Princess Beatrice vacations in Ibiza just weeks after ‘starting her new job’ in NYC


Nearly every story I’ve written about Princess Beatrice of York this year has involved her going on vacation. The last time we checked in on Beatrice’s vacation schedule, it was in May and Beatrice was (at the time) on her 15th vacation in seven months’ time. Which surely has to be a record – I don’t even think the Cambridges have ever been THAT lazy and vacation-happy. Well, guess what? Beatrice is on vacation again. Shocking, I know. She’s yacht-hopping in Ibiza, just a few weeks after her very alleged “move to New York” where she reportedly “started a new job.” Rii-ight.

Princess Beatrice is known for her jet-setting lifestyle but her latest jaunt to Ibiza might be her most lavish yet. The 26-year-old was spotted relaxing on Roman Abramovich’s £1.5billion super-yacht Eclipse before being whisked off to another luxury liner where she is thought to have been invited for drinks with Oprah Winfrey, her best friend Gayle King, and Disney CEO Bob Iger. The Rising Sun, which was also sailing off the Spanish coast, is owned by Hollywood mogul David Geffen.

Beatrice has enjoyed a string of holidays since giving up her £20,000-a-year role at Sony last year. She has taken in four skiing breaks (three at her parents’ £13million chalet in Verbier and one in Aspen in the US), two trips to St Barts in the Caribbean, two trips to New York and two to Italy. She has also visited Greece, Florida, Bahrain, the Bahamas, China and the United Arab Emirates.

Prince Andrew’s eldest daughter moved to New York around three weeks ago to start work with a private equity firm, according to well-placed sources. But despite friends insisting she was ‘determined to knuckle down’, she turned up on Thursday on Roman Abramovich’s super-yacht, which was sailing near the Spanish island. Her boyfriend Dave Clark was waiting for her on the Russian oligarch’s vessel, which is 536ft long and boasts two swimming pools, a pair of helipads, a cinema, saunas and a beauty parlour.

[From The Daily Mail]

The Daily Mail has photos too. You know what exhausts me? The idea of spending all that time traveling and doing absolutely nothing. Like, you really have to work up the energy to spend that much time on and in planes and boats and beaches and ski resorts, all back-to-back, a nonstop rush of vacationing. At some point, don’t you just want to go home and take a nap in your own bed? As for Beatrice “moving to New York” and “starting a new job”… is this the British media’s way of calling her out on her bulls—t?



Photos courtesy of WENN.

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93 Responses to “Princess Beatrice vacations in Ibiza just weeks after ‘starting her new job’ in NYC”

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  1. vauvert says:

    I know these two get some slack because apparently Charles doesn’t want them in the family biz. Fair enough, but then why bother pretending you are anything but a rich socialite whose only activities are vacationing, shopping and partying? Honestly it must be tiring to keep pretending you are working, looking for work, etc. Just own up to your real life and habits and move on. I agree though, going from vacation to vacation and never doing anything constructive must be boring. Just like Aniston, they don’t even take interesting vacations – you know, museums, theatre, discovery trips. Just endless beach going. Ugh.

    • LAK says:

      …….because when they don’t work, the public, with the help of the media rip them a new one.

      This particular vacation is courtesy of Abramovich’s wife who is one of B’s friends and is present on the holiday (she’s not identified in the photos yet she is walking right next to B). If one of your friends invites you to their yacht, bearing in mind that you aren’t costing anybody else ie taxpayers money to be there, would you turn them down?

      The flipside is that perhaps this IS the life she wants. Shopping, vacationing, with the odd work stint. As long as it’s not on the public dime, why is the media up in arms about it?

      As you point out, she’s not allowed to be in the firm anymore beyond the family events such as Trooping the Colour. So she’s chosen this life. Why can’t she have this life?

      • vauvert says:

        If that’s the life she wants, just going from one vacay to another, I think she should absolutely live it. (I have no clue where her money comes from and don’t care, although as a Canadian I know a minute portion of my taxes go towards the BRF so indirectly, through her father, I guess it it trickles down to her. I personally find all royal families a waste of time and money, but that is a bigger argument.)

        The only thing I reproach her is keeping up the pretence that she is working. Or looking for work. Or anything to do with work when it is pretty obvious that she isn’t. As I said – if you want to be a socialite partying off your life, go for it and own it. At this point the press is not exactly lavishing praise on her anyway, might as well be honest about it.

      • someone says:

        Nobody is saying she can’t have that life if she wants it. She’s completely free to do whatever she wants. And the rest of the world is completely free to call her out for choosing such a shallow lifestyle. It’s her money but that doesn’t mean people can’t/won’t comment on how she spends it.

      • MinnFinn says:

        LAK – Daily Mail should do articles instead focused on how Bea pays for her lifestyle because it has to come from Andrew’s pot of ill-gotten money. DM elicits the question of how Bea pays for her lux life but they rarely ask it explicitly.

        My hunch is the DM is holding back specific intel about Randy’s shady financials. This bash Bea series is helping to se up a future take-down of Andy.

    • Talie says:

      She’s collecting shady friends just like her father. Roman and Dasha have been accepted by society at large due to their cash flow, but they are still quite tight with Putin — how else do Dasha’s projects go through so quickly in Russia?

      • littlestar says:

        Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. He’s a Russian oligarch and as you say tight with Putin – I think we can speculate that some of his billions were likely ill-gotten?

    • Megan says:

      She is not a working royal so why not go the same route as Zara and do paid appearances and product endorsements? Beatrice might get a bit of flack because she has a royal title, but who cares? At least she would be making her own money to fund her jet set lifestyle.

      I believe Beatrice received a large inheritance form the Queen Mother. She can avoid her father’s shady money if she chooses.

  2. Bluebell says:

    Look, I know it doesn’t *look* good. But seriously, just leave her alone. Okay, it’s annoying that she has the ‘princess’ title. But she’s not really a ‘proper’ royal in the sense of being a ‘working’ royal and by all accounts, that’s not her fault – she’s not been allowed to, they don’t want her working I heard because they want to condense the royal family to just the Queen, Charles, Wills, etc and not the wider royal family. She’s definitely not directly funded or bankrolled by the public.

    Truthfully if I was able to, I’d be on permanent vacation (I have health issues though and though I work full time, I find it a struggle). I did read in a newspaper column over the weekend, can’t remember which one, and the columnist was writing about Beatrice, and they wrote that when you go on that many vacations so often, it stops being that ‘Beatrice is on holiday’ and it becomes more like that is just what Beatrice does. They’re not holidays if they’re all she ever does, that is just her life, her lifestyle. I’m not explaining it very well but that was the essence. If she’s permanently on holiday, then they’re not holidays, it’s just her life.

    Sure, I’d say even if you were a millionnaire, I think it’s nice to have a purpose in life and not exclusively holiday your life away. But that’s just my opinion, and if I had a friend in that position I might gently suggest that to them. But it’s not really my business to criticise what others do with their money/their spare time. She’s a private citizen and can do what she wants. I’m envious, but if she can afford it and has the means, it’s really nothing to do with anyone else.

    • Elisabeth says:

      fully agree with you!

    • GlimmerBunny says:

      I agree too. I like my job a lot, but if I could afford it I’d definietly vacation as much as I could.

    • INeedANap says:

      The broke equivalent to her is sitting on a couch in her parents’ basement watching TV all day. At this point I give major side-eye to her total lack of purpose as a young adult.

      I could do maybe a month like that, beach and ski hopping. A year of traveling to explore other cultures. But at some point I would need a purpose.

      She must be incredibly boring to talk to if ennui hasn’t settled in yet.

      • whipmyhair says:

        She has the money and education to do pretty much anything she wants in life; and this is the life she chooses.

        Side-eyeing indeed.

    • vauvert says:

      Absolutely, this is her life – and yes it is indulgent and totally lacking purpose – to me. I wouldn’t eye roll so hard if she would give up the argument that this a vacation between work, or after work, or before work. The reality is that there is no work at all and what she does for a living is move from one yacht to a villa to a party to another beach.

    • Talie says:

      Once she gets married, no one will care. She’ll be a housewife, popping out babies, and everyone will move on.

    • Ravensdaughter says:

      I agree completely with the main post. Granted, she could take the philanthropy path (see Chelsea Clinton, who puts in her time at the Clinton Foundation); however, everything she does is up to the scrutiny of the press.
      Maybe she should have a long talk with Eugenie, who seems to be pulling off the independent woman route-also in NYC-quite well.
      The side eye should be firmly placed of the girls’ parents, who exploit their wealth and social position to extremes that defy decency.

    • bellenola says:

      Leave Britney alone!

    • taxi says:

      Maybe she aspires to her Great-aunt Margaret’s life style. I don’t care what she does but I’d rather not be inundated with her pictures. Some Brits who post here are staunch & vociferous defenders but Bea doesn’t descend from the the most admirable branch of her family. Surely some of her parents’ values & questionable ethics rubbed off along the way. Her younger sister seems nicer and less arrogant.

    • Jib says:

      I agree, and also, she wants to work for the BRF, but Charles won’t let her, favoring his slumpy, entitled Sullen Wills and Smiley Sloth-like Kate. So she travels. Shrug.,

  3. JulieM says:

    One the one hand, I have sympathy for Beatrice and her sister; considering who their parents are.

    On the other hand, Beatrice does not even seem to be trying, she’s just phoning the whole job thing in. Nice work, if you can get it.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Who takes a vacation three weeks after starting a new job? I guess she could have told them about it before she started, but it doesn’t seem very professional.

      • veronica says:

        Not the same thing but my husband just started a new job a few weeks ago and we are going in holiday to France and Scotland next month. It’s been planned for a while and the new job knew about, and was OK with it, when they hired him. Who knows, maybe this was a planned vacay and the company was OK with her going.

      • mm says:

        I’ve done it. Hired in early November with travel plans out of state for Thanksgiving. I don’t think that sort of thing is too unusual.

        This (latest!) vacation took place on Beatrice’s birthday, August 8, so I wouldn’t be surprised if she told her employer she already had travel plans for her birthday.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Yes, she may have told them in advance.

  4. Elisabeth says:

    lovely dress!

  5. Mara says:

    Has Beatrice become the new Harry in terms of being used to attract negative attention away from other possibly work shy royals?

    • Dena says:

      I had made the comment on the last Kate thread that it had been a few since the DM had ripped Beatrice a new one. We didn’t have long to wait.

      In truth, Beatrice has nothing to do and no obligations to even do that unlike her cousin and his wife.

  6. Belle Epoch says:

    If she’s a slacker, why should we cut her some slack? No, seriously!

  7. danielle says:

    She’s a royal…her boyfriend isn’t. How does he manage to afford this/get this much time off.

    • Dena says:

      That’s my real question. Who in the hell is Dave? Really. Who is he? Who are his people? He seriously gives me the creeps.

      • MinnFinn says:

        Gives me the creeps too. Not sure why. He spends lots of time manscaping–totally hairless from the neck down!

        A quick google about him – he’s 32, rich American parents, his last 2 jobs were courtesy of Bea’s connections. He works for Uber in NYC and prior to that head of Virgin Atlantic’s astronaut relations owned by Richard Branson.

      • Dena says:

        He comes across to me as a weak & sleazy bottom feeder. The type who will blackmail her over a sex tape in order to keep the gravy coming.

  8. Birdix says:

    I’m stuck on the idea of owning a boat that has two swimming pools. Talk about bringing sand to the beach…

  9. Katydid20 says:

    I think Will and Kate are off somewhere buying her a fruit basket as a thank you for making them look less lazy…….

  10. Sullivan says:

    Slacker. Another slacker royal. (Nice dress, though. Slacker.)

  11. LAK says:

    If you have friends who have mega yachts, mansions scattered world wide, private islands and private jets all of which you can use for free, wouldn’t you take it?

    She’s not receiving a penny from my pocket, so I really don’t see what the problem is.

    • Birdix says:

      I imagine her mother’s history of gifts-for-access contributes to the eyebrow raising.

    • vauvert says:

      Well, yes and no. Yes, I would take it – and I am fortunate enough to have similar opportunities, maybe not same level (the yacht doesn’t have a pool, the hardship…) but that would be a vacation, not the 15th in 7 months or whatever. And no, if all I did was move from one yacht to a villa to another one, I wouldn’t be telling the press how hard I am looking for a job, how I am looking forward to starting the job, and then poof, three weeks into it I am off to relax. For us regular mortals the first vacation after starting the job comes in 12 months. And then it’s only two weeks a year. I think that’s why she is is on the receiving end of eye-rolling.
      Plus she does not exactly come from a family known for their work ethic, all her parents seem to do is receive “gifts” and tokens of appreciation, or as us regular folks call it, graft. (Unless it’s presents from their grandmother.) Because what exactly do her parents do to support this socialite lifestyle? At the end of the day in some form, her la-di-da life is courtesy of tax payers, funnelled through her parents and grandparents.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      But doesn’t she get the money from Andrew? He wouldn’t have a dime if he weren’t a Prince. That fat f@ck. Has he ever held a job after he was “steaming towards the Faukland Islands” or whatever that mission was 30 years ago?

      • Sullivan says:

        That’s what I was wondering.

      • mayamae says:

        Even if she’s living large off her trust fund from the Queen Mother, how is that any different from Charles paying for Kate’s clothes? I respect the girls for getting a good education, and I pity them for their loser parents, but Beatrice (more than Eugenie) seems so like her mother. She just seems so unconcerned about public perception that all she does is party and sponge off her wealthy connections.

      • bluhare says:

        He pays subsidized rent on an apartment in St. James Palace for her. notasugar told me the amount but I can’t remember. It was low.

    • MinnFinn says:

      LAK, I’d like to think I would not accept free holidays when the host is a crook. Is there any reason to believe Abramovich is not a Russian mobster?

    • littlestar says:

      I understand what you are saying LAK, and we all take opportunities of the things our friends gift us, but doesn’t Beatrice just look like a mooch at this point? A friend gives and takes… How much does she actually GIVE?

      • LAK says:

        Littlestar: that’s where you have to separate regular life with jetset life.

        Eg her trip to China was courtesy of a family friend whose daughter was marrying that weekend. He flew all his guests in and put them up. He has known B since babyhood. So she went to Shanghai for the weekend. The weekend before that her BF invited her to attend the grandprix in the midddleeast (sorry can’t remember the country). Again a weekend which was tacked onto an official trip she was making to support her father in the same country. So she stayed in the country longer and went to the grand prix with her BF. And the weekend before that she dropped in on her parents’ chalet and took a gaggle of friends to ski with her, and the weekend before that she dropped in on her sister in NYC for her birthday – again a weekend. Do you see where I’m going?

        And so to this yacht vacation. A friend with a private jet and a yacht is heading out to st tropez for a weekend of R and R and invites some friends along. They all go. B happens to be one of those friends.

        Very quickly, these trips start to look like a permanent vacation from someone mooching when it’s just spending time with your friends who all have mega resources.

        And don’t forget, as much as the media vilifies her, she is a trophy get. It legitimises Dasha to have a trophy friend like B in her life.

        Would a regular person behave like this? I’d say that yes we do. Only we don’t do it as frequently and it’s small scale because we have real financial worries that keep us otherwise occupied.

      • littlestar says:

        I was actually thinking that – why would this oligarch’s wife want to be friends with Beatrice? Because it makes her look good, especially if her husband has questionable business dealings. Legitimises her as you say.

        I still think Beatrice is pretty moochy if I’m judging her on the moocher scale, and I question how many of these people are actually her true friends. Now that she’s no longer part of the working RF, does she really have much to offer these people besides her princess title? How long will they keep her around? Besides a ski chalet, what else does she really offer people? I feel like she’s kind of starting to resemble her mother now, and Sarah is a complete pariah at this point after having been such a grifter for so long.

        I have no qualms about living the good life and enjoying it (because I sure do the same), but I do think that if Beatrice cares about her image, she should really get some kind of job, even if it’s a part-time charity one. Because I can see Will and Kate using this bad press of her to their advantage more and more……. 🙁

  12. DanaG says:

    Please everyone knows Beatrice doesn’t have a job she is more interested in vacations then anything else. And her father who does get paid from the public purse pays her bills etc. She and her sister aren’t wanted because of their parents. Fergie was a disaster as a Royal and was the laziest one of the lot she makes Catherine look like a workaholic. Bea should just get married and go to Charity events and stop pretending she has any interest or talent to have a career.

  13. Snowpea says:

    In that first shot, methinks Bea has been partaking in some of the finest Colombian marching powder (with thanks to Jay McInerney ; )

  14. amadabasura says:

    Her birthday was Saturday.

    • The Original Mia says:

      That’s right. I knew 8/8 was important to the Yorks, but couldn’t remember why.

  15. Kimothy says:

    The timing of this article on Princess Beatrice is interesting, don’t you think? The “Daily Fail” had stories last week that were anti-Cambridges and then, WOOSH, it’s “Look! Bea is doing less than Wills & Kate! See? The Cambridges aren’t as lazy as the York girls!” I think this is a strategic move from Camp Cambridge!

    • Dena says:

      Exactly. I knew an article on Beatrice’s lack of ___________ (you fill in the blank) was coming.

  16. Hannah says:

    I work so hard and get 21 days leave a year. I don’t think I would behave any differently to her if given the opportunity.

  17. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    I think she looks really pretty in the picture with her father, and I really like that hat.

    The firm she works for in NY must want her for publicity purposes only or something, because taking a vacation three weeks after you start a job does not scream “I’m serious!”

  18. rosalee says:

    She has a trust fund, she’s a royal, so what..if she wants to follow in Grand-Auntie Margaret’s diamond incrusted shoes, so what, who cares..

  19. Ellie says:

    Americans are so anti-vacation, it’s hilarious. You’d think that a country which works the longest hours in the western world and has the worst family friendly structures and the worst absenteeism and workplace illness wouldn’t be so self-righteous about it. Yet here we are. OMG, she takes time off! Oh no! You get that many other countries have 4-6 weeks a year off, right? Taking a vacation is not that big a deal. Do you know that many people *gasp* quit their jobs and go traveling for extended periods of time? I’ve done it. Plenty of Europeans have done it. They also get sick and don’t go bankrupt as a result and have kids without ruining their careers. I know. It’s hell! If only we were all more like the US!

    Additionally, she’s not an American citizen so if she started a job in the US, she’d have had to have entered on a work visa. You can’t convert a visitor’s visa to a work visa so she’s either blatantly lying or she has to have a job. People don’t get it. You can look for a job on a visitor’s visa in the US but you can’t live there and work unless you have a work visa. She got lots of criticism for leaving the US while looking for a job in the US but that’s pretty standard. US immigration is tricky for foreign workers.

    • MelissaManifesto says:

      Americans can be anti-vacation, but that is not what’s happening here. Beatrice started a job in New York City, not in Europe or Asia. Maybe she has an agreement that allows her to travel as she pleases, I don’t know, but the point is that people think she pretends to work to sneak to vacations many times a year. Tamara Ecclestone travels a lot with her baby girl, no one says anything because she’s a billionaire heiress who lives like a billionaire heiress. We cannot help what family we are born into, lucky for her she has an extremely father and she lives that life. She doesn’t fool anyone by making them think she has a full-time, demanding job.

      As for the work visa thing, well she is a royal. I don’t see her having a regular work visa like most do.

      • Ellie says:

        The fact that’s she’s a royal doesn’t matter – that’s not the way American visas work. Government officials and active royals can go on diplomatic visas or just on the visa waiver program. But she is not one and you can’t work on them anyway. She has to have some way of entering and exiting the country.

        I worked for a UK company in New York and got UK vacations (25 days a year) so you really have no idea what she does and doesn’t have. But she can’t pretend to work. It’s illegal and USCIS are like the DMV of immigration, she would be deported if they didn’t have the proper permits. You think not, but the IRS came after the Mayor of London over US taxes. US govt departments don’t give a sh*t about any one’s countries or rights. They do what they like.

        If she works at all, it has to be under a visa.

      • LAK says:

        Tamara Eccleston vacations abroad a lot for tax reasons. To minimise her tax bill, she has to minimise the number of days she’s resident.

        The rolling stones do the same thing for same reasons as do many rich people.

    • Solanacaea (Nighty) says:

      I’m European and don’t go vacationing all year long, I’m entitled to 22 days vacation a year, that’s it, as well as most Europeans who work…

    • MinnFinn says:

      Ellie, Oh please, U.S. citizens are anti-caste system in which Bea is an apex member, but we are not anti-vacation. Did you forget that the Daily Mail which is bashing Bea’s holidays is based in London?

      And in the U.S., the majority of work visas are reserved for skills in which we have a shortage such as STEM. Since Bea has no STEM education or skills (or any work skills as far as I can tell), the reasonable conclusion is that someone fudged her work visa or she is here on some other type of visa.

      And furthermore, you represent the worst brand of European pseudo enlightenment i.e. Europeans are superior to the U.S. because they are sooo socially progressive. How’s that working out for you in terms of bailing out Ireland, Iceland and Greece with Spain and a few others to follow?

      Why not set aside the air of superiority so that we can learn from one another. The U.S. needs more socialist policies and the Eurozone needs to rework theirs. Austerity measures on your side of the pond do not appear to be very effective in southern Europe. And in the U.S., the gaps in our social policy are creating a chasm between the rich and poor.

    • mayamae says:

      You do know the commenters of this site are not exclusively American, right? After all, we have your superior European presence gifting us with comments.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Ellie, I think you’re completely missing the point of the critisism, which is that she seems to be pretending to work while mooching off of friends, but carry on feeling superior because you get four weeks vacation. That’s certainly nice for you, and I can see why having good vacation benefits would lead you to assume all Americans hate vacation, are constantly sick or pretending to be ill, and hate children. Let’s face it, people with four weeks vacation are smarter, kinder, better looking and generally just more fabulous. I don’t blame you for being condescending and calling us self-righteous while being self-righteous. We all want to be you, truth be told. Good job. P.S. I’m writing this from vacation.

      • MinnFinn says:

        Goodnames wins the day.

      • Ellie says:

        Well, I agree I am better than you – not because I take 4 weeks vacation but because you’re way more smug and self righteous than I could ever be.

        But since you know all and see all: how is she “pretending to work”? Has anyone actually got any hard facts that she doesn’t have a job? If she has a job and takes vacation, why is it your business?

        As for mooching off her friends, do you know them? Do they care? Why do people pretend that they have some desperate desire to stop the terrible injustice that is rich people being forced to share their yacht with their friends (oh no!) when it’s just straight politics of envy stuff.

  20. original kay says:

    I don’t travel well, at all. 1 night and I am ready to be home.
    If I could though, I’d have my home somewhere just beautiful, like a permanent vacation place. I hear Monaco is lovely 🙂

  21. MelissaManifesto says:

    Completely random question: Which brand are those shoes in the last picture? Someone please tell me.

    I pray that one day I will have Beatrice’s seemingly unlimited funds to do as I please. What bothers me about her is that she could do so much without even pretending to work for a company. She could educate herself about literacy, public health, education, child marriage, women’s rights, access to the arts, ect… and help there. Then again, those are important issues that quite literally affect millions of people in the world, maybe her interests are solely to vacation and to shop.

    • MinnFinn says:

      Jimmy Choo. I pinterested them awhile ago.

    • LAK says:

      Actually her charities are all about education and community. You should google her charity work. She’s not a slacker there even if the DM wants to paint her as such because they won’t highlight her charity efforts.

  22. wow says:

    I agree with the first post. Why pretend that you are looking for work or pretend that you have work just to appease those who are not wealthy? It’s almost like apologizing for being wealthy.

    Beatrice comes from a life of privilege. If she wants to vacation hop through life, then so be it. She’s a rich socialite, it’s what they do. A lot of socialites only find “jobs” when they get bored of vacationing. Maybe that’s how Beatrice is.

  23. HK9 says:

    Correct me if I’m wrong but hasn’t she been prevented from being a ‘working royal’? If her lifestyle doesn’t require taxpayer’s money, let her go and be a socialite (because she actually is one) and leave her alone. Those who are supposed to be working (‘Will & Kate’ I’m looking at you)-should get busy.

    • mayamae says:

      It’s my understanding that the York girls live off of money shunted from Andrew and his connections, as well as trust funds from the Queen Mother. Unless the QM somehow acquired vast wealth independently, it was accrued over decades of taxpayer’s money.

      • HK9 says:

        Then I stand corrected-she too should get her act together and find something productive to do.

    • divinegimp says:

      I think Bea may like her position she has now as a”civilian’, she isn’t a working royal, so she can have her life , her charity/hospice work, her support for education and occasional duty. and of course there are lots of times she is at family events unofficially. She has her inheritance and dave where she does not need to work.

      Although the tabloids seem to like to put pressures on her as if she was a peer of the monarchy, people seem to forget she isn’t one despite her title. With all that said I think she was raised exactly like PH & W to have duty to her country and when she does her occasional duty she seems well groomed for it, especially with charity . and why wouldn’t she have be raised this way? She is a granddaughter to the reigning monarchy and will always have a link to the british royal family.

      It’s a shame if PC missed out on her potential in that regard if the rumors are true about him sliming down the monarchy. Wether PC slims down the working royal or not doesn’t matter since the older generation of working royals will eventually thin out.Let’se it, the older generation won’t live forever and harry and his maybe wife can’t do everything since they will most likely pick up C&W slack.. he can’t do it all by himself…..

      I don’t know nothing ever was confirmed with PC and the sliming down monarchy thing, nothing ever came from his mouth, it’s always hearsay. For all we know she could be promised something down the road byPC and HM. she seems to have represented HM more recently. Why allow her to be at garden parties officially if she was never been to one before 2013, wouldn’t it have been to have never allow her to go to one officially if she was never going to be part of the ”working firm .” Why do they allow her to work the occasional duty on behalf of HM and the DOY, if she wasn’t promised something?

      We just don’t know what she’s up to concerning personal life and duties, we just don’t really know her, we only know what tabloids say and they aren’t even that reliable.

  24. lila fowler says:

    This b’s eyes freak me the f out. What exactly is going on there.

  25. The Original Mia says:

    If Beatrice was supposed to be working for the Firm and was taking all of these vacations, I would be upset. But she isn’t and she won’t because of Charles’ plans for the monarchy. Since he’s not forcing his own line to do their jobs, I don’t see why Bea should be shaded for doing what Charles’ own son and his wife, the future King & Queen Consort, are doing…which is absolutely nothing.

  26. Snap Happy says:

    Why is Beatrice called a Princess but Edward’s daughter called Lady? Is it because Edward is the youngest?

    • The Original Mia says:

      Edward’s children are styled in the manner of their father’s title. His son is Earl Severn and his daughter is Lady Louise. They may become Prince & Princess once their father becomes the Duke of Edinburgh, but LAK and Sixer would know better.

    • Deedee says:

      She’s already a princess by birth, as a daughter of a prince, but her parents decided to use “Lady” instead, in the style of an earl’s daughter. She could choose to go by “Her Royal Highness Princess Louise Elizabeth Alice Mary of Wessex” but given what Bea and Eugenie put up with, I wouldn’t recommend it. Unless she marries a prince, which would be fascinating.

    • Kori says:

      It was said in the initial release that it was the Queen’s decision to style them as the children of an earl and Edward and Sophie agreed. The monarchy was still under the gun there. It may change down the line or perhaps not.

  27. divinegimp says:

    Honestly I think dave and people give her freebies. I think the Bransons aren’t below giving her free airplane tickets. You know having a royal being seeing on your yacht can generate lots of publicity and it did. just like having a royal being reported on your airline will raise some publicity. PW&kate used to go to matique villa for free during their dating years .

    I don’t think the BRF cares as long as they are not paying for it. else they would have told her off by now. and if they did it would be kind of hypocritical of them to do since they all at one point in their lives went one vacation after another . PW and kate had about 10 vacations at one point i think during their dating years, and those were just the ones reported etc Some of the the vacas don’t even count as like the one in dubhi was last year and it was an official event. some vacas reported don’t even have pics. Just my opinion

    And nothing ever came form Bea’s mouth that she’s working so she’s not pretending be some hard working something ,Seems honest to me . her job was always tabloid talk , and we all know how well known the DM is known for lies

    Unless i see pics like when eug was at work i won’t believe it

  28. justanothergossiper says:

    It was her birthday on Saturday. She is 27 now.

  29. yep says:

    I was thinking of Absolutely Fabulous..but not as funny.
    Maybe shes on a visa doing “consulting” work.

  30. Did her mother meet andrew as a prostitute “stable” woman like the one he was linked to last year.The engagement story was her family was in stables. Beatrice always looks startled like she was caught being a Riviera cat-burgler. Whats wrong with her eyes. I feel sorry for the British …who are taxed to death paying for ..people like andrew. No wonder ..Prince Charles cut them off. He .shoul have charged them rent. It was ..easy to forget the name of Mrs .andrew

  31. coco says:

    Every news I have red about this woman is either she is on vacation, she is back from a vacation or she is starting a new job. Why bother with any jobs darling. She and her sis have been showed so well in The Royals OMG I love those 2 air heads in that show!