Kim Kardashian won’t name this kid East or South, but maybe Winter West?


By the time Kim Kardashian gives birth later this year, I might have some half-hearted sympathy for Kanye West. It seems like as soon as Kim finally got pregnant this time, she’s just been complaining non-stop about everything from clothes to heels to feeling pukey. As is her right – during her last pregnancy, I was sympathetic towards Kim because she really seemed utterly miserable. But Kanye has to deal with it all the time now – I don’t think Kim is going to let him escape to Paris like last time.

Anyway, TMZ has been doing a lot of Kardashian-West stories about this pregnancy. Here’s one about Kim trying to stick to a diet this time around so she doesn’t have preeclampsia again.

Kim Kardashian is doing everything she can to avoid a serious complication with her second pregnancy … including bringing in someone to keep her on a strict diet. We’re told Kim suffered from a high-blood pressure disorder called preeclampsia when North was in the oven. Only 5-8% of pregnant women get it, but doctors say it’s likely to reoccur … so, Kim’s taking action.

Our Kardashian sources tell us she hired a nutritionist to devise a weekly meal plan with two key rules – lots of water and a low sodium intake. One big change — KK started each day of her first pregnancy with a donut, but this time she’s reaching for protein shakes. Kim’s hoping to avoid symptoms like swelling, headaches and changes in vision … by sticking to the plan.

[From TMZ]

Kim has said in the past that Kanye eats healthy and he works with a nutritionist or dietician or something. I’m sure Kanye will be totally on board if Kim is trying to eat better this time around, although if the preeclampsia happens, it happens. As for the name of the second baby… who knows? They repeatedly said that they wouldn’t name their baby girl North and look what happened. But sources insist this time around that Kimye will not go with a directional name.

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are ditching the compass when it comes to naming baby #2 … we’ve learned there will be no sequel to North West. Sources close to the couple tell us there’s NO CHANCE their new bundle will be inspired by direction, like their firstborn. Everyone’s been speculating they’d go with something like South, East or even Easton — but we’re told there’s simply no direction in play.

The main reason, we’re told … is they want the name to be strong. With North, there was a power element because it’s always on top, or pointing up. The other 3 just don’t have that swagger.

Our sources say right now they’re leaning toward something more traditional … with a family-related influence. Think less ‘K’ name … and more likely something connected to Kim or Kanye’s late parents, we’re told. Kim’s due in December, so they’ve got time to sort it out. Perhaps they’ll even go seasonal … Winter West has a nice ring to it, but no word on the sex yet.

[From TMZ]

I have a strange affection for seasonal names like Autumn and Summer. The first time I met a girl named Summer, I was enchanted. I do think Kim and Kanye are the type to go with Winter West or December West or something like that. Although if it’s a boy, I’m guessing Easton West is on the table.


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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57 Responses to “Kim Kardashian won’t name this kid East or South, but maybe Winter West?”

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  1. Abbott says:

    What about ‘at the second stoplight hang a right, if you see the Home Depot you’ve gone too far’ Kardashian-West?

    You’re welcome, Kimye.

  2. sara says:

    “Winter is coming”

    “Still … in this world only Winter is certain”

    • Eugenie says:

      For the night is dark and full of terrors (insert pic of Pimp Mama Kris here & most of Kim’s fashion choices).

    • LadyMTL says:

      Also: “After winter must come spring.”

      “Now is the winter of our discontent.”

      This is fun, lol.

    • Chrissy says:

      What about death and taxes?

    • Honeybee Blues says:

      Now is the winter of our discontent
      Made glorious summer by this son of Dork.

  3. Tifygodess says:

    The surrogate rumors with the growing slap on bumps are strong with this one. Still feel she’s laying the ground work. Only time will tell.

    • Anastasia says:

      Yep. Watch–she’ll look terrific (for her) this time around and claim it’s because of her healthy eating habits and amazing gym workouts, when in reality it’ll be because she’s wearing a series of great prosthetic bellies.

  4. Pina Colada says:

    This story makes me angry, I’ve had preeclampsia twice and there is no strict diet that can fix it. It’s not fully understood, but the current thought is that it is caused by placental issues and rejection by the mother of the placenta as a forgein body. It is determined at conception whether one will get this or not. There are things you can do, like take a low dose aspirin, exercise daily, take extra folic acid, omegas, and calcium, but I don’t like this story because it gives a lot of false information. She has a huge platform, so if she is going to bring attention to this disease, then please do it properly. Many of us end up with long-term heart damage from this. The risk of cardiovascular disease for someone who’s had pree is the same as a lifetime smoker, and if your mother had it, you are at higher risk to have it. So it’s not just a soundbite for those of us who have had it.

    • Liberty says:

      Thank you for this post and the important information. I nearly died from preeclampsia (struck at 8 months, and my baby was stillborn, devastating, and I was hospitalized for two weeks). I had done everything “right” to that point, picture of healthy eating and activity, etc. Perfect check-ups. And then suddenly boom. My doctors told me everything you say here, and that they are still tryimg to understand this disease. I don’t like to scare people, so I don’t talk about it, but your post is so valuable, it made me want to speak up in support.

      • swack says:

        Sorry to hear of your loss. I can’t imagine how heartbreaking it was. People need to talk about preeclampsia and I’m glad you told your story. @pina colada – thank you for the information.

      • Vava says:

        wow, so sorry about your loss, how shocking and devastating. Can’t imagine what you went through…

      • zinjojo says:

        @Liberty, what a devastating experience and loss for you and your family. My sympathies to you. Thank you and Pina Colada for sharing this information and helping to bring more awareness to what preeclampsia is and how little is know about it.

      • Liberty says:

        …thank you for your kind words.

        When I was in hospital, my main night nurse was so kind. One night she was in tears with me, and she told me suddenly that it had happened to her too, same thing, and she’d had no one to talk to as no one knows what this really is and family didn’t want to discuss it, her husband idiotically blamed her, and she didn’t want to scare her friends either. She felt alone for two years, until she cried with me. So thinking of her and the silence around this made me want to say “me too” in support of Pina Colada and others.

      • Jag says:

        So sorry for your loss. <3

        My mother had preeclampsia with me and I was premature by at least a month. We both almost died from what she told me.

        I'm glad that y'all are still here to give education about the condition, Pina Colada and Liberty.

      • StormsMama says:

        I’m sooo sorry for your loss.
        What a scary nightmare to endure.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        Thank you so much for sharing your story, it is very informative. My heart goes out to you and your family. Sending big hugs your way.

    • MsTak says:

      I’ve had preE both pregnancies and I was told the same– low sodium, hydration, bed rest, little stimulation etc. I have never heard what you’ve said so maybe the information you have is way more in-depth than doctors tell mothers.

    • Chell says:

      Thank you so much for this post. I almost died from pre-eclampsia. Delivered my twin girls at 23 weeks, only one of my daughters survived. We have been in the NICU since December.
      Everyting about this woman turns my stomach….her “struggle” with infertility, her pre-eclampsia “diet”. There are real women out there that truly struggle with these issues & for her to use them as a PLOT for her unreality show is a slap in the face to us that have struggled.

    • Francesca says:

      Preclampsia sucks so bad. I wish drinking more water and eating less salt would stop it from developing. Anyone who has had it once would do ANYTHING not to have it again. It is devastating.

    • krysten says:

      I had preclampsia with 2 of my kids. First one I almost died. Lost more than half my blood count, seizures and kidney damage. It was an awful nightmare. I spent a week on medicine that had me with no muscle movement and not knowing who I was let alone my baby. I remember bits and pieces but I remember crying because I couldnt hold my baby or walk. Nothing says love like when your husband and dad are lifting your ass off the bed to take you to the bathroom lol..I have no sympathy for her famewhoring ass!! And yes I was also told that you can not have a drop of salt etc and still get it so her “diet” is bull crap. Usually if you get it once theres a big risk youll get it again

    • Tiffany :) says:

      Pina, thank you very much for sharing that information!

      • Ash says:

        Preclampsia is very scary. I had it with all three of mine. My first had IUGR which is now found to be linked to a lot of cases of preE. My placenta wasn’t working properly. I had to have her at 34 weeks because my blood pressure was 190/110. I had to have her vaginally because doctors didn’t think I would live through a C-section so they tried to make it as natural as possible. 29.5 hours of labor with her. I did everything textbook. Some people are just destined to get it.

        I went preclampsic with number 2 at 39 weeks and ended up going eclampsic on the way to the OR for an emergency C-section. I remember nothing except starting to feel cold and a nurse yelling “Ativan” and another nurse asking if there was a DNR on me. I didn’t come to until hours later and my bed was padded down. I wasn’t allowed to hold my son for nearly six more hours until they were sure I wouldn’t seize again.

        And I went preE with number 3. Fortunately, I was just starting to spill protein so they went ahead and C-sectioned me about 2 weeks early.

  5. Kiki says:

    I am so tired of these two, oh what am I sayimg, I am waiting for a scandal to happen. Call me bad and I don’t care, but I am waiting for the cookie to crumble soon for kimye and their Kardassian douchebags,including Kylie and Kendall Jenner.

  6. Sugar says:

    Winter West is actually a cute name. I like the name Summer, too.

    Kim needs to be really careful about preeclampsia. That could kill her. My sister-in-law almost died from it.

    • Shambles says:

      I actually like Winter West, too. It’s pretty magical.

      • Angie says:

        Actually, in Paganism, Winter is associated with the direction of North, as is the element of Earth. So it is pretty magical. 🙂

  7. swack says:

    I honestly don’t understand why she is still playing the pre-eclampsia card from the last pregnancy. Had she had pre-eclampsia she would not have been able to travel like she did nor would she be allowed out and about as much as she was. The minute my blood pressure rose the doctor told me to stay off my feet as much as possible. He was trying to avoid any problems. So no, I don’t believe she had pre-eclampsia. And much of Kim’s misery was the clothes and shoes she wore. Had she worn looser (and I’m not saying tent size) clothing and more appropriate shoes she would have been less miserable. Also had she slowed down it would have helped (no, she did not always travel because of business). Hopefully she learned from the last pregnancy, but I doubt it.

    • Francesca says:

      It can develop suddenly at any point in a pregnancy. ETA – after 18 weeks

  8. Linn says:

    Go (west)? Wild (West)?

    They have lots of oppurtunities left.

    • Ellie says:

      This is the one I keep hearing, and it seems crazy enough that they’d think it’s a good idea. Please no, kimye.

  9. snusnud says:

    I like Summer West.What if they name her January West..or June West..

  10. paola says:

    That’s bs. They’ll find a name with a K. No way they’re giving up the ‘k’ thing. It’s a brand for the whole family.
    In fact I think that Caitlkyn went for a ‘C’ and not for a ‘K’ as a way of separating herself from the whole family.

    • CJ says:

      I don’t think they’ll do a K name. They already gave it up with North. Last time I checked that started with an N.

  11. Blue Melca says:

    Please name the baby Key.

  12. MrsBPitt says:

    But, I’m sure they will spell it Wintour West!!!!! Gotta suck up to Anna, don’t ya know!!!

    • Tough Cookie says:

      HAHAHA love it…Wintour…you rock, MrsBPitt

    • Chrissy says:

      OMG! Classic. Nothing would surprise me with these two fools. And then Anna will be asked to be god-mother. SMH

    • Jag says:

      You won the internet today! They’ll see your post and will absolutely do it.

  13. GiGi says:

    I grew up with a girl named Silver – she was born on her parents’ silver anniversary. I always thought that was kind of a cool name. But I’m betting on Gold or Platinum for Kimye 😉

  14. Velvet Elvis says:

    Sorry but the only way I’ll believe that she’s really pregnant this time is if she does the whole nude photo shoot thing. # pillowbaby

    • Jag says:

      They’ll just photoshop her head onto the original picture. They would consider using the original as-is, and call it new, but her face has been messed with too much for that to work.

  15. altariel says:

    I think Autumn West is a beautiful name for a girl. Winter West could work for a boy or a girl. But I’m also partial to Adam West, childhood superhero, lol.

  16. Livealot says:

    I have an affection for seasonal names as well and actually can imagine “Wilde” west HOWEVER I hate the name guessing game. We truly won’t know until he/she arrives.

  17. em says:

    I’m really surprised that no one mentions a high protein diet to prevent pre-eclampsia. Google Brewer diet for pregnancy. My mother had difficult pregnancies, with terrible pre-eclampsia with my two brothers. I am terrified of that possibility because I’ve heard we carry how our mothers carry. I was 10 when she had my brother and saw how terribly sick she was, I was afraid she might die.
    The Brewer diet recommends high protein and does not recommend salt restriction as you need the salt for the necessary increase in blood volume. With my first pregnancy, at 26, I diligently ate high protein (tough for me as I don’t love eating meat). I also walked and did yoga regularly and had absolutely no issue, aside from a somewhat big baby 🙂
    I’m now 30 and pregnant gain, and will be 1 year older than my mother when she had my brother. I’m very nervous about pre-eclampsia. Fingers crossed the Brewer diet will make for smooth sailing again.

    • Francesca says:

      I did the Brewer Diet and still developed pre-e and had to deliver at 27 weeks.

      • Ash says:

        They had me try the Brewer Diet as well with the 2cd one. A lot of OB-GYNs are now disregarding it because it seems more there are genetic factors at play that make a woman go preE and a series of perfect storms occurring in the body. I know that my placenta didn’t function properly with all 3 pregnancies and that is now seen as a huge risk indicator of PreE

  18. word says:

    They’re going to call the kid “Second West”.

  19. RobN says:

    God help me, I kind of like Winter West.

  20. Michelle says:

    I vote Kwylde with a silent “K”

  21. me says:

    Money West
    Fame West
    Selfie West
    Photoshop West

    All the things Kim loves the most. Honestly if it’s a boy, I bet they’ll name him after Kanye.

  22. G says:

    I’m gonna need to know the surrogate’s name before guessing. Maybe Heather like feather as in the pillow she’ll soon be rocking? I see she ditched her spanx to make it seem like she’s “showing” now.

  23. Bridget says:

    Ok, so no East or South but what about West? West West