“Jessica Alba has been looking great at Paris Fashion Week” links


Jessica Alba looked great at Paris Fashion Week (except for the center part). [Popoholic]
John Legend & Drake went to Wimbledon. [Celebslam]
Taylor Swift friend-collects Sansa Stark & James McAvoy. No! [LaineyGossip]
Goosebumps has been made into a movie. [OMG Blog]
Rob Lowe hates Ariana Grande, loves America and donuts. [Wonderwall]
Scott Disick sent birthday messages to Penelope via Instagram. [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
Susan Sarandon: Lick a donut in solidarity with Ariana Grande. [Jezebel]
Cindy Crawford’s daughter is already a model. [I’m Not Obsessed]
Brody Jenner says words about Caitlyn Jenner. [ICYDK]
Should we fight for liberation rather than equality? [The Frisky]
Charlie Sheen is still #winning. [Seriously OMG WTF]


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33 Responses to ““Jessica Alba has been looking great at Paris Fashion Week” links”

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  1. meme says:

    Susan Sarandon is an idiot.

    • Mia4S says:

      I know! WTF? The licking part of it is being investigated by police and health officials. What’s the lesson? Get out there and harm small businesses?

      • meme says:

        What shall we do? Ban fat people? Ban food that can make you fat. Guess what? ALL food will make you fat if you eat too damn much of it. Who are Susan Sarandon and that little brat to tell people what to eat? Mind your own damn business and stay out of mine. People are turning into food Nazis.

      • I Choose Me says:

        I read that tweet as being sarcastic. Surely Sarandon’s not that clueless?

      • Amy Tennant says:

        I can’t tell if she’s serious or snarking. The commenters on Jezebel can’t agree either. I have to say licking the donuts bothered me more than “anti-American” comments. Free speech I get, and she’s fortunate to live in a country where she can say things like that. But contaminating other people’s food is not free speech.

    • Tash says:

      Maybe she was being sarcastic?

    • Denise says:

      It was clearly sarcasm!!! Give Susan some credit people!!!

  2. RocketMerry says:

    Friend-snatching hands off of the McAvoy, TayTay. Now.

  3. Moneypenny says:

    Jessica Alba is always beautiful and has great style. But seriously, is July the time for thigh high suede boots? I’m hot just looking at them.

    • Tristan says:

      Plus Europe is sweltering at the moment!

    • Elisa the I. says:

      She is a beauty, but both outfits are fugly. The shoes in the first pic O_o
      is the dress in the 2nd pic H&M kids? the boots look like a a Musketeer is now running around barefoot.

  4. InvaderTak says:

    Didn’t recognize mcavoy without hair. He isn’t very tall is he?

  5. lisa2 says:

    That first outfit is not good. that waist looks terrible; makes her look boxy and square. Like she is hiding something under it. I thought she was pregnant at first.

    I like the last one better; she looks very young and fresh in it. .

  6. Tash says:

    I usually like Alba’s style but dear God not here. I would let Kaiser pick me a boy to play with but not to dress me :). Except for that Gandy fella, I agree with her on that score 100%.

  7. Hope says:

    That picture of Charlie Sheen – my first thought was The Hamburgler. Burgle burgle!

  8. Anonymous says:

    Cindy Crawford’s daughter is absolutely stunning. I’m not sure I could let my daughter sign a serious modelling contract at such a young age, though. Maybe I’m not being fair, but I would worry that exposing her to all that narcissism and fawning attention would forever inform the way she views herself — that is, as someone whose worth is measured by how she looks, and not by how she thinks, or speaks, or acts. Cindy has been fortunate to be able to maintain a lot of control over her career and image, but she of all people must have seen what that industry does to a lot of girls…

    • lucy2 says:

      Oh wow, I thought she was in her late teens, but she’s only 13? Way too young for that world, IMO. Hopefully they are very selective in what she does, but I just don’t get why the kids of celebrities need careers before they’re out of junior high.

      Nothing about Johnny Depp paying another hospital visit as Capt. Jack Sparrow? I know he’s been making a lot of strange choices lately, but that is a super sweet thing he does.

    • Bella says:

      13 is definitely too young! I also read when asked about her daughter’s modeling career, Cindy said playfully, “I better watch my back.” Sorry, but I can’t help but roll my eyes at any moms acting competitive with their daughters, even if they claim they’re joking. That’s the kind of crap that perpetuates women being catty and bashing each other all of the time, and that is a trend that needs to die. It also makes Cindy seem like she is vapid and vain and is passing that vapid and vain torch onto her daughter.

    • Me too says:

      IMO, Kaia is even more beautiful than her mother. She has an exotic look that makes her look less cookie cutter. I am sure she will grow even more beautiful as she matures.

  9. Jag says:

    Calling it now – Jessica Alba is pregnant. That first dress confirms it.

  10. Denise says:

    So aging is not something Jessica Alba is going to be doing anytime soon….

  11. Me too says:

    A Krispy Kreme glazed donut has less than 200 calories. They will NOT make you fat even if you have one daily and eat somewhat balanced the rest of the day. Now, if you eat five a day, that may be a different story. It kills me that some foods that contain relatively few calories get a bad rap. This, of course, takes no account of nutritional value. From solely a calories standpoint, they aren’t that bad. Personally, I don’t care for them. The combination of fat and sugar makes me ill due my healthy diet.

    • Bridget says:

      Actually, if you add 200 calories to your daily diet and don’t adjust your other food intake or exercise more, that would equate to a 20 pound weight gain in just one year. From one donut a day.

  12. TotallyBiased says:

    Man, John Legend IS a legend (and blue suits were clearly the cool kid order of the day) but I want some HIDDLES at Wimbledon pics. I wanna talk about his wee hat, and if he got it as a parting gift from some chica in Mallorca. I wanna talk about his new glasses. And how he showed up with his ASSISTANT this year! Not even his sister, cause , well, she’s getting married soon and probably busy but also because the crazy stans ship him with any female.
    Mostly I want more pics of this long cool drink of water looking, as the Boston SunTimes put it, “dapper as hell.”