to be able to convict Charlie of any kind of assault, perhaps his karma will come in the form of a new girlfriend who will only take 1 beating before exacting revenge both for herself and the countless others he’s used as punching bags. Wouldn’t it be nice to open the Enquirer and for once, see Charlie’s busted face?

  22. minx says:

    He’s a vicious, horrible person.

  23. Bridget says:

    He is going to kill one of these women one day, and when that happens are we going to say that it’s okay because she was only with him for his money?

  24. Ameoba says:

    Charlie has long been doing this. This guy spewing that kind of hate on social media to his previous wives is dangerous. At some point such serial abusers should be dealt with by authorities. He should be put in prison and never let out ever.

  25. Beth says:

    I’m really surprised at the gold-digging accusations and claims that she’s partly responsible that I’m reading in these comments. Really very surprised.

  26. Ellie66 says:

    Charlie is the ultimate douche-bag and I hope Scottie take a chunk of cash! Nobody deserves to be abused she may have know what he is but she still doesn’t deserve being beaten as for the abortion she said the baby had a irregular heartbeat after he kicked her in the stomach.

    • Kori says:

      That part made me particularly ill. If that didn’t do it you have to wonder if the baby would’ve be ok because of the drug use. Much like the twins apparently have issues. Even if she wasn’t on drugs, God only knows how messed up his sperm is with the constant supply of drugs and probably STD meds flowing through his system. But I think this was similar to Denise but she held enough power to refuse and kick his ass out.

  27. Erinn says:

    The one thing I’m side-eying is the whole ‘unless I get a big out of court settlement’ line of thinking. It comes off as ‘I’m willing to sweep this all under the rug if I get the right price. Sorry to all the women who have had the guts to charge their abusers and make a point that this is absolutely not okay – I’m cool with the money’

    Do I think he did all of this? Absolutely. He’s a low life piece of shit. But I’m also not chalking this up to her age. I’m turning 25 in may. It’s not some tender young shucks and gollygee Mister point in life. I’m going to guess that she’s been in abusive scenarios before and it’s just another cycle of abuse for her because no well adjusted 20 something looks at Charlie Sheen and thinks he’d be a good boyfriend or husband.

    I hope she gets the help she needs, and I really hope people stop giving this man jobs and money. But I really wish she’d push this to court. But at the same time I do understand it’s hard with domestic abuse cases and celebrities get to walk constantly.

  28. Ana says:

    Thanks for the trigger warning, Celebitchy. It’s truly appreciated. 🙂

    Charlie Sheen is a sociopath. It’s as simple as that. Even if these new allegations were not true, his past and that tweet to Brooke are enough evidence of it.

  29. MSat says:

    I doubt that this girl had “eyes wide open” about Charlie at the beginning. Guys like Charlie are VERY good at whitewashing their past. He probably gave her a line of BS about “the media” mischaracterizing him, and his exes being “crazy bitches.” Abusers like Charlie are able to explain away past behaviors and paint themselves as the poor, misunderstood victim who just needs to find the right woman.

    Let’s not forget that this girl is 25 years old. He goes after the young, damaged ones for a reason: they’re easy to manipulate, have low self esteem and are naive about relationships. We’ll NEVER see Charlie with a woman his age who has her shit together, because a woman like that would see through him in 3 seconds flat.

  30. Sam says:

    I hate what he did to her and he had no right to do it. That said, why sue him in civil court when there are apparently photos of the abuse and she could press criminal charges. Taking his money is not going to hurt him in any way. Take away his freedom and his ability to do this to countless other women during his lifetime.

  31. JenniferJustice says:

    Charlie Sheen is 100% responsible for putting his hands on her. period. I hope he goes to prison.

    She is 100% responsible for purposely getting pregnant by a rich celebrity in the hopes of a pay day. I hope she doesn’t use unborn babies as leverage in the future.

    • Kitten says:

      i doubt it was an immaculate conception scenario, so no she’s not 100% responsible for getting pregnant.

    • Crumpet says:

      No one manages to get pregnant all on their own. It takes two people. Perhaps you need to brush up on your sex ed?

  32. Merritt says:

    I’m not surprised he abused her. He will abuse anyone. I feel bad for the women he chooses because most of them are in the adult industry and are not used to someone acting like their job in porn is no big deal. While he has lost his looks, he apparently knows how to charm. Even if people don”t respect women in porn, they should support them when they come forward with abuse claims. He chooses them because he is hoping people will attack his victim for being in porn and not care about the abuse. And this strategy has worked for him in the past. But that needs to stop. He belongs in prison.

    • Anony says:

      Just look at this thread, his strategy is completely working!!!!! CB commenters tend to be more enlightened than the average comments sections and yet 2/3 of these comments “I feel bad for her but…” But nothing!!!!!! Repeat after me plebs, it his fault. ITS HIS FAULT!

      I don’t care if she agreed to date him, ITS HIS FAULT. He could walk away, he could have his butler escort her off his property, HE DOES NOT HAVE TO HURT HER or anybody.

      It is his fault end of..really disappointed in a lot of you 🙁

  33. Zeph says:

    If it’s true I hope he gets all he deserves. I feel for the kids. 🙁

  34. NorthernGirl_20 says:

    A lot of these comments make me so sad. This woman is not to blame. As some people commented he is a charmer, she was young and probably didn’t know about his past. I didn’t til I started reading Celebitchy. He is 100% to blame for the abuse. No one else. He is vile.

    And yes a woman can be forced to have an abortion. It happens a lot.

  35. Trashaddict says:

    When will this man just go away already. He’s a plague to women and a blight on this earth. It outrages me that people are barely living off minimum wage while buttfaces like this have money in the bank and more coming ing.

    • Crumpet says:

      Money doesn’t buy him anything. He is in a prison of his own making. I actually think jail would be the best thing that ever happens to him – if it happens.

  36. lisa says:

    my only thought on this is im glad he didnt end up with another kid

  37. BlackBetty says:

    Let me guess society will judge her for being a sex worker, so he’ll get away with it again. He really disturbs me

  38. kanyekardashian says:

    No one deserves to be beaten or abused. But who did she think she was getting involved with? Where is her responsibility in this for voluntarily getting involved with him? I just wish women would make better life choices. Everyone knows that sex workers one hundred percent come from sexually traumatic backgrounds. I just don’t understand why women with that background wouldn’t choose therapy over degrading themselves for a living. Women in porn send a message to men that they have little self-esteem and will take any kind of abuse. It’s very sad, but she’s a grown woman and has to be responsible for her own choices. Charlie Sheen is a violent misogynist, but she knew that going in.