“TLC lost $19 million when they cancelled ’19 Kids & Counting'” links


TLC lost $19 million when they canceled 19 Kids & Counting. [Starcasm]
Gwyneth Paltrow deigned to go to Washington. [LaineyGossip]
Gigi Hadid in a sparkly white dress. Nice. [Popoholic]
Is this the real Cookie Lyons? [OMG Blog]
Reese Witherspoon goes shopping with Tennessee. [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
Who is paying Christine Ouzounian’s bills? [CDAN]
Busta Rhymes arrested for assaulting someone with a protein drink. [Jezebel]
Mariah Carey is coming to Empire! [I’m Not Obsessed]
Brooke Hogan is making it worse. [The Frisky]
I seriously did not want to see Jerry O’Connell in his underwear. [Seriously OMG WTF]
Arby’s says goodbye to Jon Stewart. [Pajiba]



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48 Responses to ““TLC lost $19 million when they cancelled ’19 Kids & Counting'” links”

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  1. mimif says:

    Good. Because the girls didn’t lose anything, right? 😠

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Yeah. Boo f-ing hoo. My heart bleeds for TLC.

      • erin says:

        Wouldn’t a loss be because of sponsors pulling out, more than a loss of viewership? Plus probably a lot of people quit watching the channel because they had that show on their network, not because they cancelled it.

    • Who ARE these people? says:

      If TLC were going to fund a Duggar Child Freedom Fund. One million per child. The math is almost perfect (subtract Josh’s share).

    • Neah23 says:

      I’m calling BS on TLC losing $19 Million when they canceled the show because sponsors were pulling ads when the story broke and more said they would pull their ads if the show was not canceled .

      Unless TLC had some big religious backing that’s pulled out when the show was canceled I’m not seeing it.

    • NUTBALLS says:

      No kidding. They won’t be feeling that lost at all, except perhaps in executive bonuses.

    • Did you read that they have MORE problems with pedophiles around kids? One of the cameramen went to prison for having child porn (and ugh, Radar went IN DEPTH with that shit, stating EXACTLY what kind of porn he had and what was in it, and I didn’t need to read that)….this camera man worked on Kate Gosselin’s show AND the Duggars… He had access to ALL of their kids. like wtf? What is their problem, that they seem to have a homing beacon for perverts.


      • lucy2 says:

        I unfortunately read that too (didn’t need all the gory details, thanks Radar).
        Unfortunately TLC, with their programming trends, seems to be a magnet for that sort of thing. Given that they didn’t care about that Duggar a-hole molesting his sisters, I doubt they did a real thorough screening of employees either. And they placed this guy in with 2 families who don’t keep a close eye on their kids. That Gosselin lady just wanted to be a celebrity, and the Duggars don’t actually bother to parent their kids. Hopefully he didn’t hurt any of them.

    • Liberty says:

      @mimif, precisely

    • Tate says:

      So so sorry TLC. Here is to hoping enough people are disgusted with them and they lose some more.

      19 million and counting…

    • Kiddo says:

      mimif + a million

  2. claire says:

    Oh well. Consider it their pro-pedophile tax.

  3. QQ says:

    The world Tiniest Violin Plays as we drown in tears.. GTFOH I hope they lose more

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Yeah, I wish they would take it out of the pockets of the people who decided to put this sh!Tshow on the air in first place, then hesitated for months to take it off after the Duggars were exposed for who they really are.

    • Deb says:

      I was about to post, “I am playing the world’s tiniest violin.” Then I saw your post, and I laughed so hard.

      Ugh, that picture of Josh Duggar with smug-faced Scott Walker makes me want to punch my computer screen.

    • jwoolman says:

      Ha ha. Great minds etc. I was just about to look for an emoticon for a tiny violin playing a tiny sad song…. You did it better.

  4. KittyKat says:

    Wouldn’t is be something if Jennifer Garner was paying Ouzounian’s bills? What a great way to stick it to Ben.

    • Kitten says:

      Nope, not great or good for the kids and as such, I’m sure Jen would never do that. Ben is still their father, you know?

  5. Belle Epoch says:

    Apparently the Duggars are sending out online appeals for money. The crazy ones who went on the completely pointless mission to El Salvador PAY to be there, and are funded by donations! This greedy family is getting into Palin levels of grifting. Their 97 illiterate children are now everyone else’s problem. Note: they pay no real estate taxes, and WE pay for ALL their healthcare. Didn’t they save any money?

    Does JimBoob have a job?

    • littlestar says:

      Where did you read this?! Link pretty please. I would love to know how much access the adult Duggar children have to the money they rightfully earned while on the show…

    • lucy2 says:

      They are such moochers off the system, it isn’t even funny. But heaven forbid someone outside their family or church needs a little help. Or equal rights.

      I thought they were so proud of supporting themselves without the show’s money? That’s what people who always defended them said.

    • Saks says:

      We suffer enough in Latinamerica to have the Duggars here! But seriously, what’s worse is that I’m sure their “mission” is about to turn people into their awful cult. No!

      • avame says:

        I am still wondering why they went to a Country that is mostly Catholic.
        Aren’t Catholics just one step away from the Antichrist for People Like the Duggars and Dillards? Do they really think, with their Kind of attitude they would turn People to their moneygrabbing Cult?

        Sending a lot of well wishes and good thoughts your way Saks, no one should have to endure These Human Pests.

      • Lilacflowers says:

        @Avame, they’re trying to turn those Catholics away from the evil papal state.

      • avame says:

        @Lilacflowers, i understand that they are trying to do that, i was just wondering about their Kind of attitude in trying to turn People over to their cult.
        They do NOT seem to have a NICE and KIND HEART in their Body and are also seem to be quite arrogant and are always be hungry for Money.
        Converting People to their Kind of “Believe” with that Attitude just Looks for me impossible.
        Or don’t they notice that of themselves?

  6. Kit says:

    Drag Walker.

  7. The Original G says:

    19 mill? Good. Worth every penny.

  8. Sparkly says:

    I have a hard time believing that they lost that much unless they had to pay out a big settlement to the Duggars for breaking contract or something. Advertizers were pulling out and the public was rallying boycotts.

    Duggars have gotten enough of a free ride from both TLC and the public. Maybe they shouldn’t have had so many kids if they weren’t equipped to care for them without a tv deal. Their home is paid for, they pay no taxes, and they get free health care. Now they’re begging? (While I’m sure I recall them knocking social services for people who actually need it to survive…) No. Good riddance, and get real jobs like the rest of us.

  9. IfUSaySo says:

    That explains why they waited so damn long to cancel the show. It was all about money. If they could have found a way to keep the show, if America wasn’t repulsed beyond belief by the entire family, it would still be on.

    The idea that TLC cares for the victims (that is how they tries to play the Honey Boo Boo cancellation) is a joke. It’s all money and that is why this figure was released.

    Since the Duggars’ only REALLY believe in $$$ as well, this is the only way Josh will ever really be punished. He will never face legal action, he will never face alienation from his sisters or parents. They will continue to kiss his ass, as he is the eldest son. But at LEAST this cancellation rests on him. At LEAST he will feel guilt for losing the family their meal ticket and regular paychecks. That is the only real justice in all of this.

    • Amanda says:

      Wishful thinking. Knowing the Duggar family, they’ll ptobably blame it on the girls who “tempted” Josh.

  10. anne_000 says:

    Hopefully TLC will now invest money into doing background checks on their cameramen and any other employees working around children as well as on their on-camera talent.

    • Jules says:

      The employees don’t seem to be the problem.

      • IfUSaySo says:

        Recently a TLC employee, who worked on 19 kids and Jon & Kate was arrested on child porn charges..

    • lucy2 says:

      Or invest in series that don’t exploit children who don’t have a say in participating, or the capacity to understand everything that comes with being on a reality show.

  11. meme says:

    I never want to see a Duggar ever again.

  12. Cali says:

    Mariah Carey’s walk of fame ceremony was so weird. She has the strangest body language with her kids, it makes me so sad. It’s not even that she was “at a work function” kind of thing – there’s just a wonky disconnection there.

    • jwoolman says:

      I dunno, the kid is at that age when they unpredictably can go from smiling to sobbing in an instant. It’s a fine line to tread, but sometimes you do have to ignore them for a bit and let them learn how to deal with it themselves. The easy tantrum phase is probably just practice for learning how to deal with disappointment, learning that we can’t have everything we want and that we actually aren’t the center of the universe and sometimes mom or dad need to focus their attention elsewhere. These are tough lessons to learn, and helping them learn the lessons without breaking their spirit is a balancing act for parents. If we don’t let the kids go through it naturally, they can have bigger problems later. In this case, though, he was probably just overwhelmed and overstimulated; it would have been better not to bring him to such an event. He might have done fine at previous events, but his mom was just lucky.

  13. I like meat in my mouth says:

    Free the bacon!!! Yummy!!!

  14. Vampi says:

    They are shamless. Boo hoo, have 19 kids and live of the Government and use the services of it… like the tax exemption… and then actively try to destroy the rights of decent, good people just because they don’t believe in your messed up form of Christianity. (Let’s call it what it REALLY is though, Duggars. Misogyanity.) And deny them the same the same rights. Boo hoo. Support yourself Duggars. It must be God’s will or you would still be on TV, right? And besides, you don’t let your kids watch 99% of what’s on TV because, the Devil.., but you salivate at the $$$ you get exploiting your children on the evil TV box at the expense of their mental health, so hey, there’s another hypocrisy feather for your already overflowing bigot hat.
    Go. Away.

  15. iheartgossip says:

    Good. They should lose EVERYTHING for calling themselves The Learning Channel; and then have the complete opposite in their programming. SHAME on THEM.

  16. LAK says:


  17. Majicou says:

    TLC will just get different people to exploit. Did you guys hear about the new transgender teen show on TLC?!?!?!

  18. Jag says:

    just a question – is it possible to not have auto-run ads? I’ve never had a problem with them, if there were any, but for some reason they’re now causing the pages to barely load.

  19. hazel says:

    I would love it if, in the end, Heaven turned out to be the Roman Catholic version & each and every one of the Duggars got rejected at the gates because they didn’t abide by the rules.