Kylie Jenner plans to launch her rap career (update: Kylie and Tyga broke up)

Update by Celebitchy: TMZ is reporting that Kylie and Tyga broke up yesterday. It’s hinted, but not directly stated, that he cheated. A source tells them “it’s something Tyga did,” but they don’t go into specifics. What’s more is that TMZ claims that Kylie dumped Tyga after her family pressured her.

Here are some photos of Kendall and Kylie Jenner in Australia this week. They were in Melbourne to launch their clothing line, Kendall + Kylie, at the Chadstone Shopping Centre. Apparently, the Jenner girls are pretty popular in Australia (??) and thousands of fans lined up to meet them or see them. They also went to Sydney for another clothing-line-related event, and while in Sydney, someone threw eggs and tomatoes at them. That person – a 25-year-old heroine – was detained, arrested and is currently out on bail and due in court next month. Imagine that court hearing.

Meanwhile, Kylie is making some news, as always. Kylie is still with Tyga. Tyga’s job is “rapper.” Maybe I’m not down with today’s cool music, but it’s never seemed to me like Tyga is all that famous, talented or in-demand as an entertainer? He’s like the bottom of the barrel of rent-a-boyfriends for the Kardashian-Jenner clan. But Kylie thinks Tyga is everything. And Tyga thinks he can launch Kylie’s rap career.

The youngest member of the Kardashian clan, Kylie Jenner, has plans to break into the music industry, a source reveals.

“Kylie has been in the studio the last couple of months with [her rapper boyfriend] Tyga recording her first song,” says the music insider, “She plans to debut the single on her app.”

The 18-year-old fashion designer turned model “has always been into rap music,” according to the insider.

“She eventually wants to record a whole album and top the charts,” says the Kardashian insider.

[From In Touch Weekly]

This is one of the saddest sentences of the week: “The 18-year-old fashion designer turned model ‘has always been into rap music,’ according to the insider.” Yeah. What’s funny is that this wouldn’t even be the first time someone in that family tried to launch a music career. People forget that Kim Kardashian put out “Jam (Turn Me Up)” many years ago. If you want to laugh today, go back and watch that music video.

Speaking of Kim and Kylie’s relationship, in a preview of an upcoming episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Kim asked her mom if she and Kanye could move back in and Kris Jenner was all “NERP,” and told Kim to move in with Kylie. Kylie’s reaction? “I would seriously stab myself. Nobody is staying at my house.”



Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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113 Responses to “Kylie Jenner plans to launch her rap career (update: Kylie and Tyga broke up)”

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  1. Zapp Brannigan says:

    Santa why are you trying to hurt me so close to Christmas, this is NOT what I asked for in my letter to you.

    • LadyMTL says:

      LOL…I actually see this as an early Christmas present. Something to make me laugh from now until the end of my days: Kylie the Rapper.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Yes, I have to say the part of me that was hysterically laughing walked right over the part of me that was cringing and shouted This Is Great! 😂😂😂😂😂

      • WinnieCoopersMom says:

        ‘Ky & Ty: The Rappers Tour’ .. we need to make this happen.

    • FrenchGirlChi says:

      U made me laugh with that comment.

      That song by Kim hurt my ears…

      Oh lord another female who think she can rap and has the bones to get into the game. Ha!

  2. LilyLizard says:

    Is their an actual audience waiting with baited breath for Kylie to drop a rap album?? Who are these people???

    • Naya says:

      Same people who bought her app, follow her on social media and show up at her public events – stupid people.

      • WinnieCoopersMom says:

        I just looked it up: Kylie’s app had almost 2M downloads in the first week alone. That is some frightening stuff. AND it’s an app one has to pay to get – Imagine if the app was free.

      • Jwoolman says:

        The downloads were free and there’s a free trial period. The real test of interest in her app will come after a few months, to see if people keep paying the fee. The subscription is listed as an in-app purchase. My phone is loaded with apps that are free to download – I just have in-app purchases disabled and use only the free parts.

  3. ZAN says:

    I least Kylie isn’t wearing too much makeup this time…almost natural, almost.
    no comments on the launching

    • Shambles says:

      I actually feel the opposite. Even with “natural” makeup you can still tell Kylie’s face is 100 percent manufactured. It’s really interesting to see her right next to Kendall. Plastic face vs Human face and all

      • Pippa says:

        I think the ‘almost natural’ thing is maybe (hopefully) that she hasn’t had any work done in a while and her face is finally settling a bit. She looks a bit more human and less Lars and the Real Girl here than she has done recently.

  4. kimbers says:

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let this happen I need a preplan winter hysterical laugh until I pee moment

  5. NewWester says:

    With all the injections Kylie has put into her lips, will they move enough for her to rap? It would be like watching two slugs doing the Salsa

    • lassie says:

      The imagery in the post is poetic.

    • swack says:

      OMG . . . two slugs doing the salsa . . . thanks for the image and belly laugh!

    • Lilacflowers says:

      And just as slimey.

    • QQ says:

      THAT and never mind the fact that the Only bars this sleepy sexbot looking girl might Possibly have is XANAX Bars

    • Kymdragon says:

      Slugs were a good start.. but Salsa was the icing on the cake!

      In the past YEAR Kylie has said in the media that she “has no plans to be a rapper”, that she wants to work in makeup, that she wants to work in fashion, that she wants to be an actress, that she wants to be a singer, and now that she wants to be a rapper. (though she hasn’t confirmed it.) Make up your damn mind! Pick something you love and lose your mind working towards it. Make it authentic!
      Shes just this ..tourist trying to take other people’s talents and make them her own.

    • Sabrine says:

      Well why not. If a young girl wants to try rapping, then good for her. I would never put someone down for trying something new, no matter who it is. At least she has the sense to ignore the haters and venture out into different things.

  6. Nancy says:

    Fashion designer turned model. OMG, they forget award winning actress for her portrayal of herself. Of course she’s into rap, who wouldn’t be if they wanted to do an album and their brother-in-law was Kanye West and boyfriend was “Tyga.” How can you say his name without laughing. Anyway….go for it Kylie and do the video in the nude so you will get even more attention, but wait for Kim to lose her baby weight and she can be the special guest performer. Khloe can play the drums and Kourtney can hold one of the babies sitting in the front crossed legged. But no Kendall Kendall Kendall………..

  7. serena says:

    “fashion designer turned model “… I’m sorry, what?

    • greenmonster says:

      My thoughts exactly.

      In what world is she a fashion designer? Someone designs for her and she just gives her name. At most she asks “can we put a unicorn on it?”
      This is infuriating. People with no actually skills in design launch fashion lines (looking at you too, Kanye). But the most infuriating: people buy this crap! It feeds on the whole ‘you don’t need talent or skills and still become whatever you want, you special snowflake, you!’ idea. Of course this only works if your family is rich enough to buy you a career OR your whole family has absolutely no shame and does whatever it takes to stay in the spotlight.

    • Wren says:

      Well……… technically………… she is. It’s still super sad and when I read the headline, I was like, “huh? really?”

  8. grabbyhands says:

    Of course she is.

    Also, “The 18-year-old fashion designer turned model “. It is to laugh.

  9. InvaderTak says:

    Of course. Just…of course.

    Edit: that being said, I’ll bet she’s better than Iggy

  10. Dena says:

    I think I’m developing a soft spot for Kylie. Why? I am beginning to think she’s simply the lost baby in the family. Too many siblings. Too little attention. Swallowed up in too much family drama. Mom overly invested in the lives of the older kids. Mom-dad too lost in his-her own shit. As a result, she’s just lost and afloat and no one is really watching or caring enough. Hope she makes it thru her teen years and 20s okay.

    • swack says:

      They care but for all the wrong reasons. The minute she stops being in the news and stops making money or refuses to do what they want her to do, she’ll go the way of Rob and we will begin to wonder what happened to her. At that point, hopefully she will find herself and what SHE wants in life and not what others want.

  11. HK9 says:

    Hahahaha ahhahahahaha
    Thanks for the early morning laugh!

  12. Kitten says:

    Damn Iggy Azalea for making all these mediocre white chicks think that they can rap.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      When are we going to start our other race? I think the time is drawing near.

      • Kitten says:

        YES GNAT. I think “other” is taken but there has to be something else available to distance ourselves from these people. “White but not Kardashian”? Nah, that’s too specific…

    • Bridget says:

      Would you rather Kylie try to sing?

      • Kitten says:

        Remember that Real Housewife who did that song “Money Can’t Buy You Class”?
        Now THAT was amazing. If Kylie can make a video and song that awful then she’ll have my full support.

      • Bridget says:

        You can’t talk about Real Housewives crappy singing attempts and not mention Tardy for the Party!

  13. Mia4s says:

    Is there a defence fund for that Aussie woman I can donate too? I’m organizing a march for her freedom as we speak. That woman is a living Saint. 😉

    Look, for the most part I hate rap music. There. I said it. Even saying that I do recognize that like all other music, the best of it requires talent and (God forbid) practice. These twits are an ongoing insult to the universe.

    • SydneySnider says:

      I just didn’t get that girl chucking eggs and tomatoes, because she did it before the Jenners came on stage. She was removed and arrested, and there was still enough time to clean up and attach a canopy to the stage before they appeared, and for their own security to arm themselves with….. umbrellas.

      Having said that, of course I’m cheering for the chucker! We should crowd-fund her defence, definitely. I’m embarrassed that the world knows just how many idiots are in our midst, who would wait for hours to catch a glimpse of these two twits. And believe me, they weren’t all teenagers. Just look up Suzi Taylor from The Block. Yes, we have them here, too.

      “The 18-year-old fashion designer turned model “. That has got to be the Joke Quote of the Month.

  14. Talie says:

    Kim must be horrified to watch this little girl steal her face, clothes and body.

  15. Skins says:

    Dammit, NO!

  16. Ughhhhhh says:

    …heroine? For physically assaulting younger women in public? Sounds like a violent young person who should have stuck to strongly worded Internet comments. Any kind of violence is unacceptable, no matter how distasteful the victim. There are so many and varied ways of hating on the kardashians with resorting to projectiles.

  17. PrincessMe says:

    So this Australian woman is a “heroine” for throwing eggs and tomatoes at Kendall and Kylie, but Justin Bieber is an a-hole criminal for egging his neighbour’s houses? Interesting. It doesn’t matter who it is, you don’t throw eggs at people. They weren’t bothering her, she didn’t have to be there.

    • SydneySnider says:

      Ughhhhhh and PrincessMe: The Jenner girls were not on stage at the time, as they hadn’t yet come out. The girl threw the eggs and tomatoes on to the stage, not them.

  18. AmyB says:

    Please make this happen so we can all collectively laugh our asses off @ her stupidity!!! LOL This reminds me of when Courtney Stodden thought she was a singer and recorded some atrocious video…..look it up for a laugh that will carry you over into the weekend! Kylie, clearly your delusions are limit-less. 😉

  19. Zip says:

    She could do a duet featuring Rebecca Black.

    • WinnieCoopersMom says:

      I was just going to comment that she should get the same producer/studio as Rebecca Black! That girl is still living off the money from that one video. All one needs is a video to go viral – good or bad – and it’s a done deal. I think we all need a terrible Kylie video to go viral, would give the world some vindication.

  20. Shasta says:

    If this happens I will never stop laughing.

  21. Tessa says:

    I will crowd fund Ms eggy tomato’s bail

  22. Bridget says:

    Of course Tyga is a legit rapper. Haven’t you heard “Stimulated”?

  23. Giddy says:

    “Fashion designer turned model”…I want to play this fantasy game of just saying it and expecting others to believe it. “Giddy, former surgeon turned architect.” Or “Giddy, former Olympic swimmer turned media mogul.” Now to find anyone who will believe me.

  24. ldub says:

    i’m sorry, but in that top photo they’re gorgeous.

    • Jasmine says:

      only kendall is

    • ReineDidon says:

      She is gorgeous because she had a nose job, a chin implant, a brow lift, lip fillers, something (probably hyaluronic) injected to her cheeks, butt and hips enhancement and boob job.
      By the age of 18, not bad huh ?
      All that to sell dreams and creating complexes to woman who work, have children, pay rents and don’t have enough time for lasers, spas, massages etc….
      And I don’t even find her attractive. I mean she is fine, but far from being a gorgeous woman.

  25. Chibichchai says:

    Kendall looks stunning and so full of life next to her sister…that’s really scary considering how dead in the eyes Kendall normally looks.

  26. The Eternal Side-Eye says:

    LMAO, I always like when the Kardashians forget what their lane is and really think the whole world is HERE for them.

    Girls, no one wants to read any ‘books’ you’ve written. They do not want to hear any ‘music’ you’ve made. That is NOT what people come to your for.

    Damn near the whole family tried to advertise for Tyga and his newest album only sold 2, 000 and some copies. Poor Kylie will be up on stage squeezing out some tortured bars while Kris nods her head furiously in a hoodie like Eminem in 8 Mile.

  27. My Two Cents says:

    So that’s what the famous rapper Tyga is working on these days. Snicker! The sad thing is her little teeny bopper fans will eat it up and beg Moms for money to buy it. Just another scam to bleed people for money so they can get richer. How sad this is to the real talent out there that don’t ever get a break.

  28. Jwoolman says:

    Oh, Kylie. If Tyga could really launch your rapper career, he wouldn’t be needing to take money from you because his own career would have him rolling in loot. Connect the dots, sweetie.

    Maybe that iPhone K-Blocker app (blocks Kardashian-related web content, can be set for Kanye as well) won’t do as well as I thought. Who wants to miss such entertaining ridiculousness?

  29. Meatball says:

    Please, Tyga can’t even launch his own career, how is he going to help her? I guess making sure his name is on the music, so when these dumb people buy it up he can make a little money.
    Honestly what is this girl going to rap about?

    • Daria Morgendorffer says:

      “Please, Tyga can’t even launch his own career, how is he going to help her?”

      LOL! So true. Just read yesterday that he has to pay some woman who sued him $75,000. His other cases involving not paying his rent are still pending. Dude is such a mess, he’s in no position to help anyone do anything.

    • Alana says:

      She’s is gonna rap about the struggles of having to edit and photoshop her selfies and how hard it is to get your eyeliner to match both eyes perfectly on her own

    • WinnieCoopersMom says:

      About her dad becoming a woman and how she’s the baby who never gets the spotlight.

    • Jwoolman says:

      Actually, she has plenty to rap about if she could discard the superficial stuff and dig deeper. She never lacked for material things, but she didn’t get other things she needed.

  30. Hawaiisun says:


  31. amaria says:

    Oh, her street cred 😉 Somehow, it reminded me of Madge rapping. I kind of love how those people have no self-awareness whatsoever.

  32. Happy21 says:

    Happy Friday! This shit is FUNNY!

    Even funnier than talking about it is to actually go and watch that Kim Kardashian music video! I have laughed so hard in I don’t know how long. That shit is BAD!

  33. Daria Morgendorffer says:

    A bit off topic, but I was surprised that Kylie looks a lot younger than normal here. She still looks a lot older than 18, but she looks about 25-26 here instead of the usual 40.

    TMZ is insinuating that Kylie and Tyga broke up because she didn’t attend his birthday party. Hopefully this info about her releasing any album at all will not be true, BUT weren’t they all bragging about Kylie going for singing lessons not long ago? All I can say is: L-O-L.

    • Erica_V says:

      Daria me too – I feel like I see shades of her original face here. And then she tilts her head back a smidge and its Kim.

  34. Alana says:

    Please do I can always use a good laugh. Also I love seeing your family flushing money down their toilets

  35. Jasmine says:

    she should adopt a dog. then everyone will suddenly love her and forget all her sleaziness like miley

  36. Ankhel says:

    So this is why Kylie hasn’t dumped Tyga yet!

  37. happyXamp says:

    TMZ just reported these two split up.

  38. CatJ says:

    I love how Kylie’s spraytan ends mid-wrist……

  39. yep says:

    I feel so much, for the talented people who worked so hard, busting their asses off with attending higher education in fashion, unpaid interships, climbing that coveted ladder, going hungry. And then, Kylie, who has no higher education beyond 9th grade, has never read a book ( having someone read to you Green Eggs and Ham does not constitute you reading it), does not know a suffering day in her life, gets to lable herself a ” fashion designer”. And people buy into that.

  40. ReineDidon says:

    She would stab herself if her sister would live at her mansion for sometime ? Waw talk about humanism… Also she asks her ‘fans’ to adopt dogs while she spend 50k on her new tutu.
    I mean…. This is ridiculous. This is the kind of brat that we publicize nowadays ? Almost makes me regret her older sister, at least she has the Armenian case she cares about.

  41. mrsrockstar says:

    I remember several years ago someone sent me a link to a music video with a much younger Kris Jenner singing and she was driving a car or something like that.Does anyone here know what I’m talking about or was it all a bad-but funny- dream?

    • sherry says:

      I remember! I think it was for Kris’ birthday and OJ was in it too!

    • Happy21 says:

      It was a music video called I Love my Friends. KimK posted it a few years back but I can’t seem to find any full laughable clips of it in my area. You could try googling it. It is some SERIOUSLY funny shit.

  42. Belle says:


    Welcome to Paris Hilton 2.0 – although part of me is thinking this is going to be even worse.

  43. Kathryn says:

    Seriously, why is Kim still living at home? She is a grown-ass woman in her 30s, with a child and plenty of means to live on her own.

    • swack says:

      They are “renovating” the house they just did some renovations to when they bought it.

      • Cricket says:

        but don’t they have the money to rent a place until their renovations are complete? with one little girl and baby on the way.. wouldn’t you want your own space?

      • Ally8 says:

        Apparently they just put that cavern on the market without ever having moved in. This couple never intends to live together as independent adults, clearly.

    • Jwoolman says:

      Kim might have problems living alone. I don’t think Kanye is around that much. Kim doesn’t strike me as someone with a rich interior life.

  44. TotallyBiased says:

    Several months. For one ‘song’.

  45. iheartgossip says:

    Oh Please. More stories from the Trash Kamp. They can’t take all the backlash happening, so they attempt to generate ‘feel sorry for us’ stories. Tyga was never ‘with her’, when he is on the DL for men.

  46. Erica_V says:

    E! Is now reporting it as well. MTO says she caught him facetiming with “some stripper” but they claim Beyonce has been preggo for the last like 2 years so not always reliable.

    She probably got tired of paying his bills.

  47. Colette says:

    Well hopefully she won’t take him back this time.

  48. Nancy says:

    Mothers hide your daughters. That slick looking dude Tyga is on the prowl again. Probably wasn’t as exciting once she turned 18 and nobody was talking about them anymore. Nah, I’m sure Kris found her a higher ranking victim. I remember her listing names for Kim when Reggie dumped her. What would we do without moms like PMK.

  49. me says:

    How convenient. Tyga is making his very first appearance on KUWTK this week I think. The show is not doing good with ratings. This all seems like a ratings ploy if you ask me. Also, think about it, Kylie’s new dating life with give this family a lot of press ! Lastly, of course they are going to slam Tyga because the Kardashian/Jenner girls are never in the wrong and it’s always the men who are dogs lol yeah ok.

  50. Jwoolman says:

    Who gets custody of the $50,000 dog?

  51. Colette says:

    PR stunt,USweekly says they are together on snap chat.

    • Lizzie McGuire says:

      Apparently they’re taking a “break” whatever that means in their teenage minds but she left with A$AP Rocky after partying with Le Douche Bieber.