Star: Garrett Hedlund finally proposed to Kirsten Dunst after 3 years of dating


It’s interesting to realize that Garrett Hedlund and Kirsten Dunst have been together for more than three years. They met while filming On the Road, and they’ve been together ever since. Over the years, there were a few tabloid stories here and there about drama and/or engagements, but overall, they’ve been a pretty low-key, stable couple. Judging Dunst from her interviews, she seems to want to be a wife and mother, but she’s patiently waiting for Garrett to get there. And maybe it’s happened? Star Magazine said Garrett might have finally popped the question:

It looks like Garrett Hedlund and Kirsten Dunst may soon be walking down the aisle. After dating for three and a half years, the 32-year-old Tron star popped the question to his 33-year-old girlfriend, according to a Wednesday report from Star magazine.

An insider insisted the couple threw a party ‘for 50 of their closest friends and family at their home in LA’ to celebrate the news. According to the source, the Bring It On starlet ‘already calls him her husband.’ The wedding will take place sometime in 2016, according to the weekly.

His rep denied the story to the magazine.

It was also alleged that the two are interested in starting a family down the line.

‘They’ve hinted that they’re ready to become parents,’ said the pal. ‘If all goes according to plan, by this time next year they’ll be married and Kirsten will be pregnant!’

[From The Daily Mail]

If they already “feel married,” then whatever, that’s fine and that’s their business. I just don’t believe that “feeling married” is what Kirsten wants. I really do believe she wants the ring and she wants a baby and that Garrett was/is the one pumping the brakes on all of that. I mean, they aren’t kids anymore – she’s 33 years old and he’s 30, and they’ve been together for more than three years. Either propose to her or figure out something else! But hey, maybe he did propose and they did have an engagement party and Hedlund’s rep just denies everything out of hand.



Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.

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49 Responses to “Star: Garrett Hedlund finally proposed to Kirsten Dunst after 3 years of dating”

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  1. Sullivan says:

    Mazel tov. I like her and wish her the best.

  2. Anniefannie says:

    In the article it says they’re only a year apart 32/33

  3. Betsy says:

    C’mon! More pictures of Garrett!

    He hasn’t lived there in years, and she onlyfilmed Drop Dead Gorgeous there, but these two are my favorite “Minnesota” couple. So adorable. So Scan. Some lefse in their honor!

    • Tulip says:

      I LOVED that film, it was so darkly funny. And even with the outdated fashion now, it is still a classic.

    • Zaid says:

      Oh! I love that movie! I watch Drop Dead Gorgeous and All I Wanna Do all the time. She made some awesome movies.

    • Franca says:

      I love Drop Dead Gorgeous. Such a good movie.

    • Brittney B. says:

      Classic movie. I keep hearing references to it… I think I need to see it again. It was one of the movies I bought on DVD in high school to make sure I always had the opportunity to see it… hopefully it’s on Netflix in HD now.

  4. LB says:

    I love her Dillon football shirt. I was thinking of buying one but I’m so poor that I can’t justify spending 20 dollars on it right now lol.

    Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose!

  5. Kiki says:

    I wish both of them the best. I really like Kirsten Dunst and Garret Hedlund together and how they handle their relationship without media attention. I hope they are getting married, like I said I wish them the best.

    • Joan says:

      Yes, they are a nice couple! I kind of laughed off their union at the beginning, as she’s made crap love choices in the past but over time they have grown on me. Also, I saw “Melancholia” and, while a bizarre film, she is really good in it. I wish I had her banging body!
      Best luck to them if this is true.

  6. GlimmerBunny says:

    I hope the story is true! I’ve gone from being jealous and despising her because she’s dating him to accepting it and realizing they’re pretty cute together.

  7. mia girl says:

    Congrats (if true)!
    I feel like Garret Hedlund is an under appreciated actor. I think he’s really talented. And really sexy. Nice combo.

  8. bobafelty says:

    Did she ever get her drinking under control? For a while there it seemed really bad. Hopefully these 2 can be happy and keep finding roles as they age. I don’t think she’s a great actress, but she’s so engaging to watch onscreen I always get hooked.

  9. Franca says:

    What do you mean finally? 3 years isn’t that long. That’s pretty much the ideal dating time before popping the question.
    I thought they have been together a lot longer.

    • Brittney B. says:

      Thank you!!

      I saw the “finally” and got a little miffed, because my boyfriend’s 30 and we’ve been together almost six years. But then I saw this…

      ” If they already “feel married,” then whatever, that’s fine and that’s their business.

      So maybe the “finally” is just an assumption about Kirsten’s feelings? Honestly I never noticed any desire to be a wife in her interviews about him… motherhood maybe, but marriage isn’t required for that.

      • Andrea S. says:

        @BrittenyB no, you’re right: marriage isn’t required for motherhood, but numerous, reputable studies have shown over & over again that children fair better in a married household, as opposed to a single parent household. She might think like I do & my friends do: that we’ll hold off on becoming mothers until we’re married as it’s ultimately the best for the kids. There’s nothing wrong with knowing & doing the right thing, if that isn’t what’s in vogue now.

        And, since when did it become cool to shame women who are traditional? Ugh, is this what our society is coming to now?! Everything is so PC, & the pendulum has swung so far that women who want marriage & children are now shamed for that?? Disgraceful & sad.

    • kitty28 says:

      Totally! I was thinking the same thing! Like she is desperate to get married. Maybe she isn’t. I am same age as them, have been with my bf same amount of time and I am still not sure. I love my bf, but marriage is a huge commitment and it scares me actually. In the reality of things, I don’t think you truly know someone that quick sometimes. And when you are talking about someone you want to spend your whole life with, 3 years isn’t that long. But that’s just me.

      • Brittney B. says:

        Good point. Even if marriage is on the table, three years isn’t long in the grand scheme of things.

      • Linn says:

        That’s what I was thinking. They hopefully go into marriage with the idea of “for the rest of their lives, so 3 years seems pretty short in comparison.

      • ican'tsnap says:

        Totally. For me, to feel ready to marry someone, I’d need, like, at MINIMUM 3 years or so to be prepared to make that decision. IF I even get married.

    • Xavi says:

      “Either propose to her or figure out something else!” I’m bothered by this line in the post. Really? So we’re just completely comfortable casting her in the retro role of passive female hankering for a man to make her a wife while granting the man all the power to make decisions for the relationship? They’re not DUGGARS!!!
      And “finally proposed” is maybe a line to save for Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn. Or anyone else whose relationship is decades old. And even the, I’m going to roll my eyes.

      • ican'tsnap says:

        YES THIS

      • Maya says:

        Thank you Xavi! I have no idea if Kirsten wants to get married and if she does that is completely fine, but this makes it sound like the goal for every woman on the planet. I might be slightly sensitive to this as I get this crap all the time. People think I must be miserable and just waiting to drag my SO down the aisle or that my SO and are afraid of commitment. Why is marriage still seen as a milestone that every person should aspire to? To me, personally, due to the traditional meaning of marriage, it is about the least romantic thing someone can do. I don’t say this to all my engaged/married friends though. I congratulate them and happily go to their weddings, but I wish they would not comment on my life choices.

    • raindrop says:

      Yeah, three years of dating before a proposal seems entirely unremarkable. I dated my now-husband for five years before we decided to get engaged, and there was nothing urgent or “oh, finally!” about it.

    • suziekew says:

      If they met when filming On the Road, then they met in early 2011. The film premiered in December 2012but was filmed almost 2 years before it had it’s premier. So that puts them together for at least 4 going 5 years. They have definitely been together longer than 3 years.

  10. ell says:

    what is it with some people and this obsession with getting married?? i don’t feel strongly about it. I mean, if it happens to me at some point and it feels right, great, but otherwise what’s the big deal? I could live without it.

    • Brittney B. says:


      I really don’t get the idea that a steady couple is on two different pages until one “finally” decided to seal the deal. If you’re living together and planning your future together, the ring and ceremony seem like antiquated formalities at best and misguided cons at worst.

      My partner (who is Garrett’s age) and I moved very quickly after we met, too; we said I love you after a few weeks, moved in together after 8 months, etc. But I said pretty early on that I didn’t want him to catch me off guard with a proposal, that I didn’t believe in marriage, and that we could discuss it together if he ever felt differently. I think it was a relief for his immature self, but six years later, we’ve grown immensely and only feel more strongly about it, even after the DOMA decision (I would never have participated in an institution that wouldn’t be available to me if my partner’s gender were different, but I digress).

      Basically… I don’t get the urge to go through a legal process that makes it more difficult to split up. I guess I’ve seen too many divorces and lavish ceremonies to have any desire to add extra stress to an already solid relationship. I don’t think the government should grant extra rights to people who decide to take that step with one other person, either. It slights many people who never will.

  11. Grace says:

    But her rep denied it

  12. Tiffany :) says:

    “they’ve been together for more than three years. Either propose to her or figure out something else!”

    What does it matter if they wait several years to be engaged, if ever? If people are together, they’re together.

    • Brittney B. says:


      This is precisely my problem with marriage as an institution, too… it “legitimizes” some relationships while implying that others are less valid, less long-term, etc. If there’s no reason to leave a happy and steady relationship, who cares if there are rings and notarized documents involved? I’ve seen so many couples divorce after one or two years, while unmarried couples stay together for decades. Marriage is not mandatory, and sometimes it’s not even right, but it’s definitely no promise of permanence. I hope to be among the latter group.

      • Andrea S. says:

        @BrittanyB marriage isn’t the end all, be all to everyone. But, to a great, great many ppl it is. Thus, yielding its legal & financial benefits to many couples, inc all the same-sex couples who apparently agreed with the majority of society enough that they fought to enjoy those same benefits. I’m 36 yrs old & would love to be married. I’ve gotten to a place in my life where I’m comfortable if it doesn’t happen, but in no way will I be pleased with that outcome.

        I feel a lot of older, single women who aren’t married or who’ve had previously bad experiences with marriage, just like to spit on the whole idea of a happily ever after & marriage in & of itself as an over compensation for the way they’re personally feeling inside. It comes off sounding like an attack towards marriage & happily married women just bc you’re not married. Not saying that’s what you’re doing, but this jumping on Kaiser’s use of “finally,” etc sounds like you’ve got a real bone to pick here for some reason.

    • ican'tsnap says:

      Thank you. Ugh.

  13. Kate says:

    Awe, I like them as a couple, so I hope they do get married. I don’t think three or four years is an inordinately long courtship before getting engaged. I think it’s a normal amount of time for responsible adults who don’t want to do the “whirlwind” thing and figure out too late that they’re not compatible. My husband and I were together 5 years before he proposed (I had to finish law school and figure out the career stuff, he got his masters and started a high-pressure career of his own, traveled to twenty-something countries, lived and worked abroad, adopted a couple of cats, moved in together stateside to make sure we were compatible in that way “in real life”, hammered out our originally differing views in having children, etc., etc.), and I thought it was normal. We certainly have a more stable ralationship than a lot of our more impulsive friends. But as always, to each his own!

  14. cakecakecake says:

    I hope she stopped w/all of the binge drinking, that’s all I have heard about her on the personal side. I’ve always thought her drinking got in the way of us seeing her more on the big screen.

    She has great acting chops, and beats out folks like Jennifer Lawrence by a long shot in my opinion..

    • mkyarwood says:

      She does, but she’s not built for the criticism and definitely doesn’t laugh at herself the way Lawrence does. She is my very favorite actress, just because I was the same age as her growing up, so her movies were always vicarious for me. I even liked her in Coppola’s nonsense Marie Antoinette movie. As for the drinking, I’d say the header photo points to a booze bloat she doesn’t always have.

      • sirsnarksalot says:

        Just because someone puts on a little weight, its a stretch to assume its “booze bloat”. She’s over 30….that’s when we all started putting on weight and some of us carry the difference very noticeably in our face. I still think she is gorgeous and talented and one of the rare few who keep her life out of the public eye.

      • Ally8 says:

        She has talked about her struggle with depression, even moving back in with her parents for a while. So it could be a side-effect of medication as well. I had never heard about her drinking issues, though it could have been an attempt at self-medicating (absurd since alcohol is a depressant, though some enjoy the disinhibiting initial effect).

        Anyway, she’s a fabulous actress, who has gone from child to adult star with dignity. (Most recently, I loved her character in Bachelorette; so ballsy.) I wish them all the best.

    • Andrea S. says:

      @CakeCakeCake lol, in that last pic she’s walking outta a liquor shop. You can see the vodka(?) bottles on display behind her.

  15. Esteph says:

    I with most others that I hope that they get married. I really like them together.

  16. WindowChair5 says:

    Love him since I saw him in Friday Night Lights so many years ago. He’s so handsome and a very good actor. Tres sexy! And she’s great so re: of whether the rumor of marriage is true or not, they make great couple.

  17. Patty says:

    I could see this going either way. I know a lot of people don’t care about marriage, but if you want to get married, 2-3 years is more than enough time to figure out if you want to be married to the person you are with.

    I know too many women who want to get married and spend years and years with a man, only to have them split and then the man gets married to someone else within a year or so.

    If Kirsten has a strong desire to be married and has expressed this to her BF. Then yes, I would say a three-year relationship is plenty of time to figure out if you both want the same thing or if it’s time to go your separate ways; especially once you get to be in your late twenties / early thirties.

    If your goal is marriage, there is no need to date for years and years. At some point you gotta commit or move on.

  18. ek says:

    He’s so hot. That’s all I got right now.

  19. Hannah says:

    She’s lucky either way. That man is so beautiful and he seems like a decent guy too.

  20. Miss M says:

    Just kidding! Congrats, b*t ch! 😀

  21. Ferdinand says:

    If this is true, then I’m happy for them.
    I ship them and I ship them hard.

    They’ve always been low-key. He’s devilish gorgeous and she’s such a sweetheart. I think both of them are good actors who have been able to keep their own business private. Good for them.

  22. Ms. D says:

    She’s rocking a Dillon football tee in that last photo. Huzzzzah!

  23. Bread and Circuses says:

    I didn’t even know they were together, and when it comes to Hollywood, that always strikes me as a hopeful sign. If they’re not playing it for publicity, then they’re together because they really like each other.

    I think the ones that do play it for publicity, even when they do really like each other, cloud the issue (even in their own minds) enough that they can’t necessarily trust their instincts as much as they could if the relationship was only about enjoying the company.

  24. coffeeisgood says:

    i want her dillion football shirt haha i didnt know she was a friday night lights fan!