Die Antwoord’s Ninja has a terrible story about working with Kanye West


Kanye West has long kept a recording studio in his home. I think in the years when Kanye and Kim were living with Kris Jenner, he kept his “bachelor pad” in LA and used that place to record music, solo or with collaborators. Kanye also has a well-documented history of doing weird, inappropriate and even sexist things, and I’m saying that as a Kanye Apologist for the most part. He has moments where he treats women terribly, where he says horribly sexist and misogynistic things about women, and there are no excuses. So while this story didn’t surprise me, that doesn’t mean I found it acceptable.

In the storied history of Kanye West, many people can attest to odd interactions. He’s not exactly the most grounded individual in the music/entertainment business, so almost anyone who’s spent time with him can recite an odd happening. Ninja, from Die Antwoord, pretty much just beat everyone with this.

During what was supposed to be a recording session with Kanye at his home, Kanye apparently turned on anal sex porn in the midst of a conversation.

“I had this idea for a track and, as I’m about to say the sh*t about the track, Kanye just turns on an anal sex video. Like a random anal sex video,” said Ninja. “And then Kanye says, ‘Why is this guy putting his whole hand in her ass with his dick?’ And then he turned back to me and said, ‘Sorry, what were you saying?’”

Guys will be guys, right? But it didn’t end there. Kanye interrupted Ninja again to ask if he liked banana pudding. Based on the immediately previous interaction, it wouldn’t be too hard to assume that ‘banana pudding’ was some kind of weird euphemism, but no, Kim had just made dessert.

[From Your EDM]

This reminded me of what Madonna said about working with Kanye, that his mind is always in twenty different places at once, that he was constantly watching other stuff, texting, talking on the phone and more while they were supposed to be working. Although I doubt that Kanye would have pulled this move with Madonna. It’s completely inappropriate to turn on a hardcore p0rn while in the middle of a work situation. I don’t care if you’re in a home studio, I don’t care if the “music industry” finds that kind of behavior to be the norm, and I don’t care if you’re planning on following it up with the best banana pudding ever. It’s wrong. Kanye should know better.


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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122 Responses to “Die Antwoord’s Ninja has a terrible story about working with Kanye West”

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  1. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    Well that was tacky.

    • doofus says:

      the more stories I hear about him, the more I think he is suffering from mental illness.

      I say that with no sarcasm or shade, I really think he needs treatment.

      • Rhiley says:

        I agree. He is wrapped tight in his own hubris and it is destroying him. It is more than just being impulsive or testing how far he can push boundaries. A peasant would be in jail acting the way he does, or a mental institution. But he can do this crap and then say it is all for his art and drive off in his 500,000 dollar car.

      • Fran says:

        Totally agree!

      • Erandyn says:

        One mental illness that comes to mind (ha), and presents with that amount of hubris + having a million ideas at once, is bipolar disorder. Maybe we only hear about his manic phases.

      • qwerty says:

        I said the same thing during his latest crazy phase and some people agreed but some were like “Naah, he’s just a jerk, not everything can be excused with a diagnosis”. Well I agree he’s a jerk but I honestly, seriously believe there’s a mental problem there. A serious one. He’s not in touch with reality imo at times, psychotic is an overused word but I really do believe it applies to him.

      • da says:

        Kanye KNOWS what he’s doing.

      • Erandyn says:

        Then again, he could just be high on coke. That would also make him blabber on and on about his “brilliant ideas”.

      • Belle Epoch says:

        Kanye was in a BIG car accident in 2002. His jaw was wired shut (he looked different beforehand) and there’s speculation that frontal lobe damage contributes to his problems today. It makes sense – impulsivity, lack of anger control, ruined executive functions, and so on. It can’t be cured.

      • Kate says:

        He is definitely suffering mental illness. I am not a professional but even for the entertainment industry, this is beyond the pale.

      • JenYfromTheBlok says:

        I would say it’s entitlementitis.

    • Erinn says:

      Super tacky.

      And super ADD brain. While my brain isn’t occupied by the same ‘topics’ as Kanye’s apparently – I genuinely jump around that drastically when I’m not on medication for the inattentive ADD.

      But I think there’s a lot more issues going on with Kanye besides ADD – it’s clear that the man isn’t stable at all. He probably has always had a lack of filter, but he’s more and more irrational by the year.

      • Kitten says:

        Man I have a couple close friends with severe ADD who refuse to take medication. Not coincidentally, these people can never hold down a solid relationship.

        Kim has my sympathies (I’m just full of sympathy today apparently) because having dated non-medicated ADD-sufferers, I know how exhausting and lonely it can be. Like, that person is just never truly present-their mind is always somewhere else.

      • Fran says:

        At this point you have to ask if Kim is putting up with him just because of kids and because she already has 2 failed marriages behind her. Gotta wonder…

      • Wren says:

        An ex of mine was super ADD and, just, wow. He refused to take his meds a lot, or saved them up and took several with a big cup of coffee (a story for another day) and being with him was difficult. When he wasn’t off in his own world, or rather several worlds, he was very funny and creative, but the constant thought jumps were hard to follow. It was like the wires in his brain were sparking and there’d be power surges that randomly turned on and off different lights.

        Eventually he chose to self medicate with illegal drugs, and I lost contact with him.

      • Erinn says:

        I honestly can’t understand how you can’t medicate yourself once you know it’s a problem. I feel so much less stressed out and miserable when medicated. Mine isn’t as bad as some peoples – thank god. I’m able to control it for the most part – bad days I’ll jump around a million things in my head, and struggle to take in what other people are saying. But for my OWN peace of mind I medicate. I’m also always worried about being a handful for my loved ones. It can be super frustrating, because I know my dads the same way.

      • Veronica says:

        Erinn – Speaking as somebody in the medical field, you have to consider the amount of stigma attached to neurological and mental health disorders in Western culture. It’s not just frustrating on an individual level to rely on medications to get through day to day life (medications that you wouldn’t need if you lived in a different type of society, some studies suggest), it’s also frustrating in social situations. I once got into an argument with a boss who basically implied I needed to medicate more when I saw similar behaviors being excused in other employees who weren’t mentally ill. There is definitely an element of expecting adults to take care of themselves, but we could do a lot as a society to make things easier than the neurologically atypical.

        Also in mind that neurological mediators come with a whole host of side effects. Some are “mild” (vertigo, nausea, GI upset, excitatory cardiac effects, etc.) but some are far more serious (increase of crossover disorders, suicidal tendencies, insomnia, manic stages). My sister had to stop taking an anti-anxiety med (which she was using for pain management, not even anxiety) cold turkey because one afternoon she found herself trying to find a way to kill herself for no reason. I have an anxiety disorder, so I can’t take the dose of ADHD meds I actually need because stimulants counteract the anti-anxiety meds, and if I take the ADHD meds too late in the day, they affect my sleep…and on and on. This stuff isn’t a joke, and we aren’t entirely sure how many of them even work, so it can be hit or miss for a lot of folks. Compound it with a lot of the misinformation out there (people who think the meds are a permanent cure that require temporary dosing), the difficulty and expense of getting meds covered, doctors who don’t fully understand what they’re prescribing, and it’s really not as surprising as it sounds.

      • Intuitive says:

        Yep, you are absolutely right, sounds like possible ADHD and/ or frontal lobe damage.

    • Anna says:

      It was inappropriate but anyone in Die Antwood can’t really complain about other people’s behaviour when they’re known for their own racist behaviour.

    • MC2 says:

      Spit out my coffee! I just pictured someone playing hardcore p0rn at an office gathering & everyone’s jaw is on the floor & GNAT just grabs her punch and dryly says “well…..that was tacky”.

    • Scotchy says:

      Beyond tacky, and not uncommon. As a woman in the music industry that is let’s face it a giant penis club, this kind strange and inappropriate behavior is commonplace. However for myself and other woman I know some male producers/writers/artists have crossed lines and it’s become assault. It’s a very very inappropriate industry.. I dare say all aspects of the entertainment industry are gross. Siiiiigghh if wasn’t for the love the craft I would have quit a long time ago…

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Wow, Scotchy, that’s awful. Please be careful. I’m sorry you are exposed to that. You know, I really thought when I was young that things would change, but it’s so slow I want to scream.

      • Birdix says:

        there’s also an element of it being so easily available… a kid put porn up on a screen at the middle school this year (so apparently Kanye has similar impulse control to a 12-yr-old). it’s a new, really different reality.

      • Scotchy says:

        Thanks GoodNames!!
        I tend to not go into sessions as often any more and if I do I try and to make sure there is another female writer, producer or engineer in the room..
        I too want things to change, but it is so so very slow…….

      • Honeybee Blues says:

        Scotchy, less than two weeks ago, a dear friend of mine, Candye Kane, a renowned Blues musician, lost her battle with cancer. She was a fascinating woman, who, after finding herself a teenage mother, began making adult films when she turned 18 so she could keep a roof over her son’s head (who turned out to be one of the most gracious young men I know). That was short lived as her voice was soon to be discovered, and now and always she will be known in other genres for her famous quote in an interview many years ago: “All my years in the porn industry did nothing to prepare me for the sleaze of the music business.” It sounds like you are familiar with that reality, Scotchy, my dear…

    • katie says:

      Aww, c’mon. It was just a home movie. 😉

  2. Jh says:

    Jesus. That is disgusting and so inappropriate.

  3. GiGi says:

    Puh-lease. Please. Some of the “hottest” nightclubs play porn in the bathrooms. It’s hardly a scandal. Is it bizarre? Yes. Is it out of character for Kanye? Nope.

    • swak says:

      Still not an excuse for his behavior.

    • Denisemich says:

      But the banana pudding offer after that was indeed odd.

      • Erinn says:

        Odd, but also kind of nice? haha. Like I bet he genuinely was like “oh Kim made some dessert, I’ll offer it to my guest as well!”

        Because I think despite his RIDICULOUS asshat behavior, there are those odd moments where he genuinely thinks he’s doing something nice.

      • HH says:

        @Erinn – Exactly. I found it be genuinely nice gesture. Odd as hell given the prior moments? Yes, but the intentions were good.

      • susanne says:

        I want to know if it was from a box mix and made with Nilla Wafers.
        I do not need to know what Kanye meant about the hand with the d!ck. Ick.

    • Marigold says:

      A nightclub and a two person work session are two very different things.

    • SloaneY says:

      Hmmm.. Maybe we should start playing porn during trials. At baseball games. Wall Street. Operating rooms. Lunchrooms at schools. I mean, everybody’s doing it. What’s the big deal?

    • Pansy says:

      I don’t think the scandal was that he watched it, but he was unprofessional enough to watch it during work with a colleague in the room. As open minded as the audience here is, unprofessional is unprofessional.

    • Trixie says:

      A nightclub and work are two completely different situations. What is considered okay in a nightclub setting is not usually considered okay in a work setting. It does not matter what the “hottest” nightclubs play in their bathrooms, putting on p0rn during a work interaction is not acceptable.

    • robynsing says:

      So we should be indifferent and apathetic to public porn? Anal porn is altogether a different animal than soft porn as well. I think he has an anal fixation and was trying out the waters and trying to lead a horse to water so to speak.

      • Shambles says:

        HA! I kind of love this. Kanye was trying to drop hints at Ninja. Now that I would believe. And I wouldn’t be mad at him either. I’m sorry that I know this, but Ninja is quite well endowed. It’s almost ridiculous.

      • Shaunna says:

        Amber said Kanye likes fingers in the bu$$. I totally believe he was dropping hints to Ninja!!

    • Starkiller says:

      I agree with Gigi. I’m not saying it’s appropriate, but this is hardly “work” as normals know it.

      What I find hard to believe about this is the level of offence this guy took. It’s pretty hilarious that he would be clutching his pearls over a little anal porn. That’s downright tame compared to some of Die Antwoord’s work.

      • Josephine says:

        Was he clutching his pearls? I think he was saying more how unconnected and weird it was. And it’s sexual harassment, regardless of whether the guy was offended or not. Recording sessions are work.

    • Cynthia says:

      Really, is that a LA thing? To play porn in the bathroom? then again it has been ages since I went to the nightclub

  4. Snowflake says:

    I hate that phrase boys will be boys with a passion. Way to excuse a guy doing stuff a woman would never get away with.

    • MrsBPitt says:

      UGH…I totally agree! “Boys will be boys” just means letting guys get away with inappropriate behaviors…”boys will be boys” infuriates me!

    • Mia V. says:


    • Kitten says:

      OMG yes and the timing of this is perfect because the BF and I had a heated debate last night about how men’s behavior is so often excused with “oh well biologically, men are programmed to….” or my favorite one (courtesy of BF) “well, he’s a dude. You know how dudes are.”


      • ClaireB says:

        My husband tries that one out all the time. “I can’t possibly do X because evolution….” Honey, we’ve had 10,000 years of civilization for you to learn to control your base instincts. I think you can manage not to be an a$$hole.

        If we’re going there, occasionally evolution tells me that I should kill you because I don’t think you’re much help raising our children. I manage not to. (Very occasionally. He’s a good dad!)

      • Wren says:

        Whenever my husband tries to pull out the caveman justification for some stupid man BS, I always tell him that he is not impressing his prospective mate, and isn’t that the whole point of men?

        Usually shuts him up.

      • Hapry says:

        I hate it do much too. The using “science” when it suits them. Well, biologically speaking, women have multiple orgasms and are rarely satisfied with just one sexual encounter, so, wouldnt that mean that it’s been designed by evolution that women take on several mates to ensure the *best* sperm wins?
        The argument works both ways. I look at men’s butts all the time and mentally calculate the “thrust power”. But I am discreet about it, is the difference.

    • hogtowngooner says:

      Ugh I hate that phrase! Because “boys being boys” can get away with so much, the one goes further and another further still until even the most egregious acts become excusable.

      • artpunk44 says:

        Co-sign on all of this. The phrase absolves the person/persons in question of any wrongdoing and I have a fundamental problem with that.

  5. aims says:

    That’s disgusting. I’m not a prude by any means, but it would be shocking to me if a coworker suddenly put on porn if we were working.

  6. Anastasia says:

    I mean, I’m sure that Ninja has seen much worse (I’m a big fan of Die Antwoord), but that is pretty darn weird.

    • Shambles says:

      Lol right?! I just came to say it made my heart happy to see Ninjie’s name because I love him, Yolandi, and all things Die Antwoord. But then I read the story, and I’m just like hmmm. Of course Kanye’s behavior was really gross, uncalled for, and unprofessional, no matter who he was working with. But I also have to laugh because I’ve seen multiple pictures of Ninja’s junk (not mad about it), and there’s an entire song dedicated to him rapping very explicitly about his sordid sexual exploits. It just seems kinda funny. But anyway, HONKS for Die Antwoord!

      • BunnyBear says:

        Honks!! I loooove them. I was totally (pleasantly) surprised to see them on this site.

    • Shelly says:

      I was excited to see them get mentioned on this site!
      I love Die Antwoord 😀

      I’m thinking Kanye was maybe testing out the waters and maybe Ninja knew this and thats why it bugged him so much maybe?

      • artpunk44 says:

        Honk! Love them. I was lucky enough to catch them in 2014 at Free Press in Houston and they were great! 🙂

  7. Nicole says:

    My ex worked with Kanye when he was with Amber and said he was crazy weird, but the weirdest person he had worked with is still Britney Spears.

    • SloaneY says:

      I think she’s legitimately mentally unstable, though. I think he is, too, but not on her level.

    • Nancy says:

      Nicole…..would love to hear crazy Britney stories. Just one please!

    • Kezia says:

      Why was Brit Brit weird?

    • ladysussex says:

      @ Nicole: Do tell!

    • Ickythump says:

      Yes please tell. I love insider stories !

      • Nancy says:

        But how do you top shaving your head and beating in a car window with a baseball bat. Poor Brit Brit

      • Nicole says:

        I do believe she is mentally unstable, and he did work with her for MTV maybe 5 years ago. I met her, she wouldn’t look me in the eye, or anyone she didn’t know. I mean I thought I was a bit agoraphobic, but she genuinely jumped when an assistant gently touched her arm. I felt terrible for her. So many people around her and you could see in her eyes, she was in another world. It honestly makes me sad to talk about her because she was so downtrodden. There were just so many people around, the entourage is deep.
        Kanye, he said was a little weird, but no anal porn. They were working with Jon Brion and he doesn’t take shit. He sat next to Usher and his wife at the time because J(the ex) went to an event with Kanye and Kanye was nicer than Usher, that he is a prick. J also got into a sccreaming match with Michael Ealy once and the old VJ Quddus, throwing punches. Oh, the good ole days!

      • Nicole says:

        Oh, and Cee-Lo is just as creepy as he seems

      • Nicole says:

        He also said directing Britney was almost impossible, this was before that VMA that she did that weird dance that was just sad. She didn’t respond to anything J said. He’d have to tell a handler and then they would tell her and she would do some sort of motion not even close to dancing. He would usually shoot with people 3 days max, with her it took 10!

    • BunnyBear says:

      Damn. I’ll always have a soft spot for Britney and it kinda breaks my heart to hear that about her. That girl has been through some serious trauma.

  8. Pandy says:

    Yeah sure. I’m buying that I’m just made dessert. Uh huh

  9. Capepopsie says:

    I suppose we know now why Kim
    Has such a huge behind?

    Sounds Like he drains you of energy.

    • B n A fn says:

      Amber was right, he likes to play in the booty.

    • Jwoolman says:

      It does seem that her derrière inflated majorly after she started going seriously with Kanye. Her sense of fashion zoomed downward at the same time, and that was all apparently due to Kanye as well. He is a big control freak. Lord help his kids.

  10. guest says:

    The only thing weird about this is Kanye lied about kim making banana puddng. Oh yeah, be prepared to get sued or in a drawn out twitter beef dude.

  11. Nancy says:

    Little tmi. At least Kim can more than accommodate him with her shall we say large posterior. Next time keep it under wraps, doubt I’ll be craving banana pudding anytime soon.

    • Size Does Matter says:

      Agree. I will probably never again eat banana pudding. And normal people don’t have that sort of stuff cued up and ready to play.

  12. paolanqar says:

    Not for a second I ever believed he was not into anal sex. it’s probably all he wants to do considering he’s so far into the closet he’s in Narnia.
    Not-so-poor Kim has to stomach him in bed. I don’t think there is an amount of money you could name to convince me to do it. It would either be listening to Kanye’s rants every day OR have to have sex with him.
    No human being with two functioning brain cells could do both.

    • CharlotteCharlotte says:

      You absolutely DO NOT need to be homosexual to enjoy anal. Nope. Not at all.

      Oh my goodness, how do people still think this???

      • paolanqar says:

        Oh no, i know! i wasn’t being judgmental towards anal sex in general, I was talking generally about having sex with that douche.
        But yeah, I do think he’s gay and that he likes anal a bit too much. And when I say he likes anal I mean that he likes to receive it.

      • robynsing says:

        I don’t believe that is what paolanqar meant. I could be wrong, but it is widely, commonly believed that Kanye is bi or gay. It’s his business and his prerogative, but perhaps he should be careful who he randomly shares his proclivities with because they may shout it to the rooftops like this guy did.

  13. Colette says:

    I have seen several videos and snapchats where porn is being played on a tv in the music studio.I saw one video of a rapper where gay porn was on the screen .There were about ten guys in the studio and none of them seemed to be bothered or even paying attention to the porn.I have seen videos where female strippers are engaging in sex acts in a music studio.People are smoking weed,drinking syrup,etc.It’s not a typical workplace.

    Interesting that Kanye”#fingerinthebooty” West is fascinated by anal sex videos.

    • Jwoolman says:

      I suppose they think they are so cool, but it’s really the same thing as guys have done forever with unimportant women (slaves in earlier times) doing things to simulate sex for the important guys as ignorable background while the important guys discuss the important guy stuff. It’s actually a creepy dynamic and also serves as a giant “No Girls Allowed” sign for any potential female colleagues. Some women will say they’re fine with it, but fitting in with the guys this way really is just an illusion in my experience. It has nothing to do with sexual freedom or feeling comfortable about your body, and everything to do with power dynamics. Think Jabba the Hutt…

      • artpunk44 says:

        This. Far too often women are portrayed as background props, promoting the trope that women are beautiful things to be acquired and used as ambient décor.

  14. Cran says:

    “Kanye should know better.” That’s the crux of the matter. The fact is HE DOESN’T. ‘Boys will be boys’ is a euphemism to excuse effed up behavior. Kanye is wrong in the head.

    The Daily Fail has an article promoting his upcoming appearance on Ellen. Kanye speaks words about fashion and his wanting to have a ‘cool’ outfit in elementary school. So he’s apparently called Payless about doing a fashion thing so kids can be able to be fashionable at an affordable price. He speaks words about his father living in homeless shelters and his mother being a ground breaking educator. Apparently these experiences lead Kanye to believe he was put on this earth to make a difference. Great. He proposes to do this through fashion. Wonderful. BUT. He doesn’t have the resources. He is a multimillionaire married to a multimillionaire. BUT. He doesn’t have the resources. His fashion line and sneaker collections retail for ridiculous amounts. He has connections upon connections upon connections. Yet SOMEHOW he is unable to make that difference. Beyond publicity and profit for himself. I could get past a great deal of his behavior if he actually did something beyond speak words and ruminate on the rough road God has given him to walk and how misunderstood and unappreciated he is when he has given the world so much.

    • robynsing says:

      Very well put. I agree wholeheartedly. It’s like Leo Dicaprio traveling to the world environmental summit , alone in his private jet.

  15. tacos and tv says:

    Funny he put on anal porn… Maybe Amber Rose was correct? 😉

  16. Eener says:

    And. Banana pudding is now ruined for me.

  17. Mina says:

    Die Antwoord are racist…………..really not looking to hear anything they have to say :/

    • FingerBinger says:

      Because they’re south africans? If you’re putting something out there back it up. Links?

      • Mina says:

        “Because they’re south africans?”
        Hey from what I’ve read from you on this board, you seem like a perfectly rational person but are you asking if I think they’re racist because of where they’re from? Or because they’re white South Africans?..does that make sense to you?
        I can appreciate the interest but I’m not your personal racism directory. I thought this was commonly known (my mistake) and if you’d like to know more you can look it up. As I did upon first hearing about them.

      • FingerBinger says:

        @Mina I was being facetious with the south african comment. That would be akin to saying all white southerners are racist. Obviously I know that’s not true. However when I make an accusation I back it up. You said they’re racist and that was it. You didn’t offer up any explanation why they’re racist. Kelly’s explanation puts it into perspective.

    • Kelly says:

      Last fall there was an exhibition of the photography and media work of photographer Roger Ballen, who works a lot with Die Antwoord at the art museum of a local university. One of the works in the exhibition was the video for “I Fink U Feeky” with Ninja’s fellow member Yolandi Visser in blackface that Ballen directed. Blackface is a controversial issue in the US. Just look at the Nina Simone biopic controversy. South Africa has an even more complicated history with race than the US and you would think that the use of blackface by Afrikaans entertainers would raise some controversy.

      • Locke Lamora says:

        Is there black face in the video for “I Fink U Freeky”? Are there maybe two versions of the video? Because the one I’ve seen is in black and white, and they seem to have dirt smeared on them, but I didn’t catch Yolandi in blackface?

  18. Red32 says:

    Is it weird that I read that whole story and my first reaction was “Kim cooked? Yeah, right!”

    • failfailfail says:

      hahahah nope me too

    • Dlo says:

      Omg yeah, I was like sure Kim cooked 😂😂😂😂😂 no way I bought that one

    • Janis says:

      LOL! That was my reaction too. I somehow can’t picture Kim with the box of Jello pudding or even in a kitchen. Really, nothing Kanye gets up to surprises me anymore.

  19. neocleo says:

    I’m still hung up on the notion of Kim cooking anything. That it was banana pudding just seems hilarious.

    • FingerBinger says:

      Banana pudding isn’t cooking. Instant pudding ,bananas and vanilla wafers and you’re done.

      • Jwoolman says:

        I’m sure you can buy it in a grocery store or deli or restaurant. Kanye might just think Kim “made it” while maybe she just did a Khloe. Bought it and scooped it into her own dishes.

        Or told the nanny or their cook to make it…

  20. Bobo says:

    Ninja’s a psycho so I figure he’d have gotten along great with Kanye.

    • Shambles says:

      He’s baths!t crazy. But also extremely intelligent, talented, and driven. There are many reasons for them to have gotten along well. But Ninja is extremely professional when he needs to be, so I can see why this would piss him off. I also kind of love the fact that he’s so crazy. I have this really weird thing for Ninja, if no one on this thread can tell yet. Lol

      • Bobo says:

        I actually did find him oddly attractive before I read all that stuff about him (I do like the weirdos). Yolandi I’ve heard is sweet and he treats her like garbage. And from what I read, he was extremely unprofessional on Chappie and that’s not gossip, it’s been confirmed by the cast. I like Die Antwoord’s music still, though.

  21. me says:

    What I find the least believable part of the story is “Kim made dessert”. Yeah right. Of course Kanye is obsessed with porn, that’s why he married Kim !

  22. Ruyana says:

    Sounds like Amber was telling the truth with that “finger in the booty” stuff.

  23. Iridescent says:

    Omg I just hope Kanye doesn’t feel the need to address this latest revelation on social media.

  24. Margo S. says:

    It’s crazy that die antwoord thinks his behavior is crazy. Have you seen these people? Their videos?! They. Are. Crazy. So I’m wondering if maybe kanye was like “oh, well this guy is nuts, might as well show him anal fisting porn cuz it’s right up his alley.” I do think Kanye is crazed to, but maybe he just felt more comfortable unleashing the crazy.

  25. Ayra. says:

    The worst part is that I paused at Kim cooking.. I really did. 🙁

  26. Jwoolman says:

    I think Kim knows how to cook, sort of, and periodically tries to impress her men with her skills and then the guys spread the word on social media about her culinary greatness. I saw pics of what she served Reggie and then later Kanye – they seemed to be about the same thing and not too appealing to me, she might have a go-to meal to prove how domestic she can be. But she probably doesn’t particularly like to cook. She probably did a lot of it with her first husband (before the tv shows) and she doesn’t have pleasant thoughts about any of her exes. Kourtney cooks simply for her kids, but Khloe seems to be the only one who actually enjoys it (making Piegate even more baffling). Demon Mother is well known for not liking to cook, which made her cookbook a very odd choice.

    But Kanye may really have a porn problem. He pulled out that one too quickly under inappropriate circumstances, and tried to draw the other persons bro a conversation about it.. It may be a case of those who can’t do it, watch it. Allegedly he likes to watch Kim’s sex tape a lot, which is kind of creepy but might explain the humiliating things he says about her in his performances. He doesn’t treat her like a real person. I know she doesn’t act much like one, but a real person must be buried deep inside somewhere. Kim was texting naked pics of herself to Kanye while Amber Rose and Kanye were together, so she may have been playing to his porn obsession then.

    I suspect Kim knew exactly what she was signing up for, and takes steps to avoid being with Kanye too much since she must find him really annoying (and maybe increasingly scary) a lot of the time. I doubt Kim wanted kids for herself, she’s not a nurturing type and just uses her kids as props, just as she’s always done with Kourtney’s kids. Kids seem to be part of the business deal, Kanye is the one who wants them even if he has little idea what to do with them…

  27. drnotknowitall says:

    This just reminded me of the Amber Rose analgate thing.

  28. Moxie Remon says:

    It’s really gross, but Ninja also sent di*k pics to actresses while working on Chappie, so they’re kind of the same evil, at least for me.

  29. Daws says:

    Power play. Plain and simple.

  30. Nik says:

    Was he making a pass? Anal and then pudding? He is just too weird. The brain damage sounds legit

  31. Caz says:

    The only thing I get from this is my own laughter that PMK & Kim thought it a great idea to throw over Humprhies to marry Kanye. How’s that “tradeup” working out for them all now?

    Khloe is sad & lonely. Kourtney is sad & lonely. Rob is being taken for a $$$$ ride.

    Karma has bitten them in the backside well & truly.

  32. Jag says:

    I have bipolar disorder, and I jump around with subjects like that. I have inappropriately flirted or made sexual innuendos at times when I was really manic and regretted it afterward, Never would I turn on a porn at a business meeting!

    I stand by my armchair diagnosis that he has untreated bipolar disorder. If he weren’t rich, he would be having a very different life, methinks.

  33. Susan says:

    There are other interesting facets to this interview too beyond the porn stuff. Apparently Kanye said stuff that implies he is taking medication for mental issues, what sounds like mood stabilizers.