Prince William: George ‘will be bouncing around like a rabbit’ on Christmas


A few years ago, Prince William promised a homeless youth that if she ever made it to university to study journalism, he would give her an interview. Well, that young woman – Sophia Kichou – is now a trainee journalist, so William sat down with her for an interview which will be published in The Big Issue this week. The discussed Prince George and Princess Charlotte, the family’s holiday plans, William’s work with Centrepoint (the homeless network within which William met Kichou) and more. Some highlights:

Christmas with George: “George will be bouncing around like a rabbit. If I get any sleep on Christmas Eve it’ll be good! [He will be] extremely bouncy because he’s suddenly worked out what Christmas is all about. So that will be two children, one who suddenly appreciates Christmas, which could be quite challenging. But I’m looking forward to it.”

His plans for Christmas Day: “We’ll go to church as a family on Christmas Day, as we always do. Then we’ll watch George try to tackle his presents as he tries to unwrap them. It’s a very different experience at Christmas, having a family of your own. It’d be nice if we got a white Christmas because we haven’t had one in many years.”

His work with Centrepoint: “I think it goes back to when my mother first took the [patron’s] role when I was a small boy. I was very struck by the people I met and what they were struggling with – sleeping rough, sofa surfing, not having basic comforts a lot of us take for granted. That really struck me at a young age, bearing in mind the gulf for me, growing up in a palace and seeing the other end of the spectrum. That was powerful to see at a young age. In today’s Western world, with all the advancements and privileges we have, the fact some people don’t have a bed or a roof over their head is quite ridiculous.”

[From The Daily Mail]

In case you didn’t read between the lines of what William says about his Christmas plans, the Daily Mail spells it out for us: their sources say that for sure, William and Kate’s new Christmas thing is to go to church with the royal family on Christmas morning, then they’ll return to Anmer Hall to spend the rest of the day with the Middletons and the kids, and the kids get to open their presents on Christmas Day instead of Christmas Eve. This is how Kate “revolutionized” the royal Christmas – by taking out the German traditions and eschewing time with the royal family.

Meanwhile, Hello Magazine reports that Kate had a night off from the kids last week – she apparently went out to dinner with her mom and her sister in London. They had French cuisine at Clos Maggiore and it’s believed they might have gone to see a play.



Photos courtesy of KP’s Twitter, WENN.

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103 Responses to “Prince William: George ‘will be bouncing around like a rabbit’ on Christmas”

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  1. L says:

    Let’s focus on what’s really important here: congratulations to Sophia! I hope things are going well for her. Did William help her out at all I wonder? Didn’t he work with a homelessness charity or something at one point? (Sorry, I meant “work”)

    • cannibell says:

      This. How lovely that he honored his promise, as Megan says, and best to Sophia moving forward! (And Merry Christmas to the Wales’ and all the Christmas people, and Happy Hanukkah to all the Hanukkah People, and Happy Hmong New Year, Kwanzaa, Solstice and/or whatever you celebrate at this season!)

    • Christin says:

      She has a great start for her journalism career. May she continue to flourish personally and professionally.

  2. Emily says:

    Credit where credit is due. Well done William/PoorJason!

    • aaa says:

      +1 and LOL

    • Original T.C. says:


      Two thumbs up to Wills for doing this. I have been a critic of his lazy, irresponsible ways but I am happy to see him follow through on this promise to a once homelessness youth. See Wills, it’s not that hard to do good and gain respect from the public.

      P.S. Would love to see George the bruiser tear into his presents. LOL. That kid is the only non-traditional Royal and I love his wildness:)

  3. LAK says:

    The current head of the church of England gives an annual Christmas message that emphasises human responsibility towards each other as well as thankfulness for all that we have. Ditto the heir’s Christmas message.

    Meanwhile, the heir to heir to the same position says Christmas is about presents and extra sleep. Told to someone who pulled themselves out of homelessness!!!!!! Just when i’m used to William’s tone deafness or bad management of optics, he lowers the bar.

    At least he kept his promise to grant her an interview!!

    • Erinn says:

      But would we have believed him if he said that none of that mattered? To be fair – for a todays ‘normal’ it has become mostly about presents – and I suppose when you have young children, people tend to joke about the amount of sleep they get/lack thereof.

      I agree- it’s semi- tonedeaf given who is doing the interview, but at the same time – it’s really quite normal.

      • LAK says:

        i understand that it’s quite normal for christmas to be about presents, BUT that is not the point for someone who is going to head the church of England some day and who is required to promote a different message for that occasion.

        He missed a chance to give a really good message considering he was talking about a homeless charity which has a parallel with the Christmas story – Mary and Joseph found themselves without a roof due to that decree.

        It’s meeting Obama all over again.

        Why is he continually tone deaf?

        Why is he talking about Christmas being about presents and lack of sleep to a homeless magazine to a reporter who has had to pull themselves from homelessness? this conversation should have gone completely differently.

        Compare how Harry related their mother’s loss to the poverty stricken orphans he met in Lesotho [or was it SA?] last week. He didn’t he didn’t minimise it, but found a way to show that whilst he feels that pain, the attendant medical/economic problems that the orphans to endure made their loss much more challenging.

        Considering William boasts of doing the opposite of what his advisors recommend, i’m not going to blame #poorjason for this one. though i will blame #poorjason for not figuring out a better way around his boss.

      • Christin says:

        That’s an excellent point. He really did not consider the audience and tailor his message accordingly.

      • Zinjojo says:

        LAK, agree with what you said about the missed opportunity.

        And every time he opens his mouth, he has negative, but also highly-cliched things to say. He comes across as trying to be relatable, but also kind of a dullard.

        Glad he kept his commitment to Sophia though!

      • FLORC says:

        That’s fair.
        Let me just say Joseph and Mary had a roof in reality. Just not a private room to themselves. That tale bugs me.

        And William is Normal. Very normal. He is so normal he’s not royal. Not built for that life. And he has no passion to prepare for it. He’s simply existing in it.
        So, while he lives the life with massive perks for someone who dedicates their life to service. Service to those who pay his blls. Who’s land he lives on. And prfits from endeavours made on land/property his family is only caretakers/leasers/etc of. While doing that he should be held to a higher standard.

        Think of it like this. He’s in a private corporation…. Where nepotism decides who owns and runs it. They can ofcourse hire advisors outside of family. And their mission statement is to profit while improving life for all. And they have real power both hard and soft as well as a hand in politics (true to nearly every major corporation currently).
        What would people say if the 3rd in line refused to work until they get the top job. He’s simply not earning his paycheck, but cannot be fired. He would be lazy and a leech. Without question.

        William is fine if this is what he wants. He just can’t be both.

      • notasugarhere says:

        It reminds me of when Kate Middleton talked to a group of homeless women about how stressed she would be making dressing changes for Christmas with the Queen. These women do not have homes, all their clothes are donated, they’re hanging on by their fingernails. Instead of focusing on them, their needs, and what she can do for them? She’s complaining about about wearing thousands of dollars worth of outfits paid for by the taxpayers while she swans around a country mansion.

      • Maia says:

        LAK – you bring up a really great point and I completely agree that this was a missed opportunity. Between you and FLORC I think you have covered what I was going to say. I will only add that I am increasingly convinced that his association with Kate Middleton and her very warm loving family is reinforcing some latent contempt and resentment he carried for the royal family. Here is me theorizing below. I do believe that the seeds of resentment and contempt had been sown even before Kate came on the scene, possibly as early as his childhood. The more I read on the topic of early childhood the more I realize that the subconscious is shaped by very subtle cues delivered by one’s early caregivers and parents. Diana’s anger towards the Firm may have imprinted William very early on with some of the attitudes that have become magnified by further association with the Middletons. He has not just always hankered for a loving family, he has equated a loving family with being anti-royal, the antithesis of what he grew up with. In his mind there is no room for both to coexist. And that is what we are seeing here. As FLORC said very eloquently, he exists in his royal life, but believes that his “real” life is with the Middletons. Which is all fine and dandy for a celebrity, but for a monarch, a head of state, you sort have to embody the platform and the values you stand for, in speech and in actions.
        He is so so incredibly disappointing. And so awfully mediocre. In everything. It’s quite depressing to watch.

      • FLORC says:

        I’m not sure William’s behavior towards his family is the result of his mother’s relationship with them. He’s been this way for years while she was alive. Or rather he displayed the same attitude towards his life and strong attitude towards entitlement. As he was raised so coddled how would he have known any differently? I think he as an individual is this way. And all things to do with Diana is a rewritting of history to justify or explain his current attitude and choices.

        Also, for a while i’ve been saying I think the Midd’s treat William like he’s made of gold. He will always be accepted and indulged. He will always get the very best of the best. He will not be questioned. And a person can easily favor that over his blood family that expects him to be the best version of himself. He can coast with the Midds. So, it’s that and the enviroment that imo draws him to his inlaws.

        Toss in that Diana understood, respected, and embraced his duties while royal so greatly that she continued them after the divorce. That displays there’s no level of distaste that should give you reason to avoid your duties or at the very least your platform to help those who are suffering. William has only himself to blame for that.

        I think that’s just another example of how Kate fails to connect with people. It reads like thinly concealed humblebragging. Also, supported from those who have had interactions with her.
        It’s a dead link now, but when pregnant with George the ladies at ActionAddiction Asked her how she was and polite talk regarding pregnancy. Kate did not ask them anything. Said by one of the ladies to a reporter. Trying to be nice too. It was the equiv to Someone saying hellow how are you and you saying fine and then not returning the gesture.Not insulting, but absent minded.

    • Betti says:

      At least he honoured his promise or more likely was shamed into it by Harry’s continued followup and interest with the orphan in Lesotho (as usual Harry did it first and Normal Bill plays catch up). He saw all the very good press his brother got for it and though ‘I’ll have some of that’.

      • Original T.C. says:

        Agree 100% he is following Harry’s lead of last week. If it takes being shamed by Harry/competing with Harry to do the right thing then am grateful that at least SOMETHING can motivate him; since his grandmother’s, father’s and Mother’s examples weren’t enough to motivate him.

        However IMO the presents on Christmas story comes across as more genuine than relating it to religion. He would have sounded phoney.

      • LAK says:

        Original T.C: I gave the Mary and Joseph example as one of the ways he could have gone.

        Usually HM talks about human kindness, being with loved ones as we face challenges, doing better, being thankful etc….all ways of giving a more thoughful message without invoking religion.

      • Nikki says:

        This is what bothers me: William gives an interview, a GOOD deed, but you interpret it that he was “shamed” into it, with no proof whatsoever. It isn’t just this instance; it’s an example of how anything is judged in the worst possible light. LAK, he could have said something more, but he’s a dad of a young prince everyone loves to hear about, and I think he was just telling a personal glimpse into their son’s excitement. He does discuss the plight of the homeless, and specifically contrasts it with his own privilege. I just don’t see this as the “epic fail” several posters do; I think it’s FINE!

      • FLORC says:

        Is it wrong to question those who are compensated for a life of public service, but often speak of it as a burden they refuse to do more than they must for appearance sake?
        And who wrote it was an “epic fail”.You are the only one (besides myself just now) that said that.

      • Whatevs says:

        @FLORC, I think it’s wrong to assume an excerpt is all-encompassing. We don’t know what else he talked about and we don’t know what questions were asked. There are three short paragraphs up there, the longest of which deals with his admittedly limited impressions of homelessness. There may be nothing else in the interview that deals with it, but we don’t know right now. And yet everyone leaps to the worst conclusions possible.

      • LAK says:

        Nikki: he can talk about the baby in a way that doesn’t immediately go to the material aspect of christmas when he is talking to a homeless magazine and a reporter who pulled themselves from homelessness.

        He states that youth homelessness is ridiculous, so what is he going to do about that? What does he recommend? Has his time with the charity taught him anything about youth homelessness?

        If he can’t speak at length and with depth on a charity he has patroned for close to a decade, then at least give a sympathetic interview that acknowledges the problem. Here is a thought, homelessness isn’t new, nor is it a result of one simple problem. so to say it is quite ridiculous for youth to be homeless is just words, words, meaningless words. As a public figure, if he thinks homelessness is ridiculous, what does he intend to do about it?!

        Quite often William, more than Kate, is patted on the head because he gives interviews, BUT if you listen to what he actually says, he is quite ridiculous. He is glib, boastful and quite shallow and clearly doesn’t understand his audience. He’s so busy trying to be a man of the people that he forgets he isn’t one nor will he ever be one. And the ‘normal’ things he chooses to talk about show simply put a spotlight on that.

        As I said in my previous post, Harry managed to give a speech to poverty stricken orphans that showed depth and an awareness of the disparity of his and their situations that wasn’t glib or shallow.

        And if you are going to invoke PGtips as the excuse for this poor show, then it’s especially appalling that the baby, a future head of the church of England, is being taught that Christmas is about material wealth.

        Florc: what Maia says and you say, are not mutually exclusive. Diana had a very inappropriate relationship with William in certain respects, and all the Do-over and anger issues we see with William seem to stem from that childhood.

        Simultaneously, the Middletons seem to treat him as a god, therefore as Maia says, he tolerates his royal life long enough to pick up the perks, but sees the Middletons as his real life.

    • FLORC says:

      Ugh that’s true. I was trying to ignore it. I’m not certain if it’s William very aware of how he comes off. All together though this could have been worse.

    • wolfie says:

      Maia – I tend to agree with you!

  4. Loopy says:

    Does Kate have any girlfriends at all, she seems completely friendless.

    • COSquared says:

      She dropped most like hot potatoes when she got Will and then assimilated most of his friends as hers. Post-engagement she doesn’t bother with them anymore.

    • Betti says:

      Not any more – she dropped any friends she had long ago to suck up to his friends. Since she got the ring and kids she doesn’t want to know them either, they served their purpose. A while ago there was a story in the press that his friends have complained that they don’t see him anymore and it seems now that when he does see them he has a Middleton minder with him (Pippa or Carole). So someone is being kept on a short lease.

    • FLORC says:

      There are some older photos of her with friends, but none of recent. And several articles stating Kate is out to lunch with a friend or shopping with a friend. Those claims were busted when the out to lunch and shopping friends were either RPO’s or interior designers. Everyone else left when she gave them up for William and his circle. The rest are Pippa’s Or William’s now.

      It’s said she doesn’t make friends easily either. Not with the S&R wives either who are said to be tight lipped for privacy and very accepting.

      • Betti says:

        I don’t make friends easy – have been badly let down by ones is the past so am a bit picky but it doesn’t mean i let the ones I have go completely.

        She was a popular girl and school and Uni – seems she had to be disconcerting once she hooked up with Paranoid Bill. Shame she didn’t make the effort with the RAF/S&R wives, those guys look after each other and would have protected her and their privacy.

  5. suze says:

    Shallow note: He looks 50 in the top photo. The Windsor aging process has kicked in, big time.

    On the plus side: he granted the interview and gave her a few nice bits of information. Kudos to him. It’s a great “get” for her, and will help her in her career.

    If he and Kate continue on with Centrepoint, I give them credit. A good cause and one that benefits from the royal presence tremendously.

    The whole Christmas kerfuffle is ridiculous to me. It’s been mentioned before that Cams takes herself off after church to spend some Christmas time with her grandkids, Sophie usually has her father around to visit and even Sarah Fergusen is camped out on the grounds to spend time with the girls. I think all members of the family do something after the church service so there is hardly anything revolutionary about the Cambridge plans. Hopefully in the next few years the story will die down.

    • COSquared says:

      It’s Will only. This is probably the cause he appears most consistent with throughout the years.

    • FLORC says:

      But suze
      It only makes sense to credit Kate with refusing to attend her inalws celebrations and praise her for her plans if you make it sound like the queen spends christmas in awkward silence with under 20 cheap gifts you’d find at a secret santa office swap in a drafty old castle where the children are locked in a room far away as to not break the silence.

      Stop it with your logic and facts! You’re poking too many holes in the defense!

      • suze says:

        I know Florc! This story has come up time and again and it’s such a strange twisting of events that it makes me shake my head.

        Last year Zara was down under working on some promotion and there was nary a peep about her revolutionizing the royal family Christmas, either.

      • FLORC says:

        Everytime a story comes out about justifications and fluffy praise It’s like a reminder they are not working with or for their causes. That something must be printed to fill the void and keep people from questioning their worth.

    • Susannah says:

      The Queen’s 89 years old, maybe she’s happy to have the kids in another house to spend a quiet Christmas with friends and family she doesn’t see all that much the rest of the year. Little George especially he looks like a real handful, probably bring down the Christmas tree and ruin all her ornaments!

  6. COSquared says:

    At least he’s done something for someone else. That’s all I’ve gotta say.

    • Citresse says:

      Not just one person COSquared. That’s the nature of the universe.
      Thanks William. In this case, Good Job!

  7. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    I’m glad he kept his promise.

    I think they should do exactly what they’re doing – not that it’s any of my business – but spend some time with both families on Christmas Day and allow the children to open their presents at home. I don’t get the big deal.

    • COSquared says:

      I think the big deal is how the Windsor christmas(or anything else Windsor) is being described. The press paints a miserable picture of everything Windsor. Open presents on the 24th? How terrible! For me, it’s how the ‘Cambridges are soooo normal’ pr trashes his family to make everything the Cambridges do(or don’t most of the time) as the right, loving and ‘normal’ way of doing things.

      • Betti says:

        This story appears every year and its Willys way of getting an invite for his in-laws to the big house – he does like to shove them in everyone faces. I know that sometime’s Sophie’s father is invited but he’s on his own and i believe its not every year.

    • wow says:

      @GoodNames… I agree. It’s not as big of a deal as they try to make it. It’s normal to try to spend time with both sides of the family for Christmas. And they are fortunate to have both sides of their immediate family living in close distance

      • FLORC says:

        You’ve mastered the “false choice” strategy. I’m not really in disagreement with you, but omtting facts and representing the scenario as to make only 1 clear choice is a skill.

        I’ve come to view it a bit more as the Midds get all the time possible with the family. The inlaws only request a specific day and they do not request it as the full day.
        Church is not socializing. It’s a photo op and sitting in near silence while some are performing duties. And it will be counted as work I believe.

        So, my question is why not spend time outside of what you must? Outside of the service. The it would be more equal. Especially when your presence is only requested once a year by relatives that may not be around next year.
        Here i’m playing devil’s advocate. It’s still unbalanced though.

    • bluhare says:

      I agree with you, GNAT.

  8. Merry Christmas to William, Kate and children, I have enjoyed so much the photos of George and Charlotte.

  9. Obsidian says:

    I would love to see George bouncing around like a rabbit! He’s adorable.

  10. Eleonor says:

    Bravo to Sophia !
    PoorJason is the hardest working royal !

  11. littlemissnaughty says:

    Congratulations to Sophia! She makes me think I should (and can) work harder.

    • Betti says:

      Yes she’s an inspiration to all and i wish her all the best for the future – she deserves all the good things life has to offer.

  12. noodle says:

    opening presents on Christmas Day is the weirdest thing in the Western world. We always opened our presents on Christmas Eve which was a quiet festive gathering just the immediate family. Everybody had to basically earn their presents – be it reciting a poem by heart, singing a song or dancing. But the presents weren’t just put under the tree to be grabbed next morning and ripped open without thanks to anyone.
    Tone deaf or not tone deaf..unfortunately for small kids it’s all about the presents. Will could have omitted the sleep comment, it’s not like he has to actually mind the kids at night even if they didn’t have a whole army of nannies.
    I’m looking forward to QE II Christmas message. Not a royaloonie, but I enjoy watching her. At her age and still so very active. Reminds me of my Grandma.

  13. anne_000 says:

    1. The kids are still too young to know the difference between opening up presents on Xmas Eve or Xmas day. So if this is an excuse for not being with QE2 on Xmas Eve at the Queen’s gift-opening event, then pfffft.d

    Also, there’d be other kids at granny’s opening up their presents. So it would really be a happy kid event for George, as he’d be surrounded by other happy kids. Because I can’t see how kid-friendly it would be to open up presents with the adult-only Middleton clan.

    2. The 2 year old doesn’t really know why he’s getting presents anyways and when he can open them, so I don’t know how George is going to keep William awake on Xmas Eve in anticipation of opening up gifts on Xmas day. If that’s William’s complaint, then maybe he should attend grandma’s Xmas Eve gift-opening event. Idiot. Anyways, it’s not like he’s not going to hand off the kids to the nannies when it gets too tiresome for him.

    3. So instead of encouraging George to join all the other young royal children and SOCIALIZING and INTERACTING and actually making friends with them, he’s going to be spending his Xmas Day lunches with adults who are childless (Auntie Pip and Uncle James). Oh goodie… Because as some posters have said, it’s horrible that children sit together without adults at Xmas lunches and actually socialize with each other. Why can’t they grow up to be socially introverted instead like the Middleton offspring, right?

    So George is being raised in the Middleton way: ultra-inclusive, no-outsiders, no-real friends, (and no-interacting-with-royal-relatives thing that Kate has going on). Oh Ok. Ever wondered why W&K&G don’t seem to socialize much with the other younger royals, especially those who have small children? Maybe Xmas lunches with the royal side of the family would be an opportunity to let themselves and George acquire lifelong friendships with kin? It’s not like they can’t have meals with the Middleton family the other 364 days of the year.

    4. Here’s another charity-of-the-hour thing for William. He’s not known for being a consistent advocate against homelessness. But hey, it’s Xmas. He’s coat-tailing on the spirit of Xmas with its good cheer and love of your fellow man.

    • Betti says:

      I don’t get what she won’t mingle with his cousins – PeterAutumn, Zara/Mike have kids the same age and they all used to be close. Willy introduced Zara to Mike. But this happens in all families, mine included. I have one brother who has cut himself off from his own family and focuses on his wife’s. She’s like Waity, had friends up until they got married and dumped them once she got the ring and stopped him from seeing his own friends (who were all married with kids) so that she and her family became the center of his world. My parents see the kids once or twice a year if they are lucky – they live about a 3 hr drive away, my parents are in ill health so its hard from the to make the journey. Its all about being in control and ensuring she’s the center of his attention.

      Re: point 4. Centerpoint is the only charity he IS consistent with. A few months ago i meet someone who works there at a party and he told me that Willy does visit without the press knowing – he admitted that its only a handful of times a year. He apparently comes and presents awards and other events.

      • anne_000 says:

        @ Betti

        I agree. They should let George mingle with his young cousins, especially at Xmas. Would be more fun than hanging out with the other childless Middleton relatives.. Sorry to hear about your situation. Hope things get better.

        For ‘consistent,’ I meant more than just a handful of times. I meant it like I would apply it for a regular person who does consistent work. But I know that for William, a handful of times might be considered ‘consistent.’

    • The Original Mia says:

      Excellent points. There are other royal kids, and as we saw at the polo match, they don’t really know George. Holidays are perfect time for the kiddies to get together and have fun. William isn’t hurting anyone, except George & Charlotte.

      • wolfie says:

        He’s hurting George and Charlotte, but most noticeably he’s hurting his granny…and it makes me very upset at the Middleton’s for not providing him with a more generous response. The Middleton’s are up-nosing the Queen! I hope that the upper crust’s take note and treat the Middleton’s accordingly.

      • anne_000 says:

        @ The Original Mia

        I agree. It would be a perfect time, especially with all the events, food, decorations, and (presumably) happy people around, especially a group of excited children.

        Xmas should be about the kids. Yet it seems as if W&K&Middletons are making it about themselves. I agree with what you said, it’s only hurting G&C in the long run. What will their memories be of Xmas? Spent with adults even though a mansion full of kids were close by?

        Did William and Harry grow up spending Xmas Eve and Day with their younger cousins (Beatrice, Eugenie, Zara, Peter, etc.)? Did he consider these times to be bad? You’d think that if he had good times and good memories of playing with his cousins at Xmas, then he’d want that for his own children. But then that would require less selfishness and less playing family politics on his part.

      • anne_000 says:

        @ wolfie

        Yes, I think that’s what may be happening too. He’s playing family politics when he should be thinking about creating happy memories for his kids and for his grandparents who may pass away in the very near future.

        His kids playing with the other kids up at granny’s seems like better Xmas memories for them than what they’re doing now as Pippa and James don’t have any kids.

        Can you imagine when G&C are older and they realize that just minutes away they could be hanging out with their young cousins on Xmas instead of being stuck with the adults-only Middleton clan? What is William going to say? “No, you can’t go up to the big house to play with your cousins because we adults are using time spent with you two as rewards given out to only those who please us and do as we say.”

      • FLORC says:

        Your last paragraph has strong points.

        I remember spending a holiday with my grandmother and her stuffy side of the family. I consider her to be the Queen’s long lost sister they have appeared to be so alike. At times it was boring and I couldn’t run around too much or yell too loudly. I had to show off my best manners at age 3 or 4. I am glad I got time in with my cousins and funny stories we have from being babies or toddlers our older cousins later tell over drinks that has us bursting with laughter. Looking back though i’m so glad I got that time in with her. The holidays are not about gifts. And family is not something you see when you feel like it. I think priorities are clear here. William and Kate wish their children to be in their 1st Christmas with only adults and presents over their family that gathers in full only once or twice maybe a year with young cousins to play with. As parents that is their right, but don’t play it off like it’s something else. That people eat this up is amazing.

      • anne_000 says:

        @ FLORC

        I know what you mean exactly. Good times spent as a child with other kids on special happy days, especially when those days are few in a calendar year… and then in later years, reminiscing about them as adults with the others while watching your own kids have those same fun times with the new generation during the joyous holidays.

        Too bad that W&K might not allow special times like these for their own kids. While William might have had these fond experiences during his own childhood, I wonder if Kate has? Does Uncle Gary have kids about the same age as the Middleton offspring? Did they spend any holidays with Michael’s nieces and nephews? Anyhoo…

        Also, as I said in another post, if Harry attends these Xmas events, you know he’s going to get in some fun with the young kids and very sad for George & Charlotte if they mess out on such happy times.

        In later years, the other younger generations will have happy memories being spent together and telling stories about Harry’s antics with them, but George and Charlotte may not have any to share. Instead, their Xmas’ memories might be of how they had only each other to play with and then being sent upstairs by their nannies to take a nap.

  14. The Original Mia says:

    That is one ugly, bland room.

    George is the child that tiny terror himself, William, deserves. I hope George never changes. Have a personality kid!

  15. maggie says:

    So he does something he said he would do. I thought he came off well. But no. People on here have to turn it into something ugly. Way to go!

    • wolfie says:

      I don’t believe that William is just being criticized -rather his choices are being put into context by those who have watched him carefully for years.

      • anne_000 says:

        @ wolfie +1

      • maggie says:

        Guess what? I’ve watched him for years too!

      • aaa says:

        @ maggie,

      • maggie says:

        We don’t always know what’s behind his choices so why consider everything from a negative point of view? It’s like me saying eveyone on here is absolutely miserable in their life because they’re projecting.

      • FLORC says:

        When in doubt insult your opponent. That’s a grasping at straws debate strategy claiming projecting for stating valid observations based on supported facts.
        Let me insert “It’s like” at the start so obsolve me from having actually said that as it’s reading like i’ve intended.

      • maggie says:

        My intent is not to insult. I don’t consider anyone on here an opponent.
        There’s a difference between supported facts and gossip and conspiracy theories. Which the latter is what one could say happens on here. Please Florc if you don’t like what I say skip over my comments. It feels like trolling to me.

      • notasugarhere says:

        I always find it interesting when pro-kate and pro-William articles or gossip are considered true, when anything against them must be considered speculation and gossip. Plenty is inferred from the same “evidence” from the “pro-camp”.

    • wolfie says:

      FLORC is Not a Troll. She’s great – are you new to the forum? If you stick around, you’ll learn to respect her as I believe we do.

  16. Cricket says:

    I can’t believe the interview took place in their KP apartment! Can’t believe William would allow any photos of his personal space. I’m surprised he didn’t do the interview at Centrepoint. I wonder if the gray walls are the end result of the beige that looked purple paint?

    • anne_000 says:

      The different shades of gray are what I think would be found in prisons. It looks like concrete on top and some cheap, unpopular paint on the bottom. And then the gray carpet… might as well be those gray floors you see walking down a prison hallway.

    • FLORC says:

      This section of KP is for this function. While it’s a part of the apartment/Mansion it’s not the living area. It serves an official purpose. You will see that backround of the fireplace, desk, and wall hangings in most KP video interviews or photographs.

      I can’t hate the gray. I use gray a lot in my interior. It makes colors pop! With beige though.. not a personal fan.
      And last time I saw a photo of William being interviewed in this room I don’t remember the gray lower half. Did they repaint?

  17. Tina says:

    Kate, Pippa and Carole went to the ballet at the Royal Opera House, not a play (a friend of mine saw them there). Clos Maggiore is a wonderful restaurant in Covent Garden that is very close to the ROH.

    • FLORC says:

      Were there any security there? It’s worth asking since they have been known to use RPO’s without the presence of any royalty. Which is a major error since those are not paid in any form of private funds. Even if Kate was near, but that with them there should be no RPO’s. And if there was the presence of RPO’s was the number greater than 2 or 3 because that would mean they were being used for people not royal.

      Loads of questions I fired at you! sorry!

      • COSquared says:

        Remember when Tanna noted that Marshmallow Man used one as a valet at a wedding? The gall of it all.

      • FLORC says:

        I remember james used a RPO to shoo paps at pippa’s book promo away from his car. Photos taken by civilians showed no one was hanging around his car. And shortly later to the Midds using RPO’s for their personal use and William’s head of Security jumps ship for private secter. Pre marriage he held staff. Enter Midds and he can’t seem to keep any.

      • Tina says:

        Hi FLORC, sorry I don’t know, I’ll ask my friend. From what I understand, they may have had a discreet female RPO but there was certainly no heavy security presence.

      • Betti says:

        I can see this being used when they make Fb and twitter next year to talk about cyber bullying aka ‘i want you to stop the plebs tweeting photos of me and the misses when we’re out doing the opposite of what our PR tells them’.

      • gemma says:

        @Betti – they (WK) I would be the bullies – trying to stop people from snapping photos of themselves whilst enjoying a night out? What next, are they supposed to alert Kate and ask her to move out of the shot. What a control freak.

      • gemma says:

        Edit to my comment above – after (WK) there should be no “I”.

        they (WK) would be the bullies – trying to stop people from snapping photos of themselves whilst enjoying a night out? What next, are they supposed to alert Kate and ask her to move out of the shot. What a control freak.

      • FLORC says:

        That girl stole Kate’s shirt(s)!

  18. Pandy says:

    Good for him honouring the interview. Sounds like a nice Xmas day. Hope it’s a merry xmas.

  19. Natalie says:

    Once Harry marries and brings his kids to Christmas, William will come running. Can’t be left out of anything. But that won’t be for years.

    • anne_000 says:

      @ Natalie – No friggin’ kidding. Very good point! Harry does something, and then William gets all antsy and has to do it or have it too.

      Even now, if Harry is spending Xmas at granny’s, him and a room full of young kids at Xmas vs spending it with James & Pippa… the former would make better Xmas memories for children, imo.

      And then when Uncle Harry has his own kids and you know that Harry is going to be spending it playing with all the kids, I’m going to feel sorry for George and Charlotte having to be the two special kids who are cloistered due to their parents’ eccentricities.

      But then when word gets out how Harry and his kids are happy and popular with the rest of the BRF and their kids, then William is going to get all out of place and show up as if he’s doing the BRF a favor.

  20. COSquared says:

    Diplomatic reception tomorrow. Any appearance for these 2?

    • Betti says:

      Could be why they are in London and why she’s been seen out shopping a lot over the past week or so. I think these are in London a lot more than we know.

  21. aaa says:

    I don’t think that it is an either or thing. The BRF’s Christmas at Sandringham is a three day event with a strict schedule, multiple clothing changes, assigned seating and adherence to protocol and precedence. It’s been reported that Charles and Camilla do not stay for the entire time, Zara was not there last year, a few years ago neither Anne nor her children were present, it’s believed that others like the York Princesses do not attend every event if their mother Sarah is in the area because she does not stay at the main house.

    According to reports the big private/family events are the Christmas Eve tea and dinner – children help with trimming the tree and are then are sent off to the nursery. The big public event is going to church on Christmas Day. It seems like the events that William and Kate have planned that involve Kate’s family take place on Christmas Day, but the Cambridges do attend the Christmas Day church service with the Queen and other members of the British Royal Family. What William is doing is not without precedent and is certainly not revolutionary, rather it looks like William is doing his own variation of what Camilla and Charles do. Furthermore, since the Queen will be in residence at Sandringham until February, if she wants to spend time with her grandson, his wife and her great-grandchildren then presumably that can happen at other times during her stay-cation.

  22. Timbuktu says:

    Gosh, for a completely shallow comment: I can’t imagine what George is getting as presents. When you can buy anything, custom-made and incrusted with gold, where do you begin (and end)???

  23. moon says:

    Is that – do I spy – it can’t be……

    Is it me or does Will seem to have grown a paunch?