Star: Kristen Stewart has given Alicia Cargile ‘complete control’ over her life


As I mentioned earlier this week, I was surprised that Alicia Cargile didn’t join Kristen Stewart in Paris this week when Kristen made an appearance as a model in the Chanel show. Whether you believe Alicia and Kristen are dating (they are dating), we can all agree that they’ve been attached at the hip for more than a year. Kristen has been consistently traveling with, vacationing with and working beside Alicia for a while now. So why did Alicia skip the Paris trip? Why did Kristen want to just hang out with Riley Keough and Kanye West? I don’t know. But maybe it’s because Alicia has sort of taken over Kristen’s life to a point where it’s kind of suffocating? That’s my interpretation of this Star story:

According to insiders, Kristen Stewart’s former personal assistant turned live-in girlfriend Alicia Cargile is in complete control of the actress’s life.

“At first, Alicia was just reading over Kristen’s scripts, helping her make decisions for movie roles,” says a pal. “Now she makes sure Kristen’s bills are paid, arranges their dinner plans and even answers Kristen’s phone!”

Kristen is more than happy to let her girlfriend take the reins. “She gets completely overwhelmed when she’s working on set. With Alicia around, Kristen can just concentrate on her acting.”

[From Star Magazine, print edition]

If Kristen was a man and his live-in girlfriend was doing all this, most of us wouldn’t blink an eye. I actually don’t think there’s a huge problem with it, mostly because Alicia was Kristen’s assistant and I could see then falling into that dynamic in their relationship without even being conscious of it. Like, “Can you organize this for me, hon? Can you do this? Can you wait for the cable guy?” Etc. Still, I wonder how messy this could get if and when Kristen and Alicia split.



Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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41 Responses to “Star: Kristen Stewart has given Alicia Cargile ‘complete control’ over her life”

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  1. Shambles says:

    I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with this relationship dynamic if it works for them, but the thought of my S/O completely running my life gives me the creepy-chills. I think it’s just the way I’m wired— I’ve GOT to be a able to do my own thing in order to be happy in a relationship.

    • Algernon says:

      I am the same way, but Kaiser makes a good point that Alicia is also Kristen’s assistant, or was. Is? I don’t know. But that probably influences their dynamic in their personal lives as well. Alicia is used to handling day-to-day details for Kristen. She could be a stage-five clinger, or she could just be the “house girlfriend” who keeps up with the domestic stuff, the scheduling, etc. I don’t think we’d be able to tell the difference from the outside.

      ETA: Oh, No says below that she is not nor ever has been Kristen’s assistant. Still, it could be their dynamic works best with one person keeping the ducks in a row.

    • Audrey says:

      I’m a stay at home mom. I do everything and my husband actually likes it. Between work and our daughter, he doesn’t have time or energy to do much else.

      I do all of the appointments, bills, budgeting, planning. I open all of the mail and check his email

      It sounds crazy to some I’m sure. But if I don’t check his email, he doesn’t and we miss information from family and companies. I started doing this after getting a final notice in the mail because he did not pay our e-bill for internet. He didn’t check his email for months.

      So it depends on the dynamic. This is fine if Kristen is fine with it. If Kristen isn’t naturally organized, she probably appreciates the help.

      I never thought I’d be the wife who organizes everything and checks her husband’s email. But it’s what works for us and what my husband prefers so he doesn’t need to deal with it.

      • Bob Loblaw says:

        I do it too, my husband is hopeless about keeping organized and since I am a stay at home wife, I do all the administrative “business” of our lives. He hates doing it, so he’s happy to have me manage the checkbook, the bills, etc. He’s absent minded and procrastinates, it’s best if I manage the mail and just keep him informed. It works for us.

      • Anguishedcorn says:

        I am in the exact same dynamic in our family life… works for us.

  2. Amy Tennant says:

    Yeah. I see what you’re saying about if Kristen were a guy, this would seem more acceptable, but what if Alicia was a guy in a hetero relationship? Then it seems controlling and stalkerish. That’s my read on it, but who knows? I guess it works for them, until it doesn’t.

  3. No says:

    Alicia didn’t go bc she has a job. Also she’s never been a personal assistant. That somehow got repeated in tabloids after Kristen fans wanted an explanation for her presence since even before rob and Kristen broke up.

  4. TwistBarbie says:

    “If Kristen was a man and his live-in girlfriend was doing all this, most of us wouldn’t blink an eye.” Are you sure about that? Because I envision a different response to this sort of information.

    • MrsNix says:

      Ditto. I find relationships like that very creepy, no matter what gender is controlling the life of what other gender. I would definitely blink. That kind of micro-control is something that sneaks up in a relationship, and I wonder how messy that sort of thing will get if the relationship ends.

      • Bob Loblaw says:

        It depends on if it’s controlling someone or doing what they want you to do, in my opinion. My husband hates doing the bills and has me do it all, but I’m not trying to control him or our money. I’m doing a task I’m good at that he hates, just like the laundry. He cooks, I clean. Chores have to be done, even if you’re a successful actress, I bet she loves having someone take care of all the BS for her, I know I would.

  5. Wondering says:

    I’m just wondering if this isn’t Kristen’s PR team setting up the ground work to throw Alicia under the bus? To ensure Alicia gets all the blame and give Kristen an “out”…. “Alicia was controlling”. “Alicia took over her whole life”. It all just sounds like it gives Kristen the perfect excuse to break away.

    • Cindy says:

      That’s what I’m thinking too….I have a sneaking suspicion kristen may want to move on from this relationship. But! It’s only speculation. I only say this because I rarely saw photos of them apart. Seems a little claustrophobic and clingy on both their parts.

    • G says:

      Why would you assume she wants to ‘break away’? There seems to be a sudden murmur on comment sections that Kristen wants to dump Alicia and it’s baseless. They don’t seem clingy at all. It seems very mature and independent. Kristen goes away to work on her own and they are together when she is in LA. Alicia has her own successful career as a VFX producer on videos for Maroon 5 and other big music acts. How is that not healthy? And why would she even care to ‘set up groundwork’ for a split? Who would even care considering Alicia isn’t famous? I don’t know why people think Kristen cares. She never played that way when she was with Rob. Even Lainey said she is very, very private.

      I feel like now that it’s (more or less) confirmed that they are dating after a year of speculation, gossip blogs have nothing to hint at so are now moving on to when they will split ….

      • Annie says:

        They seem pretty clingy to me. Obviously not while KStew is away working, but otherwise, yeah. I mean, matching tattoos after like a year or so? That’s an idiotic move and it is going to be painful to remove when this relationship crumbles.

  6. Wren33 says:

    Going from personal assistant to live-in girlfriend seems like it would have a lot of pitfalls.

  7. Tessa says:

    Alicia isn’t and has never been Kristen’s assistant. Fans made that up to explain her 24/7 presence in Kristen’s life, lol. It’s a rumor bread from the same lunatics that brought you the Robsten baby.

    • G says:

      Fans never ever thought Alicia was her PA. Her friend Suzie was her PA on Sils Maria and went with her to Europe for weeks. So by your reasoning they would assume she was dating Suzie. Never happened

  8. Tiffany :) says:

    I doubt anyone other than the business manager is “making sure her bills get paid”. That line made me laugh, because clearly it was written by someone who doesn’t understand that those duties are outsourced when you become even a marginally successful celeb.

  9. Jessica says:

    This is complete BS. First of all, Alicia has NEVER been Kristen’s personal assistant. Ever. She confirmed this on her own tumblr.  Second, she also NEVER goes with Kristen to work events, other than visiting her with a group of friends on set once (probably before they were dating) and going to a screening once, again with a group of friends. She has never gone with her to Paris for fashion week.  Kristen is a self-proclaimed control freak and I can’t see her giving that kind of authority to anyone.

  10. blue marie says:

    Yeah for me, it wouldn’t matter man/woman no one is controlling my life. I made that mistake when I was younger and suffered for years after..

  11. G says:

    Someone holding full control over your life would not be okay with the amount of time Kristen spends away from home. They have been apart a lot. And seriously — Star magazine?

  12. el says:

    Alicia NEVER was kristen’s personnal assistant. never, never, never. She is just her girlfriend. she didn’t go to paris because she has a job, she is a VFX Producer. She said it on her tumblr. Kristen has as an agent and a team to take care of her career.
    “according to insiders”: sure, if you want to believe a bunch of idiots like HKN

  13. B says:

    hahaha, first of all Alicia has never been Kristen´s assistan, second the girl has a normal job, she is a VFX producer, the times Kristen had been seen in Santa Monica is because according to some Alicia´s office is near them, come on people you even got picture of Kristen on the parking lot of the building Alicia works in.

  14. Ronda says:

    Sounds pretty normal to me. In a career like Kristens yuo need to find someone to basically give up most of their lives and it does not sound like Alicia is actually controlling her life but managing it.

  15. mj says:

    Inside intel: they’ve been together for years and only recently could be out about it. I don’t know all the details but she and Rob were just friends, and it was a press relationship. They hooked up in the beginning of Twilight but that’s about as far as romance went. The Rubert thing might have been a “reason” for them to “break up”.

    • JA says:

      LOL sure, “insider”. She orchestrated one of the worst tabloid scandals in history to end a “fake” relationship. She wanted those death threats and endless sl*t shaming. Makes a lot of sense. And they’ve been together for “years”? No one even knew who she was before early 2013 or so, she was never seen before then. Go back to Lchat or Gossip Cop with your “insider” BS.

      • mj says:

        I’m not saying things weren’t handled poorly. And are you saying no one knew who Kristen Stewart was until 2013? And if you mean Alicia, then that does mean it’s possible they’ve been together for years. By possible I mean they have been. I don’t know about everyone else, but juggling partners and being unsure of what you want was common amongst me and some of my friends in our early 20s.

      • Snowflake says:

        I doubt anyone expected Kristen to get slut shamed like she did. I don’t think anyone could forsee that, doesn’t mean insider is full of sh*t. You shouldn’t be so harsh, not nice

      • JA says:

        Of course I meant Alicia. Seriously, it was just “handled poorly”? So they wanted her to be seen as a cheating homewrecker but oops, something went wrong?? You’re delusional. No one believes your insider claim.

      • Bob Loblaw says:

        IF anyone was dumb enough to think fooling around with a married man would advance her career, they need their head examined, she was at the center of that imbecilic franchise, all eyes were on her, and she’s macking on some Dad in a mini-cooper, pure genius.

  16. FreeSpiritedGirl says:

    Nah… It won’t be messy break up.
    KStans don’t create any ruckus if KScrew and Alicia split.

  17. anna says:

    Kristen and Alicia are still together. Alicia hosted a 4th of July party for a few of their pals at their house. Pic below of Alicia at their house, with their dog Cole, and even wearing the same jeans Kristen was papped in the day before (July 3):

  18. Kikuyu says:

    Alicia posted that she was never her assistant. It’s the Twihards who are convinced Kristen’s and Rob are secretly married with two kids who started saying she was Kristen’s assistant (and also cousin).

  19. Mispronounced Name Dropper says:

    For once I’d like to see a story about a celeb who doesn’t need to be in a relationship all the time. Anybody know of one who has chosen to be single for a significant amount of time? I’m pretty sure Paul McCartney stayed single for a long time after Linda died.
    “Celeb Says: I haven’t Had Sex For Two Years” Now there’s an article I’d read.

  20. phlyfiremama says:

    Dear lord did the kstew army just invade this site or what?!