Kendall Jenner covers Vogue Australia: one of her better Vogue covers?

kendall vogue

Kendall Jenner covers the October issue of Vogue Australia, with what is probably her sixth or seventh international Vogue cover. Vogue editors really like Kendall and I don’t really get it, but maybe that’s the point. Say what you will about the Hadid sisters, but their looks are distinctive and I consistently understand why both Bella and Gigi get editorial work. Kendall is just so bland. I’ll say one nice thing: I like this Aussie Vogue cover so much more than Kendall’s American Vogue cover for the September issue. Here are some assorted quotes from this interview:

Her superheroes: “When I was a little girl, I was always tall and lanky, and supermodels were my superheroes. I would look through my mother’s fashion magazines and dream of making that my reality,” Jenner says, pointing out some of her role models, including Claudia Schiffer.

Never complain: “I would never in a million years complain about what’s been given to me. This is my dream … I’m incredibly blessed.”

She’s not big on selfies: “It just doesn’t necessarily pertain to me exactly but (being asked) how to take a perfect selfie — if you look at my Instagram, you can tell I’m not really big on selfies.”

Dropping her last name for modeling jobs: “What I have has almost worked against me. I had to work even harder to get where I wanted because people didn’t take me seriously as a model. Because of the TV show.”

[From Vogue Australia & Daily Mail]

Well… I will give her some credit, she always wanted to be a model and she worked to make that dream a reality. I think it’s a little bit funny that she’s like “I dropped my last name,” like that matters? Like, you’ve been on a reality show for almost ten years. That’s why you have a career, that’s why you’re known, that’s why people hire you. Besides, she’s STILL on the show.

Also: people are still trying to make Kendall’s dating life happen. There were twenty million stories about her dating some basketball player, and now there are a million stories about how she has “rekindled” her romance with Harry Styles. No one’s buying it, Lucifer’s Homegirl. Try again!


Photos courtesy of Vogue Australia.

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36 Responses to “Kendall Jenner covers Vogue Australia: one of her better Vogue covers?”

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  1. Elle says:

    She’s giving me a Sandra Bullock vibe.

  2. HH says:

    This spread works because she has such a young, fresh, and bright face that when they try to make her look sultry/sexy and put her in “adult” clothes, she looks out of place.

  3. me says:

    That cover photo doesn’t look like her.

  4. minx says:

    Pretty but no personality.

  5. Aiobhan says:

    The only worthwhile of the three photos is the one with her smiling. Everything else is so try hard.

  6. Melody says:

    Cover – no. Second pic – not bad!

  7. joannie says:


  8. Mika says:

    She looks so much like Kim in the cover photo

  9. Anahit says:

    Has she started on the fillers? Looks a bit puffy.

  10. AlleyCat says:

    I think she’s starting to look like her mother. I also hate that she still won’t either comprehend or admit that her last name is the only reason why she is where she is. She’s a pretty girl, but no way would she be a model of her name was actually Kendall Smith. She’s always tied to guys per her family’s PR, but she’s never actually “with” them, is she?

  11. Val says:

    The cover is so butter-vanilla-cream… it gives me the heebie-jeebies.

  12. Shambles says:

    Maybe the Hadid sisters look distinctive (with distinctive meaning dead-eyed in Bella’s case), but they bought their faces. I’m not naive enough to think that many models haven’t had work done, but it just seems so disingenuous to me. It’s like cheating. Selling yourself as a standard of beauty when your face isn’t actually yours.

    • Jean Grey says:

      Bella’s face was almost completely reconstructed into a different person, and even still, I don’t get the hype around her. She has that weird plastic surgery look to her and she looks like she’s 30.
      Gigi, I can see. She has a unique look and still looks young and fresh-faced.

    • Val says:

      Kendall has had face work done as well… don’t be fooled. We live in a world of smoke and mirrors.

    • ell says:

      ‘I’m not naive enough to think that many models haven’t had work done’

      as someone who knows about the industry, i’d say the vast majority had something done. it’s one of the first things they tell you when you start e.g. fix your nose, get bigger boobs etc. i don’t like kendall and think she’s tall but very forgettable in her looks (contrary to bella hadid, who’s imo absolutely gorgeous even if she obviously bought her face), but she’s not different than other models when it comes to plastic surgery.

  13. QQ says:

    We dont call this one Kendull for nothing…

  14. Nancy says:

    I don’t mind Kendall. She is the least like the Kardashians. When I watched that show years ago, she always identified more with the Jenner family. Her little sister Kylie/Jan more than makes up for her lack of love of selfies.

  15. paolanqar says:

    ‘What I have has almost worked against me. I had to work even harder to get where I wanted because people didn’t take me seriously as a model. Because of the TV show.”’


    She has that job because of Kanye and her mother’s pushy attitude and connection. It’s ok that she has the job but please stop lying. stttoooopppp lyyyyiiiinnggg.

    • Fl girl says:

      And didn’t Kim say she “bought her her career”? I’d like to know what that cost.

    • Jwoolman says:

      She wouldn’t have a career in modeling without that tv show. It was a plotline. On the show, she showed her mom a book of photos in her alleged portfolio that she allegedly had been secretly working on when she was about 15, said she wanted to model, mom made a few phone calls, and abracadabra – she was a model. She’s riding Kanye’s mysterious coattails with Vogue also, none of her Kardashian contacts would have gotten her anywhere near Vogue.

      Is she really so unaware to understand that the Jenner name was also a draw? Maybe now she wants to distance herself from it because her dad’s transition overshadows everything else, but really – her dad was so famous from the Olympics that even I knew the name and I know practically zero about sports.

  16. Jayna says:

    Kendall’s last name is Jenner, not Kardashian. Kardashian would be a negative. I don’t see Jenner as being a hindrance. I like these photos. Well, two of them, not the cover photo.

    I still think Gigi is the best out of all three, and Bella is a dud as a model unless you like vacant stares as the only face she can give. Her body is great, though.

  17. anonymous says:

    one of the most basic cover ever ! don’t even get me started on the styling

    • stinky says:

      Lol … that’s funny cuz I liked all the styling and LOVE the cover shot dress – its my ‘Dawn Doll’, ‘Rock-flower Doll’ fantasy come true!!! I miss Kendall’s long hair tho… I think it suited her very well and I think shes a fine model. Her body is perfect, and her face is unique. Whats the problem?

  18. ygsf says:

    I don’t get the Kendall hate….well other than that she’s a Kardashian. I think she is quite beautiful. Not sure of her personality, but at least she is less trashy than her sisters. And if she was out there doing a ton of blow and getting arrested, she would be ripped apart for not being dull.

  19. NGBoston says:

    For a family that praised Cait and supported Bruce’s transition, why can’t PMK just let Kendall come out? What is the big deal here? It won’t affect her Modeling, and it seems so hypocritical to me that with all the cross-dating of Exes and that f*kery going on in her extended family-that Kendall can’t be who she really is.

    How absurd and ridiculous. Maybe she can date Swifty? I think Swifty is bisexual at a minimum. There’s a story line right there. NM Blac Chyna and Rob. lol

    • AlleyCat says:

      I had read somewhere that PMK wants a big storyline for Kendall’s coming out. That earlier this year she was shopping it around. No clue why it hasn’t happened yet, it’s not like it would affect her modeling career. If having no talent can’t, this won’t either. I also think Taylor is bi, there have been rumors for years.

  20. Kri says:

    Although I don’t dislike this one as virulently as the rest of the whorde, she is just blahhhhh. It’s weird to see airbrush on top of airbrush.The paper even looks dull.

  21. NeoCleo says:

    I love the beaded dress she is wearing in the second photo. She looks great.

  22. Naddie says:

    Man, whatever. At least she’s not another blue eyed blonde.

  23. coco says:

    This is awful even though I actually like Kendall. Her face looks plastic and photoshopped. The second photo is way better

  24. Denise says:

    I like the aesthetics of the cover, it’s vibrant. In stark contrast to Kendall. She has zero presence. I honestly think it would be improved by photoshopping a pineapple over her head.