Method Man says he forgot to pay his taxes because he was too high


Wu Tang Clan’s Method Man recently got his Lincoln Navigator repossessed by the government. He’s owed $52,500 in back taxes to the state since 2002. Method admits he knew about the issue – and assures us he has plenty of money. He just neglected to pay the bill. How is that? Well, he says he’s been high. A lot. And he just plum forgot.

Method Man was going to pay his bills … but then he got high. Despite recent reports that the rapper is so broke that his 2008 Lincoln Navigator was repossessed to pay back taxes, Method Man — whose real name is Clifford Smith — insists his cash flow is just fine. In fact, he says, his penchant for marijuana is to blame for the mishap.

Citing the Wu Tang member for being $52,503 in arrears on his personal income taxes, the state Department of Taxation showed up at the Staten Island native’s home at 6 a.m. March 19 with “four NYPD cops and the repo team,” Meth told us. “I knew why they were there. It wasn’t like ‘Oh my God! Noo!! Don’t take it!’ like it is on that TV show [“Operation Repo”]. I was half-dressed, and it was so early that I just said, ‘Okay, you’re taking the truck. … Aight.’”

The back story, according to the rapper, is simple. “Myself, I’m a pothead,” he said on the set of a video shoot for his new album, “Blackout 2,” with Redman. “It’s no secret. Everyone knows that. I go on the road and forget everything else. Sure, [the tax department] sent letters to my house saying, ‘We need this money.’ They started sending them in 2002. Here it is, 2009, and I never paid this s— because I don’t think like that!”

“I could have easily just written them a check for whatever amount, but no — I waited until they knocked on this door and were like, ‘We got your truck and we outta here,’ ” he laughed. “Now I’m thinking we’ve gotta get our truck back, which means I have to get all my paperwork together,” the rapper continued. “That means days of going through mail, ’cause I got mail like woah.

I’ve found checks from 2005 that have never been opened yet. And we’re talking a significant amount of money! But I never opened [the tax department’s] letters … so this is how the tax man came to Meth’s house and took his truck. Not because I was broke! I got plenty of money!” When we referenced the famous Afroman song “Because I Got High,” Method Man just laughed. “Exactly!” he said. “Because I got high, I forgot to pay. It was stupid. I’m an idiot for that.”

[From the NY Daily News]

Well if nothing else, it sounds like Method Man is pretty relaxed about the situation. That thing about finding checks from 2005 is sorta insane though. Maybe he’ll find enough old checks in his mail to cover his tax debt. That’d work out nicely.

I’m a little surprised that Method Man doesn’t have a professional who looks out for his finances. It seems like if you’ve got money and call yourself a pothead, it’s probably a good idea to make sure someone responsible keeps an eye on your cash. Not only do taxes not get paid, but dollars have a way of going missing when you’ve got enough of them that you might not notice. Just a little suggestion as to Method’s next step. After he gets done opening up all that mail of course.

Here’s Method Man performing at the Rock the Bells festival at the First Midwest Bank Ampitheatre in Chicago in July. Images thanks to WENN .

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20 Responses to “Method Man says he forgot to pay his taxes because he was too high”

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  1. L says:

    well he’s not doing much to help build incentive for the government to legalize it!

  2. bittercup says:

    Maybe he is trying to get a job with the Obama administration. Timmeh has a bunch of openings at Treasury and being rich and not paying your taxes means Method Man is well on his way!

  3. loldongs says:

    What a stupid bastard.

  4. Nony says:


    # I was gonna pay my taxes, but I got high…#

  5. Prissa says:

    And just when we all those comments about law abiding, hardworking (tax paying) people who get high responsibly, here comes this! DOH!!!

  6. Debbi says:

    Is Method Man walking on fans/water in the last shot? It’s the second coming!

  7. Leo P says:

    Best excuse for being a tax dodger ever. XD

  8. turth-SF says:

    I think he was getting high and listening to Afro man song “but I got high”, and thought he could get away with appling this to his everyday life and get over. It’s just the weed talking.

  9. Zoe (The Other One) says:

    I have a brilliant and somewhat creative idea Mr M Man – hire an accountant, get high, taxes get paid. Job done.

  10. Because I Say So says:

    Um, yeah…not good enough. Try again! I know plenty of potheads who have nowhere near his income and still pay their bills. Bad pothead, bad!

  11. Charley Kane says:

    He must have been high when he admitted to being high in the first place.

  12. andy says:

    Why didn’t i think of that…

  13. anon says:

    I don’t think he ever said ALL potgeads skip out on taxpaying, for those of you who alluded that his behaviour somehow implies that.
    N frankly, he’s an entertainer, it was a funny answer. Real reason or not.
    Meth’s partner in crime, Redman, had the realest episode of MTV cribs ever, he wasn’t showing off some mansion, just a regular house. Maybe they’re just not the type of ppl who have other ppl around doing their crap for them, they seem decently down to earth. which, yeah, is apparently a problem.

  14. CosVis says:

    Your name is fitting “bittercup”, you sound salty as hell and there’s nothing you can do about it ahahahahaha!

  15. VlogHog says:

    Well, at least he’s honest about his stupidity.

  16. daisy424 says:

    @CosVis, such a mature comment to bittercup, what are you 12? Political party has nothing to do with paying your taxes. Laugh all the way to the bank moron, if you have any money left.

    Agree Bittercup.
    Geithner was president of the NY Fed before he became Treas. Secy., he knew better. He sets a deplorable example.
    Shirking your tax responsibility by claiming ignorance is not a valid excuse.

  17. Curly Fry says:

    Guess the gov’t came to “get the money, dolla dolla bills y’all.” Yes, Method Man, cash does rule everything around you. This includes your taxes 🙂

  18. murf says:


  19. Hosting says:

    my God, i thought you were going to chip in with some decisive insght at the end there, not leave it with we leave it to you to decide.

  20. Debts Advice says:

    I was reading something else about this on another blog. Interesting. Your position on it is diametrically contradicted to what I read in the first place. I am still contemplating over the diverse points of view, but I’m inclined heavily toward yours. And regardless, that’s what is so good about contemporary democracy and the marketplace of ideas online.