“There’s an amazing social media outpouring for #LoveWins” links

white house

Amazing social media outpouring following the SCOTUS decision. [Buzzfeed]
Are Taylor Swift & Calvin Harris more powerful than Beyonce & Jay-Z? [LaineyGossip]
It’s weird that Ariana Grande & Nick Offerman have the same birthday. [Dlisted]
Lindsay Lohan is still trying to happen. [Go Fug Yourself]
Teresa Giudice thanks her fans. [Reality Tea]
Celebrate gay marriage with hot gay kisses. [Pajiba]
I feel like Harry Styles is morphing into Keith Richards. [A Socialite Life]
Kristen Stewart did a photoshoot in LA. [Moe Jackson]
More about Justice Scalia’s jiggery-pokery. [Uproxx]
Put on some clothes, Selena Gomez! [Popoholic]
Evan Rachel Wood slams the paparazzi. [Wonderwall]
I totally forgot that Amanda Peet has three kids. [Celebrity Baby Scoop]

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68 Responses to ““There’s an amazing social media outpouring for #LoveWins” links”

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  1. Tiffany27 says:

    I read the last paragraph of the Supreme Court ruling and I am crying. It was worded so perfectly and beautiful.

    • Tash says:

      “No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice, and family. In forming a marital union, two people be come something greater than once they were. As some of the petitioners in these cases demonstrate, marriage embodies a love that may endure even past death. It would misunderstand these men and women to say they disrespect the idea of marriage. Their plea is that they do respect it, respect it so deeply that they seek to find its fulfillment for themselves. Their hope is not to be condemned to live in loneliness, excluded from one of civilization’s oldest institutions. They ask for equal dignity in the eyes of the law. The Constitution grants them that right.
      The judgment of the Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit is reversed.
      It is so ordered.”

      • lisa2 says:

        Oh .. I’m so crying right now.. I hadn’t read that part.. So beautiful..
        It reminds me of the Lincoln Address.

        So proud of my Country today.. Really I am.

      • BlueNailsBetty says:

        Damn. That made my eyes leak all over the place.

      • Cran says:

        I am sooooooo happyπŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

      • Jayna says:


      • LA Juice says:

        it is so ordered.

      • Mirandaaah says:

        Thank you for posting this- gives me goosebumps it’s so wonderful.

      • BRE says:

        Ugh, i seriously can’t stop with the tears. Lately I’ve feel like there has been so much hate in this country but today I felt that I had a chance to see real love and acceptance

      • Liberty says:

        Tash, thank you for posting it. Beautiful.

    • carol says:

      I don’t cry and the ruling made me cry. Gays can now get married and divorced like straight people!!

    • Hawkeye says:

      It’s worth remembering that Justice Kennedy wouldn’t be on the SCOTUS if Democrats hadn’t fought mighty hard against Reagan’s first mega-conservative choice, Robert Bork. My husband pointed this out to me and I think it underlines what others have been saying about the importance of remembering how influential presidents are in choosing SCOTUS members.

      • Alice says:

        I’m always surprised that people don’t understand that. A SCOTUS appointment is for LIFE. And some of them, like Scalia, Thomas, Alito, can do a lot of damage in their term. People need to realize that there could be at least two appointments during the next presidency and vote accordingly. Neither RBG or AS(s) are spring chickens.

    • Lahdidahbaby says:

      Yes. Finally America grows up. God bless everyone.

    • Carmen says:

      Justice Kennedy knocked it out of the ball park. Congratulations to my gay brothers and sisters from a straight sister in NYC.

    • Carmen says:

      This says it all:
      “They ask for equal dignity in the eyes of the law. The Constitution grants them that right.”

  2. celine says:


  3. Nev says:


  4. aims says:

    THis is such a happy day for equality and humanity. Then I read the republican response and it reaffirms that their party is outdated and going to be extinct soon

    • Tristan says:

      The republicans use issues like equal marriage rights for all citizens, to scaremonger people who ought to NEVER vote for them, into doing so. Unless you are a multi millionaire with no social conscience whatsoever, NOBODY in their right mind ought to ever vote for that party of hate & exploitation

      • Hawkeye says:

        Which is why I’m so excited to #FeeltheBern

      • FLORC says:

        That is an extreme. There are decent republicans that believe in rights for all. To paint with such broad strokes is very much like those same extremes. To color a whole group as that and to say anyone who votes for them is out of their mind.

        And can we remember Former Sen Olympia Snow among others? Republican that was bi partisan with an impressive and extensive record of such. So, try not to lump all into the same catagory. It’s a similar tactic to the one the extremes use to have people agree with them.

        Just to add. Many Dems still campaign as the representative for a party that exploits the Republicans as hatemongers. They can be very “Us or Them” and that’s hardly any better when they can be equally as awful. Both can be decent and both can suck imo.

      • Tristan says:

        Sorry Florc, but everything that the republican party stands for is repressive, regressive, hypocritical & serves the interests interests of only the very rich or bigoted, right wing Christian fanatics. I sincerely cannot imagine how any rational person in his or her right mind could ever want to support the Republican Party. I have yet to hear anything coming out of the mouth of a single republican politician that sounds reasonable, plus all the constant invocation of god is creepy. Here in Europe only far right basket cases come up with the sort of thing that are run of the mill for a republican politician

      • FLORC says:

        How very 1 sided close minded that is. Pretty repressive infact. Us or them argument entirely.

      • Anna says:

        The “us or them” argument is one that’s constantly pushed by the Republican party, though. I’m not saying there aren’t moderate Republicans, but unfortunately, those moderate Republicans are rarely reflected in the party’s leaders. Look at the party’s stances on immigration and gay marriage–both positions are centered on the idea that a group of “outsiders” are trying to corrupt the “good” folks. More moderate Republicans need to get out there and DO SOMETHING about the people representing their party if they don’t agree with them.

      • mimif says:

        That’s great your parents were decent Republicans who believed in equal rights for all, FLORC, but there is a very small handful of Repubs in office (let alone running) who support gay marriage. And by small, I mean minute in comparison, ergo not representative of the party. So I fail to see how why the above poster’s arguments are “close minded” or “repressive”. Smh

      • Lilacflowers says:

        @Florc, I can gladly remember Olympia Snowe and Ed Brooke and John Chafee and Lincoln Chafee, all of whom left or lost office because their own party turned against them. John Chafee was a great man and died while in office but had decided not to seek re-election in good part because of the actions of many in his own party which would later cost itself a Senate seat because it opposed Lincoln Chafee in a primary. I remember how Republicans turned on Bill Weld and Christine Todd Whitman as well. I watch my own governor Charlie Baker toe a rather uncomfortable line between his own more moderate stances and spouting party rhetoric in those areas where he is not truly conversant and then retracting it later, as he did this past week over statements concerning the battle flag of the confederacy.

      • FLORC says:

        My point being not all should be labled because of others claiming these things. Not all republicans are bad. I’m only saying not all should be painted as what is being said.
        And i’m a little down about many in office or that have held office for this reason. They pander to extremes. The uneducated or uninformed voters that will make gut choices based on how the candidate speaks to hot button issues. All while true intentions are hidden be it R or D.

        To explain my response to Tristan
        The claims were absolute. Words like everything and all are complete. No room for minorities. From that argument it came off as (you’re in the party? Then you stand for these things without question.) And I think that is close minded, yes. Your interpretation I think differs from their wording. I wouldn’t have responded back if it was phrased like yours.

      • Miss Jupitero says:

        I don’t think FLORC is being “us against them.” All of this is objectively true. The Republican party is dominated by WI gnuts, and it is reflected in their official platform.

        I would love nothing more than to see them moderate themselves and move back to something more classically conservative. It would bode well, or at least better, for our country. Unfortunately by current standards, even Nixon is a lefty, what with his ideas about socialized medicine…..

    • aims says:

      I should clarify myself then. The response I have seen from the Republican Presidential candidates have been very discouraging.

      • FLORC says:

        I get that and agree. IMO presidential canidates are terrible. They always represent the extremes in fear of losing hard to get votes. Both sides are guilty of this.

      • Anna says:

        @FLORC- Yes and no. Look at the differences between Clinton and Sanders, both of whom want the Democratic nomination. Clinton is not as extreme left as Republicans like to portray her as, especially when you compare her to Sanders.

      • FLORC says:

        Not fullproof. More that party lines aren’t true lines to define values.
        I guess ultimately that is my point i’m writing paragraphs trying to correctly state.

  5. Hawkeye says:

    Go out and celebrate, America, you deserve it! On a more thoughtful note, I hope this decision serves as an inspirational reminder to us all that progress doesn’t happen overnight, and it doesn’t happen with one person. This landmark ruling, which reflects the spirit of equality that LGBT rights has always been about, also speaks very well to the enormous power of being an ally of a cause that might not reflect you individually but does your family, friends, neighbours, coworkers and community.

  6. KJ says:

    I’ve read a lot of SC opinions in my legal career, but I’m not sure I’ve ever seen any dissents as bitter as the four today. I’m still swimming through the tears of the conservative justices, but doing it with such a huge smile on my face. I’m so happy for all the beautiful couples who can get married and have their marriages recognized all across the country. Today is such a wonderful day in American history!

  7. Cynthia says:

    Lainey’s analysis of Taylor Swift marketing is so spot on and it’s exactly what I have been thinking this whole time, girl is so sharp about the business.
    On another note, well done America!! I hope my country will follow your steps in marriage equality very soon.

    • Original T.C. says:

      Happy that Taylor is trying to happen as a “powerful couple” and being compared to actual married couples. Because when they 6month breakup happens it will be hilarious and she can’t play for “the little cute blonde kid” ticket anymore while trying to promote herself as a power player. Hope we get some brave comedians taking a swing.

  8. Skippy says:

    Peace and Love and Equality. A dream come true. Bless us all everyone.

  9. Luca76 says:

    I’m so happy and it couldn’t have come at a better time after all the crappy and sad news lately!

  10. Original T.C. says:

    I have spent years trying to convince my socially conservative that they should be the MOST supportive group for gay marriage because it decreases promiscuity, promotes family values in the gay community. Isn’t it better to have bonded committed couples than boyfriends and girlfriends? They just don’t see it and read me Bible quotes, I also resist the urge to read them other Bible quotes that contradict their’s or point out ones they are choosing not to follow:)

    I am overjoyed for all my Gay and Lesbian friends and fellow citizens! Time to celebrate with some high calorie foods and spiritsπŸ˜„

    • Tristan says:

      Anytime a religious conservative quotes the bible, quote from Richard Dawkins marvellous The God Delusion, which ought to be mandatory teaching in schools everywhere

  11. GiGi says:

    So amazing! I heard the news just as I was walking into a meeting with a woman who happens to be a lesbian and who happens to want to get married to her partner. I got to break the news to her – happy tears all around!

    I know our area has been preparing for this day by printing extra marriage licenses for weeks – they start issuing today!!!

    • phlyfiremama says:

      Wonderful!!! So glad sanity and humanity (Husanity?! I hereby trademark that word!!) prevailed in the decision today!! I’m glad your area has been prepping the licenses in anticipation~

  12. FLORC says:

    As happy as I am about this i’m reserved. There will be blow back. People will lash out with violence in a larger way than there has been. Especially in states that rebelled against this in the worst way. Hopefully there will be a community that holds together. Those who kept indifferent or silent on this will be more open and protective of this ruling and freedom.

    Fun Fact. I was raised Catholic and Orthodox by 2 registered Republican parents and i’ve never been taught by even a priest the love between the same gender is wrong. Or that they don’t have the same rights as a man and women to be seen as legal partners.

    • Absolutely says:

      I share the same reservations. The hubby and I were discussing that this morning. He thinks it will force the republicans to be more centrist. I think it will cause a major backlash, and the dems are gonna have to work hard for the next election. The youth vote is going to be absolutely imperative this time around.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      “People will lash out with violence in a larger way than there has been”

      If they do, there will be people who believe in justice and equality who will stand up and fight against it. I am straight, but I consider myself a passionate friend, supporter and defender of the LGBT community. The injustices against our fellow citizens has gone on long enough. People might complain, but ultimately, history is moving on without them.

      Just as reminder, THIS is the worse it has ever been:

      • phlyfiremama says:

        Oh, how awful!! I had no idea. πŸ™ SO it isn’t just whitewashing~I hope that we as a nation, as a world, have come so much further since then.

    • daria says:

      So I live in the kind of town where most things dont open until noon on sunday and the first thing you’ll be asked before noon is “why aren’t you in church?” if you stop by the store or anything else to run errands….that being said, the methodist church down the street from my apartment building has a little pride flag in the flower pot on the front steps. I’m in the South and i think thats beautiful. I love america right now.

  13. lila fowler says:

    Hours later, I am still choked up.

  14. Jaded says:

    This will start a tidal wave of change for the whole world. Thank you America for taking this enormous step towards enlightenment.

    A happy Canadian!

  15. Veronica says:

    Oh God, anarchy in the streets! Polygamy in every home, cats and dogs marrying, the very natural fabric of the world undone! WHATEVER SHALL WE DO?

    * pops open Dr. Pepper and goes back to book*

  16. Kathy says:

    First ACA now equal marriage. We’re on a roll this week!!

    • Carmen says:

      Don’t forget the fair housing law was upheld also. Three for three. 😊

    • Mia4S says:

      And Disney banned selfie-sticks at all their parks! A victory for common sense! Down go the narrsisticks! πŸ˜‰

    • Lilacflowers says:

      Antonin Scalia must be really stressed.

      • belle de jour says:

        I believe in spontaneous combustion, I believe in spontaneous combustion, I believe in spontaneous combustion…

      • Carmen says:

        I wish he’d combust himself right out of existence. Hey, a girl can dream.

  17. E.M. MAXX says:

    Now all we have to do is get rid of bullying and equal pay for women …let’s not forget equal pay