Kristen Stewart & Soko take their Parisian love to a ‘studio’: cute or eye-rolly?


As we’ve been discussing all week, Kristen Stewart has a new French girlfriend, the 30-year-old singer-songwriter Soko. Kristen and Soko were seen together last week in LA, and then Kristen flew to Paris last weekend and Soko greeted her at the airport with flowers. They’ve been pap-strolling their way through Paris ever since. We even saw photos of Soko leaning in and kissing Kristen in the middle of the street.

These are photos of Kristen and Soko yesterday. Fame/Flynet says that they were “heading to a studio,” which makes me wonder… is Kristen doing the “musician’s girlfriend” thing? Is she sitting there watching as Soko sings about their love in French?

There was a lot of talk yesterday about their couple-style. To me, Kristen seems to be dressing the same as always. Kristen has always preferred the skinny-jeans-and-sneakers look, and I actually think her hair is so cute these days. I also think she looks somewhat freshly-showered, which is nice (and new). But Soko’s style continues to kill me. You would have to search far and wide to find jeans that ugly. I’m assuming that she found those in a thrift shop, and that they came from the 1980s. That being said, I don’t mind the red Doc Martens, nor the black leather mini-backpack, mostly because those are totally ‘90s. Soko definitely likes ‘80s and ‘90s clothing, to terrible results though. Also: Soko is wearing Kristen’s favorite Mercenaries hat.

Also: Soko Instagrammed this earlier this morning. Huh. K-Stew has never gone with a girlfriend or boyfriend who was active on social media.

Last night's LOLs 🍌👖

A photo posted by SoKo (@sokothecat) on



Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and Instagram.

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113 Responses to “Kristen Stewart & Soko take their Parisian love to a ‘studio’: cute or eye-rolly?”

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  1. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    Well, that was tacky.

    • Mimi says:

      Haha kstew took this pic, you csn see her red shoe! Damn, can’t believe KStew is finally exploiting social media!
      On the other hand Alicia has been posting sad stuff on tumblr

      • kai says:

        What’s Alicia’s tumblr?

      • Div says:

        How is taking a photo for someone’s significant other, if that is her taking the picture, to post on their account being exploitative? It’s not like they are doing duck faced selfies. Besides, KStew seemed almost over the top with her privacy in the past…I think it’s a good thing she’s no longer ducking behind garbage bins when she sees the paps and instead just ignores them.

  2. Leah says:

    Hahaha! Soko seems fun, maybe she can get Kristen to lighten up a bit!

    • mia girl says:

      It is weird, I somehow like Stewart more over the past couple of days because she is dating a person with some joie de vivre. It seems out of character for her.

      Now, if she can just work on her quotes and interviews…

  3. Freebunny says:

    Soko looks exhausting.

  4. ShinyGrenade says:

    A 15 yo taking a picture with a banana, ok… But a 30 yo?
    And gosh, they look like they need a shower.
    Does that Soko girl do something else ever with her hair?

    • celine says:

      Exactly. Does KS even wash her hair? Every time I see a picture of her that was not taken during a social event, it looks like her hair is drenched in motor oil.

    • Narak says:

      Shinygrenade- were you the squeaky clean but mean girl in high school?

      • ShinyGrenade says:

        Narak : Nope, was the punk girl with pink hair. But with clean pink hair.
        So, you were always kind to EVERYONE? yesh? Never said anything about anyone?

    • JenniferJustice says:

      A lot of people find her/them to be immature and starving for attention. I was definitely not the squeaky clean but mean girl in high school. Those were the immature and attention starved girls that mean-girled the rest of us. And, yes, It is ridiculous for grown women to be media posting pics of crotch bananas. I’m embarrassed for KStew. But then, she only ever started this whole schtick after she got busted with her married director.

      • Chewbacca says:

        Dude seriously? I’m not a KStew fan or anything, but are you really accusing her of pretending to be into chicks because she got caught being the other woman? Do you think all gay/bi/poly people chose to be into whoever they’re into? If so, then I’m a lesbian starting tomorrow. I may not actually get aroused at the thought of naked women, but that doesn’t matter, I’m bored and being persecuted by the religious right sounds like a good way to deal with the tedium of my existence.

      • MarcelMarcel says:

        What shtick? She’s unusually private for a star of her fame level (even during the release of the Twilight franchise) and she became famous young so it makes sense she could be bi or queer without it being obvious until she’s papped with a girlfriend. There were plenty of people arguing she was just friends with Alicia so less publicised relationships with other women could have gone unnoticed. Maybe she’s attracted to men and women but only formed romantic connections with men until her mid twenties. Maybe having relationships with men helped her realise that she’s a lesbian. Her sexuality isn’t anyone’s business but hers however whatever the case is this isn’t a schtick.

  5. Ellie says:

    Ugh, Ronald McDonald fug.

  6. qwerty says:

    She needs to wash her hair.

  7. OrigialTessa says:

    In what way does Kristen look freshly showered? Her hair is sticking together in dirty clumps. They both look like they stink.

  8. shannon says:

    I could be wrong, but Kristen looks like she NEEDS a shower, not that she’s just taken one. It is unfortunate, because she is a ver pretty girl with very pretty hair. I think she looks great with short hair, she could even buzz it and look great, but WHY OH WHY can’t she keep it clean?? Kristen is obviously the one taking that pic, so she must be lightening up a bit.

  9. Adrien says:

    Oh my, I remember Soko. There was a phase in my life where I enjoyed that kind of music. I remember becoming friends with her on Myspace. She’s really a wackadoo.

  10. cynthia says:

    I gave her music a try yesterday and I liked it! She’s definitely hipsterish but also doesn’t take herself too seriously.

    • Portugal the Stan says:

      I enjoyed it as well. One video was sexy as hell. It almost made me want a rump in the sack with Soko and I mostly enjoy men. Soko also looks like she hasn’t washed her hair in weeks.

  11. madi says:

    The shower comments are exhausting. Kristen skin is incredible and that without any makeup. Genetics are one thing, but there’s no way you can have luminous skin as Kristen does and have poor hygiene.

    Another thing

    • ShinyGrenade says:

      Well, it’s call being young.
      Plus, she smokes so that glowing skin is on its last miles…

    • OrigialTessa says:

      Robert Pattinson and his bff Tom Sturridge also have beautiful skin. They certainly aren’t winning any hygiene awards. It can happen.

    • Kitten says:

      SO exhausting. I doubt she doesn’t shower, guys. I wash my hair every other day and sometimes it looks a bit less-than-fresh, but I shower daily, sometimes more than once depending on my workout. Judging by the comments here, I’d get crucified for it.

      • JenniferJustice says:

        It’s her hair and I’m sure she showers, but it does look greasy. You may not wash your hair every single day, but I’ll bet you are not a greasy kitten.

      • mp says:

        I don’t think you would get “crucified.” My friend washes her hair twice a week. she’s a principal, and her hair doesn’t look like KStew’s. Everyone’s hair produces oil at different rates.

      • Kitten says:

        I don’t know, Jennifer, it’s pretty bad right now, especially since I took a class at the gym at lunch. Maybe I need to up my dry shampoo game–don’t want you celebitches after me! 😉

      • MarcelMarcel says:

        @Kitten I get bored of the shower comments too. I wash my hair about two times a week because it’s coloured, curly and dry so washing it more than that without a spare half hour for a treatment leaves it looking frizzy. I should up my dry shampoo game too but I forget to buy it whenever I’m at the chemist.

    • Magnoliarose says:

      Very exhausting. I think she showers but uses too much hair products department.

    • drnotknowitall says:

      I agree. I don’t get the shower comments at all. I prefer this to the Klan of the Kosmetics.

  12. kai says:

    I enjoy their wacky fashion and greasy hair, if only because people get so upset/offended that they’re not ‘pretty’. They don’t owe that to us, you know.

    • Jen says:

      +1, and thank you.

    • GingerCrunch says:

      They are the polar opposite of the Klan. I have to admire them not spending their lives primping and dressing for the paps.

    • Magnoliarose says:

      I enjoy it too. I am tired of the plastic blandness and boring style. I like Sokos commitment to her look. It’s like she said, “Not digging my plaid I see. Well let me double on down to some distressed jeans.”

    • Elisa the I. says:

      ITA. It’s such a nice change from the plastic Hollywood bots who all look the same!

    • susanne says:

      Excellent point. At first I thought, with all that money and free clothes, this is what they choose? Funky street style is one thing, but this just looks awful. To me. Even though I have the mary jane doc marten’s, too, and still wear them after 15 years. A part of me likes to see the glamorous gown or stunning shoe, but the autobot beauty thing is soul-deadening.
      So you go on with your probably-clean-but-made-to-look-dirty selves, women. I’m not judging. Today.

    • qwerty says:

      I also go out sometimes wearing head-to-toe men’s cLothing so no, this is not it. Looking “unpretty” is one thing, looking like you stink – quite another.

    • Beanie says:

      But I do think Kristen’s feature’s are so very delicately pretty, and Soko is also attractive, albeit offbeat. I think you mean not pretty in a dressed up super feminine way, right?

  13. Lucy says:

    Confirmed: chica is indeed thirsty af.

  14. CornyBlue says:

    I literally could not care less about Kristen Stewart but the amount of grossness in these threads calling them unwashed and needing a shower is baffling just because they do not dress in a conventionally feminine way.

    • Fallon says:

      I wouldn’t say it’s because they don’t confirm to stereotypical feminine ways of dressing. I don’t even know how you drew that conclusion?

      I would say it’s because Kristen’s hair is literally hanging in strings. That usually only happens when a) your hair is freshly wet or b) it’s freaking dirty.

      • CornyBlue says:

        It also happens if you have a greasy scalp and do not was your hair for two days. It happens when people genuinely put oil in their hair to condition it.

      • qwerty says:

        Exactly. And regarding some comments below – I’m around their age, bisexual and wear men’s clothing sometimes. I’m not calling them dirty because I’m prejudiced but because they look like they stink. Check out KS’s hair when Soko picked her up from the airport a few days back with flowers and tell me they look clean to you.

    • ShinyGrenade says:

      It’s not the clothes. A lot of us grow up in the nineties…
      It’s the greasy-looking hair.

    • madi says:

      It’s really disturbing.

    • Div says:

      Yeah, a few people (not everyone tho) are being fairly dog-whistle about it. KStew’s hair can look a wreck on occasion, but she’s not on the red carpet and people are being OTT about it. The rest of it (their outfits, Soko’s hair) look absolutely fine if a little 90s…but people are going “they” need a shower and not talking only about Kstew’s hair most of the time….so some of the comments are side-eye worthy.

    • Naya says:

      i think the sub text behind most of those comments are very clear. I would say shame on them except they’d probably retort with a “some of my best friends….” line

      • OrigialTessa says:

        Nah, the exact same comments were made about Kristen when she was dating men. She looks unwashed, period.

      • mia girl says:

        Naya in this case, I don’t think that is the case (at least for most of the commenters).

        OTessa makes a good point above, plus on most Pattinson posts, many comments say the same about him (he needs a bath – wash his hair, etc).
        I’ve seen the similar comments about H Styles as well.

      • CornyBlue says:

        Oh good thank you. I did not want to be the one to say it ….

      • Hannah says:

        Yeah the same type of comments were made at robpatz and fka twigs. I get the impression that the readership on this blog is a bit older and hipster look equals unwashed to them. But these types of comments get very boring when it’s repeated constantly.

      • Div says:

        @mia girl
        Except some (not all) people say stuff like “they look like they stink or they look disgusting.” Not all of the comments are only “Kstew needs to wash her hair”…which would be more akin to what they say about Harry Styles. Soko’s hair looks thick, clean and wavy…it doesn’t look the slightest bit greasy or even wet or stringy (like some people who have thin hair). Their outfits look clean….and Soko’s not holding a cigarette or anything which would at least justify a stink comment. Some similar comments used to be made about Cara, St. Vincent, and Ellen Page, so yeah there is a bit of a disturbing pattern, and it is also the type of dog-whistle commentary you often hear thrown more at lesbians or POC.

      • Hannah says:


        I know what you are getting at but the comment on fka twigs were just as bad.
        I actually think some of it has to do with age demographic. I have noticed many people comment that they were young in the 90s. It’s a sort of conservative age related thing were clean cut couple like Taylor and Calvin are desirable and hipster alt couples like fka and rob patz are frowned upon.
        I agree about Harry styles he looks just a greasy if you wanna call it that, but you know he’s a white male so.. Zayn on the other hand is critiqued for stuff people don’t pick on Harry for..

      • Div says:

        Yeah, that’s my point. People of color, women, and LGBQT people tend to get dragged, or dragged more harshly, for things straight white guys rarely do. Some people are way easier on Harry Styles or RPattz, who are also “hipsters,” than Cara, KStew, Soko, Twigs, Zoe K, Zayn, Shailene, St. Vincent, etc.

        The treatment of Zayn vs. Harry is particularly interesting since they were in the same band and Harry looks more messy. I do say “some” people tho since I think on Celebitchy most of the reg. commenters on here just don’t like the hipster style or it’s an age demographic thing like you said.

      • mia girl says:

        Naya –
        I guess I think that its mostly about the hair and general IDGAF, messy appearance of a cohort of celebrities in this age group (i.e. Stewart, Styles, Pattinson, etc) because I do see the same types of comments about guys. The hipster style does tend to solicit these comments overall.

        But in this and other cases you mentioned, I see your point about the dog-whistle comments. I’m not sure why Soko is lumped in. I don’t see anything “unwashed” about her.

      • mia girl says:

        I meant to direct my last comment to Div. Sorry!

      • Magnoliarose says:

        I did wonder and did consider age as some have said as to why some said what they said. But I’m mid thirties and don’t think similarly so perhaps it’s a mix.

      • lunartic says:

        @naya–ffs, relax for a second. Don’t read waaay into something just to be overly provocative. Most people really are simply saying what they feel about KStew’s typically greasy looking hair, not being homophobic. Stew is kind of known for having unwashed looking hair when not on the red carpet, it’s become her thing at this point.

        IMO, she actually looks a million times happier and more expressive in these pics with Soko than she ever did in her pics with Fangs Pattinson or those candids with that gross director of SWATH. Good for her! If she loves Soko, then I hope it lasts. And sure, her hair does like like it needs a good scrubbing, although it really doesn’t effect my life one way or the other.

        But this site is called CELEBITCHY, and commenters should be allowed to put in their 2 cents without being called out as having homophobic ulterior motives just because they think somebody needs a shampoo. Why not just take a comment at face value instead of trying to stir up drama where there is likely none?

    • Kitten says:

      I agree with CornyBlue, Div, and Hannah.

      No excuses for those acid-washed jeans though. NONE.

    • JenniferJustice says:

      What? I can name plenty of celebs from the LGBT community and others who dont’ conform to feminine dress who do not every look to be in need of a shower – Ellen Degenerous, Portia DeRossi, Mereditch Baxter, Clementine Ford, Nelly Furtado, etc. They all look fresh and put together without conforming to anybody’s idea of what a woman should look like. And their hair never looks greasy. It’s always been obvious that KStew cares little about hygeine. That has nothing to do with apparel.

  15. Div says:

    I like Soko but she does seem exhausting. She’s like a less “ugh” and far more talented, interesting version of Miley Cyrus. …so not low key either. Plus she has a short attention span and constantly seems into the next person or thing. I can’t see Kstew, who is way more low key, and Soko lasting long, especially since Kstew is starting a new film soon.

    That said I think they are cute together & it’s cool they are totally out of the closet with their relationship.

  16. Pooks says:

    Soko looks like what I think the love child of Rob and FKA would look/dress like, but in the top photo she looks just like Jesse Eisenberg!

  17. Luca76 says:

    I’m having some awful acid washed flashbacks to middle school I’ll never understand eg the hipsters brought trend back 😁

  18. Insomniac says:

    Ooh, I am going to have to dig up certain websites to see what they have to say about that banana pic. Especially with Kristen’s foot clearly visible in the picture. Hee hee hee …

  19. Hannah says:

    I am not a kstew fan she doesn’t sound very bright to me. But the comments on this post are so bad. Are people really that obsessed with how often these people shower?😳

  20. Eleonor says:

    Are you sure it was a recording studio ? Because in french “studio” can also mean “a small apartement”.

  21. senna says:

    I covet both those pairs of shoes.

  22. Nicole says:

    Those jeans are straight up vintage Guess circa 86-87. I had a pair very similar. Thank god I no longer live in the 80’s. (For so many reasons).

  23. OhDear says:

    They seem like a well-matched couple by appearances alone. But…curious as to this pap photoshoot. Do they have things to promote?

  24. Bonnie1 says:

    Despite all her success, and all the money she must have, I find myself starting to feel sorry for Kristen Stewart. She increasingly comes off like this confused kid who, in a very public manner, keeps telling herself she has it all together. Like many childhood actors/actresses I suspect down the road this doesn’t end well for her. Hope I’m wrong, but she just seems like a flat out mess.

  25. DarkSparkle says:

    Soko looks like someone that’s fun to hang out with in very, very small doses. I’m not a fashion person, but I cringe when I see what she’s wearing. That’s like, some Emperor’s New Clothes level of style that is both below and beyond me.

    And I think Kristen will get tired of ‘quirky and manic’ really fast.

  26. Kellyrae says:

    I think Soko looks like fun and I wish I was hanging out in Paris with a young, hip local. Soko’s style isn’t something I would ever wear, but she likes it so who cares.
    I feel bad for kstew having to be photographed enjoying her vacation with a new gf. You can tell how unhappy the cameras make her.

  27. Bishg says:

    Soko gives me Cara’s vibes. Playing the crazy kid for attention’sake.
    (Event though Cara has been keeping it relatively low, she must have had some pretty final instructions from her PR people)

  28. Blackwood says:

    I’m surprised at the pearl-clutching in this thread. Some people insinuating that people are judging their looks harshly because they’re lesbians… come on! I remember the exact same comments during the Twilight era when KStew was supposed to be in a relationship with Rob, and everyone always commented how they BOTH (not just Kristen) looked dirty, greasy, unkempt, etc… and the same thing kept happening on post-break up, separate posts about them.
    And to the people complaining about negative comments… this is a gossip site. Getting mad about malicious shade is like going to a strip club and be offended to see topless women.

    • mp says:

      yeah I agree. We’ve been ragging on KStew for her mangy look for a long time. She and Rob used to talk about loving each other’s natural not showered smells and licking armpits or something.

  29. wood dragon says:

    I don’t know about this washed/unwashed business, I just wish Soko’s clothes would stop yelling at me . I get it: you’re a gloriously creative artiste. Got news for ya, sis. So am I but I don’t feel like I need to scream it at everyone who sets eyes on me.

  30. Heat says:

    All of this is so very try-hard, I’m embarrassed for both of them.

  31. isha says:

    Here is a link to a lovely video of solo singing…for tos who dont know her… she sngs in english! ( not french) and she speaks it perfectly! also.. she has cine through many many styles! this one i got to say is terrible! still love her though and can see why kristen is caray for her.. she has that ” je ne se qua”

    Soko sings

    Soko interview

    • kai says:

      Thanks for the videos Still not a fan, but I’m looking forward to her break-up songs about Kristen!

      • isha says:

        sorry for the typos, I was walking my dog while writting the comment so it came out all weird!.. anyhow, you get the jist of what I meant! LOL

  32. Lara says:

    The folks over at HatersKnowNothing must be going nuts. Rob and his two imaginary children are surely crushed.

    • Sokothenanny says:

      Actually Kristen & Soko is creating a diversion for the kids & Rob while they vacation in Paris for Spring Break. Clearly in the last pic Soko “the nanny” is smiling lovingly at the kids (in the car) right before she takes their mum on a banana eating session.

      • islandwalker says:

        Hahaha. Sadly sounds like exactly what they’ll be writing any minute now. Dem folks are crazy. (Amending- just went to that blog. She is certifiably insane.)

  33. Melly M says:

    Could the banana photo be Soko’s way to make fun of people who don’t like lesbian couples (no penis involved).

  34. atiaofthejulii1 says:

    This relationship will not end well, when it does. Kristen will be the one to leave and Soko will blog all about it. I still can’t see Kristen getting into social media.

  35. jj says:

    I think Kristen looks fine. Soko though…HOT MESS! Her pic is way crude too.

  36. drnotknowitall says:

    I’m going to say this again because it needs to be said: Soko seems incredibly unstable to me. Seriously. As someone in health care, I find it really disturbing when semi-celebrities or celebrities support suicide as some hipster, cool choice. Argh, it really bugs me. Run Kristen.

  37. iseepinkelefants says:

    she looks like every other young parisian that shops at the Kilo Shop. yawn. theyre all into the 90s and the mom jeans kill me