Brad Pitt has been crying & calling his mom every day since Angelina bolted


For years and years, the tabloids have set the narrative for the Brangelina’s many, many fights. The narrative is that Angelina is “crazy” and “controlling” and “jealous.” The Villainess starts the fight by saying something about Jennifer Aniston, perhaps, or maybe she says something withering about one of Brad’s transparent blouses. Then the tabloid narrative has Brad briefly engaging in the fight, then getting his feelings hurt, so he runs off… crying. He’s always crying in the tabloid stories. Well, shock of shocks, Us Weekly has Brad crying in the wake of his actual divorce. Not only that but Brad has been calling his mom every day.

Reality check. Brad Pitt is “still totally crushed” from the series of events that have unfolded since his estranged wife, Angelina Jolie, filed for divorce after two years of marriage and 12 years together on September 19.

“He can’t believe this is what his life has become and he’s in bad shape but the kids are the only thing he’s hanging onto,” a source tells Us of the 52-year-old Moneyball actor. “He’s been leaning heavily on his family and speaks to his parents and close friends and his manager constantly. His mom has been talking to him constantly.”

A second source tells Us that both parents will receive individual counseling, and they will also attend counseling sessions as a family with the children. Pitt will additionally undergo voluntary, random drug and alcohol testing .

“He will cooperate in whatever way he can,” the first source adds. “He loves those kids more than anything.”

In September, shortly after Jolie’s filing went public, a source told Us that Pitt was “beside himself and had been crying.”

“Angelina filed the court papers a minute before the courts closed on Monday night,” the insider explained of the Maleficent star’s tactic in the timing of her filing. “He didn’t have a lawyer or anything. She had threatened divorce in the past but he did not think she would file this time.”

[From Us Weekly]

Brad has always been very close to his family, and in the 11 years he was with Angelina, she spent a lot of time with his family too. There were often low-key sightings of the entire Jolie-Pitt clan in Missouri, and Brad’s parents came out to LA several times to support not just Brad’s films, but Angelina’s films too. I don’t doubt that Brad’s family members are “on his side,” but I wouldn’t be too quick to jump on the idea that they are totally anti-Angelina. And while I feel guilty about this, I totally laughed at the idea of poor, sad, tear-stained Brad Pitt – who is 52 years old, mind you – calling his mom every day to talk about how Angelina bolted.



Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.

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98 Responses to “Brad Pitt has been crying & calling his mom every day since Angelina bolted”

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  1. Carla says:

    Yeah, sure.

    Us Weekly must be on his payroll.

    • tracking says:

      +1 yup, his PR strategy is clear—grieving father surrounded by friends and family who love him. Uber family man.

    • Jegede says:


      I don’t buy he’s crying either. Not for a second

      I do however believe the ‘devastated father’ narrative very much helps his case.

      • Ana says:

        It would help if the “devastated father” didnt had the “mistake” to get drunk in a plane with his 6 children. He is probably more devastated thinking “how could I made that mistake.”

    • moe says:

      OK. i’m probably going to get a lot of shit for this but hey, everybody is entitled to an opinion. i think a lot of the comments on this site about this break up have been kind of unfair and very black and white. I always liked brad’s movies and he generally seemed like an ok guy. These two were together for many years and if he had been a serial abuser i reckon a whiff of it would have been in the air for years. My take is that this is the end to what had been a fairly good relationship. brad totally lost his shit on the plane, but i have three kids and a husband. i know how heated things can get. and i’m not excusing whatever happened (which we don’t really know completely, right?). and it had to be serious because cps was called in. but cps may investigate and then not open a case and then thats it.
      I work in the family law courts and my experience is that often, things are complicated and there is not villian and no hero. but i think the media loves to paint things that way. and i hate that. anyhoo thats my two cents. do your worst!

  2. Runcmc says:

    I wish someone would ask Jen if Brad is a crier. It’s not necessarily personal information so it wouldn’t be that weird to ask her! but I wonder if all of these stories are because he actually does cry when under stress? I had an ex like that, and now I’m curious if Brad is just a stress crier too.

    • KB says:

      I think it just works with Angelina’s supposed iciness. They keep their circles very tight, so I don’t believe anyone in the know would be talking to Us Weekly.

    • ronaldinhio says:

      My best female friend had a boyfriend who would always cry. It didn’t matter what the situation was, he cried.
      Especially if he messed up, he wailed. There was no getting around it, she ended up comforting him as he was the human in such obvious distress even though he had caused the probes distress upset and tears
      She ended up feeling further and further removed from her emotions and like an utterly cold hearted bitch

      She wasn’t – can be a good angle to play

  3. Alix says:

    Boo hoo hoo. Abusers never think their partners are actually gonna leave, do they?

    For what it’s worth, I don’t think the name “Jennifer Aniston” has crossed Angelina’s mind in years.

  4. LAK says:

    Brad has been crying and running out of rooms years!!!

    I wonder who started that particular narrative.

    • CynicalCeleste says:

      This. His image could use some tough guy rehabilitation…

    • Sarah says:

      Don’t forget the motorcycle. He jumps on a motorcycle, while crying, and roars away.

      All fun aside, I can see the truth in some of this. His being blindsided, totally upset, missing his kids, distraught over the horrifically terrible PR. And why wouldn’t he call his mother? I’d call my mother if I was in a mess like this, and I’m the same age as he is. My mother is level-headed and supportive. So I don’t think this is all made up.

  5. Eve says:


    • Capepopsie says:

      Hi Eve!
      So happy to see you! 😁

      • Little Darling says:

        Agreed. MORE EVE!

      • Eve says:

        @ Little Darling:

        Nooooooooo. Anxiety has just kicked in.


        @ Capepopsie:

        You have a better chance to “see” me if you visit Hiddleston or Cumberbatch posts. Or anything Joaquin Phoenix and Oscar Isaac related.

    • Capepopsie says:

      Thanks Eve!
      I’ll be looking out for you!
      Always enjoy your comments!


  6. Fa says:

    Oh my They’re making him weak man and her a strong woman

    • Maya says:

      Correction- they are making him weak and her conniving, vile, evil and controlling.

      • Fa says:

        But still strong she is not like typical Hollywood woman whose most of them are too weak and hide behind their PR teams and no to forget that Angie don’t have a PR she is her own PR she stand for herself

      • Maya says:

        @FA: I personally think she is strong but the media don’t like strong women and will always call us manipulative, conniving and vile. I have yet to see any media call a woman strong for anything.

  7. Ana says:

    I think many men would be crying if they lose a woman like Angelina. Pitt can look for another 100 years he won’t find nothing remotely comparable. And it’s not just the looks or intelligence. Is what this woman was all her life. All mixed she is a unique woman. Some men are just so stupid. I now understand the Paltrow- Aniston combo.

    • Shambles says:

      I have to agree with you. She’s a one-of-a-kind woman.

    • Little Darling says:

      I think most men would cry at the idea of losing their family, ESPECIALLY if they knew they were the reason for it. There is nothing wrong with him calling his mom and crying now. He’s still a human being, and I doubt he’s without scruples.

      If you guys think because he might have addictions that the loss of his wife and family doesn’t impact him or make him sad you’re crazy.

      I feel like I’m seeing the worst of humanity on so many threads here this morning!

      He can be an addict AND violent AND still cry at a huge loss. Maybe it will push him to get help. But because he was wrong doesn’t mean he isn’t grieving.

      • Agapanthus says:

        Thanks for your compassion, little darling 😊

      • Luca76 says:

        Yeah I totally agree. Also if he was out of it drinking and stoned and now he’s drying out this could be the first time the reality of the situation is hitting him.

      • MrsBPitt says:

        Little Darling…you are so right! Substance abuse is terrible and I’m not excusing Brad for what he did, but I am sure he is beside himself over losing his family. Substance abuse can turn the most loving, wonderful person into a monster. Hopefully, Brad will get some help for his demons. He must feel like he has hit rock bottom. No matter what went down on that plane…I do believe that Brad loves his children!

      • Ana says:

        I don’t know if he has an addiction or that he is violent. I am almost sure he is not a violent person. I just think he had a fabulous woman by his side who was in love with him and he just take it for granted. I honestly believe Pitt underestimate Jolie. She is obviously an Alpha and needs high maintenance. Doubt he is crying though. But one day he will.

      • JenniferJustice says:

        I agree. Don’t these people watch “Intervention”. Trying to get an addict help who doesn’t want it is heart-breaking. When threats don’t work, the only thing left is to call your own bluff. We all have many facets. He is no different. I can completely believe he might be crying every day and I can completely believe it’s all his own fault, but that make it’s even worse for him – he threw his whole family life as he knew it, away. No more chances, no more secrecy and protection of his problems. It’s all out there now for the world to see and the one person he would lean on is the one whose no longer there. It’s text book.

      • KB says:

        Thank you! I’m shocked at the cruelty of some of these people toward both Brad and Angelina.

      • Nicole says:

        Thank you! I agree, these posts are so disheartening. Is there no humanity left? I get that mostly women post here, but I would hope that a man even if an addict or drug abuser would cry at the thought of missing and losing his 6 kids and wife! It is very hard living with a person that has these demons, but it is a disease. People need some tact, it’s like they are excited at the break up of a family. For one moment, who cares who is painted what.

      • whirldly says:

        Agreed. And Angelina can be concerned about her kids and still be a dark, paranoid and conniving woman. All scenarios are possible because none of us know. All we’re getting is carefully constructed, mostly broad-brushed overviews passed on to the media by third parties but ok’d by the couple.
        Most of it is fairly predictable other-shaming from each, but there is one message that stands our from all others and actually troubles me deeply.
        Suddenly (it seems) out of nowhere, AJ announces that BP struck Maddox in the face. (Before that – correct me if I’m wrong – it was a confused combination of theories including BP fighting with AJ when Maddox steps in, or BP fighting with Maddox and AJ steps in, with injuries claimed from zero to Maddox’s shoulder or arm or something not clearly identified being accidentally or deliberated shoved by or grabbed or hurt in some way. Both sides were pretty murky.)
        Anyway, AJ suddenly ups the ante by claiming probably the worst – or most dramatuc – kind of injury one person can inflict on another…and especially on a child… with Brad striking Maddox in the face. Awful! But virtually in the next breath, she announces she does not want Brad charged and in fact will stop cooperating (going “radio silent”) if investigators choose to go down this road.
        What gives? What’s the motivation and the hoped-for outcome in accusing BP of the one accusation virtually certain to begin official charges being laid – and then stating that she demands NO charges be laid?
        And what does this combination of announcements tell Maddox? His mother tells the world his father has punched him in the face and she suddenly doesn’t want his father to take responsibility?
        Seriously – I don’t get it. And I think it’s the creepiest part of this mess so far.

      • Sunglasses Aready says:

        @Little Darling. WELL SAID

      • Nicole says:

        Right?! Too much mud slinging for me. It makes no sense. I truly feel like she is dangling carrots at this point, I know she says her kids are the most important, but it really does not seem that way. Throwing them in the narrative from the beginning. Again though, this is a light at the end of the tunnel, WE HAVE NO IDEA.

      • SaraR. says:

        We have no idea that all these stories are coming from them. Half of them, I bet, are fiction, written by tabloid writers to push the side that is going to be interesting and intriguing for readers and good for traffic on their sites. People, TMZ, US weekly published things in the last two weeks that were proven to be false or conflicting, but people will pick and chose from these stories what they like and what fits their narrative, depending if they are taking Brad or Angelina’s side.

      • Azurea says:

        I’ve thought the same thing, Little Darling. The viciousness and lack of empathy, not only in the comments but also in the posts themselves, are really not funny. It’s not just today, but for several months. I come here less, and read less. The ad hominum attacks are increasing and the site is taking on a decidedly mean-spirited and negative tone.

    • Carmen says:

      I think Brad realizes that he lost the best thing he ever had, and he is devastated at the prospect that it is very likely she will not come back to him.

    • cry me a river says:


    • Sarah says:

      So when she was making out with her brother, she was a remarkable woman?

      Come on, let’s not make her out to be some savior of the world Saint. She has matured into a caring person, but she may also be difficult, or demanding, or high strung. People are complex. We’re not just not thing.

  8. Ama says:

    Angelina is one tough cookie! I admire her for that!!!
    I am not sure if I could keep a straight face in her situation and go through with this and not buckle! :-/
    But who knows? “That incident” might have been her final straw…

  9. Maya says:

    Here we go – I still don’t believe any crap like this is coming from both sides.

    Both sides in my opinion is negotiating this in private.

    The media don’t know a damn thing and is creating fake stories for publicity.

    • Pix says:

      I tend to agree with this. I am convinced that Brad is in rehab and gets out around Oct. 20 – the date when the temporary custody agreement expires. I don’t think the media knows much, but our appetite for more nuggets of info are driving these “leaks”.

      • Fa says:

        You maybe right and his response to the divorce petition deadline is the 18th October as well, something is not right

      • Maya says:

        Yep – I think he is in rehab and is trying to built back Angelina’s and his children’s trust.

        They may or may not get back together but I think they will have a nice relationship between them.

        Can you imagine if they give a joint press release and say that they will not divorce and is working through their issues? Heads will blow especially Jennifer fans and Angelina haters. And if he confirm he has/had an anger problem then it will be nuclear.

      • Lindsay says:

        I doubt he is in rehab. It wasn’t part of the Child Services recommendation. They didn’t mention even out-patient counseling for substance issues. If he passed his drug test as they claimed that would mean he hadn’t smoked weed in over a month (if he was a regular user) or a week or two (if he used infrequently). He also has low body fat so the numbers are going to be on the lower end of the estimate and that he hadn’t consumed any alcohol in the three to four days before the test. If he wasn’t in withdrawal by the time he took his test it means he isn’t physiologically addicted to anything, although he still could be psychologically addicted.

        Second you don’t get visitation in rehab. They have their own rules about family contact and it usually is towards the end for a family day. They would not let him take custody of his kids, they aren’t set up for it and he would miss whatever was scheduled for that day.

        The deadline for his response is set by the court and the same for everyone.

      • Artemis says:

        If he’s in rehab, how will he see his kids? There was supposed to be a supervised visit before the next meeting right? I mean, is he really going to let his kids see him in rehab? That’s not even possible according to Lindsay which makes perfect sense. I would imagine Pitt is working on settling the divorce and the custody issues instead of going in some facility for a month and missing contact with his kids. He can get all the help he needs outside of a facility too with his money.

        This idea that Jolie is drafting a statement about them getting back together is way more implausible than the stories from sources of People and TMZ. Unless fan fiction is more reputable now too than media with known sources. TMZ pays for their sources and they are everywhere. People is chummy with celebrities. But of course, it’s fans that know Pitt is in rehab? TMZ never had anything substantial about the JPs and since the divorce broke, they’ve been getting or finding exclusives. Even the comments note how their gossip has gone upscale all of a sudden. There must be some truth in their findings otherwise they wouldn’t be so aggressive and sure of themselves in their reporting.

        I mean, think about it: Jolie and Pitt have for the better part of 2016 been more or less split up. When people here brought it up how they travel less together, stans were also oh so sure that everything was fine and they can live apart from each other. When the divorce came out, it didn’t take long before it was revealed they were pretty much kaput for months and that they were indeed fighting and living separately. If stans know so much, how could they be horribly wrong when the signs were there? The JPs always tried to travel together and be together for most of the time and only in rare cases were apart for more than a few weeks.

        Their break-up is what is reality. Anything else is just fan fiction.

      • TheOtherSam says:

        This is plausible – that Brad’s in rehab – since by accounts his parents and siblings are still in place in MO and haven’t come out to LA to be with him the past few weeks. He’s close to his family.

        I would think someone, esp his Mom, would fly out to especially if he’s so upset. She wouldn’t come though if he’s stowed away elsewhere, drying out.

      • Sarah says:

        Lindsay, yes, of course you can see your kids in rehab. There are family days after the first week or so. I’m not saying he is in rehab, but it would fit the “supervised” visits perfectly.

  10. Aiobhan says:

    Don’t feel bad, I lol when I read that comment too. It is perfectly healthy for men to cry and I encourage crying over getting stupid drunk, breaking things and just generally acting a triflin fool.

    The most interesting part of this is the last paragraph of the statement. I am taking everything with a boulder of salt but if that part is true then it sort of leads me to believe that his behavior has been spiraling for a while. It is leaning toward confirming Angelina’s initial story and not some made up BS anti-Jolie commenters make about her “scorched earth” tactics in her pending divorce.

    People cope with trauma in different ways and maybe instead of leaning in with his family and wife and being strong for them, he chose to do other things and it got out of hand. That does not make him a bad person at all. It just makes things real and sad. I hope he gets his shit together for himself and his kids and even Angelina. They are parents to 6 kids and they need to be on a rock solid foundation to get all of them kids through everything coming at them in the next few years. Nice words about love and caring are not enough when you cannot back that up with actions. Angelina is doing her part, he needs to step up too.

  11. atiaofthejulii1 says:

    I wouldn’t be surprised if he does feel like this, what went from a possible simple divorce has imploded on him. Maybe now he’s realizing what he and Angelina too, have led to collapse of their marriage. Of course he loves those kids. He has always wanted children.

  12. Nancy says:

    By the time they have this mess resolved, the media, camps, rags will have Brad in a straight jacket foaming at the mouth. So much for privacy.

  13. SM says:

    if I was his mother I would kick his ass around this time. He has issues that he failed to address and now he found himself in this situation. Any mother with any sense of responsibility for her family would kick his ass now. As for crying, what I want to know is who cries more – Brad or Jennifer Aniston? And just imagine how fights between them used to go according to the tabloids – both crying all the time

    • Carmen says:

      I would imagine that both Bill and Jane Pitt are giving Brad hell over this.

    • India Andrews says:

      Brad is in for a big “I told you so.” My hat is off to Jane Pitt if she resists the urge to tell her son “I told you this would end in tears.”

      • Carmen says:

        Actually, both the senior Pitts are very fond of Angie. But I don’t think they appreciated Aniston refusing to attend their 40th anniversary party so she could be at some Hollywood function. It pretty much showed how little she cared about his parents. Brad went to his parents’ party alone and Aniston went to her Hollywood party alone. This was around the time their marriage was starting to come unglued and I doubt that did anything to help hold it together.

  14. OrigialTessa says:

    There’s a sense that members of this board aren’t okay with men that cry?

    • KV says:

      It’s disturbing how many people fall into that belief that “real men don’t cry” isn’t it? Guess I’m a typical “weak” person as I express my anger and upset often times through tears. And me being a woman fits right into a stereotype as well. Disappointing for sure.

      The tabloids are full of garbage at this point regarding this split..

      • G says:

        Yeah, it’s weird isn’t it? I am a stress/anger crier and while I hate when people see me cry, I still cry under stress. I figure if I do it then men probably do as well.
        Toxic masculinity is held up by society and we women are also a part of society. So there’s that for you.

      • Mae says:

        Agreed. I really don’t like this stereotype. Some people are just leaky, and they’re not trying to manipulate anyone or seeking comfort. Tears are just a normal way for men and women to express emotions.

    • sunny says:

      I wouldn’t want a man that cries. Do that in private if you must, but I don’t want to see it. I also don’t want to see you use the bathroom or hock a loogie…some things should be private. I don’t cry hardly ever myself and on the extremely rare times I do, it’s out of frustration or furious rage and I don’t want anyone around me. It isn’t a bad thing but it isn’t really something I want to do or participate in. JMO though of course.

    • Nicole says:

      I personally think that is an amazing and enlightened thing when a man or a woman has the ability to cry. Feelings are not a bad thing, it should not be a stigma.

    • Boo says:

      Personally I don’t see anything wrong with it if it’s warranted. Any emotional pain or sorrow in life has to be expressed in a healthy way imo. A good cry works, whatever gender. It would break my heart to see anyone cry due to loss or deep sorrow.

      In this situation, nobody wins. Really sad how this has all happened and that it is happening, because of the kids I think.

  15. Greata says:

    I really think Pitt is having, and has been going through a very messy and public mid-life crisis, and Jolie called time on him. AJ may be many things, but she is not an irresponsible person who would disrupt her family fo some flippant reason. If this nonsense is coming from his camp, it tells me that he messed up big time, and his only option is to go the sympathy route. When will these celebrities realize that sometimes , it is better simply to admit to messing up and moving on, or simply shut up. Damm just reading about the crying and calls to mama , makes me want to slap him. Dude, you are 52 years old, focus on your children and not public opinion.

  16. Chinoiserie says:

    Brad’a parents are actually people that I can kind of see having issue with Angelina with the accusations against Brad. It is just natural to side with your son and think he did nothing wrong. Unless they have witnessed this kind of behavior before.

  17. Artemis says:

    Papa Pitt knows what’s up. I relate to Papa Pitt. Papa Pitt’s expression is the reality of what this divorce is turning out to be.

    • CynicalCeleste says:

      Lol. Some good grandpa side-eye right there. #TeamPapaPitt

      • wolfpup says:

        #TeamPapaPitt – for what’s that’s worth…

        I’d be calling my mama with bucketful’s of tears – children never stop needing their parents, IMO.

  18. Dominique says:

    Yeah, right. “Crying” must be code for “smoking” and “calling his mother” must be code for “the good shit”.

  19. Candies says:

    It must not be easy the whole deal and situation is. How can it not be? It happen out of the blue all the sudden isn’t it?
    I think he’s gonna be OK though so Wiil be she…

  20. Adorable says:

    OMG!…So glad I’m not the only one thinking Brad is currently in rehab or anything of the sort…one of the reason so to is that Jolie is the type to “resurface”quickly after an “incident”in the public eye…I don’t see her as the type to be in “in hiding”..I Blv the stories are just a front to buy Pitt “time”.we would have seen atleast one of em out and about at this point

  21. Sage says:

    Brad will have a pity party in vanity fair magaine first. I’m calling it now.

    Do you think he will throw his wedding tux into the ocean?

    • I really like Brad (when is sober) says:

      @sage Lol.
      VANITY FAIR cover, November issue
      Pitt said: “Filed the divorce was a sensitivy chip that’s missing”

    • Zut alors! says:

      Will they have him wear an unbuttoned white shirt and his underwear while a lone tear trickles down his cheek for the cover shoot?

  22. Bethany says:

    Men aren’t supposed to cry or express any outward signs of emotion? Wow.

    There’s nothing wrong with him crying and if he’s close to his mother why wouldn’t he reach out to her regardless of his age.

    He’s human and he’s experienced a tremendous loss.

    • The Original G says:

      This. Sadly.

    • Sage says:

      There is nothing wrong with a man crying or expressing his emotions. However, it is very clear that he is playing and winning with the sympathy card.

      • Zut alors! says:

        Yup. He’s just having his PR fixer put out the image of a bewildered, sad little puppy who was blindsided by his vindictive wife. He’s just mad that he can’t take off for France as per his usual avoidance tactics.

  23. KiddVicious says:

    I can just hear the conversation:

    “Now Bradley, I told you this Angelina was bad news. What about that Jen girl, are you still in touch with her? She was always so nice. Your dad thought she was as cute as a button. “

    • Colette says:

      That’s funny since they rarely saw him when he was with Jen according to his aunt and cousin who sold an interview to Daily Mail a few years ago.Lol

      • Tulip Garden says:

        I don’t think people selling stories are the best arbiters of truth. That can actually apply not only to the “Jen” stories but the ones being pedaled now too.

  24. Jane Q. Doe says:

    That’s something I’ve wondered since this began: what about his family? I hope they’re being supportive of the kids first of all. No matter what, all of these people are connected for life through the kids. It seemed like the Pitts grew close to AJ & since she doesn’t have parental support of her own I hope (after the storm clears) they can still be there for her too. Maybe that’s too much to ask, but she’ll always be the mother of their grandchildren.

    • Tig says:

      That sort of cuts both ways, tho- AJ now essentially controls access to their grandchildren. And in most states, once a divorce is finalized- the GPs access is pretty much determined by the parent with custody. GPs have no standing to seek visitation on their own. I don’t envy them here at all- hope things stay civil as far as they are concerned.

      • wolfpup says:

        Angie has huge issues with control – aka her “dream team”. I’d hate to be in a divorce with her – she’ll probably never marry again – who would be willing to meet her goals with her history of marital ties? I know that she’s beautiful – but beauty Is, what beauty Does…Maleficent!

  25. prairie says:

    As a mid-western woman, I completely believe the crying. All the men around me cry.

  26. Eleonor says:

    Can someone explain me why Brad has to be the one who cries all the time ??? I ‘ve never understood.

    • India Andrews says:

      Angelina probably emotionally left the relationship a long time ago which is why she won’t cry.

  27. Fa says:

    Lainey reported rumours that say he hired as adviser a well know criminal lawyer which has nothing to do with his divorce but as she said the gossip tabloids are not reporting this which means he indeed did something wrong because no one hired a criminal lawyer for nothing

  28. applepie says:

    Erm excuse me, coven of witches.. but not everything on the good old Internet is true you know….

    • SaraR. says:

      Thank you. The only think we know is true are the initial statements made by them. All else is speculation.

  29. kodakay says:

    Oh, snap out of it! You play with fire; you get burned! Have a nice life.

  30. Mark says:

    Am I a bad person, if I say, I don’t fell sorry for him and only for the kids?

    • India Andrews says:

      No, you’re not bad at all. This man hooked up with a mentally unstable wild woman while he was married. Don’t feel bad for Brad at all. Angelina is doing what wild women have done since time immemorial taking a foolish man to the cleaners.

      You’re right. It is the kids who will suffer and your sympathy is well placed.

  31. India Andrews says:

    Karma is a brutal mistress Brad. Now you know how your ex-wife felt.

    • sandy says:

      I disagree about knowing how his ex-wife feels, it’s crazy people wanted brad to stay in an unhappy marriage, the same as angelina is apparently unhappy, she has the right to make decision in her life to rectify that, but it’s not a total loss for brad, one of the reasons he claimed to have divorce Aniston is because he wanted children, well, he have them, even in this dark time, i wonder if all of Aniston ex boyfriends are going to get karma for breaking up with her,? oh and her husband ex-girlfriend.

  32. David says:

    Bad time for Brad Pitt !